Milverton Sun, 5 Jan 1893, p. 4

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SEN, vw The ‘Milverton. Sun. fGen en. Frederi brisk £ es. Deas sed dieting: SANG-PROID OF 4 GENERAL. a ess cxiarwesrsor sreexcra: —- : : PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, | Grant, died on Friday 1 = ; one y IN STREET, AULYERTON, ONT. ot 72 ye Fiday in Denver, Col., at] me Was Provably Peach diosthe suite 4h be y whois Bice A bp ee oe ‘ HE FARM. to be high in the centre it will very likely patrwanst pon eos .¢ good commission house CAUSE OF BAD DREAMS, beware ts. B es P s 200 Persons He Hanged. oe a E oey ade fourteen years Remarkable lerles of tho Rrowels of he , firefan, Tad makeith rele to ship =n esirable —_— or cere 8 tae egies called upon the} A correspondent, writing of the late Lord ee ole ns et ards were then produced , z — Undoubtedly quite a little more sta a in the very best order, they would save | methods Recommended to Ha the Aflic- ist | Chandler “iiniae ey “Uno = Month, in advanc $10} ich reat © ihe amount af eight informa- Straithnaira, says hie was the most indoleat, | persons in all—who en eventos | After the paces come the: & rand a Home-Made Fertilizers. other litter would be es themselves some profit that now goes to ted of the Horrible Night ‘ture, lives: n¢ Si A ing in she U ed Bates oe ight arriv- id syho® ever: icreeiz for the | Canary a certain en ae a fa antity | farmers understood how easily and capil middlemen. Chita larly subject to night- ee asmall estate thickly grown oSarCahadien ; i ormous stone was 4 On every well-managed farm a quantity ildren are partionlarly subj ight-| vith trees, aa ied One year “ 1 30 | Paci jen. he was ‘sye | Long time ect Gee Mee tases a (more or less, nesording to the line of farm: | it can be rotted. irs, litter should be i} Tonce asked a good grower how he could ae ke terror-stricken ginot ign owire abla ie Mar Jone Dedisek tells ccras hookah bce ea - dia, winning the ea, | ments of the Gaunche athletic: =» ing pursued) made fertilizer is pro- }liberally in the stables sfogpecann tS ‘i attain the ae results from m the: nt strawberry “a. soothing care anes _prodeninete: aileceiiing estes Speak of $1,000,000 to the University ee a natives had been able to lift it, eet on their” duced aunually, ‘The application of alittle | absorb a good part of the Hiquic: ext fectual methods ought to be : ‘ of Chi sy that he could not be shoulders, and even thto & ie handling of this [of the animals ‘and hold th Sonn isa the author leads an Legal and other casual advertisements Se. go! jepatel 7 : i even thtow it over their } Imowledge and care to the handling ine ts repetition. Bi i oman of ley and per line for first insertion, and 2c. per line | A lites eH station is to be erected at triumphs, M. Pawn fe emilee ee: degenerative posterity and fertilizer would give it more than double the arene nent is avoided, | ati an 9 a tee Fort N: phs, Months elapsed before these the Spaniards could not raise it from the § average value it 0 rapidly, t aplain, simple diet, consisting areas ‘rg: pa Batpng Insertion, "Measured pitas ray aprgoomeiy sot Bie os ‘ Saal 4 ee t from him, ground. Tradition has immortalized one 4 and an effort, small compared with the re- anges that ave very wastetol a tS Dee traced to Pees, apn of s in wh ter penne tohenpel ne oad A e been aw: an hen they were brief and Ad: i? & ther Irtter alone ¢e: j maternal solicitu cor ile co ail beans pliant cig lina aoa" indee the building is to be completed by February | last degree. 2: maine Up ens PT gee rents iocive See en a joe ot 3 ig made fe increase eesd too slowly for the conventenes of the Peon eae Sone alent: who. was reared on a plantation ; One day, when Sir Hugh Rose, he was rown und i “ hi (2 | farmer desiring to reduce it to fertilizer: If| ino) hic ia, when fed with Bered. 45 the ‘Fike gas of better with hia noon- Pre aiarents of DEK Woand, Strayed, Sh is reported that a sh entertaining a gall: soe nnd serepst 18 «cert bi ted 3 the ne| mare, which thus becomes relate time dinner with all the gusto of youth. not exceeding 10 lines on veil, $1 nied at a short railway line, {Sptcrtaining a gallant company to dinner contest got his antagonise between his legs 7 wo are mixed, both a Ke oist, bu t fe sand and one lls which we inherit from inner with of youth. cath. ™ es: | SIUEAY die te Page cea: WIE DS Oc fhe es at cae af the muting, | With | hi and arms and sqneezed him go that his i too slow P ot thei pedir te: the. form of sop. it i swallowed | our ances is sgbicasn Sal icted at an early date along the Niagara jost sang-froid he was delightin, bones began to "Thi i os F q ¢ | celerated, and the two rapi posi ion hastily and cannot do the animal the goo has | O¥er next year and Farms on Sale not to |river. Tt will extend from oe re AeSATe | thoes near hin with’ one’ of. hist. best euch it teas cae iteleeeraiee eae Sipak paps colar beil\tsls- site mane of the Hh eRe cess Fee eae otiisc wine itcmnore: alowiy |[Staee moat potent cause of ld dr weams he | cup, is aman of m ent) TO imees 21 for first th, 50c, per 4 ly Pp ot to Spain, where is sup] to be the richer in animal yet to be mentioned. _ This is worry, Se inanieenr mont Mist teacing, on Hee American side of the |*™ecdotes. In the middle of it his orderly he astounded the people by his Sees 2 4M eneete and barnyard manure to have the | 00d plan to use litter liberally. To got it | eaten and seril castvicn toca ee eeet the most fatal clisorders. which | creditably as Unde Richer ete AE be ie Re ee ee pices imed ta | amees. Goce troperticn “bf atrawr or other litter, | into the compost heap in Vole way Hf She} Item ineapeciontad airymn in going to | one of the most fatal Who is injured or | Colonies during Lord Salis pee eavnceseca given, for larger. Prat Hatin has issued a pro Tol fares pe pres it One day in Seville he was visited by a Laer opie distinction does not always | best method of converting it into manure. inake mistakes, as all are hiable to, would | Kitjed by hard work, a hundred are struck tration, and has evinced much mbes spit y special notice, the object of which is tion reservi imber and fish Parad scoot i eaprag turned and, phat that | other cards and gave ali the cards to the brawny youth of La Mancha, who was oS hold : ave seen harnyard manure | Bu al i SR Oe not be more profitable for hi make | 4, Gi H ia peat tia pomeeemeeistrenp te | nies leat ot Afognak, Alaska, | prided himsc i of paychie who with ¢ ease readily found the eruzious $0 tey 6 Doak mM Rist 5 Ne come made about a straw stack around which [other I Loot ae gegen mistakes which are sui me dividual, or company, tobe ‘considered. an and itsadjacentrocks and tercitorial waters, 30, Ska serenely replied : Thank righ friend,” said Adargoma, “as we are going : fatm animale had long corgregated, that | If the straw stack is left to ed | Jess costly upon a small rather than large aeHt binieait iat 5 ake ibaa insteding the Sea Lion rocks and Sea Otter |*” mB is) Petia “There's your picture.” - Tin.| °°, 228 4 cher in animal excrement than stable | own to the ground by th he animals re the | number of cows? This subject is well worth Tatas Uibieee ence tad Ga Bat the man still remained. | Again in- tely another member Of the company | 5° should begin by drinking something.” 3 Manure made where the usp of litter was | Weather, and its rottin ing there is not hasten- | consid aapentally. Bella have rd, no notice less than 25¢, Notices for the Michigan Central Kailway Compan: eines ing se bist, id: “But what si all the cards and passed them to thel na large bowl of wine having been brought, 4 unusually liberal. For practical purposes | ed, very I ikely the process will be'20. slow Vin coxitempiation enlarged dairying opera- falitissheg arid thie ligiom di bonevolang | P88 declared a somi-annual dividend of Peck hy Ree tir? boy to find the photo again. He did it as ok this in one hand. and contin a 1 it can hardly be necessary to make any | that the res part of as value of the | tions. Lens y. of mnulei-mniliionaires, institutions half rat extra dividend of on Det nae pied Siz, Hugh, with a rag quickly as before. aires the challenger :—* If with both ; 7 i i stable manure and | manure will be leached aw: y the time} “When ort fodder is fed without being : rovided with money_to al ; Shore railroad bas deciared | smile, hang them of course,” aud he T then held a second gana before the pay oust sot rotted. A wit judicious) out, about inl of 6 i usually wasted. | 9 im hc cham, bah ge in yachting, which is "generally an a semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent. lin angcao chic assuring him k r t least | work with the hay knife and a fork ‘Then it the manure difficult, - : Leary rt iin oa. ‘eo | expgnsive luxury olen rregeeyecnte tes, Friday, pandtemon- | gqit® little while he was sso intern tl ofa prea rey the vhato i A cert is a | spread the straw stack ont, four to five feet) handle. se Se ie Tete and Intor by | on neh wean tanner Bei teoaaaths Gaspar: rgported. to be DSiegd ge ery unre | ium reigned in the wheat pit * Chisspalce a BE middle uatiera) ry, by the showit . ors sine Fine |g Y Meceniaiag felt the deep. (itis. taken for grantes tat he | using a ght never to) ing, and his illness is this timo ot 30 s who is 3 e fA forage ‘should write on one side =f am outhreak io Paris [sin we've fe ce wen eee ed ae ‘ethene ‘he card fer him fe deg ated he enka a that are needed hy agricultural | trey yee should “never be on at incline vite seem raupecest b's Remar cen contracted | hat his feeble srongh can nat The SiNoresieoesansenaenlee il The crosing Price pcigaons cau than a ae ¢ General turned, SoReal slightly, and ares iden the coolest manner withont spilling a drop ee ear Y On some crops | Then ita hose can be run from » windmill | thriving condition the year round, and | }, ney ; by the |aged hero of Hungarian independen ont tes erage. rater Ets esd Be in the sweetest manner replied: ** Thanks, Sil ppdused six ghator| tbe wine: “Ells oye Baal one’ more, an a apecial fertilizer may for ss ive bet- | Pump, ang the heap be thoroughly wetted | markets them at from twenty to thirty | example oe: pee i bub it is) Past ninety, ai sna ord many years bh be a lived aciped aa aA: pe ‘The eubjest of war vewels ¢ reat | *7Se8nt, Very many thanks,” and then he Fe present. ‘The bhotos |™ Match for the twi terreaults ; but barn-yard or stable manure {down once a. week, so mu tter 5} months, melgting from 1,200 to 1,500 024; I that. an exile in oie there has bean lakes contnacs to be dann ened in ti yefrent | went on’ with his aneedote as. if nothing | were then all eoll sees was reckoned nothing out of the com- i c fleet ; there is nothin otherwise, one must depend on the rain. ands, 1 ® wal palace now ing-| had hi jected and mixed with th iS com: always has a good effect ; there is B 2 Job Printing _ ton diplomaticand navy circles, but the |" “pypePpened- d ath verson‘whe gare for @ man to take an untethered ox by uncertain or experimental about its use. It | Feed all hogs on. the heap. | Let them re- cannot claim that you have your | 19; Poisoning by | dilapidation, and he iy prctly bea SE eray denhetion, Muried an talkin all unofficial, aad thers is 'no. hing is is story came to the ears of the eee is © ng, | the horn Pie one hand and slay it with 86 alway’ swhen intelligently used. It|main hunting for stray grains as long as cat upto the proper opis until aoe di imself among his books, Jatest. style of the. art. No. bot oe ae that the United States Government has — ne tgs See thay it nearly cos pag | other. in native yields its elements eadily to the growing | they will root, and trample about, but re-| poorest animal will ‘if sel of the survivor of the band of devoted ney fs He) hereon ‘Will be found lower than, | COmplained to Great Britain of the conduct |" fugh nis pera, aha’ gentlent Grand Canary in the seventeenth ee: patil’ Zrops, and it pnts in the soil that humus | move them as soon as they show a disposi- Tnarket. Aim at an even Le as well as led by the power of his oratory» an pay othamonice in the district? nada in building revenue cutters a 8 ‘an | showed that he inherited some of his an- that plays such an important part in the | tion to lic down. If they do not stir the) at individon excellence. enthusiasm to, iggle to keep Hungary * ‘Address all communications j a ae As Higoury fot ice hearing that an mechanical texture and fertility of the tes A p sean paraeue et = eS oe ue ald iden of er tance tothese asa lst and nporary Tesh te Le anes piste oe ublie’ 88 f 5 ro! hs » | fee ag re oT eg are A vi THOS. W. WHALLEY, dene frtn, carkerand irae He he ran out, and, grasping, i it by erTt seems strange that a farm product of |@nd dropped shelled corm or oatt to te them in marketable condition at ail times ane ry jhe che'ilk-timed use of thom and |i 1851 to enlist sympathy for the Hun Eprror axp Punrisner, || has teea arrested, charged with 2 itdown, andso held it until such utility and value should be carelessly ; holes. Tne hags will keep “the.heap we: and sell wl nnd of all horrible gavin cause. In his prime Kossuth was Milverton, Ont.’ | $17,000 of the lask's heeds. Mente wane le - stirred and alsi pled down, and i it is | Joss of future possibilities, Mee oLoula digg. Gran oe and is. Martin ins’ secure it,’ ‘This dled or be allowed to waste; but i ces of future reams none are 60 a ose whic! r ir si Ban oyu heh d-| sh ae gy Sdicoume die area sain able es |p edo ae MP) Te prs fd tk Lene [ol pom wg ably | Gotan nngagn”h o. positors chat le i % ae ¢ fasse ‘of his: legs wastefull ad indi ffe tly treate ean interes! a forte ttel all the dru; in 7 THEW ‘ Lse-ssierfthe ab ath rere be: | followed by an ofr. to devote fora cancer. It-was. then foand that his ec Valuihla tobe regarded without wlively | Hosp tte tmantise from: tie stsbise: “Te sse4 se.well... “hts 1s che xeewe why good stock | (Pere nd for Bouring lean ae simple | he is of patriarchal appearance, wsth his W 8. some of the stockholders, sae $10,000 naeae some rp peas was solid, with no trace of toncera. There is bo better mark of the | heap should be added vines, "old hay, ete, | pays so much bette than ee It educates | fog, a regula oa eaten oinay flowing white beard, the scant locks on cet nam mee Eten pa that the ee pene arcane Seaiery good farmer than the yearly production and mes a es, eee ih seat ee e the mater of ae - eae Ss ees SO fei pees by the plain he cil emt ‘oronto. narians now foun af large quantit; he general CANADIAN, Martial ay yl be delare along the | Massey, having so decided EB bel their burying places do not be voulees eee aaa ya mark of the | the farm is to harbor latvae, insects and | q motive power for street cars has hurt the Increase of Sp2ed in Travelling, iF young, in the United sanviiiam Med MoAulay, a well-known business lower Be a the leading business men into his confi- hat this was a national ch: or, unsuccessful farmer than the waste of | other destructive poste. market for small mules. But there i still save tates, excepting Misa a Hi Hoke hanged himself. Col. ere ae youngest daughter of ie ‘a unanit i their dimensions are very nearly all the manure produced on the a good demand for well formed aoe fe ca i Daca Davros one of the oldest the ad oft {he Salvation ‘Anny, is dying ot hat no “4 — sould the m ia pais ee een ae size ebacie farin. ‘The high productivity of land | Ths Over Hight 0 Oheok Rein, teen hands fee ‘and over. ES a of Collingwood, is fever in aol : ‘than in providing Music hall under Natio view. Hot be maintained unless the fertilizer pro- : Y gore manne. to boone you a The Montreal City and Date Sa Chancello ditions wots tp — duced upon it is husbande: cdand judicionsly | A great deal has been’ written about the | pect A common mare and Peet Ba capa bite eto Saving | Coetesliog rit at Es reiterates Tenet to the a is Mr. Massey |temained unmolested on’ the table while I| A Ger nis auth used, or unless there is such an extensive | over-tight check-rein, writes a correspon- Sewn sire Soni give one a little better. tn er the various charitable ines Heleva wis diepcds eens forthwith Se yoni wesdaaths adily statement aie eerie Roce se of commercial fertilizers as will take [dent of the Wagon tod Carriage Maker, | But for a whol tory eau utions in : nd convenient location, giving at ich early all the margin between the sellin, et not enou; een said, for the | must have a good mate ant el ¢ Hamilton on F hi eee at Vasten | he same time instructions to, an ‘expert | showed he knew everything which de pee reece ty eee arel cash ever peice mtd fae Estadio tha btliee dbgiahoot Ge ener of tonturestill exists, Many ex.| ‘The brash and the currycomb"are better | transportation a centu aeiae ion on ‘eiay Pee bie nate alton a the firstnews- prea AS _prepare plans, It is proposed | Whe! i ‘of ized gave: ie If thites, or five, or cost of production ; hence profit in farming, | conse have mi use. Some ee the best pollo Lie Spee for ETesntien Steet ins v. the State. hat a building of elegant architectural de- i ienk more men, are asleep in the long run, depends upon the that itis necessary for y in driv- ahorse healthy. Apply tl lan tit, Bie Se ee baie i the| Robbers are overranning the province of | S82 #hould be erected on a plan of co: pee you up you will be able to find each of aie me with ee one of them is drunk, the ion and nie of Bee det fertilize ing certain horses ; thatit prevents stumb- with plenty of elbow grease, al un Mineat once | ment of to-day, and we a most remar! n li Meth ailice of hen has ousand dollars | Rio rand doSal, Brazil, and the police | 8» the best which modern taste an: oe in the same way you did a few min a Vil etter “cpon abs: psy. cians and: Th of a fertilizer, homemade or | ling, ete. ‘These reasons are confuted by |every day. | able’ contrast. e raoeators been told | tion. She does not cate much for display, by 1 niet ss, who was killed | are power! rience can suggest. I; will coytain a maay | utes Sod ate cide reretned Linens re ie gine be edo a a that ae commercial depends altogether upon its |equally good horsemen, who, claim that »| Gray and roan horses are the longest that a horse would carry aman seated in a and is of decided eligi Haalinatiai £ pth trade returns f The scene Chamber of Deputies has rati-| US! With @ capacity for senting from 3,000 | all th ge atidooa we isb ot aint tps (wrench ee ield of plant food ; and stable or _barn- | spirited hon ‘a safer without the control ; lived. roam ace aoficlen in Bevice ia on ‘vehicle a mile in two minutes and | she has ever met the man upon whom urns for Canada for 1892] fied the commercial convention with the ‘© 3,500 people, so adapted as to combine | touched by any person. I again dehypno- es ae ard manure can yield plant food only by a an instraum f torture, which freta jer, especially in warm weather. fiv ‘and not ran, but trot, they | she would turn her eye: irior second EGE Aa ag of $241,000,000, as against | United States. comfort with a beautiful interior. Here | tized him and he found all the eeeee as SL ae 4 ing. In the litter or fresh + that Horse stumbles less if it sees average the best for aileround good quali would ave egarded the Bitement as willy she has kept the secret to 1 erself. ‘o es be previous year. The sword of Hernando Cortez, the ig en will be placed a large organ. he | Teadily as before and gave them to their i 4 grement the elements made use of by hehe it steps ; that a horse is ruined by eas imaginative nt that epee de by ibishop Walsh says the ques! estion un- Ae ie Rev. William ee of St. Luke’s gueror of Mekidb? willbe wsnibtes “shibition Rall ling will also contain a smaliar halt for 7 without a mistake. r & cultural crops are locked up in compou are over check-rein, and thi 3o| ‘The hoof is the foundation of the horse, Nuney Hanke this autumn. the ee der deliberation by the Monetary Conférence spush, Hen tbe speintad nop [to he Ching Clean Repti "|i Saget 0 Rar thes) rv, au dele cmon bn out spent bia pan asked Je great ein ty, rns |S hth at ele [client ahaa nn, Hen ‘ will be ec ‘ee rooms, olfices, ete. Such | of the Guestion; as the marks were put their elements be released decomposi- | power. Therefore it is an lute. in. en the foot is spoiled the is in 1.56 on a two-wheeled vehicle, they | cul Shs Irish lau questions Se A om: Regina, N.W.T., inti: wie eee bs a ee ae ore ie ina brief is the scheme to which Mr. Massey | by some of their number and_not oa by | [he jomes every week and your advertise- q a before Be air ale crops can make ay | jury to a draught horse, ‘Those most full | for. Black hoofs are stronger and ‘tougher cutee have Neneed ‘upon the statement as | cates bime tallism, whicl ates that the relations eter Liianan Hie we cataiey ene ROn eee shoul the ma donate ie sum of $100,000 | ether the peychic o: myself. Neither of us knont should meet the eye of some one i spheens Hences sides isin it excuses. fir: ths over tight. shook zeln.| HAS BAY 2 er that of a madman, But that was the speed |of imperative nee ithe arcutaral Governor Royat td Premier Hauitanare| Tn ter eee ie ae i he. oaintanaticn of, th b building | s8¥ ain than the blank side of of | ho wants to purchace. Advertise { eet barnyard or stable If you feed hens properly they are bound | made by Johnson, ie “eyeliste Half a a cen. | tenants o of Te dri npleasan: ruria ee witl cards, y tal mame Choate joes afar ae | ity ef Pace tin Neg Woe te Gar “ “li My thats te tagrhece eissigrattiedseion ia tho experiments cies thar T bong | et inserted in thoroughly rol ee ees h here “ ‘They cannot resist the dictates o! fees, ihe or aa ae eercltaeal pats he Ln London , Ont. ustained astro oleae eed Lk ‘in won by three hours, a will confer a great boon tied able card test dozens of times success: | LFonto “Weekly Mail” for five cents a is it of value, ie it can be better and more | the misery produced by the use of the Mews are the best economists that we | Now, a man can cross it in a little over five the continual and still unfinished rise in the on seeder, nd although he has sines y ee William hae decided that the oie iere can be no question. full word for insertions. Address zafely rotted in the compost heap than in chee nto} ‘They throw into salable commodi. days, q ne the | value of gold. Archbishop ae eae Svante Be sinks an Crown Prince shall have a Public sehool eae 2 eds one thing more than another a ter hearing a number of theories as to| “ The Mail,” Toronto jk field, I say it can be; yet waste of | head is the only expression the dumb beast| ties many otherwise waste products, | to the other a speed of ten miles | presents a ruinous prospect for Bpeition a as serious, 8 education, und has elie ahs e Royal Gy:n- ach publ bal as is h fered. | how the photos were ia Qanada. a value asa fertilizer is very easy, and. may | lock becomes so large that an hott was looked upon as fast time, and | with judicial rents fixe fe twatatedieiiat th nasium at Kiel as the s one for years, | #gteeing that the hye hic could not see the = be very rapid: in the compost heap, ‘This is and watch waste products will not go very farsto- | even when the railroads were Seen edjand for tenant purcl pension Br at ti lo Niagara Railway Sus ti rake noes pagent oF and public. “ied Cane have more thas | Photos, T again hypaot i Wally shi, coke itl abable. ianetenens ag ous was Tonge rded ments to the Governmentfixed for fort the Sone seed ry, is ete ide has ceeee a feoling of of alan ah aoe the yore oe ‘ fiort to provide means, on {Placed on a table befor of taining little litter. Its value may be so rap- rat the N rty-five to filty ane ee years. Under these. Ais connor ote dale. ck [ana srr oars tla takes ton | stacere bakery Nite es | geegpete> oP het pbied at ohim . ay deepen ik en ee each Togo ar sce ae re many eae oe tpt tan | lleva date He reget Mi Falls. 3 vent the spread of th ai i -_ A few years ago a | Uve gares, of course I nam em. ‘ 1s willing to use more knowledge and care in ‘attached to several y e it to} The first egg laid feces fowl in eke sixty miles or more an our is alone aye - easter. hi Mode Soles se hin coauti Saag a Ed a a WS ete ogee i Bs Pivoalinig Hint ig the tual reactions S ve cite feet eee tee hatching, ‘Then the |ed ad romerkable, Ts there any reason. to ee oe eee ae aot absolutely 2 4 7 select low i- rt i is i vi i i i] left out of cal Le othe relan BRITISH. can who had spent years on the Panama | from the one now purchased by Mr. Manse * five eae Sigotk wees and here named ge, THOROUGHLY, FOREVER CURED ee xe ter ee hauled to the ected das bat S * n are Se es cae “8 erento pate peat ere air Pet M. a Pome Ministor nS syed in Ragland owned by women, ae committed susie by drowning hi but a difficulty in securing the site fixed | naming five more. While I was doing this, ahoud be epread Sea inaiat te te the field. hs ashe igual eit eee cee Fe wcconplishments in the neat fortune i France went to war wi mploying only women, earne: ed $25,000 by tea gain upon end an element of uncertainty as to | the figures were bei 6 i i th the vé ; ill f d these of | has emerged from th e pase into ® The Marquis De Lendena, a grandee of | the financial success. of the SPccig Fohiates wicker ce pat ttn Utila: Beapala te, But i Se es ee a eagnereran airs EERE same direction will far exceed. these of re sank after the defeat, and lisa Tere in he Glove, the ok Heir iitag baa ae 8 Paiedabcote teeter ig | of paper where the Fede tasneaule spat Gone at inte au rie under the rest presshard-into the} p,, - sieagres ee IS the past. ‘The greater part of t oa , the oldest a newspaper | SPain, formerly Minister to Turkey, bas Project. Yet scarcely a month | them. At this sta, while it gains nothing makes extra Digs Henne intense suffering. \ere= mn een in the way of increasing speed is P' as a member of # Jo London, ‘was completely burned ot on been ‘appointed Spenish Minister to the | Passes that does not leave behind addition. | to ¢ figures for the manure must be handled once more. | fore the practice is a cruelty, and should be| We agree with an eminent contemporary | the result of comparatively recent devel | eccasion was the annuals ard of prizes for aturday United St Ret hte Sehor Guistgas, 7} treats eee ae Tete Se. Which | did ibeorrectly. Tithe manure is sp hauled the waste | treate that nothing more sensible has appeared in| opments, ‘To go back to the horse, we can good works, wills, Clade pear patty ave arived at “Aouordiag va te yin’ texas onan me by the wantof somfortable other three lines below what he already had will really be very little, ecept, possibly, on a: England the Aiieon haa decided against | the diseussion of Hnglish composition in in the | see that there is room for great. improve: | who had f sotiea dor ik type te iarritz, France, but at Mr, Glad: sve. | the liquidators the enormous Som of $260). onty ‘ation for great gatherin; Tor- | and gave hima pencil, with in: i ery steep hillsides. The sun and air will e in many of our| public schools than a paper written by Mr. | ment in better roads. That must, surely be | broken in health and fortune, for twenty- IGuFaliue cilia secbocdon Sar tenn eed ne. {0s en expend fhe “Panama | ventions, an ak city for con: le did it and gave his answer, or i ‘orate the moisture and perhaps carry a ce dd geoglng tor Fashion swith | Samael piers and peed last summer be-| brought about at ant early date. ithout, wages, pei aon ie sain $17,600,000 | Sone ikely to become more go | rather, placed ut below the columns be add- some ocher elements, but the actual ies ‘or Sbolish what humanity should never have jfore the American Institute of Inatruetion, | pneumatic tire wad the delicate steel will | bringing up the whole of the officer’ Woudort ie the forisation nfs doureathe cart i axes. r Saas cE ed on the i ill | permitted to exist, ‘The other doy a peatle: He is one of the soundest and best teachers, | vastly improve the vehicle now i ay eived the chief prize o eae nian ti domtia + It is reported hat eenbliier plot has been Manners in Gai paper on ‘which the ie tiaten tad Been, pase ion and nan, When remonstrated with aoe the! one who takes all-round views Ol etait perfected nineteenth century Annette Chevalier got 500 francs for het de- Rinkay (ehsdanathc norte i a discovered agai: wat, and that a| According to the Montreal Witness there | "2 Prowse? snd (contained the folowing : s Y fe the | over- tight, aleek rela on. hit hor said : | subjeot he handles, and in his position he is | sain to farnish a most remark: ving fora famil ahaa ji foadonis ses 4 Perse large number OE piers have been eat in |is no country in the world wh di 6 4 food | Bhllerers trom folly, , ve With the soil, by plowing hed har- | «* Oh, he doesn’t mind ; he carries aa el | es to speak with a certai actical au- | with that now in general nse. jaiotio children, her bedridden mother, an 3 2 sluding many army officers, are less cultivated in the young 3 - 2 ‘ four ig} Dold fa Bs: i ff low gary bral » When asked why on this subject. He Ne ually re-| yet be done in the way of improvement ror’ father, from the time she a Shain Reyptotogy wu the famine districts of Russia the | in this Canada ofonrs. i ‘f Z 4 2 cite 4 ling use ib ie kes an ied aa about ai aera from the parties who, in pepoeins the wok af bleyelas can onl; i 8 rere ae _ sy one BS ee ed #7 Coy, peasants are dying by thousands of hui has usually & 4 and spreading on the ground as made is rec- weather. you have not love or sympathy | the en of young men who ask for | But i robable that the as| married Aan a slave jer lat iy yea oe b gas founded by Dr. | snd disease, and pope: no sigos of Tokaf {tobe Backatg in the natural: Ang She TRY Sele aNCiha on) manure for the horse that serves you 2 fatal, Svnlealgnt to she. colleges; ovexpalapealen | ian, ‘wilt See erurtel the motive power her half-witted bi hovii SFIS Rue Suites sd : = sete in her | from the horrors of # har: The fers takes @ pol 423-64 s si try to plac swith thot puerile work, and from the part- | and that electricity or compressed air will| married and brought her additional cares. Flinders Potcie, ibs le 4 ry Prof. W. M. teamer Noorland, Se ae York, it, but this is character | Tee ee for o1 t ti in this handling, but becanse yourself in its whee, ea how roe soa who go to the other extreme of thinking | be used for that purpose. The speed will | A scene was looked for when Ollivier arose, dies ites the holienel emter upon his} was Monday towed into Queonstown. She | °° very toug Re se ames rete Sy ee: i cea oe ts, Our we itavoids the very rapid and serious about all day with that the ne ducation is comprised in | be merely a question of good ro but the event passed without commotion, anered ‘erible weather aleat fom | denenDot i decltstn of independence the time and not added by, any person tll nents 80 that eu c purr aul ote a a from injudicious, careless compostin; place—and j teaching you how 10 speak ‘As wrailroad speed there appear: PRGA ENSUE ER CE a! a oft eshte deancek says the official | the time she left Sandy Hook, and broke | though, under soc’ Bate bacetbas neti ee ae ee posure attends dealin ng with ud So eho cae : * Strawy barnyard manure, ite the English language. ‘There is | no reason whatever to believe that | de NEARLY SWAMPED AT SEA, oe the city o! cla nis ye the grip| her shaft when 400 miles west’ of Queens. | Veneered wi ct ee Regus teen Lae awn some pergon explain how this is ‘you deal with others in the States EE manure containing a large Paeiets of “Golden mesh between. these two peas velopment stage tee as otis n, any native eo web aie t EME ‘ litter, is of less value to crops, because and Mr. Thurber ig-his little painphlet_on | Westinghouse, Jr., ofair brake fame, thinks pubes any native refinement we get it from the se Hono: | ee BUPEALO, N.Y. 4 furth vod Toon dee pipanttion. Le Pntioal Pointer this subject hae pointed out what it is, He| that pRinorease, 10 neventy or ninety miles | The TANK Steatues Weehanen Bae nee The French Socialistic leader Guesd y. ‘There is, how-| 1, 2 pes ba rible Time in Midoce: seta un aid other city onuke, French Sosislistio leader Guesde| over, a. tendency in : "| Toronto, Deo. 22nd, 18 do good to crops is so much re-| All business men take note of the cons ; hol that it is idle to postpone the correct | an hour is not so much a matter of power ay oe are being strictly guarded bY: to” seviva “alt Aatecnational’ f 348 anven mess. , , and the probability of its doing’ stant changes in the taste of "hele cimboriers of English to the Tigh school, and | as it is of safety. The brake force neces-|) The eae Oil Compary’s Ao capital, financial oppression, if spb at ach = harm so real, that its composting is to in the demand for certain kinds ot | {tit mit che: eoctiecs in the primary | rary fortrains easing ‘at thatrate of speed | er Weehawken has ae ao ‘Halifax in 6 The exci Giianat over the dynamite ox-| of the bourgeoise, and othe or BS ants ae ded. While in the compost heap goods. Farmers should do the saine. {sel jools ought ¢ expression, oral] to be thoroughly efficient, he says, would nearly. elas a state and crew exhaust- plosion in Dublin is very intense. A special | present social syste oe it will not so readily wa: il stable | cent alscacttis OF cabsima eee weictou the. great business of school | need to be double that now used for trains ed. AV eshawkeu sailed Aten ange cable sa: @ Nationalist leaders and) The Mexican Government ca t him centuries ago and is still taught polite: mantire containing little 1 yet it must in ing is faith in the soil. Asa class, /life, Here he takes the right ‘ground, | rnnning at rates below fifty miles an hour. 950. Piet Avonmonth in ballast for New papers are claiming*that the intention of | fi “Ls ook’ | ness, though, possibly, not as su ? i . be composted intelligently and carefully ; farmers ‘0 feel that money laid away | and, standing on-this basis, he holds that | U; een fed train running of | from C seas Ly! ie the Sie ey postinly, ecessfully 1g 'y: ys y y. ig the men who fired the infernal machine | try to suppres: e Yaque ere Hate cout lag before ications corrupted 4 and itshould not be forgotten, aleo, that | in the soll is dead property. [it would bee great gain if 1 : fae a ae ensld “not be| She met with heavy. weathes, sos. don was to injure the Trish cause by cultivating | uprising oe i v< fan his ers. When risin; tting strawy stuff into thesoil may prove| ED. Eastman, of Rochester, New York. | teachin Baglin ‘composition should be as- | broxght to a atc short of 3000 feet. | etantly going over her. A large, quantity 4 y. g | uprising ar arabia ts nut down the rebel- ig in the putting strawy DI ig 8) fe im at only under a si world depended-on showing the manner: ositively injurious to the erop. For ex- feet coms for nine and one-half cents | signed equally to all the teachers in our | That would seem to offer an insuperable ob- of water found its way below i 000 Indlans are raiding the ners i ly_inj P gn h Tory Goverument could order be postr ai whiter and eae settlers have'been massa. |°" ample; 6 will, to nt, Leach a day t of the silo, He con: {sols there isa later and higher work | jection to any great incense c° epee, eae. 6s Fe Ire red, Patan theictboraiint Sorapactnrectiae a sites silnge sud cottonseed meal a perfect | to be done by special teachers, but the basic | how long will ‘* present. conditions” last? | into the bilge Pi ‘oug! pe es gs Pe ap ste UNITED The fami Bo one of the essentials in the preparation of fault of En; het writing can be extérminat-| Everybod: knows rasial @ vast amount be gotten pa “th he engine room wae Is STATES. ine in North hacen is increas- PESRe i oo The big auditorium buildi ing, aud there is a movement 1m Sweden to piged bed for wheat or it ne increase | Te ardw an’ orchard “anceessfully, Have | ed at once by the combined efforts of all the dead’ weight a railway is| and there was danger of the fires bemg put ia edi iis staking en ling in Chicago rene Cpa ecip tions of “iat yea foe the @ effeots of drouthy conditions, to the, the ground in a good state of cultivation | teachers in the schools. 1 shot of his compelled 0 tt fee mevith nae car- | out. ros tee 8, and the edifice is being i 4ftbe Fi cor mi: Serica Ho a corn or other crop. for. Several years, Refore planting plow | paper is that the English teacher's fune- | riagos, electricity substituted for coal, alu-| The entire crew were ordered below: to ee oh zes prerate sp ei og it is exe | TePectiulness. and refined ¢ epecch meets = + REGULATE THE - = t the directions for! deep, and iia sub-soil be Srasall iio Bere | Fen should be to teach the language an reduce the water and save the fires and the A gents of dentine colored pep * ae that the | congestion ence, wither ne teak. oung people seem composting, I must content myself witha! gy, he literature historically, that all the ill ee ear Aastra those made have arrived at Dennison, Texas, {rom Obla- | poverished cot: im-| even to cultivate an air of I'm-ae-good-ae- STOMA i he 6 kept | yaildings are goad cats around. the farm | teqeners in a school shotld have ‘charge of last twenty-five years, homa. They were starved out. Be you-sir. CH, I od i Tropa cake | Buildings are of great usefulness in seeping the work of composition, and that the main changes do seventy-five 4 large powder mill epposed tothe T Teiprepetad in Paris thet epee. é antes alle Loerie iets Ske hod. Bho well} thing isto seanble. thse pais ene ed serge OTR . S bee egies hee le aa lee Soars grates ees Sir George-Dikbs, the -Premier of New asi s. The hea to allow | treat ed Be ae een iste w mn the ‘of logant and Ber probable. Already an set aa ee ing, sat Five whit babarst wey Mog ead regs Saleal ork Wales, who recently visited Ameri- PURI FY THE ; hae caiceds Wee tatc ait by vos thakaant eee BD votes Sonatracton sani ntact, vith interesting | feted to run at such % speed. - On the Ola me ville, ‘Don, ie Latag teens ae Pe ees oa een ae ight hours | ca and went away disgusted wha ene? BLOOD. be partly removed with ease. I prefer ‘a| ~ Many. farmer has the idea that good | writing. M ae has gone d Hoare: thes rolling stock is Seated? "Theod cans f. a ‘Seactie eas. “acid bythe Se ee would seen ta hat ve committed himself to yi roof of loose boards. During showers each | Toads will cog Beople that live 1a towne the root of the suey Tbisiness, ant e been z — Desteheds BR somewhat l.policy. At the recent A RELIAI EM! ‘alternate board can be removed, thus giving | oF cities much more than himself, while, in | tie paper, th gh i ee ae stom aad nth oy tram, | oeren Sn preventing im Tuaking revela:| season ofthe Parliament of the colany li a 5 BLE ne EDY FOR j ths heap the monstare it may need, a eae one Ss com:| at a eee ahwey. Jeon Wedwres . he Panama gave his support to a resolution in favour ndigestion, Biliousness, Headache, C Bh icp ag fed, Sa A jury at Huntington, ¥: Va her tora | Pn of raisi vel ct taxation 2 ” ‘e, Constipation, tirred, th | shar : i Va. 3 ga “ e os ly stirred, that all parts may be eh and Phe Cate “wile ofa ina The the Netheriaods land. value, rzespecive Dyspe ace Sabon Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad ovealyrotied, it is more important to have Tega ANKE get te. wiset Sand thel way eat a Ang sd) 2 a pt s omplexion, sente: therefore | best milk—the bodily comfort of the cow | can be ni : ward W, Hallioger tem, aobaug | prey, Sees the ‘single tax, plan i discon Sen cok che Sake ares Bom gd all. B i a it 8 ram} ust be considered and ministered to, | ‘The | girls arc 9 ed at 4 reay (Soy yuster 43 tar hy emrder | + cablegram ce geen m5 not Li , er and Bowels, (4 lown well. It i jendid plan to feed | comfort, the easy, the perfest rest of the| themselves in correct lan OH cectieg ie ae oe a es ei rou aft 2a the m ‘ nrriage | have bee mueeess in South Wales : Rinans Taboles ciataia ; jaa 7 the Bogs on the heap as it is being f sow must be studied if she be expected to| able to say what they think in good for stran . ~%m, ec and the young ne ES Then Nasee Pears nothing injurious to the most itei= Thei ing after stray grams will] yield to the extent of her powers. et g i nee | ently ee to go to paca i mi manui Frait, shade and evergreen trees standin BP at care on act Uaited, States and reme. ‘The et Fsagle ta an: while their go Iroa| jacgrase qurasd.ahoold nye Ahs grass’ rer| Ths Wory saa advice wi any ee rhe Gini RAs piss ad foueaod ton} tie ablition . not be tried, but if itis, New South Wales THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. - it soli = must be | moved and a mound of fresh earth ee a e | aged priest: treat ap insult like | tion not so ensily answered ; but consider Se journed for | the al n of pels ares ‘of th the "Neth will given alate ob jject-lesson to the rest 10 oe e on the | of a water place ree, | Bin ae Tectia ae gvenlctss never brush it! {ng the enormons saving in. time, wh alike, od, erlands Spruce Street, New York Cit: ing pai 4 : of the a5 ¢ ably ead Mit uesis tote’ done etary Tall rad eo.) of until, represents money, there ought ole oad ene vaca It is bet ak to give a little more tafly in the comforts of lie, and a great! cated in the assassin&ti eae Alexander Biberss, ester: ait The - ‘most hespabioul Te kept level, or a| If the farmers would stedy the markets $e 5 che lowest in the middle, If allowed: and their requirements, concentrate their | 4 moved in the sprin; li eta increase during life than so much epitaphy se ee ‘of the time required to me eli just, Sipe ‘th

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