AGRICULTURAL. Bee-Kee] Last year emitie the North and besa there was very little profit to be fro ved it appears'that the r for white being large and Cai oe rapidly Ae ‘lentifully. Neha colar leaes A come in and find a house well and furnished, the re no bees coming and going to sting him, he bravely turns up the hive and exclaims: “T Ie ia trne that that they destroy- ed the contents of the ‘the contagion ea Milk as a Diet. r, did you ever t every household in the land, i junction with o it. | place selected for are secking to tend the cons eens the cont ave les8 | George G. Groff. and. at just as low Our observation of city milk consumptio: has made us con! dyspeptic stomach. _ Prairie Farmer. ~ Sules for Growing Roses. tof doors in the | incorporate my, Reteen fa ver ery little tatniro Trish, exeentive to appoint, a police force of au cre whenet it meets the leasant ead refiniag i in its Eee to culture To easly rl is the ice Poy | coe te ay antil consider what a alexis superior diet milk was for |i ci stomach? as it is in sv er foods, its real native “iahiend: MY | or aie as thickly as aa strewn over a floo1 it pycapisig fol Te how believed that the milk should be. a fident of this fact, and it is f honest to drink alt . : poi (Geo, E. Newell, in| picher members of the judi agri than an immediately fall control more generously they repay you with bloom and fagrance ; indeed, they ehetWe, better sheadene loved most,Jike the sex ther he often 0 greevhy on your favorite florist and get half a dozen or ‘a to 3 the |for pink of several shad ouble roses, the Bride cattle which pay for them: mill: and ets eb ane Setee us bed will take Kindly to a araaine of well ell composted ure, ishes are easily grown under glass ood nd pe fo for the ante when there is anear ee schools in fruit culture through State ai ture in os nde: thal ips toes are being raised to a consi exten’ in Palestine and Indian corn is being cultivated with very satisfactory results. manure is worth seventecn cents, and a of ae according to the Se quoted. nitrogen fi soil for future use. b andi ahouldl always be studied.—[A. O. Bither ashes or bone, separately, or phos has are fou ills. 6 seclusion, ‘They do be in best to darken the Traded a gsck vast pivas her buchatia iaaiatee hence she will remain made of soft cut hay or ry- lawn it is the best t least ly help if. bonedat 5 is sown over it, just thickly as to nicely cover the sod, ates formerlly considered best to sup. ply babies with milk from a single cow ; metallic surface, like a washboard.—[Dr. A butter mnie at Sherbrooke, Province ken out, leaving only the matt i oe tae ad giving it the true butter tasone An Irish Parliament. arpose of plac rarer of the ‘ationalists enéral mae given in the ary: they are, si tact! what Mr. Gladstog the exception, perhaps, o! body, is” not Government’of the acts of. = aes ve is more than Cs 3, then go to your nearest | huntis two or three sheep loose. The sheep go into the jungle, and the tiger smeils is then te the oma breakfast, but itt mot-by shot from a one of the hupters. Oa Hoes, sitting on the eleph which are ugh, ceoin mand | ‘The pungent odour of a horse stable is| Sf. do} keep away the other tigers sri peated yr, aa me the sree. If they | Am round the other The resolution offered in the Imperial cliament in favor of. the establishment of ish" improbable | w hic despatch has missed the fey tae Be he ise Tn Pra tensandse. (whelbore ened to atteaeeane ul te ‘TIGER HUNTING IN INDIA. es was After arriving, the uttendants first let afraid of music and. sta: then the ativers o¢ the elephants, the men ana" heads, poke. the ronged instru- the elephants Asp follow the tiger vill it ia killed, when they bri oe it will now describe how they ruat the ee toes ree, “Men do not h t from 8 free; they prefer hunting with elephants foot. Tt is boys of 16 ld that unt frome Ga riny 6 e sity boys gather outside the a this they come lown. ‘Then they tie several sheep to with iron chains. By the himself with shield e Maharaj: moveme! ae Let, rot he will mrs | law if they wish to a of . | putting of unnecessary and outrageous ques- 5 Eonsl Heiktise’ jean mek aiinles weal pocorn of me “ere ‘The Good Offices of the Queen. _ | After the tail-twisting articles which have nt foot. Shouts peers cries ascend from the ee from the tes tenea 8 ss ahow: im go, your highness ; let him go, ly the Maharajah’s i as Lawyers. The attitude of some members of th ti ard, even i possible reason,” says Mtaarthard Wa isd wacsan siesad GRE not sonore: dence one ot the noblest, the most profound, iesin which the human mind can engage? aman or divine, ould the Satay left ae follow the dictates of their own innate as are the average of their cr ot the other sex? Is it not, in SULIT at the Spcescnen “ot Toston ay che modifyi exal i the al suffer from the change? But the question is not whether ey oe Big sent tee omen. chau ractise whether they shal fide rm: 3 which are mak- appear, for the bleating of the ‘shadieae aciea ict. eater from ita time the eatin a tie ‘onal apes amet te Habis of the other sex. sjudi last de: cadeat th the: nineteenth cay oe hat 1 of our citizens take it sapbtesee , banat, ow does, upon t tion of an interuati ee ee ference to atbitration, Such turslatial oy ber ee = that the two fore: jn tar ofthe e old eal b ‘patil in ri ligt method ettling dlar. 2 Sa ead ete te Fis. is doubttul Bas ‘meron ene y apr offices hos phe on reign, y, during her long reign, have Saetee Baas al Salisbur; f the siton, b Hagmeacieress bisa cowed disregarding issues, leaders mail ” | titude of sieial A litical devotion to e Queen. the crows dependent, and ae jueen Victoria’s een none the im. by limitations gee Dy the sex which Tess potent that it has ssately been exercised, it manner We certainly are not p: omen Co tek oe the ae and criminal courts, but ious that women should cate liberty. to errata this | Lady, ile any 0 ines i sent to the rere carne to 2 Saree on the Queen’s anniv ecept RRR eee haply an idle Veitt and token, fee: | Right from the sconted soil’s May utterance a smetligot countless blessings, prayers, and ‘all wre silent, core / Che boys tien gome down frou the trea, some of them playing their apula leave him on the on foot, OF this method of hunting jerience myself, but I or ts, everyone is in already declared should be Cae with stre safety. hi tter Retion between the elephants, .. | with a long bamboo spear and on ¢ the toe e the tiger in loud ton “Yon are the tion 6 oft the jena and Iam the lion. of my people. "Show now your valor ; come ne “The attack be; begins. “ihe tiger leay ated | ale tor side ‘ainly trying to pier Mae ae-| ~ | fense of the sgiie Maharajah, who protect Poke rolls over a falls | to ie Sclins native music to while the rest Bi fahs r tigers from smelling him and I will now describe how to hunt the tiger EN have cannot see anything, tegl at tae whilst eco for the ap- ath the! meas ing as case in question, it ea conclude ses , they have somehow got on hanks) es oan oka oti arbutus, silent, ‘or Potomac’s n} ee above lines — scamming hairs ne een Victoria’s reign we give ite aes ‘as we Americans stand this He pop: surplas in the T aan jon: Tall that actual ‘power (land on) so a Very 1 ae Isay, do we realize th An American Zollverein. t is apparent that the United States is allowed to carry out, are highly alarming to the ropean asta) Heat ie Frage an nd German} a} st he annexat the” foot of u nd Germ: { ovement on the bart Sr their ath ‘medi tomers, yub- s, ee On Catena the United States, the Chi mre in the war bet tween Chili bad te ese an ea ‘tain then inevitable train of calam- mpto: Min on x te Jen (and Pe Dies dibert Iatoun) d | woman an est oitatian of moders gh Peronoal loyal iue to her noble wi ee ee A ioerschir Salt Mine. Near the village berg, al be nin et = oak aan en before the i {ft hai passed the = ba level, on a he was'not wean i fad poached a: a ‘epeh of seaiye ad fi aft on the mre oe ay has introduced sewing as wes eosin) Sho knows that the man I who marries othe modera gitl ou poficient it i CAPTIVES IN SIBERIA, no trial, but i Ls ares ih re told that} MORE TERRIBLE THAN THE SHARK. ba e our passage ship bound for wre were trans! t perfectly still or Ward off an unseen foe. Deca} tated aharks ran pancaavanéeres oy aes Grew ota seating sey We rie, pt tho “chanse to get ‘The ° Riper whale of the Morte Seas—Also slowly Bea ns their foelgs a8 trying to -hoone! AN en ie Facts from n vessel, which took us After a year of Sees i four montbs oft | ic) Bo The! American Jam greg A pai spent ee Siberian prison, the crew of another sma an ranged for | ofter ten he seal joone- James Hamilton ews | pasmage back to this untry.”” i thi tured by a Russian man-of-war, ——_—<___ havereturned totheir native land. One ofthe | Leeal: Advertising pela whales led toship again, | i cat on March i, Is he sailed ioe e so eee oner, ‘ha mg ‘ollowead the coast| About ten yea: porpoi teal, 't the Straits of h of a : practical ss as we twenty fh sive feot, and iti ne to do with ate lo more than eaistbeta ice Qt. says t] of editorials each weel nage AL @ sea lion the ae the fore- = ols restive weet | tioned | Indi fo a|tot teen le ocean. ‘he \d-find a merle of Seals, | The orca hirty- five feet, and fall nothing unusual had ha dose fill hei = becomes: ace aees soi ars I rite better to. Editor's wife—Y. bred 9 ¥ fe-—You write gull Tt must not be forgotten when we talk of & Vigorous, immigration policy that the : ome interesting work in Bagland. Mie sae has had the superintendence of the ai ire, and these ar bes BS Keng village to village in rural Englan rows of ropor pr ticaes of its jaws. Prof, bait in the upper jaw read five in the lower, speci eacl he. tooth about two eing as the best ates, theve teeth are always sharp for the same reason that a cit’s claws are -] sharper’ than those of a dog, ass at the south end ot the sep * it smoke, | o; ea a ould like that fro: vessel. The boats consummation of the aub-marine butch out of its lips, and Sally h hetled He oaaer | while surge of blood-stained foam bespoke genuine ehicke 1@ majority ot rellows who attempt to The da of ors aieee big monster about ted i She iver tn-lhw. wel Hoven Se upon the eggs of bor- sg Sn wil eventually hateh out the i), Along the Colombia River 8 ind of bread is mi ea eageaten cas s thad “ne un will attack their largest | 8t ce fir po hi mo is an ape les the whale f re is a man that personal ol : sr | they asaalted a Californ a er young. The orcas killed the latter eee anyene leaked os. tat well them he cits sprang on the mother, t ~-reigetes show of resistance was useless {¢ people, | to the sailors had only their sealing rifles and | S°t%S ae ing lg and hi clerks | cas have been known to attack a white. The : in d Meee eee canton writ for more | hary mued whales be just as it passed from the onnon’s month, aa fll 0 the feck of the Lewis. "Stephens tonsed.o overboard, and the first mate the other ‘Aiortha dmnstraton, the Alante steam sant ed sround the sel i je orca d more money with the dom seen south of the! toatl feck Sy on years of a Ssseed he: Bleces, which they greedily devonred. | Or- onthe space in this ape 5 if it}and they will not hie ie hold of and drag them perforce Kling pes Bormiing it to erring te hen it Ys rolled into ba ls as a asa man’s and these are baked i oa g away large lor the Labon X Medical nina , dimness ‘o pines Palpitation of the lest “misions lack of energy, pain in the took poss: were put on the re the Rosner e9| ZF views ee by teat” a hel pears, coast ot Great land, the por porta Potropaulorski, the capital of proved to be = highly amchatk i year for a displa BY Aer we hol had Usenet ving 08 Yar ed yery hers e of those which ha and was spending $2 or $3 adi After the first weeks | an a s for da; manned with lance: .gapore, nd ast, for a time, ket Madness a? before the ase ne aes ea eacmers a ee venture to enter the w: y views, and offered to help and give them the foremon’s assistance on. lews at that time were somewhat ti ‘et crade, but T stilt believe T had. the right me ee ei ea on him then und in shi pitzbergen apes © Hearty ring, loss of ‘voice, Senda ay ot f femper, sunk | uit iseases peculiar to man. sealed. Pian is (fhe caning of a . raomrat Seta: i mo, then, that the editor of a I ths. couple a He retina tiean, ‘and why not ada de tones oallat wi tor for.8 minute or to, ro to er: Hive thenta chane fo co menaders on the Deaih:iwere. watohis Tl out of the water, eile erntahed UT advi sel them. If this is pi i ti Ea, nd dri ive, primitive stove built of brick, and while Lak tose nee ‘THE CLIMATE WAS SEVERE le bench, or | Be cf the seus" eaten bed sailors had the apartment for bad. it tricks The ‘water t more than waist deep, but he witnesses sinatantly rus in the water, icks and yelling away with ish Piste an advertisement 8C-/ andart of advertisin, ing and results, Le ie ater with even | behead is more care than the former spe will live for oes after being but show the effects of the oper: And this suggests speaking of editin at, | sdyertatonien tes eee peak qrribets of them, no doubt, good advertisements, but few of them realize the actual needs ‘of their cus- tomers. I believe it will be. more ienportant to Tot arn and | those needing the services of a ising Stephene aa, be ong they vealed Manager in the future, teat nicl © one it we could fe [2 heel is a good Advertisement —one that will ae igsed Yotalta add 9rd which jnently we to et Tittle besides the priton "fend ne = ne ote Letras its hes tt Tesults—this is an inherent fac ly by mie tae pret the editor of an advertise —< ment invalual ~Mindivostock, {although visited rare Soursts, i an "interesting pl 20,000 inhabitar oclug quite iveoenal pagne in our Hen ‘the Stic, “has a lo with the ae cate with which the tipplisg! abit is acquir- 6 ere is no question inmy own mind as beantifal a hatbor ed ctibe ath of th eral sitement, For. atively safe in one ea are aeice ositively dangerous in ai he town very reflection in this learned invest igator, pars jetting ae splash shout the shallow wi en suddenly, to their es town ser Hable, came | palpitation, ski “ol | Hood to the head, dull pain in tle heart red. a a no Send dma Aire ies HRHON, eel \ J] ywas done so quickly that | iho nse} Totenis atta for five cents a| word for five inserti ddress | | “ The ital? Toronto Cage : of whoa with the meame of al ing in Manitoba rts sending out an enormous quantity of Titer ature in all the principag nguages. WEAKNESS:MEN- = THOROUCHLY, FOREVER CURED uacks have robbed you. that med- foal stance, bi ce vaniee ee Soma ‘duty iain saaeemeree ee fet hen you deal with othe ers the Stat aten, are ee ERIE MEDICAL CO,, BUFFALO, N.Y. land Butcher athe best quality of ment always. kept on HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR POULTRY OF ALL KINDS SAUSAGE IN SEASON Corned Beef and Pick oom okeled ‘Tongue alway Difficulty of Breathing, ph htness of the Chest. Wasting away of Flesh Throat Troubles, - i Consumption. Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Asthma, Coughs, * Catarrh, Colds. TASTELESS “sLocum's Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure LIVER OIL For Sale by all Druggists