SHINES FOR ALL’ Vol. 1_No. 33. MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1892. THOS. W. W. WHALLEY Editor and Publisher P «| Post GF ajluate | I, Lontion,’ Fng- | Hi ide. M 8 nd Surgeons of Ontario x, Brunner, Robt. Hanna’ nd “Tele. hh connection at pales caridets 9 nee aa F :. | Koehler. BARCHLERVILLE — siirex Left > Puast has left homey aiid is Fre. bags! Fring in Moroiatioe ss E Lan rt is home oA ‘a visit ia Tomato. Geo. Taylor's mowing hay for Mrs. —_—___ GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Thine Table bu thats leave Milverton station as|; follow: Drs. | Express leaves ‘ot Let Po 8 o'clock ie, & Rotiuermet store. H. M. Schiaefe if Marriage Li- FOr creas bo ack Milverton, Ont. jOMMES Lk Gi beat of Wined, Liquors ant Olgsts-al- wigs om | ten. Gow a and plenty of 0 aiid Cigars at the bar. Pa plenty of shed foe JI. 8. ‘Suujth, Proprieto) BUSINESS CARDS WEIR, Auctioneer, Valus a Counties of Perth and We Mortgages, wills ae W.. —| NOTY ir Dress aig f scrate AER, Ladies’ aid Children: 8 favin, a specialt: - the list, made le beat. ot Mixed GorNe NoRTR i leaves at Express Soran See \sthma, naps frou ‘eth: tant coug h- 505) ing, and Het ey toraise’any of the ia accumulated Spe that my time w: When nearly "orn pate for want of sleep and ‘rest, a friend‘tecommend- ed me to try thy valuable medicine, Boschee’s German Zentle,, tefreshing am fon fdent i it saved m life, page thetat leep. Ce gave Hea gentile a iting eee sb ast had not hai eeks, gan immedi- faye looser away, and * foutad Dayle rapidly gaining in ealth and wig es I am pleased }' » inform thee—unsolicited—that te am in excellent health and do .ainly attribute it to thy pee? 's German-Gyrup. C. B. Src mais Picton, Ontari Geo: Posliff, jr, visited his home on . | Sanday. w way | sacouns, on the a Ke (Seg hace Stranzer—A Fatr Land asa thunder severe storm nothing un- and the tei. at this place ate, bué’ thé lightning. was ten flashing from different points at once, and the thunder was tremendous There was no great damage fa hers ae hyt. rumor : ehtningnai! What rain as acceptable for roots. g ing near a close for “the quantity of hay is be- rec qu: is the Fall wheat t promises well both in aunntit the proof is yet to to be a heavy crop ana exceptions, p- pace with There was a dstngised stranger nds. of Millbank the 1 wa Bsb in Pe ersia, Oroomiah is his dweling ete, whei ‘he is at home. by birth on: the ancient via sect, the Nes t the teaching 0 of his. ge led; he legé in "his native city Geintow s st ceueanie Collegs Loronto, and is there carrying on hi preparations for labor as_ a missionary his benighted countrymen cto howe he a gerned north eae ‘Tiflis he 2 ee ence alg Prussia, till a Bey chiprass ew Yori ship to Eicdel" Rowia a Hamburg be agi i and fd gortlicrurland,’ Bea nowiabout 31 years of age, By Ayri YWLERK’: aie fa FIRS £ Pust ine + ‘OP VOTERS’ Voters” Li List;1892 HONIOIPALITY of the VILLAGE « OF MILVERT{N:- v COUNTY ov PERTH he ited or delivered to th to bese trated or vere of a Cigars und Tobacco always on lia or rth of J. 9. Grosshis Ag x the i Saran Lavi STABLES, Mil- 2 verton. at-class horses and rigs for ¢ hire, at ll times. | Commerciat “drivin ialty. Bus mecte XP teatns VETERINARY H, ENSEL ig now prepared to treat dineason'of the domesticated animals. 1 attention will be paid to dentistry. Milverton, Ont: ‘Telephoué to either drug DO YOU WANT: A BABY CARRIAGE If you cannot come and see ‘our stock, oe for prices ai pblegiaphe : Of the Carriages. LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH-PRICED) : ABRIL AGES ALL AT CLOSE CUT PRICES. ALL GOODS DELIVERED CHARGES PREPAID. Dated this 28th day of J AND, UNDE TAKER, | 173. & 5 Ontario St., STRATFORZ.. ment Boll of she said Muni persone i ty the last revised Assess mei nicipa to Ue en the said Mauizipaiey! at of the Legislative mn the 902, and remains there for inspection. cal Proceedings to have ssid Aesoriing to law, W.D: Clerk of Milwectn Dated this 26th day of July, 1892, (ueRRS 'S NOTICE OF Yen POSTING VOTERS’ LIST. VOTERS’ ‘LIST, 1892 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN-_|* SHIP OF MORNINGTON COUNTY OF PERTH NOTICE is hereby given, thet I have transmitted or delivered to Roll of the said Muni er tate agile members of the is] pie nicipal, Elec ied tp. " ions to take jondiee Trocondinge ta have thaest errors according to law, JOHN ¥ rk at Mornington. reby given, that I have h seems 4 the land we live in, The lai th d aay it q ot were destioyed.™ Persi Mas knowledge 6f\Tiriiah’ © Mokesees van read’and write aud pak hat wairly well. At’ present what eee he has acqui in ihe person of Me, ance East, the very cradle of our to come with greeting te as ihe Bay Crry, Mich., syffared™ to°the by“ Max Liwox sia, is now wotking fyr $7 a week for a Chicago firti..’ He is one of the ex- *| polled. T Jews RiA most of his wealth io * .,. -Orniigeville, April 4th, 1892 (Pees A. Smith & Co. ear Sirs, —Anti-Dandruffis evident- ly giving satisfaction. _jabout half a on the 28rd of January last. in my own like it well. | ‘an recommend it to all who ae troub- |i ed with dandruff. | which passed over us Sunday mom} he” wind bot Nee Persia. | =I ost 6 ‘a “Hebrew, ( Banker worth Pia 000 peice in Rus- DISTRICT NEWS Some Interesting Hews Cniled from the Neighboring Press and from other Sources Arxoop wants a photograph gal- TCHELL’S civie holiday’ ‘will be on Pee creat ‘of August. mk E.° Hoperys, of Birstto i: Tate the Wi Vindspr hotel the ality is now rR. Jos. Molson fhe lives n | pong fell shroagh the, loft in his on Friday last, disloeating his len. . A maw named Tr ue had the fingers Sr hisdeek ati eae ff by a circular malonate planing™ mill at turday iy aged 6 Sunday tae ae ved from pening} # reeai' horse falling on him a week ago. Mr. J. ¥. 8 ianrz, of Berlin, is now the North West arranging for a col- y of Cointy of Waterloo settler oe if Berlin on settling there, barn belonging to Mr. Jno, MeN Sisk iiving near Blair, was struck Sy lightning eafly Sunday morning and | nirned to the ground. Forty. tons jay. andar inion atic ee vere also destroyed. No insuran Licutnine struck the ©! shingle inijl sian b; D. Bl gut leet “x was ‘dee see $2,000; no} mes for the fall “meeting of the Strate rd Turf oAseoed sin, aré an- \ounced as follows :—-Sept. 13—2.45 rot, $250 ; half mile oe $200 ; pen trot :n1 pace, Sept. 14th £230 tos and eg mile ‘eats, $£09; open ine ae ‘ "vo year old col The antral is now able to graze ts mate. Anovr 5.30 Tuesday morning’ a Jhinamen was seen to runout 0} Shinese laundry at Guelph bleeding tom wounds on the face and head. tis pertner had demanded money due hi he took up a butcher’s clevel escape, but the police are on his track, and, expect to bring him in shortly. aes eee NY nam AM tie i “| you on pee ach and ner Hood's Pills act especially upon the = |i sgpeing it from ory to Pea sti rosch, ‘this week dis-| i oF iss eh ie hndes ed Joh street te aot nlm who ho wil shortly move Milverton gains andther Crp hasbeen py eral recomm ful Ais St. Foo one who is sufferin, Nova a Soomro nd ee drought eye Winsipes electric railway was opened —e terday. New York cers sweltered in | a 95° apenas esterday XFORD fl farmers expect” 40 bushels of wheat Tons of a Paeaeteds are, Sip mained frome Naw, Brand wick to x grown near St. Paul, Minn., has. tne found to be of eareer ee quality, © ba for towels and threa URGLARS got $10 in ‘ene, sod coal cbange from om Ba ae rth on Sate A DEsPATCH from” Poitang, Oregon, says there will be a great shor Hee ih ‘crops of Oregon and ashe ingto age . Mr. complained of the the eee ‘ork being done paten the award re with ig im and upon being ca at write question of providing culverts in route of the Corcoran Drain was co tne ‘and Councillors Coulton ani Krenter were panera eae building of culve spall ean 9, and 10, cand ll, “ta with. Application of , Thos, Guin for and Foley, the clerk was instructed to ite the Provincial Treasurer of the Treasurer for local Jeioasae, of township — of Messi ot Hh selling ‘allo, ine ae con, 5,and.6 and. 7 culvert side road 15 and 16, Malcho, hauling clay con. road 10 ‘a1 11, $9; E. Soeder, gru bin a $1.50; F., Moser, side road 15 and 16, “al