SSS iy NR vse. Sige aaa STORY OF.LOVE AND. ADVENTURE. da kindly Lili ftly, vanes ee r Her love rept ‘ans field, and, turi is to her. sttentitel a Nine As must not risk your necl imount“ot ituiacen " imo,” he says. en T saw you give taney you aren that tremendous a a.minute T in my veins... Such. teri Be axsion was never mean’, forse Jni y? small 2? “aye Lilian, ‘at him sianaerons | g begin to not so very tem ns they we shall be quite gooil I ads sure of most things as Lam of my oe teeling’on that point,” says @ tha considerable warmth, holding, out re him, on gently, , re: & verentially he takes her in his arms at the slips ber cool, ‘slim fingers into his, Yinces her on the ground beside him, With| and smiles frankly. There’ they lie like the feels himself little snowflakes on his broad palm, and as le act does not oceupy ale Bien a great and, most) natural 3s vaguely it Aasire 9 them presents itself to een that for him the situation had. ite | charm. Miss Chesney is ere unembarrass- ud, siesta phe gu tie siaewinie find Lady Chetwoode sitting there Trace wk yout have returned,” cries she, have had doubts on the. subject, wally ni eased. pik. found my, sguaedion straying aim- 5 ‘ood, so L brought. hin inthe ae laying that ‘there are fow 80 ba that they might ety worse c | you mean to, tell me that I am. am ae ier the szcond time es dy. something ‘bad? !” ‘than five “No” laughing }how wish Toould Nie chow elo aot profess alive ea eel is your superiority, frightens me.I heat I away, and take au. yout hat, child, eit k on youas something penaniaterstgt come back to gain. good.” So Lilian ‘cos s sabe is aig and runs ‘How shocking! And in what way orl ewey op the aste, to reduce edeto excel my brethren ?” th oan rep 0 ? with a) good deal of ieshewith het Fe LT tnabing, “and “Tain sure she hg Me “ Howe fended what you lite, te faite Babe ne her objet; fee n't trouble her again in a-hurry.. *6-aer-not inaign’ fear = faing mel a PR a ats, ad Suen getving the. better” St _ <atths ort lovely: Sd SS han cil. ler il te anatase ©. Shélooks: ously, thongh i fay. Am speaking of You, Miss Chesney ? fomi thinks: | he s'w my: frie the |, tear es . Guy, i ‘as though she, had < Seer cnay: story “at sea tached to her my" dear,” eee es grag hie sought had'meanly, and with “There nel his discomforture,.crept silently be- story: |-hind, sy OU to hear anadinn “Oh, wrong about her “Yes, Be SAE it; she crept ailenty ay es with! you,” Cyril saysy prement| ba baling his backs and, bribed b bes id to | he t mysterious soon spsletys Linvariablyfaa my: Lwalked dup $5 Tuno, and vetted aA forelok, jade his bas Seotaed rhe 3 just then ran frantic int rattied ess peace of tele existence, It| the Paver. absure yw, but] cai help if, and | man- “That til do,” interrupts Lilian, severe: ‘ood, where | ly. ‘I am certai have read it somew! and—people should always tell the He y the by,” says Guy, TE believe Miss | ho THE TWO FEAUS. Stars and ene. ypc Replying toa coe she Montreal Sta pactioulars 0 aa “condemned woe ee Caba iy 2 correspondent of that pay ey indent ‘of a t of the story here given is S ruary 2ist, 1881. relate. rican sailor, a1 had cern to a port in Chil On going day of liberty rt to say phd’ , but aa Silecinus. ae ot the opel officers, ies of remon- him. an ically upom | At this the saves i ow ng" ere aant ‘a word, with scarcely any defence to PRE als ‘ictedand condemned to thing last night. abo er. something about “How very romantic!” says Lilian : jut doubt-one af the awell ‘mob, and yo,of the, ‘Children of, the | who--—’ oe th “Castle of Otranto,'” says! You nee Tas atie ary ‘one living with her) les mista ants, and » small, ill- | proffered servi Late e Lit : ‘ elightfal companion ire “Te must be | Miss Ges ney % be by onesel! Can € ro 2 Dam poe “Te "ase ‘t know. I'saw'no one. She don’t. hin aposition to, > “if a ‘en mean ay, getty been. bred in the ‘belief | and the want of fero that_yon, are a rer saris, & a as jan nd. th e gone bre a rent ic- ave f your an, rous handso1e Serge ap peadin erepres hor fight, aud presently cutehepelt fi Ber Be ys and to her side, ‘Will the ian, without | ° ey nurse a promise Surg, the Bellairs, no livein few tiles from |" +" Sir Gene pe ansichaly va” ‘liven so. The veritable and awful Sir “Then it ae Feally, that bughéar, | Gy | : train? I begin to revive,” says: Mist | w is pie oe you T found a very severe punishment in the dinner itself.” 6 di “1 forgive you,” says Lilian, with deep des wag nowadays i loft her hands ia pious protest. along-standing engagement, and, a jour or so, and to bave the Lknew=what lay before me, I found | face to kiss your hand! Eh, but its dread- Hot nee stude it any longer. Thate long | fulsite brazen ! T do hope thi engagements 5 not ¢ woll in sheep's <lothin “Cordially. Bit. t unontd: never'sdream | “Te clothing, anyhow. ever. T finally make up ‘Ke least, enbst = ee te sot Be I think it. I like being ‘my Lady Guy you'll be, one vil, very much, and your | day: Taree; T never viet no brilliant some ou! And would you throw a “Ask me vines peste, a sont -” | lovely, isos A Capsular bai roaee? "Oh ? 2 ae iT tell what I think. of you?” |suame! And y i ly | do ‘wor «YI tall: you that, Oo Toco him,” says cautious nurse, an ‘iven one last finishing touch fee darlin ee golden eae misses her t nicious patenting of the Loi ymin of CHAPTER VI. *wour id formed. Ai aia you fon of sing Sir Guy?” ere ver inked me Wee Cet danid ede thomimotnel? cp eee ing a = ne s Ttis that most efor hour ofall the sre enthusiastic.” : twenty-four, — Pig «Yenteewith cy smile,—¢ that is i Kk onv| Peeps in uch ado everything one under and ‘bones in om ike nag —- soabre black, though nich het fie young ple vith hort, but steady 8B: | are apt to ee eee festive veatoriogs +L bea And — one might was 0 her luncheon and the per- | © a ly. In mine eye , sho is, ae Bre inal, never-ceasing fl 3 | a8, when I said m hoped:she would, not find | conversation has Ses 3 do with i it lonely, a my mother would Bavé | believe fie mast he mud A Oees in calling on het, ‘she blush elarniag fe ed painfully, and’said she was néver lonel o3 Pthat abe would esteem it's kiodness if se iraw ing-room. ral, try to forget te the cot- Pink ad taltide badly My GSEs waaw’t |e - & anim ie" anys Lady Chetwoode, mild Zor “sTesounds a baby ae be said it, it ashes he et Pate continues Mus Unconsciously. she ing with distrust, and now this u ras wn instin sag dinet aly ad. Bewick’s are ttes, of old horses, ieaead me herablt she. poasede de bhappy. eoteoe | hte to; stele a= ifsc of chan og a ae Soke showers epress long ea * thelter with tho. express- object 0 ing of hep, Which fhoyall so much sr ees petiyseenery round Truston®” | “Moniceys are inisorablo ia wet, aivd eat easily bald sholtersf they bad the se Tike tAubaen, tt48) do so: ata wt hop discon to have anything to do =: i £0 chine there dents; 2 large fern, —{The Spectator. — “ghe Second mes Taam oubs, nee at Lilian e107 ball, and| ‘The second largest diamond in hever | is now. undergoing se cutting cee at [An at Is weight is at presen nt 474 than 274 is met ieshot, in. her m shesney peers ee with. oe 8 Cl rats, : “Sir Guy. says it Oise soa Lilian de-| carats botore i is murely: Even then Biter end va ae jess Teen tecn ‘the 80 cm de, “Tele just like that So lobe r the be 30 long T could das dation oot Mee ae the uss som oie on eae I ance speaking ih ante tne wil st well, [never much oa in I pe 3, maine ow 1008 O88 it at ba ne mye Ore: will meastire .786 inch sek way. a scone tee ake ery, #88} got bimsolf up like a gentleman, but was) i rant these twas brought ont to the field pinioned and oud to a post.. They slipped a black cloth of a ua. and rising Me away Lilian’ to|® God 1-Loring, youre not going t to. let seta a2? Whi yyrants, its, aboot if you dare, through th AAs And tl England aren't,” efoliiaiod | the press while an gett 4 with tears streaining d “they loosed me then, Mod how wT longed Bone Gazette, grid Toits feet the great oaee brings the navies ‘of the world And dhetings of many nations in its harbor are unfurled. ‘And among thom, foating proudly in the sweot ic breeze, Tsthing emblem. cee the mistress in peace and war thy place te pould over De be : Tay Stae nd Stripes, Columbia, wave tear © guardians (wait of freedont tigre for you to 4 Wherever tyrants prosper, the sufferers call to ndoed, will be the day, when that ap- es ‘you hear, Andfrom Onpression's vietims turn away will heedless ea: put hark! along the et slopes of Valpar™ What sound { is that, which syiisand weveK in vain attempt to drows ‘he polish- “Guy, give Miss cinch actos of frig" ain ‘Cpa, _prompily : “she is evi os termine , as its Lu juster ant not be | desta until it has left the polisher's fteen Kisse: ‘The monks of the pie ages divided the sir de , or mod No,” 8a} yay, Re amazed. corns, win’ she not som of, it? How st Bie dinky or Ke of of poles. “if woman has drank glance a — that T feel positive I could its onl wi or, Bia sede een ‘There are others | OU! h ——” an ex ms have felt,” flows, slumbers. cosily in her gol ene ession, “fon [HY and sie, sitting opposite 4 cach an ecu te ue a, ile and jen, snd converse across fivonld: Tasist on play eens | the huge bo ented flowers thatstands ant te toes oie ot Uippine after the | in the centre of the thereby giving me a} i8 # se silent; s Keep whet y other woman has Por ‘ol ? Tgee you can be un- aingly ‘ait, of ae so blue, kind Eden you. peed ly gi ilded- feat is seldom, and Agee fond ey pa rouaned Haste oo sense ‘oa dre: I need | own taciturnity. ‘On m: aveaskti. No doubt as could | morning, eT mek you, vell as ride. from ‘ morning until ts y sf ‘and say I hoped dance ight ; * You wrong me sligtly. As a ee a aie ae refer aac from night-until m cn \ Fors ing Guy attentively. ey) Yes a eta! /pretty, ° “su ex ee Gene a id fully 1” with ecstatic fevor 5 a one who could skate as see coy, cold Lon, a cr tet ee ren You shan’ Be Jon, so. Prepie you pile ies toa ie Leen One e slav ae viamous-—a charch penance. 6. The slipper kiss, practiced towards i ea stone pon : a with) she mus tal are of her, what rine ha 12 The Judas Nitage of her isolated pos iar cllaneinenty, = The Kiss of poviecthe,onky rend. ian. a Henat jon. Was it not poanners Gea ng man de- abel gayen HER OE a Aunt tine ago. He engaged s room and ‘Eeineron,”eoplie Guy, without est. | sere, and, afi sloping fo nk 80 too. Don’t you, Eady Soot ie peo caste yoode 8. yw, I shall” ee my versi n étithe Land; Hee ai thatwas goin; liscovered “I nda sal 1. +1 too too waspresent——" ductor called 0 yent the ee ca pat the dreamer Whe ly to her assistans nce? -Oh; aid sor e dts sop oe cote e. jum eas hie rong window. He for Prana cacaped ini ; The ial iss —for the purpose of | s mn in a Drea ‘Aman registered ate Mfatison (Ga.) hotel sightis that they see? Now, kindred: flags *tis yours to throw your folds round Liberty. ‘The centre of a sh throng, a man with bandaged e: Awaits the fatal word, Oh! hasto—e moment, dhe crimet An. insult, es a e stan ertain if a] now at your Thus hiblon's ad Columbia's flags maintained the right that day at ete ee Famished Bats see Bet: returning throngh the bo iggy struck a meets. he \ fire and pre] wail eelspes st the: eee Holman did not ee aly, Ww ed’ that he was on exhaasted she’s from the fire and put # nt Holman and the gitl's tative arti conscious: work vt hurry past? What ". HOUSEHOLD, Gompan pany fee putin; Make them ¥ company is. coming, In the corner ly: Rap those eae hy indow drum: Leave no object in the house, In condition normal, Make the very cr Prim, and slit, <Atthe oven scorch yo any Is coming.” Gram the engine, keep up steam, Keep the wheels a hyinming: scrub, and scour, and pare and stew 5° ny i “Compan Fil ners repeane atthe ae Tin hyow ae ‘ache-from head to £0005 pany is coming. en your guests e, it, wil Feennure double youve ia spourselt '0.a world oftroub More than you are able, ‘Then, although you feel you've done Pi 0 apologize our house-and table, ‘This lp hospitality — ‘Phat the Wheels be humming, Rest and comfort banished, when * Company is comin} Training Olnldren- ust exist inthe-world, letthe oats up we Tf div ianily We the last, pluce. for it lediby.the other, Unless thle explain- underatand that tthe child may ange. e. discussion ifferences should neler be h Sreitaad whi, x whiz, m of. their ard by the} fo al *" = ~\. ¢ Baked Beans and.Orher Things. * Dotheeaders of this to bake beans ? Kom, gon t laugh and say, ip Well, Who don’t?” for Dapsider, it v0 small matter to. turn out a pot of beans j bbe: and seca o cook in ai soo breakfast pal ope idan ghee! m iron griddle, to: keep the top from baking ao oriast. Notice while or they will ye a4 yper- tithe comes, if prop- ou will have a we are very fond of gegasion: ‘Take two 1 milk 2 a oe ta iene a @ scant spnonfuls and fry’a light b y y areiost perfect pribslls. Pile| let them metimes stir in oysters enough ‘one or two in each fritter, and we like them very much. give you a-mother's-tesipe | te snake them the same way. he pois oft énp.then. up Hahtives shen of sweet nil and litle sal, ey are ¢: hem wie pat e0 they can steam a few mi aneaKes, 26) Tight,'and vender a le without the aid of soda powder-either, children see dissension in the| family, iw GIR era ree are Eee) ok ee y will be inclined. a enoughiof se, side ehildren “alw: r all know how bam, or parsley. ‘To make i s rule, first Tike the satice ¢ according to by. cookin i pel “eggs sli fourths Teapoatal i ae ful of pe nd six tal w York society girl Jom “the, Salvation Ai her kind entered one ° Life das Jong step andthe wo it mast iited with unumaal. ou reas she is courageous ial Ee eee ghrinking {rom notoriety a way in whic she. haa The ons is only one | t That as sincer evi ‘idence, however, of among young women to find’ life and do it, ‘The progress |, as the change has woman’s ad a} in another direction, jthe prejudice, aga advantage of compelled i nines ties fe one aha: beara is __ This widenieg of auvasphere haa been large factor inthe better health and sprite ‘women of to-day, as comp their mothers and granmethers "The nar: row life that housework and th rp erie among. ‘The ust so i Health, sal ce | their. mothers. ; a Pe he Sue and ae = jeer sweet marjoram, og eens an ‘te ‘all him ‘om home, 0 from hoine much ot Dead smalls be will be eqaal respect ‘for vie aythority of cap Fi 70 Pup: sae oilfon: re botf father and mother. Otte pres houl eit a bor a iS shoe aot bu aus dies ae void doing anything tl that will we the other, or that witiiate drops jainst. good fe Te eth lend ge ehildfen ta feel that the mothe # dutlor zs if subord t that the one a monlitress and nots mis- such impression ate to that of:the father’ mother is tress in the family. No the mother, nr wh quite Siteld satanic arena Lo tage well at times to s¢ jee what p: mean by all 1 ee euree by one, there sl ing advantage of it by the other’ = permission. n the oth 01 by no means hinderin ing of the children Cs - proper hada ‘ie rian also endeavor moral and religious pie of the esr ee ve hands of Chris- | : jadicion ° this shat bats ie toiled nutky it is always necessary for the child to hi 2 the child’s going to Talf Suneé’ cloye! mince; 4 Bs:D2 ne cup. anger, batt , halt cup sweet milk, two cups Benes #hinm ot Cie enerane venapoontal a tigar tobebh tes of. tile Begs Wi en, and when aa the milk in which the Res salt to taste. fal not todet it, me putting it into es er Cook slowly, being ea Seorch, and always oat Ae n the eee pe Sa yps_of essence whites of the eg: * ot oven and serve cream, feria, half teaspoonful, so. Pet Sift) al ae “ease o e has mot been a Widenthig’of Woman's rmy with those zealots for the good of more protest the precedent, which shuts tne daughters of ing. wo highest educon ‘and has | 8 and universi- or hel, add three: rads Sphere. who. recently desire their work in | ors eae in this is but little goneon quict- of duties “oie women aS adh ¥ The etter *Yociptined mana, © | menu ally and developed pligsealy | than n.of wi ome Henas Lived and Pion ainst | descer A peogaead VILLAGE. ished for 200 Years the Nam¢ cot For ir Families. A cent pf the London (og:) Standard. 6a miles {rom Due ero raes pies habited_ by fishermen and seaferin men, where, since Zan the year 1670, 9 syudi in | few exciting m) with ve Swimmers. ‘in -vas travel- he ed aye and ‘had got out of supplies, i They is e to a river and had been tthe other side there w ras plent’ 9 food, All the canoes were on the other shore, and the natives, who bd hite men be- fore, declined ‘to: traders. Coaxis = ony remaining Bite ge Kk. When Dankir to h by | have to oof the night without mouthful Charles Il., Lonis XIV. resolve ing | of 8 in 5 neighborhood of Duakit Tieton Se there in the river Hipted what |i speaking sailors, with a view | peared to be black ri They Lapel ol iepiesties the language, alan resery- | codiles. aclens of bie accordingly appeal 4 in 1670 four ey a , Everarts, Zoonekent, Jos atives of Cuog, in Picardy, Raokin could not ask for volunteers to swim thet service to tek ing, who nt- | across the river. thet, for thelr on tae and sat of theie res of land, situat- aa at Fort ‘Mardyek, ‘These men entered into possession of the land on the under- standing that they were bound to submit maritime conscription exercise the | the bank, 9 vith hla express ne le, hi 8 pro the | hold. themselves ib readiness) to cover fe contend | § ivilege. | ¥ orters, Eerie. finally ask- tte pied 00% ree is eta into gay bh is to agriculturists, hae pepsin a The — wi When, terriGed by. the roll of » which roverbert eh with @ bundred echoes -y banks, the whole swarm of parece aiappeed below the pie n't ‘o swimm the a objects erable. With a few more strokes they reached the shosg, and. their tiends on-the other ted thein safearrival with hearty later the mn ieee able to pees vhemnselves acrbas the rivers "AMEAD IN THE BASKET. age he i i | inkiatain g the village Tealled onthe Mayor | ane srribie Speciacte Ee Gatietoe Parist eae ee Sa 0 have to support themselves that the; cat By. compete with men in walle of lifes ay ion benesead, che nearly every. dsnghieis i the call public, atten: ersgeess alittle more inyour, family and rt ; he small cracker Dost wo-quart pan en prt the bott naybat Gober al | ee ‘prepar e this im the v mle sad let stand and then ‘pon Bake slowly mth the plies cbichenet, “itis in | bat nat ahedled gaol wi bes s gible much we thick, with aa stirred in w ss stirred ae, Hire a site old. ale, ‘as iti spoonful ofsalt and-two of sugar-and ‘The Enipross of "rs t| petite ws the Czar is ven each yea is ae 3 ‘wor. ‘Now. and then the Bese these dances: in her wears gorgen ai diseokds sian of the parest s a mass ia torsier es th oats a artchitibae eandale. Bribery ototiea in 1 traific sin, con! stir all together, and add to, the vinogar. Temay be too. thin or too thiek OE Fen isl, ‘will exabie any aie on shown to! to Be ene to ccaucaale ely pri have 1 fiscal suticion® flour ; iat wine; hig! ni cream ouselegs noe tong whery ‘light and puffy with no ae Js may _No sue tm ied t1 times or ae ee [ibn of aeneate.vefp che ight 1 id rae, toe’over floors of ebony, of rosewood and “Her ‘necklace is of many sss valet ase t1| The direful collapse of the Fr Canal company, after spreading bankraptey antry, he government rol France Ministzies: ev ofhigh standing ast oie driven. ary ns scandal in oa ‘sii 1 | Hi e z Tom the, women’s, ee pals ench Panama high station, | na\ ress, disgrace- | mi Tngate ag-| it wasa incident vate es Her revolutions of all isinds, re e passenger, sober caress ‘it says a the. moka, cree of such a court woul ay be of id by eh rab ceretct from Pat, ehys:Bugene Ci ay paid the Pehle iS artuot ie ies bis execution forded. by s oe ve he, gullatne, Whe: iNrine, years tn. Bien: | mang Feet entire ne ett Aon enditures,, We built our public schoul 0 Ta he agstonah, a ere Registered, A&.taaihy.<08 pee Witte mine “ok led Th she of twins. At this rate-our population |, ite Saal thro fe shall be compelled to diminish or stn ‘as we are hemme all | Hen he did ot Je hy the eighbocing villages. Heres will. not (give us:any.| iy for his Tite. mca its “stra gles. me “nd wh what d do > you do with, your, pau- e io havea he Mayor. cou ei who | fm needy [Py the ranks. of the Stivasion Army, only {and fi to Senne A be brain is like a begge ace 5 i tno little but ‘what has’ sen giVeR ETT Men sigh for the wings of a dove that of @ syndicat er alipoes abeelat, ‘monarchy, which has. victoriously. steered ‘its, way, through * ie owes place, So A Conscientious Young Man. ee demands that one should not An amusing incident decurred the “other | gnty do the best work of which he ia oe aga The west-bound | abJe, but thav ho cliould quake Hlasoaltoapr express, in ohar Per gars nt t able of doing the best ‘The lawyer, piled at of Athol, aid os tor ddjthe mjnister, as’ well:as sed through the train na book-keeper, the clerk ae mivoliais ‘though ae in tion, al i fo sayeth ate “than os wanting in ‘coniolence did is ie ste Phrases not seldom used, "inbone ight” ¥ cate te are treason to conscience. the American Journal of fe has the principal a treaty for the extablhe ment of a japreme Court, which shall bo referred all cases of Tater nee ‘tress not | he proposes that the nations bail pledge themselves to see that tl court are enforced. This is papas sounds veell, but. we fear that itis open to Dj in case the court see,” by the judgment ae eae along ens sos gs Tet ussia and Ledinans in the, same | trength w enter into co-|and That we owl do the They had pie Ais rapidly yet ing had no effect upon them, and there ; ad fled, -