~ MEDICAL HALL POST OFFICE BUILDING —A FRESH SUPPLY OF— German Syrup August Flower |i: All Prescriptions Promptly Attended to. Subscriptions received for all newspapers CENTRAL ppennyenete cu nre st Office hours from 7. seving =e and Money Orie tines Cites 850,000 0am TO LOAN on farm security at lowest rates interest YALUATOR FOR THE HURON AND ERIE LOAN D SAVINGS CO. AS. nie tor “Miss Korn Kay, Asst. aster Watches ! sLOcKs JEWELRY & SILVERWARE Inte stock of Watches of the best manu. acture, such as Elgin, Waltham, Columbus, English Lever, etc. Watches and Clocks lowest prices, and guar LADIES’ Solid gold or silver, watches, and solid gold ri .gs——a nice assortment, As fine i Peo) t tok GEORGE PEAS sewWeLRY ‘stone ducing new pilcon ehebp enduall tasers porsoa, ae or poor. ‘There can be no possible argument against your buying my goods, for the fol lowing “reasons : “Bel le goods, locks, ine ensral Auta onpunsiay Inetiew nish 1 yi is of all, r, i apne intention is to buy te aloo watch or chain, or anything i e jewelry line, engi ‘as brooches, car rings ve El Roadlaad eres made by g Milverton at~8.02, thus getting NEAR is Melee the me day as starting, and saving the expense of stopping at an hotel over night, and allowing as much time in the city as ‘under present arrange- ments. The only changes that are necessary is starting the mixed from Palmerston instead of Stratford in the morning, and leaving Toronto half an hour earlier in the evening, which does not incom- mode any other place, as the evening train stops at. London, will see the necessity of making this change, and we believe it would. cause a gréat amount of increhsed tr: aii, asa ferred to Toronto were the allpage con- nections better. The Grand Trunk officials are always glad "to make afy @ public and we rely on/theit sense Hi justice in this regard, now believe we have solved the difficulty. THE IMPROVEMENT OF COUNTRY OAD5 Tue subject of the improvemant of country roads is now receiving much attention from the Ameriéan and Canadian press,as well as’ from im- portant bodies in both countries. ta convention recently’ held in wa the loss to the creameries and thee supplying farmers streak bad roads was stated to The convention eae tee a ‘oads running edst and west’ and being estimated at $1,500 per mile. It was urged the work should begin when it-can be shown that 15,000 m: iles of good roads can be built in five. or ten years, so that when completed no person in Iowa will be Cu ntion papers were nt w ance at church and ee pala and other gatherings, social” in- tercourse easier, she rgotaplly help to ean system is one of the things they {manage better in France. The| the ‘rench system was described in a paper read by Prof, , H; Neff, before the Civil Engineers’ Clubof Cleveland, a summary of ywhich appears in The | fore ew York Post. In Frailce the roads are divided into three main classes, national, departmental And country. The The ffisetton Sun “THURSDAY, SEPT. 8, 1882 are. ean for military purposes, and comprise about 44,000-miles, Whose. construction and maintenance are borne entirely by the reneral Government, pee ea 000 BETTER RAILWAY CONNECTION WANTED We are fairly well supplied with railway connection, with one exeep- tion, and we believe if the attention of the proper officials is drawn to |the matter that in due time, if at all possible, the Grand Trunk Railway Compan; ME be only too gl make any changes that will be for the benefit of a prblie, ea disad- vantage under which the business men and others of Milverton and vicinity are laboring is that s business, in order to get back the next day he to leave at noon, arriving in after taking out time for meals, tra- veling to and from different places, ete. Naw, our object in bringing this be- ore our readers, is to present what WWallsliave b fotsabis plan to make connetions that will ae our peo; to reac! ronto al ~ Our plan is this : ae i the mixed train that starts from Stratford in the morning at 9.10 Yelock be changed to start from Palmerston at 6. get to Toronto-in the middle of the day, Now, let us see about the return, ‘The passenger train for London that leaves: Toronto at 4.25 yen he ¢ n aiaad alee these! Belge aee built and maintained by.-the com- munes or townships, whose average size is about six square miles. There look after 25 or es miles each. La- borers or section h saa ore en By di neues teenage 1} to miles of road per man, "The macadam road without a foundation is the form followed. The t of construction and maintainence has. averaged as follows Anni First coat maintenance National roads . 10,000 ade eas roads 6,500 try roads 2,700, 80 THE quamaxrixe ORDER Tue order issued hy President Harriston, to the effect that all ships carrying immigrants are to be quaran- tined for twenty days on their ap- pronch to American ports, says The Mail, has created, as was. natural, considerable consternation among have determjned soe the Nea to ers, {he order may be sine aes some, and has already been criti- 8 panic. Some of the critics say that if will lead people to supp that, an effective quarantine being es- tablished, it is necessary 600 new cases of cholera were reported Vv We trust the Grand Trunk officials e ae that will be for the benefit ot|disense in . |Hewspapers stigmatizes the qi six moh and south, the average cost | on steamship owners, a number of whom | be uni last week, it is enough to make us feel that the authori ities cannot be tov care- ful as to incoming ships. The order has bad one very impor- tant and unwelcome effect. It has caused intending immigrants ‘from Enrope to the United States to choose cenaaliad, Ports as their points of es barkation. This is a most seriou A despatch ‘$s that a num- were ex- pected frincOtea hire bom aie éonvey them The, proposal is to make use of our railways to get nf bay ee mate destiaationd in the American authorities ak G n make preparations for prevent ires on their northern frontier, if it is plain that the Dominion Govern- ment must not permit the lending their ans quarantine to that th States should at once ae instituted. The chief health officer in New York nin all cases, and the eck cdaieeaan may perhaps be allowed by our Government when their quarantine arrangements have been put upon satisfactory footing. ‘That a good deal requires to be done this direction is evident from the accounts that have come from St. John and other points. One of the St. Johns ntine station at that port as an institution whicy would be “a disgrace to the ae bbs! in - Turk ey.) With, 2 their landing can be effected with safety to the community. pase SS THE FALL EXHIBITION Visrtors can depend upon it that the Mornington and Ellice Fall Exhibition of 1892 will be the best ever held in this locality. The grounds haye been enlarged, irst-class half-mile track has been laid eeu the list of special attractions pro- mises to be unusually good, the amount of money devoted to prizes has been greatly increased and the entries pro- mise to be much larger and more var- ied than ever before. The: Exhibition is now recognized as chief institution of Milverton. Stiecess with thé former means pros- perity for, the lati The Kea at Milverton at there- leavor to provide not only an sbundanetotsrations at the grounds, but also to put. the village itself in falta, attire, to the end that the sue- cess heretofore attending the show may be continue Those who atiend the exhibition of 92 can depend ape getting full value for their money. aig aes Tue continued ill health of Sir John Abbott makes it quite likely that he will shortly retire from the preiniership. "| Phe party papers are busy discussing who is likly to be his successor. In retiring from his high office, Sir John will be followed by the good wishes of the entire Canadian neaiee Tur Minister of finance has been t | advised Hay mimood opening exists for the sale of prime Canadian hay in Bris- tol, England. The following names of reputable dealers in hay and forage in that city have been sent to him. Any Canadians wishing to corr spond with these might do so to their advantage ; George TSEeHiR igs and straw dean, Chatterton ia ‘emple Gate, Bris- tol ; A. C. Pearce, Bridge street, Bris- tol } Brimer & Sons, Tower street, Bris- tol. ‘Sis Charles Tupper, in recent lets shay have now an opportunity of disposing of surplus stocks to advantage, provid- ed the quality is good, Our hooks Are the mainstay of our republic. In them are being cultivated the minds which are to be our future law-makers and leaders in every walk in life, How essential i¢ i fe that these wilds should ited to strong healthy bedies, So many childcen suffer from impurities and poisons in the blood that it is a wonder that they ever grow up to men and women. any parents can- not find words strong enough to ex- press their gratitude to Hood’s Sarsay Bye: ually and permanently cured by this ing is given strength to resist attacks di eof jisease. Bates se THe pine ind ee return of Mr. Pridham, South Perth cae i} bl teisl on Thuraday, Sept. 8, in ' BUTTON! cg “BUTTON ! CAN YOU guess the diuttiber of ysions in a Glass Jar ? IF YOU CAN Gace nena cay paeciem oeribeece handsome -|GOLD WAT The eas nearest gets a first-class s SILVER WATCH The third nearest gets a pair of GOLD CUFF BUTTONS Satan WORTH B Tn order to. get a chance to secure one of these handsome premiums to buy o f goods for cash. One guess for every $5.00 purchase. So. you ff you are @ good on the guess it is possible for you to win the ieee priz Messrs, srg Grosch and Coun. judges and will count the-buttons when t! pen {will be fair and the articles can be seen by Spee to Bothaorinel have consented to be the ned. Everything SCHAEFER the TAILOR the undersigned, yherehy desture, tha H. We, with buttons for Mr. the number contained in sai J. Muwverroy, Sept. 6, 1892. t we have filled a glass jar Ml. Schacfer, and have placed our seal on same, and further, that no Peon ot even oui ourselves or Mr, Schaefer—know JNO. ROTHAERMEL “SUMMER GOODS CLEARING SALE To make rocm for our New Fall Goods, were are re IpSOE out the balance of our Summer Dress Good greatly redueed prices. Dress Goods for 12ic,, formerly sold at 20c. Dress Goods for 16c., former price 25c. Dress Goods for 20c., former price 80c. PARASOLS—Only a few left, will be cleared out at 25 per cent. discount. Other Summer Goods at a Proportionate Discount PRCDUSE ALWAYS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE Guenther & Schmitt CORNER STORE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE MILVERTON and CARTHAGE SCHNEUKER & ROTHARRMEL’S Is the Cheapest Place to Buy Scales, Axes, Fence Wire, ; Oils, Saws, Nails, Glass, . Putty. TINWARE : A GOOD STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Schneuker & Rothaermel ; Main Street Milverton GREAT KICKING * | Among Competitors. They say Appel is eeune, his Goods at Cost. — AND SEE © | excellent medicine, and the whole be- ‘MY FLY NETS They “al make you smile, Tf you can’t afford to buy them from @, You ean’ afford to buy them from any one else, wm. Appel, The Harnessmaker, MILVERTON — ILVEF Aion ss aT STORE {West side Main St) will be found « supply of FRESH DRUGS Pure Paris Green —A LARGE ST0CK OF— Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, ete All preseriptions promptly attended to | G. N. W. TELEGRAPH OFFICE Dr. J. e; a YS A SPECIALTY WITH US Sa A Good Stock of Best Watches, Siocks and Jewelry always on Hand Jd. H. Gunt .ther Lisrowet anp Mitveston H, C. Manager, Munverron The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, SE a Sudden Beath morning, 28th ce ae oft h of the Queei complaining for al Friday, 26th, consulted m, whe pon examination n trouble. \ He gradually grew worse until hemorrhage of the b Mn Wok athe aieat Sunday’ with friends in Tavistock. —Mr. Henry Loth, of Tavistock, visited his brother here last week. good idea is not to tink any water unless it has been, boiled. Chas, Witte, Esq., Baden, visited, with his son Christian. at the ‘station, 1 Mrs. Berger, of New Hamburg cvidlted with Sess: Bose ner on are John Byers, operator of eh was the guest of Mr, P. Ducklow last week, sta —C. $. Grosch, Esq., and son Jo¥n ave been visiting Montes and envir- rons during the me —Mr. Wm. ee suce ply moyed the Sea buildings to front of the grounds, —Mr. Louis Pfeffer returned on Friday from Detroit, mace he had been are a few day —Mr. Fred aefer ved his_ sister returned a Friday evening after a we ae sa with friends in -- yn. weal, re ona . Merklinger has made exten- sive improvements to his shop. ‘The improvement permeates the sy of our citizens. —Here’s hoping that John L. Sulli- van and Mr. Corbett may punch each other so fall of holes that they may be ased for seve They would then at least be oe ember the public meeting of Women’s Missionary Society on ext, Sey ah 2th. Programme of s and music. Silver ehesions All Teordially 1 invites —A splended new menced in this week’: “The Old Barge.” this story, which is written by one of the best known fiction authors. The opening chapters in this issue, merchants are a ee lot of —| —Our fellows theee daye. Their fall eae ae artiving nd they seem to hve vily. has ers. town ada an size of Milverton bes Ack fine stocks of dry goods as our mer- cuants carry. Therefore, encourage them by doing all your buying at . W, J. Hamilton, son of ete ha: me. ere Mr, | ard Hamilton, Esq., who spending the summer. months at. vate a Manitoulin gan returned home last week, and wi longer pre’ 6 retu here for a few days ning to his e studies at McGill aaierais Montreal. h| Before leaving Manitowaning, where smourn his Sea its sym path; The following ee Gh tonics Wa sent to his widow Dear Mzs. Swann Since it hath eee Almighty God in his inscrutable providence to remove our beloved brother Smith, we take aon fe our earliest eRe oe J, Of seaderiny to you our heartfelt’ sympathy ra, $B opened Father: ‘will ae: his a e storm to the fe aes that he ay shield and guide y our oe family during life's pet and Snall lead you to the realms of eternal rest, ass pain and sic ae and sorrowing Signed o1 Star Lodge No, 202, L0.0,F. W. Acntsox M. Grom Samus Tonzance, ‘Card of Than! To the Officers and Members of Silver Star Eas No. 203, 1.0.0.P. this favorable oor of dating the members one and al gaged. Yours with thankfulness, Anniz Smirn ay Is pose k your neighbo they ” Dodd's Kidney Pills? They strengthen the nerves, tone the the wish of the many friends of the estim- lable family that their son may be the useful worker in the Master's vineyard that he promises to be. |] ~-Smart bay wanted in gencral store. Apply to Guenther & Schmitt, Milver- ton. ns. G. M: Youna, 1 Sully Street, Grove Street, Liverpool, Eng., writes| vie the contents of one bottle of St. Jacobs Oil cured her of lumbago after she ha at! given up all hopes of evi being aN Whalley, haar) of Tadate and ince e publisher of the Milverton Sun, Lcasiapbied by his wife and children, peal through Orillia on Friday, to spend a short vacation among the lakes of Muskoka, Mr J. G. GROSCH HAVE THE SPLENDID STOCK OF THE SEASON — ‘Quality at the fon Prices at the bottom This is the condition of ati with us as regards secs Rootwear of Every Deseription Complete in “Assoriniont ! Splendid in Quality ! the system au delight for the eye|Bargains in Ladies’, Gents’, Boys’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, Rubbers Slippers, Trunks, etc, which no country on earth can excel, and very few equal.—Orillia Packet eA = Mr. Milo Gi Bible Depository Here. Agent for Genuine Singer Sewing Machine Main Street, Milverton WINTER IS AT OUR DOORS BUT WHAT CARE WE? Acheson has the finest line of COOK and PARLOR STOVES in the county pee eins Siac SHE OUR LINE OF BEAVER CROSS CUT SAWS that both he and his wife highly rei That = erable, ¢ he was all run down, liad wealmnes brought him all right, and he Ti a2 rial bill baa heavier Ire than. for and Dundas Axes Plaster Paris, Water Lime and a full line of every- thing for the fall trade “W. ACHESON The Hardware Man years past. ‘of People, testy ° the wonderful valuo of es ee ane John J. Scully, President Unt ion, 268 Cather. -- L ine Street, Detroit, ee in by as, voluntarily Rh ua follows: Hood Co., Lowell, M: “‘dontiomens Fea) In day ave tel Ma kes = fred Tood's aria, X have bg troubled itty ervons dyspepsia, was languid, with no ambition to So I be; food's Sarsapa- rilla. From the very first it seemed to be just the 0 mervous dyepepaia has etite is excellent, 4, heartily Wat distress after- ds; Eslcep well, Stro ng bee andi tabi go abs without that tired feeling so frequent befc Hood’s Beisaparilia Fon rapier ead six Leis ise recommend it as. dene '8 PILLG cure aie ils, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. FURNACE MILNERTON Convenienly cleaned D. SUTTON Ww. Favetroughing and Roofing carefully attended to. |ACHESON’S BLOCK ‘A good stock of Tinware always on hand. Also the well-known Boynton Furnace. ‘The very latest construction in its line. i lont. Heavy corrugated steel radiators, and large heating capacity. ONE HUNDRED Pails of Plums Wanted GROSCH & LOTH MILVERTON