Milverton Sun, 21 Jul 1892, p. 3

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_ Penitentiary for the of -MBDICAL WALL? POST OFFICE BUILDING - Pari is Green PURE AND FRESH All Prescriptions Promptly Attended to. jthe eloquence ofthe the Onterio £1892 was neetneet! pi the Provi: tthe free ini ed, especially since the! year 1837, te the advance of oe and civilization, and most of ail, pi} Subscriptions received for all newspapers | 7°°7S €ENTRAL TELEPHONE 0! ROE Oflice hours from 7.30 a, Serings Bank and Money Ondes fico elaee $50, 000m 3 on farm boii 4 wt Jom rates {SAL ATOR Banta eae AND ERIE LOAN D SAVINGS CO. Jas. ieee Neat ‘Mass Eprrs Kay, Asst. Watches ae WELRY & ee Lusige atop of Watehes of the best, niinu- acture, such as , Waltham, Camb, /Bnglish Lever, 2 va tiches and Clocks at Jowest prices, and guarantee: a 5 LADIES Solid gold or silver watches, and solid go ripgs—a nice assortment, As fine goods and as low prices aa.n in sell for raiy ro find it best to eople al ssa eS seventy “STORE patterns, and at. oie Prats eanagit mrerery peeve tel ‘pe poor, Th eal be no possible argument against your buying my-goods, “for the fol- ong tevin they are eaeie 4 gustentee all ae “the yeneral public appreciate them, w! eta: aes ofall, telee, efe., and ge po Gatrgs Platte des ae Store, Milverton. a te to my surrounding i jen sara that T witehims Wajch and Jewelry Re- oatke pronytly ‘executed at lowest prices. ods, | ticular time when the strain resuiti Ms. |from the ruptired political rel 5 | is scarcely relieved, : Dia pera sympathy to the lass. | Lo ceca the: r iittle lots oi laud, and | seas ; 80 ch on s received with the at] Province: so ‘y ie enttrusiasm. "~ A. ed, vichly endo fed peso pee caueed ly help making good | n spite of the wreteled | = lfegislation and eae, she bas! suffered from, Otte taw: @ Globe. of the unfortunate city of @ St. Toba and by helping St. John’s the Doni is extending a friendly hand to the an. cient colony itself. 8 centre of the commerce of Ne’ jand ; it is really the only trading of importance there. With this city | practically destroyed the people of the | colony, poor as they are, must be ren- dered poorer still. It ix pleasant that Canada can prove herseli a friend in- deed, and all the more so at this par But it is impossible, while exten ity and the | ion of colony, to avoid the consid the unfortunate eee in which under normal cire s, both are placed. Neataullend © was Sones a fishing one crof! sent to British Columbia despatched thither to aly ‘tne oc England long The Milverton Sun disputed possession of the place, and i - foundlanders suffered. was at lastconcluded it was at alee ex: pense of the colony, for while B land held possession, France enjoy es ng) and territorial rights along ee coast. | “TFaURSDAY, JULY 21, 1892 - Ox Thursday evening last Hon. Hdward Biake was elected by 2,000 qiajority to represent South Longford, Treland, in the British Parliament. ae ee Pro®. Saunders, who is now in toba, the crops there are looking well, gad give promise to fall very little if any bebind last ae Ee Caxana is coming nobly to the re- olin’s, where twenty yuillions of dollars were swept away in a single day by fire, aad only five mil lions in insurance to repair the loss. sil extend a friendly hand to os ancient poner in this her hou 1 aitteuts Dominion Government has ‘time ago, gnd has placed a large sum jn the Estimates for the purpose of in- ~ teoducing machinery into use The Ontari io Seas t the Linder Grins: en 8 placing caer ieesaie Caccrat Pubon ta ™oronto to make binder twine. Twine is cheay _ and with governments in the business in aval id be cheaper i in future years. Tur centennial auniversary of the een from Jr the bartering process decision made some| buy. this year than last, |a 0 the seats oa Fr fishermen a subsidy they aplein fokeios Made Rawtona: land had no bounty. The colonial a ss men were, therefore, at a disadvan ae Government adopted i its cestrictive laws which forbid the sale of to the SS thus rendering French opera tions a trifle less profitable than they otherwise would be. Canadian fisher- men came under these laws during the continuance of the intercolonial diffeul- Ly, thy free from 3 them. The fishing population of the island, scattered as itis along she e bleak fer it to a steamer which calls at fate vels, receiving supplies’ in return, toilers of the sea come out second best. f | They have but one market in which to also have but one mai A writer to ihe. ‘St John's! 8 col. onist recently said: “Much~ of the * diseane—diphtheria, infiuenza, ete.— © the last few yearsis caused by want of “stamina, the result of the low fish nee “‘on which the people are compelled to “live, Few famities can afford sugar He “their tea. Many in the northern bays «do not see a piece of meat for months.” to sell his catch now practically own him ‘even change a ‘merchants Tecate hie “mains a chattel in the hands of b “creditor. hick “ed $10 for. Many a snug “Devonshire or on the Clyde 3 is “the| "product of the * New foundiand.” pi ice fee for other ocaypations in other! dlands, and that the exudes ¥ nape a bounty aes andi paveher |i quintal | * as ‘0 meet the situation the Gator 2) population is ia eS ilove of dollars swept away in aday and obs he re-jia truck hice inj Sus, $i50, Oui; wt.}, 64,480,000. Mod We e _Eadeavor ana me foe in nd With us a ber oo ca tA as text i $8.00 MADE TO GRDER Schaefer the Tailor MILVERTON ‘A more i derdorable nye it would be difficult to paint. om the color y is great. ists is ‘hot suitable to re owth Of wheat or thé production of iruit. But there is a great deal of mineral timber wealth, which _howevei cannot, except Re olin’ Sa peace on to the act ased by the far ts buildings. 8 to ontaer neal, of aie ers ution of thi f th As + act pantsthe trade city cannot grow. Periodically, therefore, a section of the distress. At such times the Local eran cole eae ro ee The ae the peas Ruan ie these fortune elsewhere, ther being no prospect for therm st home. Hence itis that large settle- age ments of auntancers * are fou! oe a a eer and Au a 3 ee igh positions in every well of life. Eitothe city of St ee and to the colony the fire is terofdisasters. Twenty only five millions in jneurams to repair~ the loss, means a tremendous draft upon the industry of tbe colony in the acar future. Tuz St. John’s, Soe the following as a reliable Gazette gives list. of $20.0 000 5 GUENTHER & SCHMIT% (OPPOSITE THE POST OF FiQz) are now prepared to «allow the highest market ae cmt season. Onr Millinery Rooms will ‘be r, and ‘Jadies requi any work dene can prec’ all summe same vat anytime, y. quantity of ifuckcl- Axes, Fence Wire, Gils, TINWARE A GOOD STOCK ALWAYS ON SaND Schneu uker & Rotheosael Main Sirect Milvektew Ple The “wm. Appel, T NOTICE To the Farmers and ali whom it may concern— ase take notice that I bave the finest tine of DUSTERS in tlie part of the country |i HAVE eee FLY NETS FOR ee A PAIR wonder of the age c fineat assortme TRUNKS and VALISES SINGLE HARNESS ny “Sth 88, NICKEL SILVER TRINRED saw; also RUBBER ook. LINED RUGS faa HARVESTING MIUS, of w! oe V bays & good ste STILL A FEW MORE Raia PADS LEFT FOR 50c. EACH. MAIN STREET, MILVERTON he Harnessmaker, «| Lumber We also make CISTERNS sre ne *) If you go Laths Shingles Boars Furniture “WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH “Winiow Shales Picture Frames Undertaking Sash Contracting o You A BABY BAB) Want CARR Guarantee first-clase werk Y ARRIAGE Chidren’s Excrass Wagons in Great Variety eal] and see us, and we will guarantee to please you. Our priess ‘wy below other dealers, and our stock is large and handsome | WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH Hain Street, Milverton \ % wenees tom R DRUG STORE - West side Main St.) will be found a -sfull supply of FRESH DRUGS Pure Paris Green|: —-A LARGE STOCX OF— Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, tele Xi prascfiptions promptly attended to @. N. W. TELEGRAPH OFFICE Dr. J. F. SATTERMOLE. —OF— WATSHES GLOBKS > JET 5 18 A BPECIALTY WITH Us A Zaod Steck of Best Watehos, Sissks and dewelry always on Hand oo a. Gunther Listowsn axp Minygnron | 5 A. ©. Smith Manacer, Mivverton The “ilverts n Sua “TFHLORSDAY, JULY 21, 189% Repairing = se Germann and 20m Waterhvo,, visi Gleleor, this we should now invest in v when a meetit:7 takes f led with dandruff. SEER ment, July 18th, 1892, sAllthe bers present. were read and adopted, The following accounts were WILVERTON MATTERS Testaliation of OMcers ‘us. ofcers for the ensuing year, of No, 202 e od on Friday pei last by Mr. J. Ready, DD.GA, of St Tho as follow revit rs. Appel is visiting with iecad at Tavistock, Mrs, and Mrs. J. H. Guenther, of Tingenle ane Scutaysiee Gilet vise: iris tea bona da onda ti Beviiavand’ Preston. ©. h of St. Jacobs, hast tsi visiting friends in town this eek, Ei arn Mess Bangle; of, Barkin, ave fee visiting in town this week with his father. —Mrs. Shearer, Hontarille, Mas koka, is votes sister, Whalley in tow: —During Me, Sa ROR Frt Jes. Coulter will eceupy the Metho- dist pulpits on his appointment. —Mr. Chas. Hammill, of ue arebe moved into town this_wevk. laoen engaged hy Mr. Livingston. —Mr. Charles Postler and parents returned nday after a Oe weeks visit with frien i in Buffal Characteristics of Hood's 280 arilla: The largest sale, the most merit, the Erentest cures Try it, and realize its benefit Piece Ezra, William and Henry|F Thomas, Norwich, Port Elgin and are spending their father, companied by the Misses Rupert. Messrs. Schneuker & Rothaerniel| 4°" grain elevator was raised on evening last. Work is ing Pah sary for ub ameter add 2 the op when it com- and the Reeve autho pee aT the paymeut 0! George Bulmer, work on hill, Rittinger & Motz, adverti Yours tru! (0s. STEVENSOX Misa P. Guenther left on Tuesday Pac : eee seer’ —Mr- Ge. E. Goodhand shipped a | *= car Led af ngs from Milverton this’ Charles, | "iy ited her brother, Mr. B. ve cure Ker share of the “ewsz.” | Be! o pecuniary | order tliat there # # ether | teacher named Weltestey Townnhip Councit ‘Tue council met pursuant to adjourn- "mem- The Reeve-in the chai The minutes of the precceding session paseed orized to issue his Hymen, Blain & Co., sewer piper, . 25 ng courts se for its | a on "$1000 nd | | They will bavo an oxtitination on atl July 17—that if the #10 bad ot arrived by tint tine the position would be given mene iebeore i be signed end forwarded, under waich Mie Teylor and tie mythical “ie Mrs. Jones bound the: wis ly to remain the pai he pe wena girl che is, of the ancient fa plicants ‘real t| — 4 boars (i aiid register-al letters but uo person hed ‘days bt d specimens of @ and was satiated that te Novton letters, but, i pond ve no misteke lei | for Tatonto to have the two compared by He lle insirpetjows ethtehe Cakaty ool | men calling for 1000 bail, but Chey . S. Huntley of well known car- Seen state. : Quality at the top = - Pootwear of Every Deseription Ras = Wise Men Come from the East “HAVE THE SPLENDID STOCK OF THE SEASON Prices at the bottom This is the condition of affairs with us as regards Somplete in Assortment ! Splendid in Quality ! - Bargains in Ladies’, Gents’, Boys’, Misses’ — and Children’s Shoes, Rubbers er Slippers, Trunks, ete. ‘ Bible Devository Here. Main Street, Milverton Agent for Genuine Singer Sewing Machine West North and South to buy their bo Hardware at Acheson’s } 4 Head Quarters for Binder Twine, e, Plain Twist, Oiled avd Annealed Wire, Nails, Builders’ pea ‘ols Paints, Putty, ete A FRESH IMPORTATION OF GLASS TCT | HON BELGIUM ALL SIZES AND OF BEST QUA Our Fly Sereens, adjustable to suit any width . dae oblige fies %o travel outside on short notice. See them W. ACHESON The Hardware Man = Doherty's Tunnel wood Furnace Conveniently cleaned out The very latest construction in its line. horn, auditor's extra w ne and mil leage, Remathages en be ‘that the nyse tov four fears ag0 There Was Mo Hope Hinavy ee steci radiators, anc Also the well-known in | duties to begin July 22, Address a royin| ‘aught in taid fad ig next meetin; a.m. sharp, ralt 6) Mornington and Ellice at Toronto, § Western, at London, aa seat Siscon, Ont. earch adverti enclosing el i 276, Simcoe. answered the advertisement and Sep t. 15 ek Porth, at Steatfont, Sept. 29 e petition of Joke, Petch, asking ae for d a deg acto worrying ser p as 3 roe. is the time for the, pathmaster ere the thistles cut on the public pective divisions, Moved by V. Otterbein, seconded ii Township Hall, Crosshiil, at 10 o'clock, Kroetseh, Cierk. Sept. 5 to 17. to 24. Sept. b, Sept. Hibbert iowa bh if aed 5. ‘THE FRacD wab AN OLD OxE The Pet ee on Found geen Depes July 8 About three weeks vertisement appeared in The To- un n teaching ; applications received until Jaly 2, ssed stamped ex Lock Mise Gare Taylor of Toronto Junction short Agr'l Soo’y at Milverton, Sept. 27th and 28th. ‘ellesey and North Easthope, Agr'l ellesley Village, Sept. 20¢h $3.00; John Druar, 1 sheep killed by | and Iehortd soon die. Teould not be moved dogs, $2.66; George Heintz, 1 sheep| from were na] killed by dogs, 3.34. continually reddened with llood Ba outs, |F could ect working 2nd hi ‘of the bowels fo1 tala ihe eauso “= 2m as ule cere ser dif eee Wout t is told lier deavectd be A Wasto of Money Dutfnding it would comfort» 2, Tbegan as sit, In afew daysti subside, I a el a lit ‘ mn a Hien emimente Py as er tt are requested | Tn ee eee So toni Da ine to fill out the requisition blanks and| bles every day. igouth re forward to the clerk before the first) they were oe dn s said 5 of August. sect Sal seat i Firet Time thad Felt Hun- for Two Years BOYNTON FURNACE ¢ EAVETROUGHING and ROOFING corey Attended to A GOOD STOCK OF TINWARE ALWAYS ON HAND W. SUTTON Acheson’s Block, Milverton Tkept on with acs was as well as din atx ee = er lie wy is druggists: sake sty nepsctadl Jady;, her statem: Hood’s Sarsaparilia eat ont done for her is worthy dance.” Kood’ How is this for Low Prices ? NO HUMBUG ing to shove off lt of that are ment we ae ‘taple goods BOTTOM PRICES Ail al ents Finn fen’s oe for $0. 00 and male—-not over 30 yearsold, by a wealthy » Se. a yd; widow, lately from England, ct her ain, wide. ioe per yd. two boys, aged 11 13, for two years The remainder of our prints at while travelling ; salary annum and 10c. per 2 applicants mast fernish proof o tional moral ability i Granulated Sugar, $1.00 Bown i “~—s 1,00 “Best Green Coffee, 1.00 Japan Tea 1.60 Saat z com 03 + Box of Raisins 1.28 score or more aj \ The lester request "i Sie a ee ee fall ah cr oak bor BEST BARGAINS oe tat te Position would onl be kept decay ae a J. L. RAE /Grosech & Loth E HUSTLERS Are Getting There will announce a Special Hot Weather Sale at the Yellow Front next week. THIS SPACE next week will give you”

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