Milverton Sun, 14 Jul 1892, p. 4

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THE WOLF BOY OF INDIA, A Missionery Tells the Boy’s Strange | tin Story- ete Pe Stolen in His Rabcheres fate Adopted by a} B: A recent ea | va Se Northern pv ee includes a letter from fhe Ret Vs, A.H. ht, oe a Giitoule eat Ske ave been cradled be as aa bis firely satisfied with the retent an ‘0 have no thonght beyoi London Society. In the American Review Mr. W. H. Mallock consid- ers the article by. Lady Jeune on ‘London ty,” which had appoared in opines |e number of that period: Lady Jeune’s contention is that fashionable society in London is morally worse than it was a eration or two ago. Mr. Mallock’s main ‘cov. | Point is that the changes, whatever the, Beawt the man acted to rep Fence tu the magistrate te of the dis immediately gave directions ihre a Tulle at the ceouth of the cave and. the. fo- pkedant ith good effect. Present: large female wolf made a dash for liber- boy on all 5 ye . he unters had first ob- over the aronnd with | # and was captured hei cording to Mr. Mallock, e thay be, that have been wrought in i are the sristocratio, but of ab the in. England, 12,000 “now fami. with mi large proportion of idlers who had nothi ning better to do than » He bit and scratched a fAs6, cond not san aoe ect and. did not pos- sess the, power sequent Je proved toes Chat he lad only, the aap rofan animate ate: meat to pieces and Lome as ravenously as ide, beau same manner. humanizing him, but e withont ‘success, \d_tear into’| spi be ee his food from the an ing. very docile and obedient, and as he grew older seeroad to understand all that was wel ag all disposition to o litle eee at h nat has | €F2 society, and who hat to spendit in en’ Kit eableness ot ‘javish hospitality is indeed ‘the road of entranee to every society whieh se reaiRtast to emgsement aad’ has 1 other business, Thenuelevs of thissociety i = hi current number of the North | students KINDRED OF THE TORNADO, are For sand by the Rising of Heated Alrand ¥: It is one of the results oe o origin of winds was a Massachusetts man . Redfield. He conceived d is known to be the usual cer are of all mp a few a is apparent.. When ‘they are large, for stance, 500 miles i area equal to tl States, the whirling character toa single seems to be straight ted, 3 the storm passes he observations of producing a gentle ales which will founder ships o) the heaviest trees. umbrella inside out. is eee type of ca taal) oe gethim to keep perfectly | ence Wil beni Serr ige ee wi across and coverin| that of several of the large tr uestion of the | and When the whit at pees ue in Sena the pata nigmas mi Dairying Prog Ne | fi were held under the suspie of the Centri abe a which was The natural whirls in the free air are not ore re ee “eaitation e four breed: ghey pedir Bak farm are fr excellent bul accordingly passes upon the claims of every te for admission tae phe “* smart set.” who are born is not basuslacetyy is “ ex officio” the hea of society a fountain of honor, position of the ways tie aot" The wi janag’ Th fa from te “aide olds is in 1 Prince’s 8 standards, including the seraples asa gambling, with the sult that when a real “ swell” cai pescierd ind disgraced, soelety couseled it self by exeorating and deriding not ite bat “ the Wils ‘he fistance it very syne: and its! the aris tetany ery ered an idiot by hension he has of a hereafter. of oe) in the Sabara and ‘Arabia that cn ‘That he thinks and reasons is evidenced eatimt after the death of one who and whom he | 120! nese a At the funeral, as ats he gaze yas if he ould down and feigned death ie to the earth as his grave ae waves is hand heavenwat eis strong in his personal likes and dis-, cn asil; ¢ himself under motion. i which azo set by the i It is much to be regretted that, with his th gentally og intellect, he hnenever | he received roug cmanigs is demon: | is as wel r hi Brace atiatnee le ato ow the question arses, had he never wolf associates world ‘ence was hatefu gation, but the te arolf boy” lives on, abl ous of his remarkable personality an mp! a | by @ ma “London Society.” —————— What Pleases A Woma It Dan Her to be called a ails little ‘wom: It Teplenss her to be called a well-dressed fees arora that she is dan- pis miyit fascin It pleases her ie ihe told ad she improves aman by her companion: It oe to some man and pretend she is wi Tew her. to ‘be, tronted courteously ith respect, and be talked tthe iG t pleases her to be treated. sensibly and to be, consalted. and ques Se earns, wih admized .n who 1 enough to hto rule and pubdue her and make | mat sway her way. pois s = The air next the ground in the io |in the other, becomes hotter, and,_ there i fore lighter than the air above. GA ing, only large, ee arseieate field and under re | stan The: r ee when a large and. com space ‘aod peat or “ hay field on a hot, still summer pte mothe dust whirls, hay field oe lous ri ali, we g! the whirl is carried Dy. s isid of ticthy when the swaying of the sta Tks ir whirls ym. permit one case, ‘THE HOT LIQUID in stratum and strives to rise at aa rel in from around, and, rash ia me ties the eya ifferent'y heate the | Kies face of os gronn Up, al the whirl thus Ageiiod 8 "iikely - eens n out by friction, These occur ly when the is still, because when there is wind tl es is mixed constantly and the ioretatum cannot fo! Sand and desert th the Ayreshires and P . | doing remark * erage for 9 pro ited by th mals of sere ony through Chicago Prof. Robe is a phenomenon | Yet, st: ¢ the kindred ‘t fs tornado and chapters in the history of American science. reas, wn, Dominion dairy commis sare hh ied Angus are leaving Menitoba Prof. Robertson | 4 me of places to be hada earienes with Chief Buchanan, ot World’: dis band to his plumed cha and rode away e lone little home to stay. peripeteti, travelling eactyand witkcaleh “se| ataeaat the glorious world to, spe. or train, and the: Swift as a vision he pasted the fields bifon the wild rose blushed amid goldex She took up the he weapon which woman. wields, ee mm berseit she would hide her W | Out in the thickest of noble strife Ho talk she sankure of conten Dea¥>2 -| And she, shut into her quiet life, ‘Half décmed its narrowness to the grave. to say, when the war was pact, ris] And the knight came back wearing ‘valors” “Twas the lady who, wan and pale, at las Sane Kea "ok mounds welch. teft, their —{Margaret E. Sangster. ject the Bird: iol loves a who is fortunate ei be able, if he does not live in it, to visititfora few weeks “Eyer oF tte birds, wld ought to, be one of the chief sources of pleasure to the rambler in a be | the fields and woods. Cowper has sun, -| ag Not rural sights alone, but rural sound: Exhllarate the espn and res “2 SNe lace, Wee is Pane utterly wanting 1es_ of Ontario, toi er true, howe sb tat Men th ‘hows sarblers cheer the ary, one may walk for miles slong Bar niits voalar er Geter ie borders of the most, promising ave either the eye Fair, in edie to the th Peethont to flnee mae “Ri more favorable de Crenty ever housand fect high. They are metines compound, a score or more of common centre, ‘They are very comme fn tadia, ‘They sometimes carry up 30 mach set poses and the co-opel Dairymen’s “Areeristitna! has already been aservice in ate attention to tl ter. We hope it will keep it feniticts eaders. ge ta Pe ee Seisure of Canadian Sealers, ee roo ived_ from Victoria, B. ee ae "Beth steamer Cor er, was soized tat Pa ms Sound, on Jt ayo tee on ia rat Shs citrate pes tates, In the Magdalena Valley, across group of lary meral character as the Laced * hich is fairly free from obstru cums The whirls mentioned have depended on ent to the time the hea tereo the family another element is ter,and they vapor or Wi most abundant near the ground. pos eools by expansion With | Slay sf vapor pI toa greater hei ght than w Saath e ai ot sat tb at, the air is is drawn in at rises 3 nae and soon. And tl vortex = Se is Sas m) tly, greater expectat I The Best 0 .g thes oe called 9“ gen: storm’ ” or ee depress ion,” and teorol sreuld like tocall pater ‘bat the papi insist « oe apg that name to tor a curiously cab v epee red al ities ies ortwo eek in Masai the ring Jead and take care who Drama, care of ber.—{musi The “ thin aise stots sir, perhaps | and oir i e lower surface, risin, the air rises | tion was‘calle scams efor Canada atthe Wi e he management. of int and the tural commanity, may ro what he undertakes will be well efforts will a] ah home. The circums' : Six weeks ago the British Golum iation chartered the Com 0} the Union m them tl Ene time the British cruiser Nymph lett for Onnalask, having on 0 represents the British siete ten Exciting Scenes in Menagerics. On Saturday an elie occurred in with the annual the surroun especially Brook Stree tod a menagerie owned by near the spot, ran to it him ually secured, d to the fact t lion-tamer entered the nt one pole of a battery the inside of « hoof, the other tact with the iron Ti candi tale held England, ik for the time ex: ited some alarm. ‘The was full of shows of various kinds, ere \argearaimbbe |b nding villages thronged the principal streets, and more ret, at the end of which Set Lorenzo, when the animal turned im an on wit farther assistance the large |schooner ia northern wa Seed the dogs which without supplies, and they home. 4 dog, which was so senoasly injured that it - | was at once Le out of has been applied to establish he Saale rs’ foot. Usage is aed and catches cannot be tot ail to the quick, the Frot a went ¢ direct ne 10, while a prize Sie ota Tange, wuniber ing schooners they were merely nor passenger, of ot pertse of Alaska, at sealski floct within the Tere . | States, wit pt - | Bertety “of the Queen, says The information ageric at petal on Friday evening atten-| on which is seizures were made hat bleod was ed by Li Corvin, wi was 3¢1 sent to port lay the movements of of the reels: of the Conquillam leaves every - sealin ters will en to come Fail ae are not yet tohand, Association here, Sa The Last. ae (still blushing) —Am I the first ever kissed: last. She—Am I gi —No, darling, but you: J really ? oh, to coxvk thate: \ The Wilverton Sun PUBLISHED EVESY THURSDAY sees aoe en MILVERTON, ONT secon of Bubscription we veges? in sdranee aths, 3 i othe rte for Soe a Qe. t insertion, te al scale. i on ape catds of eight lines and under, $5 Per Jeet tisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, not exceedi ng 10 lines nonpareil, $1 per mont Houses ‘ses on Sale and Farms on Sale, n: eed 10 lines, $1 for Biot month, 608. ees Subseaent month. tes will be given for larger word, no notice less hurches and other ious ‘and benevolent ‘potitutions half ra ‘orrespon Bon os dist To nts pnts gate eet in every unre-|8 ammonia to the sulphate of ing for amount upon its s! a lime. op it would be quite a8 fectual, but roguire moro judgment a Mackay bas the ficest dia- ecklace two. metres in ted and bach gb gets Ge 3 sperma the Tronath Just righ~ i heres a a for Late Plantizw ‘ivator calls farmers’ attention a seen the ground is swe, declan nitrogen very |“ nats aed Co RES poe hhoed crops ) 2 ach vigorous ney are little Simin Thies planted while es] hav Hipened oo attain month. lantes asons a hele ir exops afte y | heats haw ve pass moi rats and cool fir t arian gross ignot cay a hotweather |™ for | Crop, ed it succeeds on wet for cation Yt require labor enongh to be vi sper fos of Hangatian hay are in winter fo apebe is too w Correspo et “should write on one side prof of Bs sheet 01 nethoriaa correspondents will fornshed with Ease instars, envelopes stamped and address Sop Print A every description, eas ont in the latest style of the art. No. botch work will be found lower than THOS. W. WHALLEY, EpiToR AND ts BLISHER, erton, Ont. grain. Begin to form it is no! Beans are the best c1 spaces where earlier plang have partly bat bi failed. oie also, enough, be 5 AGRICULTURAL. The Use of Skimmed Milk. ‘There is always a profit in feoding skim: fe lanted w We oy ‘are re- ee wi planting m J me and th tes | more rapid will | with little previous cultivation. | eosae Sg ae Perper nce rather than a help to to the skim eed if felipe shorts por drought ee on lai of injury to the crop. Ae shout fifty pounds hey are 125 pounds, it will help Mis ao give, tae fest varm,. yp you al e | wool hat wil sll the prigs day, and this medium combing. The fine w: al 's0 readily now. The cloth that y the common iL. ing in these days nn ab “* adjust” hime tonew ideas because ts eal in his boyhood, had Bis ole grain sickle and Jeaes is Malar in the field a few y Pmlnraploes erg any of ren ave en, needy, _ 8 0 inter miner sips ded this season. abe about 124 ga spraying about once in 2w« blooming time, and after ‘the erop has been crop, do not delay The m the leaves a little hole plant it ould do, al paper that | of rok, centl. ht] ae Sheep ar other domestic animal profit, vantages Bad Weather will be almost mirscslont if the bad | fit beer z while ‘he soil is kept .d bet we ae otatoes: one tha st or ratty calivation. ith potatoe No late crop will pay better than 9 eon mangel warzel for | few be yw lary the fend i i citrated eau el a of bev pears, iceless. It 1s Be Medium Combing Wool the Best. and ‘tra and some one yaluable results way Pecos of no animals will you get more the benefit of the work of others than |S n. |in the breeding of sheep. Pi the causes and effects wer be Bis fine are becoming rare. ‘The most carious pearl, fer many reasons, The Mare of aleep Singh, ae tae 2 folieate rs shat is that which ine traveller Taveinier sold | Kin hi Tih Pariaby ‘or will be any great degree of the seveut seninsy to the of ne of tl Persia for 2,700,000 francs. It tie if, and ie is still the proper.x of the of ier hase light, ais ie ere at one may indulge in 800,000 francs. This pearl is valued to- | (+) a "A Seaqenl te h ‘aluable must st boot the old ey rery thick , The. conditions i possible. Sick jand particularly for intellectual inspir- ation, have for these reasons essenti- erits from one rone of St. by mid-summer re -without | the 1" ok. ' ince ef the Empress Frede mn | them ia worth from 5,000 thirty-two peal aris only and its tas beaatifal emeralds. olatons ome ,000 fra Her mother, e summer ds . a an aquamarine h 600, ecklace of rose- P which Lady Burdett ‘Contts am two pie hires patie ak admitted to see Yormerly in the | which’ are worth 730,000 francs. In our Tower of Lon It is worth “400,000 museum there isa appre that weight 133 ft. ras rats, It was found in Benga man The necklace of the Baroness Gustave Rothschild hes five row ris, and % Su valued at 1,000, Jes, and. that of the | o Baroness ‘alisiphe de Rotheshild at 4,200. | by a Both ladies proceed in_ tl me Penner fat regard. to pears ‘Every time fiat jewelles fines ‘pearla that are, really autiful he is authorized to bring them to and that in early ized themse go many worthy pur- ‘or stock, es for the Advancement athe syentier a German prince, wl —_—__>———_ jeweller named Perret for 170. ,CCO frencs. Could Never Shine as 0 Bootblack. xy |p dive Tittle Boyt, wish you would % | teach me to black boots.” oot tind ‘hat fur?” Th the series of papers that is appearing Tam not 4d. with my aimless ex- mon subjects istence at home, and I wish to be indopend- ent.” “I see, ‘Kin you lick one boy twict reelf wid one hand, hold y'r it, ih th’ other ‘an’ keep off two other boys with yer fee that, grown for the I and cars is eatin ie Woman's Intellectual Institute, is ich Dacca have worthy ST aie oak eat ie n or | H8S Six rows, an francs. consideration by every women’s club or At the time of Mme, Mevle Bisaca-ealos ether grennisacion. looking £0 the intellec little | M. ‘in, the son-in-la ‘of the first Presi-|tual advancement of the sex. Mrs. Van “Too ae n’t do fur a boot+ ‘ at black. I'm afraid you'll vias tar ge bone an’ grow up a dude. WEAKNESS:MER ¥ eae THOROUCHLY, FOREVER CURED yy anew perfected scienti method that ca ‘unless the case human aid. “You mee reich Mat ie too her “thy years to gather, which are t 400, i. a ". Binet ‘every a sel tria possesses black the most esata ees can be seen. he earl but usually if h will be that of ne Em necessary aa aay thet fact that last bas e. 7 ‘me. eet ide Leblanc sold her > lace, rut rop | three pa 181, rm iivation. ster the i ae yn the recollection of which ir i haps still preserved, she had to ta ack. ree yr necklace = a waterfall, oe collier en chute; that is to say. the are regularly graded up to to the largest wun i whieh Bea oo fs Sry die. Mile. Me a ous pear esle- telat torte feel Amon; agother things she possesses two solitaires for which she paid the trifle of 50,000 francs. To finish a, the Bian let us call at- 1 ce ee A ok moi ie ion it my| | "ms ee acct i ss ERIE MEDICAL, LO. BUFFALO, N.Y. Be acta dered i elsewhere, osits! ‘Is are the most | in th of will red Se aKT a aS fe A am ¥ 4 ’ pearls, per oe eg egloe z chan thee i sh ipation, dullness off ‘ tena, | hearing, loss of voice, desi c fection. f ken eyes sur-) rated di cLEs,, oily i aS a ets, Soe PRE ark tia E t I je tension every ufnet who tions on oom | eae Bk e growing the ople is made at pete best quality of meat always kept om di sealed. PS rrsardibess, the sym a ticy which ase faint spells borne lips, m Hh] rasege beats, hot flush age Aeon ot boone tne Beare ead, dull ain inthe beat HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID witl ts st irregu ere sn on the eae, i Senge thicker chee a a FOR POULTRY OF ALL ‘This dia mad at \ KINDS Bend wrnof Ra _| for book. Address M. V. Ys | donell Ave., Toronto, to, Ont. i} Tp you want to bay or sell afarm ad.,; Visits Millbank every Thealay and vertise in the Toronto “ Weekly Mail.”;| Saturday with Meat of all Kinds |*rhat paper reaches 100,000 farmers’) jhomes every week and ise iment should meet the eye of some on "Who ised what oe ‘since become | ‘who wants to Adver tise-| ich belongs to the| ments of this class are inserted in the! cont 570,00 fae Itis| Toronto “Weekly Mail” for five cents a ih eight facets, | ord for five insertions. i “ The Hail,” Toronto ; up at auction in . SAUSAGE IN SEASON for Piga- on over the a srighsfory-nin os Corned Beet and Pickeled T alway ithe Grand Mog ght the Sha of Pers on Hand. = he”) ie ron The ground mm all this i ‘legs inv ot = Chars of = = a : tion to the rule that 3 = REGULATE THE re in bad seasons | monds that aes soe 3 iso stock and the STOMACH, LIVER »° BOWELS, body can grow | simset inevitable result is that prices rale| crops low. Ins age both re and skill. write this wrth as very full report and mi ds wor Mantioy: At thet Time of tee eale of i ecto, ‘amon, We 8 necklace o Gf four Fivieres, each of bezels in brilliants, mounted omailver kod forming a waterfal Id for 183,000 and stock PURIFY THE BLOOD. | and most likely make some ae a rule the © Sure, the seerie e (everely)— A on er would seem to indicate the prices srt | francs, sa- find Primal {ally as e sea- ‘as one of greatest abundan the season promise of the early months. This year Is likely to be an exception to the rule. —$<$—— £ = pre ‘oungwile (at brealfast)—“ fase re on the table, Nora.” ore Shes fa A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR ane, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia Chronic Liver Troubies, Dizziness, Ba Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, an disorders of the Stomach, Liver ae ae Ripans Tabuies contain nothing injurious to the most dei tion, ros to ae safe, = Give immediate relief. draggists. t by cents, Kise, we oo ie best | P 4: . RA "The Duchess d’Osst ‘Sal who died recently, bed ey immense collec- Weight gave the Duchess rade seldom Fl the “if Eorina owns the largest diamonds, and sie ebay some every ce fat ow the pearl and raby ‘As for’ diamonds the jicate constita- Sold by © A trial bottle sent ‘mail on receipt of 15 ‘Address: * THE RIPANS ss eeclar CO., Street, There | Duchess Nora—| de Pe have intr 10 Spruce York City. the house.” Mrs. ie ema ie passed th af fastened tos , bow of ribbons ‘Then make some | the neck ant th the dh oe Br

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