Milverton Sun, 7 Jul 1892, p. 3

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POST OFFICE BUILDING PURE AND FRESH AU Prescriptions Promptly Attended to. big ug niet ere M os Cen to 8 p.m. coe ink and Money on farm security at lowest rates of interest SAVINGS 69, JAS. sebagai Muss Haxoznsox, Asst. Postmaster Po Wales | People always find it best to Luy at Tam w new patte “MEDICAL WALL Paris Green: Subscriptions received for all newspapers CENTRAL TELEPWONE OFFICE Onder office close | .YALUATOR FOR THE HURON AND ERIE LOAN AND, prices “cheap enough for every c ‘The no possible argument Against your buying my goods, for the fal | lowing “reasons : Being. reliable goods, tg aoe in the end than s. ee i see all. my sh life would be lengthened and his work- ing days made easier. With good roads the bieycle could be utilized, and ween its invigorating influence. per haps, the country A FEW as years rolled 01 work better. By all means, then, the doctors take up the gospel ion. , They make intercourse mot dex of the progressiveness and civi sa tion of a commanity. TERE seams to be a very general tion of $500 to the indemnity. t is 85 0 (0 (TO LOAN rs Ww: aside all niinor vipa sey torally with unanimity “to the national issue. legislator means an increase of $160,- 000 in the cost of legislation, and it is ‘a question whether the work has un pelos ego it bie te thse ex- Work eauntry. yrvenn re the long pike tines are| Moderate Price ] expensive to the But the | members’ are not the nei interests ty be considered. ese sessions © also add to the expenditures of the papers. After all, what we Sant ig| CO Please 2 LBY & t for the members of Pai SILVERWARE liane ME kote andaceel bauimess : sctresuh as ging Wal ihm, Gam Leteuemarie emigre st ver, etc. Watches and Clocks 3 fer Uta achat Gass se Nt Ue Tnperal Pewee mee VON have the advantage LADIES’ minion Parliament does in dealing with f th lap: i k + “it a ogra nce wert ri ee ae its annual r wou! cia | 8 EN St0e 0} one last four or five years.—AMa et denier cane ot gas ithe choicest goods to Enauisu politics are creating much | eee pec oge papery eed 1) from in the coun- scanned for the latest intelligence. | ifpy. eail for the === HRISONS Sateen ist ‘A Silk Dress rods and erge forward oo comtrsee| WY 6Yery gentleman | per ite Sh studies economy and wishes {0 dress) ting nO in for a weil should order from. suppota dis eet! VT @ do Reliabie We Charge a We Endeavor the mee public eppreciate them, which in | trade policies of the different countries | of the world. Whether the English | time, ge are ae for this change re- ou fee adlinct Shae ny By. ‘Bead s ape fi 8 Selling goods and repairing i in eon for nearly 7 years indicates that the publie ap- reciates them, suet pe peepee parece that I am a tchmaker. Watch and Jewelry Re- pairing igen focovuat at lowest prices. CB: The Milverton Sun © THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1892 “Mr. MacLeay’s bill in the Domin- ion House, to make the rate of railway Sraveling two cents aimile was defeat- “od by « vote of 20 to 128. The mem- for North Perth voted against tne Tue politicians gf both parties at Chiavassradenandiog atextra adem’ to nity at $500 on account of the long sitting of parliament. Referring to this matter the Jail pertinently re- Instead of bonusing the poli- ticians who have unduly _prolong- ed the session of Parliament the country xhould subject them to a v king proclivities of sane and the sane by of others, ada is annually sadd with the ex- ily long sessions of It is the height of absur- dity for those who are responsible for this to want an additional indemnity R on that accou! Tue sentiment in favor of improv- ing country roads, say$ the Medical Record, is growing every year. Good roads are things which no class of per- Sons would appreciate more than sicians, and to none would they bring more direct personal comfort, and even practical financial help. On a road the country doctor can travel 10 miles on hour; on a bad one barely five. ‘The time required in doing his work is doubled, the physical wearjness | th is increase : iu favor of 68 Uo, ing | ications we should judge that Mr. it | Glads ~ | West Islington, ong of the pias orse would argue | have 90 seats, the Liberals 60, the Faye coul speak | Liberal: Unionista § ynd the Me roads. His workin | Uartbyites by the fade Try one af our all on Fair Trade which, if ‘he was resi to power and his earvied Brea effect, would create a revolution in! ‘wool Summer Suits et $8.00 MADE TO ORDER ains to be seen, but from present _in- will be eed -| power, and that the trade En, we “iframe much asit aie een ‘Schaefer the Tailor in the The x frsla be ficidd ce vrerset aa top lac MILVERICN issue in the campaign. Up to the pie: = sent time 95 members have becn elec! 7 Boston, on Monday, Prof. Rogers ed ; e Conservatives, 49 ; Liberals, 30 eee w balluon.ascension and was’ car- Liberal-Unionists, 7. The Liberals have gained 1 seats, the Tories 2, and their allies, the Liberal-Unionists, have ined one sent. The net gain for the| extent that the balloon collapsed. Liberal party and: Irish home rule is | professor a8 his assistant $ therefore eight seats. ed. ried seaward. “The work nae the valve refused to Sixce writing the above a cable | Omabs, inated Gen, despatch to The Globe under date of the first ballot. rofessor broke a hole in the ares which ripped to such ap The July 5th, says: “There is deep dis- appointment among the Liberals to] nicht over the result in London, where it is evident that the success of the Radical element in the County Council elections has not involved de- sertion of the Conservative ranks in neral electic The notable event of the day has been the defeat of Chamberlain, and even the works. bamberlain represe divisions, in the last Parliament. se appoi i Mrs. Mens ie Stanley, who pushed her hashand into ‘running for Parliament of those who know nle feeply dnappsinted North Lambeth, r H. M.Stanley came to grief te day, else Gotetal Frater (Con- servative) jn 1886 by 2623, against 3,311 for G. Wren (Gladstonion). The gentleman who downed the Afrjean explorer is Mr. F. Cold- tae Tk the Liberals are to win HOW LONG WILL IT BURN? ‘WORTH $16.00 Given Away To the person guessing the nearest to ae length of time the Mammoth Candle in our window will burn will be given a magnificent Marvelloux j si Ik Dress (worth anywhere at least $16.00) All you have to do is to buy # lb. can of Lion Baking Powder, price 50c., with each pound can |pureti ase every person is entitled to one guess. ‘This is no cheaj ed Powder, but is the best in the market, and we take this means of advertising it. Remem! uesses as they buy pound cans of the Baking powder. top 11 inches in geiniren 5 at the bottor ‘ed later in these when the candle will be lighted, but in the mean. tite uovaeedaeke gous your guess. The candle will burn day and nighit Don’t forget to see our other Goods when you make your Guess The ladies will find some beautiful styles of Summer Millinery ai at t very low figures And in dating with us 26) Ths, Granulated Suger for $1 | Guenther & Schmitt SUHNBUKER & ROTHABRMEL'S Is the Cheapest Place to Buy Saws, Nails, Glass, Putty. hoe | Axes, Fence Wire, ‘Oils, TINWARE A GOOD STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Schncuker & Rothaermel Maio Street Milverton Par eps my mein NOTICE Field of Mine for Vice- ole Sh the Farmers and all whom it may concern — Please take notice that I have the finest line of DUSTERS in this part of the co it HAVE LEATEER FLY NETS FOR $1.75 A P| | ant to see the wonder of the age come and see my SINGLE EANNESS FOR $14.00, NICKEL SILVER TRE ‘the finest. assortment of TRUNKS and _V. LISES you eves saw also Bl RUBBER LINED RUG! GS and HARV. veri MiIts, which Thee ‘a good stock. STILL A FEW MORE SWEAT SAT PADS LEFT POR 50c. EACH. Wm. Appel, | Th e Harnessmaker, “WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH ——DEALERS IN—— Window Shutters Picture Frames Furniture Undertaking Contracting We also make CISTERNS = ogee Guarantee first-class work Do You A BABY BABY | Want CARRIAGE | la vars ep ten and see us, and we will guarantee to please you. y below other dela, and our stock is large and Chidren’s Express Wagons in Creat Variety t WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH | Shingles Doors ~ Sash Our-prices | f , senenisncanintisn yey eTON THE— au VERTON DRUG STORE: {West side Main St.) will be found a full supply of FRESH DRUGS Pure Paris Green | —A LARGE STOCK OF— Patent Medicines, : Toilet Articles, etc ‘Adi prescriptions promptly attended to *@. N. W. TELEGRAPH OFFICE Dr. J. F. CATTERMOLE. |” Repairing = ‘WATCHES XS A SPECLILTY WORH US A Good Stock of Best Wate Clocks and Jewelry always on Hand J. H. Gunt ther ListowkL AND MILVERTON F.C. Smith Manager, MILVERTON } races ia Strat tom the Toronts hi ais we no im- provement So Wis injured limb. ‘Tae amendments to the assess- } ropt TH ment act made last session do not come into foree until August. nglican service in the Lutheran hess Milverton, next Sunday even- 7 atin eye ete purchased a eae pov alent steed. —Mr. Jno. Gray formerly G. T.R. | rachis agent here, but now at Southampton, ha applied for some recompence for was a welcome visitor in town this keepieg an indigent named Robt. week. rmstrong. frearing of this re- —Garden Party at the residence of quest councillor Kreuter brought Thos. Mupywood, ‘M. P. P., tomorrow} under -the notice ‘sf te oat that ‘6 nn, (riey) evening. Milwstton should |eou well represe! —An insult from certain sources is . ass kicks| he recognizes | ‘Tuesday the Orangemen will 1 eclate the ‘anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne i in Listowel. A grand celebration is promised. —Miss Overholt, who was visiting at Dr. Egbert’s, has retarned to be home in cpr Centre. She “a by Misk Ethel Egbert. —Mr. ay Met ne Tonawanda, e Manse (Millbank). ie, Mec. is al cousin of the Rev. W. M. MeKibbin. | ‘Dominion Day was as quiely in Milvertor Some attend he ford, while others went THURSDAY, JULY 7, 189% to Poole and Milluack. The day was fine. ih total Wana of Cana 2. Of this number an 705 ves of other chee than Cana (The native Canuck is thus decidedly he top. —Seribner’s Magazine for July contain “Poor in Chic land (the anthor of those rn life, “Zury,” r. Kirkland taker nop poverty in| other | MILVERTON MATTERS A Mammoth Leaf ri Tur wther day we were shown ©!) the farm of Mr. pi stoyae from Siuhe Re fect 10 inches an width and 4 feet 9 It is one of the) weason’s cinionitiok Wreshyterian Church Festival ‘Tux strawberry feared etd Ae the Sreatlacar As anil: Whalny eno eemmaerestment st the ine Ren ption thursday evening last was a ee ecess- | count of the difficulties which were met, ful affair. he weather was rather | been read and ly approved by Sher- cool, but notwithstanding ® large) mar, who wi the ‘Treasury miditvie Woks during Resuny hose wonderful ae anage that. most difficult. financial awounted to about a ‘operation in the history of our government has won for him unstinted admiration from | i ry’ num ii Ti ‘tur. “Pearless” SE Weave is one of | f eapest rigs ie pan serviceable and ch eed in Milverton. Tone in bogey sty’ ble in the eity ; it cs erthana buggy. Call and see. sample which is now being t Mr. Henry Hasenpflug’s. Methodist Festival “fue festival in connection with the *Methodiet church, Milverton, herve in Mr. Pugh’s ‘evening, was highly lane tym yy John K. Seirar of "he Treasury, and of the roblem by mul- the: ausaber pe en, ares: 5% the ith Doctor ‘on “Getting Ont the Fly-books.” in the issue, ppd ‘number were present, and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. ‘The band rendered music during the even- ng. About 847 was roast Christian Endeavor Convention ‘Tae second annual Ceara of bank, on ape ae Der. and are "gratifying success. Several in- teresting papers were ig that i thes r Tt work on into patel bibs ing two complete short stories — “The Hou Over the Way” and “The Pianner Mares’ Stevenson's romance. proved the most sce serial in the wees a sm Mager hearing off rend, cons. ng, Wong time ca notwithstanding he had pascels | Win Houghton, for repairing B, C: bridge, towalinn, Ellice and Mornington, half cost, $4; aoa Beltz, for bridge W. B.C. drain, $8 ; George Bawa and 9, $10. The teeve and clerk ” ae instructed e issue &h order for amount necessary expenses ‘of f procuring cory ite ident for court of -appeal. Mrs. m he had fed and shel matter under the ‘netice her family she was still widow sand ‘suggest t the council pronouncven ‘both cases the same'time. Mr. ‘moved secon- ded by Mr. Goetz, int the clerk notify by registered lettet'the Ya nb tea tone relatives of #ei@ indligents res] , Viz.: Rett. Armstrong, W: pai hare James Armstrong, Stratford ;| Mrs. am armen Stratford ; tock ; Adam 3 Sl Sebring - Soe * Chess Chee "tempi, > Tavis- “*| Kerr, | ville to meet aR ‘oun Prarson, Clerk. Happy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick | Rejoice Because Moods sermpnriie Heeted TRO wt Soon, ssa cringe rast all foul hi in sper’ chien or adults, Hoods ars is an unequalled remedy. tn “We are so thankful iiecee Sarsapa- Hilla for what aia tor our Ile eritint ve statement for the bet of other and Suffering Children Our girl was a beautiful baby, fair and plump Ahealtlly, But when she was two years Cold, sores ‘broke cout tbehind her cars and spreail rapidly ever his iiead ‘and forehead do 1 k. We lyn, but nothing did. id it was pews ri serofula humor in the blood. Her head became one Complete Sore ‘the «mell. and-dreadful to look S Her par dada ath and she would in a large chair all day without any life percid ergy. ke sorekcansed burning, so that'at her hands to prevent scratching. Yor S years She Suffered Fearfully with this terrible humor. Being urged to try jood’s Sar: humor, and her skin: ‘She seems like an en- jn, health and general jhat she was before taking Hood’s esne ae i fil iter diferent chia, ==]. G. GROSCH & CO. HAVE THE-SPLENDED STOCK‘OF THE SEASON Quality at the top Prices at the bottom “Phisisthe condition of affairs with'us-as regards Footwear of Rvery Description Bomplete in Assortment ! Splendid in Quality ! nares in Ladies’, Gents’, Boys’, Misses’ ad Children’s Shoes, Rubbers yeni a ete. Bible Depository Hore. Agent for vont for Baqulne Singer Sewing Machine Main Street, Milverton Wise Men Come from the Rast West North and South to buy their lardware at Acheson’s A Car Load | Head ‘Quarters for Binder Barb Wire, Plain Twist, Oiled and Annealed Wire, wae Bullen’ Supplies, ons Paints, Putty, ete. A FRESH TMPORTATION OF GLASS DIRKCT FROM BELGIUM LL SIZES AND OF BEST QUALITY, Our Fly ce. adjustable to suit any width of window oblige fies to travel outside on short notice. See them Ww. ACHESON Doherty's Tunnel Wood Furnace The very latest. tructii Heavy kasi steel sine and large heating city. ‘Also the well-known BOYNTON FURNACE EAVETROUGHING and ROOFING Carefully Attended to A GOOD STOCK OF TINWARE ALWAYS ON HAND Ww. SUTTON Acheson’s Block, Milverton :| Sarsaparilla I. W. FREDERICK, te Glenmore Ave., East New York, Brookl; This Scinkctd ei Ellice Councit vention next year will meet in Milver: ton. Peers by sick kidneys. Dodds Kidney Pills will remove it. P i ed kidneys; health’s existence depe: upon their natural condition ; they are the governors of os system, continual kidney pti -|and direct contractor, Also | quire and otherwise macomer if spoil twhich is Byight’s discand, Breveties BABS Oniatior spent Dominion Day with Siende in Tavistock. —Miss Knox, of Elma, has been|* visiting in town this weel —Miss Neild, of Stratford, has been visiting iu town thin week with her| 2 SP rote Oe er $185 friend, Miss Wornum. in division 4. The reeve ~ “The Baden Star :—Miss Wieder- aig of ee: a the guest of Mr. es Thos. ie . and Po mother, were patel away” lest Th day on account of the sickness of re a James, ae lives near Tue council met in Hill’s tavern on June 20th. P. J. Writt asked to be in. structed as to the disposition of spell taken from st, south branch Maitland 5. On motion of Kreuter and Goetz the clerk was instructed to write engineer uu | and ask him to look into the PEG to en rom said drain improvement is washed dows drain as alleged and ifeuch prac- does or will damage the lend recat down said drain. The am of expenditure on roads was feeds at $1, 200 to be expended by the com- missioners as follows : he | council to approve an expenditare en wee Mornington boundary of. $60. Hoop’s PILLS cure liver ills, constipation, Milouapess, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion How is this for Low Prices? NO HUMBUG We are not tryi gto shove off alot of goods that are on vet da but staple goods of the very best q BOTTOM PRICES We ling Men's Suits for eee wae baa wf in, wide, 10c. per yd. ‘The remainder of our or pita at Oe, per yd. w 91 ths. Granulated Sugar, $1.00 Snap We have just received 25 pieces of Dark and Light Colored Flannel- etts, which are usually sold at 14c. and we are now going to rush them — off at 10c. per yd. $400 on 82 « Brown 1.00 Best Green Coffee, Japan Tea “ Box of Raisins GOAL OIL 18¢ A 1.00 1 1,25 Agree. Le Letter Idington and Bite WE ALWAYS GIVE THE ts re s. "\6n motion ‘Foley and Goetz a by-law was introduced to authorize the reeve and clerk to execute the necessary BEST BARGAINS J. L. RAE This is a genuine snap, and those want- o9|ing Flanneletts should call at once, as they will be picked up quickly. GROSCH & LOTH The oe. for Trade at the Yellow Fron

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