is We” eg! area === MaterilsS00 schools were open, W _ HELLIBORE The local taxation contributes $3,200 For your gooseberry bushes. to the Public school and $1,000 to the testant sch For the above figure we will make to order an All-Wool pair of Pants, in our very best style. © A fresh supply just on hand. as dual system weakens the cause of] Or interest to every lady is ¥ . education, but on the prairies it must _ All Prescriptions Promptly Attended to. be still more harmful. ‘Bubscriptions received for all newspapers . ‘A courte of weeks ago in these} Children, correct that. Put columns we stated that we thought é CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE | our Liberal friends were a little pre- it in ete ine en BaeT Whe pict 8 pom, [LT in denouncing Sir John] ¢ fevings Bank and Money ‘Ordey office close | Thompson and the Government, for OF _ 6pm Ag, TORRANCE, not taking immediate action regarding ; : the charges of Mr. Edgar aghinst Sir) Having done so read it Oe Mass Hexpenson, Asst. Postmaster| Adolphe Caron. It now turns out a ORET D8 | that we were correct in our, opinion, aloud to your mother, to your as after due consideration, the govern-| cousins and your aunts. ment has resolved to refer the charges to a Royal Commission, In aeon-| -pp, ; densed forms the charges are about as je SUCCESS of correct dress- ELRY & That the Government roa aw ) SCHAEFER the TAILOR ay = SE owe (THE- GORNER - STORE what she wears. correct grammatical jing is made easy at 21 Market ld or silver aioli: and ssortment. Well, we keep correct styles Opposite the Post Office, Milverton Sse e of dress goods, keep variety rcuat ie tuy at _geonce “ARES. * JEWELRY oy ; fat week ane e as | enough to su I may say, all 780) il bn Thor : ‘classes of want, and_ sales- Boys’ Ready-Made Suits le, would command en- ‘A new stock of Boys’ Suits just received, suitable for boys from 5 to 14 years, at prices ranging from $1.00 up. Coll and see them’as they are all excellent value. ‘being reli f hee : : er ae cheaper i in the end than goods. quiry, is to be carried out. women who know their bus- ee all. may watahos aod elocie 3 eee ania iness, and study the interest Political Proverbs member, if you _ ParrRiorisa cuvereth a multitude av pens and complexion of the buyers. Our M illi ne ry swateh or, ch oe soy in|sins. es . rooch: The unselfish politishun ain't been - | born yit. is still leading, and we have some more new styles Mee opened up. have had an excellent season so far, mare, spec 2A Detar is de most effective cam- - | pane dokuments. P our styles and deplete give the utmost Greouak: zen owes me = the country ° ° that > 2 ‘ Asi ‘We are reasonable in price, too. 1 | than sa payin’ his ta: Some Bargains For Fine Dress Goods We have a few lines of Dress Goods which we wish te rs can prea ne 1 4 lean outy/and wil ‘be rushed off at 9e. per yard, formerly coi Noe ee oe ot ee ear tee om May th Sth, the wife of a ae Loe. Loy a few pieces left. “The early bird aise ain't, win’ to be a| "the wt = ete pees oa ead ee sitizen eughia't to ue per- | Focar— ticted by wife eof Mr Mit Henry + Toga ofa By it the n Politics fetches ont Pal the human nater thar is in a mai Ar the meeting of Court Mapleton, Thars no use talkin, a man can't No. 123, C.0.F., Listowel, the follow- love his enemies and stay in polities. | ing officers were lee PCR, Bro.|E27300 Tubs of Gilt “Edged Butter Wanted The edditors cut out the & ci Ye E Mierch ; C.R., Wm. Robinson ; ve for which the highest price will be paid goods. ‘ ; ie Seat ter ; Fin, Se ° Political bosses are mostly head W. Dickson H. ‘Gunther ; ‘4 aia Se | Guenther & Schmitt and the legislators sow GR., A. Ringler ; Chaplain, Hy. Hay tords the penitentiary but they don’t aw, Mr. +, Dv Barber a Linden. W. Centre Store, opposite post office, Milverten. = = UNBUKUR & ROTHAERNEL'S | Shompeon Is the Cheapest Place to Buy Saws, Axes, Nails, Fence Wire, Glass, Oils, Putty. Seven Staw - Hats For 25c. " THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1892 ress we learn that eighty. "Tamm conservatives have now a ma- jority of 63 in the Dominion House. Mn. Lisren’s motio’ in the House | $°™¢ Sg ee from the ‘of Commons to impeach Judge Elliot, of London, was defeated ao a vote of 1 Elma Cheese Co. have sold their _§ ta 50, ie i lodgins Bros., of Lon-|- We will give the politicians a yal-| Mx. Jas. Mot ho au the Com- uable suggestion, which we will charge | \ Listowel, which them nothing for. It is this If they | the Graham house, Atwood. wish to show genuine sympathy for| 4 Wiarroy dispatch says that the the farmer, just give a tiller of the| boiler at Brook’s sawmill at Golden il « fat government position once in | Valley pode. and the mill was “ w\while. “Hundreds offarmers would The boiler was thrown Jike the position of license inspector, Eine are adie gustom inspector, postmaster, clerk of | extensively this ye In Teese to the court, or any one of the several | those already noted, Thos. J. offices which are continually becoming i vacant. And who will dare say that the farmers as a rule are not as com- petent to fill these offices as the hang- ers on to a political party who usually mere ae oftices 4 TINWARE ‘A GOOD STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND ‘Trorny Haxce’s barn, on the 12th con. Elma, was struck by lightning on ee last. It struck the peak of the cof, ran down one rafter, Loris Tue iy oe of the the double school | ail to pieces, and followed the eave m as applied to the North-West | trough around the straw sl id 4s exhibited very fairly in the case of a a post, winding up with killing says the Mail. A first-class |* The barn is not seriously dam- ‘could be maintained in the town; aged ‘acvaaaly. ie Schneuker & Roth», ermel Main Street Milverton = Horses Wanted ! ‘Any size, weight or color, to put some of my single Harness om, of which I have a fine assortment, and prices low snough for sae to buy aset. Come and examine them before, you buy where row OF Court of I Hevision - Notice is hereby given that the first sit- -|Suecess Sweat Pads! ie school. Gs expended, although for # smaller] ting’ of eae sit m all the children could be educated. SE ne Se arbebatia i hae jt shales: ‘ed Henderson's Hall, Newton a Pade hich T have bought right and am going to sell ri pare as : MONDAY, JUNE THE 13th, 1892 re- Cowock AM, | They are f the celebrated Success Sweat Come and ey your Sweat Pads of me for Fifty Cents. rst-cl bt Bs a ee Gan be Sour ew Revision for Milverton on Mr. Thompson to Mr. MILVERTON _ Epiton oF T= sree S| DRUG STORE) s:.s-.its i S "West side of Main Street. A LARGE STOCK OF— } . Ross comi ws I lett ina office, which nothing com Drugs, Patent Medicines, W. D. War di eet Pot pat in an ‘ oman Sater, vest the poses arr Mir although he was in the city from 10 4m. n Brass Bat therough investigation ‘Toilet Articles, Ete. re oa sere, of R. Hi for Mai sning, itouli Yor the summer, ARE GIVING A 4 fidnot ir. Cameron’: iALWAYS KEPT ON HAND le ao ls ae it "cert of oe raring te imneedity, Meatrenl, i [ve were. much pleased this week to| Solid Vietoria Silver Spoon with each 4 oz. bottle of Silk Edge ‘All prescriptions promptly attended to ra Seeece Dressing. The spoon cannot be hought in any regular jewelry store for the price you pay for both spoon and dressing. OUP spring stock of hoots ani shoes is just about complete, try us SSS [be Convinced. ©. N. W. TELEGRAPH OFFICE) ination. Dr. J. F. GATTERMOLE. NEW STORE! = NEW GOODS 1| strong J. H. Gunther WATCHMAKER And JEWELER ie Be Ynvites you to call and examine his i fine new stock of Watches, Clocks, 4 Jewelry, ete., which he has now on Bible Depository Here. Main Street, Milverton #* NAILS: AVING purchased a car load of Ne before the late advance, I am in a | sition to furnish intending builders w Nails at surprisingly low prices. Call examine them and get prices. SEE de GALT AXES AND Sees Bien Ld se Willtam “Fovinshed: nN ae ae says: “To Whom it May Cot hand in his new quarters, Grand Central Hotel block, Milverton. aa. eaten F.C. SMITH, ion. aS Ty nssed I deem ea my daty toa suffering Proprietor, Mana; One girl mistaki 00 ins: wamanity van souls F would ROH. Listowel $7. ‘a mental arith-| have healthy, to teilithem of the value of ‘ORE FG: ASING ELSEWHERE i ee (Parlor aa Cook Stoves Always on | = W. ACHESON — The Milverton Sun ‘THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1892 MILVERTON MATTERS _-Henslsome Dinner, Tea and Toilet setts, wlso large asscrtanent of other crockery, Just to hand at Gleiser’s. ~ Driving Park Association Tue Milverton Date Park As nrsday evening | the from all the asking if it was @ ‘bona dev Hatimoniah ad of of geurso L wrote all ‘have the knowledge of e questions tl Gist was, and ten dn it tei ade ee Dairy Pails and Creamers will soon be a neces, ioation expecta boked those in need of such will find everything in th e Bi . tism have line of Tinware, at right prices, and 2 endless variety i nd endurance... Nothing To as promote ‘he ot il iluanae the the blood, stimulate liver, tithe a el is *Hood’s 8 Sarsaparilia ne ete as ing kept anes Pees wishing to know more, med. aa operations a to be laid out te graded ve field |° Eas It was de-| teft with a cr with one oft the trustees, W. D. “SUTT h ‘When completed there "Acheson's Block, Main Street, 3 low. full half me fake and the Park will he opened by md race meeting | stances arly in the a ert Quarterly M Tue Quarterly Official “Bone, Mil mn the 9th inst. and transacted the various fie of | Apusiness belonging to the closing up of | ability, ve been. thoug! he cores year. As is not un- 7 tamed ot hat “the Da 6 adjourn ‘was. open meeting will be held to pull up money that should have been paid earlier in the year. Circuit matters are fair, aes a wide Fe etctiiar ta ‘and the most friendly relations exist | that. jople. ‘This| Had Mr. Came terian Papen Sparta, N ‘Hlood’s Pills cure habitual Leinieipaton Ladies of Milverton and Surroundi Country . a Do you want a Parasol 9 y have over 400 of them from 20c. up to $4. 00 each. were import samples, and { them out we sell them 25 pet. less than regular selling » This is really the best they are : ing for value ever sho wn in ti turn for ‘another year. ities are that he he not be removed, Election News THE pcasteaves held a meeting vn P berate on Pondes. night, the a obateiehta ta AAS Peale er the aes uavarnished tr give aie the oe Sey oy “implica ng was Mr. Harrison from Stratford, who 5 ae in my statements to i sant e Mr. Editor, you will pardon me for imposing on your ‘alate space. followed by M Listowel, who jane a good speech Government standpoint. Nerevidies wart of Revision for the township of > alaerangboas will be held on Monday, June 13H] Gro. THomPsos. —The Mile wertou' Brass Bex will play on the pul e ete of ‘ilverton on 6 2 e | Gees county. , a| Iris not i ie proprietors say, but what ‘Hood's Sarsaparilla does that makes it sell, | and wins the ma iilence of tho people. —The ee Birthday ee romises to be a very enjoyabl Spero pease cima) Bet s tho —The attention which the people are hated the coming election contest seems ot cor alltother news in tbe head, 20 Ibs. Raisins for $1.00, guaranteed se usually sold at 10c. lath bi itation was Sree ut it down as settee, fact ea mut the invit eon nae cee Teceptad: ‘The meeting broke up “bout eleven o'clock with the usual ie pola Ip pe