Da. "The loss by, Sane Sunday’s fire in Winnipeg ‘was $30,000 ce $30,000. Botehate’ taaas Popalation of 10,300, an increase of 600 1e general censi ‘The Bell Organ 0 and Piano iaeg’ of pel turned out over 6,000 instruments McGill University, Montreal, has been Presented with portrait of ite distinguish- ed principal, Sir "Y At the big froit sa other day. prices were lower than at the first sales of ear, yet higher than pres- ‘ent United States quotati ions. Assista Clerk (Gosselin of Montreal ho mysteriously diesppeared's. week we, has had taken a trip to re Hooper, barrister, and county clerk of Foes and Addington, es ot ‘the other Doses at one time bb, eleven years of age, was socientally strangled while “twisting ‘a towel aroun: ne t his ear Get Appelie)N North-West Territories. William Purdy, son of John Purdy of St. ‘Thomas, waa his log mangled inan accident ‘on the West Shore Railroad and died Wed- neaday night in Buffalo dit, iford Sifton, Attorney-General for mn renominated for North he Aven liner, Sardinian, just arrived int Liverpool, brought out over 2 with for the North-West. Tascher aay ‘ited that a ration cannot is force its own by-laws. Grand Trunk employes tare been dismissed from the car shops and round- lon, ‘The British war shi , Buzzard and a al mts ae, at i pac Berm ped tal population of onl 189, iaclading @ fovting population of 3,000, Starvation and wretchedness are sai Tee vail on the northern coast of Newfound: labourers employ. sewer construction in Winnipe, ee on Tuesday for an increase of pay Roakat half cents to twenty cents an ar 's peniay mills, Ottawa, the other Hees ph d-for two hours of leis ‘are on eavaday, afternoons was Col. ioe irom Egypt with ‘The Montreal Citizens’ League i actively pat titba wore against lotteries, Over ion taken out Jones ti @ been sellin; a oe i, Prete wane taba Hugh iraser was found in the dam at Clarke’ © till, Hamilton, the other moming, andi “supposed the untortunate mai over his afflicti — committed suicide, 4 farmer of Cartwright, ye tarot to drive home from Wine ek ago aud was missing until ast eho = ing as fou Hern Hose Winnipeg. bg Been ae vedi Flockton was ec in an exca- powerhouse in course o ton Stree eal) : of Hamilton a prrchncea|° one Riedted sad forty ac land on Bar- 1 Plains, and has of the 8 inate d renty-two percent- age ot sioninam, ‘Rieyitour ef silica, and te of iron, titer in 3 ies oics of French-Canadians to tl the New | Engl provement in the great ition. On Thursday night the Marquis of donderry, Teetine in. Dablin, aid theta Home Rule is carried there will be'civil war in Ireland. pp atiss Katherine Arnold, _ daoghter of Sir y ndon to. Eivacd, son of Viet Admiral the ° ; evon vousbire will!zo to Wind- “sor-shortly to deliver up the ileigaia of his thood of the Garter. ‘Though the recent skirt-dancing perform- ance of the Countess a iin an amateur } an | «* Can you hear thy - lhe “tart pe teat tena il Hise fatally th by contrary, Seer re fire broke. outin tl the Montreal Wituess says, ™# ‘The rain aban e been trying their phsdgagaia miterag wee ghee conalts Serer people are beginning to think the scheme is 2 Near eee George Doyle kissed Mrs. atl ea while she was talking to x husband, Dudding ‘drew a revolver and ichael Druce and Joseph Andriski were creasing the track of the New York Centsal Belt line at Buffalo on Wednesday at noon, when they were struck by the engine of a freight train and killed. Rufus Tenkins, « deposed pastor, aged 70, f Knoxville; ean... was frag taken from his hoase Dassiiey andl whided so rami that he i is voxpened to die Ten kins had dese fe for an- other wom: in Washingto x Reali te to the wail be the next ident The feelin at, “ovata etary Blaine wi Republican nominee for Presi whose ee lover his property amounting to $10,060, tore up| me. roperty é renounced her claims in favor of his mother. It has been found that Mrs. Helen L. okes, of New York, has been robl ft ‘8, satins, Oriental relics and bric- to extent of thousands of dollars by a trusted English servant \gson, who is now in England: Coleman Bleck'amn, who was hanged at Gavotte, Miss a week ago, after be pended for e peas conscious- wn early hour on ous morning a the Five Points House of ‘out. anes Ps without S Teerohy Gee ee br of and tucl into his trousers the ust deadly kris and wicked litth I looked inquiringly at Dick, who smiled ed, + Watch his face as I aut adéress him, “Now you see sleeping snake. Take note of ee changes 's mien. Ob, Yusuf!” murmured gently by Dick, e young man’s attention to hia. Ho litted his eyebrows lazily. + That Ja fine kris that Yusuf carries. Will he ie it to my friend, who is ignorant of feapons, ae would like to examine feat froat curfoatsy. Soc hs bagel oes Dyak’s | OF Telan; away snd walked rapidly. back lage of Tal fal Mera iets and are to the vil- 1g. as sitting chatting with the na- tives, Dime the arrival of Rajah Rah- cuse you asi every into the village, preser outward air shacuaeivanic rving an it fr ioemeoran 308 Mie banat of |, Rest! Uhnagh We’ cutabhianed Banzyville only two years ago it is quite an African est, chief in all this region is | face cloused. He looked to na-| many more places to tives, who lounged abor but} eee to Rajah Rabman when he comes ‘met with only vacant stares, Slowly his Reis tin, a a me hand sought his kris, an action never taken | the Rs ynenee's chief " feaste except in earnest purport to draw and use wkwardly the kris apd wd were drawn out and handed to The young man’s aspect was entirely changed. The bright and sunny lool yes were as keen iced the skin from the tip of my finger at the lightest as a weapon in soot! and our friend will remo’ from you and hin left hand from his eis Be careful on int and you'll a minute Sid yell ea bedeaa pon repack Dicks re as is Tay wa fon jeuieaio uF cotta Saris toads 1s thcake which Mr aucune to the fighting Sialy when Dick reminded ioe ct ariet te demeidn eter) een andes ty one kisi (ls sctiocls fof the Uattod Sta po ching Dysk’'s fate: rcbutiod ita plodsaat bx. eth emigration, trom Germany his yoar | ca mat he smiled as Dick continued 28 been heavier than during any previous | fayiiy fee Etec tbe Ene nl is Bornos- who oped Worth, the celebrated Paris milliner, has abolished the trailing skirt for street gowns, and has also consigned erinoline to obliv open poral daeeagh Bese timid people sit e for in a weet of dyna- vet of ea as “The marr iage of Fen naman, and Agnes Gerting, of Tesla, i reig com: mented uy wise. ‘his is the first alliance of ie kin announced in Ger- Goodwin Bates, who was sentenced to at Lancing, Mich. the murder of his brother, has sr owing to the e ting circumstan to Drivod at the age of 20: He Fo Pompous army surgeon wae sent d His Tongue then. Ay tera. sBetulting depot in the Highlands to ¢ first question as to his name an of birth. exclaimed ge Ne i page the fellows stone deaf!” taking his watch from his pocket he a it to the a ear of ee ee saying : ead of the would-be-soldier. “ Whrt the ace do you mean by enlisting when you're stone deat? Why, y hear the ticking of a wateh 1 ithin an inch of the drem of your ear. ing his tongue at last enh when the: ied holding his watch to his own ear, ee it had in ped, aes ‘gore were too powerful to be expr 5 exe tensive thongh. tile yooubulary ordinasily was. int itch of tna who had taken the | j stand before > Yusuf's kris for more than five utes,” ly | ago Rajal Dick smiled as he answered, Manang in the early m ud. ine few e paddling rapidly down the eam. I told Dick of all I had seen that morning. “Three weeks away the headof Yu ents “fal er from the unters’ ven 2 g TPoward aveniee Weccedied torillace of Manang. his en banan: a fowl 0} down ae stream. “ Whose head was it ?” asked returning guile. “Rajah Rahman's” was the Ie before young Yusuf’s Freshly decniitated Bead of my. We ven our interpreter ashcre for some r two before returning Dick of the unconcerned de r iepee adore veneers alia die tip streat A BRIDGE OF SALT, , Soe Partty Nac cial, rartly Ar- | ¥ a in Death Valley. ee natural Piet of Death Valley Col., have en more minutely Bat Y | along the big M’ ont, © | the Soudanese, who nea == ans 3 became redoubled in the deadly combat | their sledge hammers day after day ~ntil HEAD HUNTERS, Which was tatiogpplace beloreme’ "| they bad beaten down these pinnacles into . Hi Step by step. Vosaf sisted round his |# smooth pathway six feet wide. It was etme that: — ~ F enemy, d nearer to Passes te Willinss Gropreoe ofthe ite ites | Thrilling Scenes Among the Malays of | cnemy>,closing in nearer and nearet. to the | Eri oa he ee tountey, erik ‘climate m. Grey, brother of the eighth earl. * Borneo stare uy] other's rian and the location, far from civilized habita- pic Raha wich iors pte tgel steel, } tions, combined to retard the efforts of the UNTIED SPATES. 4 BLOODY HAND-TO-HAND FIGHT. watching every Pasa hares eeping ever mS pena te way, zo was f The House of Representatives at Wash-] ‘+ Head hunters ! ! I never | turned towards the foe his deadly kris and d mie ‘on has passed the Free Binding Twine | caw a bere geatiocoenly looking lot . They st a aga ont a oonk mage joys ila aut faowaire wiry yore 8.8m, nde toy tom dyn Yay nk ogee tn asd une tno | eA ag ak New York last week, the ieee ously Lit:‘bam! of the | tendon. Suddenly the « a bo 8 one enters the easterly road sa ative boase fa which the village Datu had |toward Yosaf, Ae rapidly the others igrtngs t hepard Busby was hanged at Fort ae beac aa apres pa bearpuad in cienlk- Tak pe ths Bia died there froin the heat, ane ea Bi Ses epaty ws ** You are ery néw and unsophisticated | enemy now pics ogee and, after the ‘sage me masheg ware the f the heathen, tly,” re- | saw the dark red stain across his . run down bya trolley ny ofiel iriehA, cotinnicg ‘aindy. betrayed the kris’ deadly work. Again an f salt broken from the car in Buffalo and i instantly killed, the re- par. abd also! dud, A en dark tae ti oe the ore ys ‘The crust was too hard ibly mutila ward on the apiogy’® loor, ‘ the bland and | red. Again and again Yusuf nimbly spr es er = |, a negro ith com-| silent Malay, moving with the dead! aside, and scored a ly mat rice ng tire fet patios te plc ag licity in a criminal assault, was hanged by | of the destroying serpent, nas yet unknown || And then the dark blue we a ty hville, Tenn. to rve the eae nearly | pause of five minutes, while Yusaf slowly leased from Sing | opposite you—he write the red and yellow | circ! is adversary, spent Bos- ens ee! on monday, bare served bat Rp twisted on his a strength, backs ree = ng D FROM THE CONGO. term. Hi was wrecking the eA “but beautifully {life blood. He ‘stagg war 5 i in Ne like a panther, was upon him, cut-| @ne ef the Most African Pio- Nici Banta New Yo LE proportioned a stipele WAP? 21 ting and stabbing with all the fexesuses of |. cers ane Rxplovers Menghes Earepe> ae eouguis i tbeceaae: Presaiat titiee |cldss, batioes “Rave oeead tate pro. |& madden rhe dark blue sank | Capt. Van Gele, who has id the comer-stone of the Grant mon- | nounced him woman to the eyes of the un-|® fainting, heap betore him. No ory for | for ten years in most responsible work on . ; : y ‘ 5 we ent test move of ‘Prince ” Michael's | Dy “tole setae iad Bound [Berole warrior soul. He had fought and | ip au, Gels wae tevin alien followers is an appeal to the British Minis-| the slender turban of the Ny, faces, ie 1 Se a Pet ced, Gutey = tenant of Stanley, who speaksot him 38 on rat Washington, claiming that they are | handkerchief of brilliant ape ee moments, while T rose, aa descending the | his books in ‘the most complimentary Britishaibjects, hu carelessly across his shoulder, c term: een foremo: y an oe of three kegs of powder hill, advanced to see what help I could ren- | plorations in Cor nd, and it was he who abt Stor the other day, si I Yi Boally settled the vexed question of the ach Wells aad ris is nephew Tom Darnell, identity of the Welle Makua with the Mo- sears lly : bevel 3 y eee te Makna. Van Gele’s last few yea wholly beat! devoted to crploriig thie vaNt bi opulous territories slong the Mobangi. the principal affluents 0 0, the King of the 8 affluent of the Mobangi. Bangasso had heard ired to make his ac- 2 accom- is by his brother and twenty-six of his chiefs, and made his entry into the station pay fribute to him in goa ry» Provisions and slaves. His forefathers have aN geen eqoe eerste is People are so powerful that ‘oppress and en: the other tribés in this part of Africa, do not dare att ane vaeaivedias he place ap- iew some hundreds of eight days to build tl he camp which their King was to occupy, whic h comprised n and Van Gele hd long interviews hanes lacing his aera une a « But Rajah Rahman ——” je 3 ! ., |@nd_extensivel raed ty oneicesd jer that the white man mi With one botind the Dyak was upon his | Yriters than any other spot they n 7 ily as possible to the capital. Sonluaies hise his hands fell on butone wonder there me waycscap| ‘he latest achievement of Van, Gele was his kris » and he stooped crouch iese untravelled scribes. In 1883 some Arabs who attacked the ing and quivering with tense muscles an rks were bullt-on te east side of | 2, ae Si) ae at Djabbir on the Mo- suppre ion. The muscles of his | the railey, a-couple of miles or s0 above the | ha force wes a party of slave rests Loe re eo ines | mouth of Furnace Creek Canon, ‘The road | trad , and Van Gele com- 4P- | thence to the railroad. lown the east a le them and stopped their pel fice brnenth lack and scowling brows. | of the valley for several mi hhen had | 5 pale opentey, Vent panded nostrils quivered fretfully under |to cross over to the west side because oo nd to suo- foe. breathed agi drinking water can be enterprises as those in ‘There was an angry rnstle in the room as | below Furnace Creek. ek chan Bebe Bo conspicuous. each man looked up in magnetic sympathy | on the west side lies much better tors ae with the enraged boy, and fingered. fretful- But how to get the wagons amen eee Iyat his kris. "An ominons silence fell up- | was a proble mm end to end the centre Teo O14 to be Timea With. 1€ TOO! even voice sa ie Se man was a fool. roken by Dick’s He should have Known thet while Yusuf lives his life is | saf valueless.” smothered sob, the Dyak fun bis half dra scabbard | ocal he rising sun tint ed his orange-hued skin until it. shon clot ake geen eh inevitable dagger "Snddealy 1 saw him turn his head an stiffen into keen attention. in, their right hands “iat the left arm, f Every step made - re Saythiog I whe That’ | have wel con Erie where two fields | i mjon the ad been jammed together by the wind and ice masses grasping their krises | bi of the valley is one long 28 ost places it is so soft Sine that even BS cme nike need snow shot sted over. SEey aii nod treaclscoaply dd locality does it se2m ‘m, eventually a route was decided road was then to for the'fient time ii tho world « length of this one was graded with sledge hammers. a to | workmen went about over pagan ies an upon.” The probabl jroador tee exclusively Here wasa stretch of solid salt some eight ense it was | level—there ree square inch on or PB t he influence of heat from above and of moisture from below, been torn and t ind thrown up into the most jagged crise ridges in hey were not high—none rown across the body, clatchei the dag: 2 r pointing outward. “Each had his eyes | were large ee mt they were no a ed uponsthe other’s orbs. With a in any i to cross. ot recognition I remem! ents and then Yusuf himself. My inter- Judging that the capiaetl weight-af the wagons, the w. They ‘soghasp cf sustain the workmen swung . tor (who had been som re of the of surgeon, who was very fond 3 = joke’ (if nat. perpetcated n ex- ), Was one day at po fter the de- “Dootor, are you acquainted with Captain ” “Yes, bknow him as ” replied the doctor ; but what of him Nothin ng in particle, ont I have just received a lett 2 fro mi, will wager at pest you cannot 89; fi es how he 8] eae ae "said the asin tor—' a wa- arn Well commence guessing,” said the office: “e a 5 sable ag No, you have missed it again.” <<WVeil then,” returned the doctor, “ca double t,” “No,” said the wag, “that's not the way. Try again; it’s your last guess.” crores “No,” said t the wag, that’s not the ways re | you have lost 1 Te Wall, anid the doctor, with great peta nce of manner, ‘ how does he spell it ? Js it, C-a-t,” replied the iy: mess, almost —_ , the doctor sprang to his feet man, I am too old to be trifled with in a this mapnént? The choir of the Mormon Teraple at Salt Lake City is 390 strong. game itself as fr irom i a em. sktvat plays ‘Td seep ine me here than in court, like last never, “««T really believe “the rascal is right, you have got him si some creep-hole or other an IN THE SEUMS OF LONDON. mane with a Mi ‘The French papers have cpublnhed 9 2 lire y deseipon of a night among the thi tance have known don’t meon tosay that I ate terms with them— the curiosities of England andthe worlds” man continues, They are le professions, and they are freely sxilblted toloeega ers. OF foreigners only; it is simply as shadows that the English Gan be presented to their assas- -* Well, tl hey gave me a guide, a ipnaca | “fellow, to whom I paid a guinea a oy for a ; 0 ticed that m: Song Boglan “ foward Bey dag of this Ieng visit I of the profession in the best school in the boast—bi conversed | world. be ** You are classed at last,’ said my guide which one might announce piece of flatteri ing news. * This repata will follow you to Paris. vl Ki India. pring sees ranks d and Ru rin Vie control in ‘Atehaisan, wit despatch w aan ago that the A ts with e beings of an inferior order, w! care of me without by which the us should always be treat- ed, We passed tho hall, 3 where comedies occupation of last century or the final, defeat India at Wandewash, two yeats~ later. There are but two nations it eae so far the future is concerned—Russia Eng- 7 me which earliest holds the The Cab v0 be wmnitten, will pro as i as the Engl Quebee majority mi world's most _ Populous continent on held } Other smaller were played payee drinking was carried | perk ways tan advanced hour of the night when we Gee the: Sia, cizle| | over Afghat est f hell. ‘Here,’ said m | will seiz ed , lhe deems both an ply work which o pretend to do is merely a | soak, {There aressveraloategorie “ Some are at the pre ‘The; iy. “© The erie areal "feasible rad by Khaw ngs One of the Most Remarkable of Mountains re Agi © ably shes guidal lle of the it Of Frayice in no- ROKAIMA’S GREAT FLAT TOP, ain Ascended. For the first time white men in November Inst spent a night on the summit ® | famous Mount rs. Brown, Whetham, and Whiteley were eager tosolve the mystery of Mount ‘ a tion raima’s summit, but all cama home di father perilons of as- which aforded a pathway tothe ble: jountain is about 8,000 feet above the level of the ea, but the explorer, when he Finches the ote precipitous ascent, lish as is the top of the mountain so severely that they res ant ie then explored the - | gigantic te gt is shay forming, as Mr, Cromer describes them, «majestic palaocs; churches, and Horense, rocks: resemble pyrami and: kettles, cand one es ‘ um! et Betw x Lecwt delisapetta mustorione na the south many | Vé d_ rocks | ing to take REBELLION EV-ZAMBESA LAND, mone i est ae ree Nyass: Aint ae months ago it t! H, H. Johuston, the British C Com Johnston has been promin- ent for years as an ez ploror, and his epecial mi rica now is to put an end to that has been decimating the population of the Ny Feports nd been brilliantly success. in tivitticg the slave hunters, White travellers from Nyassaland have just returned to England with th the patticn- Lake Nyas e most southerly of the Jong chain of with guns, are irresistible, s the trade goods he obtained for his slaves were almost. clear ofits M'ponda en quite friendly, to all appearance The Oldest Sovereign. ag iiitting the Pope, the only Buropean older than her Majesty the — regard, jueen takes seniority over these, for she iti reigned longer than any “monarch now living, Me Broad Hint, ws SB nepelet notion Seay that the where abouts ofa drowned avery wi 7 da les id instances of ix oesurence ape {com fe to time recorded. There aro thirteen smiles of bookshelves in the British Mus ‘Nearly 40,000 men net {rom the Ger- say ectey sae > lor ‘he Die: Medial oman is now may be consul tithe i person or by lun on all dl dis eculiar ti fier endeavored* to ingratiate himself with e impedime 1e way <f saree at isaster came about in this wi ire, in command of the Domiro, ents placed in share ani on Maguire. reéppea asembe’s, the chief told him that oe dows belong: away. Magalee | shitckdby fire to 0 ‘ion, dullnes voice, desire £ ‘come puctablity. of temper, sunken rounden wit peas CTRCLEs, e lakes were swarming with a sor! beetle, nthe | Alpine, | Oxus and etre > vail easeaqe oa thi aoe n, state of super-saturation on account. of ‘the fi the crest of the Aah tndits pas ird would occupy Cabul ees over twenty or t st ‘ ti a ac ot which lead tleatopes of to “Bat, their judicial | from Mery and Herat ‘or nlp the Hari- 9 dit 2 Ibi 7 & dbattloay by that you know to, ti ‘ak ant eas the Pamir, not it he ty bel ety, | mos t offic ular game wi @ police, | €d, therefore from the mization the | by perpen the bene! ,- | to the d._self-possesse: nina political wnion was on terms 0! ast ‘aluat of friendship, with “One ight say that they were both sufi we aii a me, in Tay if a railroad to ‘in London [sn cost of such fortificatio ywer, the Catia Kasten Herat ougilag es early aid that Afghan fortress. Any role ‘will entail on India the burden ions snd such an frontier wers are forced to keep on repeal nndary threatened by civilized me ing, Governor !’said another time, Governor. I know al can put me inthe dark nights but as fora conviction, rnor, never |’ id my guide tome. ‘When you thin eed Hipliae, tae ‘arog * Governor’ received many invita- tely. tions to drink, but he refased poli Nevertheless ie drew upon me when oc- casion require “*The fellow that you see comin now,’ said he, ‘ ‘The refusal by the Am sais the extension al ralttase tae Cabal to per- for some time led to the belief that he was inclining | to “ee {thought I had you for certain that fallaaeeeees le, and, WS as Ae present proclamation hal it rate e is ce more committe iad Great Britain Piheanter control to the icy witch will Burying the Bead in Russia. t uncommon = res in the famine- stricken districts x Russi inilies wander- cart fall of coffins from ey can find a priest ; | does the t1 {oo poor to buy proper | mirse, | TOSSES, they use ‘their poy ha ire- wood in erecti the if inexpressibly pitiful. ‘ing these leparted. The whole i ttcation a Tis Population of Ch 359,000, 00, whic is isons sins ths re population of Europe. ‘The macs | opened te r thirty years, | markable natural lesta. to ee found any- ge) if Eng-| where. Ibis made for the most part 3 ready emake armed stage ae fs Lae rt in the | digality of Prodtion, the cnormous care) 8 s-/and rain storms tl nae occur. Waters laces, and one fall page feot high and bas quit volume of the most re- soft sandstore, and the heavy and fashioning the many remark- = that are found on the Plateau at the the ‘top of the| ming. of a shallow dish. The! the ls | the and | pour over the edge of the summit in various which prote fully 2,000 | that: ge water is probably the iirpetes Palla da sthe s Id. in tation, it was deci dod to comply wit native demand joy and Mr. McEwan, the engineer of the. vessel, compelle ding Tarricae cf cargo around the sides of .the steamer, cod thors tron the bell oF rast t wes incessantly fallin, Three days later the vessel was still d in: Toronto “iVeekly Mail” ee five cents 2 ‘wo for five Ad ay. ay Mes lonell Ave,, “Toronto, ‘Oni, Tr you want to buy or sell a farm ad- ertise in the Toronto “ Weekl the! insertion “ The Mail,” Toronto ground, when the natives suggested a truce order to arrange peace. After much hesi- he je negotiations who has been Saree for ‘The Tree As a School Master, of rortou ind lof ractical s suggestion, as one cons meaning, ite hist orld, Fir ab ot all it erm is no criterion of thi of the tree’s pro- for the protection of the species, the thou- | sands-ol seeds yielded for’ one that german: tes. Not even when the fall approaches your tree on a wintry countenance. Rather does ‘ands itself in gold and pur. ple for its last pag by ure growt ise ages te ‘stem, the tree isa t to those who truly love it and can joice in the exquisite outline presented by 4 denuded branches, ashore, and so insdly reached ie before they w n ry and its economic value bi vite | siaatincren cor arch 3 ale Lyauowtig that the Inigalcance im smaller hie whe unished, but the ef offender was post- ne w weeks later Mak: WEAKNESS:MEN, pees THOROUCHLY, FOREVER CURED ts trigs, the fine curves of limb and bough, e rosy bro vr of ite taps closely in: against the ky. fine character meets disaster and loss, braced for the blast. What mat- adornments are shorn vigorous beau conquered energy, of Aes Promise shall sah tie tata 0F Whe. rave though man sho! ¥ jy 1 te ‘Put forth buds of pe for a spring tree As a schoolmaatr lead m: id calm confide: into subject “The se Tol this chain is not known, if im to bring the rebellious natives to be German work of An English sanstactiter, while examin- ing the texture and qual ages found on a Soe ‘was as find that the Of the threads was Hamas ike that hic he had peent which lity of some band- oi fs ed to ne when 132,835, t invention of | 2,000.a our in London, according to a 180) esedes ia babieoa eight and nine pe The ee of meat always kept om Visits Millbank every Tuesday sal Sieaeeee cay PRICE PAID-. FOR POULTRY OF ALL nS Saturday with Meat of all Kinds