Milverton Sun, 28 Apr 1892, p. 1

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“IT SHINES FOR ALL,” Vol. I—No. 20. MILVERTON,. ONT.,-PERTH CO:, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1892. Tm guor ana Publisher MEDICAL DISTRICT NEWS Paes with Pedi ree — Kidd Brox NEWTON _ TRE CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION - path mS EE SS adi ig ab ame ae Frost and from ober biog Ae Bree" Land’ Fer; ” ‘Visiting—Recovering—Accident Greduat Jno. Sproui’s “Chicago Volunteer.”|_ Mz. Wa. McDonatp, and Mr. P. core of te ene bons mi, Eng Ps Sanath OK rit bands of the | Sweepstakes, best Clydesdale, Agricul- Bead spent Sunday in At) visit lan , - a h Poole. i d Waterl: 1 ties | tural, Cart or Shire stallion—J. L. | Ing frien: Buenas omnes eh Ee tb are iti urs Sr Pack Hi ta Mand fr Hauck iste Wate no cna the ng a | dia ; idd Bros’ i i tn se Chey iy Sidhe oh ety etal young mur | rn Mcgee - | and expenses. ro goons. old A Cae Y 2 +. spent Sun- Vc Hots cast: at nig) yrshire, y ant as num as as the’ dele Peale 1 Of, ad eee tl eee eer Blair, | over—A Tindall :ienie Wileon visited her home |" Seung sae hage, Newton and Mill-| 4. 4 Lis taeda Neet ihk a Ar 430 Saturday afternoon the in Milverton aes ek Ee SEO “4 atiatt tS MEE | cacao of fire'wan given’ ail phe) eic|, DU MO. EAWHorae sain Mi pera hh tock, of Toronto, |gade: was called to the ators of tha | BORE suite cee ring ee grenis . 8, D.D. Sa sere Toa, and Jobe Sock, of Ellice, | Empire Tea Company in the Ameri-|i* is sll righb Will, we have te ‘wiyple & thy “ peutieia, Sumtiony faeh Beothare: can block Berlin. te nperan Rhai a coal [enero onranlvee ado “nop Diame 7708 at, will be at Upton’s Grand Central all. Hotel, Mr. Axex. McGrecor, a man} i,j Mr.-Alex. Jack, whosome time aj each month's whose name was prominently associ- - m ba ks misfortune to meet with a very tte Tyee hotaee the ated with the early history of Sar the-steps by-a'lady throug e ‘a momenta large blaze burst up ao ——— 2 *» [and despite the efforts of the peeployee F, Milve very | nea ‘Tthe flames soon increased, and when | When walking along on the counter “second. cee Poe Sarees + e is. He bess firemen arrived, had sp ues ad to the and sweeeping the ceiling of his store, neigh rng store ape: va als dior ctighe county-eairk oral Samurn Gitpy, who was fenlenoe, } alae N my Miverion, meets every Friday ny s ane atv pee dooms, | the first five lethcalon Sridiy inst Gil brethren el ay4 nua. Ses, /py never uttered a word until the fifth tock 0 alot -L,, No. 1033, Milverton, mocts in| lash, when he poke deen completely anes ceiving severe internal injuries. hall first Wednesday in each month. | and ‘squirmed and wriggled to ease his! through smoke and wa re js |C@! aid was summoned. » Tp is- inp Hanne, W. M.; Jno. E. Boeckner, | position and if possible lessen the pain. | ay ¢4¢ here is | vo serious restlts will falidw: h — Balloting was then proceeded mains when Messrs. Pierson and Pfrim developed unlooked for strength,” “the? R. Hanna, ‘Tr iia: Se ncaing broke the akin in ‘eeveral first ballot soe as follows : Eioe places, The remaining five lashes are cr of Marriage Li-| to be inflicted between th fifth and in, — otis. in “Grosch's boot and | tenth. af Heanc newb. i Improvements—Seeding—Hotel Sold. verton, Ont. re Sots nt examina as +2 Mr. J. Het has put up an attractive ar Trinity Geile : agen at a) fence in front of his lot. ; (RAND CENTRAL HOTHL, Milverton, | Mr. Jno. Parker, Of Bice, paced. his Breithaupts and is fully covered by) ,.4" paw cnt hee Te ® ie scconatin for com: | first year,-taking the second scholar-| insurance, ge fence around his lot. j 3. asp ‘of $30, also Prof. Sheard’s scholar- Mr. Charles: Veitenheimer raised: 7 Tiers er OG of $25yand a certificate of honor. fA Sis. M Urrox, Proprietor. n the second year M ~K,.Ferguson GIN sorrespondt to the | nig new house-on- Tuesday. Himpire says: Thore promises to be} “Our: fami are riefas ; Ly sting developments (oxstnRL HOTEL, Milverton. The of Avonbank, eek his primary, with |i. jortly in reference to the Bon nza N Coin Al through seeding. Mir sion,cheiaia tobe gatos ti : of Wines, Liquors and Cigai honors, as did also Mr Livingstone, of | , = Z ab en dropped on leaving Shooto. Go tabling nd ‘ny of ot 8. Mi : Peter tro| Co hmm af $2.00" from Bamburg, |, "Jones wer hoe tigheet The seins! AB, 5 ROD gentlemen named Wells and Leavitt, third ballot show: é ENB who, ropresented themselves as_pro- tie Serimgcour The J. Thom von- rton, On .commoda m 1 Ast ace oe RS ink passed their final with frt-clss| Movers of achome op woce laa Oaly the choicost of Wines, Liquors nickel mine in pen! pury district. a Nearly Drowned in a Lye Pot Pesnmer and Cigars at the bar: Goods arm stables,| A MEETING for the purpose re-| was their object ie v ing Be ume playing in the yard wit Mr. Pfrimmer was the re daa and plenty of shed ro - 8 Smith, ean nisine. fone all club was wan ie children on Sunday last, thou leaving the contest between Messrs. Leoprietor. t. Jacobs on’ Saturday night. The al| year old son of Mr. Jno, Wit, fell in-|Serimgeour and jaceon sea ee ecting proved a decided success many | selli " toa fresh pot of lye, and was nearly | fourth ballot resulted in of tho old and familiar faces in oot $25 por share, to | drowned in the ga some ot it *eing ta ei tgs iy thong ball circles being. present. fol ad 2$15,000 was finall xe: | agit were! ee e ési edi ceed @, and the promoters subse- sare and the Tittle fellow telioved. obinson ; Vice-Pre sey a Be Brubacher ; Captain, W. S. He: oe pow on Say to ORO, / a ibe npraiustion jcrimgeour ~| Secy-Tres., Allan Snyder ; managing ia saben was then made unanimous, 2 Me. Scrim- ey Main street. Milverton. _| committee, F. W. Snider, Ed. Schaefer, | j ¢RICHER, | Heir Dressing | Alex. Bowman, The club is now open | ness i | Improvements—Visttors—Grace Church—A support.” eee fre Se eye Ladies for challenges. The sec’y would like to| who 80 some § as New Industry The following resolutions were ~ Asuae and Tobacco always on hand. One| hear from some club to arrange a mateh } ‘x the hoiére ii rey Borliih Mr. Jas. Macwoop is improving Passe i b nidbe bites for May 24th. ‘are as thomas whether things | his house by the addition of a conser- loved by Mr. John O'Donoghue, * Tur Elma Agrl Society held ‘its|are all right or-not, and some of them | Vato ne send by Dr. =| annual spring show at Newry, on the|fear that they fiteo been taken in.| Reeve Freeborn wns presented the| That the Conservatives of the North 14th inst. ‘The show, says The Bee, | As far as can be learnedno operations | ther day by his wife bia deaehy a iat oparentina ma was not as good as former years, and| have yet been started for the workirig rs. «Hamilton, of, Carthage, is a their deep~ eater aisribntas the dullness. of of the mine and things lool: somewhat | Visitor in this nei boro at_on account of the ro death Oe —_STERINABY __|th,5 horse market. Following: is ‘the}suspiciaus, "A rather doubtful feature | Grace church pulpit will bo occupied late Hon. Alex. }- SAVAGE, V, S., Honorary fe Di prizo list: Heavy draught. Clydes-| is that no meetingof stockholders is r. Hamilton, son of R. Hamilton, | site to place on record our appreciation dales—J. L, Turnbull’s Sir Patrick.” |to be held before J This is the | Esq. day. Re Ca ene es Sees et concern in which ‘so. many: resi- Balke pee th a ral a ed Ae apie ro eee 3 industry shortly, being that o! with him in our views. sp of this locality are interested. ry y: 1S a ‘oh whapwas bask for-the interest of onan erton. reference to theal the secre- | P®! he abe A j fe w preps Agricultural ir wrote the following letter to Mr. Nicklin Ges making rene itis is of the. “dothestionted animals. | stallion—E. Henry's “ Prince O’Geil;” eas whicky appeared She follewide provements to his-store, and the’ indi- q il gitention yl] be paid to dentistry-/2nd, A. Thompson's “Lord Haddo.” |day: Sim,— Your correspondentat Ber-| uusvare that he will merit the ae forcraen, lees Lee J 2. tronage of the people. e se invader the date of Api 225 eae ate eras olarak tle: aracwed hia NEW ADVERTISEMENTS : . and Leavitt, a! ei dis Wee. Beiegra Siake Since tp Sct ere Acad ase { | USIC—Instruction on Piano. or Organ. posing of their stock, departed, leaving}. Tas pareobiice ery of Blake, Blake,” cia ee, gee son, Terms Reasonable, Mus. WHat the business in the hands of another ‘oronto= ews is fatii Purine. dies Sistine yresses a ‘The ‘fatt-Aaqthat, "Wells: and entire confidence in und wal give ita are at present residents of Tor-| # pa Dive eee ot to, oa ee business was not left with i} Government, cad ae ae rty, bat in-the hands of the | assume the roll of For two I suffered terribly aiteothra of the company, four of whom | unstable as water Ke with stomach trouble, and was for | (there are but five) are well-known Saar it z snesialie ot welts aoe all that time under treatment by a | nd highly respected citizens of Wat-| for any length o time, and he has close. He finally, after trying grlco county and algo largesharcholders.|®_souree of wonk 2 y | date brought the proceedings to correspondent.further states “that | and every ca ha: are : so far as can be iedarasd; wo operations | ¥' with. His eats Binley from| By long odds, Mr. Alexander ee have leea started.” The truth is that} the-cabinet was a most serious embar- ae) ee ae es ts as so weak that I could the miners ave at work under the su- rr i Mr. he dele, not work. Finally on the recom-| pervision of Thomas Thomas, one of the | the Li i r, and af fees sf aie ora young f _ | mendation of a nea who had used | best pract‘calaminers in the Sudbury ining — ip hi mer, st no doubt will be an ay oe CARRIAGE - yo preparations | district. Mr. Thomas writes that the | first besmirched thi ce éandidate at some future cum ee eta Ak ie “vet ial. re-|-loaib is'showing large blocks abrichore indentifying Liberalism. with Bicliam Poach ws ‘and gives every indication ~of~be aur Stock, write Stomach: bottle of aN ug ust! one of the best Eruers 2 iy Caan. in ate hole he had tun’ ether i thee 2 Ratkchman,« Bresyteran an and avery oe aud a ester aie vlogs % eal ‘ oas| a4 As to the statem a meeting | The p Saeeats cake sey egies Jar man in Stratford. era it ‘seem fo do will not be held cml Jone directors | general arian too, w: iece wit . Of the Carriages. | me good at once. | set on April IT and desided. to eae Teas Ses eet SE oe arc eee 2 nat - ee, L$ fod work with vigor. reason | poli i to doi saying that financially he agen tet wg le became y the Sith grat goer its the: Conservatives,” and: ‘still | w cing =, rise” cain tba Gros aa : rae eee wees the Jaw makes thatthe icy. When } mai: cuarclore decline mt di It’ is COrOr loped that ‘this PRS ALL A’ sper CUT PRICES. ALL red wer has en- | critic will in fsture confine himself to| special need of a deliverer they will g ‘dos DELVED CHARGES ly cured ‘me: of Dyspepsia in its | facts, G. B. Foster, M. D., Secretary | select a man who at Tenet ena ws what rants himself. < james E. DEDERICK, | Bonanza Nickel ining C Co. *(Ltd.) berets dy. Bradshaw, |" FURNITURE DEALER ites: have: Set t las hs Sos seis fa AND UNDERTAKER, # Dy: eed : “19-85 Ontario St, STRATFORD.

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