Milverton Sun, 24 Nov 1892, p. 5

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MET MBB It Bo Sa THERE '& NOPE FOR THE DYSPEPTIC IN THE USE OF | ~ Tin§<s>hin tine URIFIES THE BREATH meoucares THE sowrls NO PURGATIVE A SUBSTITUTE FOR TOBACCO Dyspepsia Bad Breath — Sour Stomach ess, Heartburn. ‘ADDRESS CANADIAN pleated 4s 8 48 Leann st. A FORGER SAUGHTE-IN MEXICO presen Murray 7) Man: tea the ‘lean Republic baa ga takes Him into eis tod After Another Bank of - sere the past few onths the funds of ee Daph of Hamilto a of between $40,000. 0 forgeries, one of Aha ing 0. | Davidson of the well- iraowi a of O. Th, Davidson & Co. on. shaw ve been in time en- ‘and ida large nw a bank wreery trade office of the resented by him purportin goat of the promi it aes accepted without spwation, Wen he suddenly d wever, it was pacer hat Mia had hte. oe notes to the amount of bet n $0000 sought his "erroneous ts apestioh that he could not extradited take his prisoner to Bermuda, seit mon oes ye Hali- fix failing this he will, journey weit Rin ae Live: tharles Aitken, fr merly a private banker of Totteulam, _ Blow forgeries, it now transpires, reached been received of Geo leorge ant of the Toronto story of a ge says that is |sctennea from’ these he Canadi these perforstargrd fairly well- bred, and in imany notable ii eae ee a reeling 3 is Bilt: edged, which leads m ‘the Docibrion is well septal with: the blood of the greatest and beat of a spent in ae parehase al of which is obvious, purchase, result in any profit pak lous x0. or thre years. This is nto rtunste. Ieannot be den- ied, of course many well-boed 00d oid in the Canad for a ip eareant forcige ayers for speed of a high order. PS AED just as im. Chicago Drayton, Ont. New. i ge een 7.30 the barns pas Wobier A retry i at res miles is about $4,000; insured for $2,000. in iets Picliand Marviorot tnsueanoeCorreaiy pel Ae a ie News Notes ae inches of snow fell at Duluth on.) iw al som. hd ha pe is to be ees to Miss Flora of New York. Tre Democrats will ile jority of 90 both pet House of petals hy at we .ce of property atthe corner of Broad- A s ropy t ‘ork, was sold last maak for $17,648 per square foot. 1 PLR. salt well at Windsor, Ont., has did success, and tan- wi all Canadian cattle landing at Batak p Hie are rigidly scrutinized noth: jas been found that warrants a suspicion ot ‘disse In the saddle and carriage classes at the New York horse show Be eat nine- tenths of the prize-winners were Canadian bred horses, C.P.R. Traffic Master Olds cy line has carried 5,000,000 of to from Manitoba and the North Went Season against 3,000,000 bushels last see Brana a tailor, died in Belle- vue eee New Fork tat ‘Thars say, from 8 Fate disease known as sheep ro the pointe while cleaning wootet alothine: ‘Mr. A. W. Ross. M.P., who has 8 conoplet- ed a a of the Nis ooase States, | tidal wave of eiigsaton is States to Manito} ian Territories, In one of the ce rilvod Oh i le straggle with him lo the best and the mé ew how, aieperts eaied 3 Pay trom anon on not. the com ae ree years he was getting a mare -y than when he begun, and in Heer was head clerk in the department ; and Hie inse ehe Had condescandad to give the greenhorn “advice” was working under him same figure that rej presented his salary eleven years. ater is not, a ody little ip who died his wages a early, but of e be adulterated were. in King- colle ni were ali food tobe pure, ‘Those: gailty of | fe 6 ration are being prosect ters : REE a the of adian formers: ef gai 1g the 2:30. list 0, an and itt tuber was Re increased Cani ‘was less | ™) nev Bevel isellord’ bad “to, ir | SPU —_—-—_—_ ITEMS OF INTER is a fact well eiabintal. hy rane nts ti heridity that ch PI igh coieh b but to be in- AES cases in me ena ‘Cribsd) aged 103 years. of this aio, but’ the; me 00, teeth, itically, “TU give you 80 ee luck you g act so 2 cen sa pip for ga oe ight fall ae retusa and a ss of aie incident ids “Well, si, | they. just covered the office er saw sa, it. val the ent DRESS GOODS m3 | WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH : >| And Dealers in Furniture, Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Building andC Contracting, HULLINERY MANTLES Dress and Mantle Making Miss McNally, of Galt, a first-class Dress and Mantle Maker is now ready to receive orders from the ladies of Milverton and vicinity in our Millinery Department. MEBICAL be M.B. ee £0) Rostock, Brannon, Te cole to Otte ana Residen graph connection at residence for messages from Carthoze, » Newton and 3 bank. Office messages tree le- ht i G6 ROS rr Issuet + censes, ia store, uer e ffiec in ate hoot ee stad Ont. DENTISTRY | a S., Stratford; mn the forenoon month nee Mian ¥ ae pees rom 3,30 0 be Mo ao all Kinda of dental Work, excepting f VEPEEEs Any Spsdial attention will b dentistry Milverton, Ont. S, stor id Telephone to either dn rig, G; Wee ey, Millba: ite woh is Hins fad over ten n eure, experience d difficult para. ty. Diseases of cattle and scientifically treated. Calle by Mean or otherwise promptie ttended to. Hive in reside: Mi ba: cm Sealettes from $4.00 per yd. up—great value. Black and Fancy Mantlings from $1.50 per yd.up | A CALL SOLICITED [it RAND CENTRAL f {OTEL, lve: First-class accomm: ratio so a mercial travelers and oth BN’S HOTEL, MM Out, The , seconmtedation. for “commercial Good aay st Sietd and plenty of shed itoom. 9, & Smithy {NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT THE aes PEOPLE’S STORE MH. GLEISER MILVERTON. UNDERTAKERS Sash an and Doors of every description PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER Sp We manufacture Cisterns oni Tanks, and guarantee first- class work at very low prices Our stock is large and our prices are ‘the its for ry Si lowest. .A call invited. =| Main Street COMMFROIAL err rages 23, 1892. Reddaw ay) Milverton 'C.W. Jones PHOTOGRAPHER has resumed business in Mil- yerton and solicits the patrom es of the people. His work is wall ‘known and speaks for itself. The gallery will be open every day, and parties» can depend upon getting work when Bete as. Ee ee o> Sbaulder per pound - SrRaTFoRD, wheat pext0 lb, bush -$ bush, Nov. 23 sh. A TREAL SC SOLICITED oe SSSSSANKAR way 4 oJ Susy SENESS CARDS ener, Valuator, for rth and Water- Dante “Morégages, Will rn and eal fd ineumnce, Agent German Spo- Meds n sheet, Milverv ae Hie Dressi, Children's. LIVERY STABLE esand 1B. iro! cieallst epeciilige Eman _SocinTiEs aKa second and iat Paeeday gatas ae 8 Bel Sebneuker & Rothaern 1 always welcom. FE D. Weir, Ree F,, © Silver Star Lodge,” No. 202, ton, meets every Fay night, st e 30 p.m. in their hab, post office build ng bret hen al N. G.; W. Acheson, See, a3, Mu S tics i in each spall Jno, BE. Boeckne Sec; R, Hanna, eal! ae verton ‘Tent, | meots in 8 Hal ever ac ening 3 pore o'eloel Visi bth always loool: TM? Kelsie ‘om. Sam'l G. Grosch, R. K. ™ Plows A fall sapply _ the famous Wilkkicom low —t! in the market— Be ncidlae Wie Milverton Carriage Works. : a or aM wagons—all_mg- hand as low as Buggies we a large number of and-mate ae all “with first-class tops andi the Paisalende on hi H. HASE NPFLUG, J OHN N GROPP, + ng POSTS, LU ey real dri od among

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