Milverton Sun, 24 Nov 1892, p. 1

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“TT SHINER FOR ALL. Vol L —No. 49. MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1892. ‘THOS. W. W. WHALLEY Editor and Publishe me oo = A, ‘MacDONALD, Cheapside STRATFORD Just now would be a 4a time for We : nc ehesper as ity ean be had, but we aim .» sell you better quality at low prices. tao Cloths and Di- Beaver Cloths, azonals in large Made Coats are selling mee if you want a good choi Ready Select uw A, MacRONALD (FORMERLY LISTOWEL) CHEAPSIDE, STRATFORD BARCAINS -:- -- BARGAINS KINDS OF— —AN ALL GOODS GREAT BARGAINS MEN’S FUR COATS aN GOAT ROBES N i FURS, Ete. ae fw. RAE’S “Main Street, Milverton LOOK AT THESE FIGURES! DO THEY TALK ? Bete, beat printed ts, Lae ranite we er Te. see Sets, priate’, t White Granite, ipa Aad cere, ‘The. per Or CNBREAKABLE it Jerk knocks them all out. We have the Wiest and Cheapest line of Tea Pots in the. city When you are in Stratford don’t fail to P, Watson & Son DIRECT IMPORTERS ONTARIO ST. WEST, NEXT RANKIN'S CONFECTIONERY WANTED! Chickens Ducks Turkeys and Geese Feathers in Exchange for Furnitare. We are wanting large quantivy of each of the above kind of feathers. DON’T MIX THEM Wien you want: Furniture bay it| from can get i Bradshaw, where you cheapest. we veviver fd. L, BRADSHAW 3 - Gt The Furniture Dealer Tek ox and Undertaker 1,3&5 ONTARIO St_ cuarce | » STRATFORD Fall and Winter|= NEWTON M. Sena, are enterprising tuner of Elma, has purchase ed , early in man of Mr. Attig’s well-known ability | will be a valuable acquisition. da | H. was so | Syrup Those whe have not A Throat _ used Boschee’s Ger- man rust for some and Lung severe ai chronic Specialty. Seep ‘of the Throat d Lungs can iain ly Wont er. aie ee nS oe BS dice , TBE, clear coat or py icine and ice hav. swal- lowed and pasar to the gulf of despair, where there fs the cpr oer S conviction that all is over end is inevitable, there we ois German Syrup. It cures. Soar a live man yet if you take @ eee P ‘All parties are hereby notified not to. give | who mi husband, John Pioif, of the oe atthe of THe ee has now on hand a lange tity of good WHITE BRICK FOR SALE At right prices, at the MILVERTON BRICK YARD R. B. MORRISON, Milverton, Nov. 1, 1892.46 44 Pe NEW TAILOR SHOP IN MILVERTON wM. DUNCAN as s opened a hn in eae Block, over . Rae’s store, and solicits a. share of the oe aite of the people of this vicinity FIT AYD WORKMANSHIP GUARAN1I BED A TR:AL ORDER SOLICITED OURS FOR GeoD. Work Oes.17,1892. Wm. Duncan Unmixed Feathers sc= BASSWOOD, ELM OR ASH LUMBER TAKEN pad goose” FOR Compare onr goods and’ rices with those of other °— dealers, and then do your [~—° buying, = +" =) J No Charge for Delivering of Goads an- Shea ‘TRALEE. Mr. Wa. Woop, sr., is reco¥ering from his moent sickness and his, many friends hope to soon see him able to go around agai Mrs, M. Ra of Pt. Huroi vicipity last.» the side a eaaesty by a that was thrown carelessly from the pea mow at his own threshing. had to be summoned, but he is getting round nicely again. M. Scott, of 13th, intends having an auction sale some time next month. He has purchased a house in Carthage, where he intends to live re' Tames O'Grady, jr. has gone on a trip to Saginaw, where. he intends remaining fil spring. ——. PALMERSTON, numerous chang are in ne Be: of Se ot ‘Trunk ny by relinquishes control of the Welling- ton, Grey, and Brace and Georgian - | Bay and Lake Brie sections of his ol district. The employes of these two branches met in the offices at Palmer- ston on Saturday evening, and present- idee was signet H. iy ee "of Palmer- si behalf of ba men, set forth the ae that Mr. Ti portion of the div bes employes of the road wha hav under bis supervision durit of that period ; and that n ‘orbes, Harris- esd him, It hb - tain strict discipline, and after doing 1 for so long a period he was gratified to know they entertained such kindly sentiments towards himself and family. mber of other pepo closed. a ae renege je: hour. MONKTON Mrs. New Hamburg ‘g last wi . Kelly was eat to: Stratford last. Friday by the death of his mother. John Francis, of Logan, returne last week from a two months’ trip to Southern Macitabe He speaks highly of the prairie proy Will Portereld pnt Sunday with relatives at Si. nglet is is ing a ee idence on . 14, Mai of our clea are eagerly Seibel, The congregation of Knox church will hold their anniversary services on Sunday, Dec. 4 A tea-meeting will be ‘held Monday evening follow- ing, for which the best platform talent available being secured. Full particulars later. The Literary Society promises to ved that intemperance hae more oe Affi The meeting will be held in the hall opposite the Methodist church. Messrs. Golightly and Hehnan have fitted up their ans and are now prepa an unlimited. quantity of chopping for the faimers “Of this neighborh Is the com Ballantyne & Vivian |¢ FURNITURE an UNDERTAKING sqTeleplione 19 House, 49 Shop. 60 oe STREET, STRATFORD elements of s' earnestly crave, oH rn bia si" Pat sie you an appetite, your ach and ne: Try it. Hood’s Pills act ct expecially. upon the liver, + eal it from natural assist, was visiting ten Sa AE a fi rong got struck in ie. badly burt that the ‘doctor Z gi aes w in going ne the health nd fase aoe of youths. better bool | but a poor one. A. Boater arsived home from y This {thursday ae d fies of ses and Crooks v. Ri gene re _ per $270 > eee. ae she apne NEE |e who know nat where nd relief. Hood's geome wt Fe deey Bata ie ea MILLBANK I suppose we need not press the y work and notice it. There are some ‘oung men who mi ke a pitiable spectacle of . ther at times, Aisugh kone dren ane eal cae cannot but be sorry for such, all the more that they didn’t manifest any rrow OF ame for themselve There ai any ms 1-10 as churches in this place, neh it cannot that the one kind of i stitution antagonizes the other. are working on opposin the success of the one is the defeat at of the other, The season of hard work is pretty well over nuw for the young farmers, This is the time then for plans and arrangements for courses. of profitable - | reading during the coming winter. No better way. of securing pleasure and enya with protit Five dollart)4 0 sie a standard, Taranion or eae of or scietice treate Seen. ait rove boda ti investanet indeed, very good and prom: eiohte'G cost as mucl wateh-chain but it would pay @ great titer. Aring with a stone as big as what killed Goliath would suit some young fellows’ faneies more than y book—or, instead of the ring, a g 2 “; nie and its Ree or cigars, or, worse still, cigarettes. and How mute! invest Ks that would entertain and teach, be good company and train young people good company ! need to on some care to the business of learning to think. A great in simple art of thinking. “Didn’t think” is a common excuse, Some peop) full of a kind of laziness that they al- most cannot think, But the young man who reads the tight sort of reading is not one of those, neither is he one of the crowd that fill the ew mi en- rich the bar-keeper an bacco man, and tl Se aee in the diligent practice of bad hal Winter's ioy amy is being’ tanienes ut it- is not fast And we expect’ some yet'to pass ere we are frost-bound for the season. A green Christmas would be no surprise. 8 Re AERA ILE On Albion, Stratford, as’ H.C, Carroll, Boston, ” 8 five-gallon kegs from Peter the Wellington street cooper. ee wards he called on the hotel men of the city: with what he called “California, e wine said every hotelkeeper in town ordere a quantity. During the week the s from roll skipped, be men slightly in the lurch. rainage cases of Hiles v. Town- the same township are being argued before the Court of Appeal at Toronto, this week, Messrs. M. Wilson, Q.C., of Chatham, and E. Sidney Smith, Q.C., are re, sentigg the Borer a] the decision of ree Britton, ani r of the plaintiffs case, ple are so| J and urine -ehelaey ordered pee wil acne Se is Mf the |b Deari hi our community in, it being the eas -year-old son of John McAuley. Death was caused inflammation on the bo e|reaved couple have the sympathy of the entire community. Miss Jennie Dowd, who had to quit her studies on account of being unwell, is, we are pléased to ey, speedily re- gaining her usual health Miss Braden and Miss Smith of: Teeswater, are the guests of Rich. Preparations for the puma enter- epee of are fairly arted. Particulars iy DISTRICT NEWS nome setae dns Ht Heme sae’ ent the Neighboring Pre: Seu Toxron Bros., Stratford, are offgring” compromise with their creditors at at on the dollar. Ws. ante been Nag arcane Ai of Walken i plave- Jno. Bruce, resigned. Tue next issue of ‘the Canadian one cent postal card will be larger in size than the ones now in use. ~ Rey.-Mn. Lrvivaston, of Listowel) i to thé Methodist © cburch, Kincardine, ee the next Con- a| ference a Appx shipping is about over for this’ * season, Altogether about 10,000 bar- rels have asm shipped from Listowel. Me and reveaaaes beuare essrs. the ie portion of tl met as netted bet n $15, 000 ana $20" - 44 000 to ah free ae ckers and o ere in immediate neighbor Sostz, aes ago ny official board i the Methodist church, Listowel, invited — the Rev. Dr. Willoughby, ot ‘Toronto, ston, w! : June next. ‘Dr, Willoughby. has accept- ed the invitation, subject to the ap- © proval of conferenc: A Mecha e. nics’ Institute has been organised at Atwood with ae toll sony. . a Wynn; and M, EB. Neads, secretary- ~ treasurer, On Wednesday evening, 16th instig:» the residence of Dr.. Patterson, Wal- ~ e event being the marriage | of his daughter Htta, to James A. Fak lis, of Elma Phe nuptiak knot! was-* adjnsted by the Rev. Thos. Amy, of x Monday a man registered at the | Several months, is icy eoniueinie UnHog Mteiday teu 200 of his employers money: left. the changes of the rail Tolton eee entire staff, including Eleombe, ed until 11 o'clock when all left withe © ter | heen and $200 was missing from thi The conclusion is that Bisombe! safe and the $200 left at the same time. a8 z who would be suspected of doing what he has done. He is only about twen mey, it ii d in indeed lobe rn-Hier got

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