“IT SHINES FOR ALL. wpP Sway, Sr Vol I—No. 37. MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY,- AUG.-25, 1892.- nee oe MEDICAL | DISTRICT NEWS GRETNA, mA. MILLBANK a ns | Some interesting ony Called from the | An Si Milvertonta: The Crop Outlook—Unweleome Travelers —Accident ‘4 Lak M. B., iF D. O.M., Grad W. ‘enstlane & : ae Colles pues Neigubering P: rrest—The Smail Pox Aba’ ‘3 deren of Boe Mtoepital, London, Eng- Sources rig ames ‘Tux public school re-opened on the] ‘THE weeks fly quickly. Once again” saMionr af post office. Milverton, | HAMBURG races to-morrow (Friday.)|"Anzow me a ahort space in your|15th inst. ‘Teacher and’ scholars |I.am wri ESUN. The mantle of summer is beginning spa with Poole, | Tae Hambung: Independent changed | valuable ePaper biel might” lie of alike refreshed by the’ holidays, and niel s Ont. hands last week>- Ritz some th readers. of vhs ly again for their arduous workfor to have a patched and sun-burnt look. > . | purchased the sae Ritz &C tll wha ie oing om nanlabost the nex four months. The atten- fields are patches, more- a Sony Tue Elma CheeseCo. sold to J. W- this ented dance is small com; ith. previous | over oes lines 3 plowed ground ele. | Cook, of Ingersoll, hoe he half of July In the lace we are having| years. Parents will please ndte~ and|@ppear here and there where it is bine ad Sas ‘ian make eae beautiful went, but gece hot govern themselves accordingly. . |being prepared for fall wheat. y ani Poole to Offive. and. Resi idence Tele- cared 93 c. for ae rst half of July. i igh as 94° i le.| Harvesting is progressing rapidly ; would not wonder> if‘ even more fal’ r graph connection re Rage a! = Blanchard Cheese ‘and Butter {#24 this week will finish the most. of it. this season than® messages fro Be Fsohaertie Chnipang. ay ¢| sho Threshing is the order ‘daje ‘been such as to en- = 3 es tT onhoe om Bat Mr. John Satie néw brick DENTISTRY dwelling is nearing completion; oe : = s cut E wie SeeeR Giles. Ptiees. 92. cents | wy tnesday, iat Gareet wil be in} will bey when Toliaaie eas full Blast this coming und stylish building. Bach: 8 nN 1H EIDT, se D. s., A. dentist t- = Da, AH, Tir Sigh ndaiiat pay veges = gee Ebel building reflcta grat credit on the Hipple & Kidt, ‘pectin, as wife. st Upton’s Grand Central stel, Milverton, the last, Wednesday of|ford, has sold out his s! he ane dy: ‘ set nonth 3 Mitchell's Hotel, ain, practice to his partner, Dr. Tide, the lof the wheat’will'abeat im ten duys;| promoter and adds much to the) al th Tuesday before the last Wednesday of | wil) remove to Omaha, Neb., ina few and by t appearances of the | beaw of” es village. Congratula- euch month pake: weather there will be no frost to in-| tions John. May you and your part que horse-power. ray SOUENIES "Am item appearedin several _news-|iure the whesl,:as as the harvest xu De | ner live long va kay dies meet one of those traction engines with ots 5 two woeks earlier than last yea ieee a nervous horse, especialy alter night. . F., No 99, Milverton, meets every | Papers last week which had reference ie Road Comstreetl 4 Exhibition Talk x ei 0, Noi, Milverton, meets ever |Eo the death of David Berringer, of| 1 might also state about the. seal . en an The genius of the road, too, i ai a ecke out, in ou town | Bditor Mruvanrox So mpiaint against traction engines ; ri Dear " jutrodueed in THE Sux, is @ subject which cencerns Ra and should be thoroughly discussed, and we certainly owe you a debt of ogee for throw-| be ‘bout four weeks ago 0; although it | was here since last April in the house va. [of thirty Chinamen, none of a x pte i i ‘at 8 o'clock in their hall over| Berlin, and which implied that he had Suz aeThis matter of “road fa it f breaki de th . mes for breaking down the” iclryou the © n alway welcot . M. Weir, Recording 8 ~ ms < > | incorrect, as the 1 0.0: F, “ Silver Star Lodge.” No. 302, "The information w from {PCF abeut- it, Mil vimeets every Friday night, ey vay elves. EE hall pe site ahem gc OR they always doctored Themselves at 7.30 p.m. im their hall, post office . " Sone amit a vays Ww 4 hey carried on a laundry here, and nem, Fisting brethren always ee ‘The stories of sus) that were cir- weople’ would? take waaifuw tthe | ing the columns of your valuable paper JMorance, N. Gs W- Acheson, See. |onlated about the Tiotel keeporet Glan! Beste: bent in thet OL Tcian imate Tal allen ake proven ép bave been entirely | House and go after it 7g shen | epen forthe public's benefit in thal Lanai frat Wainesdsy in ah parted pers sg A it broke out’ abont four weeks. ago, |Tespect. However, there Js. Hanna, W. E, Boockoer |G. hug. 18 what might have b mongst the residents of the- town; the | matters which concern. us- mort See3 Pages ww Aug. 13 what might have been Coan fase ogni ce at present, andvewpald i 7 0. T. M., No. 62, Milverton Tent, meets in s Forentars Hall every We nesday ever eight o'clock. Vis ‘siting One:of the men working on the steeple aa pies A ABE A capil Heotlren a wale ae mpeer ree of thecizarehiat a distance of nearly | Ghinamen live d, whieli was valued at part of June's work 3 and” why? mot — 40 feet from thie ground accidentally | $590, was set on fire and burned down |bave the _aigenltural society offer let fall'a brick, which strack Jncols by the. doctor’s order, ; there were | Prizes for best essay on “ Road i: . cited, be wi pees aii vest at the ‘new lnuinbers of them burnt all the cloth: to-wwble the rend question till maving e chureb in course of erection at Hesson. |i, they took to the laundry ot | sping when there would be m i RRIAGE a i 4 de G. GROSCH, Tar of Martine sachin » blackamith, on) She en, |six cases of smuallpax the Geet dey Binatton ta lat een an . rm he orks ere oes ceeded in raising the fractured bones here nal tune slat Lang fifty ae within certain date: to their proper position, and oa ei pipet 9 1 Speakin ini ot Hes Ayeigal tarel Society hopes are entertained of his recovery. ent ug onsshesprainie /rout Perna a — out of town and’stanted to build hos. [reminds me that there are mat a ( PARDON patie (HOTEL be con inion camber Lean hi the pital and before two days there were en hero ha we pel were smooth and presented fewer ‘‘upe sal travelore and. others. ‘Two lan TENSAL one Wk oa ner Phe six buildings up about twenty ree Sacviés navined shouldn’t | and downs” in their way oflife. Many sompl Good stabli vet bran at aid not make as good'a wie a apart from each other, and ee iprovae adeer | _ la bit of levelling might have been — OE tguors and cigars. S. or. Main and | at the entrance it aii ‘out there: aud pe us first consider the prize list. Sian upon them that has not been | Mill Sts. M. Urros,. Proprietor. ionlast A timed: all roads fenced, | Other business prevented me from at-| q. “\OMMERCIAL HOTEL, Milverton, The Only oe ped ut of seven, and AN and Toanealisel ia tA in or go tending the imeeting held for its re- DY vest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars al: /one-had cnly one mark to spare. Mill- | o vision, and i doubt erated. Good stabling and plenty of . Mill-|out for love nor money all trains|YisO% aud there is ho Ce Tet eanG. Hasenpllug, Boome wi ‘hoa Ftc go a sats - & pie running, siid ‘the town was i gave ie escasetl come ntrance examination. Four | ¢ resiriee oe cea | ¥ ws UEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The ated a aks eqs’ wig si AMS completely-siut_ in, “and . wassso~ Gell Ripe hen tobe and, * in by accommodation fe pus cial E me Jotn i Ph 4 and nothing doing it onkadne though |? age ovat nes ere are not a few e Motors and others. Tow wp large sample lord. John Me: otra rere ns we were waiting for our time to|#* 10? pois for As See ve one would thereby be made | Ror ap ty feat nar eb Willie (ilerpie, 392, neesly nen Praeger Ae salea tient ee fee “sn Teel gle a vio ghee snd plenty” of abed? rom, J. S. Smith, <a they would like to put on exhibition, | with Bea ag! the farmer | thirteen, threading in one day, and = 66 7 - |were buried at night, by two men, in and if there is Lad ip tition the BUsiNES CARDS Germ2 I } ee iicnetay Wiaeno Alt the res sass iwake ts aerarin pied aie a Or al ae vane as oleae D. ee, Auctioneer Valustor, for nwe-déing very well, and no new tors could afterwards agree on the ex-| nore ji i coon the Counties of Pert and Water- 99 The quarantine wes=rai : tof the prizes for those special ex- re ci ee oy. Conveysncer, Deeds, Mortgages, Wills Gasictd: basihese te ne peta Sree eh y, whe aud Agreements drawn and sworn to, pen aa although thats ee ane a The how about the water works? bearing i" hip ot ai watink Bailiff of the Sth Division court. Real , a | 4 arched and Estate and insurance. Agent, German Spo- lain street, Milverton. For childrea a medi- Se ae 8 K :ROCHER. Hair Sais ACough cine should be al Proprit ae of other sickness here thi Hoping that I have not taken ub; too much space in your paper. ving. Ladies’ and Children’s Coy and Shaving. tg Best brands of| and Croup pe arb reliable. a" 5.6. Kaeneay Greens. ‘aud ‘Tobacco always on hand. »Oue ust be able to | st 15, 1892. 7 ; north of J. G, Grosch's shoe store. | Medicine. pin her faith to it as to | *"S' J 4 e Parasian Steam Laundr' pia iz. ee RE fi ith the best of drinking . = | contain nothing, violent teeta SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES waters 4 at eye cent encourage or dangerous. st be standard | rer ai Examlantions ere is ne | sugge Saat at ad conan ateare ne TE] f Latest di Meee ma ps veel UC ? aubbialty, Bus meets all trains. must be plain and simple to admin- ‘ental ‘wat ener “smi websites much a pare me eon 6: pa s ts r Cea wemubivias ister; easy and pleasant to take. |examinations was ann gO ais iia le: 4 would "be Hk eaid yell was'in any senso Call z f h The child must like it. It must be }urday last. ‘The papier oe ‘hie: Ee oe rr ceeete 4 of tl H. ENGEEis now prepared to a ~ prompt in action, giving immedi- |The primary, which corresponds to the pede sab asc apm Lebpene 5 ial aoa es ay pie ate relief, as childrens’ troubles | oid third.class certificate examination 5 Has one Ai ee Seabees ri W our fee Welipuies to-glther trae quick, grow fast, and end | the junior beri which is nearly he | uote gone Seoabe epeee | Ses | sha would at any rate be fewe fatally or otherwise in-a’ very short | same as the hale frees ee Eee ie Toom again it will be! ond other obeti a pis time; Ttmust not only relieve quick | nkes the place pass matriculation, snd utilized “in introducing s subject heard ; of this we are ai 20 ae but bring them around quick, as | examin; is th ry ie pas hit? me, will _ short mm the hana tet i children, chafe and fret and spoil | oivrecponds to oan rt! leaving, which | farmers, I am sir, yours mest-truly, | One of our neighbors, John | their coastitutions under long con- a be od ee at D. Cuazaurs. | met with an accident in the flux m)_ Se gry it st |e tery "a as : bie: cit mit te ee te Ghertul,-catilidate -antianee iatot Ruel te ‘al rem ari ayia sate wid EE child's-splrits, appetite or generat University, ‘The names ofthe success ee provided. it oe € the. pablie F health. These things suit o fal candidates are: se-follow perett;knd we shall be pleased to. re.| We hope ho i well as young folks, and paar SrBAEFORD—No. fa good recovery, t ee sce’ German roy Tap tite favorite Primary—E. AWen,,5. Makins, @.|above writer. We can see in the|te-he will have to wait some medicit Westman, H. Baker, L. Robertson, I.| suggestions offered by Mr. Chalmers nH EE fo eae Edwands, ME Skelton I. Fitegoral, that he is on the right track. The D. Reid was able to gladden_ z - Stru + tl $e c : ago,aSMALL PARCEL} — Junior prairie Prete - er fe paraded i dei or hint ¥ ay ARRIAGE of DIY GOODS, teat Silverton Owner di ae Pee ‘McDonald, s e- tt oie can. have same by provin ty and | Sr ote IE +S." McDonald, E. i & Fa fat a rasing rpm, SAL fata bey Stubbs, 1. Curtin, P. teat, B. Mc- f ie our stock, write Aug. 22, 1892, 37 | Knight, .J. Neéitson;.J. Scanlon, J.| essays on various sul i is for pricos and £ Fisher, L. Jolley, N. McConnel, P.|cern the farmer, we Belarc it would i 3 photographs é L Quinlan, M. Sharman, K. Sharman,|tend to do an amoust’ of Of the Carriages.~.| All partic: are hereby notified ‘against | C. Trim good, that all the prizes fn. Christen: otiating two notes “mai Edward} Senior leaving—J. Bennett, D. me = big pumpkins, ete., could Broughton, of the towns Eh J ahy Ee ee a LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH-PRICED | i-vor‘of tine Massey-Harris Co., for the sun, Pe CARRIAGES of $30 caci, datel Jal 224, 1302, LisTowEL—No. 132 = ame emee A / fe payable at Milverton, ‘as the said] Primary—B. Davis, M. Engler, G. It is funny ho le di hel Tis hen baw ie SED $ a y how people discover | help our neighbors of St. Johns it ic ie can Gore rst: Bir” Gana ek a ae, Gi, B. Hemsworth, H.|the great importance and influence of | need arising from their sore ee | Jickling, onroe, G. ae @ newspaper when tl get into a soaps ag tl ogee eked NER PRE! VE J Serve seansoresnevae| Junior leaving—W. Amy, P. Code, | scrape or do something they are asham- Servos Deki e Nervous Detiitty, Lost Vigor and | G. Terhune. f, 4 i sity Lost Vicor and of, says anexehange. They live for J. L. Bradshaw, BEANS |ract.Gtchq‘sid ae | Matriculation—D. Anderson (pass-| years without cabaeiiing accra FURNITURE DEALER : ed in Greek). asked. to advertise say “it don’t pay,” ND UNDERTAKER, i Cea Ee ae 3 but the minute they get into a scray 3&5. Ostaria St., STRATFORD. wz French wheat crop will be pak rush to the newspapers and Watpssou Ta Milverton & nearly an a meg wept ie tits di juest them to say nothing about it, se Eaq., of flixfe Milverton, on’ Priday/a 1892, the wife of Jas. L. Rae, Ff