CHAPTER IX. men rested “SHAE on her as down the ste] mount. Parkin: pride, she might have kept Hector to his allegiance without betraying the secret of the jms wo she ran son who ae \g bay forthoarey tine eat after ie ding o country lad on hisown horse oot pees bid oped tor & taomnt ad toed Bee ful in the face. ven you sed into naugeiresgeed They irood bia to the farm and 3 up bed-room ; then all they could do age wait for a doctor. ho said, and sit up e him a. grateful had quite got over the lovehe had cert tain: Jy felt onee for her, and her constant dre ein eu these circumstances their intercourse not of unmixed delight : ti abe ‘would rather hi in the Effie, who was apart from the was afraid you would be in front of me to-day,” he said. ‘I think this animal is a mistake.” “That he is,” said Effie; “he is not As you can afford to ted, why rides horse that is sare to fall sooner or later’ xy you preaching prudence !” laugh- Gi stows thvilledl wi Jer, Bove moe at the anxious look in her o Ty ot ininie = she ‘replied: 0 danger in riding Zoe, and ila Saat hee ehiever do horse i in the stables. said Effie carelessly. you ee ride an, all jump,” , Hecto r in good thing,” Heetor, a they duahea cope belive as that he would find out that hers pa tu | still Effie felt “But, when you can’t, hak heard that He was hey are singing that fox ie ; heis making for the aha sage, Har- Pot th the little parlour, to which they hedilieoetided while ar was being examined, to he Hard of a sprained arm, to take her hom fe went up to see Hector, and found him quice sensible, but in great pain with his 5 EE "a Mhe seems terribly shaken,” aid Dering, when he came down ; yond the te Spee eile harm doi ‘comes of riding untrain- ed horses ae pays. Come along, ae ant to get home ; my armis rather Mr. MTN they left Havold to'watoli the injured n and to mourn over the death of his own * * << Don’t send her away ; Tove ehilien,” ttle Effie. Dav: finger in Tae aan wanaeting ay swntheew fee: il bo good,” sid Pationce, | putting away her in her arms. Ny. e days at the farm ere eee P | looking forward anxiously Aas Set when he was to be taken ones in spite of ould be very glad when he could take Has she been particularly k‘nd to you?” asked Hector. we . a hat her love was given to Heo- The despair in her lovely eyes, as sho raised them to his own when asked that question, told him 1 Geil thin Jere Dele ivanell exe ut ping up. Ifo bad beon st work ina neigh: boring field, and had come over to see the| } ho: nds when aes lent happen a hurdle, and tie Hester, elared: elt was father mors than two years ego, when Joe was suspected of e hid s0 as not to be T should ioe Tine: fold you ‘pechape ot knoe tide = Dering did not want people to know of 1 she b ae te’s so defy cits with Hinotors for Harold iat Be tly | of ines wandering about at night.” tim ing Sem Kirton, the gamekeeperand | ber b ing xble todo any ting good, moved away, | thare Indeed, once she went in the middle of the aie and bow she could have had the co! to go that Yonesome way I can’t for. thet lite. of 1 men the middle of the night, you say?” tied Hector, a light breaking in upon him, os oven er. It was as light as day, Ji he could rot bear the thought “Of the likes moonlight night! Hector saw it all ee so as half mad with despair, sit sand not « living soul but Miss Th whom Fe ‘And then Patience toll him the whole story. He answered never a word, and Pati thought ele bad woarled him with herchat- ter and stole quietly from the room with tile Hifio in her arms, hoping that he would a leep. ector lay with closed eyes, a8, she bad Tots him ; but never was aleep farther from eed food. for bitter come farol Parkinson's ing idea—one uct caleu- lated to ebiegsere ns ature ; and, came. that 2 Sy $3 FA ze a Ee z BEF Be He agraver injury to the head than a hag ore imagmned, However, Hector know that he was not flect uj had sense enongh to in a fit state. to re- he turned his thoughts the doctor’s medicine procured him the blessed gift of leep. And ho But badly, itis t me cannot go and tend him— harder stil to have fo suppress every sign of over-anxiety and restrain the questions that rize to one’s li give the a, Desk to.appear more cheer- al then asual all throngh the a she looked for accompanied her ae 3 Eee or make their daily inquiries at the farm. Mrs. Derin, he i Dering, er happy riding with- ut his daughter, except Vee the houn “Come up and see the poor fellow,” he said, as he sprang from his horse at the ae g see ‘She Le xegind went — ‘took him food?” | ‘A MOONLIGHT ESCAPADE. -2= re! yw conld you let her go at all?” he He | asked —_ ly, hi jience | to Hector had long thought that Effie would a he | Mai and that Hector might have an attack of |i pon this melancholy subject, so, by a | which to ow was Effie faring all fis time? hard to | di | feacteay, ‘ecto Effie declined on both occasions. She | he: at it was not to be he thought, | to let Bae stand in the way of his Saab: pee Yea to aban: = f “ Tleave that never marry unless aaa pie ok the man't Seat 2” asked bern Then Hi said Harold, “by telling Soon thn gle ao; cleanly: tha apes when ae quarrelied m honour = in a wa ing. The felt ried eae mt as I have told lecided in favor thrilling. “Thave any quantity you, ityon are hard up for amber since T have been es 5 WI yea for you to be honse ! said Heel Effie.” find myself right,” eel this will be a warning ies sa} stor. ‘ You were ants. as for him to be eet her! for him for the pleasm from her hand—the little oh, both his own and Kiss he longed. how meal was at length fi turn ‘im Seba payer taartye tone of conviction, said Harold in a knocking the ash of his ee she Mead f" 48h aiked: qui pAnything to make her go on talking of mecntimontal way, and “No, dear,” replied iad? Fithe i th ry sore ag he spoke. only stunned. ' Is ther: v sar » When Joe was in ther early in the 3 Joe Davis's tke. such cane: hing in the pinewood, and I “Yor ht ny “He could be taken there. each At tain Hien Ha ears.” ¢ had not notice: f t Miss Effie do but carry tomorrow, If the girlI endearment, nor did bs fave had given that heavy bas r miles, so that he rold. utteranc new was that Effie roe not come ix of his hiding. pace ednlecdearnagd you,” sa Lot to bie fox: ayers” Te baw I upderstand ! ” ean Effie Dering.” in mi now that it is of no use ak oe hake ore.” made n0 answer, but. lay lookin Salrseres Lear her kindness into whe fire dreamily. Harold glanced of him ashe lay there and cele bitterly tor slowly, looking Bie f The bine eyes fell, before ace. “They say you were kin they were in trouble,” pursued Hector, hop- tery of that mcon- venture, ich Patience had ee hima clue—* that you helped them hen no one else cou! was of am use to them once,” said Effie Dering evasively. het Hector bit his lip. Sarely, if, she cared on the ibe wads ery cian SENS uss iets pursuit?” he asked moodi- to you to tell me,” wish to be indisereet.” n you give me a reason for this con- ls of himself, of hee expressed ‘pound to de im another chair on rang for tea, though it Bae eae if wart all this hime in the ** And to think it was by my own fault!” P Ag ira iotitare eter beget tat the fie busied herself with | o he faved towail spon him, and how Trane ania cen Chat vas Goo re of takin l white hand that fa rouraule nice ENtarete: and returned to the arm-chair by the fire sit of sadness in her lovely e not sperking—the express has known sorrow. Could he thought 5 an eats ao tad ine oo task of putting his construction on dered at thata how stupid hat has ale Be me said man he add emphati- of Effie’s moe deter- on all this T would willing- wr hay tried savin, ‘Lyndhurst, than two years jo 80, as I ¢ misunder- you, it a soon, he could war of the arm-chair leg, a cushion for after your we novels i lend ne,” said Hee- 24 e enormous ic id Uy isance have a true prophetess, jorry than Tam to he reply.“ T hope | w to yor yu, as the ol ‘aited upon by the cup tebe ee "bine sion of one who all in his Sie if and. the colour d to them when jeave to and so untender’ | ‘There was little to far. es py ani are ! m ab md bet _ thought, es, then?” nds a year ; tible, and she replied br TOF cour are sure not to | could not get 0 “Tam very fond of Isabel Nicholson,” no doubt she will m: ks od gaily. loved him now. Had she be rie! oe . little gasp at the last word. ing you about wo?” he asked softly. wer, wwered Heetor’s seli- control, The aquire wealt! exe! al wringing 0 which makes us giv that already belon tothens This climbs # mountain is known by the way he liv oked at Effie es is the saloons to shut ing back indifferently in her chair, playing | Selec "applied to his wife. wish ww that,” she paid gency imagined that one day I should hoice of a wife, could her face from the eat ae fire oping to conqher, thaw opeealy care for him or nst. ea bad just entered his hend. devoved these two t m together, ffie, tr it is not @ you & good wife. bow hate: your consent; eke oH He. could tell by her- manner’ that. she m this lector rose from his seat and came near- ight Teulaw bine Hd tag were emanate , Effie?” continued the cruel rge tear on to Effie’s not « word. fees the sight of this tear was too much next moment : tee de lo be careful,” she said. That | Pasion ierits itated him beyond expression. tine greeting had at once chilled his rising | hie lis She teeedesined taaie white Teele snimal wil, pp eee down at one | She would sit by his fire for hours, i there 5 hopes. No gel would hs hedty ext | ues acheed Goon hn ener ad weet OR a stents ook ine oe arse Ee Denk | vinta ona Reece ROME tt Tanne ft | dered hate muck happios Gino hl old, who rown out ment, He did not know that it’ was her subtleties of a woman’s mind. It was’ to| ,, ee Misy started, and Hiostot fondly. Hebed | iby for Beta tp je her take such cai CHAPTER X. hide her embarrassment that Effie had thus | «4 “ou prcenty ple he at I that they had got rid of him. He came up oftim. With a woman's instinet, Patience | “Tie sat slone by the fire in the morning. | sreated hi 1@ desire ide | p gdemit ao we loved me ail ihe ee with them soon, however, ater they had |tid divined that Bie's love was’ still be-| room one afternoon in December. Mrs | Ber Lovo from himm, and she thought thet she ee ay ett ead eck, and oe ree | stoweil upon Hector, and that knowledge | Deri was confined to her room with a | could not do this better th: Aaa being most | "53. SIE ine Te eared py ON bine cone, of the whips |made her do everything in her power for| bad cold, and the Squire was absent at- cordial in her manner. By rn ee eee Mer; cehile she In field Peuertt large tt i geet of @|him. ‘The two Davises had simply’ adored'| tending a Sees pacstton Z oe neigh: ed how Hector would construg i ee tiatylahinnens, oblcccus ot « Lao eee rae fences of which | Rife from the time when she had so nobly | bouring town. It was by vin-| ‘The snow was falling, and the flakes | contented'y in his arms, oblivions of ever y- ie 0 befriended. them, and often sai ach | cidence that Hector ‘Lynda, “chose this | Whirled past the window, darkening the | thing save the fact that they wore reconeli- By this time the See had begun to tell | other that they would lay down re lives | day to come and tae Derings ior | 00 ‘The firelight flickered wy tl Meanwhile Mr. D. h a upon most of the horses; but upon none | for her, if necessary. So any ‘whom | their kindness to him when ill, ‘The foot- | young people ; and asilencefell apon them, | eet and wa ea eet entered ony eeciHis, Veeace uy, acho bad Galton |she.qiight joke un raterest would ‘be are to| man eras enough showed him into the | born of their conflicting emotions—a sil Pete oe ee ee aa mae ae. more ont of himself at his fences than the | have a claim to their considera room where Hffie sat, and she rose to greet | that Effie was the first anil lnnatcrepae others, seemed as fresh as ever; sho| | ‘8Vhet apretty childs shes said. Hee-| him, “ Thavo just heard. from MabloFon- peer ert a the woriny gentle ld hav le of stone over |tor. “What is her nami “Te is indeed a ple asure to see you about | wicke,” she said—‘‘ Mable Parkinson that | him’ kode i Bie’s weight, and the girl always nursed| He ia guentic| in all carelessness | again,” she said, shaking hands warmly | was yo! cece 2a ‘comin; pp: |. «Aven !” laughed Ht ‘her carefully,’ She now enjoyed the privi- and was ae startled Apt the answer. with him. ston. By-the-bye, thin was her wedding: sche as ange sY lege of leading the fie! P. is called after| Hector looked in vain for a trace of emo-| day vwo yoars ago. How well I remember les seo “By Jove, they are haute into him 1” ring. on , but found none. The girl| it! I was one of the bridesmaids, and was Pein cried Harold at last, as he followed Effie Diricse OS HEI oun. od coteesdic| back voully VaPMG pal otiet he Gcod Geis| ab ci'aa Ghatiwy aoonwonld halriane Gira: over a fence into astiff bit of ploughed land. ately Syeda witty a fresh inkercass room, but-the fire cast such a glow] son before I got to nt It was snow. Pee ce wth with dogs returns “Let us get up in time to roe Miss Dering her godmother?” he| upon ber face that he did not notice it. | ing harde Ban it now end bitterly with ug _ of lis ‘There was rather a bad fence betw ring these days of enforced inaction, | cold.” it takes great deal of cloveraese to make ee ned = ounds, but Zoe cleared it, itl he had wanted Patience to talk about | Hector hi P ty of time to revie ‘She was aa making conversation, and ale cleverness pay. a aor ves wit wacremble, cloaay | ile: he had sacred oom letely sand he] the different incidents ed mechanically. ietcne Semi Soe temarare inte followed by she ban ete) yes 0 longer. Effie’s fold during ie a ate little ge e the wear eae Ande SS cas d whe fie went on; “I hope she will its bot by this time the ny horse had shot lengtiby her humble adorer, wig was gla hai sic Poendielrslhen te, the more sigh-fors she receives. his bolt, and turned a complete somersault | to be able at last to rouse Hector’s interest. | with Harold Parkinso ed. “ Tips lovely] little ne that isacthe ai man did not glory in his own wicked- into the field, throwing his ri il Bae thea Joe. andi, cou never thigh: faibé hope that had ariscn tab z Hector sudden! soa liaeed Slonsren Sho SEUE ORbee EeeeGL ade ty, Auk aichigtog Gxt owagh of Mian Dering,” contrned” the} =a ee ad i mor etdanlings: She. the ground, rushed to wh or lay, | young woman, “‘after all that she has done | him one nd hi have led her after me.” the | equality of man depends not pon whi \otionless. old, running ed 01 a to. $004" pp bs Beta ‘but upon his respect for soap and Ta heritance is the least dishonest way to b, and generosity is its only nse. ‘Man absorbs knowledge as a a ater, and, like a sponge, needs an oceasion- Charity is ‘that eae a Se rs the wish success in any society, avoid will put you in favo isd and, eventually) peak o aber oe of view, the value of which erguaon says that he wishes the law that ey ni twelvi r happiness and 1 e” Just a be 2 too, An oft zis 1 G 8. “Do you think people are more devoted asked E of such domestic ycu welcome my wife, Bile, it I prought.a Mes Lyndhurst to. the filer pinata the girl caught her seis but her hesitation was source y per- M course, Hector, your wile would ba my friend. What t are you thinking o of? You oose one with whom i * an actually to name an individual ; }as such was terrible. you ce & time; d gone a thin, valley. The Milverton Sun PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, SLAIN STREET, MILVERTON, rms of F Bacriatom Je Monthy in advan $10 Three Months, aoe) Gee “ 100 Advertisi ising Rate: Legal and ctine Gamisdvertipeanenta Se er line for first insertion, and 2. per line Breach subsequent insertion, “Measured by a nonpareil seale, Business cards of eight lines and under, $5 er Pe dvertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, not exceeding 10 lines ‘nonpareil, $1 per month. ‘Honses on Sale and Farms on Sale, not to exe io lines $1 for first month, 500. per subs¢q tent month. Special rates will be given for larger advertise ‘Lary aposial notice, the object of which is word, no notice less tha churches and other religious and benevolent institutions half ra Correspondents Corres} poptents Shad cinippeny vance: presented district Gontepondenta should write on one side of the sheet only ‘All. authorized correspondents be furniahed wit riding ma materia, envelopes tamped and addressed, every description, turned ont in of latest style ofthe, art id peek eane es will be found lower than es voter ‘ofice ait the Sees all cracmeiioeiae f THOS. W. WHALLEY, EDITOR AND PUBLISHE} Milve THE WEEK'S NEWS. CANADIAN. at containing fonr sailors, sent to throw an anchor toa stranded steamer in upset. first: of the current month the shipments this year of cattle from the port ‘of Montreal had reached 86,877 he Sir William Dawson, principal o er MeGill University, whose illness has been causing a good deal of anxiety, is now believed to be out - danger. Lieutenant-Governor Royal, of the North- West ‘Torritoriee i is in Montreal on a visit. maring the Iumber season in the Diiw district, which is drawing to a close, the outpu’ of lumber amounted to 423,000,000 ee jatge wmount of money is missing from the Sesetard Bank of Chatham, Ont and a Government detective is investigating the On account of the high prices charged for ico in Ottawa by the combine, a new ice cer nee vet med. A rie tine among the Cana- sugar ri Penne ats introduee the New York trust system into Cana resum- friends of Mr. Fa By ired to rab bree of ar 8 a a% $ Lieut, -Governor Schultz, of Manitoba, has | wl at last placed his signature on the order-in- Council legalizing the new plan of the city found i way ‘tending Joris’ mill on Sunday afternoon, It isnot 107 manner he m ith tise passed strong easbane Saar the Consi °At Hamilton on Saturday morning Con- ductor Snider, of the Kiectric Street Rail- n two died in the eit y hospital next morning. Messrs. bo former the St Toon Baptiste ard claiming $50,- 0 damages on acoonnt ‘of the discontinu- of their ir con| Gangs Wiley Fa rare of age, while standing at one end of the swing bridge back to allow war grounded is considered the most dangerous spot on t. Lawrence between Montreal and A special train consisting of twenty-five empty box cars fell into a ravine on the Glenboro’ beach of the Canadian Pacific Because the bridge whieb it was ex stroyed by fire during the jeer and firet ready ad a 3 had been dest while returni Seveny Hl Pipeeceairtinl grote received injuries from which he ditt couple of ho! erwarde. {| Foster, Minister of Finance who are going to England on a cee: have as yet failed to decide upon a successor al have beet, discovered i in Immense quantities in Aust faeree y Ps coast of Ireland isreported to be exception as Ce Friday even Seti ‘at Oxfor m | the remains of Chri ‘Montreal on Bccdey aa morning, had amon; her passengers Sir John Abbot and Mr. G. He | mt A man has aaa a ates cholera at ‘The members of the London Tabernacle It is rey t iron, tin, oo Chronicle thinks that Swin- possible poet tumn mackerel fishing adhe ves rue d Houghton, the new Lord-Lie Byun, en a very von hare ception at the Galery theatre in Dablin on Shae circulated. that Mr. Giadstone was losing strength, Mrs. Glad- stone has causes ed ta he is enjoyi y his usual good health. man named Bryce, an under- rd University, committed suicide Bere he had failed to pass a1 anima Mr. Portal, the British agent ~ ate ublicly announe- | y How It Feels to Dies lore remarkable testimony as to how feels to die is added to the "stile and tt Positive knowledge we have on that deeply interesting subject by a correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette. This particular ex- perience is entirely corroborative of all aa earl my-W0_ Possess on the matter, that it is pt Death the foe, the h the gentle, kindly ure us int of horror, but with a both painless and pleasan es Teeenty 0 of the ene as ot a nan who into complete in- Setiuhtty wad rect iol anath br lnehert f in Calitornia, who descril of death as being momentatily enjoyable, followed by » panos passing the sen! ened into the = y nd of oth who fell from lofty places and were picked Inall # ases tl that the actual passing from life to death is not only pain- n fi Jeasureable, , he skate lake whea, withou carried from the station at Haslemere on a cart followed by is sorrowiug relative In. commenting aie condition of British eroj London Times arrives r will be the spunea te the jaan Aor a disastrous one forthe far in wheat, and the ers: re turn their attention to hig elaea dairy produce, ach, i id "that Mr. aie bad that what at one time passed as Christianity UNITED STATES. ‘A shock of carthqnake was, felt at Hot tee S.D. on Milley Bro vavacluret only fifteen hanged at Spartansburg, e Christian Mr, Ira ©. Wycoff, marshall at Hi and thé oconpant of tions, hanged himseliin ie stable the mn a morning. Tt ig constitution was abcanel| lige maple ot ae bees affairs. gan has brought with him to Rho? ted from Chili on @. money to arrive at some decision in ad Gi question of the inspection of Janadian grain, sent to New York 2, Augusta Hopp, while walking on che ackiay the! Greed Trunk crossing of 1 an express ti “ipecgent killed. Her husband was riled od was asleep, him to death. Shi himself, but his wife held him ae, burn- ing herself severely while so Tes reported ax tea "Pope: is seriously = ithe Public schools of Hambar have been Sere was not so for re-opened, the cholera epidemic havin; Kerr Hardie, the Labour member | rem su fen: the struggle and a pleasurable "atifting into a lead and | an remedies were applied, m ES 8 embers that it was a swee exactly what jeal to do, I think, with my utter physical indifference to i w how it feels; h it is moment ace. mcooifort o bad as breaking your oth drawn a4 falling alec natural to Fides imanity, by grisly tales of grewsoi Totror fonnd at every. band in every. ale, and all, it would seem, sheer imagination ; ‘as where Milton tells that “Dent stinn’d horrible, a ghastly smile,” and all ‘Hell trembled at the hideous name,” st knowledge as we have on the subject oy = mi | indeed its only terror. —_—__=+—__—_ ‘A Cholera Incident. part that fear has played in epidem- O ies wil never probably be eee ralthongh | Tt cannot be reduced to a scientific quantity, put every well-informed physician knows that it has added a percentage to the n1 ber of deaths during the pr: of ad of the intrea duction: 6 thousand miles away. cholera getting . foothala sare Tessness aided its the aA these pes clear! . | ty. Bot otaaia is ‘ieothy traceable scribing his sensations ene a ted In describing ie stuereged {open Winter, Robins are still, lingering between his plunge into the water and his lnpsing into the insensibility of death, says there was nothing horrible or terrify- ing, ‘Ther first jock of thecold water and a realization of the dise “The | Fnowledge that I have thus once is held t ga- | experienced in my own - | death is, and tried it fully, has ati great In tact, the | ¥' dying, is salle pain- i | eation of an open dying is death’s most bawful feature, t not | for sue! ay son | number of counties, an obviously incorrect of the breaking, out of hips, the ren choter “3 Pet eee of a yw in toon introduct onal Beet other 88 case with all the roarful consequences, page [erence jmany of the following i depression, prema’ through the tandin no ow y come in ct r misapprehension seen t jouth, Swallows stayed north The story of these! lt the ran Metical compa ‘and may ¥ casultea| peculiar to man. dark cloud of suffering and death. PGhoera ‘eyelids and elsewhere, st has written a letter to @ friend in. England, | to an air hole. "His Iimpeto carried him a x » vbighh has be thetic in Sie nee auder. the, sib 4o rand ohh ange PR tes igubeiapa aa verely criticises the Government for its in- iad the first thing he knew of the sebiden’ Laat bacy sidige pollo straheeite WAC ferential purpose of abandoning Uganda, | was when he found inal. struggling for eine ee Aer dasks whether the Government will sit | life in the cold water. He came up a aque Panicallon 6 wholesale massacre of | his head against the solid ice. He thus | ies ever submitten for the consideration of Christine and then submit eR ted | soribes his sensaticns as he lapsed into Fa "hi euperance question is hegoning 3 ra 8 1 of {influence British politics, as e seen in tivaly be cured: No a tee fe oo Mr ‘ire dpt chet mae el oss Ans eit ok a sere Ardiner the decreased majority Wen to ae for book. Address M. V. LUBO. Satan bury and A Liberals are eae se of suapeee during which I knew erfectly stonian cai eee et i FF Ae ah donell ty Toronto, Ont. i 08 (aie him. el I was drowning, intervened ; and then ire on Tuesday. can asin = “Thomas Hod king of New York, has|—-[ died, Twas drowned anddead. Just | England are bonding together to help the}' Ir you want to buy or sell a farm ad- h fore I died, however, 1 noti iberat- | Tories. ‘The Ft tare Pat i ae! pee in the Toronto “ Weekly Mail.”' alt aH sum of 220, 000 to be atte to ly noticed, for I am GAGE eS by. na- | Whether or ee bie I ates phe ae paper reaches 100,000 farmers? if h, ture-—that my whole past life did not come nsation when his license is | eg eer rane a ad been given to wadegtand it om hiss, Ie is not probable that the tax- | homes every week and your advertise- w Carnegie, discussing in the | Tn le fh yyers will ever consent to for fment should meet the eye of some one Lamon ine hogan ee ae a8 mncilling a poiloge Sn Ba jhe ha 20, frho wants to ‘Advertise| Me i the| thinking man can advocate protection or oy Tae idicule, ments of this class are inse! in Be Papel te Yor Great Bri p th a country would be resale with ri wheres ‘Mail! fot Sve ont uf mnyson often expressed his Sy mile winter hereabouts. Snipe, the tellers nee for five insertions. Address wersion to hearses, and when his body was in the cong ee of weather birds, have Bee Mail,” Toronto Canada. three and that is aie he ‘as another sign of an ae than kiguy teh that is a sure indi- ‘THE REITISH WHEAT CROP. At Least gore et panies Must we ted, ‘he final ihcevaae Pena af the orope ae WEAKNESS: HEN oe Unseen FOREVER CURED fected scientific Don't even if in the last dishoartoned. if wwe robbed ‘you. ow you that med- = hhere po hand 4 sen Write for our one will ene aid references £9 Our ati onc berdet abl tee to to pear dy tite nadian Govern , a saved me ‘is the case son you deal with others in the E MEDICAL C0., iano NY. ‘The Electrical World slated “that one of els per acre for England, ‘Wales, 33.5 bushels perae acre and 29 ushels per general averag half bushels per acre on the 2, n in the offic Wheat this year in ill the Channel Islands. This eee a take the place of the ordins on 1 wheat cr ,325,500 bushels, the shaft of the engine, which imsy be: men- ageinst 74,742,700 bushels last year. The tioned, is a compound 500-horse a Tt ‘estimates as pri ry somewhat from is expected that thie plant will begin these figures, as aver reach division , tion in three or is arrived at by adding for the Btema on Fo, aie ey ene hes gaits ale observe d fishing away ata ‘hat must DethGds as ane woureysiuay clades Atty erce tor an eran eat an ea Oe es as much wheat as another. same, a ford hive bese atanditig here ae At least 20,000,000 quarters of wheat three how ira and not one of ’em will stir out mst o ‘et home consump- try in 1848 is to the fate It appeared on rd ie sense, in order to get some extra wraps Ginen the weather became cold on the At- atic Oren ‘The ship was held at quarantine and the epidemic, fromit did not reach New York Gh. ‘ew Orleans, the descination of other infected ship instanced by Dr. 3 ‘tanate. The ship had clined. appeared, and it was traced directly to the See fs meee is said to be in finan- | opening of boxes containing infected cloth- cial diffcul ing, such cloth ig packed an of the Harvard, branch ps teckics ige iheperes oercent he has dis-| Stine at New Orleans was not efficient The Fronah troops under Col, Dodds bare sy cates = ay won a sii tory over tl jomeyans, y Wer cre eveuslon om for-Abomey, ths, capital | Suited to its dvsopent Fad Dap os of Dahomey. It is stated that the President of San ‘ie Domingo has offered to the United States | Columbus as se- curity for a loan of $100,000 at six per| y cent, interest. Signor Colombo, formerly Italian Minis- ter of Finance, hes resigned as a protest against the demands for fresh taxation for military purposes. her ‘is coun- | wh irom 1 windward, which come Bask to the same place, and cover him all over. non ge SE : ae who indulges in enmity is like one | demand his victims in great num! ail cholera spectre will not down, news from the continent the past fo. dove jed_ by me declared, an awful wear: STOMACH, LIV Ripans Tabules ogee Pleasant to “druggists. ‘A trial bottle sent by mail 1o Spruce REGULATE THE = = PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REM REMEDY FOR nothing injurious to take, suf, eect Givolmmodavercieh Sold by THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., Street, = ER »° BOWELS, ‘most delicate constitu= on receipt of 15 cents. Address New York City. p