Hall. Painting on Plush H|from making arrests unless when in Wynn, T Hall. Set. Ladies’ Cnderdotiing, on: jefe tha ducati, 7 Mrs Johnsen, Outline Work, Wm Steven- gon, MH Neads,” ‘Table Centresnd Doileys, | 64 T, ‘Hall. Collection of Pictt H PURI PE Wynn, itehell, Collection. af _ Ladies’ Work, T Hall. Lady's Hand Bag, | As Nancy Hates weeks quarter in_her A H Wynn, T Hall, Roman Embroidery, | great mile at Terre Haute in- 29js., : r all Foot Stool | Hall. , | probabilities are that with age and a fb ges . combination of wi track and condi ndscape Painting, | © ther, Wo, ‘Mitchell, Hall rayon, ‘T Half, | tion, sho can still further reduce the record, 4 Morrison, jr. Stoo ook Géo. Mayberry, ee alip, however, ie s0 strong. that the “Alex Miller. —Mrs R Maxwell! at any time, Mrs A Gardner, Math BH Itby. Forbes will ae rag xington “meeting, : ee and while there will decide about the fature J orien COMMERCAL Tus fine big bay PON ae: ¥., by, Gone- | Muvntox, Oct. 12, 1892, | Ml Stanton, owned a , ct Hamilton, arrived ‘ab. Woodtane, Frid Mae ai by Mr. A. Reddaway) to be worked over the mile track. She ie ae oe Pa be +8 nS in charge of Arthur Wodehous 10 Bbring wheat bean 2 ton to his mark of 2.23}, and. she arley per bush. 35 has no record, but can stop the oe Data ms 25 ides Stanton is a fast an. Peas . = 8 a seas as and will be ie atieigh * 5 the grand cures penis nee es <i Woussans We. Wiatole, eos seen ae me . 600. 7-09 | Hampden Park, Gpringtieldy Maen, swith ‘Battanaeeraee 6 6 | # flying start in 2.02 3-5, ing the world’s | Mieas ecg y: 4 4 | Tecord, previously held by him, in 2.04 4-5, trecier serpin ‘ 0{ and Nancy Hanks’ best record of 204. ‘The jee hl inne eeag Pe 5 cl iu Peace ees 0 la half ‘mile... Not ouly did’ he beat Hamad pow. il 11| the mile record, but the half-mile os Sideo 10 1 Hnsep 594-5 sees. The recor i official, ‘Time by quarters; Tint 3 Shyaider pet, a 2 half, 59 45 ; three-quarters, 1.80 353 mile, Oct, 12, 1892 Fall wheat co anti Peat $ 64 $ Spring wheat pes 0b, bush. Bagley Pp Oa Plows” sp Peas per 60 Ib. od Flour 40-3 Oatmeal a 00:6 A full heap ly of the favour Wilkinson pples per 15, ploy ry best in the market— Potatoot per Vals 70 vieion bai ae ths lay per ton... 600 7 00 ¢ - Wood per ‘cord, longhard... 300 4 00| Milverton Carriage Works 5 Wood per cord, long soft... 2.00 4 pats Butter per Eggs per do etd 7 W Hogesper hundred 15.50". 6 a 0 S 3 airy from « th } ge sent li o1 of Hi A full supply of wagons ~all my own make, now on hand as low as the lowest. 2 Buggies Thave « large number of ‘hand-made buggies, all with first-class tops an bute, uate Adee spring cushions, inade on the telson, Rostock, Wednes N tory-made tops in my. bug: timber in these buggies is ; Amulree, Thursday,/ the very best procurable, and Ee Friday et. seil them : SH at prices that will Mi , Oct. 31st; astonish you for such first- icles, noe Se et Callan examine my” stock and be ond. All your own ju BY 4 NOE An Od Plow points, and a full supply of re- i ted by the officers of the} pairs alvays on hi ute to these meetings. ‘Nomanous ingeadiaty greseeeurreat# be HASENPFLUG, MILVERTON. ml Suspicion rested on one A. McKenzie, YOST'S HYDRAULIC Bite advice of several parties {constable Woods placed him under ar |CLDER PRESS rest, but shortly after was given his MUSSELBURG E 1 Tiberty, having LA peies satisfactory ce in ys The undersigned after e1 his mill evidence as to his whereabouts at the (can Maeeg) ‘end saline re sonnet ) time of the five, He then turned | the most modern improvements, w: . round and sued Woods for $1,000 dam- | leave to make his ay ae that fhe ages for false arrest. ‘The case was|™ af gh pe garter Breer 58 |/heard at the assize court sitting if in every particular. Stratford last week where a verdict of| Thanking a ed eustomers for so lib- $25 damages, with costs on Be e heat anigheNen county court scale, was rendered. 5 2 iting the pat of as This is rathar hard on the constable, | many ry ls soleitng th re oP ire Ti and will have the. effect of deterring! be at your service. Tee, YOST