The Milverton Sun PURIISHED EVERY THURSDAY AORNISG, IN STREET, MILVERTON, Terms of Sul papermee pee Month, in advance. s-S 10 Mont hs, g ge “ One year aon rising Rat Legal Pp REE: oie ett Ls line for first proc tae an r line for each subsequent insertion, a by a nonpareil scale. Business cards of eight lines and under, $5 per year. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, not exceeding 10 lines ‘nowpareil, $1 Per | iio mn Sale and Farms on Sale, not to exit 0 aiden $1 for Hae month, 50c. per sane month. special rates will be given for larger advertiseraenta: Any special ie the object of which is word, churches ad other eigious and Gees lent, institutions half rat Correspond scieae wate ata mnre- presenta atc trict dents should write on one side ‘St the ahect only. Al rized correspondents will be furnished with writing material, envelopes stamped and addres: . Job Printing of overy deseription, timed out in the latest style of the art. No hotch work here. Our prices will be found lower than any other office-in the district. Address all icati THOS. W. WHALLEY, Eprror AND Maes ty Milverton, Ont. THE WEEK'S NEWS. NADA. A five year old boy named Steel was bk at bee bs ee day. London boy named Shir- tock died Ia nee pee Pipestone isthe name given ta the C. P st "8 ne pate t their P Senis terminus. as. been elected pres- tient oH "ede Heniltan Board of Trades It is estimated that three million logs ‘will come down the streams in the Ottawa district this summer. syndicate is in Manitoba purebasing all the milch cows he can obiain rs. F. aged 05, living near Port ea Ee: suicide on Sunday by takin; A amie Lewis Olman fell be- tween the cars of th the northern Pacific rail- way at Brandon, and was killed. merchant named Johnston of Lamlash killed in a runaway accident near Han- over the other afternoon. ‘The striking Hamilton moulders con- tinue to receive their weekly esyment of $1,000 from the faeredopal Cab Your trains with tea brought fo Chi by the C.P.R. steamship Empress of Japan New: ay Passed through Winnipeg the other comin The Government eruiser Constance hss made a capture below Quebec of what is supposed to be a widely smuggling schoon- | er, Mullins, an old miser, recently ) $P! SEW. Levis of Hani James died at Vernon river, P. E. Island, His premises were searched and sovereigns ‘weighing 12 pounds were discovered. Capt, Streatfeild; A-D.C. to General Her- Dert, was relieved of $260 by a verte mele Spills aking 5 ia Ge einai whiel was going to Bellevi ‘The tramp eck Aw etherby is twenty- three ape out, from Montreal to London with a cargo of grain, deals, and cattle, and much anxiety is felt for her eatet iy. reports iacrontags Pye dl parts of pins have deus: ould bls daningo 5 Grogs on low lands. Arrangements bace been completed be: tween the Delawat cally made the terminus of the Delaware railway. head med Herbert Northwood, Chatham, jumped from Rankin’s dock "nto the river and sav = the year-old son of Mr, John roprietor of the Grand Gebical intel; fron drowaing, Mrs. Wm, McConsland, living on the fourth line of Sarnia township, has been ar- found in her house. e ac Eowtaged the thefte and was oro on i an js in G. 'T. Ware, Port Arthur, Ont., ri a wonderful find of aller Es ae south Sd e vein ase for k half me loa per is ight feet wide “and samples from eight feet Below the age ne ie $10,000 to $12,600 oi pure silver per ton of ore. GREAT BRITAIN. Sir William Aitken, a noted physician, died the other day in London, Eng. The Earl of Harewood died lately. He -was 68 years of age. The Duke of Aosta, nephew of eee; Humbert of Italy, is a guest of the Queen at ie Castle. who is on trial in 1 London, Eng. : for andes young wi ‘Mon- treal last March, and Toft, ’ Wiavet ee New ince ae eldest son of the Duke ue Edisteree i has excl.ange ‘The price of stock of the Bank of Ireland is daily dropping under the influence of the reports concerning Home Kule in d. While Mr. Gladstone was driving through a tion: and Hudson and Grand cu, Russi: wih 70 Pye from the disease, Ths projested eeonomie ealente between | tase tha’ Which struck him near the eye. Scottish Home Rule fe ad has The notified Mr, Gladstone that. the} vagueness of his declarations they 4 Meo upport him in the gener th such an ob- 3 hi ject of hatred to the Parnellites — when- 5 | ever Re eppears in public he has to be pro- tected by a bodyguard of priests pea: police. The Duke of York was formalty. commis- | be: jioned commander of the Melampus the other day. The Prince 5 ‘Wales and other members of the Bell Family bade him fare- e he acaal on my ‘8 'yde park, where the union was holdii a meeting, Sala was recognized and mobbed, hen rescued by the police he we -nised, whi rs. Sala was ina tainting ecndition, UNITED STATES, avy rains caused a sewer to cave in at & an enka blag N, Y., killing two men. year: Senator Voorhees of {ndiana is seriously ill at ees with neuralgia i oe Jes es, a student aj drowned while 0 at Flint, Sick, ‘the other day. pa Watertow: capitalists are in Ot- OB a looking! leh einen paper and pulp | © ir. Chaumeey M. Depew dectines to ac cas ise Seorotaryship of State in succession to Mr. Blai B ‘Twen cies Bate poisoned at Ash- bury park, N. J., by eating ie cream. Al Ge will pas tictor Job Cahill fell from a West Siva taceae Newburg, N. Y., and was run over and killed. Morm gserien, nephew | of of King Chutalong Pie ‘ rived at New York, and ‘vil Falls, Ey talians, who were walking one wh railway track near Uticn, N.Y Oy 0 cain geet cabal lag employees of the Homestead The Ax, steel works of Camegio, Phipps t Co. | wi ni pes ‘are expected to go on strike. he frst seuuias es the World’s Fair taal ha arsed at Chiengo, Tt consists of ‘thirteen normous iba from pelts: Joseph Campbell aged 60, was struck an express train at Stanton, Mich., the ies day, and was instantly | eople were killed and a ee Ten bor seranaly injured by a. tail way collision at Harrisburg, Pa., early Saturday morn- ge Much damage to crops was caused. by, 9 claddbarss neat Mount Holly, NoJ-, the es other’ oy. Joseph Leman was killed by a ras hanged to a tree by a mob at wile, Wenn, theother day. He di ed pro- 1 his innocence. oe J. Ryan, a clerk of the United States s Hxpots Oo impany in Washington, D. aped from that city with $50,000 ies arty, aqusre miles of tervitery adjacent to} village of Dauphin, a auburb of Chicago, Re buried beneath a flood, and a thousand oe nee jouses are at the mercy ne the Aa a convention of iron manufacturers in was found insensible at the ee Battiader bolvon: twenty soldiers Ina of the 9th paveley , U.S.A, and Siw ys on Powder PRK near Omaha, ae ea of the 9th Cavalry was killed, pe unded, and one citizen was wound- Sunday night the passengers of the 3 coe cars in different sec! wee of Bos- ie stricken by # fire and. jumpe ped into the tees wile men ae Ontario show prospects f good crops of all | the cars were going at: high . - Thir-| IDerSORE Wt arogy eaves mariooaly= aes ie a director of the First Na- head tae prompted the dee R. G. Dun & Co's weekly review of trade sa} Another eae has blessed the United j ren growing crops. In wheat, so great a change of condition appears tla men be-| seszes. gin to question whether the yield this year and there is reason now to hope for highly |" satisfactory resull = IN GENERAL. of Cholera at Merhad, Persia, is decreasing. The average number of deaths is now 35 daily. : Prince Bismarck’s political views, as ex- pressed in an interview at Vienna, have caused a sensation in Germany. mot A despatch from St. Petersburg says the harvest prospects in ten Russian provinces is reported the Queen of Spain iandl adecree granting minimum narit to aos Lane ke Bs cases of cholera has been ssia, during one week, y and Russia has completely col- ‘ha’ Attest. professor of mathematics piiteatiibettagt ic bad tagaaled Jee loco: motive which he expects will carry him to e North Pole. bod; Portuguese colony of Algoa in East and have proclaimed a repu The cost of raw material in 1601 was $235,, Matters of Some = Monet to Ourselves, ae Can: 71, an products was 1881 it was 19.19 per tribution of all manufactur —_ S80, 705, atte over 1881, or tol 1 per oF retaty peau society. Yarmouth ; a potable’ induced th the The increased from 555 1891 OD >, 188 i in 1892, But the most abt femaaee are ed to take all the advan- - . 228 eorge Vallee a poor agricultarist ae 1 acres. The cause is the me which induced a decrease in the wheat ar [hi eran Uamplaggely develope, and y & Se rou are Bla) a little st headed, Tf you a geting weak-kneed, take a Tethers lekiolmng in your ‘heart, inten id, a policy man, read Daniel. Jf you. are © getting sordid, spend & while the Spehie ‘will be gind to aol the daring : ‘ou are losing sight of tho fature, climb up to Revelation-and get « glimpse of ‘That Canada is rich in her fisheries is well no The Head Sarzeo: 108 the Enbon Medical eae fs now at) ito, Canada, mi a M. Bates, sharged with wife murder, oy of f te following ing eympto age, q ee the world, but. te hee until recently been a ee ERIE MEDICA, 60,, BUFFALO, RY. id e, weal bby, pay epee ne ae === +=) George Kirkland ed W skin, etc. are all symptoms of nervous «de S| bility thatlead to insanity and death unless B t h med. The apeing or vi force ving ot | utener i fncti in York it wi ssi ded to lock ont Bae i their employees en: as house emithe! Te is probable that 12,000 men will beaifect’ | ity crLabeartae theavai 9 of bared herring an. sent for whilst Where Pace a ae cer- the “symptoms er 1871 wi itoba do not seem to ty : ound and thus pre- time Fe Pe 2| put itmildly, was a very erstood his wife's “iahipag remark | undred thousand quarts o One of the simplest disinfect beh tsa! and What to Read. sick room is groun re impatient, sit down quietly 2 Select ai ae wal tus serciay eee a with its pungent aromatic ue is in’ ions,, in the Kidneys, head-| eat for oxposuro atten body, itching) | When'you deat with WEAKNESS: MEN ny, THOROUGHLY, FOREVER cunt > el, th their pa to Sher the pacar tof bone, the ° strongest, but rather the fue ‘pene the heads “s : reibie do it before the on al it free of ments of “this ates are inser ita i ee ee: for five cents a} application of capital these endowments of Gieentione ai tAdA seas to Cai iavfudha,"rul<t!] WTGHEST CASH PRICE P. oa aati pain’ in the heart} the} The best quality of meat always hand Visits Millbank evory Tuesday and Saturday with Meat of all Kinds she is the rarest quali y tobemet with Advert SAUSAGE IN SEASON areits without half the labor which planters willing to devote to their potatoes and | encourage Ir. Corned Beef and Pickeled Tonguc alway on Hand. ym the Dommion oS neg month of sins this year and the former are ill in advance Cenens baletin 1, ,rlaing to manufac: n Mon 16 Spruce Street, of Boers have invaded the Africa = = REGULATE THE = ¢ STOMACH, LIVER.» BOWELS, = AND - PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all gee of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, bules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu co wee take, safe, effectual, Gi druggists. A trial THE RIPANS CHEMICAL ©o., ee Be Aregging the life out of them i in hot weather nl veel ly. sularile to any of the recog creeds | bu istia wo! a of age, at an, average of about “i one ae relief. seat by mail on receipt of 15 cents. ANIMAL MAGNETISM. tl e | ments relate to the powers exhibited by , | Rifeas aelairvoyant. “Wome of the Saad wretch who would stick at nothing where e had known for some years and who, Be 25 in the way of making the past live Daan od achianeds thin gold ring, | witha washed-out ruby seb in it, witha clairvoyant proceeded, saying that o Pe op] into the near right-h corner of a box, and that the box had a zig. zag pattern round the lid and a tray inside with a partition in it. Sh n if she saw whom she knew connect. with the box ; the answer was that she saw '¥ |a short, stout, dark lady, whom she knew some months before lost the follow of this earring. famil gone, immediatel her, these questions related to ba out all her boxes and the missing — ws a | was notinthem. Col. Hamilton saw a a snall the SBETOLDIT sTRAL and = fome Interesting Experiences by Mr. Soames) pro |be ody ors Minin = = Sot oat tha soutoa of his wile’ clairvoyans A curio iedidierte in the Contemporary Re- fi view describes some experiences cunnected | PO With the subject ofanimal magutism, whieh JM. Soames, ad, al. of the animal in- re Sole of Pasi ill add ‘tle to faf as the average layman | jaye H di life, often doubly dfnnry sta in their death, the ark eyes, white hair, and a white mus tache, qualifying the description with the door, | .: = the very Peston of rt gren- 4 a “Throng the A eetsed | 40, stating many truths, some of which reach- least the mustache ought to 1 | be white.” With a shudder she threw the ring from her, saying that the man was a| rat, brought the ring to whom it belonged, and |i Jeamed that the owner was s man whom | Th He then Rueaslitd choi beteutoad bring on news while | one which ea) followed,” pnitthe, Ghee where he had eros old sase-ri ridge, With an increased animation she xd supply, oF infect | went to tell about. the little old shanty in - sessor, ” itis asserted that ti nee whatever. influence = impreaeed, vapon an object remains "the clairvoyant. This, if true, is cortattly important’ Tt-would follow tha clairvoyants, by experiments 0 end to what, they might accomplish | i a field. sh lining the rat population we limit enthusiasm was, perhaps, mes to the UF ing a the clairvoyant in the} human Hat mo ae day ings. Bxtcrmination should be ty eight Sanday morning an found everyth fA t be willin 00 revival of protection for Great Britain, The | bad broken to about the same length. The a t in the present BRIGHT SPOTS OF FARM LIFE, c 4 an ont oe Thy who are urging this shorter day forget or Harder to Find Than the e to reas i prodncing| thing on the farm. but what is bright and sared | healthful occupation of mankin¢ mpi ries. The] . Who can he sould furnish | of waving corm, with now and then a gleam in Mr, pears 's | pale or faded beside the rich blossom of ‘the ;an’sface in it. he lady ation: farchnd calle upside dows asd did aot like spiuous Sane pi ne teouliy which sala vealng there are some spots of bright? being where she was. When asxed where | Whenever the length ie a) 1 day an n was and how she got there, the lady | Wages are seriously dis she ance of What’ igseiore ‘beautifal’ to the farmer 6 | anid that she had canght upon a lace shawl | i ight-hand andy the foremost champion of one into the barnyard for their tood and Mr. Edward Carnegie, the Pittsborg mill- pst? Mr. sper acy is the. — of exten- ee rval. Mrs. Armstrong, a| | thecarring, that the whole thine was hum |tizans They went to her room and turned | of p asked to have it opened, Mrs. feats said that “it was impossible it could is there ; it was full of letters.” Col. Ham: ton thes ‘walked to the box and saw it el es ir |= zigzag pattern round the lid and called reminding her of what he had just told her ae te ool Mrs. , | of the shirvoyant Armstrong open- | to - fed, a. tay was var food ie fat of le letters ; the fet were lifted, tr ‘and underneath nor pork making st <apable of edacg| te New York City. them was ss tho ear dg Be right-hand These iacdesis the world. "Last year it will ber Temembor- ith | makes with all te grains and frits, when Mrs. Armstrong’s attention to the fact, | his lown, in the are i vend Where + to condition af mist | and ab it caused much aurlety in hi who, on the fol- g day, assisted iy their Beighbors, in- menedttonrae Days and nights spent, and no trace of the missing man could be found. The country hereabout is some- what wooded, and oe rties, after looking wherever they thought ho might mithoot avail, brs GAP ep the scarch sa ho Tals ta tin ook sestine ni confi- , nk is part, but catching as ata straw mn of Bleeker to con- | sult an old fortune teller who lived there ani m wessing or otherwise in arned a reputation, When h 2] artived at her home he almost uplraided himself for haying any connection with the scheme, bat Bally ‘went in and told the old woman bi manner, ne Or the fortune taller’s intuition, led her inform him that he was not disposed to. be, lieve what she would tell him, and that he so expressed himself while coming. He + record of his past life. He interrupted her by saying e. last} “Hold on ; that ia enouzh. Tell me lL simging, I don’t know! Where is the With aisinister he re, parent, a ¥ and Tcan now se the old man as ainly as I can see you. I never saw him but he has on the ‘same clothes he e when he 3 we She then described the (age! Lt Ashe 100 cael tallied with those thoy kne . SetGh Jot sacs Seat: his tartioase She farther aid : “The, country is. all range to me, but I will describe it, . the ® path the old man took when he tote then narrated in detail the payed a the is in an adv: state of decay, for the doc-| whither the old man had trayelled. She Id is sitting shanty, leaning against the stump of a tree. e grew more minute inher descriptin, its fereciiond is Spare even telling the kind of timber, the size of a ; party, of fxty persona, starto ~ | as she ha they found the body of teal faa He: hed. ert dently He had made them from sticks, whic! body was carried IA Se hicuate wpe Bat ms almost impossible to thi ae e any- | besutifl. To me, farming seems the most ing brightness in ft pumpkin or squas! v in make brighter spots than heay of red and golden apples, barrels of pink- ee ches and lusci t In all parts of the day from morning u will but sec them. nt and his table will be bountifully supplied: with the fruits of labor, in find a place where the brij on al tly as on tl 7: What con, be more beautifol than the broad, gr '- tures dotted with cattle and sheep and the orchards with their loaded branches id much as of 1 d | do on th ing machine. They may well envy the farmer's ife wel po! Fr A Be iy & & FI Es 3 EF 5 much to its ‘What s glorious picture the harvest time everything seems to be dressed in red to| gold. comes the winter, with its mantle of snow; then what home ‘can compare in brightness with that of the farmer's, with its gatheris holi feasts? Taking the life of the farmer from Je ar , it woul it sible fing ‘an occupation that would in beauty. freedom