Milverton Sun, 2 Jun 1892, p. 5

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| Verbatim Report or the Premier's Famous i Speech at Hastings artes tat following i spatter whisk occupies inds, jin which 1 think the pros- ris growing up. For 0 everybody believed.“ conquered the w. . of free Fight at “The Pa ie eee Sigler countries ident. were the pro of things ce to free trade Tahal be accused of Re eerieccoenh or eta ane free. trade an xy. exth Take you to ree from ail that merely vitu- ing eaa_to consider, Whistle 16 doctrine of:iree trade.can ou, tar ad soma of those "gentlemen would. wish you to “Hvery true religion has its counterpart in inventions and legends and tradition: «We an age he war of oe hot exelade one or the other’ without seri- Every nation is tryi can, by ous injury to ow u ment with its neighbor, ee eg acetate ow, st prepared, ib) tection for its own industries | for the thoease a of, corte ace” nations, to and'ab thasame time the greatest possible | inflict any damage or sorious wound upon acess to th ets of his neighbors. ourselves, “This kind ofnegotiation is continually | « We must confine ourselves, at least for | §. on. It has been going on for the last| the-present, to those subjects on which we tivit should not suffer very much, whether tie a 8 ee says about im hat? It is reat Britain has Lae and the battle has evil and canon on those terms. If you must fight with se you have expect that people well pay Sisson eer ie as anxioi obtain good will, fnterests a8 ty Will be of ie to iat is calle eee iy sir Die asco] policy of the country little ‘ could not produce in] : jough to sustain the popula- pees of course, if l utter a word with, d of all the other crimes attach. | as/and. a I .| the nations which injure you por al rid we it. In the office which I have the honor | with ia to bpld Tam pole tosee a great deal of to be] You cannot, raise the cannot do business in this world of ket yor must bring money with | w a © Quaker, Tao we Matas nS Es hav no have retained their armor < ull hold | eat ean of rm "by its authorized exponents, has been op- no! a here vy Pa esl fut aia tare Panui ment of ti Oe we laid it “down for Gisele as sre ale fn whe thee COMMERCIAL D and we are bound not ri haces tug ha ear rinced that a laut (Corrected ‘eekly Hee Mr. A. pred) roajorty of the country is with us—{cheers) | Fall wheat per busi -$ S y wise in tl foreign irs consis- | Spring wheat per ea i 8 _ bey of policy is beyond, ok things neces- | Barley per bush.. 35 40 [Cheers.] Only. jes = AS A COUNCILLOR TO THE PUBLIC sed Hoes aa 35 “But, though that is the case, still if 1| Apples, per bag. 50 95 may aspire to fill the office of a councillor to | Potatoes “+ “ 35 0 the public, I should ask you to form your own | Hay per ton 1000 11 00 opinions without refer to, traditions: or | Butter per pou 13 3 denunciations, straws | Exgs per d 10-10 | whether you are orthodox or F nod; haste form | Ducks per: pear 60 0 “your own opinions according to the os hickens per pair. > 40 0 of common Leni would impress fam per pound Hn. 1 ‘you that if you this teuoflied of Site 8 8 Ctenialeobes os hold your own, you Shouldem per pound: . 8 8 i Will these Bargains Make zzz: You Smile and Buy iberal discount allowed for cash Silk Dress Trimmings, all shades. and La WONDER IF THEY WONT 1,@00 yards Fashionable Dress Goods. All shades at 12%. worth 20c.; Burmise Curtain Draperies, elegant designs and colorings, at 15¢. well worth 23e. Su LARGE VARIETY OF PARASOLS. ~| Stainless Black Hose, all sizes, the peat line (6 line for the money we: ever handled ; Gimp White Skirt Embroideries, Allovers, wns. Large variety and low prices. ‘| MILLINERY NOVELTIES! F Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Feathers and ehanee ane and Roby Embroidery, Bonnets A GOOD LARGE ONE FGR 25c. Don’t forget to leok at our Ganic- linslevies Roller Blinds Lace Curtains, |- Cretonnes and’ iis -We find it no trouble to show goods at the People’s. Stoke H.GLEISER pacog prices paid for all kinds of ty produce, must be prepared if need be to inflict the--penalty whic r hands, that. of refusi them access to your markets. (Lond an prolonged cheers, ands voice, *S Common Taste - eason to complain of i the United States, and what we want the United Stoves to. furnish us mostly are articles of fod emestial | Gs the feeding of the people and raw material ssary to our manufactures, and we can- importation continued or diminished. they confuse ‘They say that everything must be [the consumer. Well, if the consumer is the {man who maintains ‘the industries of the country or is the people at large, I agree| @& with the rabbis. PRICES THAT CANNOT BE RAISED rice of wood or , but there isan enormous mass icles of importation from mate: of other raw arti } STOMACH, LIVER » BOWELS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE. BLE. REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad “ Complexion, Dysentery, Offe i disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bi Ripans Tab ro Sprt ales, aie apelad jar the’ most delicate constitu ads Hicamat to takas ep aoepal, Civ Sold by REGULATE THE « = nsive Breath, and al OWEIS, Rie WERT ul oa ep ULE cones aaices CHE RIPANS CHEMICAL. €0:,, uce Street, = = New York City. s the Unit is hop not in the consumption and iauering with the from diminishing+ the aiticles of luxury, for the purpose of main- f access, to the markets xterodox doctrine, I’ SHOPS, ould be excommunicated fog : [Laughte: “Tam not not sure at all that you aa eseape from a similar anathema, and the Ee g 5 he thinks to the people oft this country, I eng hope pes The undersigned has opened up the MI LBANK FOUNDRY. i D M. rele Oe v1 ye REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS E PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ’ MILLBANK Foundry and Machine , SHOPS os by striet attention to Business and un: 4 the patronage of the surounding coun N. Perschbacher, Preprieter bout fa rabbis Lave (arried thawoat ‘We must ‘tstinguish between consumer d while jealously preserv- ‘ofa consumer who is co-ex- ith. sets people of the country, we may fair! Fr power over an importation which | UNM DGE” ani luxury, in or order to maintain our own in this great com- mercial battle.” APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH Laths: Shingles - Doors We also make CISTERNS a ESN ES: Do You ; Want GA iE you id call and see way below other ddtlers, and our stock is large and han Chidren’s Express Wagons in Great Variety WIEDERHOLD & _HONDERICH —DEALERS IN——— Window Shuéters Pieture Frames Eopniture Undertaking Contracting - Guarantee. first-class work priges Sreatrorp, June 2, 189% Fall wheat per 60 Ib. bush.. $ 77 $ 8? Spring wheat pe>601b. bush. 77 8: rey per 48 Ib. bush...... 35 4) on Sorsssvassssy s y per ton. w ml per cord, long hard, a per eord, long soft Rater Eggs abate W. JONES PHOTOGRAPHER has resumed business' in Mil~ verton and solicits the patron- age of the people. His work is well-known: for itself. a Hery will be open every day, and parties ca depend upon getting work. when provi A TRIAL SOLICITED W. JONK B. & VY. In BEDROOM SUITI'S we lead, "Phe Pub-- ys so, and the public isa grand eritic.. ——oUR—— $18, bf PROROOM SUB Simply Crins at the pte F Fier E ee Cheaper and* better thin els purchases deli BALLANTYN ‘The Peop! y own: s ther t 3 low your own jud oes aie aod fall supply of re. irs.always on i HASENPFLUG, MILVERTON. aDhere ANGE HOTEL, aie Ontario, Gropp, Proprietor, Best. tigi pee ie ie tae Pisseslacs accommodation and large stablin; COHN GROPP, + ——DEALER In— CEDAR POSTS, LUMBER, LATHS, . Shingles, Pumps, ete. BRUNNER, ONT. BEANS a ee of ‘caused, ty overwork, or {he errors or ex ‘Remedy ab- tely cures the most pestnale cues hen all other RIAGE Our prises us, and we will guarantee to pléase you. solu EREaTaE Ts have falled evento ‘$1 per oF = ote ee NEW ‘MEAT MARKET GEO. HUBER Begs to intimate to the residents of Milver-- ton and vicinity that he has opened a mi ain Street. Millvertan jeavor to keep on hand’a full supply of and aalt meats, and hogs to-merit a fair share of TVists Millidak ‘vary. Mondsy,, Wadnge- Friday ae BSE cg TE a siete

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