es 6 The Ailvertin, tut spank ee rae Sone worthy of f JA, | Bie King ws all hi rosoeve troops ait Fodp, Cooxs, AxD ee. 8+ {vicinity of the earth's orbit, would HIS PLUOK SAVED HIM. : “4 © painful ig ich all his reserve troops suddes would possess ; < Susie aia oF pie are \aotiod of rs Es 4 PRANGB'S WAR IN APRECA. {iy poor on ts ated Ree 4 mach lower temperature Yan if exposed NERTON, “ONT he = The youi ech i i 0 A wealthy and estimable citizen walk: A Uampaiga That Has Placed Dahomey | porate Tea a or hbted ‘ong before Mugs eas the baly ReDlsh spleste pose ES RENE Pe told ‘Tenable pperinas ina ipplied ‘with boxes feoqe the alt: ene nee -Vcertain city who has been married es awayrom her whea she -had hér next fit— at Her Meroy. John Baptist ate locusts and wild. honey..| At this ‘tempera rature the molecules of nitro- Michigan Wildorn aa salt 1 kept a all fica in winter, ao:|aioiniating-year"by year ant-dhshhogs aad | toetber seco ane arene at Le na find tas Desp: maslc. $0 | skier ae eerie reeretied: his Teor | Lace ar Still eaten imAfriow and Are | Fel cry of reihot loss thamone.third of | Fo sip + : , 7 i Lciab ges arena ist seve de ri bie pee ges aa ousy called on his family physician the other day | th 0 on with the fit for a few Keep Uis Throne—Fortifications Tarowm | French. It was too la = hee ad frst made ‘in Pavia ia | Tie Pet Seond, and the: molecules of oxy- abled by, o scan tee ees . fh - ja i i were firs le in ‘is i ~ 5 bldg es rciep torn | Gr A drove abou with ‘his old uags with |“ Doctor, T wah you would come and roiind to. ass com thet cho had. m0 Doren, FusceseThe Natives, im ty Bai with sepa on for his | Uae “ Gnrtar of a mile” These are thoie mens oe jertising, Tate’ 4 papeceiie = ore Bh ere meet | Legeeie did Sek init their appear- Jeok at my wife. She seems healthy, and | audi .d, being quite certain of that, is meaty cikine Greatest Cou throne, and that he did. He ston or hi calves’ head sonp is first mentioned in | velocities, but. some of these particles are set Legal and other’ casual ‘adVertisementaso, icant ee sale ee ge arm tes haal Hing: coal, .doing-the teaming for "an go about without aimee — she has | would pick herself poke tasreay become sane again It is over three months si as turned to hia force at the front than he sent 27. undoubtedly moving at a very: much slower as seespsadent at Geand ie fog gt ea sit abe line | found. i a eee ge rae Sees Del ance mad as a batter, but cured.” began her second war with Tepe “Col, | Word to Col. Dodds that unless he at once PA paw NGF ch Ra aad pr] peer ate ote tage nak nein how limping arouud the Hotel Gin tom peinrestlours leasured. As high os theta iesiaien eases of success:|nioney to pay his taxes. When ii eee sins ids led into the field nearly 4,000 sol. | 24 * ear bas esd arsiucg irae coma stage ia. Ba oan Teale :. ae ~ Sain y te pay his taxes. When it was | her 7" 2 ry 4,000 ol changin. thelr velocities milions of this city, is the hero of story o of indomit- breeding hive ettai num. | planting tine he hited # boy o i RID HER CHILDREN coop.» dirs, mostly Senegalese and Porto Ni Napoleon's favorite dainty) was blood | @M8nsing. their velocities millions of times : "'Dutiness cards of cight Uns and under, SS Stretfwehtiy cothing to notice, I| if hevould get one pas ard se pera Fite cae tele ias eo es ae = {With only 125 miles between his mp on, sew ee ee Pus En 7 sry scbonds ow tag, toaateral collisions: | S749 eel od maleate Mee dbcals tthe thods atte f Lost, Found, Strayed, od to say but that higher sue: | Murry’ Yo'get his crops planted. “His felda| oat.” wishes brings | and Then Went Down Collar aud Hanged e coast-and Abomey he advanced with | b¢ would-annihilate him. Ho said he had| The Danes were accustomed to cat six pre there erly comparatrels: fa¥ (nie not el neten eee Te Tye Peay Mr, Russell's ideal, | were nearly covered with atonesyand:not half | "= Itty long baa she been troubled in (hi Merselt, the greatest caution, and in the last hal! of | eld the fower of his army and the best off timesa days | Shar ths auymauld Ue the case, for instance, | re pearahis. ath ce pare as laid down in the beginning of his arti: fertilized, whilo the manure was allowed. to| manner? - inthis |: 4 JTéronto ‘despatch says his journey the desperate enemy. contested | Bi# equipmertt in reserve, and would not|: 11 150 shé French ‘made’ five kinds of {mmo emis of the lunar atmosphere, |i ost with digidence, th cle, might not tive’ béerr attained by the in- | accumulate about his barns and sheds until utt, a widow, aged 45, who re neatly every step of the way. Col. Dodds | Permit the French to advance another inch lwitasmoege Tench made five Kinds of | it wouid trequently:happen thatone of these ° on Aon and Farms on PR ce Sine “ergata or separ at nil Byer since 8 were ‘ Vo art Somme phage has always been noted for eareful attentiog | mto his country. ‘This was. puro braggas | Wis? De molecales possessing five ot six times:the| Concerning the -fxceod 10.lines, $1 for first month, 20s. PSF hte Sheopshire js having a, well-deserved were 0 at Peta mptome shown wile anging had fo the well being of bis troops. In one.of | docio, Col. Dodils paid no attention to the) The Middle ‘Ages were famous for their fire thos talk onaci forbs cet ic a 1, | popularity amon! Deepiery ‘There i 2 estes ny ont vere errs Rog tee his expeditions againat Senegambian rebela, | empty threat, bub as soon as hi i Etarnt hie tela mot and sstipenth. a wide field for‘ ne Seal rae-| under foot by the horses aud ¢attle. His} «apy What do reel eg ee LOE 4 r001 easel, ion had grown & few years ago, he provided camels for ‘all *¥Pplies bad been landed at Tohu Bread was fitst made in England with Gllmore Nocat vas at ee the object of which is ce in crossing this breed pont he bere of | barns were s'arcely worthy of, tence of ‘thaée few Xs 6 the preva- | despondent on a¢count of the small incom i] his European soldiers that he might spare |€4 West for the sacred town of Canna ad yeasu in 1634, ion eeaki bab taer OR ne clas * a ~ wrote the penny betta nya the ewes by which the flocks of the country |buthe hadn’t time’ nor money to repair abies aka, battoo Iyer forstoaa, |*hg, derived Supmn: ta ures, them the terrible discomfort of tramping im | the capital. Animais were granted to Noah’ as food, the Big Rog River saboabareumilostor dividusl fe he Wolsidered an ees for he was: wneliiny veaming eis ke would give as smelling salts and endeavor ne rs, Butt was last seen abo: 30 Tues- that tropical region. After some of his|. Then Belfanzin’s frantic ‘efforts. to stop} B.C, 2343, here, looking over tiie timber fie pus eos ee eat aciordinaty ia thin drestign, ent with this “bree, are eel the “money, to pay, his taxes, for he | Soothe her day, morning “by William,” Hamilton, hardest fighte-with the’ Amazons of King | the invadore were redoubled. - a sot ate niga eos fers, Hea over HB mtn sth poe 56 notices in brevier type oue-cent per | fie exam Pathe cc a8 hy 8c) ate was Seland poor. “08 cor so you yield the point at issue be er dy a a ante Bh Ca Donde kept quietly-int camp.| P94 Destjercated avery, thie or four miles |Z) posse: { means whatever of | ‘king. whom fe ithohim the Pan needle tan oer Wenen i ples noted at various times aiong| yoy cape chav, ginallyoxe Wetnee ¢ iv idden her two shildren ‘good-bye jor a day or two to let his men rest. Some- the The entire Dahomeyan ake 1 Ea ior:p Tee usual onttit sblank- a ee slg ad ecole sheep own gy Apel pememba srOhe yee, Tisvoriably do’ that at once, St thay, started. for schoo. “Don't eet times also he found it necessary to halt’ fog| *™Y Was now at the front. Every day for wer Cromwell loved veal seasoited with ao ets,provisious and Ot course a. gond fnlttions ta rte deter tse Meet, |eSuetin et emmy et | gg, Tarai de tnt st oe cake Sorin zoom Thoma Tenens napere rer are nua A er A assaf ab ox wa #2; | ive mtb ements em |g arte 9 te fk . a ” |but rather because its owner had antaed that at they. seem dangerous,” wh r jis 3 Carried. food for: a6 be doing so at a ve low rate indeed, If | bis way thro ‘BO! Comesponnt bein fe aes cae fatioeea sid cheap tnbuers ext sockilgy fap hie eras Your, shop and your|, “‘Humph! Next time she has such « ft eh ealedioe tA Wee aes aig eras Selig eae ee Pl ton ease Ta alse ae, ti bu Bro a in-tomo earlier period hydrogen: gas. was | 3/10 tat iplanone his ih fa some breed that shail fill a place hitherto not | *80P Wi ss Farmer was a Serene RS Oe een he ee | vewnext door F EX Col. Dodds began on. As i i i Ue eee re ee Apher aren fain 4k bho *. dhateiate a a place hitherto not ‘i g an on Au 8a result of this fighting Behanzin asked | tl oP Gortonondent vhoglavrte- on: ole vita | S¢08PI¢d, oF at leant, oocupiod in apcor io | PeMTY: ‘ape Hin -OF Some ity oars, i gard me. Now do ae tell you| ,AttS,Butt was « frail weakly Woman and the Wheme River Thea isthe ink ee ns | fora patley. Col. Dodds suid that he rasta Sie Saiee BS rnp hae appre ma meh of tat as toi clear eran eat nt the pol sees ba the demands’ and exigencies ened the front | atone to mo for any more advice | might be unconscions in theicellar, so Mre. Wheme has been used as.a highway ibyan talk with the King provided he would first: m8) oa formerly believ= aes 0 ir escaped, bu. the oxygen and nitrogen |** (0 Sink i authorized correspondent hp [time hase 7 A OT niulitiba surg toddobe, Wie young beabend [orn Cas at i invading amy, The Wing eae my | evaciiate the dofences which he haid erepted | (77ukeun Sencase lure yates lost arr set yt Bone EE chustons’s'trony. at fanished with wrigbgin ah Salt oe e <4 biany good and paying flocks of | yy lowed “i kat aud z s ‘a search she foun: in the cellar ve always regarded the Whee ne ae ae lal tle Koto River; nbnad reftieeit iui pacod and swan were fasons ‘old | ong. time ns come, therefore, the earth 3] i wrk RS ie ee igs 43 pa tie part of the country, bat none | Walk over ‘ard was | picked up his hat and marched to the door. - | hanging by a rope from tne joist overhead, sively tho weak and | % this line of def a | German daintie scons safeienaashets é-breathing pias for!) | There wan. ppksuiel pags) be satd,. it stamped and addresses font in these fratlie eerste 2 is bara os ry JO eeptlemas ba ehout The rope! was. a braided sqncter neh aaa or generations they ap Act col neat aN ee encod," Inbetiespl lta lotecd cols Donte & Bowd: pct if Gotan ya etrespondent “but s eitehs ose and all otfiet buildings had a# good roofs, as ed. Then he marche Rte a i ce eaten to a powder Are | sity of the terrestrial. atmosphere will lasti| my-legerefuse:! to’ support d then 1 ‘ : Job Printing br fg > 7 Tool said the’ d a runnin, noes pia reeepiocysd by fresh arrivals from "the coast, | used as bread, PI Hye tay ee eee ded Fos the meneer, as had; “* There goes another fool, oe | Mrs. Butt had no relati ssh as.long as the human race does. think 1 must have fainred,, When I - of every description, turned out in the TD wel | tor. 5 3 relatives in in this coun- to that no steanger might use ed 38 Eo aba more 16 eee ubtrens vat oh fasion of serving the fish, between pS stibe a lagem ed I found myself lying help et styloref the artsjNoyboteh wark [4 ig (Enee Lniediey of, hla, hysteria, is) abom- | (f2? Pot Me. cnew that she had way into the te Sey oe strongeah lines of fortifications it has ¥et | meats anyee's lang helpless ip the snow f . ong. jusi formerly... nurse in the fe interior. Tt was not until 876 ats began ‘AN INVISIBLE EMPE: which idly being crimsoned wi Lk Sp As, Aeethe 6 blk pie out of iit the igh picket fence, | ming, and the enre in many eases, can only | Thomas Sollifte of Joke & Oo, anes thet Father Banilin of the Vrench Mie | tee Nac of cuessatiaente petite “Ching Rog, B.C. 1998, bine ‘the ss the bloat from ay ial red ‘limb, ‘My Hho ray decd tied all (ae id any-teaming, he was a be elfected by leaving the ‘subject strictly | coutleman was promptly notified. eluded the Pahomeyan guards and yaddid In thtese later affairs the French lost eiglivy-|)Chinese to make bread, Streets Mast Bo Tacit Where the Chinese | thought, was, farmet.” Hii were not surpassed alone. The half-insane desite to deceive | heen on intimate terms with the -dece: aboot forty miles up the river. Since the | sev 5 march af aes, whicl ve forte ape ie o even ined and, wounded; and in the fist] Pork was rms Highly ertoomed flesh ‘ THOS! W.' WHALLEY, ‘An Oyerlvoked Item of Expense. for working qui auty, Ty yguitivation that in lever since she arrived from England four natives became better sauainted. with the | twenty miles of their march, from the | ata Ram’ The: aes ets ing: about the | ‘Rouoy anv Pome The Anedeea A eaicacal : cause well fed ane ro ‘operly cared for, | very fully developed hysterical subjects the ay 0, and in the absence whites the Whe has been by | Wheme the French loss was twenty-: ee Good roduoed into’ En; Detnoipal horoxgh trey a egrets at erapping it. faaiys aa thal: just MSneve ityertou, Ont, | wagon transportation of farm predicts isa | “illane ares Haat ses a a tek a A ea lc possession of the premises til Serer offials and lores, Tnslpaieg| EiGoh aie to aia lana sasha “ers eretneed eee: asin stood tong Whuge! | Phe DUAL Peg ee NAS hr is Hea Seay are, never hired'a man ex- | over the bo hi cou! lob and Skertchly. — These traveliers > fi of patchwork cloth suspended fi ing, the snow. eying about me and ! ee ts & a uspended from w eddy: Tee cf ere, item al prpense than theietrabsnar- sept in the bney season, then he ised the | hysterical phenomens.are coneténtly deceiv catoner Aikibe as notited, iat! pon found that light-draught steamers tae | Diss Trees ete {ined out! with] Saat, called exeargots, ‘are in France |potes in uch a way as to obstrnet the view | Wind was rising. — Disengaging my pack, THE FARM, |sto'ptolltintinisteteiess [irate Sante, Memon comin usenet tien |Sremgeie ote nr eninge an seni ie rioet remtn gCanee be pasts tis er nea “i Rat iy oly aro opin | bats Ted or tation or steamboat landing than their | season for crops, he ol nd ‘or Built | try from Honduras a man who had develop- unnecessary ‘Freniol decided last wi aod when she rent lage numer of he extis, were 12,2590 cans ere Gat impottod nto J ear and pedesria, Pursuing his way [fer wa a fluro, dhe in ets Sei. Selection and ‘Breeding of Sheep wareportation cots thereafter,” Daring |fovoes ile ved eee aE Se RR el ietiecids! Ha way Osed in oighh und > cue at hoes web marti. Her French decided lat winter o punish folih ye¥yiaag wh sia pes Seer magn rom ane ce naties shat the entrance tal the ai. Regt salad isto asiere 9 Ke last census year American railways car- | straw, too, for feed, by {up into magnificent specimen. He had broken his ‘1 01 ver the hafi-won Foad and] | For five centuries Franco ishe ; ; “Duals, the” development of the | ried 636 million tons of frei » yy cutting it.up into magi D second, Mr. Butt, was a parnies er, who v4 i the world wit the same kind of screen is placed‘in front of | determined to figh e,gtim old moi Ss nan Gnome Mss ak aeeeceneneg | eye and rnin eh ober ne. Rotman tora, ase, hw ge Upen tr Seca fr oie ene i a 26°28] "itgcran tin war ain tes oti ann ew ire | 2, Aa ho yr aan remark | somewhat less than one cent for moving one | winter he did not allow them te step with hi desire to des inglands buts Metdolite toons not intend to ad) ad desser' i nbbishs & Wehortror tthe MereaOr reste LABS OR PAUIMDRL “RReceT Malet Hegeved? me i 21 stand out matter with him except a desire to deveive | friends in E. : 5 not intend to advance 2a er 3, ; as i before guherig ofc, tose ign ow or iat werckaa' fo |Saonsaul eh you whe ove the dato Es ene nd boone a8 own the nenmaryinformtin Oy gai uniln thou porters who wore| The Tgyplinn cooked meade son o tomate hint from the shy or atons| the bushes quite Wisk, ‘hero fang? i id Mr. Russell: * oe ‘ mn the | his faring implements,and buggies and overmastering impilse, a sort of sanity. | searching through her effects, cay fered the: ees was kitleds to return ctiers announce’ thal fact to the | &din someway, I hardlyknow how, to cleat, lambs, second. for muvtony [at an “average, aheece ay oko miles | Waggons, when not iuinse, you had folook, He did persuade many ‘physicians who ex: their riders; for the most part, asseodled nd Novo 79 SF him. brs |. -in B.C, 1808 Abraham, cooked 'a calf to| people, who then dis iuppene, not to oxienge | one-handed, with sy ax, litle open pac Spent Toe AE iatgeat ae Stayt poaerca Tete oe ee io ae >ub «one | in the shed or gointo the big barn. I never amined him thathis kneepan was fractured. sie om e boats; heavy artillery wagons dragged | Fn ape ‘and then Col entertain his friend until. the invi Which to lie in easily. I also contrived rand the manure I get, out of; my sheds ;} mile, ing one ton one eas of his being financially embarrassed, | Afterward he took it into his head to make 9 renee Bie King of by natives went in advance, ernshing f au most notable | patron of | when things enuidal, caren stighe weet next | to collect enough wood to make a lit then if I get $125 or $150 for the wool!| "There are no atic idea = could afford to attend’ the annual | ss Slosborsspattoye What he was palyesd ee. i P 2 400, the tivongh the jungle and forest alon, i . ones ENEMY OUT cooking an us eater. ‘occasion of a li Connie for the cold was telling on me and I wi ies ea cpauiracisgercrtiie.y aut e distance | County fairs, He pitied those farmers who'| on one side. ‘They applied burning matches | Kin ‘ Z hantee bauk for the greater part of the expedition, | of the sacred town where the bones of a| Ata faite, feast all viands were served | ‘There are two main benefits supposed to | nearly frozon, Next’ _managed to got at am glad to get.a goo a price for my:wool, a go oh e = ied ot act os tear, farms ani petit We uavatiids for | techn cae Deane him with re Badr 300). Ss the: Emperor of Morocco aboat 8 Less porters were aiways | long line of Dahomey’s Kings are buried. injhot wha be attached to this Siseeemiete Ori-| my. blankets and unpack my sack, course I do not. reckon io1 ming, spring ploughing, eto. ». irons, cut him wit n' on the march between-strong detachments | Behanzin now retived to the new lines of | / Marmalade, Eat from muinces, Was | ental -proceeding—it helps to preserve, the’| @Y. fire of sticks I was enabled to cook w lit- solute necessity of my. pte keoping.”* . wagon gh ‘mer, which ger. aca Yo fiat | iderctinaes vot Sagas ges ed ney ike ladies who have got into the habit of solders carrying the supplies; and other | fortifications with which he had Seiten ge Gidduentin saved en atit Jerson of the | tle food, and. from ‘melted snow I miad propositions laid down by Mr. Rus- te Does your farm. pay ScIf, you feeling.” “They did not let him seo-v a ey bof chewing bits of writing paper may be ine large bands ef carriers were tramping toand | Abomey, eight miles beyond Canna. Abont| \farie’de Medici intodaeed Italian cooks | Emperor and’of his being something other!) 80m! Sit erthe pati SARA aN e cep ap at ey: your eb eri keep you.” | were going to d.’In many physi- , terested in knowing that the price of ‘paper fro along the ro at us inade, replenishing | the middle of November Col. Dodds begun] and cookery into Frat than an ordinary mortal, and itisa valuable | ‘It was nearly midnight before Ig rs a Fe ‘ould engage his attenti king | has gono up on ceount of the he cotamissary department th f Abr bee ys estat Me 4 in y. el ore. ° "would engage } e scarcity of y department’ from the| the siege of Abomey. He had found that veduged theitork into | Cheek upon reckless assaasins of the Guitean | enough brushwood together. by: dis = bo hin Gehont ofl the other would stab | rag from cholera countris abounding markets of Porto Nove. in the last two or chree battles, culminat:| », Thomas Cosgate introduced theifork into | yyp6, whom China’ would easily furnish in rapes isack (ash or Grete him suddenly from behind when he was in] — te Col. Dodds had been only fiv his | ing with the evacuation of Canna, the resis- Ragland iis red das dusts on TCO unlimited omer “A third resale is inc » a a i the midst of an interesting conversation. (61) yp von wait to bag Wifi journey when tl le. : ell: | tance of the Dahomi ecome less had one dish which cost dental. As nothing of the eit rakes a % per wn per mile, Now,|_ Credit is a ball and chain around the | made no difference. He had made up his SS nt to buy or sella farm ad-| wooded district through which the infantry and ious, Th SE bo} Be et f they ; 2,500 pounds i fensioad on ani |leg of the buyer, the retailer, the jobber inind wo be essiaad and tal intents and rertse in the Toronto Weakly ” —-wore marching afforded the ioe | ee mrades ists contain the titles of ere ob oe ingot een ry hana aes Perec the teat as y gil era jn iu phar cient tees Po han! ‘ Side hy Rea pattie plea ib ater Md, purposes he was paralyzed. ee hat paper reaches 100,000 farmers’ for the enemy, and for days hardly an hour | shot at the muzzles of the French guns,.and| ONY! {ne seston Castes cht eons feo ia to form any idea: ot what ‘the | er pieced of it, and. wit oat ie 1s seats Sor Gt nana, frente inners Ha, its Evry woo and Jour advert ees tg eae anaes Ee cies at tit acre ria ease petals fost fg to el tues AB eens, aon i ly ends ope, ; : should meet, the, eye af Boule.ane s at is seen inthe imperial court ‘is no| last d myself wool is secondary Wiig sia DAs, cavaya tho Lees een aes | able aay ee to RIOPEINDOE than fooling doctors, and he pers" | dgho | wants 40 polio ae unin. “he enemy did not appear in stemg [shih were badly served, and some of them| © Plutarch Briss Egyptians save the| typo of China or the, Chinese, but it most | tee iuenense, devas tp nd Pas ee Brees aaiee secondary place ee ‘trip returns with his wagon nearly a icite entirely ; andy opus Pe socom ie sa aes Bei Rist cties are Sarde ct bie danced se $ force, however, and were easily forced bled by ft he Brenoh artillery. It | Lycopolites would eat mutton,” | a literal impossibility for the Emperor‘ of blood. I:could not sleep a and i Fo : : . e 3 4 Vinen he came 9, it r inserted ‘eats however; that’ the enem: = aed to get anything else upon which to bs _ q on ty ag tata ee ee Le Saeegie, at s little patienes and resolute perfect health, He is now married and is, Toronto “eekly Mas ? for five cents a q a Bebanzin azn bad thoroughly planned is de- would sites «. demperate’ atfaipt tarieave 2 LUNAR ATMOSPHERE, nolo Nieenpipsaee aioe Peg ia te ne a a ox 8 7 as solid o man as you, wou ikely i fence. He did not inten fie cause by preventing the Fi i : s first qualification, as ne : Ber to fc Jiu often the dirt high-| redit and hyppiuess of all concerned, Tu ae ~ i 2 os insertions. Addreas Datde unt is Beonch poke hee ieee 7 etal Ck, Dedage a Recent @pservations ‘at. the American | dows ie dors emperor hit, bow much Bieler ere dll of Satis. Ale ae ae Dek cyeue nets aulee malig 1000 oF ete oe poe ae Op baying. purer. a eouaeally peers Tas had another very extraoriinnrycase,” fail,” Toronto Canada. ho thon succeeded in defeating them ho| Was to invesb this town of 12,000 people and Station in Pera, knows does ho think ball, ewhat-ia-thel coltstoncdion et Sikora ay mus market—be 80 poorly is paying more for his goods tinues the doctor, ‘not very long ago, in | —=———————— . oped to wipe them bef i iti i . f ilo: peated ssa in whi : Nh ate Set is eawil to farsi: baa Pel aateanieilie thisaiea tain that fhe | Re-ceatuatorenrs 08 the dester knows ich s-womss “ued ‘wealthy van for Gould reach them ot they could fee te the | from the coast bots veal tay apwraiie Bore: Bot Wo Picken 2 ntact | porpatibliy SGldemwend ete any oer ree oe Peee At eee Goa or wool por becditae Cet 4 team can ee throngh tliemud. “Allowance | that a credit purchaser will buy much more d s not until Col. Dodds ees a PONCUE lertparpielgccn laeaa tan Siete aa ee a eehiad (oe Rokr reiche Mier chioepecthe eve eed Sreearien S89 Fi schont, Mandy. aust ovagy 3 a : i 5 which light reach him throu 1e opaque oys- is 507, The. o ae ou seat i 00 she Py he of tho dirt Aptis nes not admit. of full et Rte oy: abe be ing for cash. | 5 disturbance in iy house and he had put tj vanced abont fifty miles up the river -thet | mirable characteristics,,and having. carried "prolongs the cusps of the crescent moon. | ter aes knowmas ** Boards"? This dante Petite ee ahd eee 10 olor ae feet eh BEC: +s east tewtstincboataae aie a her out. She claimed that she had received he everything before him to the gates of the| ‘This phenomenon hail begn noted E ft rt ntis' nod inde Weare Sucingicom mm $ldSto $150 for tho weal prod: | leeds being henled, and és i¢ not plain that | twenty dollar’ worth of goods, and be. et_out, She claimed that ine glie was para poh OE » | apital he didnot intend to'rise all in the scientistieoa Schooler /aoedeoil ta MMe Rerpebes Bae rural shel Pei ee Tie eae Ga fe : E r goods, u ; : F | : 3 > but runs all. the | Gaitasth of thes pene Lert al Raeeerra 4 eash with whichto pay jyzed for life. Many experts examined her, QUiOKLY, THOROUCHLY, FOREVER CURED SPiN eohwoas ehick nk final battles without @ force to insure “his| Webb iad Gruttielaenciand “Beok-Pickort way through th> renics of officialdom.’ ‘The | from loss, of inte Rp ry ‘Te Biseate attainable Eig selection | portation? “But se will certain ke ectersy | Then he sees on eee anew perestedscientiie had builé oressing the route slong swbieh dhs (rigtony ox i vations of that. exhibition of the | district magistrate is supposed to be the | can not describe il vay Sy and breeding of ck of sheep—the ordin- | say that the aver Kosh fefoOTIE cote apy Mare hime invader was advancing. If defeated it hic (2) AU tezough thecampaign Dodds has been | ex: ce of a) Ina atmosphere have led | man that knows his: district, and the pre-4’ ‘Tuesday, the second day after the ac-» ary sm: a ¥ ssUAllioh nage fear per Giles aaa Oo lite e sca pers nis abléyevery week oreo to despatch couriorsto | him-to speak more ati Jength in tegard to | fect the man that. knows his prefecture +| cident. I decided to ga to get to a ca kept rm! ease the size, cent by trait and one texth of @ cent by |aud pleasure of his wi it i. tending to t really desir- proved the first day, fecl.a | a8 ali ice be genoa for = French | the thin aerial nt ew. ao ‘passes the | but these ‘are mere figures of speech used! My wound hi ecome. feverish. Races ality ah cota ne = y and es : sa esiagohe ws Bese eer som Porto Novo they wers|earth’s satellite. ‘The Ateyuipa observa- | in apurelyideal way. -No onein a district | temples were throbbing. like fart Ma sity are Besta than most breeders of sheep xy lsgepatot ont ager! prod Sate eat oe to the gists ‘These dasparehent tans were a with “ high-power tele: | knows less of wha! ib going om within/ita oy Huger were benumbod and’ my fost y ete cans) ass Welt ma : and losse: | hav r je Tuhattwilight was “traced | boundaries than ‘the chief officials ; noone | slightly frost-bitte: ‘ ae Taba hive Sano ino ell Gok os cates Sau ea Ma Laat uae? nt oe Eames 2 eF¥ench/ of the expedition. ‘The couriers travelled | across the stellar surface to a distanco cor- | would liave moro trouble in finding. ous | ime ate statics, ta ene ewes which ast epring averaged a tile over | etables, smal faite, poulery and dairy prod: | he fecle that. alter hartcat or alter he ches moved. sal A pa eos tery eo aelres pel ierereniaens zone Seine scatiyt | tired so cau? one ee eerion Pec A bey oid Wiese naa! Uxusrlaneed wopsey i r head, and each | ucts—are ht i A ay play < ies tis topr fed er tery latitude to about legrecsyas a aint, tok: vd. re + inted with | by wagon. ‘I'he larger “Push of the Feadily and ously, gay Barmne hGean a piece of ice down the ik was gant “This however, not quite ao tho 18 dbyrees of Thtinidesin (eat avrile,timtosis wapne vio really caves iphenoae Anh three ‘equal length i is never indulged in|consnmption of man ead eas Gur{tine ‘comes he finds that helesr't g ceng Was not & twinge ota inca - a f expeditions us the side de by Behanzin’s RIAL TWILEGHTT, less to know ‘or »who: considers »it less shis'| of about 40 fect. ‘Nhe end of one was tied faney breeds of stock at fancy prices, of any | village, towne and smaller cities Ue iroceul mdra: thas wealledise ik the oer thanstat coat ae At aaa qzoomes ca n your Ra 0o; | Toad beiweey Abowey, sad WRGANE Bie rabid iocpers potion tndueed Oy Pisin to keow, provided the taxes Ase | tosay rile that oly snoblien,, pak, / i - free oa fa j 4 f i ; 7 wibeeitcon wbitice: isieae eats, teen _Of sthe | things sbsolutely necessary torun the house Jy into the feet when 4 Bin oa e capital carried his messages io the coast in angle the moana “arpa in agp arg EET? i i Dinnketa With the loss area TA MeL cvex: (aeweeld uppeae there ca itm "pr pever 7 i, ; ‘renel is ros the Say. Details of the fighting have been re-| rey, it has be rally , i ir |'to my, w would crawl th hma | transported by h ely tee more carpi Be capri Coe it i iver land | Sivan rom touch ofloek. withy sits expe: enatee belief that the density duties, for tao reason th 40, fect, and then draw the —atticies lle eee [bale tb tract ee paralyzed for Iie: y : = susie Abomeys, and tho invaders could talon | cehrhy2Qq-ay-been “promoted {oie 2 ke Hina eam sf hres, a too Lit itees adi i . . only time and hheep to do | practically ail farm products transported by ont tadinda. By-and by he dislett money Slots sal eSB t I, Rael ie other.routeaaye at great cost of time and resi of Brigadiet-General-for tho prbscete } naatedeas, Ok Nomtone. ths 6) . aeicope oieeannel n | time again the process of the tedious march. a sheep hep ee necro spars sha is ckpevlekde Paadlies tad cab iootiing a0 resecoooas ee wih erie gd fa Gee Dodd’ Sst haed igh | cess he has achieved. His Ml cea eee a ot Tike 5 th wearing, wooden platform. | half a mil ane ta ecsrey eop- |also. ‘This being true, is it not tex t d 4 : 3 — cea o- ¢ 's first hard fight i each ed i 's_ observ: : : -| half a mile, and at night fou : vil ogn spor hangs eon oats etn yy fern riesgo ma ei nt fre gee a ce A Argan eee | ea ear as a earned nr eel : Py ead Mee | eee Ditch aa the remdindes ef|s one. hietred. aed “Btey dolly: far ny. or ihebetton: wham isi the deste of te | Sone Sends daaag wi an at een ‘was attacked by a'smail force. He captured | Sran‘isther married a Valbe woman, s0| August, 12, 1892, during the oceultetion of | thas tho sentence on.the, prisoner ie for.2| the same ss I had..the two nas dofrep. | thei igh te dl handed dollars, and Deco is eoeahe Noone subject to deosive to pay nov atténtion. As | Sn'you deat with others in the Staten the town and drove the enemy before him| trae gor, Dodds has @ cousiderable admix- | Jupiter, he repeated so de dnd, while. that: of the | previons, cin, 3 or3 or other people fuas with ag he still advanced along the ieft bank. |Cie.% aMlive Gendt puis veins, i 0 is life | Da ring that night Taalved uh, * probleta 5 L splgny . of proceeding farther. Wit arp ax Is devultation, ranch hee waged, SDE | gepaltions god chopped simmers for a Mae ea ia surely not above 1-400 and may not be | it Wo he will the cord that had stood. mein as watched the pro-| 1.3000 ofthat of the earth. ‘Tho basia for |More likely to bea defense rannee de those,| good stead I lashed the arts: ze ‘are breed. Cotswt d npottanch off andivillustratanthaiads aie ant i ee | gRIE TEPAT Routhdown andMerino blood, with an ad-| Wagon transportation is not generally com: | arekept poor and fall of troubleel the ume, EE Ue ed Bat cy MEDIOCRE EO 0. WY. mixture of the common native stock, forms | Prehended, Farmers have not realized that | for want. of prudence and self-denial, Leg Tare wceses cose i aor oe A ty pling of ood tat has, bon carn | Oger prods to riluay_or veel | the metin ech aa far ce pose al ed forward by ea along the line, even though 4 EA 2 ; ‘i males, beginning with ewes selected. from and hence are i sadibocat to tee (ox tne aaa Bae Gees tear ss See eee ey ea eg SeeTtest | this concinsion is that immediately, before | O8tside tarprevent) theit. breaking in than | loaded on my pack, Dlanketa and gun, to- sakes tesla ee tee an ae late st, and nota f ave beet! | ead after the occaltetion of Jupiter the re- |e or rt.on.the:part.of the anges gether ith, myself, ond with amy iron: i inci, Lf letio- and breeding ten SERS Sor de ste Aaa : neh bad | manufactured in ee rece fraction proditeed by the lunar Tatton ieee get.out.—[Nerth Chin: pointed staff I pushed. myself nine miles thas quite a wide: tions Lothinke | has been wade i promote raeus = ; ! es, | did not exceed one second of are. This ob- To ss} along that atream on the ice, gettin, ithe finde a i Promote, falas at the ‘The Busivess of Farming. niin, the fall | geration was caretaly mado, and all prob: Was tia Breach? inaauatierofs mille of a app, Shieh ¢ Woilld say the ereatestadvancein anal y lomaiks dell zal further weatie frofahit ratea (UES Ss nisites for the business of farming Fe ol — ably be confirmed by futur a photographs pf | A well-known /attorney im Detroit, when | reached Wedneeday, night, thet feneth iene jn his flock has. been made last. three| by-railor water, how much. greater is .the| %° Pmctica! k nowlédge, a watchfnt eye, a REPS Depo. ts The t thatthe lunar ats | hevfirst hung’ out his shang ie oon the acci Years, since, the raainchens #) ea bred margin for es in_wagon ttanisbortation thighiagastive mifd, and an antiting, ener- kept teh hase fe iseven much “Teas derise thanit | an: yWhere near as much*as he knows ‘ito 2 nage no one there to give my i Southdown “blood in the males he has pur- | BY means of better roids, So long as wagon |W, went. ol Gadeebede eaten. .belteved.t scoeptelasat | about the mysteries of the protean tis tor pple tat ne Sressiig, Lares : sportation costs twenty tinies as inech eG want an eye which can see when| F = he ieeas, 8 au fe undou! wi y_will make artially proven. For all practical | first‘élient wasa’ young woman who watited werd ied and the ne: eat io the bot- % water trausportation, the. fitst named af | P2iD8* 2° sole a whether it is in the of inferior quality, and they were shoe Hareb fo pe oF tie goust wily; would render the lunar atmos. | to bri; i hof promise. He @ springless cai > isa wagon, I i ofr the mot Drain Bed tr eto ig for one ako, thormthods Toading them. In firing sey held. bats 5 at a it the surface ofthe oon of thesame | asked Het tell hmv al the Siroumstanoes, began, Ps sixty-mile Fide over ee luroy. % with pure. | Farmers have only to closely consider thes ops, or in th way = « REGULATE THE «(5 % of the-weapons under their arms j steres are \at | and she her etory: road. was the most, painful part, of ca i Sebi gets RI : mms and blaz od } en pe susie wit al peese ein | Teor oe tae mecha tng move) tate Roy Toe Meo Oi Usr| sreoerie aca noep tet anise ae |e kedonc mien ae ais ibaa |e ee pay P[Atmerisht Agee : rrestinigour errorsand adopting STOMACH, LIVER »> BOWEL S, : All thene battles occurred Ts she timber (8 aiceepela hag anted to’ sce.papa| si tsp tin to cass refraction, so that | You say Be asked you-to be his write P| © Whoa Gilmoregot here : hat will lesen the cost of produc | and.on two occasions’ the natives seen avodt ontiing ag epee. Pepe 2) th Feabona blot. PFGE | 1" Yea, sit.” Différesicg Heiween Fare Farms.and: Their | 2 a ae ie pat x Ti HE the French heavy. i in the mepiighe nr ised | $ ae fencl i eee j acy rs ates a é Sa And 2h said. you-would ?” se — 15 | chores, with’ the Toast possible number of unheralded tipen the advancing foros, ‘Thi Ti Ted Boe ress oy s een i ai bh pal Mii hp : : ; poaiibis tieisber of Te en forse, ‘This Title pet say to Mes Jones nt aT may be talon | + Then “he left and didh’eaonte bck am ; 3 ing been brought upin a farming| steps. We must have an untiring, ener- R sible oy aero clk, sel ittle Boy—I called. him an oll cen. Rieke bashes ste Sai KCusstibin wove ofice a more ” is h i Aa cipmatatey, Lhave cea observed thervast }getic arm, which.will give a push to the A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Saxony to.9' nat Thar yy “3 of the a the original; Innar-atmos- eee ‘es; sit.” i }| has any mig toe: * ahoee t rs — bf ert business a Place it in a favorable position Saf SuA“<\/ ji phere was at leastL,40th’ as dense. aoe. the | a ee od the attorney 5° did) Keane reat, woods of which lay along the roadsid among other 6c: ti t ¥ it n. mal ¥ -| passed on my way. to jae loge schagh The pate nittbquost of prodscton of cups Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Picea 00 st ena jf cet frei amophere.| hat ae oth ht bene apt My” ABE awner of the first f shall designat~ aPorm-|1 believe it can be reduced nearly inthe Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad a Nat eax ee tts Fohnnit| steange,citcoapatanc,, but one that admits vner of the second FarmersB, | Proportion that'we manipulate the improv- te 1 D Of. roe Bieatt ‘d alt “based tin cy ie seep ANT HY of ngplaasable ia di Former A had a moderately sized fatm well [ed farm machi ery and also ig our omplexion, Dysentery, ensive Breath, and al ave, if Prof. ree sated, and situated only a few miles from | farms intoa high state of cultivation. Take disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, oes Cia li endie Wkste eae fone: ete with eta a Siiving ety Farmer A was a compar [for exarple the hay crop which sands in 8 a per dgeehe s anythisery ps aus reas cos ogi be tively young man, probably forty-two years | good condition here in Dudley, and which I Ripans Tabules contain See injurious to the most delicate constitu- 108) “1D don’t i af age or thereaione He *jazy | 8m confident could be doubled in the amount Sons Pewaat to aks mle eletal" Cire immediate rect. Said by Pe Aap itea paris ce | inte se whe b man : indged, to have sceo the: way. he Rierag ates ie cos’ of a gM aie Spleen renee ao worked and hustled abont yon wonld have lucing a ton lessened. As we increase | é Dey taken him to-have been a very ‘llnchetles the fertilsty of onr lands, we also increase | e, pea hih tae gue = oe City. moos nal Bee bial 6 tiney ee € bone TubliditopttAbatlaity in ogland. is the torhear afer trvite pee i Hed to the north when. Tower of Loudon i she bmi papa sob anette fe ma tigtade. re is: { bivact iaat any Scune ‘situated i in the immediate attorney. tl man. Bat yet his farm mi was.e disgrace to the| Bot only the quantity of the crops, but the | community. His fences were in such a con- dasicars of them also. |