a+ Bp! eee DISTRICT NEWS Wome Interesting tems Culled from the Neighboring Press and from other ; JAMES OrosseTt, one of the oldest residents of Stratford, Se ‘Thursday last at the advanced age of 76 years, Messrs. Hay Bros., of Listowel; do not intend to rebvild the flouring mill } te burned down recently, but will enlarge their elevator for the grain business. ‘Ta ceremony of laying ce foie tion, stone of Ritian Catholic eae be Mary ‘ys will take place on Sunttoy, Sept. lish. AS T: Freep, editor. of ihe Hamil- ton Spectator, has served W. M. Beirne, editor of the Stratford Beacon, with a writ claiming $1,000 damages, for referring to him as a “bounty jum por” nesday: a little els h. con large gree ite HA suffered intenge pain, and after SryADG 1 wih to remove the in- was.takem- tothe doctor who agon eokeved her. Peter, sow of af the “Lintonel flax mill} had. his fland caught in some part of the moclipery | in.the mill, Friday last, and Mr. John Livingston, | ‘Tux Manitoba exhibit for Toronto's big show left Winnipeg last Friday. ‘AN stock breeders carried off many Ere st te Detroit exposition. 1,000 immigrants have settled. in the Gustin Nocthewtet this year, against taining emigrants was stoppe: at Sarnia Friday, the United States aan hee its entrance to their country owing severalicases off sehen ‘on board: the super-beated atenm used by the City of heal, ment, and are taking it direc sle, where W | luggage of passengers arriving from Euro- oy = £ aa terrible. gale, an Wednesday night the schoonen: New Woodward, while od, whl the reat of the arew Glainbered. on the mainmast, and were rescued in: the morning, with the exception of, a sailor hamed Mahon, who died during the night irom exposure, ich says as soem.as navi- t spuing work will be ‘commenced on the 20-foot canals to connect, lakes Erie, Huron and Superior. Katy, the burglar who attacked Mr. A. S. Ball in Woodstock the other day, made an unsuccessful attempt to escape from jail ion Trades and Labor Council tex procession will be cond streets, to. tho. Exhibition Had his forefinger taken: off, at the | ground: middle jgint.. The next finger was 0.. busily crushed? “The youn glad: a narrow escape from losing his aight hand, Wuuve hitching a horse to his new fainder,, Wm. Hird, 12th con. ~ Weryy serious accident. and, be with great force. Three of, his: ribs. were broker two separate places and some ribs crushed from the back Hone. He is now improving fapidly, Tt ig. reported: that a brazen theft was committed in the township of Biles ing flax season, A. far- mer-had:the-onoy pole Hi a ae of nine tore nd! it round. ne trace of the culprits has und), pay. afternoan, G.. Stewart a across the bridge and Stewart assault- . ed. Court whereu; Court. seized outsiders interfered. Not content with this Court lai infornaton against Stewart charging hi agsauit. Subsequent Court. withe ey the information and paid. $l/§ costs:, © Preston Progress says: The festive burglar has again put in his ap- pearance in our village, this time he ne the residence of Mr. John Clare, sr., and: made. quite a haul. ten o'clock Sunday morning, a man b; the name of Pat Hart was seen to enter the frent,door, but nothing was thought of.it. The family were at breakfast and did not hear or see any- thing of him, he made his way through the house:into Mi ‘ohnson and succeeded in get- from the moulding shop is strong evi- dence of his guilt. Chief Roos has not yet succeeded in apprehending him. —_+—.. AcPtang, for Nothing... Elma | * the the| may be or, | medicine F " i oe - | brethren alway rales eS -Grosolh. R. K. Trisannounced that the Provincial Board of Health of Qucbos has decided to stop imnmi- gration and re! mission ‘to shi cholera: infected po ports. eee the Quebee 7 Independence, tig) soe Nacy, Hanks, again, lowered -the record, bt St on a || kite-shaped 4 tettlos the question of supe sis ean cerned cd for ten bile ahd oval shaped tracks, reny. Testimonial: Tn behal& om Hood's Sarsay ik strictly true and will bear the a Bah a aa © matter where it rom, it is as reliable an worthy, your confisence as, if it came from your most’ respected neighbor. Haye you ever tried this excellent eo? or general‘ family eatiirtig, we confidently recommend Hood's Pills. They should be in every home aaa ‘Tue Dominion Government have secured it will be used to disinfect the} MEDICAL EGBERY, M. B.,.M. D. ©. Pate de callsae. of Phys ans Shupsdne oF Ontario, also Post’ Graduate n,, Eng- and. Ont. ‘Telephone connection witl aoe Brunner, Lutheran Church and Rosto« oh. E. tee eed &S. Glasgow Test, FP Abate aA College of Physicians and Surgeona: of Ontario, Tele phio stock, Brunner, Robt. a's aud Poole to Offa, and. Residence \ Tele; graph connection at residence for night messages from Carthoge Newton ‘and Mil. nk y Office arsetanes «2 usuak weeks. This no idle oy Ara-Arriving week opening up the finest |, How 38 this “for lew Prisos 2 stock ef Dry Goods, ete., ever brought to Milverton. The good crops with which|“yor7om PRICES our farmers have been “i: blessed this year should make them liberal pur- a ths Granulated Sugar, ah chasers, consequently we have made heavier pur- chases of Fall Goods than Our goods are all of the latest designs, and we will be prepared to sell at expectionally close prices. ‘ BALANCE OF OUR SUMMER GOODS AT GREAT REDUCTIONS. &@ Buyers who appreciate genuine bar- gains can secure soime during the next two talk, H. GLEISHR MILVERTON is al attention 3h ibgestis Ont. cil TTulephdne cither dmg, H. EID?, L. D. &., a Hipple & Kidt, 0 wil be ot: up Grand last oe in Dentists, Sesion d Cent 1: We have been busy this)siuitcthtucco NO HUMBUG We are not trying to shove offalo tof goods hat are out of date, but staple goods of the care uellig Mei let 0 and ; Flan ae nainder of our prin nts 34 worth 124 Browm Best Green Coffee, “Japan Tea 28 “ Box of Raisivs GOAL GIL t5e A GAL. WE ALWAYS GIVE THE BE: ST BARGAINS Jd. L. RAS 1.60 1.00 1.25 Plows A full supply of the famons Ww low-—the very. best in the ma Ler bn chidd bf Bis Milverton Carriage Works: Wagons A Fa it cof all ny own as low as thee [SS SOCIETIES 0. F., No 99, Milverton, meets every thy, Selinsuker & Rothnermél’s store. ete eu uANeye welcom. H. M:. Schaefer, Rs W. D. Weir, Recording Bee ‘Silver: Soll ” No. orton, meetsevery. Hriday tight, tise .m. im their hall, or cofftoa- build | Visisingsbratiaas alta venga M.G.3 W. Ache ah ke No. 1033, Milverton, meets in wall first reaneaday f in each month, Jas. Hanna, W. M.; Jno. E. Boeckner, |, See 5, gate, cae 62, Milverton Tent, | 0.7. M, sR dni ores Hall every Wed: neaday evening ot eight o'clock. Visiting } Schaefer, 30 HOTELS RAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. Fi om tion fe of liquors and cigars. S..W. cox, Mains an Mill Sts... M? Ueto; Proprietor be Main Street lowest. We manufacture Cisterns and Tanks, work at very low prices |WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH UNDERTAKERS And Dealers in Furniture, Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Sash an Doors : Building and Contracting of every description PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER ‘Our stock. is Iarge and our prices are the A eall invited. : Milverton § 074% “soca a f neys are in > and guarantee Nrst-| @ trouble Dodd's | dangerous, Neg- first Be ae cise ola nd «fll supply. of fe pairs i CS H. HASEN PFLUG, the _ scavengers bute hea of the system. i "Delay is lected hidne dicordered kid- | the most dzn- neys. ‘inight as well try to have a| Diabetes an ‘Tre new f The adian Queen make the following bers wl.offers to advertise their high-class Ladies’ Journal, which will be made more attractive than ever. To, the rson sending the largest list of words en ted from. the letters contained in-“lExcelsior,”” will be given ey To. the two next, largest, Lady's Gold Watch each. ‘l'o each of the next five largest lists one Import: ed Opera Glass, In addition to this we will give a spacial px nize to-tiver first list received each e cents for a sample copy of The n containing rules. THE EEN | ken, Qu Ponisi Co., L’p., Toronto, Can- Y's Remedy for, Catarrh-is the Bent Bastet to Une, and ‘Cheapest. ‘of sent by mail, Wp, .T. Haselting, Warren, Pe, OMMBRCIAL HOTEL, platigine The ars al- ways on ppb st ‘shed room. G. Hasenpflug, o day. Send at once |** UKEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. ‘The st. accommo: yr commercial etelens and others, ‘Two large sample yg tke phoipost of of wine, Liquors. ‘and Cigars at tho bas oo and plenty of fhe es BUSINESS CARDS D. WEIR, Auctioneer, Valuator,., for he Counties of nd Water- YAS. S KEREC Hair Dressing Crane Shaving. Ladies’ and Children’s pir dressing a Wpesialty. Bests brands: pb mn hand, One sl ORLAND'S LIVERY STABLE Sera einen hovese ais ge hire at all times. Com specialty. Bus meets all trai jereial driving a _Poason the He-went dows the cellar to investi- sendy mania 28th ult., cheineane thr hoys playing with iaina ih iueelatle of Geo. Forbes. The hablar: aie with Forbes’ ni adjoining the oops of P. O'Rourke and F. Reber the Selling house of John A. Creat, all i, were destroyed, Iso a eaanty 8 ay oats. There was a ae insurance on aS dwelling house. AN amusing incident occured ab an Ingersol hotel’ the other afternoon. vills | The landlard’ had just: tapped: a fresh 22; | kes of Inger, but for some noes plained | aa would not work. gabe, and there-found his hired. man with, his mouth fast at the end of the suction of the te down the throat of the enterprisi | youth, whio, had it not been for a resure, would have been co! elied.to carry a forced load. ‘feorge Kirklend beceser=*eee| BUTCHER a on hand HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR POULTRY OF ALL KINDS et bein NK EVERY TUESDAY, dane te and oan with EAT OF ALL KikDS Sausage “in Seascn FOR THE— 0 best, auality of meat always Ub rte MUTUAL NS 5 otosged, they are | Pills are ees or sent by mail, pal receipt we = for $a. ¥ 3 ANTED A GOOD LOCAL AGENT FIRE* URANCE CO. HOR MILVERTON AND VICINITY ab ond eamisson fon. to the right man. pply to» &. MALCOLMSON & Co., Real Estate, Loan and General Tnsuxance Agents, MOOREFIELD, Ont. iE iT tn ron OTEL, Brunner, aero Proprietor. a cigars’ at the bar, and large stabling. JOHN ¢ GROFP, a 1n— Fi iret amen @orned Beef, ‘Pialed isnet and CEDAR POSTS, LUMBER, LATHS... 8 | Bologna Sausagewitayecan. hi “|MALN. STREET, - MILVERTON Shingles, Pumps, etc. BRUNNER,,ONT.