TO THE BITTER END, A Tale of Two Lives. BOOK IL CHAPTER XII. “Well, rer to Know’ v ve, you fond ont what you | jo head. “Not quite, bat I ha dacovered ex much ‘as Lexpected to, wretched, a upon earth, wilh no hope ope in the ages, in the present—a ‘wrecl Dany fp whour death It su ‘was a fearful prospect ! to T sank down into a chair and covered my | the ai Soon he same and face stood by.m issue slowly from the ‘chapel, and, after 8 too, at to into the future, | ev: ening. re-e1 one had gone, still felt ar] ae to gan The spot Uttle hesitationand ssuntering, h Treathe ix'some of the sweetness of the eater thahouse. When the last Tleaned back again, but I charm for ‘Slowie the wiltact streaks o oft color faded with my hands. alight dam prepare a nis ‘white cade of aiat rete slowly to rise ani hades of ed the gale ley, ae, foe ring. It was time for me up to my feet and ng ae bovezs caribor mi ern a life than Braithwai Bese Sal ange, mere va, ithwaite, a famous trapper, and Pringle, came out of the , 98 martens (or sables), 22 lynx, 18 rats, S ‘bon, ‘The line of ‘traps was pati les in length. "Probably no man in easi- made a closer study of forest he said, ‘it has al- pen : fark wes ear T'was it stood glways out in bold ‘elief| ncfease in numbers in our Canadian w led my shole. being _with a pee esc Gasa’ maratng, ais’ X aid. Thea 1 poouvin then, in that nee against the ane aud my Arr dwelt | They breed rapidly, live to a very old age, iret orb Atos ca oo oe renepeed Pepe SB agitsted interviow it faintly dawned u re unmolested it with the fuel of anticipation, or the re- 5 scape Pree ley cleinees Casen rho | wiolested: by man, | yer the bear popalation i not would most surely have eas thing beneath theigartace, tf tha Sede ENS Oe ele rea | onthe no deslioe ‘Two winters Ra ao om eae adr de eater CHAPTER XIII. sagerese with whieh he pled argument the life of comtemplation and reverence, to| am explanation that sstonishe obeyed its viet eras bs icmree an slat ee is frantic attempts to| he thousand joys of the outaide world. |and taught me how litile T kuew about ee no Poach ti Ba is tne Gs bas vig the Then I glanced irom the chapel to their| bears. I fo ld sayed aa foie mi His nse in the this Setng Biers 7 ay eo iaaa [2 “ Monsioar de Fe oarge "I I said to oon abode, and my eyes which had sought it she bears, when ne | suddenly, intercupting his stream of words, | carelessly enough, me suddenly DEYOUR THEIR Yo! an as ee, pila pl ns phere dlangtice peony ts £79 oyerthick nt aon Yather you are do- |fixed, and I felt ‘my heart beat fast.|1 had often seen she bears a ood wipe en eet toes ene ott ing your duty to What that brilliant glow of | had apparently lost their ges pe tt Meee Bomgetsthe west fe it seemed to me that she tempted the words es,” he answered, sie t fiercely, | Fed ee ig ee 5 Daring the 0 M eae " tof ny Ips. Shall Tevr forget the glow: “Yeu it Twere Bot ag ure of ‘the safety | Painted windows? Ie might have Leen , Uhave closely investigated Tee nnn adder dire aa she leaned over to. | of What Iam doing asI am of my own ex-|the last fierco glow of a summer sun-| {ne subject, examined the stomachs of old weal i tie cae ae Tullo tho istence, you might Stenson in noking |20t3 but the eun had set long ago. No Shee <i have abibaap. Ope doth wilaber} of soltnte that question, Asit is, you have none. n, no lamp, could give such a light. I | discovered undoubted evidence that the eubs ry ok sey | involuntary invita seek my daughter's fost She loves | Watched it for a second, and then I gave Been beli e8 paar eta cayaeae Ae eee On hee es abi iy we. seem: wild ory and forward, with all mem-| among carnivorous bitds and animals are which he had been it am in m ould have Tooked | ‘* And God knows that I love her,” 1/0 x my weeines pele gis ga han heretofore supposed. sap orig bm neato ihe faze tof ‘the women he loved | cried bitterly.“ Monsienr de Feurgei, 1 Ting rks Y "hae the dark ae nce, this winter T saw a large teeth, asked mo my busines and not have older 90. ‘think not Tt can give you no answer any a ; Xteld him that I wished to order a brace- is oe is estal some long time go,__He bowed politely, and istimated his ess to accept the Perfect willin , the same I bee out my ieee book and sulted hesitatin sift eof no consequence.” the 1s—,"I em, bare thee tas wontons the aniaae et “arrival.” He touched.» mul ie tonce with a shrug of aie soalioct ut “the =e of m: snl ihe Wolast! here without saying that oe re- isa no more of + very long time age,” Tremarked, 1 hand gong on the turned toward me con- said, it T their rh ai sought hers seem What doce she think of me, I wonder ! I have held her in and fe them. I have told her Passlonataly: fierce- - fly, that loved her, an lenly, ‘tT Shrust het her faint reproachful ory morrow, In thre> days I will eneiece d. a hist aie his long, white fingers were grasping | ¥ 2 convalsively. te Pehaie sieetae tea 4 quivering with agitation, and his Trebino quick even gasps. eee wie or the answered. ¢ time I shall expect to prise. « Neillaon.” I eried, i that you He was leaning upon the back of a C aeie before he could com- me <The death ometente ae Cecile Clan- as CONTINUED, ) 0oks to ‘companioi as they hav . pn ends, fied I sat dow: sea and women, and ai Your life with pleas: | tet Si “e The best: Bakke often reveal their worth | used to in! ye ‘*Thave felt that it ee sed to 'be say ees uae oth he it away, and I was left | thing,” said the’ Rev. Rol edt “to al fat lacie wae n] unded or alo ne 1 Gane about the companionship of! badly cornered, but nt they are very danger- Ustood by the open window, and 1 hea: Bia is scr bed mal Heap aud sweeten |ous if surprised. A year or two ago, while the midalght eae en by te sound of the jog of young m women, I sup-| cruising for lumber, I almost: stepped upon might say itis sixty ‘years, tla she bear before L saw her. She rose on gral as T hurried over the lawn, but Tdared not | Whee cl i. ‘ pect , ty ese ae nes aaa oes, tess C decated rer 0 ee lopnn dd hath bay's Deer | Catia of oes Saigetaamay aciatted 40. che them, one of them. especially. hotel, and presently there was a knockin is Cat. who thal se x ai Foca raetcisiy | st my door, which was quietly opened an. red. pain pa rene t ope ase 38 Sere GBiey, Bets Wire| On ee a aratea oat ete | Docu Seo ood Teiatis sthey wel waver ao- i ook 2 Sere ry eet anes tke trader. serene ig React " ae hi » but bales wae ake a move y know him. I sawa in Shakespeare's chair at Strat-|towards her cubs she woul towar Been ees 0 Ona PE Ear teas tous Rm OG Cae cad Rate (ord ne Avon, sud woainto hls encdon,and |e eag ohne hen eae an ea oneny Sct ee eer oe OF id olla aheaks and fevered ayes, Whe had flowers from lower-bed near his| At last I reached the edge of a little clear eat Serpe "wbon this eral | moment ee ee ee he Bitae it ing, and she whosled and made off through ! - ved bur. | night's dream ; but I could not make a is. not feel much afrai anche of trouble has fallen spon me, 1 roaght with tan awed sur [ 28 she lives with me hile the bear was after me, but wien. she it Strength enough to not aie the Sougenes I w England forests, one | gaunt and long and the other stout and less t i tive. Iam convince order. Mordau,” he continued, turning | away from my memory every bla: a nd to the man answered the | and pla: easclloctionr of ca Where—w ‘ef iS A MISTAR, bell, ‘send Monsieur Dueate here.” grief ? He Suis hand eagerly, but I shook ffer in their habits and dispo ‘The man bowed ithdrew. Directly |" Let me think coolly for a moment, if I| my he on at sion, but they belong to # afterws 4 tall; gray-h rei old gentlemen, can! Here amI, eitcuta tiene and with- Te was lost that night in the bay,” I are like hogs in their habits, sub: with olds xine 6 glasses, hich can = my he iS cfeanIRR Sit wedi date? fe aly moo the door nay, T have already etter while others are fond eDucate, Lane ihe design ledger for | won—the love ofa irl who believes. me to | fro! occasionally vary his dick with a=," eh Eo ena ‘gentle- = of En; fk ‘She may love me for Took my head. I had never looked. , | fresh fish, I have known them to frequent fa nalast isle brasil eis myself alone ; Doaitin tuieae tut ae oe rank dow gee ree weneta ee the outlets of lakes, where trout and suck 1 “—f - reat] am aoe Se et EM i dakon to nc es | lyin he mostre. “In valn ysl eggs icity gcord Samer some time | I have told her of rine. —in vain their paws. The hide of the black bear daring ay of that year. Can et den the ‘Wha aml todo? Tell her the truth !| I hurried to his side, but his eyes were sometimes eight feet in length. The largest desi erhaps her father has done so already! I — Sa pared astly pallor crept ‘into his in our pile this spring m asured seven feet "He tn ared, arid presently brou; me ere is only one other alterna- | f@ce. six inches. The best way to catch bears is ge base ean led ates tho’ ail Fa fra Seer aipcane i oes rongameae pet ee ith teal, traps'y it takedn good deal of of which were covered. with various a word of farewell; Gaa 1 do this ¥ Lintat | or ahs construct a deadfall properly, and jewelry, evidently traced and | Her father has been. hen they FIRE AT THE CONVENT, ep toad f cmastaks ie bear is very large heis pretty sure ee at Mae showed-him in I had but one thought. He Every, ho has ed through a|the sea. Ibis not apt caught them paraealy and wo all three stood up and looked at it, | had come in anger to upbraid me with seck- | period of great mental anguish will,at some | (rece natianey with the marks of the deadfall upon them. ng le tage: "PSPs thy | ener, hte and ate ies said, resting his long, slim foret it. For the first time in my life I was the stro: Isive desire to namb, Is we a BeDee a Thee anyone [eae ton gman Fall in ie fae | uit, ihe cae agony’ vy Reng ah Yeh Be Se ae as nat sere are perfectly plain, and the clasp fastening is patiently jim, expecting jh ical exhaustion. It swept in 1 ty, sen! 5 MGEE Iowan cassub Go git oes, attain beat eee eee oe ry words; ead{Sitn more tha common fora after Nelle ss RS A wee arg ops hen he has committed any depredation {lave often wondered did not take better aeecntiet that, whatever he might say, I| Son’s sudden arrival, and on the fi ems instinctively ow that some e le scarcely another in thesame dite : ES ea ar ‘whether you for a simi- lay have ever bee taken bracelet he said, ‘one moment. yes, {lf mo miltpadicd us He left the office, pas with a were quite wil ur Deate may his forehead re- ps a9 “now making. We nsignr But ent eai get,” Tanswé would bear for f_my own gui was wi agate oe “Lord. Aloe ston,” he commenced, « deughter has told me something of what bas ween you.’ oe very angry with me. tha z have abused aoa hospit cried “ You have use ti T fear you will think but w. the time, and we could n ne the bracelet should be ready, by th che stipn! ee gio ibe in one ter a good deal sl away with h “Was this it?” I asked, one which Lady Aleeston ha Monsieur Ducate took it a looked at as I beading it back % “That Ris white finger mailin w certain spot c bracelet. » Monsieur,” he “In appearance, sai “only that here Seal be asmall knob | a in w marry bis ister ts Twas sore, and yet by his offer OE ani en the one of later make. This one, ook his head. . Very little crit Tspreasion she left m ia 7 the bye,” ¢ tol Shing by which jou won berate nize “Yea!” et first inquiry = the bracelet she eid sbat che wan om Lord Tambel iran sitll ar Rougut was getting impatien: ’ happened to be exceedingly busy at romise thst e time ne respect— bong that one and took it eee the Lad tem = remar! is. ioe doubt, the ‘Identical bracelet which we I said, pointed edge of t her of in- of the as you ‘o1 ES ss I to recog- te You “But you —whi then © Ther “There can interrupted. me. of it?” | t wen one we ci oa jer wagons man in the worl whom i,” I stammered, amazed. Me notl ies Listen. It would be pane ae ecres lly ot you to disclose wl wo! ‘Id—your. mot! ourself, and I—know of it. Letit die out ed, | from our remembran: any- | no thing should ever Eippen to bring it t it volight ever can—I will settle ee Bigger eek agitation. s veal you tell her—all2” yord. Wat necessity wonld I Tfeel that soon be dead. faboead: vand then, save y would kno have been trath ch coming (ig lige” cgi Se no ae ‘know that there can- Tip s moment of bitter temptation to ‘oer th whe after aaany years, eran las Bera er es such fear here,” ba prot "aogier ere is no would rather see halt to her sake, and for the suke | of the three for which I had bargained with Monsieur de Feurget. as 1 long in words from him of any | i rly inthe morning I left apreriy | the hotel, and setting face inland I station f with | commenced to walk sets from the. fashion- ‘my “Tam hs to blame, Monsieur de Feur- | oo; be quiet- ther, = met runeaes par our inces of ere, he able little watering-place as though my one ray from it | wy} one ‘which Thad tipob trouble to persuade them to oer and s' broad white road. vane is upon ay reeacl al Pech = err? and 8 ag 3 I was cool I offered them a coin, epped out again into the ont of me was a long line [iS pe ely ‘The afternoon Qt — proached the Ete which I had oe their ibcstnn’ wore iavie ance llow cornfields were wavin; had the chapel. Then the bell asap there ‘was silaace sg drew es sigh. of contentment — besedory ire tired limbs out th turk. = ule sa Thad found what I hed so my feet war the. alivnioct atch cane with its weather-beaten cross out vividl le out the them under the bed mons, and authors week-day preachers Te occupants had to | 1s about so. is profanity ou the tnere and presently, | # to speak of nov enjoy a bright, good story. when I wi Some call novels week-day se me one comes forward with the question ; ” Pittsburgh, Pa., whom for their existing labour troubles. He shot ears ;,| to do an; a fanmnistakably to the t Saeed natty. Otters I joright in the midst of this hot weather bo ‘again. withoat. reoonnolterin g the spot, walking around it and getting squarely to I a wart90, 6 to detect the presence of "am unable to say why the black cat is called a Saher. ‘1 have never known fishing ; a ct, he belongs ‘ea very keen seni smel peter up the Miramichi River last win- I thought it likely thav he would show himself there. He did so, and I a him, Ithen KEPT ON UP STREAM, and about half @ mile above met my part. iscrotion, but Perhaps | to sjoiced at indigent irtually sold Seay $a opus gras him on the streets ol has actually cost £5,000. onmy elbow to Histen, oul whee Sais Tremained watching the dark figures | *™' is recovering rapidly. | March him imin the | ner, Pringle, c he wind was ee ni When acrestes rkman | blowing ream, so it is evident that was found to have dynamite cartridges in| the ert rane Ware Scented Pringle fully his mouth, with which -he doubtlessly in-| a mile awa: tended to commit snicide, after the fashio1 y: “«Foxesare gifted with mirseulous powers of seent. They wili Toca ‘appears he was not eo seriousl le six f rough a aaetatik near pa an hater vee Tost, tom In the: autumn of 1888 Mary: Ford, = of the hile hip nach tras frozen ar, and t wife ion. labourer, | the fox had been unabli deeper. _ Pringle dagout the ole and found with the worse for ita longs im Renbiosac elves 0 It is many years since Indian devil, bas been seen in inthis tian nd caribon are best time for soy bers. the iat weeks of September and the inet The immense antlers which grow on the moose in th rom moose cat n enetate, thicker where “A male is unable to follow, — ga m Portland, Oregon, had a $250,000 fire un ‘Walton. “ME. BOWSER AND THE MOWER. * ELECTRICITY. THE WEEK SNEWS. Jrccay With thes to trudge upc Totnam Ht af ‘There was a killing frost in Montanaon | Tatsummer morn so cool and still, jucky Day SPAN, he Workea | W11Kt Replaze Gas and Kerosene for ednesday nig at. ‘When smiling on the early day the Machine on the Lighting—The nsehss he scape lay, : a Pitsees Wioabeaa Poe have settled a Robbers secured $10,500 from the bank ab Thebiomble at ale withdrawn, iDid that lawn mower come = this fag ge Manitoba Nil the ot morning. ~ a af nei et! ” asl as he came rn = ha epson ott Foren in 1864 was a USaIGSeadne. at att setae has been isi aden fngee Pe nied higher, = hour ahead of time the other even: Suactciatay hati fa ab ‘tale Rios £22,000, in 1852 i¢ to blow up the: Carnegie nile ta Piven | es ‘whistling piace far afield, ing rated lien wote gat wager by turning on the natural ne ctaat eg ies ‘Was that a lawn mower?” queried Mrs. iarly known for 7 tury The petition Yeiet a ys of Hon. | PY gas. ‘as in th ‘ “What on sarth pos. | {4" 8 appears from the present outlook fu- Yar. Foster was dismissed o1 Ye One hundred and fifteen New York mes- | 1 Tanould wed re liked } i well Tndeoa ing ?” telegraphic pre Police Officer Steadman of Moncton, N. | 82g boys cl aie _ fe anelay against a That wah ogute orate neti walk, es voliiti Tt may be romarked here, 5 hi i ii atecet nders of the am god to exve abohefifisen anlar: bowerer, that electricians are not withont a burglar the other night. 3 Fa an show os shout ren miles of | hrom P siny ana Rated i Fn and conga ae telegray phing = ‘ ew railroad inited States | fi, he Ser ates got ack, Mra, Mary Warren, of Hamilton, is 106) ao se the Aart cis uontbeed toon | natant A vient reper Piaresbronat combine business may be "am decom Years of age, and is still in fairly goo f Who loved to angie through the glen. : we the means of ealth., A committee appointed by the Chamber | 3150 pleazed aapecklod trout to hook. Always kill two birds wi . a ses f 1 The New York Central and Hudson River {0f Commerce of Grand Forks, Dak., has Ponder o'er some anelent book. “TH wo ples seni eieorrlginersn ts ralroad has complated arrangements for a issued a call for a conference to consider re- | 70) Hae x ‘thoa i ae upa a in a couple of weeks to astonish lpn pel gh wie fr wera vie direct linc to Mot eiprocity wi 1 Or sweet Herbert's verse, you, doctor says it’s exactly what I Ba, tt aight ie s rations have been suspended at the | Iahould have liked i¢ well iadcod ; need.” i 7 ay died at the ee a las week from [Champion on mine, near Marquette, Mich, | For auch ttl wit whieh the way a mhavesed Oo ROseT Lio Gop: tl ve + my ! iways ites A EREA as Inability to matket the ove fe the conse yearned 3 sition everything To! Th Pe whee ige of tl neient Order of Forgot the dust and growing heat tal ch comfort fami 1 7, . girls in the Geatral Telephone Ex- | (0rsot the tea S Uae [Workonen wl will be instituted at Win- change tIndinapoti be geno nike, | Agen he pressed with wining foot, ae) thing you ‘wouldn't oppose sis my oy ee epee Sioned ochre est” “| te ee i aera tig mort. eee month in istus Turner, of Bae mpréme | Where in a brimming eup of ale xercise. 5 ph into an old suit of He reads sl of x te the . SS haeebsta president ofthe Ealowament Order of the gig a Rae y me clothe, di a ane lawn Repu ae the oe worth of land inthe Northwest, obtaining money under false pretences. Seagate eB ‘at tomake a start ie Tooked up at Reid wan sGhuck by lightning nd | cand Liel by cca eee ats a8 | 3p. will doubtless be of intarestilo Fath at instantly killed while going from hi is house cn the 5t Mr. Premier of Quebec, le an abandon ment of his $20,000, and there are beyond the seca 800 ornate ve death by the wheels, which pass- | ™ ed o Meee NE les Hoffm: another t Barglar, el tase place for ‘ted for the cor- 7 Ottawa says the display of textile fabrics in the eee section of Fair ea Chicago wili be the Sadan cottons and While playing on a crib at the river side at Severn ——, Ont., the four-year-old son of Mr. Wm, Reaman fell into the water, His see 10 years of age, jumped in to ke rescue, and both were drown- it. Gerard Goyette, wife and child, te ak Belagas ied 0} ton do Rive: with some difficulty. Mr. Chapleau, Minister of Gaston pd satiegnean 7 ith & number of Montreal merel ite an connection wi Customs refor pele i few Branswick's the. fire eof 187%, for it has not yet been peekoe GREAT BRITAIN, The Duke of Manchest ‘Viscount Mandeville, is ‘reported to lying. ‘ne Queen has knighted the Lord mayor ot London;ecoate ferring upon him the order of St, Michael and St. Geo: nee worsted spinners, of Bingley, ey, Eng., have acer Liabilities, fe igsiiees te in London on Monday, and was given a very hearty ovation at Euston a statio1 It is stated that the eee of Prince George to Princess May, daughter of the Duke of Teck, will soon’ be officially announe Cavendish, nephew of the Duke of Devoushiveiand thelr the dukes dom, was married on Saturday to Lady i Evelyn Montrose, daughter of the Marquis concession te ‘Dawa iP . A. Mercier, a brother of the “ex- estate. The total lsbitie assets we iter, best known as | 1865, shot and killed customer named Robert iedy at his banking house last week, reaani afterwards killed himself, The roost at grain and four at the port in the histor eae the viz., >) sr 966 bushe e nic among the Dakota farm- unable to harvest their great port for that month ers lest 1 the whent crop t In the United States | has been referre Senate a Fesolution red to oe Interstate Com. is requisite to protect ; the internatignal and reign commerce of the United States peas the enedian commer cial aguression, rom London dyers | b has been exclu- sively theirs in the pasi IN GENERAL, As an act of retaliation against the Me- Kinley Act, the Government of Victoria has inereased the duty on Oregon pine and can. ed fruit. French Anarchists, convicted of stealing dynamite bombs malay Day, have been sen| ranging tie se to rents yea sie oN tor ‘were re lcptial: wa against the lives of Pring Fee Sane an ‘Balgara and M, Staal, the ‘ister, were executed in Sofi Dut that ee at See are being made for the recep- tion of the French Mini it Germa 2 Rail authorities, . Hirsel of rags, i continent will eacape if aroper Seuneneieneaneel thas An ae erro) a e cheerful had only st roprietor, would have been tos Childre: lars of 1¢, and quite as able a The rent of the tw ra opped his: it was, even, cause paced Hotels Er are al —itis s thelr harve Canadian Pacific railway and | are I as th ing, 50 ag Pe nee the food supplied, pu alto- get aire ee jorses, carriages, ich, | from Windsor, and the Bowse it weeks spent amounts to nearly £10,000. | the anatter ; but L ig ae o Kate a Angin er mn.” Herre parental vomponaibility 5 ZEB E z 5 the diffecent, railway | "0 ting, and Higping, the! Greet pret Lh he las has a telling article in | wire mer on the jog. nothing of Mee Bowser; he’ spat’ oo his Shae as the cost of the “Ha ! This ig what'l give a man muse Only conta $0, and til get $100 benefit a a of it, Tsuppose I might as well make man; ‘0 hotels at Costebelle ro handle of the moet Joab ao in ate on the uy true) pad ae eh?” he muttered, as he investigated dod duit one iteanbe earth. no! a field of electric gti tec iecwas noe util the bleutet phone that electric lighting came It only needed inventive joser by he made no profit, be- irmitage and le sae eimiae development of the in when there was a great aa Bro tg She lect shattering and the machine sto ter cans !”. he growled, as he Kick 64 two or three out o of thy grea Bho n's | probably watchin, ey aod oe a ake tickled “half to death vac if i was ful syn called | mist otel proprietor mal bier Oar wont tae roportiona\ : pansion ine foture? Witt electric highs can'searcely’ be rosene oll for lighth ing. Aas reclaim, pal es hotel at machine aeanped with a |? Bowser pitched forward | ca™ ne iaals and brought upina heap reps the hope to never draw another | The meter tian Hitdoae seat somebody for the Yh das soon as he could get his 8 | breath. Fs BF se vale ra in the tranemission and conversion of suecaal eee ike Niagara, In obtaining ae ‘was goi body or something, but it occurred to M er might be looking, set ind = Fup Boldeeken aronnd and pretended f Mrs, Bowser, mple. of mi t. unused heat ; sh ie payee of two or three hundred hi A Noeiing sald tnlacs It | however, an: will be ata: , and st total cost of the six 2 the energy value of coal, electricity isk feet the f Childre Oe agent in pri as sia! ei o @ transmis- its of on the Bees of inte special! oo he alle or his coat and vost 3 bacl planiced ed up at al there \gerous ight i in bgeay EA 4 Ns esinped th the | it ‘bret a tha late rath Ht ‘ell rier in an { ete a related Lon: interested in the great -underiaking that 80 | °G fachadp progressed without impediment. Cap. iow Sit) James pAuao ner Mr. Thomp- staff of pparnseens the di friends, all on boars were so elate ted by succes of the acc sudden Saas tor and “The cable ced an effect not short of msternatior tes pe ne save one mi Gyrus Field. "He rushed up on deck ne he fatal anouncement reached his e: Ha wslopa rats his way through teen, despairing’ group astern to the sea in which thousands of fathoms dep {heir hopes were buried, satsted re cab] n— oral with any 1a however keen. ‘To him 8s Jacques di od be with you let’s meet as little as we can.’ But most ground. in), Mr. ‘Varley and the | ulate, ir | but we f onsiility of ealling « human i | and the in only sa} Weiny ing to us. te ete that a child has a ‘hat was a — The f | decei Beecher on the subject of bine est, Attitude ons ieee drew eg, 1, and went, rent whoee isi ie a may. sea tesed avallabfeter octopa operation of ate has skirt _ rivers having a recent appli- Sect a eM ‘i at of Went xding the so a shap- jected to the olde ous et sod tte a eae Bite pect very considerable economy ; and other little kno » equally difinlt of extrac- ion by cl bee to sleet treatment an and i prove of consider- trenchant. speach ed. | Standing before her in his stern- rs. an easier way 1” y don't 1 Noe un. St linia that the roken beyé ond of heraldry.’ " wer derstand thie Ttustion perfe, and noth. | Plied on a lat af and Ian Mn Rarvingion, the prominent | “et, fat ieee 3 calmly peveying is almong that of God; and-ouv responsibil ing xeuse ae dastardly the Lael apa den ie ais claims Cena rothy a Of the Trichy Nut | associates witho out a trace of agitation on [ity, ike His toward us; as we acquit, our- | mad ais, th semaine ee te! oY ‘Sonal Lense iaarteg i Dublin “Well, it oe ea toward thom, eo let Him deal with | ‘But didn't I sa on pe bie vats hasten Ne the cae to Miss O'Neill, d a Dy repar 1 ne Prompectus imn- Jus. "Why should w ned at tho| «Never! Never fald's word |, That will ste {eh Reeolae Pee a hing is to be dou," and ho | warped, old, uaheppy, suspicions: natives | do, Ney Beer ee die | ot ee ED Ee a pp eat a cr cciiea tp eialy Landon cod bold Cente stalked daletly "back fo hie cabin, where he | we seo about us, when we reflect t pon the| subject further. In the we will fh Paes Nel ae sted cnc with both sch pre set to work to write out the propoeal for a | number of unwished-for, un welcomed chil | seek an amioable adjustinent of difficulties, | OF, Paerin Saret Seip eieen aE Pasliaeate tortie oie open new cable ere the end Hee other had well /dren in the world; children who at best | and I will go with you to the train. Foadlea new that riche te Meal “ See ot eet foe ringing | settled lows iw the ation ie. were never loved uatil they were and | are two trains a day by which you can reach | Testlts are that plants so treated developed possible, f much more rapidly than others similarly Likised wind eure Known, and often gradged their being from | your mother, and will telegraph her of placed: bak nee aijocted-te erie won S FEEL BES iid wi 4 day Mr William O'Brien aid’ the foun Experience shows that the men who go | sometimes a starred chaoecs | ea eee oa viet’ Mie: Bove, | Aid if electricity be found useful in favor: Bie ety ra tet ona aoa et fe rao _ e best homan yee foal does. ot ery ont:| Any Suggestion you have to make had best aba atcha bpeadtisut Se poly ral traitors out of office within 24| are, as likely as not, the first to b. Fave pou otlfored ae ie pone What | be putin writing and submitted the first | 7) pears quite feasible to make a nettin, pt. Stairs came home Tam, have you snffered me to be thing in the morting” with a warp of fine metal wire anda welt ‘The cattle market in England continues long and terrible hardships of the Stanle > Taos PSS tobi threads so that it would electrocute depressed rm. weather. Home | &XPeditions, only to di he| Montreal’s contribution to the sufferers CLs LT pean a fly or mosquito, or any Tnnectsliglaing ott ofr as large, and prices pel tow. coming within sight by the St. John’s fire will form the cargo There were 286 deaths it York city | it- go farther, it may even be possible —— criomanl Hier Choice Cann, | nd of his second journ , {the Allen line s Newfo. sai on ane day last week; 130 were from sun- | t @Pply electricity as to render it destruc is quoted at 47 shille the Marquis de Bouchamp, and provisions to the value of about e of disease microbes. But it is difficult Tels’ eiueseed Chak ie Mak lered far around the icy shores of Hudson | $25,000 tched in this way, to prophesy if a field in which develop- Bee be 'Y, @ poor preparative for African work | and eney wil prove very ee cngs the are so rapid. What is talked-of to- om taking office will make several a iston Ban pointments | suf ferers. Tne shi pork, | tries in which the which will cause a censation. It is rumour-| (orvetin Leet bee : is j it. Jon- | flour, cheese, clothing, boots and pie fur- | lent the worshi of Allah hi tri PORTOmE RO Bia w. sh song he et 2 spportion.» few bert, who has lived there, heartyand ragged, | niture, and Sry goods. ‘These are no doubt | to avert ta eavanes by prayer, by holy | that the eindatry Hound (ergon Js destined a oken of as ish Saoetary ani | eee tat wile cer men, apparent | very nesomary, ail i much to ceremonies, and by i e services in otie of; the most gigantio in ‘tue ara io Connor as'a Civil Lord ot the mt, |. the life as he; have drop- | mecting immedi mosques. Russia the authorities of the world - aroun few Engineer | be considerable difficalty, hi segs he Greek Church are now trying to stop the ter two years of uninterrap progress of the cholera by religious proces. How Hs Lives e GEES brary, the ‘property. of veetalnees Sang the first. section of the fons and by c i is She Lord S>oncer, the firest private collection | Congo Railroad, Wrote hi that he was te il; You know saa nf is the ‘am erst opportuni- ‘of book) in Per lia “Hee purchased ice last bridge before returning ussia, fowiver: ties are embraced by the girls, by an English gentlemen, who will place | to Europe for a brief vacation. ‘The steam- 2] He—Yee, but my name is not Opporta- the collecti ‘UNITED STATES. a 20,000 men are now on strike in nov Sort city Great sober of meg are dying from Texas tine in Oklabom: ant ee of the sutvival of ford fittest. ‘The fittest are often it like cand) it whil iakersack survive, generally followed. “‘Ain’t you ashamed ter be seen in de | ebernacta, in sich en’s blessing, are fal 3 protection of the com: uty, as bap herae