s these | 2%, oowindge of ‘x. [of Mr. Cameron outwei; 03 situation. re0. ., | Long visited friends in Milverton on Continued from first page | Inspector Alexander’s. Letter oper: ing the eon Hon Papers. THe: Sagi ne cases the sam : the Fins aaa sek iieadby aoaitig ba would be to the envelopes the forenoon and n | ru oe ar se, when a choice the examination Le Sy site thin loca Wea tion any kn exgmmi tions peas & the day of the examina- tion. Wm. ALEXANDER, Pub. Schoot see pa EP Toad ae ‘The Storming ce to Live in Milverton— Good Price—Visiting pe on last Sunday did con- sidouble damage to the fall wheat. e many friends of Miss Allan were sorry to hear of her leaving for |Milverton, where she has. gained a Whaley and Wm. nda; __Brydone Bros. disposed of a fine ve to Mr. Climie, of Listowel, for the ¢ sum of $135. ’ Miss Stewart, of Milverton, wa: iting at Mr. Sam’l Roe’s. since last issue: —— MILLBANK Lawn Festivals—A Good shia ee Tue Ladies Aid Society of Knox church will hold their ea lawn festival on the Manse grounds on * | music; eal ienedehay te will ee: sae of the — and find- tovidared’ 1 hes Malverton band will be present. A ay fale rom P» garden party of Grace church will be held in Mr. Ritter’ grove on Friday, July Ist 2 HulGinith sold fine throe.year ei Take adiler Ts was receiv w until afte sree that it was Seen, "Weir's evidence was _htis impressions to the Inspector. oye fine, healthy twin colts Bos neem, ste thet his ‘Mise ee eRe ho containing the. examination in good order,|}f Elma, on Friday, i delivered at the house of Mr.|Among notables expected to be ir, seals unbroken. Mr. Weir ad- ene ee add mits ree tl , de i 108. mete LTS eAMGnt ortee ta da lGtisbes MLE ruthie’ Sahbot dnepeovee Alexander, Revs. Phillmore, Rogers, a is dee tee Fleming for $130. a a idm Panta the ovoonitea nae ot Hall has ret pisrmier NEWS. and from other Sources Magwood, Henderson, Lee and to the [football and other amusement _ naps remari ‘that tl they had the Wan oul rete brother, Dr. I RJ. Hall, Ehniva — Interesting Htems Called from th Neighboring Press A Granp picnic, in connection with SS. .No. 7, Elma, will be pele in Fisher's Grove, 12th con. June 24th. P ress the gathering are: PP, Ja others. «Sings the Elma saw- a man, ee bound to accept the explana-|has finished sawin; season. sit : of Mr. and Mrs. Weir as to the Soe parcel, and their state- soft timber. Mr. Attig has now te turned his attention to movin; while they were in their \e other effect ‘ments that neither they nor any house. a barn 4 an raising barns, at which he is an Aa At Richard Rowland’s on the 14th of statements made by the pupils| Elma, the other day he did some qui Cet the questions could have| work, raisin; when taken with the|8 ft. between the hours of 4and8 40x60 ft. in size i ie bine’ thes bonteacy Gam, Yawolio’ & barn 100 ft. long near Monkton, be- longing to Mr. Smith. —Ev. testir I ding Hood's Sar- heat dasa peaapsiebaest saparilla Poe of what thts: medicine has actually don Window Shutters CISTERNS a eae Lem - A-BABY -Pieture Frames Rurniture; Undertaking Contracting Guarantee first-class work CORSET For Seventy-Five Gents YES We have bought a regular One Dollar Corset at a grcat Discount, and are bound to give the Public the benefit, hence: you Pay the regular dollar corset for seventy five cents on! ly from us Ladies’ Vests at 10c. a each New Gimps New Silk Dress Trimmings Our Millinery Rooms Are Still Open Our Miss Malone will be with us till the end of this month, and you will receive great bargains im the Millinery line. flo Trouble to show Goods at the Peoples Stor H. GLEISER EQ AI! kinds of farm produce taken in exchange at highest market prices. MILLBANK SHOPS The ae has opened up the MILLBANK FOUNDRY AND Marine SHOPS, and hopes by strict attention to business and uniform good merit the Patronage of the snipludng somes d. N. Persehbacher, —MANUFACTURED BY— ‘© STRATFORD OIL (0. = Is the best Machine Oil in the market for FARMERS and THRESHERS USE { FOR SALE BY N G R L I N G ALL DEALERS blbs.’ of good Sugar for SLO) se: Proprietor | cheaper and better PHOTOGRAPHER has resumed business in Mil» verton and solicits the patron- age of the people. His work is well-bnowm and speaks for itself. The gallery will be open every day, and parties can depend upon getting work when promised. A TRIAL SOLICITED U. W. JONES HELLO, THERE! Come snd examine onz (ne forthe aa _ We have spared n to select th For Burton is the ti Timtoatakic teat. We have men’s hats, boys’ Hato, felt fats, wll an collars and laces, buttons and aces, ‘tous the cheapest in town, We have velvets and plushes, and all kinds at we U fora dime ovs gaa! 3 se ready pees Kind. We have shirtings and. muslins, linens and ton ss r tl And aay fy Om malty pt the ne We have crockery and glassware, sugar and teas ise and to chew ; rn, pickles end ean hing else we have it J.L. RAE. iB. & V. In BEDROOM SUITES we lead. ‘The P ie says so, and the public is a grand exitic. ——ouR— Foundry and Machine $/3 5(jimomam Simply Crins at the attempts of other dealers te beat it REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED To|"anScrms,Smeoews, Wrsxpow Suapes anp Everyruine is Fursrrere than elsewhere. . AR yurchases delivered free of charge. ‘ople’s House Furnishers 60 ONTARIO. STREET, STRATFORD STERLING ide ae TYNE & VIVIAN ee ariel UBBER BEAMS eee ALL KINDS: PRICES TO SUIT ALL PURCHASERS Catalogues 5 Cents. Coin Collectors Hand Book $1 Cash must accompany all Orders WRITE YOUE.OWN NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY. iress all orders Ada: CANADA RUBBER STAMP. WoRKS EOX 29 NEWTON, ONT eY + = BEGULATE THE - <= » STOMACH, LIVER -° BOWELS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMI REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Meltiend: see us, and we will guarantee to please you: way below other dealers, and our stock is large and handsome Chidren’s Express Wagons in Great Variety TEDE ERTOLD ¢ Me , HONDERICH Our prices Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all ae of the promt, Liver and Aa Ss. Ripans Tab to the tion, caer? to ait mel fiectusl, Ceceecmeia ee Sold i trial bottie seat by mail on of 15 cents, Address THE i Sreies rae wae 10 Spruce Street, ‘ork City. | scavengers “Backache | the of the system. means the kid- neys are in is trouble, Dodd's SAE Neg- Kidney Pills give | lected: kidney Prompt relief” | troubles result “76 per. cnt. | in Bad Blood, of disease is | Dyspepsia, Liver rst caused: ty | Complaint, and sie hid- | the mo: oe igh as eee kidneys are logged, they are | Solio al eae or ont by maton es ‘of price so cents. per box or six for $2. Dea Seine Ce, roronin frite for C. W. JONES