thore noticeable in cr in some pieces than others ; nm. She “Your loving friend, “Rcru Boyp.” ee é ANIGHT.IN HER LIFE. tert ie Seance CHAPTER. V. fight. He side that, O.M. is a kind of | Malti ‘ er. Alter a day ‘ “The Red House, Ryelands, Pas, Hee eae tite se ; te delet “Dearest Coc—According to part of the are he saw clearh the partieu- sit down to write to you to: oat atte about le lar example of be the .M. ‘The letter will, in fact, consist of | it «*Borewell” with which ahe bad amzonlahod ing else, for he pervades the wee man t them at first Pie ‘Can Thies fensts-be- - t this particala:p piece she and he work: y ‘ize oer pis !]ed steadily ; but, as the time drew n his ment has im- Ww I give thanks AMY. day that you. are | the young man toe to feel a vague die: him, It seems to have made him so safe Te obthe way! appointment--a-doubt, never expr odd girl— yw I must really leave off and go to | but still a doubt as to pm are she aye s fair and vel a. Good-bye, ay dear child: Beas happy seas wel an oe disagree- | a8 ever you can. roke off sharply and Satuet capers) Aes ater ete ignorant of the fact |, can possibly have sent them Jalian Kent, in evening dress ai less gloves, stood just inside ance to Camelot Honse.- the noble en- He was convers- adi Kents. Maliinger's novels ond taken to aidaive, she had no time for these reminis- e conclusion of which She ‘told me that she hated literature? Oh, Vhat og eelpei useless, artificial, worthless. drivel aie Tthas disgusted me even more than rT of the Soo that ley on | ch the sun was | home there was something in the aeewing: room which effectually distracted Cecily W, | attention. Te was an exquisite bouquet of white orchids, encharis, and gardenia ted wit long soft white ri Islay ong Tails at SAIS: dletaiee.feomn \ | the fire, its fragrance filling all the r20m, : * Oseol, one bali ‘what a plendid delightful bou- said Phoebe, who was iad to be elive and you al as A vehement knockin fat igedaoe tactlod is for Ceci,” toasting maffins these visitors have import : ; canes her, and in dance Bs were gone pag he th c = ie poorer still in ae ert eer : pai HS ade haga wight the dresses—yours and Vand cs you nt Geoff is quite jenlous! Do| "i haconcert. ahiey aro simply lovely eapie ‘sent it 2” said Mrs (Eaote; 0d: Luxmores and all that you are doing—— {384 You. must come and try yours on at Don't know.” anid Pte, whose mind Selily needed no second bidding. With | Was centred on’ preventing Dolf, the fee terrier, from licking the pile of buttered mufiing in the fon ‘There must bea a card with it,’ said her ily ni all we sancioipation of girthood in her beantt- ful eyes, off she darted, and w: ne acai snguiiwiotane tiie inte Me om, where Vanda was already to be laced into ‘was seated writing Taaerals side the drawin: ‘ind, as it it allover to hess Thavbistaked may | "22: % J reputation for taste on this gown. ton as It can’ Seas be for = said Cecily, id Mrs..Luxmore. ‘If itis, a failare, "1 | with, decision. wa soul in really think T shal shed tears, Ti 8 5 thing. shall a me, Fibs ?” “* Fibs” 2 8 tocando ee Are you sure ine for was the endearing abbreviation by which He made noreply, but deliberately rose, = .d. to the piano, took dow that photo | iy not the vaguest Sit Vi sent it! Why, Savceh of such a thing, which I CHAPTER VL did not. The bouguet-holder The day of the Artists’ Benefit Concert confess I ? Laid, as slowly, a Sime Kad Sioa, “What tan-yan mest you see ? Why ela you wish to possess Cecily’s Bo ib is” cried Vanda. “What a is al 2 ty ler me, bowed. and walked out. Since piece she should I igaro Givlad daw cinerea iy ugh all her repertoire and cada ‘nat inclined Soe L iboob arid | had soon discovered that she varied... Tha is 0 good-looking, still, |wonderfal sympathetic fire, which had intefal wretch] But Geoff says I was quite| aroused her hearers #0 forcibly, was much a “you wait till Tha: tesy ares we the ai “You shall of Nica ese bl diferent, life seem ! ystrong she | “bat the loveaud felt and how full of hope! The face of the inspired that fire were growing weaker world had changed for her si hi iE ne Boon with te t+ dle emesis Gaal herself was startled by his words. ly be a t she had come to London only rth my. feelings somehow | wien comes? sie tought." eave Petes se we had will think over our last evening together = etaszed. nt view of hing andy and read those, two notes he sent me, before cause was simple enough, She had tefe off| J yams sabe ‘he magical concert day ae cences. Nie chained her down for a long practice | 9 of them for ashort in the Park, ‘*to spavn colour thee le melanie they not? You ace I have | gh pi fon Ghich pardons to tha vomte, wid ie i Ihave onl: London th i ne : “\How rade Ric is! Bat I'm sure he|Lnave only been in tiondon three seeks | as rege eae = ne ak all Te Gacteae piswiel Gh eenenie ‘mid Ric's mee bouquet can have no sentimental i other. man’s he: [should certainly carry it,” me . vay he did, or something v ‘Hep Sos Hows she?” he asked absently after ike ba cried Cecily ners, tet indruey, rai Ge sy inhesifatio answer. * But “LU Ses Se IR tee fees nd L must go Feally, Cecily, are you sure you have no Pe PP and take, my snubbin okie, laceme, } 2" yw Stay: yes ! How dull Iam ! It is from| 18" 2K eg Rutland,’ he said, after looking please» some PU feel eo ates” somibikson Gobeind the wil 2 pert : 6 sac fied | "Every day I seeni to ye of you!” eried the girl.“ From you, are her it an ay is 20 near. And yer some: is ea my dear ; such a bouquet or holding her violin, Mex. Bopdsi won't tii hms Tasgvaldaeres coe Soula ta Meyeadanbaiones, owen at Thad ins to! swept an elaborate curtsey of acknowledg- ment. : df y oe kare the | wom Taving over, who Was 0 hing, hoped anything, of looked for "|e Sy These, Alter! aut | to Lingate’s daughter aii to anything ; all was futile, wretohed, « Was—does the “ae no longer | of unpleasant excitement at his heart. nema of the Cabinet ! ue — eins ars to be masked under arent, but it’ Easy ekaraeent sr Aare There's a picco of taste for you !” ition women Lora tantate Kent’s calm answer. Mallinger, Eats hiestly sorry for him. The boy has had his head turn wet as nd spot- tr: ing with the Duke, but his eyes were fixed stand then ?” asked Kent, a sudden feeling Bide s at doing? ‘is future father-in-law it i the Cabinet, sir) oi iss Rutland thinks Camelot Hose like fairyicaa, Fone Garment pat blesome Hrirytand, what ! An unknown giver ? This is resting,” cried the “We must tilt this roattar to the bot fig Sara ee eee ig | Kent, ‘* for T must carry off the fairy to the her plain. | "Over this letter Cecily had brooded long. | ‘Put more-fire into it,” he said, eat door ; and the novelist watched for | 8*t° rom “« ihe: aay She sat at tho writing tablein her own mm | ‘How oan you expect fire at rehearsals ?| ‘M2, 4pPesrance aie ER ae the galery at eRe eee bi ing, race, “a : lees emberto. 7 ire, tr ee ‘willyont ensivey Said she coolly: ou | thing of this kind is worth doing, ‘when the | Se hall Sy Sasa ab e night?” ¥ P ON | tickets are taken up like this. We shall “She bent her bight laughing face, down- ger re ae eile celeast, Yes: Twill somehow. | it over a clear threo hundred pounds to precise for alow sipey momenie WW hen-alis z rranoedring sat erself, wondering |3a4 1 hall toe 5 the institution, not counting sale of pro-|Tsised it again Kent was horrified at th 2s [auth the little ve her 66 think Ba Sia all - e it, if I attempt it evs is, which ought to realise another | Change in it, She was pale even to the lips, sins vente Hes : 3 : the expression of her moi Me eke hertait oo reed to be content with this, beau Pounds, since every lady selling is #| as it wore when she was playing her violin the first time he ever saw her. claimed, “ you was instantly oe ;, Lam so very sorry !” “ What i A is” he said, with Breen ntleness. ld you tellme? Iw io anything to h ae you.” he looked swiftly round, as if to see that | they were not followed. Then she stam- mere “You will not tell any one, will you? am 50 ashami so foolish. Iam all right again now ; Iba plokserasy volh- ing eee itr’ course not ! Where is the need 2 he sit reassuring! “Noe odly Ginte she watered shiame- acaly 3“ but there is some o ht-—lisaw someone whom itis oa ful to me to 6 aye BE CONTINUED.) A REVOLUTIO! N WHEELS, fortune will be as hers, She will forgive him.’ Te etcoa ‘enough that creature passing with their sitendant gentlemen. macre like a scene in « play, ‘or a bit ofa novel, ge: night in my hfe is generally a little bit. of fairy- -~where—even the said the novelist @ passpor' eta, such a heart if «This may pethaps Te hie tables ® id the 3 tte elted pas Seiya enue ra — ‘The Introduction of Paeamatte Tires May arried off, leaving Kent reflecting. oe “Ale will bg tre, then. The f a 88 premieres amours. And his mis-|matic tires have been recognized - Cecily. stontly, fee cael . look: T ing ave been d to track serge dress . f orcom 8 re a Lusmore was known to het |y,ohe vision, Cecily all in graye the, long | Sulkies, but that they were not utilized on wish—mo! that, a . fi oi ieti is sent, as woll as do my betes on Thier | 1, Leas addressed to Miss Rutland, |iercautifal shoulders and in bet fend He’ Minneapolis’ True, Whens of the ay Aes Aelia LOGS eee: egregies huge mass of snowy blossoms, the seent ot bicycle pattern can be made as strong a: Cecily’s gown was smoke-gray and steel, | 20¥,c°B8edly- pier oF whieh floated towards hi necessary. pneumatic | tire passes a.colour which suited her bronze hair and | Dox it came in, and in crooked florists net his, her face lighted up amisakabiy. easily ov ven. Burt road- Gan poche abenbabepe tHedical tat ate diae? vet admirably. There could be but | "What mufanes abousim propkad He ‘conscious, a8 he-looked at her, of a | W8Y» helping itself over obstructions by its when he suddenly exclaimed— eat rptatoe eer etna it Lewerperiect. flovist 2” said Bie, coming in. “Poor afflit-| Certain difereuce. about Ber somewhre|® Ferien ee Spore a jories this snug little room that! sald Sire Laxmore emphatica oe whoever he is !” Ee eee had passed over her | Mine OY the combination of bail’ ey How happy we all"! Now no colon Peed vase, a A florist’s crooked handwriting,” cor-|*nce He Saw, ter Brat. | Heh countenaces | ings and pneumatic tires added Seon are ae vey'ng it from cieice sees: ofa rested Hibs nndantotly. eam soo Re ho I K regretfully ; no bree secoi Nancy Hanks’s speed «The whole place ‘seems hares Salt See a see ond pace Ear i was rather that of one who looks forward | by, lessening the draft of her sulky. glchteonahow: Rie cree began to sweep forwards in front ae jq| hopefully In the moment. which elapsed | £49 of such a large percentage in lightness T kn 3) tand’s| the irs glass, to turn and move away roa syemivedt epi between his frst catching sight of her and of draft will be appreciated by owners of absence ; she was the tutelary genius. It mare Stet fhe EER RPE T8eG,, 00 “Tt pees yt tng is r her - iad time to think eae rre enaam ees tnels Srenion Tee esaratiecr [hp eet. oa | ages aa terns sith Ants wonder wore nto. |p man ste cal : is ) imallest,~) £ b Ole gaa nec cay va this gracefal the ge otk st Byelands ace 10 aee. ous ing T could have fancied with your degree, reeponsible for her altered looks... | tiresand ball bearingson their buggies pooch. Tonio afver a moments thought-—| , uae o# “Ton fea ike xalted tosuch |” Cecily beut her glad. young face, aglow 667 of puggee in your |, he Pucumatle tire will not reach the Pu Se ane eat xn ay 0 Lady | Phabe ain bara y with excitement, down to the stainless| f e greeting He Hough ake Drakaeaereidiuen tobond rount rigate e dit « mE —tepcrwed i pita thig Gea ecilyy R do on inate aly why the ball bearings should not be appli- marth Rae. Spe | Oa YF Tid cyte] aly ag nn al [avenge fc he cme 2 ° rl, i work a great saving in horse flesh , for it would make possible the bivling 1 Hekvies loads i jese_ improvements is is the age of Sorauiproad Mighweywiis olty andcoustey iY; | alike. eras with Carrier Pigeons, mnsequence of the difficulty of connect- ing Hathlia Island, off the north coast of land, by telegea eae cable with the main- the committee of Lioyd’s have been communication dawned frosty and clear. There were no “Tei i fi i Ibis a strange the gicl said niffe ad the grace to look uncorafortable | 83 of & waitin’ there was just enough | joy ebahnn San | masingly, hardly ining tat she epoke sation on Heth ae hee: BU gas novelae yi there deal of excitement in Ce ee er pam a he hia pete am a novelist, you kn Jor Madeline to-night, Let me think. I am|P&2 “fomight. Rete a ite strict seouaee Mie ariisto like. nlao to-do: ne Coxmorer one, ing wat | running over men to find the kindof person, | ‘YOu are on the threshold,” he said, proved “very yaasceatl te = naval sexibe it thee o tant one to several ofits in-|Farieifa cortan tort of saat, whe roots ratte, eo ares worthy oc on oat fenderson, of “And so you want my Cecily.’ sai nes «__ [bonquets—plenty of money, and rather »| 0 the great, untrustworthy ocean of public vi jor gh ny tenth, « to eat upand ut ints paioy of Richard’s hopes hung upon it. ledge PI id t = ns rather opinion.” He Haas ari aw her |e is of stewer lown it circle ; but it t have beer up-stairs. ‘“* pu = vey we what it : egy: in our at it must have been And served up hot to suit the jaded appe- one whoknew your address.” falc line myself; I ean eympsthin ur over fed ‘And you te Camelot Ho ‘Most mysterious said Mra, Luxmore,| Vanda and Mrs. Luxmore, seeing Cosi 1 Excuse my plainness, sippingher ta safely in Mr. Kent's charge, had hurried on res igs, etc eek eentae ae Geass tay Cont ‘hele eliminating anx- fo mains, ib; at blunts the bran,” | waderescort of Paul Randall, who bad been tonishes “Si An hg dia oe ae: mart and I must reflect ! Cecily, on the watch for thelr 8 vital ral, I “Tt aS ‘sundy to see his face. I| the night of hee pe moe 9 hers on | saesihe ich Be Hires the vestry Res eet ta ea ge Sig nae Had novos been really rude, to anyone be-/talking of her. Every ar bo Beeed Nec bal een ee et Vesceanerly | ee a een ee ephitic siren fore, but thi aa : emitter jundre: pl ou sent ont your ia T do think I was jastified. He | desc Peles | Srceee Cer hor | Runde yor f should a tall you say ot do, only dropping thepicture asif/ jes, who went everywhere, had pBonver: | st No; bat one follow asked if it were| What I think about your books wi ie burned his Binge scribing the strange fire and power of expres- | Cau, saris eet ee ee — He them 2” “You quite mimderstand me ho anid | sion in the young player OR aati ioest Tike? ia not she replied, ,, in tones that showed me how smal ing. then, that for any reason her i aaa ‘the men really is ; ‘but, as I fear any cbt | peeks rdSe ac Ue bees cana boliose fs eewattary an tek ce een Tone tes Si gel Gres imine to make you comprehend would be | tating, or ame, or tame—should she fail to | Cecily erhepe few men have experienced purer nite cles t T hi tt 8 ease A Rican sg Papen pe core | — « Tehoalda' th ink cit t possible, Vanda! abcde: real pleasure than came to Julian Baits gros with Yous! amtated en-| wonld be & Disok fooling ot aise cin heard == pert Ge intron naa sores, o¢| : exgetically. 4, an annoying soiggestion of Mane OR MAT oe ee art Think “cf naibody: clas’ ti erry aeeneeent POM fm Peony tieae torrie rast bynes %*Youuuse the privilege of your sex to Z , L can’t think o} iad ly else,” r # — | well-trained birds be trusted to convey apa fresty;/-he wxidicily: Ip Geer HH aud OU teesrar mater e ten emmy 2 Bake hooters Pe cles ee” Cs ante ate | ee ae eitadrone hod ships fee pestis it was, he has exceedingly good taste in hia| im myself a he said: under his ing seyeral hundred miles in the contrary, Mr. Mallinger, if I| committee es vial that, im. placing it onthe bi E ag Cat elt yeti neers mt choice voth of osha beledyte ion! BS i ge ee Ee was tb fromthe land, snd may be the means of r is offered. re al J and abe T think of you,"l retorted quite | She mast 2 piers amply to justify her iia ae 2” macioaed Ri. the'hend of of the stairs, aud the Dake stood Mul Boh eairdaety and tear uf ships a _“Hielooke as thongh he wonid like to} | Accordingly he bad taken ally eee create her towers and “ That isthe Dake of Lamon,” barca See E ae ‘A confirmed toper in Atchison, Kansas, was induced to en see he would take the Koay cure. expenses, ho n $00. With this som bo went on a Tanne & i) } | THE WEEK'S NEWS. CANADA. The lumber wills on the Chaudiere await extradition to Pari ablograms vat ps ‘Seep A 1 says the Scotland. Yard dete Ie ery precaution to prevent Board of Agriculture, has are opdee stools medidas Dundee ada off the steamers Hurona and Monk- from | than, alted Te toand alost us wall of f Westminster Abbey, there i Alfred Tennyson. the Res reat who have title * more’ secur ‘ennyson ; none who has worthily earned the highest, tribute ‘The decision of the Toman 1¢ | steamers to viously to ‘Liverpool faraishes a theme for | — sage, an interestit more ane this step on the ma; Liverpool in Danger. BUI ele rua it instead of as pre- ticle in the says part of the Inman} Union in y mark the beginning of a rev- ‘The Roads Preparing for the World’s Fair road N ico. Towa ranks fifth Bea the States of the ton, Mass. ope to have a ferty-- trolley vidence, R. I. SY DAYS FOR RAILROADS: railw sie very busy, and will ran until sto ic “g “ skis wn twelve hundred in number, to be | and sol reel Pa 5 a 2 “Gee en pana a caueall . tribute was not o} a ar Dewdney has left Ottawa for slaughtered. ‘pay. And thee toe = Tt ‘been the trans: are ts rep are privil Battah Cabin to assume the Lieutenant: | Sir William Vernon Harcourt is opposed | fered by order of Fat iapien oees a ree poly in ease he oot every im | to £189 sph Sets bo tiara plsaiet: et at ot statesmen ; itis none the less | portant line of steamers running Mlsois soe coun cat in, th iad Chari Sarees Rok eee uae ist i ey eeIS Spain avives a national one, accepted aud sanctioned not | the two continents, no railroad, telegraph or cape within anew fast line of steamers to Canada val Pests besten ness d ENTE merely by those who are entrusted with the | splendid docks, its prestige, and tl boarders. : #00n aan accomplished sa shee fees weet the Abbey, but also by the whole | and enterpris ie to] ‘The annual consumption of railroad ties « . As aresult of a rega- “th entral. Chom f Commerce in | pecple of this realm. Amid the ever-present | bid defiance to | in the Usted iptaten ie pene fat about tion of St. Andrew's church, Winnipeg, it London Hy decided to aeons Be vest of parties and the incessant striving | man Lloy: °| 95,250, is likely that another Presbyterian church | ference on the ages Ca for material wealth which mark this era, | began Siig at South ‘on ‘Rhibe’ axe ive! Uilciy.Onh ae service will shortly be erected in that ci "he unemployed Hebrew vorkingmen of | ring more deeply than ang other in ont | Bremen, and the experiment proved Very |. iationg in operation Dati bees e Dominion Government will give | London Earapenites that they will march| history, it is agood sign, a thing which | successful, so much so that it soon secured aquaria e thé sssovistions band sear 497 financial aid to the C: acl Ken Club in | barefooted through the city streets on three|may arouse a feeling of in very large patronage from \glishmen | 4 ing their arrangements for a good ex- | different d v8 fus, and of hope in those who are|and Americans anxious reach Lond ie eeris hibition at the bench how to beheld i in con-| Archbishop Vanghen will accompany the at times »_tzmmpterk to Took despondingly quickly. Tt took 8 fast cones sas at A ae yall ae 4 Moats ee nection with the Worl ir, jlgrimage of British Catholics to es tows uture, that is a uoani- | hours reach <outha: ra an ‘Sang Kee, a Chinaman of some note, is at ce pilgrimage, which is hide dbs -| vewipnring of i = sorrow | Liverpool, ernile the southern port poss Eee to palette she ae seve . present in Ottawa to makes an nvestigtin ‘of Norfolk, is in point of See ued around the grave of one who, ‘‘in divers e double advantage of being much nearer aS ‘ife of a locomot BBs BR » i cl in a tl eatest: has left Great | to neat continually denounced, with a! e | London, and of in} into the character and scop¢ the ham he gré ‘ae hi ft til Hy di d, with all the | Lond f bei accessible by ser is almost oe ley: t thing it ae a aging, ion law about China. Britain in three centuri f ng man, and the purity bem at any time, ereas Liverpool fe, tlach wh ou eae, 180,00 epi and the life of 5 faction whet gine Boe Geer Ie a, Cand ol tue | mom nae ost sis fom Neil gai le isa horse railroad fifty niles long Methodist feat wuddenly of heart | Matilda Clover, has received a despatch “dowered with the hate of hate, the scot ia the saponins Republic, penta ng a lf x r of eee ‘Buenos Ayres, wt a cae on Saray ob ofon it Toro: | rom tahun ay: Tho achedats Hime of «sri on this rou ¢ | thirteen hours. i Dees are fur- ‘he Behrin; At aol len weddin, Britai "The total om 546, cattle and 15,231 sheep below the eh last y the, financial. agency’ o Siok fe eal the Doninion rot Causal under consi the Dominion a re Harley, ‘the wife ‘a fireman at ited suici ma beam porting fan-light in the roof o ing. To despendency de ae é e g hates = senger agent Earls distriot Treght 0 iaiert *among mx Mantreal that the: English Robert Bickerdike, the prominent, shi still maintains that there is no pleuro- jonia in The Canadian. Pacific railway’s steamer C, that the exit out of the frit nee ought 0 ie easier, so that, men need | d not Teave in disgrace when in 1 the beat light thar God. has given them they feel that though it :usy: be by the work lies there no gt iis yet in easentiale one continuous ‘The United ‘tales Secretary of State has vp hrough the ages. one incre: — foe cern oe san US" agin’ foment ing purpowe uns ahd who sould aote ri z a ice utiien ie pedi ih e steps to obtain irom the predstonas and incorporate 1t, if not our poets Government the release Ey Pete RS count of theresent suspected cans of plenro- i He Stee teoea Cousens cnys | Jon Cetin med. set 10s ave rican eae Fe Feared thas despite the Goyernmente| etne now menving life oeuteria es oe ee dees totront Cannas kindly its hands may | lish prisons. The City. ot Patiat broke three ocean ree- er there has been an enforced marketing of| ords on Lavaca: voyage aciced sca Wileah concaay ves | Man ramnea or uamiea as whe te nthe | the ree Gettin the alatic oe Uahalt of tueeapnta ot | Cont eccaaeer muse ta tence ee meeepe: ee eae rank A Nims, a, resident of Minneapolis, opp at de pet thee et at | one hour and thirty wie a iiss melon ees » | which has just been harvested. 0, th: | he voyage an Be y near Hamil: | gr has much intert ith the demand for | twenty-four minute ee ee iin iaeape neta et seasonable goods, Ei States the | (vt for the fastest ye sou an shoe factories are d busy, ‘Phere is | ona on‘this voyage incre cee oe ae bleh agian ent $ tivity in wool, weet and baie Pet ae 7 hundredths {a knot, raising the record VanKoughnet, ay. Saperinuant: | nut, palate, bo ate Sa 20, is General of Indian Affine, will ao ake ‘Trade-in the South is very active, and c0l-| freatest ron soon, and that erick White, son [dapeiaia Seppo es ‘are | the Teutonic, which ran 52 See tah ot Aiamtod Tale asicozed marketed. The feeling generally among Gay on her most famous voy im, still oe ‘he commissionerahip. bsiness aN is better and the outlook is! 47), ‘The City of Paris made 530 knots in A per, Minister of ae impro} one day. A knot, that is, a nautical mile, con pabereee ‘has left for London {5158 thou mndthis more than an ordinar Eee dae Ota Hae saa ae or Bape W iam il L pen the Reichstag | statute mile, The best day’s run of the City for Canada in rebuttal of the ease submit. | in person on Novei of Paria wae accordingly equivalent to 610 | ¢ ted for d States in the Behring Catia eee * ak tk ee in paces ig 98 | eats mil rat ‘un of Sea arbitr nday night because | i It is reported that Senator McInnes will au spatter renee ab arte celebrating] sell Dan is park, Hamilton, Ont., and | 6 “omni cble despatch fi fi that it is proposed to cut up the pr eee oe fetes rom Brussels | § Se iaia pulsing toca“. Thee conn Jor [RU ts Capen the Sahmmae teed Bas ns ; Us | performance ast week, and this decision, it is surmised, isthe probsbi| afterwarda went behind the sceses and| in s set; furnish the steain eas ied with all the actors and actresses, in- of trple-expansion engines ofa combi cluding the ballet horse-power. The vessel has twin mi ph ieriag General the Belgien who smothered hia| screws that revolve when. the ship is going charcoal fumes tnat he might at full 9] about eighty four times a. noteanoadarneetile inte. The City ot Paris is 680 feet long, found guilty and sentenced t 4 feet beam and 59 ep. All, Golonial railway syste BRITISH, ‘The London Times: a that Mr. four has committed himself to bi-met Setooloratt, of London, ‘The poet Morris denies that he has been gree the poet ae rial Government has ordered las dk user tenes = the vaghthise ques: al Commission he tion The British egri at Guatemala, in his minent, annual repor e British Gover $2 2 2 x 3. Lovey held in fe Pridesmeld end groomsmal Great ideration, but the friends of Bank of Montreal Ave Bult hepetal of petting ide on Monday is porated oh over the news receiv. Board welve Bae shi z Sea arbitrators ta mest i in ne . 1,- same sho the Lon. =p me hope pneu: Bal- talism. yater fami head upon he ave to retur calls a & oe excellent field open to ome ‘per, the dé farm A cable m the Thomson ine steamshi; the rocks off Caithne: cotlan be very little chance of noling the vaigyate between the Lancas! to Montreal sistes that entreal, | Si. 8 his death tl hire joge se re Rule, measure np of lining their own pockets of the shareholders, and threats of criminal prosecutions are He ely, areicte homeless by 1 rate. acco. ‘The Story Told by Franklin sata ee A107 o the Liberal Cabinet Coun. made. HOST Sy Ree he Milwaukee fire, r return from ae Freemason: hat he accompé john Hranklin eepodltions to the north- were 468 ‘buildings aero in Milwaukee. ‘The Chine’ Bishop Phillips Brooks, of Bas gan has confessed that from 1874 to 1881, Reichstag peice the coming sessi THEY SAW THREE MASTS, lan Attached 8] at ED STA’ 2 Mahanoy. cits, “va a., is caine from a|® Saturday night, Te is anid thse despondeucy | whicn P of shows that’ there Bi i n Sh Owing to the continuance of disturbances and the frequent upon workers, iti belteved Mist the troope will He n-union thinks ce of denunciation of not differ Ghee trom that atone a nev the evils f the nation, than fell fro1 One might t lilt a tavern catch women’s true, fit companion for ince; he trip and fall, charshal ireadth one though bind his soul with clay.” It is this Blunders. ung, a Methodit|aneter sympathetic lady said her lore -deai it. this Indian tora and their operatives, and | return the mander.g long strike is almost inevital irre pre teh (rhea mp Erie ‘The silver question a! praia is calling wide. ‘hoy ox gas ero pes peeshe for a good deal of attention in English com | were nearly exhausted, and knowing gai aptay de Sespatch | Hoey Ie ear She commander of thes si ere ia n aeers the ing (0 the sabiece, Shin ime has come 2 ided that it. would be bett ae & woentasdarata oh bi snataliaas iets tant oF pen A pep ce swell a of ee they Sears ie asaerees tt the'entire speabes pexten cordingly they retutned and ihe pana mndon. police have learned of sr} having fount noting The next ue istoned of a plot a of Frat edidion started ‘on ite rebut.” Ine e asia, the dangerous Fi ist, whe dians were certain ti tha to ia being held by the English authorities to one of spel 's youele: ty or in ie politcal life ne greed of Bain —W ears and yet beat heat ee? and ‘ked like a *‘ bird of beasten, Faction | ten hether Yet, ee en he was arrested in Chicago he made a eer, ice of poisoning dissolute girls in| ‘The Oxford Professor who, according to Canada, jirovacent--updecgradan ts, veave ont tt It appears that the Pope has not yet | hymn, “Kinkering congs. their kikles tate” given his dispensation for the marriage of | is being ran very hard for his supremacy in Prince Ferdinand of Hohenzollern to Prmn- | this particular class of blunder. — Such ver- cess Marie, danghter of the Duke of Edin-| bal tangles sre, it. is lieved, growing rgh, but that he will do £0, one of th he | €0 mmoner than ever. ‘‘Pardon me, sit, ;$ conattraue being: that the ehtldcen Whe to be| ae think open wing my pie” brought up as Roman C: ong eons edone the best spec- ines, Dat now we have the cage ofa gen- marek will not resppens So the Nara! eel Hus er tes it. port, a mattered comparatively little. he voyage has been re Heth six dage, the travelling publiefindit incon, tel Stare pat ber train —— (vite the Ee ee ianie inesmahla ies ing ev to anareae the tattie whieh Liverpool has #0 | though the latter and, being at the extreme western point of s any other port o even for the fastest steamer, ie ve decided advan. ‘Phere is at pres- vat were at first determined the breaking up of the tribal relations result of the system is, as anticipated, that the Indians who ‘time to time persuaded to accept all [im severaliy, become the best ducing others to of the white men. ye | lows. Worlts a ibjected at the er rivals, Southampton has eded in follow. The Inman ip ab present in ss great bar a half or but th from the metsopel,« ‘as sy f lent gel tim tion of Seaneatlad tic es ale so aaY to geoff place penises 8 | ning ow -ything in its power to attract a| could Bristol was not so lon; actly retrograded ¥ mercial supremacy, ‘merchants and citizens are making Pacific best Gra lew York or Pembroks ate big enough to pecathie mit ae *| founded 16° The of pn 0 it has at last, after long willed, at various titnes, 154 p Masa ty, | At ‘ya banyraste i is ie en to Zntered upon what bids fair to prove a just | serve oysters on plates carved outof ice, — asd mercifal sotadion ef aerate problem: Hed Se aoe ory eiuation ee ‘he Lal * ‘honk Conference, which is an measures for their protec- his found Pe Five rica. oma icenceand not of enmity ‘on the part Th seas reaul€ fl- The Indians nh wyers an whites, “put the natural shre vue or agents,, is steadily, Fe a necessary schools prov wwided by th tan ‘aiok, Me em joon assert itself fer form this y ted by the isan Conference itn Sel ise establishment of ‘Acme more ral courts for Indians, and sper died-a. 3” their nape i i ‘The Conference,” hich | wi ae ci narrow Aig un ger tories ,e work of laying the new 100- pow: NO et vancing rapidly Au Hu ‘he Suprome Court of Texas has decide ed hen a person's tick ogress r to: that fe are on his origi a she is so far be Some time ago the rand ‘Travk, Meantime the Canadian _ have been discharged. Pe | of the Atlantic Ocean are five miles. depth. twenty-seven of the Stat Arabella Mansfield, of om ae the Spst. woman ns itted to the bor in tes. engaged as an experi in [the coffee and cotton eee ony in in thor nitoos migrate by train? Tt ig wweriat hout railroad ¢: hibit wt the Taue will be two large and fies. lonsueelivet moun! on beens und ‘ork Central is ad- tw ation on Sere in, fa oe points, orde: well-managed 0. can afford to aureus a lunch ly toon iaternediats Bs anata anotl ain that rom on secared evidence Boe four of the, nd Trank egents, and now they ITEMS OF INTEREST, se fiat pale library in Romo waa ‘ peels of London cover an area 2,000 acres. eopard recently shot in. Bengal had 8 and territories. e became a fall edged lawyer ee se cooies hare been at Dallas, ‘Texas, was until a railroad ran =e the nected wi oan coca experience canted serious n Darby of Sacram ye celler for a boule of stairs, the bottle painful of glass cut a pee having great fun ab ‘ear conductor in that uae man in se world, itis. believed, few weeks 96 in Tiflis, ete in|sia. His norm was, 164 years, end-he ne efea widow "120 yours old. Authentic records si foment cee in TS" eighteen ‘sons, and one of them tied io in “er at the Late ad ‘was born nd fist Bren action of Zhe. "Baptist, Methodist an at 1a- | age of - | byterian Churches in refusing further Gov. and parte unanimous in condemning oe spoils system in the Indian. saahete as the we write, much more fathers. under high pri = “I have: noticed,” ea “ that the womar ith a neck is usually arosood ap £0 the from the f the ro hence astiby vl Evenout thonghbs are ow days vant mole on her done for Teen the: reigebouring: Roped: a mack Ee Trend verte Tonle many aciey 1 iteingly diseases by enue fe ee id to ho theri Touseé escaped it’ where the peddlers Pe are “ ere of n ti Parliament, to do for the Canadia1 * peal 0 diph- je years ago, in"® Age Sapiabaa sof tl ia’ was prevalent, not allowed entranc omen who desire faeapunlane a advised