a |, Indtgest Low Spirits eet Domania dove rok te, sed 38 ct. for @ bos, oF 00 for five boxes free by Port, ieemataue DEPOT, 44 & 48 LOMBARD ST. ‘TORONTS. ONT. a ppb: Ninety-seven Biles per Gour the unprecedent ‘lrovd of N ing a mile jn 304 seconds, wae the take of Ot miles ‘This engine has again broken e Nancy Hanks; ‘and. ean justly test thing on On Novem! mace a mile in 37 sec- onds, und the. next eats me in 38 secomls. the pre at the Dissttley esd tee ‘Tare Blake wes steam pressure, which was Kept at 180 pounde n Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia, 38 ning between Jen- kintown and Langho ere 13 miles apart. MThe sahedule was 14 minutes. ‘The start was made out or. J Hate, and shortly after the train -w: | way a mile was made i en Somerton and Parkland, a distance of five miles, the longest time mile was 42 ned first m in 42, the the two following mil erate of he apis in 4: Ths: speed was between 86 and 90 miles an in r. The five mi oie ae seconds, which een gall records for a 5 mile being 87°8 + hour. After passing Neshaminy all_previous re- rds were broken, and the 385 reduced her surpassed ran of 39} seconds for mile to 39 seconds. ound ak ched on pews but on out the age we ged, and -ainfield was reached was three min- ‘watch her,” eaid Engincer Beck, as e mile post was 6 NEW TEACHERS, The Results of the Recent Model School Ex aminations in Stratford and Mitchell ~ Fo.towine is a list of the successful eandidates in the recent model. I examinations. in. Strasford’ and Mit chell :. STRATFORD Sarah J, Brown, Mabel Clark, ae g I Haar bost equipped newspaper in a da es nada. Its irae ald, Je call 7 Pa McKnight, Isaeblla Park, rson, Maggie Patterson, ee Rutherford, Mary Ryan, Kate Sullivan, Kate Steele, Lizzie Scanlan, Nettie Sproat, Sarah ‘Struthers, Edith Geo. Ball, a MITCHELL ~ Kate Cameron, Xena Cornish, Char- ood, Lydia | § the next. mile post was past. The time for the two miles was exactly 75 seconds. ‘This made ord fi we miles, as the performance betwee town and Langhorne did for five miles. lontreal Witness. THe ‘Montreal WItNeEss, which i me Wee move y far ical point of view in Ca Fixe third fastei is three dollars a year, of 2 Weekty Wik ess one dollar, cs tcilns Ntslcess Nleweec ger, publi m the same house, is rty cents. Agents wanted in every town, villa, PB. sent free to any of our renders on applica- i fishers, Joux Docaatt. & The Slerers of the Mitverrox Sux can have it a Montreal Daily ee for $3.50, the Sux ae ee Weekly for $1.65, and tl ethern Sinerneee with either of tied Hie twenty-five cents W. | oxtr: COMMERCIAL Tickling, Geo. Staudson, Geo. TERE ee Wi (Corrected weekly by Mr. A. Reddaway) Fall wheat per bush. eee laectoaee. Guest Spring wheat per bush ‘ Bax os Tux council met at Henderson's hall on Oats 3 ms pee: Dec. 15th, according to statute. Peas «+ 51 Frotent the. Reeve ‘and Nicki Dressed? Ho 700 MeCloy. and Trim. ‘The minutes of las miccting were read and sighed, as the tress: bas Pag = fer was not present with the financial state: Meky Pe council. organiz. general : 7 iiikens. "Tho clerk laid before the council | Peenes der oe va m the clerk of Elna in reference | \urkeys per poun 10. to cleaning out ditch on rwaline ie a . rover tothe afternoon, also report. f tesdick als a i Mr. Boulton i Stewart's diteb, ac-| Chickens per pai rs to pied and fled. Mr, McCloy, who wash m pet ou i inted at ps sacctin to meet with ied mires 1 aT) e ine his | Should machine, for which he elaimed | Sloulder per pets £ 0 Dee, 21, 1892, ol etme Fall wheat per 60 Ib | buh $ 60 on ramaey: the 6th Dec., G ss fieshib Spring bing se reap bush. " 60 chine re Martin, and Temained: till : 42. t mein behalf of 5G 54 3 3 60 5 6 00 40 60 90 per to 6 50 oo carted toag Wade 4 425 Wood per cord, long vf 2 25 S| Butter per Ib 18 {| Begs per dozen 20 ° ett este waned 25 6. 80 ington share ; is Donegan, 75c. Tek biilge Specht & Rothaermel, Sto; XCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner Ontario, spikes to pathmaste; E ae, Groce Pr ren mUReS: - fm, tac ak gnesiet Gun tae” Best laos Cling grovel : ss aslnry. A = Bim, $85 mn Seana ‘ils npn J, Ziegler, 48 ys fae relict ms Seats, ie Fo ml alton, i deoats ten i cee a selena gee a statement adopted. _ Mov fed Bi » Clerk. a dit Se ee accommodation and Tes stabling. rel ON ¢ GROFF; CEDAR POSTS, TOMBER, LATHS, Shingles, Pumps, etc. BRUNNER, ONT. jented | feat ota by engine No.389 of the Cen- GLEISER'S Going! Going! Going! AND THEY MUST BE GONE: what y. Unmixed _ Feathers BASSWOOD, ELM ECSSER TAKEN i “ExcANGR FOR Compare our goods and fe denen with ine of = received and bought at a great reduction—to clear the balance of a YOU WILL HAVE YOUR CHOICE FOR Only 25 Cents Far shapes that have been sold for ONE DOLLAR and over Who could not afford to buy a hat for each day in the week at such prices? These hats are all clean stock and not crushed. ard are far superior to any traveller's samples. Another lot of these extra values of Sealettes, and jantlings, eis Storm Collars and Muffs at Rock Bottom Prices SANTA CLAUS makes old and young merry au has appeared with us witl Handsome Presents for Everybody BEFORE PURCHAG.N& INSPECT OUR DISPLAY NUTS, CANDIES, 2nd ALL DELICACIES FOR THE SEASON BEST MIXED CANDY 5 CENTS PER POUND CNNOd Yad SLNGO ¢ AGNVO GAXIW LSaa Highest price paiéfor all Kinds of farm produde No cial for firs of Gool's Ballantyne & Viviaa FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING 60 ONTARIS STREET, STRATESRS. MEDICAL y BSBiar.M. Bw duate of College raph connection, at, sex or uight | messages rthone, N ewtan agate Bank. Office ee nee. ‘ MARRIAGE LICENSES G. GROSCH, Tesue tof Marriage Li- and censes. Office in Grosch's shoe store, Milverton, Ont. DESIRES I ratford, ston the Ceo ofthe last W. ate. ofeach mouth from a.m, till noon. Millbavk the afternoon of ice 1.30 p.m. to 4 ptm. be prepared te do all kinda ¢& dental wah excepting Sling. "VETERINARY H. mortesten ot ‘nol repared to trent Milverton, Ont. ‘Telephone to either drt: stores, Chal iseERS G_ CLARKE, V.S., Millbank.“ Howor~ ABS, OOO ——_——sTock oF —__— AT:COST For the Next 80 Days The Men’s Women’s and Children’s Boots and Shoes, Fine and coarse. My goods for ladies and gents wear are as good as can be produced in the Dominion OUR COST SALE commences on Monday, 26th, and continues for 30 days member, this is no catch-penny sale but we wish to reduce our very Rei large stock by th LY e beginning of the new year. R. KEL MILLBANK Rutherford’s Block BOOTS,A80 SHOES? eo tock is all new having been purchased in June last and comprise: fine spread '$ LIVERY STABLES ibe telstra ae ate te Diceintonaree” HOTELS (RAND ULNUKAL HOYEL, Mil First-class xccommodation f: mercial travelers and others. Two large Good stabling. "Dest breads ef liqnors and cigars. S. W cor. Main and Mill Sta. M. Urtox, Proprietor. commercial Dest nota jo revelers and others. Oh Sage at Brows RUSINXESS CARES _ First-class hon inpeyak Ml tian” Comme Tas meets all tra ses arnt rig ial a ee ES SOCEEXUZS Ce. O. FE, No, Milverton, maecis every a and Inst Ls a F., “ Silver Star L , meets every Hida nig T “3 sop m. in their hall, post off brethren’ always pecans W. Acheson, See. WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICE|! UNDERTAKERS And Dealers in Furniture, Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Sash and Doors . Building and Contracting of every description We manufacture Cisterns and Tanks, and guarantee first- class work at very low prices Our stock is large an@ cur price mare the lowest. A cail invited. -.|_ ‘Main Street ~ PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER Biis work Wilverton| |e Milverton, ments im 1. bail dest Weahesay in each montitc Jas. V Jno. E. Boeckner, st as ré Hall exery Weil cant ° (dock Vasiting . mel nesday evening at eM Senses brethren always welcome. Com. Sam’! G. Grosch, C.W: Je ones PHOTOGRAPHER has resumed business in Mil verton and solicits the patrons age of the people. is well-known and speaks for itself, The gallery will be opem every day, and parties car depend 1 getting work. when promii A TRIAL SO SOLICITED) C.W. JONES