‘An invitation extended to everyone to call and examine the magnificent stock which Tailor is now opening If you are looking for bargains we We can make to OE have them. a good Overcoat for Of ourse we have finer grades, CORNER OF MAIN AND KING STS MILVERTON Schaefer the up. Everything of the latest style, and largest stock of any merchant in the county. $6.50 and can’ make: to order an Overcoat good enough for Ae ranging in Dea L | up to bi fOr F A man’s every day Suit to order 8 00 ; 8 e i 4 a ww Worsted Suits to piste t in Dae ranging $19 te $95 from - - Pants—all wool—to order from $1.95 to $8.50 nee 4 IN MEN’S UNDERWEAR and TOP SHIRTS We have the largest stock in town, bought direct from the manufacturers, and our prices are the lowest. largest and IN GENT’S FURNISHINGS Such as TIES, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRTS, ote., we have the hest assortment we ever showed, and as usual or peices are right. All the nowest styles. complete range of eee and Plain Man- {n the Ladies’ Cloak and Mantle Department =: in stock a fine assortment of Sealetts, at all prices. tle Cloths. We also carry Ladies requiring a new coat this fall would do well to éxamine our goods before Rareesite. We take your measure, and make and cut your coat in the latest, style and guarantee a perfect fit. A Chanee to Win a Gold or Silver Wateh particulars of which can be obtained from Schaefer the Tailor. Everycnce can ee an Pbk We are giving away a Gold mater & ciety Watch, and a_ id Cuff Buttons, the MEDICAL HALL POST OFFICE BUILDING +A FRASH SUPPLY OF— German Syrup August Flower All Prescriptions Promptly Attended to. _ Subscriptions received for all newspapers CENTRAL ‘TELEPHONE a FICE Post Office hours from 7.30 a. 8 p.m. ae Bante aiid Monee Uiier seins | $00, G9 7otomN on farm security at lowest rates “of Tite SaLass im roe ee BED AND ERIK LOAN D SAVIN “TAS TORRANCE, Miss Eprtn Kay, Asst. ost Large SE ised ot Weptshen ots ant a scture, such as Elgin, Waltham, Mogliak Lever, ete lowest prices, LADIES Laadared Watches and Clocks at. tsk Ms The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1892 ‘A person would naturally wonder what became of all the eggs which are bought up in Canada, Last year the dealers were shipping to England, but the long voyage made the shipment of eggs a hazardous business. | the bulk of eggs pureh |have been going to the New Ibeatlanse and-notwithstanding the duty of 5 cents per dozen the prices here bere es about the same as be- ree, Ane aly “that this question ot |“who pays the duty” does not always operate the same way. ‘AN enormous iene mould was ishipped from Ottawa to Perth on Tues- day, where 1t will be used, under the directions of Prof. Robertson, Domin- nion dairy commissioner, for manufagt- nadian. aie in- fair. when made will be something fabulous, running into thousands of pounds. heing|Feturns, With a view to testing the if| quality of the Canadian product an “Tris generally conceded, says The Mail, by those who have been discuss- ing the question of improved country hea that the statute Inbor system his ouuscd its usefulness. At-pre- sent only a w reforms are thought posible. One of these is the ubo- lition of statute labor and the substitu tion of a tax to be expended under the supervision of builders. experienced road The aim is ta supply the ‘inee with good gray el roads, and i ax is proposed. At the next ession of thi “Legislature the question vill be thrashed out, and although no udden reform is likely, important steps hould be taken in the direction of im- proving the thoroughfares of Ontario. En@.anb imported condensed milk last year to the-value of $4,124,745. Tnere is only. one condensed milk fact- ory in Canada and our exportations of this commodity so far have been very small, so small that no record of them appears in the trade and navigation analysis has just been made at the in- stance of Hon. Mr. Fuster by Mr. Shutt, chemist at the central experi- This triumph of dairy wark will form a portion of the experimental farm ex- hibit at Chicago next year. Wate it, is generally understood Solid reed or silyer watches, andj that Sir John Abbott will in a short on rings—a nice assortment. i t dealer can sell for. People always find it best to Luy at Rath posted ape prices as an time retire from the Premiership, and that as certainly it has been decided that Sir John Thompson will be the SeOnGE. FFAFES JEWELRY STORE| next Premier, his elevation to the im- prod rns, and at | portant post does not give that satis- ia the best evidence of a] Etat intention is to be clock, watch or chain, or jewelry’ line, such as broo: Piaff's Jewelry Store, Milverto happy to state to ipa. supe ring promptl tly executed at lowest prices, . spctabiktel bee anything in ches, ear rings | readily recognize th rior abi eas, gol Auger tings, nilverwure, apeo"|o ae pac org hic sence, newer ae Sos and get Grand Trank time, go ES my surrounding fritid that from the ein and increas- e, that all faction to all classes of the Conserva- tive party that the leaders would d jec ct to religion, not that he he has ever given them caus he would take of Sir John, and his great powers ag a men, and hergin they say lies ‘We cannot see that the protestants are in any more danger | © from having a Roman Catholic Premier at Ottawa than they are from havin; has always been willing to grant any "party f a Protestant Premier of Ontario, who years’ ¢x concessions to the Roman Catholics vice that I aim fit they'choose to ask for, in the hope of sich and Joey fe securing the votes of that body. We believe Sir John Thompson is too god 0 do ayihing that would cause dis- satisfaction his protestant sup- mental farm, of the three brands of condensed milk, the Reindeer brand, made at Truro, N.S.; the Shamrock, made at Limerick, Ireland, and the Fruit brand, manufactured at Liver- pool, England. After a careful exam- ination ‘Mr. Shutt reports that the sprit fi large extension of the manufacture of this article. Tue lithograph used in advertising Brampton’s fall fair was purchased in the United States. ‘The Stars and GCs pape wks 50 ey hissed and yelled at the lithe- walking around looking for insults to Canada the country and the cause of patriotism would probably be just as well off. A society for the Repression He Slopover Patriotism ought to be tablished in in Brampton, pat EES Sir tee Tupper denies the rumor that he intends returning to Canada. FALL 1892 Our Anual Fall Millinery Opening will take place on Tuesday and Wednes- day next, Sept. 27th and 28th. We extend a cor- dial invitation to all to examine the many new novelties we have secured MRS. GUENTHER WILL SPARE NO PAINS TO PLEASE HER CUSTOMERS An Inspection of our Stock Invited Guenther & Schmitt MILVERTON = SCHNEUKER & ROTHAERMEL’S Is the Cheapest Place to Buy Saws, Nails, Glass, Putty, ree Axes, Fence Wire, Oils, TINWARE A GOOD STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Schneuker & ‘Rothacrmc Main Street Dfilvexten BILVERTON seman {West side a St.) will be found a 2 rayply of est DRUGS Pure Paris Green « —-A LARGE STOCK OF— Patent Medicines, - Toilet Articles, ete omptly atterted to Da ‘Ail praseviptions @.N. W. TELEGRAPH OFFICE Dr. J. F GATTERMOLE. Repairing ae WATCHES — GLOGKS »» JEWELRY | A Qood Stock of Best Watches, Clocks * Jewelry always a Hand & BES Ganther ‘Listownn AND Mirvenic? H. C. Smith Manacur, Mitverton TORE "= : Brevitios _ Rex, Jno. Kay in avtay visiting in Mich- igen. School inspector Alexander was in town eackays mer is a valuable cite aa to jodiet choie in Milverto W: lintt editor of the wW ingham among the visitors in town on 8 ny. -Mr. Wm. Henrich, of St. Jacobs, visit- Iverton thie week, the guest of Mr. ih, Schnooker 5 Hack, of e allnce, Laie: sta. tioned here, o of the Evan- gelical thutch Si ny centinonit regarding Hood’s Sar- sapati of what this med ent Ras tone, —Mr. Dan'l. Weppler, station agent at. Han town iMoney cattin his mai aray of sunlight, begga ‘Whorever-he comes, Guod —The anniversary services in connection with the Methodist Janine Milverton, will at the 16th Oct. v. Mr. Gee, tery a Promined to deliver the anniversary ser Mr. Rich. Hamilton has cl has been in the fnmily for’upwards of, 60 ears. Itis still in good ru nae ortter, and keeps correct time. The works ure of wood. It cost when new $30. —A lady writes the simple re: Barr jock which truth as fol- Pees bat, Helbg adyaend to iry Se Jacobs OL can now heartily eudorse it as) bein; nt for this compleint, a fited ase.” falling of the hair, restores fading hair to ite original color, and makes it soft at ple able vithout leasing ms Sadicatios o drewsing ny pee clean to use, it is 9 valuable fait preparation, —--—— DE De Milverton Sun THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1892, “ WILVERTON MATTERS ) acres on feat Maraicaton, 801 Mir 1 $4.6 New Mr. Gro. Kirxc. jn the butcher busines or so] fad pee ane un- the seat but was not injured. The colt was captured after running a short distance, tbe only damage done Jeing a ‘broken ote and a general shaking up all ro slonary, Service ‘SPECIAL services were held in the Lutheran chureh, last Sunday, . at which a fet collection for missson- ary purposes was taken w ehureh was only decorated with Be- in gum of $40. At the services forenoon in lice the same ministers The collection was $43, Boies ‘Tux Tonoxro Wennty Exeres hiss pro arranged, exectted in the finest type of are their supporters in the pictures of Cabinet Ministers are large in n excellent likeness. 5 2 & z > 8 3 Es] mele for identification, but the ti very county returning a Conserva- tive ‘will, in this group, possess an excellent thelr member. "As a work of a this group pic acceptable pudisinn °06. the Conservative ieee of the land it will be pretty sure to ‘Grculate from Vancouver to ‘The picture, to give anexact i impor ‘inehes, On the margin is a iving the name of every m erg carresponding to to numbers on the photo- . Jon ’Garhet sold ue at “at while trotting |p Seme Euterexting Itema Culled Siem the Neighbering Lina Four cars of Bes were shipped from the G.T.R. station at Listowel, last Thursday, two by Mr. C. W. Riley, and two by Mr. Brill, about 1,100 boxes in all. Friday Messrs. Bal- lantyne & Son shipped five cars, an¢ Saturday Mr. MacLaren shipped two cars. The total shipments for the three days reached nearly 3,000 boxes, and represented a value of over $20,- 000. Most of the cheese was bought 106, Sanan Jane Quick, wife of Joseph Quick, who up to three years ago held i ne the venue been ford and will be tr oe X Church ‘idow who, on the d Bat was left ao bl er Quick lost inet He sition in Woodstock they left for the States, and it is said are keeping hotel in Green Bay, Wis. Eowarp Hex lace, has bee! ce is feel Ke ee 4, Elma, year, the present teacher having resigned to go to Albert Col- lege, Belleville. During the two years Mr. Ward has wielded the birch. the school has made ule Fant progress ut could not find the coin, and con- .| stomach. People should be very care- ful about giving children money as these cases are getting OBERT BRowNLER, an old and | highly esteemed resident of Millbank, died on Thursday, at the advanced jee,0£ Woodstock, brother-in-1 law 3 | o bay Grieve, W. Mer. Watrer Hotmwoon, formerly af the Albion Hotel, of Stratford, died at 9 p.m. Friday last, at Ingersol after a few days’ illness, aged 74: Deceased came from Chicago about 2 month ago and purchased the Atlantic house in Ingersol. He bad been in | poor health for some time, bis trouble being kidney complaint. He leaves a widow and two grown-up. children—a :|son and a daughter—to mourn his loss. ED Crarx—In fing: on Wednesday, 21st Sept., 1802, P. HL Clarke, M:D.,’ aged rs, five months, unole of Mrs T. Whalley, of Milverton, At the request cd, no notice af funeral was gi en and to mourning will be worn by the relativ Soyer Poole, on Sept, 22, Minnie Schaefer, fourth “daughter of. John J ehnaer, aged 9 yenrs, § montha, and | * hictet, wnpurchased * state- ‘acta won't Wath Tim: new postal cards will be out shortly and Sande will be ante size than the ones new in use in deference te the wishes of ‘the editer a ‘The Ber- ie News. Tt is reported that ailitele postal eards far lurlibs is ‘ale to tobe made and sek - they are to be seented with heliotrope, But the re- ork is Bechiace * alaniy. For what grownd could there be for the theory that women are pinin, i a MEE bit 0 a postal card? rm of ard 8 to be Se Ne then fe shoal ne a small eae follozed b; a big one for a . The ee that the ladies are more concise in their correspondence that mn persens' n. Tarre’s paper, ae Canadien, y tee that Mr. Meredith and Mc. feats gers will before leng become mem- of the Dominion Cabinet. ne to Saturday there had been 17,- 57 cases of cholera and 7,339 deaths in Hemburg se Miss Lettie Huntley Is fie sister of Mr. W. er Huntley of Cortland, N. Y., a well known aot penter and builder. Her frank st ment below givcs only the abso aut puneernig | her illness velous recovery by the aid of ‘Hood's Sarsayarilla. She says “O1 E-Hood & Co. Lowell, Mass. ar Sir: ‘Twelve years ago T began to ‘80 low that the physicians told me There Was No Hope and I should wee te Tecould gale tale moved from my bed. y face ‘out Scand with ‘hood f hae my mouth. could ect nothimg and had no f the bowels fora week. The doctors Said the Cp ‘was ulcers aes thestomack. At mis time m a make me more ial, Ler if I would take Hood's Sax ‘Tota tier it would be A Waste of Money Geo it a ona her, I began tak- 1e bloat erat began to it iw mg whi ne) ‘wanted Sonthing Hearty. "My another was y sho erie BO ‘It was the First Lh Fi had oe Hun * Two I pee a ‘rt eo cere and in a ee ras as well as oe = my aus ies since I recor ote Ter had a Ale ’s Sickness sin aes rhage if ever a human jan being finned a aH tora on Sarsapa ite. it and that al iat 's ae sh Se my Wife.’ draggin = Conn Lc moe Hanoy "le “is a highly respected lady; her statement of what Quality at the top ! This is the condition of affairs with Us as Complete Assortment ! Slippers, Trunks, etc. Bible Bepository Here. Main Street, Milverton Prices at the bottom tne of very Deseription Splendid in Quality ! Bargains in Ladies’, Gents’, Boys’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, Rubbers Agent for Genuine Singer Sewing Machine 3G. GROSCH & CO. WAYE THE SPLENDID STOCK OF THE SPASON regards + bos Winter is at our 'OVES in the county SEE OUR LINE OF BEAVER CROSS thing for the fall trade BUT WHAT CARE WE? : Acheson has 0 fe finest line of COOK and PARLOR and Dundas Axes Plaster Paris, Water Lime and a full line of every- W. ACHESON The Hardware Man Doors CUT SAWS DOHERTY’S TUNNEL WOOD Hood's Sarsaparilia by Has done for hor 1: the highest corf- dence.” meen: Pitts eure Liver Li, Conyenienly cleaned “®1 i et ee aa = => oc MILNERTON PFA D, SUTTON gated steel radiators, and large heating capacity. ‘Also the well-known Boynton Furnace. WwW. JACHESON'S BLOCK 1 ‘The very latest construction in its line, Eavetroughing and Roofing carefully attended to. A good stock of Tinware always on land. Heavy corru; jout. 28th to THE GROSCH & LOTH | i rac esnpies invite all people visiting the exhibition of Sept. 27th eali and examine their immense STOCK OF NEW FALL 00s IN THEIR ESTABLISHMENT ILADIE’S READY MADE JACKETS with Fur bilan and Newest Styles, at all prices m $5.00 to $15.00, Dress Goods at your own Price! AND ALL OTHER GOODS IN THE SAME PROPORTION We, claim to show the finest stock in Milverton in Dress Goods, Mantles, Prints, Cone Hosiery, and Gloves, Underware, Flannels, cet pen ag ral Dry Goods and derpourion ete. Call examine ca eae sp purchasing NO TROUBLE TO SHOW doops: AT THE RIGHT HOUSE © + GROSCH » Rs HUSTLERS FOR ane LOTH Ke