“IT SHINES FOR ALL.* Vol. I—No. 22. MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1892. THOS. W. W. WHALLEY. Editor and Proprietor MBDICAS RE, M. B., Mi. Dey duate of College of Phy Post’ Graduat London, Eng React saalontz of ‘onion Hospital, Jartd. off erton, P. Gradua ek College a of Ontario. Tele- night rwton’ and Mill- MUSSELBURG Hlness of a Well-Known Lady—Politics ‘Tue residents in this local lity were much alarmed on Monday morning hear of the serious illness of Mrs. Win Chalmers. She was suddenly attacked with a paralytic stroke, and suffered severely for some time. Your corre- spondent is pleased to state that she is now improving rapidly, being able to move arou Political talk is al Nee all & person hears now, and great. interest is “anal taken in the coming contes' th 1, | Victory. each. ‘month ; 3 she Tusulay fefore the last Wednesday of wgonth, at ock Solneuker & Rothaermel's store. hren almars welcom. H. M. Jas, TORR. ec cir hall, post offic ng brethren aways welcome. 0. B. Goodhand, Sec. issuer of “Mar iage Li- mises, Offic in Grosch's boot and store, Milverton, Ont {RAND CENTRAL HO! First-class accommodation wtorcial travelers and others. sansaple rooms. Good stabling. 8 and co . ain te pest mee and AL Ht ton. Wines, Liquors and Cigars al. on hand. Good st Rpihie aaa plenty of go esenie Proprietor. ee ae EL, bs amg Ont. The shies aa others. Two large sample Only the choicest of Wines, igure rs e Good warm bles, and plenty Gf abel, oom. 9. & Smith, ‘Proprietor. D. WE nd no Vo Denia ne Perth Bs: Gouveyancer; Dect, Mortgage, Wil and Agreements drawn’ and sworn Bailiff of the 5th Division court Batate and insurance Agen Tai and Shaving. tate and "chilirens air dressing a speci Best brands of Gigare and sg set ean : door north of J. G. G rosch’s shoe stor 3 feck that it NEWTON Vialtert the Fopalaon bs increas her Interesting Items Mr Hen McDoxate, of Aberdeen, Scotla: ng at Mr. Wm. Ross’. now in fall blast and is managed by Mr. F. L. Ritter, formerly of Millbank. pent Sunday hard ere work, Mr. W. R. Russell and Wm. Dun! spent Sunday in Britton ; they say as Stars young man can tes ness is booming here ; trust it will “eontinee posed to have Looney nt eo uiebeating Be Mis: home io tae + is sup] “4 that Mr. Wm. Loney conan his credito week on account of ill health. Miss Reid is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Loney this week. lately and we “under: in hedaman price for th a mes are very quiet around hei the fast re, aastod: or Ladies appreciate Anti-Dandruff from the not only thoro sails removes Dandruff with three appli falling of the hair, res rea fai hair to lor, and makes att and Being ts eink caleabe tolled preparation, parties claiming they will have an easy| 1 0 nd, i Mr. Joh Ric niaece store is | Cl ng his health after a | T the}? air is very invigorating in that fouility bbe) hay 1 Taro pelornak wher te eek. Pou Koehler returned home last es approaching MILLBANK inatioi—Thé Farmers in Old Settler pondent’s it has Had its anrogd Fas Tue following is the lis cessful pupils of the sie Stee. at the recent promotion exantination. There was only failére. ‘The marks required to. pass to 5th class, to Sr. 4th 233, to Jr. 4th 220, to 192. _ Fourth cliss—John Me- pet 413, Eddy Ritter 389, Willie Gillespie 351, Henry Sergison 263, Duff Rutherford 317, Tessie’ Ruther- rd 376, Annie Clarke 278. Sr. 4th— Sarah Paterson, 377, Celia Rutherford 302, Lizzie Suitter 296, Lena McPher- son 278, Willie Sherington 350, Fred Eich 253, Charlie Nichols 262, Addie Kincade 234, Maggie Gillespie 278, i Jr. Promotion Exaitiianti Good Feathe: nies, ats midog Electii ie ne ie spi 3rd—Robbi in 363, Fi ‘red Seal 299, Millar Spring 232, Blanche Blair 279, s| Jennie Blair 254, Bella McLennan 208, ‘Alice Fink 209, Tessie Kincade 1 We have had grand rains this Van ‘The fall wheat is promising well in spite of the recent eeolness and frosts. Mrs. Wm. Strachan died on at 10 am. id been She ha long ilt and suffered much. Her re- Mr. Doering sold a valuable horse |* stand that he got Ag their relatives here for a short e time of the election is driving so now thereis “racing ” in North Perth. tops | things like that ¢| before a famous y ever it falls, the vi qetoey that is to be ORLAND'S LIVERY S®ABLE ‘irst-class hors: omm igs for . tana Bus meets all trains, apecialty. = Bees SEES ARY SAVAGE, orary Gradua «_ of Ontario oar Coleg: Regi aria ‘scientifically t Dentistry « Specialty. ‘Telephone or Telegraph messages pomely attended to, Smith's hotel, ilverto rep treat domes cated animale tention will be paid to dentist Ont, Telephone to’ either drag ‘| Flower” Thad bees eons five months with Dys me it was Sonic. after eating anda it of my stomach. ndentty from a Water Brash of clear atter. Sometimes a deathly Sick- ness at the Stomach would preciake e the North Perth Election ! Mr. David Scrimg mgeour ‘Abts following places nt § poms Bethlehem Carthage. y be present and a tion is extended to all to come 8 of the day discussed dial invita a 1d hear the question: ble speakers. CANADA FOR THE CANADIANS Two or more of the following able speak- ors will address each meet Dr. Montague, M. P. Dr. J. Ferg mba S aly, IP. Wilson Morton, A. F. Campbell, x “be. ¥. Clarke W: allace, M.-P. a MP Thos, Magw Sohn decge B Esq., NO ANNEXATION PP. ind others, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN EISO'SCURESEOR Gyre tastes Good. U tntime. "sold by a CONSUM P TION wi a te AS such times I would try tobelch and pal not. Iwas ig oe tad jomas McHen-y, bate and Westery "Ave. ieckeay City, Pa., in whose employ I had been for seven years. Finally I used August Flower, and after using just at 39 eres St, wa aed City,Pa. Signed, Jou: ND. G.G. GREEN, Sole Mackie Woodbury, New Jersey, DIP ALES, | OF MILVERTON. COURT OF aes THE t the Mines of Milverton, will De eokere the Hall in the said village of Milverton on Monday, 30th Day of May Next, 1892} in the forenoon, for the purpose of revising, hearing and de- termining appeals against the asessment of 1892, All interest open for id | spite of ice jams and on, if any. r bridge is receiving attention, when done, we hope will stay done in floods in the The reeve is supervising the work in perso: ‘That aeeaey. though perhaps not popular, official, t See is going his rounds sowing he pleasant spring time, his liste billets from ie anether man will gather in the harvest in due time. But frank, manly ‘oficial nee comes Sep up to id hi wei his official business with you, is by no means the worst of assesso ‘There's another fellow whom you never see but pretty thoroughly feel, throught the swollen ‘gene you must buy, an the shadow of a sri tariff. This is the assessor whom you should frown “TL Am So Tired” Is a common — at failure to supply healthy tissue 2 the various organs of the body. It es how susceptible the fats is to the help to be derived from a good medicine at this season. Possessing just those purifying, Vaan up qualities which the body craves, Hood's Sarsapa- rilla soon bien tbat tired feeling, - | restores Jaak pe eae purifies the blood, and, in imperts vigorous health. Its eee of friends as with one bas eo We Milverton, 3rd May, 1892, je | ture at the bottom of the letter: “ But | m, P the east end of MILVERTON MATTERS A Parent's Reply to Mr. Cameron Eorror Tue Sun: Sim,—In your last issue there ap- peared a letter Mr; Cameron, pase of our public school, re al leged les at recent promotion examination. he writer clothed his sentiments in gentlemanly coming his Peat I gins his letter in a very high key, and | talks of ‘a thick, black cloud” as that was an unusual occurrence in fe atmosphere. He fails to owe” S the nature or cause of this “clo tells us over whom it hung. We are left to judge of the latter by the signa- How arved ” peo- te and “the i fecrsn int an? brain-st: Milverton can exa; -| Pp! magnify thesis ofthe clouds” is only ee no doubt is gases in Bis Mr. C. says “the matter was thoroughly and wn deniably investigated by the inspector, and ended in my being honorably ac- quitted,” and then clinches his feeble argument by pa the “ thick-skulled dunder-heads ” read an wise. But in the ee paragraph he state the case was being dims ra Mr. Weir arrived o: he e ata es vent the the inspector could thor nd ren whose woe woul e- cessary to a thorough and impartial investigation. This, Mr, Cameron, is something the “ sapless brains” cannot imbibe. Messrs. Thompson and Ross, we understand, irregularities. If th he ad allegations ene true or etme fod to ie tt te palaily wink tothe still re- main” un ae citizens their children without being insulted hy the principal, who is engaged ani paid by those he would vilify by his unederns epithets ? Do not forget, that men have been tried, sentenced and punished on circumstantial evidence. If Mr. Cameron ever had the u bounded confidence of the citizens of can assure him will The letter, sir, terests of the children in the engage- ment of a teacher. remain, Yours, A Parest. Milverton, May 9th, 1892. A Dunder-Head's Reply Enrror Sun—Sir,—I have been a resident of Milverton for many, years, Tue Sun that I learned from the pen of Milverton’s efficient (?) boy teacher that I am fit subject for a lunatic asylum. when I come to think the matter over, pay ta: taken charge of by such an ungainly ntly being hi the teacher's letter. Cameron’s adviser scholar who can read letter, and I ask all intelligent people who have any regard for their self- respect, to resent the insult of their paid servant. No business man in al one moment if that employe would voice wera ‘t+ Maibes- the Stror th in- | sci ‘That y | Is often the forerunner of serious apology for his language, or cau! to vacate the premises. The Donets? tion of the Ker is a sufficient evi- dence that the writer is not competent to teach the ebildan a Fa Hieikaeeayy and “brain-starved” people of Mil Resins fivérfon Schoo! Trouble _ Su your ape nt the nlieeedt een with the nor | pu in evagg ‘ante thick, hast cloud hanging around loose some” where in the neighborhood. For tunately for the eae pre gossips of this place, the ike pedagogue caught it and carr fod it ‘i to Stratford; and placing it in front of the inspee tor’s office both parties shot at it ant pierced it through ani through until it shone with a wonderful brillianey. on sent, that? te biserraed optics were seriously impair then a themselves down ee yas board shoulder light with bande, and since then we have exper enced the utmost delight and satisfae: tion, We think, in all eee: in his remarks entirely to the party who made the oe ‘The citizens of this or any other town have a perfect right to discuss ihe actions of any official their employ. Tf you are innocent of the charge you had a perfect right {to arraign.. vital importance as the education of |-you Irresponsible boys should always consult intelligent friends be: fore rushing into print with sleeves; rolled up. b but it was only in last week’s issue of | in a “dunder-head ”—in fact a| m: Mr. Editor, I believe there is more | bee aes ee - | will still move on in a even tenor 0 i the’ Cameron Men. iD 4 ness, which may be broken up if a good tonic like Hood’s Sarsaparilla is taken ii This medicine im e system, purifies the |] biood and builds up the a 2. é Pills restore this action and dae the liver, ‘of Deeming, for the murder ot hia wie a, Mag ietisol te Fak place an this town would tolerate an employe | the 53ed iat, as Mr, Cameron. has