Z right, icalHall. POST OFFICE IGE BUILDING HERBAGEUM Ik Producer and Cattle Ts preparell expecially, for. animals while wing “rable during the svinter_months, en they can’t get Ruitre rane tae #27 FOR SALE AT THE POST OFFICE CENTRAL TELEPHONE ee Post Office hours from 7.30 Suvings Baok and Mongy. Order pote at 6pm. $50,000 7=am ‘on farm security at lowest rates of interest VALUATOR oe te HURON AND ERIE LOAN D SAVINGS 7 AS. TORRAN She 5 ilies Eprrn Kay, Asst. mast =I DESIRE £0 STATE— Silverware |; a “MAKES A NICE—— HOLIDAY GIFT]: EPS AS AE a fearly every ather sel guaranteed Gold, $28.50 Simic new, and to ane first-class time. x * * *& aim to sell to tne oe my prices are new—in a word, claim to have ST STOOK, BEST QUALITY aul PRICES LOWBR SHAN TSE Low- EST, A call solicited, EW ELER RILVERTON CE HESSA, The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1992 A RERRY CHRGwrMAS = i Brrore another issue of Tux Sun E reaches its many readers, Christmas with its happy associations, its pleas: ant memories and its hallowed recol- Jections will be with the past. While f vine Prov idence has willed it that Mat there shall be gaiety and rejoic- ing in the midst of sadness and lamen- tations. _ let us not forget these ople in the midst of their erie ishes cares, and join in with the ie to spend a pleasant Christmas tim eee careers ao Tus enactment of the McKinley Bill did not close, says The Zelegramand its repeal could not open, to Canadian |! farmers their lost market for ordinary working horses. Before the MeKiuley Lill was passed horses for the United | ij tates commanded a high price, but such sales als ante-dated the general displacement of horses by electricity lines. . The repeal of the Bill. to-morrow could not restore the old price of horse flesh. No 6 opening for the em- ployment of horses displaced by elec- tricity, and duty or no duty, the pat ed 8 could not take one w liorse for every fifty that its citizens once rae in Canada. The market for Canadian horses has been widening: ae vite of hostile duties. Be WawyThare 4a, still, peaey for our farmers in raising the horses that ‘tates needs, but the ta they sold at a profit be- the McKinley Bill was adopted ) poPB r)sily im the | If you ae you were fiit There is Ir has been settled that the Doinin- ion Parliament will meet on the 26th oe Senuarys A suipment of twelye thousand Can- adian turkeys arrived at Liverpol, -on Friday last, in prime condition, and were quickly disposed of, as there is a great demand for F ibsis at this time of year. We were pleased to learn by Tues- day's papers that Mr. J. N. Kirchoffer barrister, of Brandon, Man., and for- merly of Millbrook, Ont., had been called to the Senate, as the extra mem- ber to which Manitoba is entitled by the increase in population. The a pointment will give satisfaction, As Mr. Russel pointed out at the Auditorium in Toronto the other night, there is no country in the world where the tenant is more favorably treated than in Ireland. ‘so tong as he pays his rent; the amount of the rent is not regulated by the law of supply and demand but hy. the Land-Court; and he can sell his im- ter | provements in the open market with- out reference to his landlord. Over and above this if he wants to buy the land out and out the state will advance sum al 40,000,000 pou: ars for this purpose. = Rowithetnad ig facts like these the woes of Ireland the public. “The feelings in favor f Home Rule are to a large extent beentanedale Th e grievances complain- ed of have burned themselves ee the | ¢@' n | Imperial Federation or annexation will i favor the. sips of the Trish |} efuse to the ie side of the question. Sinha “ike shee of Mr, Russel will many to the fact that the cause which drove the best half of the British Liberal party inwo opposition should be supported by something stronger than mistaken es aH roumic AN Nature [ntended thix Man for Prime inister and Gaye Him None of the Talents Nece@ary for Smaller Jobs. aise in Saturday Night, To be correct, 1 pene say that ture as of work, ave him ‘kable mi toro fre s, and he had al bat real, as every clared, fancied, ‘tary iH the townaliip de and as one owt af ev. ing ay Aargymentative legs from under the alvocat of Fr i le, the fine aud well- school-house, eighteen of “his sheep were frozen in the lane between his house and barn, How could a man think of Tan's flereest Grit enemy would admit that that. is w fairish day’s work for cleverest of men, ‘Yors could prove anything with figures years of age, talk of the Greorgian and the theJanar and calendar 1 jab of his penci} “he would have your aj elucidated ina scfeatific manner as forty-nine years, three months, four days, six honi and twenty minutes. There you'd be, feel- ing yourself a boy agaip, Nobody could dispute such reasoning—le’d let you ex- amine the figures for ile he, triumphantly smiling, reliv his Ws Then fou would nese that, fa leaning forward had u got I an an woul! Eave to pay for enother gallon.” He could fell you exactly how many cents a day cial surplus. As for the last dollars and cents, itemized, tabulated, ete and. couyins (such) conviction that there was 10 surplus, but really » deficit of seven million odd dol- lars and cente. You could hear the wronged synced lands of the Crown wailing as they went down under the corrup' ‘ete cigs Mir tesiligs Xe te trifle and pene your the moaning pl the majestic a tiny, Lalieaatonn taste a rauder wrongfully se ‘oppressive Tieden nc it and unjust royalty tax w pay. He cannot be evicted | tion— . [looked at, ‘Tom ate believed ia by a considerable seetion |? at was not to the taste of Tom | of th SPEG FS Commencing next Saturday, Dec. 47, and every a Pais ee But, still, when he reeve SY the township—he monn t cas er being ® councillor—he was beaten by an old ver he had to figure a lat once that Provide: ion e Twig dues Ciera aes out into the big ere such men as he a chance. his — and ne Log thousand itl aes that he had al! to accumu! 5 en he moved to ‘the town, ‘agit out a lath, lumber: Hie and wood yard, j mix arccen ol the secret soci Seal hese talon cat people said th that ‘Tom Wilson had struck the right path st ec Sateaed SOE Wet tne He sw: into the town council, became chairma rat the committee oe sonitated “ae tow fisnle? the sinking fant, en Dplenautasie of w black ct meg debentures a iat ight and a half cents, and—was defeated wh Ppary from a dranken cognize w lunes Se eto even when it writ abroad ¢ ve z & #s 8 came tothe pinch there was mighty’ little sell, for the stock had dwindled away, od cal hetiat sone In another town he set uy & commis- nth he gare eppalling scary enemas and—not closed, you know but feeuee was a deuce of a margin for contractors in building houses— jeuce of a margin? He went at it. His household farniture was sold to satisfy eredi- hed were his pre epee tee and wl ment, he can hold his _own— oon ag inst latform ; everyone who prouboniee tue were ulead will be called the smartest man See. Egy iroction in which he the day orn. Heis a I shoul me eared ea riod ranean] summer, Silk Handkerchiefs Ties, Gloves, Tie Pins se Buttons = Soar he Tare Has the Largest Stock of Scarfs and e All of which are very appre- priate for the Christmas Pres- ents. Prices lower than the lowest. We defy competition .... Sehaefer the Tailor «= OChneuker & Rothaermel ———HAVE NOW ON HAND A FINE STOCK OF—— eat C@OKING and HEATING STOVES ——A LARGE STOCK oF —_ SEASONABLE HARDWARE SUCH as—- COW CHAINS, CROSS CUT SAWS, AXHS, etc. Furnaces put in on the shortest notice and at lowest prices. Main St., Milverton APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DANDRUFF DAN filling ot Goo hairs madi tno promoted a visible growth, ori 3 Stops fatiiog of alr, leeps the Scalp clean, Makes hair soft and Pliablo Promotes Growth. HAS REDUCED THE PRICE OF ROYAL MIXED CANDIES* 5 CENTS PER POUND MATS Guenther & Schmitt's si FANCY GOODS MILVERTON and CARTHAGE TOYS, ALBUMS SCRAP BOOKS PLUSH GOOD FANCY GLASSWARE Any of the above being very appropriate for Christmas Presents after until our stock is sufficiently reduced, we will 25 Per Cent. Reduction on Drees Goods and Mantlings h the finest assortment in town. Of course the _ tee cedeeion will only be made on CASH purchases ¢| EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND ee WILL BE SURE TO BUY GUENTHER 6 SCHMITT ‘ Hine will be held in Hasenptlug’s —AT TH ILVERT! all Eo STORE (West side Main St.) will be found a} ply of fall s “FRESH DRUGS ——A LARGE STOCK oF— Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, ete Ai preseriptions spaiuekts attended to @. N. W. TELEGRAPH OFFICE Br. J. F. CATTERMOLE, The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1892 LVERTON MATYERS flee Boers ae the ee meeting of LO.L 1033, Milverton, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: ner ee de Halo Dalton. Mat Upton, Jaa, Peppoct cinnnal: Meena a the eet of te Cheese Fact Gu cheene gory of the patrons wf the above factory was Weld Go Satarday last, when a most satisfac- ‘ory report was presented by the weanufacturer, Mr. Geo. E. Goodhant as follows: | Wo’ the patrons of the Milverton cheese factory: 1 beg to snbmit to you the follow- ing rejort of our transactions for the y: B21 Ths July, Bh,268 the. O25 Ybs,; Sept., 282,352 Ibs. ; 2 Oct 207,887 Lat & eat 1,489,688 ibs. Bigs this sold for 4 Secniig OL cust dese, 355 | Iba of cheese sold” ae x u . raging 10 cents; Sept., 28,003 Ibs. of Sissons 5M for. 0. 108, Mal the advisability of going into the but |r ter business in the winter. The elec- tion cers was then taken sp. Mr. Doering, sr, as to and” treasurer. Mr. of thanks was tendered Mr. for his faithful services in the past. Beeveties r. Fred McCloy has oe his old p pce in a cine & Schm nry, of Hele is ae 4n the shia with friends in town. —Mr. M. Grimm left of is week for @ trip trough po es His point of destination is G n- the " —When in oS stl rd call on P. Watson & Son, Ontario Street, for handsome and useful Christmas pres- ents. —The merit of Hood’s Sarsapariila is not accidental kat is the result of | cor oareful study and “periment by edu- sated pharmacists. —A crippled man is helpless; frost- Bites cripple and St. Jacobs Oil cures frost-bites promptly and permanently. A fact witnout dispute, . Kertcher iv opened up a atock of couiectionery, cigars and ‘tobacco at his new nae in Hoffman's Ss Give him a cal the practice of Ciciie of young fellows of sitting around stores in the int to the wise is suflicient, _ There has been some tall lately about who had the ari pigs, bug 0 far Fred. Soo takes the pi o killed three gs the cas ay eiglied 3 35, 5 388 ead 366. ae Christmas tree entertainment connection with Trinity Churcb, ‘Milverton, on Monday evening 2d, 1893, Further parti rear | vote of thanks was a Bale was afterwards spent in reminis- ron this ] Mean to them by oc tacalaiasat hi srs) eanitigis Ci [ethodist $1 talking | mens of his visit are to wolata mn. Mr, Kelly is a gentleman obese it is a pleasure todo bus- ~—Prof. Garret’s Convert company will hold forth in the town hall, Mil- verton, on Tuesday evening next, 27th vi two young ladies and They ptomise a good per —Henry Hasenpilug thinks he is weather prophet with a record. In his adv. in Tux Suw last week he told the revders there would be sleighing, and here it is on time, and as quence he sold seven new cutters “this week. He has some beauties on hand yel > Division Court sittingbrought a large number of peo xe to town last Thursday. Nearly all the cases were disposed of, Martin vs. Teed sao sofnecn tr imeincl TG. GROSCH Seon,“ “ Quality at the top three | 1893, a; Steotagns,—In aa on i Sommend this honey to be firs class. —Miss Morton, of Clinton and Miss Parish, of Port Perry, have beon the of Miss HAVE THB SPLENDID Stdck OF THE SEASON ig FAs the first subscriber to Tax Sux, and like- wise among the first to renew for 8 SSE Prices at the bottom This is the condition of affaits with us ‘as regards Der 5, the wife of Wm. Strathers ns a son, MeNreno1.—In Done on Dec, 9th, “the of Geo. MeN aughter. vgacicans ict Footwear of very Description Complete in Assortment ! Splendid in Quality ! Nes the wife of Thos. Riley, pyres Bargains in Ladies’, Gents’, bata all Misses and Children’s Shoes, Rubbers Heath Ellice, on Monday, Dec. 19, 1892, the wife of Wm, Heiden, of a daughter. Sozpsr—In Ellice, on Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1892, the wife of Ernst Seeder of a son. ed. Smith vs. Hanna to recov price of hay loader alleged to have cet sold. Verdict for plaintiff for $5.00 aaah: Weir vs. Witt to recover price of horse, verdict for peat for $75. Some minor cases were also dis- posed of. —We received this week the Christ- mas number of the Toronto Saturday The publishers may well feel proud cf this work of ai true Canadian should to send to his friends in foreign coun- tries, as no better adyertisement of the advancement of Canada could be sent out. The letter press is first-class and the engravings are among the finest ever executed in Canada. Prive —The township council sat for the last time this year o1 Donelly. The supper was prepared in Mrs, Donelly’s best style, for which » tendered her by Dep. Reeve Zoeger and Coun. Nicklin on behalf of the council. A couple ence, at which the two rere gentlemen—Messrs, Reid and Watsoi —treasurer and clerk, co aes ie a much larger nudienoe than’ Was present occasion. Waterloo County Ce Morrison v. Moore—This action .C., apy nred for the plaintiff land Mr, John Bing Qc, of Ber! ue ton, saint the dis; ate were as to the quality an quantity of bri the found the questions _sub- fudge in favor of the plaintiff, and upon their finding the judge entered a verdict for the plaintiff for $49 and disallowed the defendant’s counter claim. A great witnesses were called and case occupied two whole days. The plaintiffs counsel moved for a certificate for full County Court costs Court, and the judge reserved judg: ment on the question of‘costs. Confectionery +o To acco a. few of the lines opened up ee pete at the. CITY BARBER SHOP A full stock of these goods will be kept pag ay on hand. The retest Confec- tiouery an t Cigars in C. S. KERTCHER HOFFMAN'S BLOCK MiLverTox ONEY w that another botiday, se on is upon us, the undersigned has dec’ price of that healthiest of mae 8 sweets, so that no table need be without it during CHRISTMAS and New Year festivities. Will guar the honey pure cr no sale and until the earls att of Jan. 1893 offer it at 12ite for Beans id $5.00 each net, that iving ans eGeliver at any Village within six way wii rs by tal wil iy ateenaed te Epson D, CHALMERS Deo, 13, 1892-52 St, Poole, P. O. | Miakes = rived ane 'S | qnow entirely. gous, my bakolar de excelle Slippers, Trunks, ete. Bible Depository Here. Agent for Genuine Singer Sewing Machine Main Street, Milverton Winter is at our Doors BUT WHAT CARE WE? Acheson has the finest line of COOK and PARLOR STOVES in the county Glens Falls, N. Y. umber Prasat ‘says sas‘eeriiate eae GER QUR LIND OF BEAVER CROSS CUT SAWS That!=: pee and Dundas Axes ‘Mr. Milo Gilson, A stalwart joe in the employ tte. Whoa took Mende ste | Plaster Paris, Water Lime and a full line of every- Th Or cer ieee ak cee Mere * thing for the fall trade #Ecgiveetersk all run down, Poh 5 = Sect Na lbetrieeseiens W. ACHESON sn bere Tired: inom wee , The Hardware Man Eceececet DONERTY’S TUNNEL WOOD FURNAGE fhe helping ear which restores full he=!th and strength, Paces J. Seully, President of the ee - Wren, 256 cane li ee Street, Detrolt, ce iris & n, Voluntarily bavode = aia “c I. Hood & Co., Lowell, 3 “gentlemen: T feel in duty bound to tell of the benefit I do- LNERTON Conyenienly cleaned work; my sleep was irre: BK taking Hood's Sars Weak: villa. From the very frst it seemed to bo just the a . thing forme. The can eat heartily wi sce a pe Strong steieresot my Wi st without that tired feeling so frequent befere I took Hood’s Sarsaparilia oh have taken six bottles age sate grat ae ery: a Ww. D. SUTTON |ACHESON’S BLOCK Heavy corrugated steel radiators, and large heating capacity. Eavetroughing and Roofing carefully attended to. A good stock of Tinware always on hand. ‘The very latest construction its in line. ‘Also the well-known Boynton Furnace. it. FE | PILL bird liver: ite, conta jon, bili by COME - 10 - HEADQUARTERS! And pick from the grandest, cheapest, and best holiday stock ever slow, More for your money than anywhere else German China in Great Variety S+LADPSé (with shades) which were bought at 50c. on the dollar, now 75c. each, regu ular price $1.50 : lout S, NUTS, CANDIES, ORANGES, Etc., Ete.» FRUIT OF ALL xn LOWEST 1 pth) . fe Job Lot of Gotton Handkerchiefs for 5c., and better lines at as good values. If you want reed : ae liable goods don’t forget to call on us for the Xmas trade — Sond by drupe oF sont by mall ee. ET Haseltine, Warren, Fa