day night Re ishone) Allangale, Halifax, THE WEEK'S NEWS|.22: CANADIAN, bbs] Woodstock, ra ie Wilkinson, an old resident of Knee, died on Saturday gape fe Sir Gharles ‘Tupper hi {2 London for Paris to eerie eatons for the Franco- Canadian treaty. ‘Ata meeting ‘of the Clydesdale Horse Association of Ontario the dates . of the spring stallion show wee and 9th of March. Rev. John’ Pringle, ex-mddeérator of the M Bresbyterian ty nod; will accept a all to St- Paul, Mim fespatch from Port Arthur say3 the from that town to Kort aliens is now open for trafic. Over ten thousand electors in the city of Moneat fea airs isqualified fro: .on-payment of the water tax. Kini Me- Allister, over seventy years of age, commit- ted sucide by, entting his throat from ear to ear. Senator Howlan, of Prince Edward and, is in Ottawa, and is as enthusiasti al i iain hot of the constraction of the tunnel under af has been decided to oreot gy $10,000 FS Ont. fixed for the 8th.| DeBerry. Fol Rev. Sam Saal, the evangelist, has re: 5 m voting | ty! Owing to thé snow bl jockade an actual wails Elicabgth and Wirt coun- 4 mee f debi oy establish a per: ic delegation in the United ‘sre Nath fonsignor™ ji at taday aiventeh ke a Socialist_and. in favour of the nationalisation of railways \*. ge Folic, a ship carpenter ‘out of y the “elelathgabte lik is « Danville, Ont wa turned to ne r. lanta (Ga. ) Constitution. Rev. Edward dD. D.; for 20 years pastor of the Paritane’e church ih New has mi drawal ferian general amembly owing to ita allnged: Within a few day st Police In: of New Yor ae Ce es eh Abield sdssitee Ingst. Pant, Minn’, by the Soo train; died and was buried wi in bwo hours of blaarrival of what ix BEES to be Asiatic chol. nn os to connect the Talend. with the main ‘The Canadian Pacific railway land f to 292,033 acres, valued £1 81,350-172, compared with 91, a for 1891. real, and will present At ta.the city os 8 ‘manent home for incurables. Mr james Scarff, Peet 85, and Mr. Ste- 84, two plonser settlers of Oxford County, have just died in, Wood: stock. The former was a Methodi the latter a Baptist. Both were nipily: Fe ae ire the newly elected member for Libblet, says he has important: declarations to make in the debate on the address in the use. ‘A daring burglary was reported by Fred Roberts, jeweller at 186 Queen street ae Toronto. men entered e rd The Mpntceal Sots Railway again deserted his: Has published a-retrac He ‘forind his lege and. ; was taken to Ottawa, where henow lies the operation, his he Montreal Canadian is strongly oppos- ed to the idea Wolseley as Gover- Monday m jamned Club until Seaely one 0’ wrelook cary ing apparen| Rev. Lorenzo 0 White, « Teng ogaticnal mintsteb,"Giodl ondfent on Weliabedsy. M. P., died on Satur- . Ibis ad that the friction between mem- hers of the Gladstone Cabinet over the de- Home Rule billis much aug- ‘mented. meeting between the delegates from the striking Uanceshire operatives and from themaster spinners resulted in a deadlock, and ‘the strike still con Owing to the abuse at the privilege ac- ci corded to ladies to visit the English House of Commons, the privilege heretofore allow- ed them to sit in the gallery proceedings of the Howse will only be gris berry special occasion: report in Desde that Pri sce cok of Wales contemplates a trip tothe United States next spring, his inten- being to peeemes ae ite review in New York harbour with a juadron oi warships, after which he wil ge to Uhicugod et dinal Parocchi has submitted to the| quent four weeks. chloroform was giv and visit the - ‘i a scheme to builda church on Monte | many-tim while under its influence Tels repotta ae dat Me Cla ye nicule, witha cupola equal in size and| his hand was moved in such a manner as stone intends ‘ora ‘Mr. Labouzhereand | “ect to that of St. Peter's, ee cost, which | give all the prs: exercise. Meeting me the Unionista. by. repealing to the Act fce- | is estimat delve eal] ane_evenioy, another plysictan_ requested bidding the Irish Pastis jent to indees i contributions of Catholics throughout | me to try hypnotism on pente! ablin-which could be done by a resolution | tbe world. called cn bim for that purpose Int of the Privy Council, instead of presentin A manifesto, signed by fifteen ae - course of our conve! m I learned he had a Home Rale bi This woald enable, ths th ch Chamber of Deputies, met with the aceldent precisely ten weeks Trish House-to pass local Acts leavin bills issued declaring that, opportuniam, as be, cand three daye previously, during the hol ‘ion come enj in the quagmire of w! ished | 0! iI suffered pain and was un- Siar We porety meetin to Sarnies and the mud from the Panama| able to sleep, though he had been taking so and that the political conatitanien, morphine. He complained of feeling sick UNITED STATS. New York bay is still obstructed by ice. ‘The emigrants who the United States in 1892 numbered 108, - nm Government SL Gecting Ttalingjoltigenain thes -| rested in Pari ted na |and put on board a ateamer bound for Eng- jedical | !and. eel eart Eng. doors 'y jeft German ports for | Ke < | sixteen of ARCTIC WEATHER IN EUROPE, band of these wanderers is encam oniggratz, in Bohemia. This 3 8. at 25° below oat centi- for the purpose of the aubject oe political union ‘al toca Ont mend the 7 ited State oy Carterites, a new wel jous sect with Sdeadinuattors ee Ona moy- ing the rest th ith their yells and howls for y during tho nighta 1 Sui aglela- = ont aties, to his sis forthe Lord, one: aaihiaF thais pro: GusnRaL. e Colombian Gov ee Paenaea the time Woh pa Bako of he Panama canal. Itis ede in Pesth that a plot was recently concocted, having a ies origin, edifldnny the PAube of Montexiegre e} ‘The “French Gover ao e ‘campaign against ok spondents in Pari Sauk at. Pago, Spain. They stabbed Y | two priests to death, sacked ie chireh atid | do’ to t scaped. ‘Acpecial cable despatch says thé Italian cided tonend another warshi the purpose of Dr ple triple Re xsionghgne presce tr eae pa on Caprivi says that a nigh hopéd for, was not absolute- ore-rooms on in one of t) Bopanios and the passengers -beeame e The four esis Nihilists who were ar+ yn 7th int of the Beisel 2 escor by a number of police: special despatch says a terrible traffic in girls has been~ discovered: in Hambui Since daa spring: some fifty young girls have-been abducted from Hull, London and iverpool, most at on. apn ee harest and Rel; Te is stated i at the Franco-Russian jumped from the third-storey. window of 8 in Vienna on fang aks woe cantly killed. ‘The Radicals, who have hitherto been the the German Militar, this weakening of The On Sanday Lilletkveses @ifice-broke oat ba we ly y excited, but the faines, were soon extit- ion gui \ mi him it Chicago is threatened.with a coal famine, | the threatres were closed, for the reason vain in’ ave es tees Ae atl and not only will sufering ensue among tbe that there were no audi could continue to treat him till he'was wel Poorer classes, but large factories will be sea isrunning in the harbor, | without/again seeing him. His wife, who Bl oer tacahatidown, for, want of-fusl and vessels at anchor.are riding with extra | was listening, woul consent to ha throwing thousands of people out of empl long cables en put | hi oti ne BORE. en nae «eros ar ms ra Pee aagaig sve lat et bp o |. leis reported f from Detrdit' that w pro- | break: Tr m swept a the | city a few Xmas and very mu oias made to invite: Messrs. | 8% Communication with Fiume and Zara| wished to-continue the treatment tor his Goldwin Smith and Elgin Myers to ae y [8 cut off. ether, the storm is the | hen nei cA Pais Telogeam sayai—Therelis litle atatement inthe severely cold weathe a heavy storm is preva ae round i number of persons have of exposure. died from the efiects ‘The river Seine, Loire, and un 1s, and every manin the ero talked the edema At nem gully cold rether e how the i fed ‘atk scantily "clothed nen W their miserable ae and halt- stan vad all Sore: A signi pe measse pry son ngs, which were qung with hat showed that it <a require ihetivete 70 tan a em! i is into a aoa ally the crow at the Ministry “ot Bablic Works, and cigh ace en inted a committee de mand Aa é othe Minister of Public Works listened at- tentive soles committee. He ato expedite” the bare of reat Aufiaien Oeotta Taree Part of na “dés) emomn = tis cold weather continues Miuehede “Austro-! suffer from the inclemency of the weather, "A oping e band were found frozen to jeath. At Prague, the ‘capital of Bohemia; the es, and no one, unless absolutely compelled to do ae ventures out. Lastnight orst shat bag peoyalod of Teast i any ig down, the soreness awa: faratieg m the tim it done. ‘rom my eee a e follow- ‘seri iar then 23rd Dec. I took. fi Riese, of paper and on it wrote tl ing — * After you read all that is on sia paver to a sound sleep for fifte eet | ely on ed ites matter what distance I was from hi ave hypnotized him ‘once each aty| with the excepti ve days. He con: ronto Truth. 3 cua The Only Sriaios! Han Who Broke ate mk at Monte ea sf A Lon doa (Eng. Jdespatch Wells, ¢orimonly kno Wells," has WEELS AGAIN IN-LENEO fifty years, of age. His Lond is 154 Great, poe street. a large number During. the time @ | employment for them. UTILITY OF HYPNOTISM- @. , 4 carpenter, uged thirty-seven, fell ies tie roof of building, breaking his Tocbt as to the passage ofthe bi It is reported a etersburg that the iment is aioe to issue strin, ropultions for the protection of sea Behrin — and the arm placed in splints. hat deli i poaching ve country must be revi Stations Auembly: with imperative man- ae d that a organized by the fee through Pie reed the masirmum penalty for an, infringeme ent of the regalations ill be probably. tw Years’ imprisonment and confteation of the oa each time he took the chloroform. I exam- of universal suffrage. = the office of the Ministry of Public Works | the exp that of acivil engin- His “Monte Carlo had *brok eer and patent agent: He whe — he eon the bi é Ey Re . Pa ce Bee gemma Wells on his career of adventure. ed, thie reeult of which was that tive wrist ‘0 undertaking may’ be ed | consistin, finmues’ to improve! SES. Hoseboss In To] re) Been leveled, well tated, a EIFFEL TOWER TOPPED. sod third knuckles of the Hogers were in- found tempofary Te~| sir Edward Watkins’ Work in London—To Tiel et tikes Oy iybep oa his back sod Baring i his arm pnt” back/over} bis heal, a positi Fate Feet in eee he could not place it in himself, ho| | The foundations of Sir Edward | Watkine’ able to lownonee it Py put | new tow. leted. him n'a deep hypaoticsleep, took the swell: | They occupy re park of 120 acres ates een, en Willeedeh: rey Harrow. i se blocks of concrete. pelt ee idea ot the sengaitnde of the whole or athered from the statement that the fay Tower, which is to e so far- sur} glish tower, pieces,. fastened tog i Ergliat tower is £6 be 159 fest” je higher im the Freuel wonder, and a latter can be seen at &-distance of sev. reales higher groun: the top of - | En gis tower there will s an-observatory and rooms for scientific experiment, which are key to be of great value. plan provides for a lange eo stage ‘will accommodate 20,000 p This e rooms for 8 while at the top there wi ter. | small rooms, which might be-used as private dining-rooms. alt way up will be another landing ge, and arrangements have been made in thesinna for lifting to the top of the tower z r of pe jonths up to the first floor, and that the whole can be completed in eighteen months. Persons who havé éeen other tall buildings of the some conception of the height of Sir Edward's 1,200sfoottower by bearing in mind that Notre Dame in Paris is but 217 fe ig x's, Rome, 433 Egypt, 4 Rouen Cathedral, 402 fers tauiee edral, 467 feet; Invalides, in feet; Cologn ss Guttodraly 521 feet, and th Pantheon, in. Paris, 279 feet. he: pleasure grounds. round the tower will be the most, expensive place of amtise- ment in thé worl vantage has been In the lake $2 a. plotureeque sieane of which thay reat; On higher ee workmen ardens, in the lage pavilion of whieh: entertainments are to be given, A bandstand is algo to be’ provided. The-whole.-120.acres will be opened t the public carly next spring; althongh the tower. will not be completed until ten or Paigemchta ter THE ** CARIBOU QUE! treaty binds each ‘hation, in the event of ense.of the administrators of the| 4 Barebetey. peng be peut Son arm Troe to. place 600,000 troops in the field | tue processionists, remaiti e outside | great-gambling Casino, He believed, 0 within six jweeks,;and , oltimately. each | = Sus and ‘erying, ‘‘ Give us“ work 1” | affected to belieye, in the run of sequences member sais many of the ex- Bation is to place in the, field. 1,200,000 aekiee i inc = ee Saraotnous it : itd bk et one citing a in thevearly Cari ans a e: waders: reher o. tl lid nc is rr. le overloo} one | two years mn the -openin, 1 Cal i ae as kebeecy Tees, ‘and here, in no un-| point, which, doubtless,.prevented a. part- | dwi dihedt doth trot erpopulation of 10.000 oo ee capitol a the condi-| certain tone, a deman ids for" a | per-fr0m cyming forward. If. by following to less than 1,000 souls, and to ere is ion of the tral Russia is |hearing. “The House decided to allow the table no# left in the canyon one of the original in- worse that ever before? re, without | committee of five to present. to the Seore- | to soquite great Wealth; what nocd was|disbitarite, “Afterall these years we expec = ind fuel, and:are dying by thousands | taries a petition: thatthe petingeet had r grease capital 6 start the oper- | tose of starvation and typhus-feve Peeper ruth the ct, in ‘The French Government, will soon sirike peti tting fotth| | Wells was wanted here for many shady | richer thant Caribou ever was, and is so sitt a blo e Royalis 2 | the evle suffered By. ee Sorkingmen of the | operations. ated that the camp has ample transportation o | excellent authority that there isnow ample | country and demanding that work be fur.| Mise Catharine Mary Phillimore had paid facilities. evidence of a Royalist conspiracy pished to the unemployed. ‘Italso demmand- | hi £9,000 on condition that she recerved | =‘. am onmy way home from a trip to arrests will be made at an d that universal suffrage be established. | £100, cai sabunye Shia Eurepe, and in a sojourn, in Hampshire, A train filled with ‘After presenting the petition the committee | from an invention diminishing the eonsump- Samat had interviews with the Progressist - | tion of in furnaces. Other casesyin- ‘any of the men escaped with more or less | bers of the who promised their | volved the victims in injuries by leaping fro1 support he men in securing their de- 8 lie day following the liearing of -one| cot doors, but 49 ands. f the cases Wells sailed from Plymouth speciakeable deep s| ‘The announcement by the committee of his sumptnonsly furnished yacht, the Palais theseverty ofthe the result of their visit to the Chamber was | Royal. He touched at Cherbourg, and then as dae a teen sp coe siletited in iwitsal ted cheers. members of the | went on = only to find that the land for the past crowd declared that they were in no humor police were on his track. Welle was. ar iat Tose oe araste jled with false promises and | rested at Havre, and his yacht was seized threater make trouble if the Govern- | by the authorities. On board the yacht the Upper House of the Austrian Parliament, | ent did not. shortly furnish some oF yi he wrote to Wells that, as she was completely without resources, she intended to kill herself. ‘The letter was cepte by the Public Persecutor, who summoned Jane Perna his office. He was soon convinced thi i ‘womat e" CARE her sufficient money to-return to Londo eee | A BAD BOY. t es He Robbed His Employer and Mixed Quick- | 8 silver ue the Pie. despatch says : B y! as ian vr Wi apeetit boy 1e years of has been arrested here by an office: from Chaumont, this county, aes whlch place | f oning the family. His w ed, and he was followed and caug! The costliest pipe in the world is smoked, on great occasions, by the Shah of Persia, jis hand moved that day while ek chloroform- It is set with diamonds, rubies, and emer- alds, and it is wort 000% + e ow nothing about the misdeeds of which her | wi Dg Heathcote fell in love with this mountain ild flower and the: 1 years inte ° left the district with his wife and little son. ia F M4 Ey Fi ing seareia prov fie er thane “The wife probably never knew the true younger, who died in this country, heir to th . | young m: ed Stat English io sses- sions, and the esata is now in the hands of a distant relativ Khedive has changed his — very likely that the English Government will insist upon the i being dismissed and rep laced by men wi re favourable to Great Britaic- ‘The English fa eae will. a oe z “ Milverton Sun ronuas stuvnspay “MORNING, GS STREET, MILMEBTON, ONT. omy of Sapserinsion ne Mont! thei in advanc three Months, tising a raed Stverisoments Be. pet line, for first insertion, a per line jor each subsequent invertion, Measure areil scale Busines cards of eight lines and under, $5 per ye “Adivertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, eding 10 lines nonpareil, §1 pet s on Sale and Farms on Sale, not to exceed 10 lines, $1 for first month 500, pa sc qaent. month. special rates will be-given for larger advbetisein hts: Any special notice, the object of which is cuviary benefit of any, ine consi ae accordingly. Loca notités r type one cent per word, no notice less t Notices for churfjes and other igus and benevolent instifgtions half rat Correspondents Corres; pants tor a every unre- pregented distri mespondenta should write on one side ofthe sheet only, ruthorized correspondents will tumibed with, wetin material arama taped and addressed, ‘ Job Prim ting of every description, turned out in style of the, art, fa aemere Milverton, Ont. { »A Remarkable Man. ladétone’s intellectual activity has renisinol even ih his dvcliging years one of the maryels of public life. His melodious still a giant g Englishmen. How can the intellectual vigor and extraordinary | 4 vitality-of jer of men be accounted for? ‘That is a question which Mr. Glad. stone himself is pre-eminently qualified to answer. His explanation when recently er, and enquiry revealed it was Re level. Conse EY, ER, .' defeat aatet was riding, beng eed dene hcl of Sen...Don Juan Francisco Bade fe Gasica: commandant of the cotablishinent of San Blas and C: irate. SEEING LIFE, jice was hoarse and husky, and my nerves ee Lap sister with combatting their atu ost hat o more iwiolosoms at beartfelt oh 0 # Who | “ ¢ North- mot "Mounted bing than they: had received at my han Ths Lite of the ato avg s Senor Quadra lived on sl Tenn = ey Eran is theceateby os a ce | bing ate aren © sonia 3 Gave His Name to th red Island) Poge' exit $0 acquaint him of Vai aarti volums just issued. com the | Without dpger of serious or permancat. in of the Pacific Pvtin pe : arrival, and to saat ifa ead male Rees of the National Publishing. Gompeny. | ju fia: & ‘j Pale i SRP pis di pes | The author of the ‘book is Mr. Char! he astasl et apeperpliabe was {ud Whose Centennial has Jas Sere a thirtene | haneede a Dwight, son of the Rr and es Seek ly les ‘an one-half what-an’éxperi- by aes Se s@cealate of thirteen gans exchange ¥: manager o! e Great vem Tele- ‘enced hand might have done in the same pemvend Colgpretct etal ver afterwards wen! ore al graph Co, Itis an agcount ob he ne Lor time mA felt tolerably satis- inthew: ceived with great cordiality. Ousdra es Nea Co ped expaien — “a. year's| fl os chive Sarai With the eloue of the yé ear 189 during turned the visit next day,'to the DEE ES: ku®oking about the Canadian "Northwest,” prog had made. Needless to say I ‘so many ei THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPA: axe informed i the pretace. We have | Bs thoroughly exhausted and played out 7 been held in, the Eastern ad An enduring and graceful complinnent bool rea and | gfter my first day’s work, ‘and was ready to W Festatea haralepheret in honor of the dis-} was.paid to, the memory er in ss Ley n rf very soon after having supper. overy of the continent of America by | 1841 by the then governor of the Pai caety, rary al _A heavy f rain commenced about ‘olumbus, 400 years ago, it seems fitting Sir George Simpson, who.had a handsome | tions an author. Where is Nob! }a1f-past veven.that evening, which aroused refer toa fow facts’ which appear to be imarble tablet erected i Petersham chuteh, }@ dull chapter in this whole volutne and We the lethargy ashe sat’ staring little known or apparently forgott ith ‘a suitable inscription. Sir George} could w: e had space as , and seemed to set him thine: 2 i to under- may and 1588 Pe ie iciete ooh ntry, by land in 3 am rendered si; the effective and leading atthe took in the of the Spanish Armada. ears after Drake's visit a_ large “ Vancouver Island.” Continuing his noi wards, cruising and examining the shaped his course southw: the Sandwich Islands in January, 1779. i ee assistin, AIN GEORGE VANCOUV! sur this lust mentioned wore, and on which occu e et in Whitebath, ame in 1793, The: difficulty was its se secant, from Nootka. oes beggar cee oc and #0 Ameri Q d his fleet left Nootka on. the 22nd 1792, for his Mexican head- quarters at San Bias, in anticipation of the adverse decision likely to follow. Vancou- and satisfactorily completed his mission, and returned to Hogland, Super ee ie be worthy of notice to state that intellectual. vi tion of purpose upon the great majority of wo the rest that comes fro ivity, but r volved in tango thought. ‘Mr. Gladstone's career has shown that a can be done employment loor ym the unt rm_of his recreation- that of felling trees in Haward. the importan uch exercise has been exaggerated. He has always been fond of walking just ort gentleman, riding, hunting, fishing or cricket, he has never displaped much inclin- ion. While he hasiinvariably arr: doogree bf fresh air and physical exerciso, he has not followed any sys! ie sire es Se ciases ioealleorasl labor on the same level: He has never 0, deeply im lic affairs ad ia ht of diay oF hig pefinet t ae ence The ‘Admicaley. ectectdh” Vatibonvets in loop Discovery with 100 men, which in- aladtah himself Pade three lieutenante-Mudge Puget and Baker. re him to EA an tha ° Vion? falnadigeie om eee is departure took d Ge dete) in March, 1793, Wee the Straits ts | cities which have Petals sprung up in Puzet Sound ee due respect to ,Vancou- aeaetes s_ his | great extent. feeipab ection laine he had brought mitted, to pre nt of the voyage which a such a successful termination. ter portion of the marrative waa, com: aie hig notes, and edited: by his Pe sane aatoaars wards the close cof his life he took w rand Garter = 3 a5 2 Pa A 2 town of Richmond, Surrey, al west of the ety of London.’ Richmond Hill, ‘The | utt 8 exper’ 1 ended in securing to the Crown of Great | made by M. our p Jey in one of his fields about a Britain-the whole coast of the pecitas north }agent-genéra Piear o'oloak te tal sowing ident mile Saain halt of, ‘which he said would el and | bia, who has Hee and while it was still perf e to be looked after at once or blue rnin si i the tablet, to; Iwas awakened wos \d most ere follow, He asked me entarn, continent _was ue Capt. G s from below to ‘get coat, a myself with a fork, Hagprenat a to Board of Trade crawled out of bed, bangi ead on oe a follow ia ‘most aggravatin, eenith or RE perann pushed forward fie i i of the house.a\ tly Nery granted air. I look lisegveries with great vigor lantern, and after g é moment, without mov- fern coast, Her in! epi | ms, fama Tnaies the hen he remarked : “Of friars and. soldiers carrie be- | early. history. of British lier :: found my employer already. =p oa course you don’t inind the rain.” Oh ! no, fore them, by conquest when gti: aired, By should be more highly onotted ‘than that a waitin; ot » T replied, smothering my in- the name of their countéy and their chur: na in leading the way out to sable digation Pr ee ould, for L. was played They gradually penetrated throug! es 3 hen Groncz Vana ER. ‘where he had some eight or ten of cal wil ay’s toil, and was just on reached th cif 0 ‘ocean ; took possession + and a yoke of oxen. Handing men pis. Se ree iaey gin to chjoya might well of the entire coast, and made settlements| After full and cafeful explanations ps fork he indicated what was wanted, and in| earned repose. pitied the man jug meal detratie points. tween Qua Vanco all ho| a few moments .t.was busily engaged in| in his trouble; I eh eae Eoetveinly have Sir Francis Drake mad. yage ar most. er, it m4 hat leaning the:place out. This done, the cat te used ‘a mre nder any pretext, but on "| Cape Horn to the Northern Paciein 1579: | the whole taatter relative. to. the right of| tle were all watered and fed, after which he | seeing the situation, and the threatene ie narrative of timat voyage, as n by | occupancy, would remain ce until mooaily led the sway ood pile, where | SeerrSction of his grain, I finally consented one Fletcher, is not considered reliable, It | the decision of the British and Spanish gov- hint as to what was re- | Gos company him. Each with a fork over ontains several, incredible statements. | ernments should be fully known. isa to operate for bout] shoulder we slarted outin the direction of rake was nights after Ee aie toHng-| ~ Arbitrators wot 47091 ted by both gov- fal At six o'clock we is won the barley Ald, whe ‘we arrived after a 0 vee ings | besmeared with mud from head to foot. Lice lly i in ‘n iness roc breukfast which, | Little time was lost in getting to work, and r my part, I now spas caeae well carned.| amidst the down pour of rain, and with We were soon seat mall table, 4 Soy 8 huge plate 0 ot ‘omridee ad potatoe which, otnnneneeean s explained that Hever edone any of ‘his 0 st Fur Company, commence operations, and in what particu- at the easterly shore of the same filet on | lar terms 1 should couch my. language in ich Vancouyer was ‘ork, although | addressing the beasts I now had in hand. neither of them, at the time, was re a word the oxén started of dy ce... Mackenzie was. the | frantic effort I managed to get the plow in ‘crossed. the American position, and sallied forth over the field. continent to the Pacific, north of the Rocky | first furrow could hardly have been terme as afterwards knighted; a marked success. The stré e difficult and danger-| one, and the oxen seemed perfectly awa hed. at a new at nt SabStaey, bread, the plow. aa first day’ Ace args the heaithtal pursuit of farming, if my first day's experience was an; harley burs playing haves down, our backs events—we Rs ey va the stack wastrel shaped, it appears in the chart of Ria ex Sees aes aan Be. is when we tradged off again thi the rai portions during the summers o} "03, | Breakfast over wo again betook ourselves | and mud towards the honse. ae ae (94, as published in 1801, pe ag thal Ledihe sighle, when oy asked me if 1|ing, Fthought at’ touohing Analé In istory of his voyage to the North Pacific| now Pade myseli suficlently fortified GS ecdus y's experience as a farm- e iy a mest pitiable state of genergl disorde of work in my life, but nevertheless | and ort was nota little aggra- oan \yself as quite confident that I| vated by the barley burs which -had found would soon acquire the necessary dexterity my Ghich baused: with that instrument, ‘The oxen were then | an almost endless amount of scratching and taken out of the stable and marched off to under my skins that might the field of oni labou 3 they were casi enaetedis: soon hitched on to a plow and handed over taesrel disability after my 0 correct indication fatter, was something which 1 would abandon at the first opportunity. Tr you want to bil eros free) ivertise in the Toronto “ ‘That paper reaches 100,000 saemere| mes every week and, ‘ in as kindly command; but Taboos Gi Teould ae ed in m: known aso ; | in Bagland. Theviewup the Thamestrom the and: Ga there, he exsls imed, Here would I desire to live, and here woul the lattes ortion of this one prophetic ‘or he died in that room, in May, 1798, at shah lots ts emetlan ed by a multitude of nario dei Vicar of the Parish to have formed a portion of “the great Abbey. pt Okse t8y ‘The ee eiifice wab rebuilt in 1505, ver’s memory the first centennial anniversary of his coveries in that region. ‘ave Dwellars. A remarkable coincidence occurred on the | . It locks as thdugh 6 living remnant of 12th Oct., 1892, viz.: the dinner which was | the cave-dwelling race, held in the Whitehall Rooms, Metropole, | Arizona and the re; London, under the presidency ot His Excel- | been discovered as fai | leney, the Marquis de 1 aiglesis, upon asmallisland off the Alaskan ra jpanish Amb: in don, ‘com. | which was recently visited by the United memoration of the fourth centenary of the | States cruiser Bear. Be with | great discovery made b; mbus, ek while exploring the upper sur! inexhaustible resources for interest erin ng the ng first cer ial pies e day | rock known is King’s y ee te Ge er- | on which Vancouver left Nootka, cheochat above the waters of Behring Strait, found olor onged | ist life ing arranged with the Spanish commander | an aborigin-1 tribe of ca ers, wh cm nimpair there to withdraw from the possession | seem to possess some of the acteristics f? kills men in this | of that place. of the curious people which in old ee over-wrong ht, busy world. he dead} On completing the ged of Puget Sound ee far to the southward. level of conti yusine: Van: ven of the dwellings we infer that, rou tea a that-slowly ees | the worker: faine, starting with delicate fast "falling into @ | & commission for ats, but. he bad. been e1 and tO think at a fresh level and in a new ¢ Mr. Gladstone has Serv have, and thank A ou if Shape cad horn ; but @ possibility of your trumpnt, chowse 1é rather.—(Spurgeon, remitting zeal wi coming a silver| ¥! surveying Burrar arin ee Gat Sound, , ete. In an inlet near Gray's Poin’ he north end of the islan ey received great courtesy, and inform- im that at Nootka were three aoe awaiting his im copies of their t, iscovery to anchor near “His Catholic Majesty’s” brig, band that which was kin, ad had no portanity of of Seong: upon. wh or-walru: t i is used by their sor viaived by the Captain of report is likely to be of interest to archie ologists. ee a Se One hundred cubic feet of wall requires a cord of stone, three buckets of lime and a cubic yard of sand, for ee ediate e Star a a and with irmly st round, ie mplete- vooal or: mer, T eoncluded to take a thod of a co mana and looked about for some tangible meat to convince my friends ined an air of stolid indifference, | WEAKNESS!MEN era THOROUCHLY, FOREVER CURED ~ by anew perfectedscientific method that cannot fail ‘tho case is beyond exceme! ate food! Sufferers trom folly, overwork, ill heal ee nee ou despair, cal science. rinesa hooor stl exisy, here go in hand Wate for our book with expla mations ient lowin to be rel ious detested. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N-Y. tty club, however, T meted ow, measure Le aap andabat. tte toot the lay ny | RET se e ‘ € ps = + REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER sB BOWELS, - PURIFY. THE BLOOD. —— A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR em Comple Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Ofiensive Breath, and all disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Ripans Tabules contain. nothing i tion, Pleasant-to take, ruggists. A trial bottle safe, effectual. seat by mail on receipt of 1x5 cent jost delicate constitu. mediate elit. Sold by cents, Address is to the Give ian injuriou THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., = = Net 10 Spruce Street, w York City.