Milverton Sun, 2 Jun 1892, p. 3

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POST OFFICE BUILDING HELLIBORE For your gooseberry bushes, |L. Janta, nights Friday. $9 ‘A fresh supply just on hand. aro ciate, noo itzi’s, =e a —Canadian Clydes- All Prescriptions Promptly Attended to. A Subscriptions received for all newspapers | n Yi noon; Henry Senet gh urday to his as CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE Bench baer . to 8 p. ER ae ce «pies name ae oa JAS. TORRANC dala The proper . E, Shalkespeare. | Mon ‘Miss Hesperson, Asst. stable, ellesley, for ‘ina den Niece We Wels, haa oon see The German ~ Hasenpfog’s on "thursday, C Kip- fe tahells “hotel, Silban', night Friday to his own stal : bo Geo. Alles, Watlesley, hee wi own Hanpo- Genera Te property of Chas, Pinder, * Silene ¢ stock of Watches of the best mat aves hi om stable for Docking, setare such as Elgin, Waltham, Columbus, pag eee Hen, n00 ze Wes ‘Watches and Clocks at Bufo, oue hour, Then to John Fenton's, id gold” or silver watches, and rings—a nice assortme: Js.and as low prices as = my wal 3d, the general public appreciate Fe the best eviden: om 9f all. E ? if your intention is to tay w more’s, Embro ight. Saturday ee (haa tasty Oe sia "i iornig J, Seat ‘heel, Stratford fing ving alcneers G0egs © his own stable until Mond: _tacles, hee ae get Grand Trunk time, George Pfaff's Jewelry Store, Milverton. Y Royal Nmding | riage — Monday leaves his own stable, 700 first repairing in Milve tes that the babe ap- his rante class cr Wateh and Jewelry Re- stable night Saterday Haseupllug’s “Hotel, ee ee in Bea, The French ‘printed _ Delaines. 1 Gronar—Imported car- O'd Ireland HAKESPEARE AYS “To be ae dresst FOR SILKS AND VELVETS We have their all aol : Oft ager W. Y The rest.’ he ir all wool Cash-| ~ aye their all woo! | ARE you WELL Kid Gloves, from G DRESSED a ‘oble, the centre of kid life and death. A pair and a 4 whether a man has an ill fitting or well half of gloves i is the out i it of clothe: te And a good deal get money for ther garments are a disgrace to the seller re buyer. It is, therefore, pee Sit ting to sell stylish wellmade and well- cut garments. ‘his we on to do, We have German manu gnd have been more than successful in factures and merchandise sleet our tr eg Schaefer the Tailor MAIN STREET MILVERTON: eit for the ladies Eeca wear and foot wear also? dress goods, dress trim- mings, a variety of fanc ge ag THE : CORNER 4 ST RE Bree dress goods from fancy effec cts Opposite the Post Office, Milverton flatts BESTEL ae “es: Bargains for the Ladies As the season fer Millinery is now petting well advanced, we wish to clear out the balance of our seasonable goods. We have many fash- jionable shapes on hand, and we will rush them off at a discount of 25 per cent. We are de- termined not to carry. over any Millinery, consequently those who wish bargains in this line will do well to call during ‘the eoming week. We mean business, and will, without doubt, give a 25 per cent. discount until the entire cloakings, — From Belfast we get ovr linen _hankerchicfs, tal |- lings, towelings, and other fine linen goods. W. J, FERGUSON egies promptly executed at lowest prices. y from 2 to 4 o'clock, then to his of Edward H fem , lot 9, con. 18, Elma, con. 0 eS Cin 5, Doel nid’s, 11th cor i, — The iron. Sun ay, Robt. Ford's, noon; prom “night. Saturd 4 pore of Mr. Kirkpatrick as Lieut- ae takes place June 10th, similar to the above FREE OF CHATGE. and election one week later. The Farmer For Tue Sux d Clydes- | take Mouulay, |it i 2: tesson, | tive Assembly. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1892 night. Thursday, Jas. Fon ‘con 3, | Roth vel ene py N Maryborough, noot ee cre Hotel yrone, | Campbe rns mocunb a einer in the son drain being $48 Elma, noon; then to » bis | ebarye i by her giving tant reesipt for. same. their Route Bills Moved by Mr. : Hammonds seconded iy y ov. of Ontario, has been issued. printen. ae. aha es office receive a not Tie 2, Ree Bray, pemeea! Au honor to the man who stands behind Tae sixty-third annual session of he plow ; Consent ii svete the Grand Orange Lodge of British Tato im _blushisig nature and brute pice oat ist eiaeet atl stock is disposed of. ‘arried. Council then Mi » end the agsessment shi il remain = ‘a facmas Tubs of Gilt Edged Butter Wanted for which the highest price will be paid — Guenther & Schmitt Centre Store, oppesite post office, Milverton, ughan, that Mra wid the bal lance of he te ne sum of $13, r expenses, that is $31, 09 and Clerk issu ‘following posount # vert = SOUNBUKER & ROTHABRMEL'S yy, 28th inst., as a eee Is the Cheapest Place to Buy ions North America was opened Tuesday | He drinks in rural “beanty as only yeoman He’s a ‘raid of labor’s yoke, he’s not afrai [rand Master, opened the proceedin ina speech, full of ioe Meco: fata the order and gr con: tained a ong cis great through summer's heat and %'s cold to earn his daily bread. ‘ihe. soil, then casts Who don't envg the farmer with his inde- gs pendent ; es | Pe of Thnk and and magazines and easy, Tar Hon. Geo. = ie eushior His festive board is always spread with ing, ‘wholesome food ; and dresses like Governor of Ontario, on Saturday last. le throughout the Province And mi cil of the townshit ere hotel ie the Mth ew, with C: Cbinet honors. Lier in Ela for man pal rs ge pe Gol. # the 47th Datalion, and has | 23 of the enoge 7 gi rey. | ai rest in the| yy they not bein; to mal throught ‘ae council to ze made in rate of various | mond, = by Br. as ge corporations, inelading the Can- wheres te ai nie F Taoifie Railw Kirk- | Cow isa da ind is on the directo ic Boat ashi a for the township of| drainage under bsg Saws, Nails, Glass, Putty. Scales, Axes, Fence Wire, Oils, TINWARE ‘A GOOD STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Schneuker & Roths.ermel Main Street Milverton Horses Wanted ! Any size, weight or color, to put some of my singh le Harness on, of which I hare a fine ‘assortment, and prices low snough for anyone to buy aset. Come and quae them before you bey ‘THERE IS HOPE FOR THE DYSPEPTIC elsewhere IN THE USE OF They are fi first-cla A Brantford No. 1 Helos fr Sl Heatly New. Can be bought cheap ANTED in Wm. Appel, "The Harnessmaker, STREFT, MILVER NS — aes ‘on account of failing health be he de- ape his charge and retired from the pastorate. MILVERTON ties of pRUG STORE Sige is that West side of Maia Street, #iowr be had so long ss ‘guia oe he fell asleep at the ripe a4 of 81. On Monday last his towel was at eae by a large number = ot Drugs, Patent Madieins, [ser'y esc =A LARGE stock OF g rel re conducted by t! 34 John Ray, Milverton, and Ag ss were laid in anilverre Presbyterian yl Molla Aptioles, te, |semeter ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND ‘Aut prescriptions promptly attended to | the purpose of reorg erton foot-ball ala sto following Saat bflicers were elected, ©. 8, Kertcher in o W. SLEG p tes sone President, ve Egbert 5 @. N. W. TELEGRAPH OFFICE Pa aks reas Dr. J. F. CATTERMOLE,| J ‘c Grech Capt. Ses a | wee Committe of manage’ Robert NEW W STORE 1 Goodale, Alan 1 Tarnbel “Win, Satton, | John Wood, Gus. Hasenpflug, O. S. Kertcher. ar dante Se NEW GOODS! oe —Mr. eect Is —See the adv. in another colean an Mil- vero photographer Komecnd ‘see our magnificent stock of —Last Thursday being Ascension Deg, : For 8 ‘i vices were held i in the Freee chu m, Rock? rs: Roeblin, Toronto, sister of M Egin, eee Rockford, Hampden. Seeathen i sisting hor is tt i town and Swiss Watches. —There were 627 mote votes srebad in saat on North Perth election this y in A NICE ASSORTMENT OF Smith: ns been visting z See bt bate in Baden and Heinity | JEWELRY this week. ; —After the | Grip Hoo bal ‘3 Sars: artes your strength very trace of poison from the bio . Ferguron, of Stratford, calla the 's readers atest designs at reasonable prices REPAIRN RNG sree mth page. A call when in ee Watches, Clocks and Jewelry promptly | "eave ‘repaired and guaranteed. —The horse belonging to Mr. A. Ruggle, iu. cunt, ne sum, of oraatey which strayed ene wisteck e a big celebra on ie a iret of fale, and et Hkely on that nd will return the Mornin; place on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept27th ee oath, An out of town paper erroneous stated that the date had not yet been fix: ifs, Win, Freeman, of Cadillac, “Mich., The aitverton 1 Su 2 isting fans in this locality, after a two ¢ is looking well, an erat iy satidfied with his surroundings. W, Stewart Lown of Killarney, “MILVERTON MATTERS aa eo ee _THOBSDAY, JUNE 2, 189% re by the death of his ticle. tends viaidog ‘the Old country befor art of Revision wise conn met as a Court of vision on Monday mori Hebe apdenle were ste against the ass ni by the farmers whose | in r of hemlock for the erection ich he intends to have 4 ee accordance with th Ww tad on on i lot, for the lately ee by the Local Legislature, ‘he band wil, ag soon asthe stan Chat firm lands lying taside village) 27° SS OP Sh rte wt appreciate Mr, limits be assessed at township rates. Sei ma at this rein The court adjourned for the purpose aang, of Listowel, was awarded the of settling what part of each farm was gold tate presented by the Singe er Sewing Liable for local taxation, Machine C Co. jes the agent telling the great: umnber of machines for, the ie e months ‘The Most Interesting ending Apr go back on Fost ge paper. |'lange nw Remember it is published in your own | time. interest, that battled for the rights of t keeps you | ™. : Mr. Ror oF £1 machines during tha —Last Saturday 297 head of export cattle Milverton, station, for 3, Mayberry, Sproule also sold sor -y subscril ie who learns news in ied her nm f no importance to you, that te no local news that Nae noling about local affairs, Joeal questions, or | Will d tl ,_ Sant Che, saan get ctl Saad wo - | Warrz—In iting, "68 on Friday, 2ith May, 1892, the wife of Wm. White of a fake .a city paper if yo daughter. Ai DIED Iways take your own local pape! eae yalratenen Obituary ae 1892, Rev. Th ‘uz Rey. Thomas Lowry, one of eS oldest Presbyterian dinars in Sie te | HELLO, THERE! seat ty death o his son-in-law, Mr. James W! haley, he Come and examine our tweeds forthe epring, iv Saturday, May os. Lowry, aged 81 ing, the 28th inst., at pagent hes We have spared no pains to select ‘For Burton is the tare that can make them. e We have men’s hats, boys! hats felt hate Hats that wal ra any crown. . | We —— ase a laces, buttons and were spent Grey cottons the cheapest in town. wich he was sent out by the Colonial | We have velvets and plushes, and all kinds Mission Boa Hi: Canada, where he has resided ever since. Mr. Low Men’s ties that we sell for a dime ; wry was an able and “faithful preacher, as Ki lve the ae es ies agh Ts 0! wide ‘Cases of sickness and —Thete are death from di Siocase, Midna ‘thai “from all combined. It is your own ‘kid remit! he sale by all druggiats ‘on receipt of 50 c] es a Write for book eatted Kidney Talk. | Important Facts Please Read Them ceniy ’ ask your careful y attention to this statement, brief but important, and a we will divide into three parts, vi 1, THE ak’, 2, THE NECES- ¥; 3 THE REMEDY. "1 st. The Situation J. G. GROSCH & CO. HAVE THE SPLENDID STOCK OF THE SEASON _ a Quality at the top Prices at the bottom ‘This is the condition of affairs, with us ‘as regards ee af Bvery Description — Complete in Assortment ! Splendid in Quality ! Bargains in Ladies’, Gents’, Boys’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, Rubbers Slippers, Trunks, ete. Health depends upon the state of the Dlood. The blood conveys every ‘telement which goes to make up all the s to it. tm heart, every drawing of the breath, ery thought flashing through the baie needs a supply of pure blood, to be done rightly and well. = 2d. The Necessity ‘The human race as a whole is in great need of a good blood purifier. ‘here are about 2400 disorders incident e me thuman frame, the large majority ing from the impure or poiso: onan of the blood. Very few in- dividuals enjoy perfect health, and i perfectly pure gton ae Ellice fall show takes | virul in the blood, we may contract disease germs in the air we breathe, the food we eat, or the water we drinl Bible Depository Here. Main Street, Milverton +N AILS*® HAVING “Parehinsed a car load of Nails before the late advance, I am in a po- sition to furnish intending builders ye Nails at surprisingly low prices. Call and examine them and get prices. — SEE OUR GALT AXES AND CROSS.CUT SAWS * BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE ~ Agent for Genuine Singer Sewing Machine Parlor and Cook Stoves Always on Hand w. ACHESON ae The Hardware Man . The Remedy In Hood’s Sarsaparilla is found he Len for all blood diseases. Its ‘cable cures are its loudest Roe Nesey has ever had so great see no medicine was ever Soreded 35 so public patronage. Scrofula in its srt forms has yielded to its potent rs, blood poisoning and salt ae hay you need a good blood purifier, take Hood’s : Sarsaparilla | Sold by druggtata, 8; six for $5. only by C. I. HOO! »., Lowell, pty 100 icone bhe Dollar | Milk ¢ Cans — Dairy Pails and Creamers will soon be a necessity, ‘endo those in need of such ‘will find everything in the oe line of Tinware, at right prices, and in endless variety BAVBTROUGHING, ROOFING: and REPAIRING WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Lining and Repairing Cheese Vats a Specialty W. D. SUTTON ye "Acheson’s Block, Main Street, Milverton me = Ladies of Milverton and Surrounding Country Do you want a Parasol 9 Ifso we have over 400 of them ranging from 20c. up to $4.00 each. These were import samples and to clear them out we sell them 25 per cent. le ss than regular seillng price: This is really the best they are ‘sell- ing for value ever shown ) in tne co = unty. =, nmin of te, tare aiige and ann, Yoemsed) 2O Tos. Raisins for $1.00, guaranteed to be as good as those usually sold at 10e. per Ib. -GROSCH & LOTH pastor in this Mc heey shone his pastorate the | Green coffee we have for the Germans ; a-| And lots of oatmeal for the Scoteb. tion of North Mornington was or- Ww Jassw: ganized From Milverton and North fe have crickery snd glasmware, maya At he as Mr. Lowry was trans-| ."Tobseco to smoke and to chew ; lated to the act prota Ca Salmon, tomatoes, corn, pickles and peas. If you want anything Brant soych sucons ‘ell fay ay oT Tee = ee 'The ‘Hustlers for: Trade at the

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