* Bs = ee = i . + , N U! A RAILROAD TO WADY HAL?A. 2 | AGRICULTURAL. (85) The sctual seed requirements will| | (0) Over the tar paper another thickness The British Army. Woman Suffrage in England. y CRAMPEL'S PATE REVEALED. bens bein eT A Ne a oe THE VICTIMS OF TORTURE. 2 <i gE Hearts pet sae in the largest | of inch boards, tongued and grooved Fifty years ago Sir Charles Ni One of the most important ine:dents con- i: = who treacherously killed him. He hadasa| The Nefarious Pacific Labor Trade to be Cairo to be Placed Within Easy Reach ef Re CORY, THE SILO AND SILAGE. varieties tok quarts in the” ; Eicver oss the inside, is paid Seats een that the English were warlike bucnet mar nected with the movement for the emanci- The Soarch Expedition Learned the Facts | guide an Arab w! Business that Aroused the | Frightful eels atoea Upon Chin- Peete eee, (25), Corn’ should: p> plantag: shallow: fx tary, whereas the French were bo pation of women was the vote last week in of the Traged; a prison in Algeri Cram f the World. ‘The Egyptian Government is now survey- By Professor Thomas Shaw, of Ontario Agri | Most seasons, on cold win any case is ‘Su in considered, lining a and military. “Napier, who had a most var-|the Imperial House of Commons on the J com ek milise wid the country to ing a route for the extension of it road a cultural College.) when it 4s planted inside with such substances as | [24 soldierly experience, knew what he Woman's Suffrage bill moved by Sir Albert Wis Little Biack Gi be cr i meass | to] | Thesurpsaing news comes pony oe Bs along the Nile as far south a8 Wady ifalin. ‘i ep Ther i is probably no no. question relating to| ,_ (37) At the usual tite of planting, and cea, paint, pitch and tar docs writing about, and Rollitt.. The fact that this m¢ a8 if ‘was Stabbing He: of re = word, en tha Mctaeenstgies tons Ccues a, Auetraliay 0 ment, ages sonpecte Wh Who Declare Their In| T+ is estimated that it will cost £800,000 to : i which there is 30 | F seem to be of any adequate rt of ie virtues and military defects of his country- | defeated by only 23 votes is surprising . ; ex's Keay Shoe: 1 Treated. advancing in small: force, ‘and |. wot permit for bee a aay ene an Nenentrdy kecsere 0.| bafld p nacrow gauge toad front Gigel a =| mo euch present | fF Planting i sbout two inches. pol2, Whee the silp forms s part cf the | men. Ho saw tha fy arma daha saree unsatisiae: of Five White Mon tm the ee Would fall a sary pee. Wilir! kreschary | oun OF Maneke for work collec sneer pian Fo Halfa, ‘which forms the present Bine ws to thet apo a Ailo ena ata (38) In barn or stables, there does not seem great deeds in the ry to many tes | curate Withee Fhe Wass bf Miais in his camp, food very -scarce; his little| ations. The Government has approved the a eat oan = petals southern frontier of Egypt. en the es de sienlbece'in ‘Hig ares oatel Henle the purpose are used, but in Canada it is any necessity for sheeting on the cats ct shown in peace the aan ‘organization | principle, and was opposed by —_ = band of porters depleted every week by de- | Dill in spite of a large public meeting hhich arrived | railroad reaches Wady Hella it will not. be oi of inquiries hie Sremiti perio ‘eqns ly planted with the ordinary grain drill | the studs. to secure the earliest soli in war. Their | stone, not only in Bea } inze. Brisbane to protest against the renewal o! Bin by nes Mean ee inet Ifflodlé te oxtedia Ve ieithan aowd on ious aspects of the question, when only such ofthe tubesare usedas may} (83) Where Pat ince igiess valli te upon grea -organ- | lately’ pablished pamphlet. 3 Pt nacetneonhae monte position of affairs ‘3 : Peer Sine on nn tei con Of the Chi i fetta balsa trond W i ticeesed ta te (30) Ta coy. wonthae Abs Lect abla’ bo | eceee, > ited, Ta poopmigtiad A cautoped: “and ob-| _ The bill in question s proposed to eo whe: nin Apel ist yea rateable dis- Dablio press, and in the relative importance | rotted both before and after planting. (84) vera ov perma fog webct the silo are high, cre pre cry <n apart en Solange hepato . “ Bishop Bari as written & 2 ttached a . : seurissoaie Seerittibe otiiced cal come | eariek wens 1, with Niarinze and the handfol BBaery, i - “The news of ‘a toth meetings of the farmers institutes, |, (10) ting, the barrow #2 poms: | sdvaatage may be taken of the presence ‘of /ure, As one of the most humane and sym-| reasons for b atrocities i nd all the British officers now The principal ebject of this paper, there. | ime? used once and sometimes twice before | the ions to strengthen | "7¢;, ehpriti y| Preenetr dt we ioc fore, is to furnish the desired information in | ‘®¢ oF comes up, and it is usual to harrow | them by aa g iron rods through the | ji stincts, i Pa fied to vote a concise and practical form. ‘This informa- | *Wice After it is well above ground. |_| partition am and within it, from side to side of ‘at the neglect of preparation that prolonged | there are some reaso! 3 . were accused hav fal in into the hands of Egypt, and tion is A Vpidad own experlocen 0) PBI aad aight tr caw estas Hoyt ppbnge strifoand wasted bi Ute, “This is the attitude | contrary, tbe bill with eight Senegal neensland b : that they’ were simply bite od by | wi on that of farmers who have madea decided |Sb!e cover a wide space, are light of] (85) The partitions, when Permanent, | of many English mili ilitary men to-day, who | great deal of criticism among plies, as. sti til ae ent st history | Mason, knew nothing of his plot, andhadno| ‘The Egyptian Government has been en- success of the work, and (3) on the findings wit wb ees numerous short teeth, | may consist of two tiers of inch boards with |see that the present. Eng ia aay GL bad Lerag ares se poe ot a pe S me % S no Hine met, the great | couraged by the improved condition of its of various experimental stations which have | With ® @ backward rather than forward CA ica ners oe ae e be made ov ver a an ah cost |lield in Londo Wat ol. Die Palani hatin thwart h i . e mad even the most caret sree he! , pales fans cb tobogintheprelininay 8 -antling e in the field, that it will have to be pounded | de iin seal i. De -Beasra, but pel i it he inqut tl ‘he. comp!etio: 8) should then stis ¢ | Another and nailed firmly together. ak ed Du Chaillu and cppose a was re “(sin this county, yond, ldo soil between the rows or hills mer |" {86) When the partiticas are net perman- inte p ew erenstati sd (hat wed of vkeperat would be adepts with which Crampel a iiekiaid manorel So riendly 8 y the | Pre teaific is renewed because the Quooas- | #ided at the tortures is Ss Yo, af sn a th raltoad wll make teaser att heap: the ctop for the silo, | ‘Ban once a week until the sora commnaces ent, they may consist of two-inch planks, | be done in war. The explanation of the mil- | League, most of 1's bones are bleaching | tb us i ret te tat sone Poe there | honor wi iceroy of Nan! fia |far up the Nilo, “e) @) Nasiyall ail kindle of other foldes crops | ie Bae not ater Ti Period. at fret | SRE in position at the ends with cleats. | tary inefficiency of the British army in time | are marr hsabahe bpnks oF the page a Mecr gril tha is | Re sropayalpaeniere te intelli he Bani gil em acy fe cutanl uo} renailyas"ts make av oe P. (87) The corners o' should havea | of peace, and its capacity for great deeds in | tion that ‘women who Bhaci River, where he war Greacherously|J98B6y came the beginning ofthe Ia Sentra Rese 8.0 orgs buco fiel ae lips Teast ice of making pew Tato silage should dered a vet oat 3 poor Niarinze, if| A crowd of the apparently friendly bes ted a , ytain- t been picked from o1 e had mas to whether the | PUt should gradually become more shallow. | board or plank, eight or ten inches wide and | time of war, 1s to be found in the trait indi- | their capacity to control a household should edges, it, i behin he cultivators used ma} wn | bevelled gt the odees, ft ; oe one oe bore etl te coe | na wae be eg nag arya ieee fay seg oerrerstrmree earne wih plea she be al : 5 Haag: alavéry | hammedang suddeoly overpowered and 3) Fed clover should roo oe ee ae iter; condition for ce, as SavrdUst: hie station has a {ian Will fight till the Inst ca a S| one afalag ine ess to secon the rept ine women fe ft my nen as = ae e|1 ore ably form exceptions to the general state-| narvesting when the corn in the ear ah tm ery Soars ihdegatr roel Pabiro ppb raghh de Je Bales Ties tall eat Of te rele ta reach the civilyed world of thetrag- | pel aud Moharam id, hi in. fice f Hates ison that on | Jor the Zaton dia! poriatve (@) Good. rye" ai we was made at this Bert eet aati ug glazed or fom, both at the inside and at the outside | in peace for no other objest tl ic fate of African ex i a edly rit mnitable for s i fon. i { . tudding, and they seem to i sini u 16 Pa cating herve the | nN oy setiendditeatiing the ernest seem to answer | propared for efency in eth bone tae ighting i lao for the egtton Pea tvaloheeit te ten |COFD, alow home made sled running be- ) Ee filling in : i tran % ae ; Im sheallo snd weighting if to some extent. | [°%, vo vows, with Knives which hevo.& os pee the silo ere ar ) In feeding rye silage, some form of | freon two tows, wi - t. of view, it is fae imtacrat . ly bolted to the sides of | (90) 4 gaunt may eg log iho d-| sled, has given much satisfaction. lin ay chtper rma ening. the ee mandorers Th (6) In choosing varieties of corn the aim| (47) ie acae drawn by one horse and |inner lining between two studs as may be | and had learned in the field what it onght Ee a fs ine = re so should be to secure the largest “amount of 9 men stand cpon it and ex © oT ohn | Fequired. to have been taught in garrison. There are tee bel ea BRAS eet tock and grain consistent with that matur- ; “8 it fal and lay it off in sheaves upon the} (91) Of the different kinds of floors, none | certainly abundant precedents for the belief | controversy did not turn on y_lines. ey ee acne camry te incase peeieyas ei? more satisfactory, all things | that national instincts will make good in| Such leading Tories as Sir Michael Hicks- at tiack eats i jor_what parpose did Cram pel retarmto y did he take with him tne (48) Practical men are now early all onsiidered, than ay providing the drain- | the lon bill, but a g Tun—a very long and exper Beach and Mr, Che esd the bill, bu ia) It is impossible to na:xe varieties that | *&Teed that Siteale tds inaarnest met age is good, as it always sho a be. Ian t6 be pare’ she lock of Vosiheabiall tare Mr. Battonr dav rently ‘car- lin her easly teens, who had been will good results over all por- | that it is decidedly objectionable in wet} “(92) Where there is apprehension of| training. ‘The British army a century and | ried with him ceeeiiee ot toe. Oanerva: tives, Sir William Harcourt, Mr. Labou- Cae Diveinos: weather, and this is in agreement wit trouble froin rats, a cement floor may a half was in a very low this station. go bullet through ker (8) For the past three years at this sta- | °*Perience at this made by first using several inches of small | ficiency, and yet within twenty : Mr, Ohambeslain: were arrayed e tion ve have Obtained salisfactory rerata| (40) For drawing the orm to the sile|sioncs.or rough gravel, with limited that tine Great Britain with Mr. Gladstone agai east’, 24 |e Search expedition ali anothe |aag caine aisha with Compton’s Early and King Philip of | $PY (orm of ols ne witha flat rack upon | quantity of water lime over them, and aneat of India and had dri and so it seems were most of Se pees es He says that all the astive and Arab ver- eit masters required them to. iis 'Gacty ccarigtine, ioe Spent it wal anne have ®ve, this a light pete of Portland | 4 , and stood al li caer bana a a Ae ” hocoult gather ag is The isconsin Yellow Dent of the medium remus cement. er. At the opening of this century the | Literal minority supported the Ro! it pro Wes maturing kinds, and Chester County Mam | Sica‘et res on iw i me rk ead 198) Hea ee ae eee ie ee sreay, anne seh y Peel bit oe coe ree a he better saaoed dt her aeorrite: telat iy [Meter Hee taser ARSE tas Anan Gal aa andl Peeps? Tooth ot sin lates varie pr eee pelisoe seen ling. 8 oe tha cost ob aa roster ll ane eno bon but in fifteen years it stood victor at Water- | ward ith ge pala attaining their ob- old " y ly 7 ties. iculty in computing the probable cost of | joo, imea its de! se of Commons. Their (9) Of the other varieties that have done | Whole Being sus sunpende tothe rontand hind hat*vh hee may purpose tion sspicuor 2. ®. Balfour will then ( pate lied red aoe ae ae well here and also in other sections of the sl) Wine bl (94) The feeding of the silage may com- Yet pi eed had ing and come out of this a larger proportion of the Conser- afr re citcbar ihe tie 51) It is not considered fitable to] nence at once, but usually the silo is not | war before she had eS recong} k, and that the see EG atte chief to ra of the sectet ss, ‘White Flint, fe Mammott| " ne orn in the silo without first running | opened for some woeks after it has been part in India, » great task she accomplish: Ries ofahele alles among, the, Liberals _ aie eer ag ‘Arabe'gt anise Rbges pauey ke atteale jouthern Sweet, Pride of the North an‘ led. that showed that if sho had | wil increased. ‘The bill, how- ‘ B ; Smut 5 fan satig testi ong "(Th sage sand fl rm the So eer iy ae hac Se |e wl soap rv sept Jog ec tay yo pe ae wie eet ee Ba ot As ihe dea z Seine pects = a init reece reliy Niglieg ee wR tne tongs oh method is attended | come less warlike, : i th ce ai pig tonished that esate Mave im in the side, and his bod: soa Fi ‘i si aie a ‘would ex. corn is: lestroyed, care shou! re te id. A een the married and the unmar- t * = De biae tere Gat wink may impli-| , (09) Carriers are into te the entting-| (96) Silage makes an excellent food for How to Have Good Pork. e suffrage upon adult some though il the country of the ad Ne aa a st his powers of iagimtion spline eye selina on to start well under ayer- | OX to carry the corn into the silo to any saileh cows, beef eattle and store cattle Z identical with those im- ne y. the atived bheetbte Hoke ne cae dosived height ‘ages when fed. with other food ad-| A writer on how to get the best pork eee ; whites. The chi 4 Que May "the purchase of seed should receive}. (54) Our practice aims sab cutting the corn ieee or bran anda suitable pro- | SAY that in selecting breeds for o herd of | Piy coincidence that the info lngthn of ves fourths of an iach, and portion of hay or straw, cut or uncut. a English female suffragists should have re- ith pro) ition sufficiently carly to enable the (97) It has alao been! fous ed highly. iseful one of the half-dozen improved breeds, " its are satisfactory. Browet its germinating power (55) It is claim val thatthe sherk lergtha’ but generally the prefence can be some | Cc?tly lost the support of two influential hi ieee erie ne enon. ioe Oe, ree ees closzly in the silo, are Hepes ter org ee ans ie dort different | *Pesial breed that seems the best adapted |™em Mr, Gladstone and etic y daughters to take back with | affai a isely de- hotest ion would bat e| ‘The foreign Consalk at Shanghai have ap- Bee rea tea a dlatachoey wey of SPURTE Tncidiad Unvallien teniloncy’ tol winks [aoe oe to the particular locality. The Chesters, | Spencer, both of whom were formerly re : y cided that to attack the Arabs would only | shy f a Fijiship,the reply would | pealed to their Government to suppress eiivcaay ioe fel ot avers = vat sore the mouths of the stock, and are eaten | “(98) ft has furthermore given good re- ey and pout 0 a is a to | garde oad aah AA OE SS i vain Bh cane ae eerie be 3 i ee He therefore ;, on hearing that word,the na- | this hideous cruelty. lonell Ave., Toronto, deca , cleanly. come very fat, while the Poland-China, not want such a present. told Chie! aretreat. He retui to France on —~— Be tater of he era 1 (lb, Site the corn falls from the carrer |inmbe tat are ning lttoned wen eda | Boreaiceand e tow others naturally pro- [BNE onions favorable othe politcal ‘ athe oe survivor ofthe Ser ee Ee Tr you want to oe sella farm ad- ‘tant the 7 1 nig - | into the centre of the silo, or of one com-| varying quantities along with other food. juce lean pork. The fashion to-dey is lean, , ted in a lately published i = A is peop! ve wl e 3 and) but d oe sea till they were out 0} Some Mysteries We Live In. sae a the ability to germ partment of it, itis more easily spread and)” (99) Our experience in feeding it to pigs {POTE, or at least good fat pork heavily | evel» Be ecanted, in aang ares intermixed. in the different stages of fattening has not ld | (67) Mixing the heavier portions from the | heen. exeonecaia oe bat it copainigna to contre with the lighter portions cowards the tsi part of & maintenance ration for | quality of the bre ww considered the cheap- | !and-Chinas would be a nt ISe-| 00 haa: Overtaken’’some of tho |au0, tyne 7 Jand, | our experience. ‘The quer just here: | iment epee meet the eye of some one noo oe possible after the i Hi 88} fwho pureh: Advertise-| ailage, and preserves an Pequilibejans at ster reac! © coast | tives and bear them off to Fiji. ‘That was te ents ecole a are inserted in m the ing of spring atched with a stron; ropes ee of another per: e ins PG) When the cor is kept well spread] Ltt aries Ha arta op [te hel itn and iling Line. "Rva [oa fo ght, Ho soatende int fron if vee ea Plieauer Pee ace ee rome ae evay Twi ante by | Toronto er se ite ‘ a €] nere rin: + word for five insertions. ee saline of tramping around the edges oe ches fom Lets Bead Bat aie raromette eer & male ters whe a hand, le Some white employees were e called Hanon a dare porn m vary deat friend, "The Mail?” Toronto ¢ the gr of seed might tna ‘he, ‘ce acai nate only varieties that we van supply for this | called “ cholera proof ” hogs lies almost en- vg military age, ee ee grounds i Vt “Now you have | a hun il f the plac pit i ips. They | 28d one seemed to place implicit confiden mein re eer ie ie (G9) It is now pretty well decided that | uP,cerieneneat, we can supply for this | tirely in the selecting of the breeds and the | 8 whic Heh their “iene Jn “legislation : a Ea Tae ra dee, ich Sp iMase aed filling may be rapid and continuous or per-| Mammoth Cuban, Wisconsin. Yellow Dent, | Methods of breeding and early feeding. One to la cucu Tun eee elong to the white man, : ne of i pee feat. grow well in any 0 iodie, ‘aay be convenient Leaming, Ng, Thoronighbred White Flint and oy esprit maak in handling the eh ge ies ane Syeaiite & and you are ‘guy ee white man’s coun: pri in wski’s hands. heft | them wore a ¥ cial 01 i { ill, ie “rips ia 60) ff id filling, is to feed them corn too freely, an ise meres ne rite d i i ; is ac a tarot fe, oils are ich loams, ein eo ,Oe experionce favors rapid filling, | Compton's Barly. even the best breeds will be susceptible to| have grievous consequences in Parlin: ai yee the young girl was taken from her na- | Cramps ety. Th gee a elas i e bees eaten wa “iowirg elco ise and engage in prayer for her friend, COP e lan { 1) OF the 1 inethetis ail SSS the disease in time if treated in this way. | ™ tive forests, which onl; ‘ and did so. "iy Hlpugh otc wal adapted to s oa JESS the silo no one has proved uaiform | ‘The Society for the Disestablishment and | If fed entirely upon. corn even the. breet< |S8V, both in the framing and in the ‘enfore~ aver entered, and introduced to of theie participation ia the mur ee Under hie “ber the at iasires he next time the friends mob the first ate ey crops may. be grown om] iy ‘and completely satisfactory. Disendowment of the State Church of Eng- | inclined to produce lean pork become bloat- | ing of statutes. The fact that with them ry beyon igh 16 Lob them samt tape send panied eae = was re vaca aoe gers: (62) It is at Teast questionable if there is | and began its triennial conference in Lon- |ed with iat, anddo not yield the lean-streak- | feeling is priate! otic) powerful insti- cow marvels, where she w: ie mag ned es pee fal of ‘salt ‘rater, whieh [St i ici ie, a1 i m8) As c dl it economy in usin, nd of covering, all don on y A Leable despatch |ed pork. ‘The bone and muscles of the pigs | gator of sction than is reason, constitutes pane eek ees b : ou i utener fi Ihe corn is be leaning cro} Pi it may things Cacaidetel; as whe ‘ile when says Dr. Spence on, @ prominent | are inpaifed in order Sa at & ey perfluous | 12 Mr. Sy ea Mab yok EMD al Ee e plans for Niarin: CLOUDS OF Locusts. i Ration wie ok "| this condition soon witha white | Quaker, in the course ef” an argument | amount of fat may be laid on. | he a ward, he eyhaaervean gee ae i at St isi . " were invercedi ide ot iJ x i ~ = aiid ial, ‘io Eevaion. clover sod ould several g fnches thick, and a0 forma its against a ne crested much ox- ees ‘summer feed must, be of we calla fegation woman had the 0 go to a part of Africa that no explorer | pyoy Are fe Sa the Sahara fi them to accompany him on board | #n¢ T grew cull and oy ‘They Invade Alger ip. aw phate ‘and: haé.k6oovered.” (Gok best quality of meat always kept on i in the end. a biegee ea aeN vpereal ed atti 7 ranean eae bo foyer One ga ruiter was extremely successful in |* some danger of distur ied fi Atlantic that religious freedom which was | clover set one year will stsare re eek dear friend die, and tothe crop from the ravages of the cut: mG) Peden ret ee send Shem athome, but they soon became] grown hogs. ‘They shoal beallowed to eat | Mr. Somos tte mee ote we rato saniogreahanerie ince Aig fn making the marge sae val oe ul ded ofr erotica aan! é lies | t of America, and presently | this frecly until the fattening season, when | gain : mpel needed a Pahouin inter- | eff ay th -| the , do so, when she, had’ a 0) The pa ae the Jand far Pepe ei rid at on beat hoes o of dierent reli corn can be given to them in quantities | think that the latter, being s young man - le misao political in its nati i Pegged i ° d gue : fe ee th 00 vs adjoining jstignt.| HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID et nee ie fo 1h (65) in i oeating the stot if epi fo este including the Qual The bone and muscle of the animals will be | with » long public career before him, will 3 required celerity. he young ing | esta, Tt is now belioved that they” co a "aomdgereesari moved, and that the apiit of her. frieud tilize a sufficient then to sustain dense layers of | Ultimately outweigh the loss of the other 4 her French lessons,’ was an ar across the desert from the Bonde. the pasted through and came to her side, and FOR POULTRY OF ALL those utilize a por- Ae: e | é ‘The German Emperor seems to have an i tw ides, with the spread of social i expe rs Id land al And ston the bench, Naaahiue tecoene aioe Gith corres- fat. Dry food will also be necessary through | two. sep ace ca me aa ot tis hand. Niatinze cheerfully turned b store, would land alone and sit.on the beac! ea tion JES we ove sth ats sods eee suns, even. dex Ce) to the | spring and summer, and this shold consist | among the trade unions, they are likely to Z back on the: lite she: had space a phd hirty days, and the locusts re e boat was then sent to the ship, a im- fain the support of workin ho ha iromtow te 3 hip, Te Seas clatelyaar, ie sataiah tae so KINDS Ral deep ploughing, ison Suton to aid i Alelthidint Srapes weet owen, Ait mediately after the Tate content rates = aoa es ne iterereere yt endl heir clain ate Cisie crowd Sf aig hore agen a 200 One | and windows sign ‘open, through ait eo in the destruction o bern legram from ( seeing | of his favorite trio e same plane with the live nak, 8 bh really unne Ss Turnips, em was as they stood on deck wavin; f the prodigivus numbers in whic! fraid, although the feelin, Sgt raring torah wi rgnot vise sd as nent a posite fo the central po a ees a Higne hese, conveying bis hearty | bests, 2 tf botatoes with no sprouts anaes eens thers | the terrible insect may multiply du arg its) on pee = iy oul i ted jible form was waiting s| WiSits Millbank every Tuesday and lth, the retention of ground mointure | of feeding. victory. The Kaiser says :— By right of | > Wii) make an excellent f pe eoeginet i is tela Poot the wigan clenny Hate i i av hei : : i Saturday with Meat of all Kind (67) The size of the silo will depend says =" By ri to the clover. The turnips can be fed t Tq August, 1890, the weiter of this art Shanta hagnaleeny bi he| 2 i as empty. i A - y s thie more compte etrcton of weeds | Oe ctthe oteck, peeiber promos [PT Oe and never falling fiendship for | either in their raw state or cooked, making | more auspicious conditio 3 reorved latter from Mrz. Carl. Steckel- [northern edge of the "Saba i ir | impelled by i ies siden, gered | Tet gran natin ee . tn old sod the ground should be ploughed | tive, which are to be fed upon it, beg you tobe theinterpreter of my heartieat | & Cay be tsige aeoe eee a SPE TITAS brpreenet erica pried dco cea td Mie cant eel Loe ibeiedt meartie'téliake Leseatk ¢ had writ: sa late in autamn or early in the spring, that 45\00) A cubic foot of silage weighs about | congratulations to the er ‘be oe eee Siteniow th The ee ee asa ae aad this | os Aller & Pride heryothd appeae 6 notioe i ld 7 5 Ibe, tl a rye. Thepigswill enjoy this tl r ee a patncing tallsmnces nity give 166 Evel Oleg sedans lars Someta e Gaus hvac ees lover of aquatic | Pation and thrive sit.‘ When oats, barley ee ee oe fh the E yall aie eae rear at yee see ehau toe Then he would walk rod rt a mgh: the writer SAUSAGE IN SEASON f vi ‘ é walk a rod or two 0 yon i foe loner sols sna, winapi nd ln | aoe enn le Set | Deana en | Sta aa a 1 = ee oi ry fw inayat cen | Eh ele sae AR a ee 2 fei ie near the in so rational s way. It was wel i ri in an inn, He repeatedly showed th mn be i fh 1 ¥ ins to the relish of the on. He rep “the Mt pie corn, that the decay of | (69) ae pied is La oa Leese a from first to last. other rots ae Pr are cheapand for pestis ee and was, aftera time, a erteerede ch Pickelod Tongue alway (25) Farm yard Metesga robb the Por tages in having them —< One of the most famous cases of poisoning | the swine. Hogs brought up in this way | asked to show a new trick. i |. Geo; ° Tpeokied bib errs best oe agg i Rheng rine deep. Alas, the silage settles on the British turf occurred in 1879, when | through the early part of the season are in | _ Thinking he would loze his audience if he i he traders on the coast ; | had journeyed to th part of the pS cee aati eh Pe dailies for ‘cor were ee ts ner Se ee aca Sie ak Ae ean ak Pert sa Soe or aan axeellcnd oom liton fx ue fall They wrt | id aid ne oy mith the Fees, he cudgel ft nd not until the explorer was far on his ty ie Ber a geaints Tab Ge gull sunset ny tia ON(28) Not more probably than fifteen tons | op, bolas more cate greater compres-| brightest lights inthe Eagloh Siod Book, | bardly here a sick day darn the hot [ed is brain in order to" discover a ‘ way did the fact about his mibion become ; u spe ‘hon ier were Beau abe bates | ats aka be wel enon by vad : i i ye ‘was at rt weather, ‘ in it i sts. it ay ji { Ce eee eee any inter and | (7) All thucgs considered, the wood silos |and owned by the late Lord Falmouth. She | they ean be fattened on corn for the market. “At lat he thought of one and announce ncted to hoped that a large part of the crep this sca ae oe they must | member, I shall surely go!’ The nig! C3 Bay ery Resets Mle leacky, with ar paper between thetvo Linings bave'|won the Gaizexs aid the Onksin bandacme| The iost erccllent streaked porldjwill be his intention of showing ** The hankerhiot dite grea SMETCT ss will be taped tag cugiesigbotDous: ex? i m to see his} ious to the social tho wo be i Fit Frovestt plication, given the bos satisfactio style and was backed by thousands for the | Produced when they are finally killed. orthern pact of that Pee fo the Government in the way of ai ul tricks. He had ‘i 3 ea od pte IOKLY, THOROUGHLY, FOREVER CURED aeiaalicin sesdsdadty preterabia (72) Ti iis probate th iathkOuiaay future |St. Leger at a very short price. A few SEE - Rea rio Ee! federate in the trick, iver. n he mart ve SoS carrying out other measures | Pl@ he a Hie tay but Lilalt the peekeoet Fat ae Q . if SAE ery serene Ee | obo on andar | wrong tna Wan of Vong] The aces acne in hous erat tt | see ade Bik ah her dre ou cert eee a [ide en? ugh i : Whee crak form wil some extent, and, vie e no more, Mi Calling him, of the Sah: He he iv ing in: “inet ale Bye n svailable, the manure may be {fron the standpoint of darability; they | the read. she threw great winners, Lord| mint at Cabul, which has turned out ihun | “2° a gape Poo ek ar pois Gani a ae mapa son ———_+ —___ perce ot ie eet 1 digs ite FeLi midge eet robot seca et Aree eee oe Fo i re oe teats. of tio’ voll nye Fis Gaudet alls shoal bel hap t0" the Ally = ak she bold ears ere ean ae ry ran and lie the handicercief by means cnt F ibes, placi i ssp polar beat Now that te AAs Gals vechiaah its | Weare sartoeudachy erento caked ‘ores Me Benen A ition ; but when fi i al reti e a facto The Chini most i with the surface soil in the feracrs the wood sills which rest upon|stud and retired from the ct, of| where ss af creme mike from 7,000 to 10;- ee ae bay hrs erat certain that the Getiien d Goren is certain, and if at Hey aoe explained by e: a the f % spring, fee results may be looked for, them should be firmly = ore oy iron| which he = cid the strongest | 000 cartridges every day Pat, oe bee me entoirely,” said Pill can Toate He Pigeon pera Creme coun- | will have to di 3 it of epi A and (ol ae ey et ten dc dheaerd Se raol Gonos re Tang Svetecein thissenutsye je thosd ferns bean fags tho best sera ho ins The cro soon admitted, and t : = France great i i Is wi rom Christendom that will make it very Pint Like Her (00) Phe time for planting corn tor the| (74) The sizeof the sills and studs more| ure, and did not et penny on race him: | evonetabliahed tailoring and boot a Ce: score ing on the stage threw a ny, and England competed, though writing, and a clever. writer,-—or, as sapien oars one ano ac Spankors oT Wisk to BA silo varies with the climate, locality, soil, |commonly used is 2x 10 inches, and the| self, although his stable had a very large| workshops on the mos* spproved English re pt alegre coe they say, clever brash”*—is considered Regraha gore teaie peas yee coy and sometimes with the variety of the corn ‘atone apart — vary es 12to 16 ee 3 sacl Pin agand, nor or nob- | system. % opt. wo inches and then Inck ani c | worthy of thei Seep ie carga. in le cig! incl e silo is deep or otherwise. g is no! , nor in this a hae Bes ion ii The studs ehould be carefully! country either, for that matter, and man: d * Arise,” and this time An Undertaker's Syndteat hUsesdmiehee te cst ole alae and shotld have doubletenants at {famous horses have been permanently dis-| Queen Margherita of Italy is an enttasi-| the sauience ee ee neha oe eee pasar Mave ae fea that acrnoe ae meee eieached Rots Oe at tac aT hae neces | bothneate abled by unscrnpalous scoundrels, In Eng | astic sanitarian. Pat ory All ight, garner, but the inANcaely all of the Porsin faserate are| Keep this erziages, ‘ae is attached = warmed to the temperature of 52° to51°| (76) There should bea girt for reorving | land the penalty is very severe for doriyg| | Baron Hirsch bas stan excellent example Goocid sting’ tang cies e : zermet to. the studs every 8, 10 or 12 feet, according) s racehorse, and it oe penichabe in Fis wealthy sportsmen ofall creeds and na- matte a re fhat I ack have cobb i f | to the hei, int of the silo. this country by a term of imprison- | tionalities. has deci levote the met laie oper season E 5 i iit of bir. 5 i i mor still o heap eonieted, Wor fayie cos ei ‘The plates may be of the same size | ment at hae labor. ere are at bert | whole of hig his turf mings of lst. sean | bette © proper season is wisdom and ing men enough to cary his goods.” zm to £320. sles | ead. you! How many the ron beak th cpt 33) i may | as the girts. ‘American courses 8 en! of | am etortad Ug sand} ig is GOL. x 1 as to instruct his as- | 4] i : : Se i ie 8) "The sheeting may consist of h who have at stone Bt ——- for institutions ofakin nature, “The North. cs is rig! fede what we © sistants fab ‘the as rs ar y roe pala St at el Teas ged bres deen of more than one ne favorite in a | west Lond on ett Heath Tews ae = xe mower with ol > ha sa peels, Wie eed oe ais pe Seer Ae facet balldings ped Pied ern ee pd ed bea Pinon 1 ape ties ee LG ete dao! be a y oe ing race. The pois ie, orally sdmitsteré | reese £1,000, ity College, the | | Common sense is, 0 kinds, the most Fate Seva faire iad tol porters Whe theatrea 7 take no, notico | alenost all i. teil itil saa eb vont a dog house.” We have tes! London Hospitals, Fe It implies good ‘indgment, in the hope of getting assistance to m cee " and down to arte in exclad- odin an apple or some other dainty of which => ied ‘Hospital for Sick Children, Great | sound discretion and trye eaceeas Eigen ett 9, Benes ove ti og the horses are very fond. ‘wisdom applied, to common whatever of Christmas, as as pantomine isnot | in pee street. will receive £700 each. Ze * favourite amongst Teutons oe” | othee by wide and genscally remainder of the stores. He heard that |