v AST yURT LADIES IN SIAM. BAFFLING THE DETECTIVES. — ae 3 lees Sood Sa Se en eM coe, ee ene thom Ti wie cas bre ae in Youl panin ne Tre to we od not biit tured G ieanna Oe. rmer in Canada is a better re is POE ey, ine: ead-ehe hed horeywupastin when he vougped ins Mit Resear irae eke ina are verton Sun || AGRICULTURAL, |The sverace fs average farmer in England AN EXILE'S STORY, samen in peak of ny eens see age se ipa seen ae ates + 8 Poe Ree ae oo ee a Sette Heteet oredr | ‘acquaintance at | handkerchief. Nothing a pk vn outspoken in its referen ) MILVERTON, ONT. a el SADE Yend ooh aad shy, is iboria is i n a How Grima Bexstimes eg Mad a| 5 nt. the read leading | the‘time, bat the woman began to put this Eithesieey concatspyes he Rays tiaidily, aes a Trt hore ates ti doso andso. He does n fea aah ea eee pr ONY HG ott radotind poeee ot that iron hand = , ate Ohances and 6 eee Re ea ee sincance obbuad thar together, and she finally began to event speak in uncomplim Terms of Subscription There have heen a number of fnquities} og Sa abuse Ree ace the tie Janada, Tene eee thirty miles, until w: onder ani ct. She unicated terms of the harem, The editor, presumably ce $ pony iad pieces nia of bu a are Mons yea | ing, and the other man as the hind, to ate less grasp so many hear! THE BORDEN MURDER MYSTERY EE-| 414 jandlords all along were sure that no| with her caster nile with the detective, English, has a very poor opinion. of Siamese Three Months, Becta nee fay ve/do the working, but he, ‘in_himeelf, ‘has ee ee eo Bee eee Tk pe Sam eanalton I ir of find- ¢, 2 fi i: san ip has all CALLS A STRIKING ABDUCTION CASE | such rig had passed that Bailey was tele-! who was still-at ee ‘and that evening ‘Baal of female loveliness. He ese ix able oe with hin ve oe as u | the opportanity (which farmers in other nerIS) BC.) Eaperse) ing friends, Shs aye, pornapey Tike ge » THAT HAPPENED IN SCOTLAND, raphed for and a detective came up from | Adair was aa to the cave and Miss requires only . yellow. face, bright. One year es properties eo s sichiption ol a idadacliaws abe ois an a or irananteel tu: > fi reporter bad the pleasure of |excaped from the toils, and with them While the detective talent of the present Scotland yard. - ce rescues me Hor) saa a small w: rded as ay the fi eis his anncaeaaeooie Guia: ) at governing the Bro ‘oducts of his own | becoming yery well acquainted with this | again be as s immeasurably. keener and brighte THE MYsteRY DrEPENED, Wile the young man was arrested. and |nems everybody who approached hin. [eyes end 8 small waist fa Te tgs te jAdvertista Bates SG ae alae Aenea nore ne | ands, aczording tothe direction of his own /singalar mua while he was in Vietoi, and| behind, broken and ruined. Nove FERnt te yexcegiell by he epee eee became seident Early last week, the Tageblatt eays. the | {ti actions, ‘she is not over four feet ten Legal and other casual advertisements 8c, | tinct from the white and re in fc, migre shan ical others,iis ibe| whole Ata has turned the wheel of rerdento eer UIT Aiea URE tT mg ees Mic Baley' thet head fot hi mind and cond not Prince and ‘Gem. von Werder were invited | inches in height she may aspire to the high. per line for first insertion, and 20. per ling | Yossom is pink and smaller. than the red man who has the right to think for himeolf ead into the lion's mouth as to vialé ER Sy ba hooray Mee batn eh clove ear 4 Par ae tng ALOT responsible. Afters medica | to join the Ceat’s hun ng party at Spain. | est places, Above that stature she 18 out of eacl insertion, Measured | clover blossom. si man who has the need of thinking for |a word of English, Germait is quite famil- ieaen pina a moa ris Sif pv ilan cogent serumanaeetonairtera Kt: esd on shisidebe he | They: atetven with) Shale. bady parses 8+ the-race, audit is very 5s il, ya non bare {ong perhaps longer than the ordinary We8-| himself, and th he man who has the oppor: [iat oft the Gbtianr, nat ft wan ta Pts a Hater” thay? wank hive ° ; nay be termed the | clothing. ‘The maid ocoup! an insane-asy 1. Bailey | Lodz on Saturday evening and took spart- | 13. dsom NaaBigs § ae at ear ‘eight lines and under, $5 | tern re ie leaves are smal tiny, i one cote of givin expresion peal lyst neh wore relat pomensagel werden pig papery ae uion much disoussed in | ‘4 it cthe. gudoleayael ontlrcoittas, chter went pene ea8 fs who} ments at the Grand Pay Ped the | any of the ladies have pretty monthas they ioe eae Larginiss ae paces rapa eats one to his tho ong “through bis coe or ‘The outline of his strange story has al-' chains, nor is it within human power to 3 pnt renoas still lingered had ceased to talk of the case}-evéning the Prince seemed to bs in Bit!grg quickly disfigured by betel chewing. vertisements of Lost, Found, Straye her clovers and consequently | ji sp imodiing "ant promise at] céady bean given ‘wiih. wificiens,letall po aura pes ayrfil Gouen er was whether) the slightest alarm. Most of the clothing a usual health and spirits, se with Gen- The Biamneno thinks that white teotl 4 not exceeding 10. lines nonpareil, $1. per | though the price per pound of. it. is ‘higher, RonB aes bortar fee tas prnducas Leg eeeRa rte en ehr Eber aime eae blood: No, my frien Id have entered and left, the (Lehane : Sant baiig. tear. nay She eke etd es Geta the asylum and returned tothe saoitariam. | von Werder until Iate, drank moderately, | ynch like those of their remote azimal C. th. the sane money will go further im purchsé- | of 411 kinds, better prices for all kinds, bet- [can bear sitch agony and. still evrvive, In and t ie MEERCOn? OE AIBA Cue ay ot [ante Ct meee canbe. eh want you to notice again how unobserv- | and retired shortly alter midnight’ after cenitors, and 50 4 fe and Farms on Sale, not to | ing what is needed for the acre. In fact, Kinds; larger ‘profite hhe course of subsequent-chate with the some peaceful occup: iaiarday io-atleaey whaptinnt an [eo on (fue ft the bck door ing the general run of pecple are. Twoof us | wishing his comrade a hearty good-night attempt exooud 10 then $1 for first month, 50c, per | bout three pounds of Alsike clover will do cleat thinking induced by Jexile many minor incidents were related, | ‘The mpeaker's oyos ‘tea weltaes ie ‘lficial edcinected -with though ela and © doat oft he back door. | who sat on the veranda talking failed to| ‘Th ’s “apartments wereon the | Nearly all the beautiful “i subscquent month. pay ex peat at tengo the dissemination of knowl-|each of which would furnish material for recollections of other days w. gh sista oie mat t must have been by the back | him, though he ithin thirty | floor above Gen, von Werder’s. Shortly oorging Special rates will be given for Tanger |down s piece of land. Tho plant res tion af mind on indi | romeo, hin ind, "He is retiinntio ccamuwne tne ee ae one | GO0E Deca it ras tote dak. Until. the | £e% of Us. A woman who sat at a window | after daybreak on Sunday morning the tee of t advertisem: __{ father later than Red clover or just about | highiy beneficial ; as iron sharpenct He describes how one night a club of | edsha pon elisichlewaliiertae al . bas ‘ sci motlee, the op eet veer te ra aie I ieee make A Fe | so does the face of n that of his “triend whicli he was a member was raided by ie | lplya ‘prising knowledge of the rela- i g Beauty in Siam, as in not a few other couns a to promote the pecuniary benefit of any ; “ lin friendly discussion of ¢helr oomainon- ia: | Bgbaibh folion ions of the various powers, and the present % ask Seotlend tent we sed i aesou dispelled thaé| © stairs and called him “‘Joe,” | rooms saw the Prince, with a fowling plece| iris compensates for want of rank or birth, g eee dividual, or company, to be considered an | count The chiet value of Alsike, however,| teresta, Gorarhat Theeats mos ehicrmora: |. Cvs rere ngcthareas?. anid be “ta ae socal progres for one who han Decne he Uoskeaeat casper rey tae bere professional detective | Which was the name of another man. He |in his hand and two revolvers in bal tnd blue blood ia resruited and reinv 3 : pe che hsp coordina, fomes from its capacity for growing and | ing is to whet the ren ieolited billding, Glscassing in wadectones cally dead to the world for some years, © corer praet belief and then-the eer yan will wonder | ™uSt have passed another female servant firing night and left at everybody oe tices in brovier type onsloent.per. jing int moist) heavy toils, where the Red | that you may be al Ie to ome late act of tyranny on the part of the | thou, ah aeal of this might ec pio’ - i jak | Was told to G0 to or one HIS crac: | amd yet she had no remembrance of seeing | si myanta -aipsesly. 167 fn shale word, no notice les than 256. Notices for | elover will not stand at all, In. this eoun-| {uel You may be Redcar tioned tt atl thoy. onrpont (ol we ex che frontiers alae bit eacate tras Seotiand’ aba where he coul cane R heating, | He start: | him, though wide awake. He proceede toed at the’ heed of ene erand olalews ie eee ates religious and benevolent | ty ofmevere winters eepecally the common | aving as Mtns nore Sihere is a aauitar: |22,with Sarah, the maid. While he did not] tthe room formerly occupied by Miss|'The Prince had shot both on sight, one in fantitubions BALE re Red clover is suro to be winter-killed on | rayne 4 ae ‘ “yma believe her ely, wt gnsiacy he sa) nd Bailey and there committed enicide by cut: the ‘neck and the other, in the eee aca 1 Fie aia ie olan oer hy Bada Seok, sulé and beep foe Categianttarts pred ‘The d is throat. Ever nests, nts, - erates nets, tl market in Ra . | the middle of the floor a, serva ,|eded. ‘They Horoigaalincident printed inthe Free 5 Correspondents wanted in overy unre. | oll which is sure death, ‘The Alsike clover | worid~Iettteso be in in England or anywhere fence tar pei lor the Lubon Medical eka fs ni ao eneiag | but finally related had occurred. | oot something from the dresser, and retired | help, while the Prince, having exhausted | p,.) Princess of Slani,/aiater ot that : Rieeedted district is more tenacious and as it is generally sow- | Sor” Wier on " ts soaps, which flowed, four lives were| ha Cansda, and may ‘be. “consulta an english girl | S00 had neither seen nor, heard any roe | without seeing anything unusual his owing plece, pursued thei to the door king colledted a number of children for the aS Correspondents should write on one side | ed #0 as to give closer stand of plants, it|1ow his own judgment without danger or | {sc se ge too fo x to wore sicher Upendra J Fe ae eee dk | She tad: een abgent} troip tam to iftean wees feo bor wry ing from the revolvers. ‘The Prince | Durvose of teaching them to dance, an ; : ofthe sheet only, Keeps its hold on theland and lives throvgh. | stumbling sods fn roma oe way to worse | diseases pe man, Men, young, old,| named Edith Bailey, whose fatl eer a | minu b ELECTRICAL NOTES. emptied his revolvers and returned to his | >. Z All authorized correspondents will be | It is also a real perennial in its nature and jak bs > a ae oe ven ed wh who find themselves ‘nerv-) ‘4 witha Upon oa her return Miss Bailey was nowhere room for more cartridges. The police, who furnished with writin, material, envelopes will lasta number of years under reason- Z Lok Someones nee ere honey | (ous weak an pitied, eho. aes pray i be seen. the boo! ba flighting the city of Buffalo | bad been summoned, started upstairs to stamped and addressed, ably favorable conditions. The writer had anes of Skifn-Milk, Be eee , forall were heavily | idown from exces ot 0 erworl, resulting in Amer ipa (Seen been reading i fell asleep and] The question flighting the city of Bufalo | intescopt him on his way. down, bw ae : several acres of flat clay land pear Peres siaegi'n peottiLs Toodlng akiis| “orton yeatesktse tar fans wiaccanaa | ee ellowing| ce Bene: ip SHEL é near by read laity gen i he appeared, firing and shouting as he came i= which means they might pays thei ‘ 1 | ed at that, on which pea eae and| milk or ies itn “ bingt are wbieiabelh it i i. a) pee ‘of vis| | attractive, zhi (hy suggestion. Instead of| 111 tliog. debts, ey he ial ea he S aeseipton ‘rm ed Sates an Ani clovettwereseceo mile i er-| I clasped hands with a shattered wreck of loss of memory, eams, dimnesa| = ‘ retiy girl of ten, with a C peel ets of arte hbotch work | the result that the Liakeaowetanth cag ake ag Re bys ties pae strong and brilliant of ight, _Falpiation of iy fia emissions, oud waist, an cet or ottoos ill found Tower than | thiok in the hay for some years at the end ae leader of the lodge, who was am si y, pain in the kidneys, head sy oe fa te dae wh la sce cen Aggro | mg ea gag ibe oginky caayh cami unica | | acre of hay was taken off ‘as long as it is sugar will i rt 1 fe iL 1 lor. mae Har sensation about ql e scrotum, | loading uj th ‘This clover should be eminently suited ys Leechs almost giant cry ney in the gaunt a of the , dizziness, spec! been recognized at a distance on foot or ina | som, ‘The man who carried her off also car-| and the cost of copper wires ae Gree at | noce carried up to the head of the stairway. Pas: cue pile ad il to thettathbeavy plain ofthe Sb. Tayrenc a nian “i holo ean could scarcely ree: ibefo re the eyes) twitching of the muscles, casrieas seobes than anyone else about the | ried her trank from the sanitarium. If he) the city a Rare fen When the Prince came cut for another | 2% ax Pusrisiten, || or indeed any cold land, In the Parishes | SePosition of fat expecially, vish | ognize my old tie (leita leader. ‘eyelidsiand elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits| place, - ‘was not goin fo eo er igeveral weeks nite edge cigar‘cutters act alcohol | attack four jets of water struck him. The Milverton, Ox Obst Oo thoeedih NE therives the writer horn | to.Fedacs the ie: aci “An nbieheked Epursuotine eige of the iin the sci cf ‘allpower, Adair ee = Why the need o 21 temps are ts be done away with in cigar| Prince wean floored, bat got back into, he a Ls a is'a hindance rather than help to mighty steppes holds tho remains of that | lf the sealp and spine, weak and flabby A atric i= it ig * man whose only crime was the love of uni- 4 , He wae) eo et aie Sieat ot Sate widen chad ga perayed tg a aa small elastically operated ma | room and Kept up freon the men_ holdin at Work at Magara Falls. Ro ESE es the toh 2 the skim milky if feeding shoata | versal liberty. Be won ts seh the un. | irested ae ‘of write, and was not considered either wise or | and made him doubt; hi eae eat and Mant a cigar and! A company of soldiers who had been sum- The Buffalo Lxpress states that at are- |anyand when asked what the pink and milccelarimieieek pi wey a aa tema, ho are led, untried and | hearing, loss of voice, desire £ crolitude, my ig. aa Wine beet h Fpl! Detect wi ree AS ie at then hand it politely to its owner. moned entered 1] He ae ot ee ea! oan fect AAT the Cat Bal ibe sther day Bhs aur: bosom a ei. can be seen| "gy, ce a wher ‘Abont ditty pounds porns lemned, into those awful wastes to foande i temper, monk ; et : seis. be ees, ane be SPRANG SA AME a cocaine Matsa ah sdone arerthe dbatsiaya Heated Prince had been floored by a jet of water, iagara Falls, the other day, | 89 abundantly on their land, they soy itis | aj thodimettheriee 1oell ta ou crrcLxs, oily’ looking} ered of his acting queerly on occasions | When this on reasoned out factured so. as | overpowered him after a desperate strug: | ¢ Proleshe Geena .§., London, | cross or hybriel between the common red | ¥°sht. 9 Fine they yene ‘The most tersible hardship for the oxile } iskin, re all symptoms af nervous de- -she had not the slightest suspicion of the | tion he jumped to the conclusion that Miss nth or eee alli cord’ ana Bs Se oad hits gland, was ‘pi a a pot as Professor | clover and the white or Dutzh clover which pounds it reiithet them to give the feed | to endure is the knowledge that ia friends pany eiktined to insanity and death unless| real state of the case. Nor had anyone else, Bay ra Hees eal >see Eas rressin| . |" In the afternoon the Prince was a: W. Cawthorne Unwin F.E-9., Dean of the grows pataraly along the road-sides, ‘This | “90™ ‘cured. ‘The spring or vital force having losb| for that matter, tor Adair had more cunnin, ty miles south, and was concealed in ienced from | private asylum. Emperor William and the may be so, but the authorities all say that| ., £u"S the Pigs at 175 to 200 pounds and | th \its tension every ufnetion wanes in couse-| i ianeedion eierenpivny ane Tn sone ioely pine,” White he erp sgt the older oro ee surlers may | Czar receive daily reports as i Alisa tok a ore tegen SeoATaN sae with oat Wy Teetioes aera Ure any aac by oped ab oamenier nite that the young lady was so far above hi ward of £1,000 for the restoration of his se has only an Mes tt BOS madness is a clover but is a distinct species. AIL that | 7 oi j in ignorance, may be aaa the social scale that he had nothing to hope | 4.¢ricr o foree of officials made rt Be ie inicey eae Olav ne ae oe Soret ik the waste of food i# greater than the profit. located lyse ail ardes tee heck er patient he Baald seonre aioe aU ing of the hills sa ethabulater throngh out his Jong court i has een unk. “ like Alsike and yet all the proof g a aa a ae a sent free val 3 he afterward confessed, an ‘ot the sl 2 versally esteemed ness of heart and } ,y, to show that it is a hybriel. PA okillfat he Jersey and ti the Holstein. ears pla Et bekeiaciea t in his stateme ns ked Other de-| Company is the name of a Chicago bres ‘ % “One of the greatest bartiors £0: es0n, Dalet, hedetermined to abduct and imprison TE eee caledies sty Tale recently atarted with $1,000,000 capital to) obit of oF fica pastally foded Gad th ce ete Hite ae Pec lO he Bate Of the breeds at the World's | continued Mr. Germand, ‘is the eas ore ae beats hot ada pie her, and hoped she would learn to love him | 9 progress. After three weeks had gone | manufacture and ‘ell elect¥ically ee vated we hein a“ 2 nthe mean time the farmers may. Ol | Wats lds fal ween these two | difficulty of learning avything aboot, the A vatnel hen she realized how much he loved her. byt Te tants geakenilg. believed; kgs wll Rice Aeoeeee et a ae. bet ee haste th unpardonable wad fire thele-hey aad Gaeta Ble oa hoetaraas| breeds, end, eat cane, ibis to bo a| vast wilderness by which the exiles to that The idea was , of course, but all be- | except the father and 4 tective | St. Louis has recently Byoken a rovord in| afballet holes. Te to wo ned servant, & grow. stout, yeb-aush 4a her influence eed carat heed c Die Stain eee Tish salsa is will it settle the h ‘lieved him honest in entertaining it. Two | that Miss Bailey had run off to be married, | electrical illumination. te still that her smite brings Taseste of gold to clover, and the hay made from it is.very ee on as Which is the better breed ? UNKNOWN REGION il i mountains was an old | sq that in due time a letter would be re-/'the Presidents of the United States, oes: Prince Anton Radziw fil hae tees sie per- hose pat orn ‘he favors, ‘and her frown sweet though Wit & houlbisbarreconne, ea ate yw it can so long as men have are surrounded. There are many who, like drift or tunnel which had been driven for ®| ceived giving all particulars, lambus and De Soto, a mammoth revolving | 14) adjutant of the threerulers of the Ger- lois of i erful ae still Glor ead Aaver ane ifferent views a: tae constitutes | myself, were not close prisoners, but who iy feet ‘is Be e pe as THE GIRL IN HER PRISON. globe Untied by. 200 inoadencent ape a einncoanplbec i ELS family is connsated lone: | § he a the kinda: ta here ee ry one point in which [ },0 4190 Jes ae 5 ee 5 ee i ect inght Just as well be, from e fact that * @ entrance hc iden various colors, an ly with the house of Hohenzollern. Abou the Alsike does not seem to be equal to the , mpt to escape means, in the majority o bushes, and every! out the neighbor- pec how fared it with the girl? odrge: Weoblngianag Ve Melee, a eeaiuke uso eel Hohensnllarttreerieds ad clover, and tind in the (wary \arporiaite erat ge ne te omic cases, in the trackless wilds. This|' Ir you Cae sell a farm ad- hood see: amet Tergtin the place. | As she was carried across the field she ree- of Li Ye. she sumgrpue Sera Radziwill, and the first and only woman | snd with such oe Gane Yertilizing the soil. Its roots. are| 2% iene one e Jerseys in | accounts for the arauitof any one attempt- | ‘vertise in the Toronto “ Weekly Mail.” es s, formed the illiam I, Pig 4 i ti ‘ i Anis coo 10 oe i) amit sepa widened | roe per iin 1 re |r ae er a he Bowes Tien fad tha eae fea end She eae snail ofan ey Zac aean me ten | Thatpazer reaches 100,000 farmers in the course of a week, going to and fro | though gre at his acti by 80,600. Bs his affection for this Princess the old Em- soil, no hey luosen up, or oun’: pon till we test’ all: of the oows | reqo orld. self have now | | 7°mMes every weel ofS | only at night, Adair conveyed bedding, two Socmach frightened. Ho. talked “A medical authority states that the voice | yeror selected Prince Anton Radziwill to be Puzilists as States Sd'buppisamatie madi tie of the two breeds. ‘The result of the fight | in my possession. sufficient data to seal iy | ent should meet the-eye of some ono} rs, @ stand, a mitror, and-other articles) her as he burried along, saying ‘he meant] 5. .2¢r and actors can be much better his personal adjutant. Despite the hatred | | So ae frisnde oF ‘Corbett athe depth. It is probable too, that the smaller t the World's Fair will probably show this | death warrant if I a &rho ts yurchace, aad rertiso z ° of furniture to Ne unnel or ca. togetl er alert aly try eee pri ip ehaeeee lighted with| and intrigue of Prince Certs stra cham) bupiol pugi ie , » one preee Mee ae san marrow leaves ds? Gel Herds! on! ai lee! a eae i ie a enmay'y n on qnpitts ob his clan tho with a quantity of provisions. Ev« ne er made with a friend. On lectricity ri orthas nton Radziwill maintained his place at | be run for cong ment from the air and so the plant has to| é 2. #e ach some e-wher can “ ” for " é sanitarium, and yet no je cleared field eh made such a fight ei portant patents, on storage pat.| aruvts and in the love and esteem of the old | Francisco, the Chicago Times nae the sg te the toleegeh ies een G 4a over the champions of a breed eal be | reat undisat bed, thy-ticet work spills be. to. aoe asc foal fail” for ie cents | discovered ears work. ‘or a mile, the had to put her down, ard she als: ieelle: i ‘ \peror. circumst es it is not advisable to soy ut into shape the information which it has for tor nse! Goiug and coming, he had to past overa| potthe handkerchief clear of her mouth. sae caked Carle vate ‘Te his last: years Exaperor William I. was this clover for green manuting or fertilizing | CTSPY» in National Stockm Gost me the best years of my life to gain, | “ The Mail,” Toronto Cabatias E mpaltrav led highway, but no one after-| Then he threatened her with death if she| then teen crage-battery traction ron: | rarely een unless acompanie his fav: but rather to hold by th whiel hair and made an old Fd to say that he had en-| raised an alarm, and she walked the rest of | the system of tovege battery Wractte 4 eo adjutant was wnelish in hia clover, Auywhere, howe White Leghom—White Plymouth Book. [man of me ene have vonihed' Gis pela sountered him. mt Sabie ree | te creed gue the ee 3 oy Sargent, of Harvard Co see! wa mat. | devo is 7 bee saa yon he P. i any Je COleory iret naw, ee yond 8 This isa cross which I never saw tried | Chai ap sooo tte here do not realize the i ‘ought to: attract observation ‘an opening with arade but stout door, an indian of beige dH si age “canal, wheel-pits, with connecting | good return may be looked fo f {S80 tried | vast importance of my escape, ‘To you it is members Dut Adaitscemed tobave dodged son a ae was safe side ho returned 3] i Se oa encasuting | man court who ine not ive! his his popularity subways, ete., remain to be completed, | It sie une Mast years meni dere deine nothing. Butin the great socialistic contres 5 i every eas deci lates mae eee eter ay Sselvan. wea ca shat, in striking 2 | forpersonal aggrandizemen g hagalways is not thought that water will be ranning ble Tie ree Be Ao a Ram data Europe the routes and maps which I will } e same | nigh! tothe cave and explained | machine " ti i ; : 2, a i Ff The Reaucton Maa ee iarabon Miss Taiviee Balley Hse be had carried her off. | blow, if the fist left the ne it would tr as ere Pay: fan ono ee a aes oy res ths tiie Pak en Ist next. Aes penne ie ae tried tt among many ot oe y por : Aer Ly saek Series ot “ QUIOKLY, THOROUGHLY, FOREVER CURED the road about a mile,| While there was nothing of the villain |a mile in about thre ‘and for many years has been one of 1) ineering Newssays : “The tunnel will be ae 1g ere ‘obertson | been most promising, and he is breeding a| how many gallant souls, who now pine aw: x then sat] about him he proved to be so ubstinate and} Ja, Rocce en caul totelephones| ose notable Ggures in Berlin, Ho mar aN aET ne il be | sai vay opening remarks at the ‘annual ange this spring. ‘The fowls, as| thelr lives £4 hopeless lon fg may ann 2 e rock, but after | pig-headed that.the situation was almost a8| and are lights and two electric railways are | Most noveble Setar ia Reali, tk Teun seapacity caration shoray afte Bower will begs | convention of the Central Farmers! Taati might be expected, are pare white, and part gain the pricsles boon of g . hi jailey fell asleep | bad. He was respectful and paces ten-| soon likely to be built there Se ia escit ths reputation of the proudest and | co ke this grand to : to bi ished toward the end of March, -| address on the possibilities of selling Cane. | oe eeely of the Leg! ype, but are wi iknoywled ge will the inaid earefally got. up and began der, but very determined. 1 who| twelve and seventeen miles respectively. | vost revengeful woman in Berlinsociety. | out without exhausting himself. at latest, possibly in Janmary, and at two | dian fi le sedi inal vr and much larger in body, an eae until in every branch of the great rt As they left the sani-| got her trunk, desiring to pele heard ‘he Mount Wesbiipton’ seatch,, light; t aden celit woman eee raduate of a city sc coal ‘and would not find He Points Te The’ central “avation, hora | cit satm products at a profit in the Ing. yw the influence 1. Plymouth | system, of, which I am but a humble factor, as mowing weeds in a fiel fortable hich has been in successful operation for Cattle 8 ntleman i Ebout 10,000 horse power will te ternal nce, { ual market ; Rocks. “The farmer referred to makes his| there will be told and studied tho forests’ f the women ob-| A elie ear sien tome time past, has been nse to communi-| «the following is.an e eee from three 9,000 horse-power wheels, which racing woul alia nae dl feet aa cbief object egg production, and he was led] sire mountain ranges which lie E i a : s eT ais is tle ei nour, rien te ice partes rent enor Up meneame ee N. H:| ber of eattle le pet sas of fr enids | ¥ will probably be copverted into electricity | could very well undertake in a whole year, | giblo to obeain more, guy inv mean, Te | meen, oe Pan ed - -five mi 3 i _ opportunity, He even | amp, gave her all the news in the case as it bia Sie aug tee ne Oak ar re ies Lr avgs idttern: ten 5, Power wheslscan be put bein aR arenNRS Hh eed, to collate, | has found See Wehite Leghorns a him the} while wandering faint and starving by some carrying off both ieppened, and 0 ly delight- i tower ‘square miles, for at this point. ‘About 3,000. horse be et fe it average of eggs of ai tried, and | frozen river which led I knew not where ; ved ided that the load i ts in the newspapers. ing lam van for the Ni SR ae td otha aigentea sullclenty large in size for his purpose bat | wh i yee % on : : ae a on one of that with which ‘Intemperance and Life Insurance. ifferent countries, somites by a German a power an a ie ee Falls lage Com- | statements, you will please remember that they fall ae areal ‘tly. he winter. ‘season, toa IN THE DARKNESS. . f ti to | well, » ee © ex: | wholesome digest takes time ; and I was not | Th does nota x Sirk kone uo ACRE Peete rope ieeoman rg re inane aie policy. whieh, Cattle, Cattle, | Farming ohare wate I yous pen | willing to imperil-the, comfort. and health |q fied prics all the i ‘round: Sul he] and thtodgh the raging of the storm T hav f sigh CH a SHO OPA Gl camer uate ney pa-sarreptow aaa gener Has taaibuesy gage coe per squate ver. 000 and 0 se: ee #, glinderstand.| ¢myvown mental digestive apparatus by | Sexe4 BTice all the yen> around. | Still, He hoard the long, savage howlin eral thegahials sleoping girlpasted hia folde Jage | nervous Gnd abdahed Vili har, preapndeiand. siliepariogtistet Tinclt ebook bevoor, 1000 oy. males i of rates for powor are $10 por here mene | trying to chew up too many f sive |oustomeras hone bis efforts, B carpal saa erat eho in bask arrying her off in his| treated her with the utmost consideration | ate occasionally indulged to | Prussia. .... ace, 710 for 5,000 hofve power of ove Stee eer themout in am unnatural way. Yo lesopin Gully aes by breed ing early |" «-Ty'enabathed tie wok Te ehindéa’ into 2 eiitiee lh, agh, cried out and| and respect: He would even shed tears| excess. A leading insurance journal, “The Germany « 10. 500 borse-power; $11 for 4000 homocorer [eee igh to give me your lera-| enough and feeding well, he INGACUy DR Ee Jeol sclenos and Business Soae adil ih splnan 28 ve muffled and| over her appeals, but never relented in his| N.Y. Chronicle,” reports on a caee as fol- 130.9 x” down to $2l for S00 horsepower’ | a8 and indul ea eS empetig) seeing | in obtaining. a fee pombe abel ee ae tae ream hick ‘ie broken oo Pool. 2000 reterenees fo cured: pation.» Our . 1176. M self to or i hi by the surprise of | purpose. lows: ' eon all for 24-hour power if wanted, the f | present my subject worthily to an andienoe | om the heghorns, but not sufficient, and | fiery summers of Tartary. Many times: it Ganalan Govern cece eetbaeae aah te propa day oth, arried her across an| ‘fhe tunnel turned out. to bea cool, dry. Tn 1884.a case with ir eapest ae oy Fe Ce ordinary steam power for a 10-hour day | [ike this one, representative of the nee a crossed named above has given him just] calfed into action my reluctant limbs after oxposure attends Seating wi ith us ae is the case ide, and yet a toy) place, and Miss Bailey did not undergo any for $7,500 came before the house of lords, Panga é iowa aa ne i thetfore, een z en ¢ on agriculture in the province of | “his alee nana es eta Tha tl rows. mysell sans in a is fe ‘when you deal with others in the 3 » even from | Ontario, the premier province of the Do- 10 dio. eeks and months passed and eac! : the higher rten forthe water power. The [inion af Canale ier age far| mack disposition. Co ole ered ave whew | one found m> nearer my destination, Amer. | =P1 bilan Gag BOBO NI el is some 100,- | mer stands head. and shoulders above. the| thigks thee} a PoE ARENT z ol borse-power of 24-hon - avelage farmer inv ang other land se wee thinks that:he has struck on a right sean rom bis position she gave her consent to sirous of being placed wl ae The tonnel on the Canadisn side willialeo 3 y other -Jand in’ the} When the hens have to be killed, the cross: i intenti cu iid be expected % ie world. We have many things in this coun-| preds will realize at least 12 to 1 ne) mistress gone, and, though surprised at the} wed him, having no intention, of course, all-around siatesmanship would be expected : : pushed soon by the same company stimu- | try to be gratefulfor and proud of, Ts iL Whi a aaa ee bes wried “that is pred as re- meek huss her ea peat m bi It stom o} : ee baeaeatoyt I Seed eae oes aay aad ae eh certain ore Sith Macee pritanaes Was Teeny for hole franchise. A tunnel only one. | generally within our borde have | reduction of laying, it. is certainly easier Guiye fe won after dark before ony one|imeeesibles althongh made a horae-power on the Canadian side, however. | a soleaoes, atte and piulosoph ne the ne is mar eickenn snared Rae ote tas sont out and next day noon before the] his own seni, he would not give up his ae i The power from the Canadian side is likely | tocracy of the land, to make plans for the | ne +h began in earnest. idea, and :hus passed a secon volutionary claims be transmitted to: Budalo. -1¢4 AD Bar ath , fo make plans for the| Hitherto the farmer in question has only Stn nearly every criminal ease of moment | VAIN EPFORTS TO ESCAPE, y time, andthe ons that several large toiling farmers; and the clear thinking of | used White Leghorn cocks with White Ply © the detectives waste time by following clews| + wan a dane sive be eet 8 GRC see) t ven them by persons whofirst ‘ guess ”or| Miss Bailey had not been a. pas jnid down the rule that temperate in hab-| Norway»... 119, e fielieve” and then know for certain. In| oner during the,fortnight, She had gone| its must not be taken in anything like the Except Prussia. bi itory between | uot of clear thinking: Wheres : al abstinence end that a ‘oportion o ; a 3 ve tried the sense of total absti d that a liberal| ‘phe proportion of farming land in Prusdis Batalo and tie tals the value of al of Le te skin < We g0| before your readers. If any have tried th ion mustbe given to the words. | to its total atea i at larger than in any NOW ar eeeore ating 7 for geese al To England, | cross mentioned above I should be glad of = «= REGULATE THE «= “= mone point alone the law lords did not) other country. ‘The number of cattle per 4 y ly. Whee gre a ae eet their experience, i i resent quite as resp: pit ig Ye a ee] Suvi Poem rye age bette... MAS Aten ce STOMACH, LIVER» BOWELS, ‘ho bought his way. Mr. Corbett would ¥ stances. A voice—Do you include Scotland ! pt pose Hen, he court. | nd in| hi Fi hae navantage of of ite piattebie : : sere “tWell, how does this hap- Peretcip ed) eee tr pone . 8a} a more I os : vast the cae the i : i ve m one-| other particulars. It is a matter o: ante : England, » _Eng-| more I am inclined to believe that we need for peculiar | half to bys Te many as the United } in han paleo never to strike below the Madge: ‘How dovs wattappen?” land stands for‘and embraces all of Great a . Why not PU RI FY TH E BLOOD. habits of any peculiar locality. nthe csi>} States, ‘The exlitindicats that England|| belt, Congressmen who are not pugilists : “ Ti ate of Inoxioton yom te a Bata mi oe dome g fo horought tina we cette ; re Lord Colerid eit was further | ang Ee rope ate likely to continue to affor ngay : it, Didn’e you—io—tell me 2 be jown that one or twol'on excellent market ioe, suzy neat # take hot hot wisky for mikey cold” f A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR own, ‘ a Indigestion, Biliousn Headach oe oe : " . ‘the omission of Canada betta _# Taseo. fi ig f usness, Headache, Constipation, . * until two nights had passed. en it was | agreed, b 2 H Billings told me ¢’ tak + fe a ¢ rs 1% the safe at tho sanitar- i to be settled in a ‘buat probabl; this country is ectful attention wouldtbe paid to gen ach take one ; feller, I forget ‘ ju Dyspepsia, » Bie son ha era |e teeta inne er oud | ih, Pg ue |e ar eee snap lems tte anya aovn |p Hglndtndesvand the igs te] we make te prediedon ogee oe wy | 8 OSES! Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Se ee ee csa te alacotor|of his, own, He did nob come’ phurday] Sea. el aot to Seaigu gaement of | s werg ot Chis continent aroy dpe in other fellars tole me t! take one. Got four | foundation and improving stock and seeds| ject, why shouldn't we have «breed for omplexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all Ian Beaune of Mise Baile night, but the next evening he threatened | cj,ims on this ground unless their case ba Germany, issued by the U.S. government, more coming’ ’fore I’m through. See?” for the enterprising farmers ofall countries that special Durpose? foal the special-pur disorders of the Stomach, ’ iver and. Bowels, ye > “9 ft pairs ee in an » notwithstandin; Be should be one that won’ E ‘Adairiwas among ‘those questioned, All| tat if aie did nov bring forward Hoste sr | one which ia€gpable, of veryiclear proa!. of} which show, the Dominioh tp, be. part of the fact that she has no surplus of ordinary | set, will lay the year round, poly takin i ipa Tables é that he saw two girls go| within a couple of days te solve intemperance.’ America. The extent of our farming An Effort of Memory. . - 4 Y, , only ae a pe contain nothing inju most delicate constitu. e hadto say fab hes e could not t law, we may add that | j d. the quality. of itis bet- farm-produgts. ¢ J rer’ affords the best | holiday while she'is moultin, ion, Pleasant-to take, vate pecs iene had stuck to the | ty he would mur While that is the y the greatest, and the quality. eg iedate relied Sold by De ee rahe ahari@ecl tle | oAtey Hvacio. cho elavaliould. ‘Thera,wad nb |< yyaerin we tartar ovecy, wan te avaldsulld sac ceee whatigawnad sup sive oorateg es Old fried What became of that haud- {market inthe. produote, ac- | So dar as I have. noticed, the: Leghorn ‘ Atrial bor | onweceipt of ty cous, Addrese rgd UL uae ep Par mon al Repeat but that bead beoome| hance of di pate by Teeping himself tom-| tie world, afact which tho U.S. Emigration | ing: Where are acores-of worse mben i : tone ce ate yore engaged ae TS soby cryin ste POP ee, hearest t0 ey a special _parpode THI PANE Q 8 2 imple incident in tae van this samo Corbat” é ion § RS oundation stoc products ofany. Some of the other breeds| , - ipa Se By wh Tai ea an ions sae ily sperm Ute : SFriniey ec Tae ata tenon ptea'he| Seraepiel val cgreeri ei] to Spruce Street, == New York City ried Bim, I el lie te es th, from the Vole tuitcie Hi her men. | think, nene has come up to the Legh: ‘ ey