“IT SHINES FOR ALL.” Bie pS : 4 z 08, W. W. WHALLEY WILVERTON, ONT., “PERTH 00.1 THURSDAY, J “JULY 14, "1992. “9g, Publisher DORKING | Lisrow=e EDWARD BLAKE IN IRELAND DISTRICT NEWS Address and Pre: nbnenitgug ed Mr. cn ba Furaishea with Samples of Interesting Ps goad Called from” the ul examination was Weataer poe ran ne pages 5 nen ae a exetanbecing eek DT ‘. Jo. 20> ton, Juni ¥ : ‘ Because he essed the s n Ne 30 Momiog ton, Tune town . ‘Listowel put Senay Moesing Mes. Wu. Mokay, of Maryboro, nar hago febected “afeat to ead Shes * Loxororp, July 12.—The des-|72 years of age, after’ having” lost “a " Soe aber cae5 peste Ab wethat'T have hitherto sent you|her teeth for a number of years, is 4 cic. eesobier, saad . show e* s Brivons Ed ad and South Tavs con, gees true picture of Mr. 3 laree double one 4 h is-very efficient in his mila. too ad Pp Mr. | cutting another set, a large doublé : 4 meng been dishes’ eh 1 7,000 » 8,000 Bluke’s reception in Ireland. I have}being a already through. This is am — Se ee wudnt oh calabint of ie of @ extenuated nor aught set eten ee acy Sead oe : 1 the 202nd anniversary ° & Y+down in malice. have not been pr. Frep’k Rasry, of Shakes are,” he a ofthe nut of the, Boyne. 7 bd away hy enthusiasm, Bat have| mot with See oe es by cate, y reflected the enthusiasm and |the death of his fine imported Clydes- lity of the people’ wherever he] dale stallion, “Knight of Annandale.” Li # eadoce a fain Gadiok| nee The horse died at Nick. K. Lichtis, ' ~owd $0 col Physicians phone at Ros! B bt. and Poo sie to. fice at “he idence connection at 1 3 froin Cartno.e, Newton Sha SEI uiplerof hours. He was’ one of after | By 11 am first eas the Parnellite séétion Pail fe tock horses travelling through E i. 5 se en CE tees = which course he will again take | arrived, pple '& Kit, ts, Stratfor : k ved, ¢ Out = rl ite at Up nd’ Central | charge of this school. ‘The number « erd began. to. show | this locality, and had about 00 pleted Ho ae ‘Wel nts oe parents and friends present readily | y | procession forn ve raion season. uni shows that he has had the he ste hi stand Mr. y paid 'g000 Stor dm | only a few qoeee 8 ago. ‘Tue John A, Gardiner who ©— | as petitioner in the North Perth nage 's Hote fabs the clant Weanadey of | iter | paraded the pr s Liup fife; and same | Bier and elt Ely operation of all the section. 2 ————— | the aun fr. Smith presented with a v y handsome gold vetrans at Walker Ons, eaded cane, seta pantat by the | the following order 40 Re: ro 99, verto he rf cond and la day. of every j J a at coh a L ast Ts cay “ot very rat rary | _ [princi of» great Btn the Banner, He wo ei a here ee hit Schnee & Rothaermel’ is ting James sic Rail trowd are expressing great disappoint- is ie ied . sttpen r E es gate Le ‘ ne t Schoo sre EOL MME: Blake had nly, Galivens| Boop ta ae issn resided at ee ri cl Toman n ae two speeches in the Sona naeees To P He waa sent for by the Red st tom, meets every Sriday ”| from among us, take this Seer curity | st Brae Go County Ls and indeed, has only been three days) parlor solicitors and brought to their 7.30 At ‘tl post office of returning you our sineore than in it. offices in a hack, He was asked again mae walaoma'| Soe cs oe cares a cae ls hey say whenever he has an oppor-|?s become petitioner, but, as the Wer Acheson, See Sas you to ace thie cane | tunity, instead of staying among them | Peacon is ies sa ate ‘geaitned “Ke i 0. L., No. 1 Milvertan; ast in pete “Of our respect he slips off to Dublin. bdoubtful Sued He said the people Ti. sail et. We ee ecitcs teen ata “We never see'him on the street”) of North Perth had now elected Mr. Jas Hane Ww. ooakner, pe eae ne dana 8 sy they, He is altogether Se Baca aaa nd ani RARER scald Milverton ‘Tent, kind efforts to render our este aire TORRE RIA Ment so be Ae sath Seine im. Mr. Campbell’s view. wi of Thear all this, and I think T esti-|’r aGrsed by every fair minded man. int = Hall e -y Wed- | with the school not on! ly pleasant Visiti aay the constituency. | agreeable, but also very Hoontables | rest you have taken in | Hore nosday evening at wight oe brethren always welcome. ca M. Sehontes the deep i Com. Sam'l G. Grosch, R. K. 3) iy , at our Phiten a ig us as far a insurance companies shave had*~ MARRIAGE LACT a your Pere, a the duties of life, their inspectors and-valiaitors st work se oe CaOreanle af hich y ai present hi 4 the it M this week, says the A het She 2; | Wo trust that through the kind ble AR ee a aaniteaet on oer ill eo shoe store, Milverton, Out ing of a loving God, you may be ¢ not alone 0 9 RVR ‘m has been practically setti eee Eochat Biaaerl a yaa ees also of that of Mr. McCarthy in North | © ‘| b ge field of labor, which we hope will meebo Sandee cw bow Wee ie a vere saath ‘4 sort of serous are being % iu this same school as spn as yor y : | | which you propose ti 4 posed to this sort of criticism had Mn hich we wish you Wor taken port with Healy im cho/ Tey eve » foe of mes PH Sy Signed, Mars se dl’Longond confil in favor of| WOT seving nk dam Tien ahey wall hae ti the sare tT thy sing for him {at low tates, On tho engine besarte: Prices are Ia rorrE Jose the| damage is fixed at Bini, eaaeaddine eval Be | poll 1 think, will Nevertheless the|on the boiler. On the office $99.00: one ALFRE! Mr. Smith Nea the presest_j kindly fianiking the pupil a it dre Bee, larthy.- RCLA ‘i of V iquors Gigs Good ing ot plenty a 6. Has EOE The "commercial sialon Pe erlciea Pamillite are ae the ery the Txyor f Lie d native of the pan Ss should | ! fr ae ‘Charles Coens epresent South Longford for all it is Nugen Mr. Living-| orth, pla Thor The Protestants, on the other hand, Mr. Cameron, LPP, t thors tool Vand sought the varios =| Sentey political meeting is looked nt to Le as one of the works of popery | and is s- religionly shunned ey tl eee nt aes se fter Bai’ es cold,sisprolifi y Mis. R. Simpson, 71 Be Beat Ss an |found. & he insurance, adding about, chs a, 500 6 ther to theif losses, so that i : i nats of Po Miran, aw ae se * Poronte, writes, Oct. 51, azaarn’ and to.,| followae:—"St. Jacob, me eaeoned th Divis al ‘Rheumatic cramps 3 “| all other treatin hands were much 6 ay for a time [ w belntees een ae 500 and. ney. ta, Buca has| ©! aed the Catholics. cor it Sati tion Oo! who vemed well pleased with the day's cs ih celebration. The handsome and hole clorgy for their efforts in hi co oe in which the town was oN aide Is ‘Tue corner stone of the N. E. Pres — Pe Ucb forth: thacadunetRORN Tata ee aa gracious enovdh | vterian charch wilt be laid on ‘Thurs- bottle of | of the thousands ee? t its|day, of next week, at 2 p.m. by the him to Troland to} Rev. Dr. was relioved, and ullimat cured. I now always hay Ses Jacobs Oil in the house.” times. ETS 14 ran a Ben Wen Wrote Tus tel the people how he aes Sn. the| those who are expected to speak are: Bas mi 8. 6 Miss L. B. Ronerrsox, of Mobile, | land of his. fathers Blake has| Rev. Messrs. Hamilton, Motherville ; $25 VerEmixaRry ermal } Ala, has won a pris for the best eesay | decided that Tia a iaicice of wactin Heh bag ate Deaiy th By ais a ENGE prepared to Si e subject, “How to Rule a Hes-| ta ke up his residence in the tows Messi , Be Magw y AM aiseases G co “domesticated. animals. 1 says: “De of Longford when not enga, . ey nard, I be 2 paid to see ‘y prying into his affairs. he does Ss. Point ephone to either dra; LC U you a little, are you the mies by ce.|the centre of the North Longford) In view of f whet Hood's Sarsaparilla tecting it? Bestir yourself. Place cn| fight, Messrs. eceey, and Blake | has done for others is it not reasonable: ~ the centre table a soft soue light see ay created. much enthusiasm. |to suppose that it will be of benefit to Nee ean Tim Healy’s farewellto the-electors| yout For-serofula, salt rheum, and all 6 PEA i Lay his favorite Lregeear si 00 you oe ce were ve in 2 | and especially uy was a veryveffective bit of talking. |other disenses of the blood, for Dyspep-: Edom, Texas, accct to violent | Put slippers and areating gown in eacy| He has a tongue like a scorpion's}sia, Indigestion, Sick Headactie Loss of cae Col 24 and Lung |Terch=. Dressed. in dainty, bécoming | sting —Ths- World. Appetite, That Tired Feeling, Catarrh, y gona, await his coming as yeu used to ee eee re Malaria, Rheumatism, Hood's Sarsap- fo peart, | Gross kim. in arilla is an unequalled remedy. jate the hour. pes Hood's Pills cure.sick Headache. i - r never. fae ins Chest and Lungs, fife raping up sever.tarning oes Bary raising fig took place’ bs Ed. of Blood. I have Ged many, differ- | grace: jn otier- semen, make yourself}Thompson’s last Thursd Mr. | Ze#R—In_ Morni chads on be tat kinds of cough Syrups ia my |as sweet and attractive looking at home | Nicklin's barn was Fdeiricnth ¥ Tues| July 12, 1892, the wife of Mr. i ay toanyone want- |as lies within your power. Do not be-| day. John Zhe of a son. ig such a miedicine D Reid is recovering from his|ScRENck——At Rostock, on Saturday, _ is the best. That bas been. my ex- July oth, 1892, the wife of Mr. ‘Wm. Scher @ son. 5. : juries. CARRIAGE perience. If pe use it anee, yon Rev. 0. H. Palouse, delivered a Borcxner—in Milverton mn, on Satur- will go back to it whenever yo special sermon. to Orangemen last need it. It ee teat pets and i is say be a Sunday. day,.July 9th, 1892, the wife of lo every- trothfal at.all tim Nothing turnr| | Extensive improvements are contem- John E. Boeckner of a son. cA series * is | s man’s heart into stony ast will like | plated in Bose with the Metho- Bs era ee ote en $ es —. vil con- | a woman's prevarication: ve all. th, 2, the wife of r. Hen Of the Carriages. | Guccd “In sit the families where |do not yout. Study bi bs rea da x fuenacs is. one, $F“ gchinittgt nding eB Syzup Never combat them openly:": Go around rns “Methodist ee pee held on Back-ache is caused 1 iy sick kidneys. ve Re TM on a your Germau $F pideron ret and HIGH-PRICED is used e-heve no John. | dem like youwould an obstacle in th | the handsome grand sais of Wipe Mag: r i ad. Soon you will govern hi * Franklin —_— nye im com | wood, M.P.P.*last Friday, was a Lungs at ell. Itis pletely by se letting him rule| decided success. A large number of ALL AT CLOSE CUT PRICES. ALL| the medicineforthis jones, you.” Miss Robinson's ideas have not pirnieto) Milverton and other points GOODS DELLY ae CHARGE cor : a ae meet vil Allseemed to thoroughly Sole Men codbury.NJ. | sex. “I y | enjoy froadlice: The receipt amount- te} ed to $88. uuntry. G. G. GREEN, ed diay; ee 8 exis depends upon their natural condition ; i aey are = E. Herrrnctox, a riot Trunk the.governors of the system, “continual” various comments in women’s journals salar at Stratford, was fatally in- | disorder results in ee consumptio: and clubs. jured ht. Bright's disease, Sit J. L. Bradshaw, pees oy DEALE! UNDE! RIAKER, 3 & 5.Ontario St. STRATFORD. by a train Friday night. which is