Milverton Sun, 13 Oct 1892, p. 3

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ie PAGE EEE CORNER OF MAIN and KING STS., MILVERTON SS ENE LEBER DOP OY BPE E DES EO ‘This Merits Attention $3.00 ‘We make to order a good business suit for - _ So Does This JA good overcoat made to order for - - $6.50 Here’s Another A pair of all-wool pants made to order for - $1.95 Of course we have finer grades, and guarantee to make you a fine dress suit at a lower price than you can get else- where. A perfect fit every time. SEO OOS THE LATEST in Gents’ Ties, Collars and Furnishings is always to be found atour store. The finest and cheapest : goods in the trade, In Underwear and Topshirts, we have the largest stock in town, sovcnT DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, and you will be surprised at the low prices we charge when compared with other dealers, Ladies’ Jackets We've e new material and is season, which w to order in the Ladies’ seeking a new Sagat ll find our pat- terns and styles correct and pleasing, and what is more, prices low for the high standard of the goods. In justice to yourself’ make selections now while our assortment is complete. With every cash purchase of $5 you get a chance to win a GOLD WATCH, A SILVER WATOH, cp eR ee a PAIR of GOLD CUFF BUTTONS. These are no cheap articles, and the lucky persons who guess nearest the number of buttons in a glass jar willbe the winners. E@ SCHAEFER the TAILOR—the largest stock in the county. 200 CORDS OF SOFT WCOD WANTED MEDICAL TALL POST OFFICE BUILDING A FRE SH SUP SUPPLY OF— German Syrup ann The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, OOT. 13, 1802 ‘Tue proceedings in the magistrate’s eourt in Milverton this week is an- other evidence that it is about time the dumping of England’s paupers into August Flower |i depits of Bas ore All Prescriptions Promptly Attended to. Subscriptions received for all newspapers | youngsters. If farmers “an CENTRAL TELEPHONE gee Post Office hours from 7.30 a. m. oe Bank and Money Order ofce ites te business, —————_—- | evil disposed persons of its own to con- () TO LOAN LOAN tend with, without importing them from the poorhouses and slums of — | London, or other large European cities. The emigration policy of Canada sadly noeds revising, and the sooner it is VALUATOR od dHE HURON AND ER1E Loan | looked into the better for the whole ND SAVINGS CO. country. “JAS. TORRANCE, Miss Eoryn Kay, Asst. Postmaster on i Fecuty, ike forest rates of Tux Meichell Advocate, one of’ the ——_ ~~ | strongest Conservative newspapers in | Canada, wives this word of warning to FLRNAG | [ne cowsrraine manor of ho et ® lelection in this Cane “The law Ai require e returning officer to pub- js, CLOCKS tana Getatel ote wie otal elnedion JEWELRY & expenses within two months after SILVERWARE | said election, and any agent or candi- late h , : LAD Be) Although it is now nearly six months Solid gold or silver watches, and) since the electio: solid gold rings—a nice assortment | Porch m6 As fine goods and aslow pricesasan| ii-toq so far as the Conservative can- hh er People always find itbest to Fay at | didate’s expenses are concerned, and: hat worse, the accounts have Lionel goer aba ee eae Tey eaen GA this ie Tere prod Tam weskdy produeing now pattems and | ¢9 the party, and if they ever again or poor, There can be no possibi loargument expect so carry the riding we would against your buying my goods, for the fol-| advise them to go to work at once and lowing “reasons: “Being malas See liquidate ev very legitimate claim that they are cheaper i in the end than poor goods" ¥ Tf tha. lake cues I guarantee all my watches and clgcks. the general public appreciate them, which in the best evidence of all ed. Gigataie shatile to'poy his bills than who placed him in the field hose | should a8 it for him. meinber, our Conservatives Koln Rha gg or, re "| cannot afford to rest under such odium. e jewelry’ line, suc Se Tue other day the pugilist, Charley ig Mitchell, was sentenced at London, Eng., to two months’ imprisonment for sttiking and nearly killing an old . | man who had given him no cause for the assault. Mitchell was at one time consider ed egtone, the more allowed Che use of the of prize fighters, hav- ing won his gto ‘as a medical doe- tor, aS soon after developing into a “pairing eeaney ‘executed at lowest prices. _Bigo's Remedy for Ostarch fs the Best, Kaslest to Us, pest 7 IS it being the youngsters off their ia . Alf here ‘Any country has eauet 7 te who makes default in delivering | F ° rading business has had its effect on Mitchell, who, it. is el cigs or with aed good inten- in may enter the prize ring, i€ he follows it for a lenght of time he will before long show the evil effects of the associations, as in the case of Charley Mitchell. It is a most de- grading business, and the world would he much Letter by its total abolition. Loxpox, Oct. ord Tennyson, Poet Laureate, died at 1:15 o'clock this morning. EAD POET ed Lord ‘Tennyson, D.C.L., F.R. S., Laureate, third son of the late G. C. ers parsonage, at Somberby, Lincoln | his mother who a sa in 1865, eh ing a daughter of the Rev. § co fo Trinity College Cambridge. In 1820 he gained the Chane Ter’s Medal by acpoem in blank verse, entit- Ted Timbeton” With the exception of a ublished in conjunction undergraduate ot Cambridg did not Epa anything “till 1830, when ielly Lyrical ap , and from ik welt dil pait metely a, republication, but the most important poems were added to his former productions. It was at once apparent that the author of “Mort @’ Arthur,” “Locksley Hall,” the “ May meen” he “Two Voices” ee eer its 1@ two great works which well known and. popul: rl lin, by whom he had two sons, Halla: ay ‘The Odeon the Death of the Duke : 2 ington” was published in 1352, morning of the funeral ; and since that a currence few events of more than ordinary interest in the ey glishmen_ hav taken place without eliciting from hy of the occasion Laureate some poem wo! In Derember, 1883, Mr. Te After,” and, in his 8Ist yi Sroduced another volume, ‘Demeter ant other Poems,” which has been very popular. Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses peculiar curative powers ecko to other med- icines, Hood's Pills cure Constipation by restoring the peristaltic action of the pimeniety canal. They are the best family artic. <i| Seales, Fall - Millinery3z: Our Millinery Show Rooms are now open and contain all the latest: styles. So far our seascn has been a very successful one, and this is accounted for by the superi- or stock which we carry, and the best of workmanship which we give. Gur expenses are low, con- sequently our prices are the lowest. SPECIAL SALE OF DRESS cOODS! We have many lines of the latest. style of Dress Goods, and those who call first will secure the best bargains, and will have the largest stock to select from. + i OUR 12!ec. LINE OF DRESS GOODS CAN NOT BE EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER DEALER IN TOWN. AN INSPECTION INVITED “|\GUENTHER & SCHMITT OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ILMERTON = SOHNEUKER & ROTHAERMEL'S Is the Cheapest Place to Buy Saws, Nails, Glass, Putty. Axes, Fence Wire, Oils, TINWARE A GOOD STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND A Schneuker & Rothsermel Mein Street Milverton (West side Main St.) will be found a] full supply of FRESH DRUGS —A LARGE sock or— Patent Medicines, Toilet let Articles, ete 7 ane An ietecipuane omy attended to G. N. W. TELUGRAPH OFFICE Dr. J. F. CATTERMOLE, Repairing «: WATCHES GLOGKS »> JEWELRY as a SPECIALTY wiTa Us A Good Stock f | Best Watches, ee Bocks and Jewelry always on Hand Jd. A. Gunth Listow a a testa ERTON H.C. Sm st ep Minvertox The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1892 " HILVERTON MATTERS your neighbors if they use Dodd’s Bidagy Pills? They strengthen the nerves, {ney dincase yield to Shunaense, ool Board Meeting Aur ef the Milverton school bo wd was held on The sect the tloo Mutual, at a rate: per cent. der was drawn for $8.50 to pay Peesiam. Tt was decided to defer agement: vof a teacher for the j pus pice ‘tmel ae maatil next meetin, On moti teachers’ salary for the past quarter— r. Jace $116.25 fer the senior, and $62.50 for] to fee this week, whe entered into DRUG STORE) the most stubborn . | the advertisement of the new firm, Mc- e board to meet current expen-|@larm, goods must eau ne | two weeks only. received day which they in turn sold to the Messrs, Groff Bros., Waterloo. Among the lot there sae nine head of extra fine two-year-el Mr. Jno. Winites 1,155 Ibs, Another was a herd of 19, eves from Mr. D. ats of Sebrii moe Piney ee Dear week's issue of Tne Sun rite teachers for the ensu’ so stated that 12, Mornington, ha’ vices of Mr, Wate: a aalaty of $400. Mr. J. L. ‘fucker, retary of the school board, and I con- eeting of he board, nor did the other trustees ire a have hired Mr. Waters, us it seems by ‘he paper, I think they have been a little ie fast, as T have failed to ever a clause in the public school act where two trustees have the power to hire a teacher as these gentlemen have done. maybe they wish to change the school act like changing the teacher without cause, for a particular friend. We do not usually hire teachers so early, but if we make a change, teachers are not so scarce that we have to be ound down to one particular person, Thee are tae of good teachers in fhe county who wouid be earns in their applications if the school were open. hes Lanerorp. Mornington, Oct. 11th, 18 pea oe Council meeting to: nig! r. Geo. Kirkland moved out to ne farm this week. v. Jas. eta evisaes om ie Mani- tba on saeeaday of ne (ePherson, farvier, Stratford is mee 25 per cent. Mee I 2 Bosker visiting in tow: Mrs. D. wate —Novem = ee is er mother, ber the.first look ont for Pherson & Me W! —Robt. hinney. Birnstikl, who is learning home for a few day: —Mr. Geo. Goodhand shipped a car load of fine hogs on soci About “| $4.60 per hundred was k for sign of be fing, A. J. MePherson’s store, Stratford, no false sold —sale for ob Hahn moved his family he has usiness with his brother, ‘| week putting: Doherty elie Mee Hee ie Fo, | to atten Pierson, Stratford. ‘the tailoring business in Berlin, was |. lately. —Mr. H, Hohl, of Lisbon, has been. in town this week, visiting with his brother-in-law, Mr. C, Hasenpflug. Dan’'l Kreller, the butcher, shoved es family into town thi He will ene Mr. oe hotise, and remain open until 9 o'clock at night. A. J. McPherson, Fairien, Stratford. —An_ inyitation is extended to ge eaps and hats, the sot sale of A. J. Me~ —Mr, Jno. Tetlock ‘has been a wel- come waiter ta this pe leony daring the eek. as been the guest of his iether ine Toha: Roe. Esq. Tetlock has been in the North West for a number of years. SN John STR Of St. rx: s,Ont. Dyspepsia Hood's Sarsapariia ‘The best stomach tonics known to 2 witen’ thee adie Boy ees Hood's Sarsapa- Siar poeecen seen k and Bo ering the relic? an aged and las so quick Read the following from respected citizen of St. Mary's, Ont. : as “Tam yo suffered very much with dyspepsia, Ihave been taking medicine i + For 25 Yeats ‘snd T mover had anythixg do!me:as much good a3 Hood's Sarseparifia. "Es very symp- m of the dyspepsia has’ entitely disap Peared and T feel ta I cannot gaise th too highty. “Eat ne hatte aicep, Better and feel stronger than I have many years, I have taken six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilia bought of Mr, Sanderson, the ‘aruggist” Jonny Ai a CORDIAL ENDORSEMENT. From Mr. Sanderson, the Druggist. who is a furniture serie gti er. Trim. He is accom Eaael Bacd 20k “know Mr. Aikens to beastrietly honest, Bist, Queen Street, St Marge 5, Ontaro, “Hoon's Pitts, ‘the bost after-dinner Pills, ‘assist digestion, prevent constipation, DOHERTY’S TUNNEL WOOD HAVE THE SPLENDID STOCK OF ‘iB SRASON == Quality at the top Prices at the bottom This is the condition of affairs with us as fecans “Footwear of Every Deseription Complete in Assortment ! Splendid in Quality ! Bargains in Ladies’, Gents’, Boys’, Misses and Children’s Shoes, Rubbers Slippers, Trunks, ete. Bible Depository Here. Agent for Genuine Singer Sewing Machirie Main Street, Milverton Winter is at our Doors BUT WHAT CARE WE? Acheson has the finest line of COOK and PARLOR STOVES in the county SEE OUR LINE OF BEAVER CROSS CUT SAWS and Dundas Axes Plaster Paris, Water Lime and a full line of every- thing for the fall trade W. ACHESON The Hardware Man 4 (—} = = => co Mm MILNERTON Convenienly cleaned ut. Heavy corrugated steel radiators, and large heating capacity. Eavetroughing and Roofing carefully attended to. “ ‘A good stock of Tinware always on hand. D. SUTTON WwW. Also the well-known Boynton Furnace. VACHESON’S BLOCK The very latest construction its in line. that surrounding teachers were re gajting their salaries increased. tion of 0 ito consideration the record made ee the scoot this oat The board then adjourn Arrested for Stealing On Sunday link tee vee Take missed some see which he had left in a bureau 80. Sunday evening and after corneting the young fellow up, who by is one of the “Home” aya! fs ted stealing the money, something. ed Mi which the young hopeful had_purchas- ed a revolver and a pocket knife. Mr. ucker was disposed to let the young fellow off, but the yee heard about the affair, and that was suspected of other viet conse- on ed he nak e magistrate. The young fellow admitted the steal- described how He also said that he is now in his seventeenth | 2 sow Druggist doce not year, although he does not it. ‘He was committed to Stratford jail. THERE Is Sore on THe DYSPEPTiC ft, send 8 bos. or. BL Yor ie acer fe by oe 2” DEPOT, 44 & 49 LOMBARD ST. __ToRouTO. on. ot GROSCH & LOTH ' f GROSCH & LOTH STOP! i At asafe and reliable place to trade. inform you that allour departments are now com- plete with the newest NOVELTIES embracing the best op BARGAINS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Hats, Caps, Gents’ Furnishings, ete., ete. Wealways give the best bargains. A CALL SOLICITED STOP! - STOP! We wish to HLOT ? HOSOUD GROSCH & LOTH The Hustlers for Trade - GROSCH & LOTH

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