vertising Rates. Legal and other casual retsewents 8c, wr line for first “per y Adveritements of Lost, Found, one! not ee ig 10 es onpareil, $i moni ms on Sale, not to fouses on Sdle and Fat Faced ‘WO lines, $l-for first month, Boe per su ae Aan alos vill be> given for lar a an wi giv r larger churches and ather saligions Pee 3 ae institutions half r Correspondents cnn wanted in every unre- ‘Presented id rrepondents ‘should write on one side Be sheet only, rofl ttt thor nea co respondents veil be furnished with, writing material, envelopes od an id aepedanedl ete. 3 of every ppegrintion:, turned out in the Iason style of the. No botch work ere. Jee will tbe ae) lower than ete ice in the district. ‘Address all communications j THOS. W. W! é Epiror. axp PUBLISHER, ilverton, Ont.; r line ae jer woman's gran | Boma, a a roe of Indi were intothis shape in infaney—I pre- sume ne the Dolish ciphaloua race, Chis i >) th ater our Indians—a tribe of which only a rem- nant remains. ~ old Indian.whom I tried to an » looking like rains out with bs, ius with epears, they left only felt ig tribe alive, to cry and moan, as slaves. pres dle “p AMONG THE MOUNDS. Pra- Historic People of the Pacifio Province | °° —How They fiver and Warred. ‘The cost a Wien Made the Fraser estral Delties. A cor e Victoria sColedies sida has b een tae over aus thi I have]. great antiquity. el an over the hut-graves of departed ‘anaim N : © treasure hills would not. be i 5 hells Hikes mighty poliisien at the approach of newspaper Thaveuad the "good fortune, howerer, to jother genuine India: esterday, I pea Pe the farm of is hospitable home 7 memories of Se MISTENED TO TRADITIONS that would tickle the tympanum of the most h tale brightly Hi dreds of years before the ny had stretched their first tentacle "acific-wal ‘A Vancouver CESS whose scholastic Pope ne Thave paused in retro- | Ure ste tradition sid a monster with scales, long tail, eat wine dragged our. chi r every reen Gld tman’s story, translated as alta ad pels tone mortar,” continued Mrs. Webher, “was evidently led ve bosa the tendivork of the people of a oe laps old reves They one iio, boy 20 and x sea ft 16 lis aon to. finish Priceless implements, and kept in Poalies A MIGHTY WAR CLUB of stone, wonderfully, well preserved, with hole pec mysteries to the Siwashes about ere 5 they did not use either. ” cation, is at present, representing a Vie- historical research in piece by pie Jogethér; wa will have vothing more than ® sort of literary crazy quilt—an interesting collection of queer oddsand ends, valuable only as a curiosity. erhaps ¥ yy random shot at the theory of ly gentleman’s attention ms that direction. the resu: reflection, conjecture awaken a new interest in the history of our rovinee. First of all it may be asserted witho contradiction that a part of Mrs. Webber's treasures innumerable—skulls, spears, ar- mter’s tools, wis, orna- every variety of the household | he and appliances i ani ares, implements of, war, of religion, cla "American lady” whose HE FARM sae | which it i s, Per- | i+ is still a patch, though its merit lies only in tte oddity. . ‘were Seni up by the plough in other parts of the far pete: is justly proud of her valu- mn, and will only dispose of it tions "Vicinity, and somo of the yarm-spinne:s, by| © ve left to tai Toe It is an idol « carved in eet —the fe on etn father told them about. ere isa “skull, high, narrow, taper. gene point at the crown My rsuasion, ey it ‘s sey en whose heads This man| Seneca wrote ‘ De Benefi aT. oe published ‘tChristabel” at 44. ick, and we Eas half of those |” nm lage ai Gorell wrote “ Melite,” his first drama, | t© ™* tory t 3| at about 51. poi Fone See poems appeared when the was 30, re nals of sles re he was 20. s is sai Fie ” after. 60. Mohammed began the Koranat 35. Shelly wrote Keats wrote his ‘* Endymion” at 22. Alexander Dumas: wrote plays at 22. Disraeli wrote “ Vivian Grey” at 21. Heine published his first songs at 23. Swift wrote the “Tale of a Tub” at 37. cis ” after 50. Richardson published “Pemela” at 51. oped. wrote the “ Andromache ” at 28, rote the ‘‘ Hore Pauline” at 47. Pliny finished the ‘ German War” at 31, rae published his ninety-five theses at Poe wrote ‘The Raven” in his, 36th year. ooh Meredith published “ Lucile” at pee mes “Hudibras” after he was em published “Tristam Shandy” av Macbiayeli completed ” The Prince” at Botteau wrote his first satirical poems at is Thomas Moore finished his “‘ Utopia” enn Bacon wrote the “Novum Organ- um ” at 41. ‘The Ages at Which Their Best Works Were | \ oduced Confucius wrote his religious works at pees very strong opinions. Skane wrote his first play an about i ab ope published the “Faerie Queen”| © eee is said that Horace wrote his first odes a A patty of gentlemen on St. Jamé in Montreal, the othe: er mornin into tinge other Me MeNicol ser agent of ba é mer f question of fast At ing and deal, but os to the feosbility end Caciabllity ofa fash ease ip service from Canada to d Thave, as an in- De ie ener ck Haat Halifax as the winter port. low, oo at the rom Liverpool ees allen s he same time trom Live day's less journey on the water, ‘Dean land oe PASSENGERS IN TORONTO, or in Detroit, or in Chicago, or west, either north or 80 ically 24 hours ahead of Sheridan wrote ‘* rie is thought to have written his satires at 45, Divid is, said to have written his first psalm Galion finished ‘The Deserted Vil- Satine published his “ Wars of the Jews ” at 56. Calvin published his “ Psychopannycia ” at 25, reales finished the first part of his his- Eke finished the “Divina Commedia” are pat finished his “‘ History of the 0} Shion is said to have collected the | Proverbs at 50. oMehe to have finished his ‘An- Sami ee Johnson published ‘* London” when he was tween Progress” Robert Browning wrote “The Ring and the Book” at 5 Bryant was 1 yet ncia farnana by “ Thanatopsis.”” Toseph Addison's fcet easays appeared when he was Martial is ail to have written epigrams id to have composed the Adam ge Jeeta “The Wealth ot}? Nations” the antl Hannah ier wrove ‘The Search After Happiness” at 28. te wrote the famous “‘ Wissenschafts- lehre” at 32, George Eliot was 39 when “‘ Adam Bede” was printed.” settee tamous at : of Cheat ” at 24. Hugh Miller pulsed “The Testimony of the Rocks” me ek abal feel for their delty? idol was cast out—sol to the circus col ol: lector—but the old Thay daughter, on hor rs. Webber's, with hum! fa ung, woven by amateur hi Poa 13. SSE es a master stroke to smooth down ellie schoolboy. I don’t see how a woman ever can mai ene” remarked Misa-Fitty, 2 Welly there's Sept nothing else to marry,” replied | 2 Miss Flyp os pital and labor cou wuld get on well ough toget there were not so many nm published cae a iP true oe a celesti ble | "Bl pair, d earthliness, mourning, negation, wickedness and censtiioy aad fidelity. us oad ae =i Castle ieee The Pleasures of Hope” appeared when Campa w as 22. te poems in childhood, and Meaning of the Colors. Violet, the. amethyst, signiiea love and ve or passion aud suffe: rple an dsc sigoity things good and lack corresponds to ie espair, darkness, Bino, or the sapphire, expresses heaven, ent, tiuti: from a -elestial origin, faithfulne: ‘soi, oF gold, is the symbol of the sun; mari a tad age yellow signifies inconsaaey, aesaey Red, oe a "gai fire, sud Fo an ne red roses tie was 36 when “ Vanity Fair” m |” aia wrote the “ Saint's Everlasting | You canno' Rest” at 34. day, ‘The Bol a Virgil were written be- } John Suave finished the “ 'Pilgrim’s f ca Vol ttaie’s fist tragedy. came out when | gre thor was hi ««The Brigands,” by Schiller, made the ul w a Kempis wrote the “Imitation |# ce is inlet to have written his |; a ae sues to _eaaition, Buddha began his a revelation wa at aloe Now York n di ing direct pee 1 to can be in Boston [hours ahead of the e Mt hours the advantage at every Broa west, begining Moa Montreal, ghee hat fact ys time is eodbtragt aad avery hour PtrNawetaks-aib: citise way,” ‘MeNicoll. ‘When you sail from New ding to the tide they or2 in tipon the railway preventing yee TOHING YOUR BOAT, which would involve the loss of your ticket, cost of the stateroo: passenger fi make connection wit Ria nat pias Would be there ; the train would 1un along- side the wharf 5 pit the Bog ay, ha he ae veasel, « delay suillelently” Ia te ter of saving tin One of the gentlemen ake ‘what style of cede Veomela ete eal Mr. MeNicoll replied tates speak- ing of ocean vi to the very b st liners now running into New York, and tter if they could be built ; « vessel that e lead Surgeon lof the Labon M Medical Company me, fom : : iRise 5 Saban tlanti re upon the fast A\ —_—_=_— The New York eggs icy, that Jtis Se that wasps’ nests often tak be caused by ‘de chemical ction ot th mn the paper material of the ee oi hi fac may account for many mysteri is now "Doronto, may ‘consulta ‘either in person or by letter an all. peculiar to man. Men, young, old, for middle aged, find the lous, weak and exhausted, who are broken| t tal lity, loss of memor ‘of sight, palpitation of the heart, ao : “lack of etecey cgierd itching| ppain about ast fortis i icress A, Fi donell ‘Toronto, 0: Te you want to buy or sell a farm ad&} ivertise in the Toronto “ Weekly Mail, "That paper reaches 100,000 farmers! ‘Toronto “Weekly Mail” for five ae Ps sword for five ie 6 The Mail {cal science beak Thins Wate for our proofs. 2,000 references to red patients. Out [retisn onthe border enables us to prepay duty tothe ‘exposure attends dealing with us, as is ao oe ‘Sven you deal with others in the Btates. rain to take on freight cai the big vessel at the Slow rate of speed will carry the freight cheaper. ‘The fast liner ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. — ‘Ripans Tabules contain n tio: druggists. 10 Spruce St love. Ina bad infernal love of Wiis hatred, of the-way, soem to have lived as long an the Doane at capital without labor, REGULATE THE = = STOMACH, LIVER »* BOWELS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, -Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Ba jothing injurious to the ne rege to take, ates verre! Give mearea relief. ‘A trial bottle sen il on receipt o} THE ‘PANS ae note most delicate constitu Sold by dress York City. AGRICULTURAL, A Farmer's Education, now a farmer tay live on, and ov ake & odors! 7 farmer is known by his fences, his orchard, his houses, hi bringing Pee acey thi her aati making them blossom as the tose? But an education it not valuable atone for ts ac igher we rise in 1 and the better prepared are we for the great hereafter, About the Pigs. Early sown rye willhelp the pigs through the fall and wi ive hee ‘a good, green bite in cwly anna Jt will more than repay the cost of se« ite ais ing vice ailecbe os ing nicely, but you will = sbaseelt with a false idea of the profits as wd | balked. Always remember not to get balky un-| seconds; then r tive, but to test the matter fully for them- Profits in daletee ss h horses bring enough for any use ; yralk feat, are quick in all their move- wn an to ois o needs a horse, ‘Horses, as well as other stock, will relish ficial, and a supply should be stored where they may ie easily drawn upon horses to| didloalty during that day, although we Fo- | aan with the load, oh, what a sight met ‘The leadin, over the off one, the harness, an Lettin, ah i tae on them, the same time sratking of ‘Phen en not looking at him in ergy mance by get: me, an turned and drew two more loa Three wagon cu e was ready T spoke as not to excite their if you wanted to fix something on the har- ness or load ; in a word, do anything to take ourself. But if at ai ime yo ould cal pa drop them out, gather up the lines as tin een eit eho . cai ‘ut around the Tee, setae ake goa or two; then circle around to the nine cases out of ten cae will go nls bid. The Bull. ust be admitted that the bull ae esleted animal—an through his nose, and month after month, year after year, only Going out as service requires. Ose the nigh e leader by the head, after throwingmy whip load, m see da @ while talking in ono hand, take the whip, bid | Go BACK FROM oe neat Story of the Capture of Munters—Their Adventures avd EX- periences don! Pac Czar's Early th gerson the steamers Yosemite and ot vessels entering the harbor were at a know what schoo it was. wharf atabout LOovelook, sod chen he the ere nade on m ANgost ast are, A slight fog came, on, and thus the schooners did not seo t the Vancouver Belle had all tee boats 01 1 the other schooners got on "Capt. Copp ran up oe ‘THE BRITISH FLAG bread, all sitting round the ae ir spoons, the food being aid not like to Meat all the e us to about seven cents, a1 be formed of the amount each could pr ya Seal | Ti an sncoaver aa aie says :— | low jer morning a sealing schooner dropped eachor in Engin Bay, os passen- is t time “however, it was learned that it was ide 11 whole SEY A a ul to the mast, but this did not have any ef- ‘ar-|form scale of lin 1 7 | to take part in the production of the me = urtesy, and even the Russian Bheroreuge my ad seized ie Olsen, Victo illie Macgowen, rise, Victoria; Charlotte G. Ariel, toria Cox, Vi spose ak ho bee sft —— exept “the Peed BACK PROM TRE ARCTIC ISLANDS. A Naturalist’s Quest for Plants in Far Northern Regions. In Jane last the Brosh “Ministry of Public Instruction confided Charles history in the Arctic islands o and Spitzbergen. This department of the Led tee left, oe it was thought. these it Viadivostock. The: ce her homeward trip when sais ‘and had cate fished for one day n alan re very plentiful tery end in th day the caught 104, which the matter ce the authorities at Otta GREATMAP OF THE WorLD, g ep akeeonee in Which All the Leading is Are to Take Part. At tea Geograph ical Congress in Berne year ago Prof, Penck proposed the publica- Rina'ahs a piil stasehtie cond sae Bs 000,000, or about 13 The pi ably: entertain idea with fy r, ant to beno douse that the map will be pro- eet of the map up to 60° N. lat. will cnirooa' 6° in cath Oipeoticue | Ths require 936 of these shea Siege inn alone may be own on 7 eets. It is give great attention to ets ae politi. cal feat says the cee wi fn brown. | Gontoue iigee wl raven at elevation of 100, 300, 500, and areas enclosed by o other Rus- FIRING INTO IT. This schoorer bel 0 Victoria, Capt. are econtinaly going I ‘tele alas Weill be’ peatly sear farmers W] breeding any bat good stoc ae in Oattle. er-production of cattle | eu 10 are wise will avoid | 5) is nose. He is n reedom of the yard, siete Wh; would not be natural for him to hay gentle disposition Within Throughout the country are a grea bolls treated, in the same way, and their owners wonder why they ‘are cross, Who or what would not become cross, o' sel ina week Ihave seen two Balle one t re only the stall rede when led by the pole attach- en and the rye bread, which wa ork afene, ani blackdese meitslae of waich re shown a representative of the News- 'Y | Advertiser, oe Led rine) on nee menu, of the le hac had just about ae red. ow iat pea 1e sion ‘he re | < “Wi hat shall we do with the ball?” and bad only theory best classes of cattle exe Wanted foc exper | usefulness in other respect tire “mark ades would respond to auch relief with a i average of price With Balky ae reader who has had e: I think this method swonld bd preeiabtel = BB Amis 2 think that because a ball a bull, he isnot entitled to any consider- question has been asked often, his working does not impare his vitality or ts. Hog-Uatcher. hold him without When the hog comes to rawn sug back of the first intention. ugha pig in that way once, which e hundred an ide of the Pen, and 98 ee - | his pence cut finger till after he: was olde ; : ty they the trp in 30 days, as if choy had encounter. a gale they would probably never have scored ‘70 TELL THE TALE. In addition to the schooner, and the skins, alt oe ir guns end eee were taken e Le Jowed to take theirclothes, and {three ats, as ald hroat, and did not| Chin fer wis] ain or America eo 8 since Eid Tost bets teaslg Ak tooke and gave the word to start, but in: of | to throw him and listen to his cutery. by. the | *P who fediiuvenied to sink ie iH a aera leet Some ° whe remaining sheets will prob- sbiy- Me ‘itthopoehel two shillings ashoet would produce $478,505, the deficit would have to 8. he. sees nothing |p Difficulties may ing of the names and the introduction ot Pe ahs but the ate thing, to his mind, is TWINS IN EVERYTHING, men, Risden, in his ‘Survey of Devon,” goles wmbe, High Sheriff of Cornwall “They were,” observes that learned writer, “so likein all their lineaments, s0 equal in statue, ap colored in hit, and of such resem! face and gesture, that they could not be Keno oue from tl isters, but y some secret mark, or openly ring some several ealafed vibtbon' on te GA bleh, ee i ¢ tri disliked by. the 0 sideration of inbred po telligence giren unto sither observable, where in lai Dick Theis tieetaeneng wok teow stiotol, These lined twins, in forma and taney on ete Caloe pe NOWnares maa. olor at Newhaven sego Wakao [ Were’ both encouutered fetesly with thelr yer 1564 th hey ies served in moi expeditions of late y make seentite rescarshon | Miho Gorecument 2 Title vemet TA Minche aecthe cing) af sailed from Leith, hee Vancouver Belle had already started tone the bad dings socupied ‘ne eaten tigtontie ists in the winter Es 1882-83 in excellent conditien, and the often dealt papas ice. by The explorer crossed the quae shaw etedatin origin, cut up by deep ravines and lofty mountains. The old vol- 0 80 to-day, | are t bergen Rabot did not see a single icebeng ting along the wotniteet Balistergea nthe weasel entered the deop Ice Fiord, midway on the west coast, ‘This year it does not deserve ita name, for there was scarcely anyglce i sights {hough the flord is umually ed with hee ty ascended to the northern end of fied aPatnia inne considerable ose to}™ nthe. Enatish ie ne now. 4 gratifying feats ot tg coldest temperature the westy ine ' | was 7 above zero, ion liad nothing to comple peti tepant weather, and it ally soromplshed the pur- pose for which it w ete sett she iting ud re ox: cursions in Louisiana habeban cctbtpe allee lag at bent canola @ production of a| w i and again howled, and then into the woods, when I heard a how! pastas I rowed my t iG and then e-| Tremayne, Sica enn aon Troma, app. ot Col would heddle together, change directions, keeping Final ers eEGe: ard «wes olf and as by vet pista: tren On ately. for? te roi is, a the dead wolf wes the one that A well-dressed stranger, accompanied by Frankfort, "| said to the ongaen c this hat?” “Li by. | thought it all very: funny until t! im realize that he ae aa Star fairs 18 not unnatural, for even in. the Old ne on oe mnstantly murder Engiis ish, but it iehgepatsaate that ipee who are eee a ja ar ood donot Bh te There ond of ay fore, srounded, lost his | toring of half ad i 1 And toiner’ sia