Owing to the great increase in my business during the past year I have decided to take in rFHFROM A PARTNER On March first next, and in order to reduce my present stock $1000 before that time, I have decided to.give a $4,000 TO ote 20 Per Gent Reduction on all goods—that is you get back 20 CENTS on every dollars worth of goods you buy for cash I mean business and will as I advertise make this @e-eduction in all goods. PeOr Ti rlltet ¥: DAYS _ SCHAEF! P.S.—-On account of the above change of business, it will be necessary to be settled before March first - for all accounts now due me the TAILOR MILVERTON WATCHES sar Watches at lowest prices and guaranteed LOCKS, ‘Which can be bought at bottom p —easy for the eye. Ease eb istgvielon indice A N etacles are the best for the money [ent parts of London, and shops in port pe nearly every’large city in Great Britain Proressor James Ropertson, Dom- They Know inion Dairy farm products generally in the Old pon his return he sai ived from: the sprees retail rovision: orld an is offer for our mammoth Caantian cheese | Thom which is to form the centre of the| ion of dairy pyramid at the Work’s Colum. "JEWELRY. 2% SILVERWane | ai Exposition at Chicago. He has Commissioner, seems to have busied himself greatly during his : CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE recent trip to Great Britain in looking s i i ¥ into matters having to do with the Large ioc of Gold and Slvr Watches of sale of Canndian dairy products and fi : Elgin, Waltham : Colu aintbus, ete. jac 7 Not What They Do Tax following passed unanimously by L.0.L. 563, Leamington, wi be published :— Moved by Bro, Walter Herman, seconded y Bro. George Tighe, and relayed: I. ‘That this Todge views with strong. dis approbation the acceptance, by our Gra Wa position where he bas neither vote nor voice the Dominion Cabinet, under Sir John ‘ites in Canada, radation ee nity he should maintain, and affords an op- ty to our es t0. scoff Ae ot resolutions were ith a request that they 1 unanimously | tl nd Master, N. aliacey of a subordinate paaretog tian Charity, and love for their Slow man; and will find that they are not co! them examine the orange constitution, and they will find that in nearly ever: section of the ren pe palate aie ext, ee ey might progeably peruse te constit- ate of Canada where they further information of i to- wards their palighteutient finally thee shouid study the great principles. of human lifé and action, and reflect how long any nation could exist held to- gether by tyrannical ideas such as theirs. old find | droy Dodd’s —ric acid in the bloott ia ee -| of nearly all disease, it visits ere: part of the body and is liable to fasten pain in the bark follows, and unless re- ief is obtained, permanent inability of Pe kideys, to perform their functions fol te in hiv seas: s Kidney Pill asst the kidneys to nateral work, all com- plaints and results ee say sie same. ARM FOR SALE Medical Hall ey Rest ORICSS BUILDING HERBAGEUM Milk Producer and Cattl Ryg Prodnoor Ya propatcl oxpocially, for animals while cing stalled during ie inter months, when they can’t get ratur: ron $420 roR SALE AT THE POST OFFICE CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFRICE Bost Oflice hours from 7.39 a. m. to 8 p.m. Dink acl Money Onder aiea tone wat 6 pit $50,000 Tuam = on farm security at lowest rates -of interest ls WALDSTOR FOR THE HURON AND ERIK LOAN | D SAVINGS CO. JAS. TORRANCE, AMiss U. Hexpsrsox. Asst. Postmaster “The Ailverton Sun HURSDAY, JAN. 26, 1893 MILVERTON MATTERS Accident “Peren ATKIN,sonof Mr. John Atkin, wuet with a serious accident one day dast week, When shopping wood in evel a struck a limb and eiaet it to alight fin a different place from that intended. ‘The wound is healing. ‘Wedding af Pense, N.W.T. Tue Regina Leader has the follow- to the marriage of Mc. | servic “ He Shall oe ae Flock,” and was ition tan the pre- aaask Mir. Thomiks. SES= JJ, G. GROSCH & When you were = bay and bad sf ; to cut wood you thought fuel was HAVE THE SPLENDID STOCK O¥ THE SEASON too abundant. Nee. whe wish to state that the market quo’ n you are =| oid a and have to buy it, you think fuel fo eee —In fairness to Mr, Reddaway, we Quali Ity at the top hi rch | tions in last » alled upon to presch four mane in Seratiord this meck, McKibbin, M.A, of sian “was then ca.led upon to make wn He was laboning ‘ander a severe cold, ‘with extreme difficulty he he pro: 3 bin ‘thismeighborhood. Itis 37 years since he was the resident spite in Mill- bank. He was pl fine churche: -|bis building in Phe spring. He in- mee ee their edifice— n a*great many ie and | was ae iar witl st of many, and said he thought that $8,000 would _He| sre » | gress is livered an unusually able address, an wos highly appreciated. ‘The Pati followed with “Lhe Sweetly Solemn both | Q e tea Aetna amoul ehhane Le sum of a as ted the collections on Sunday $36. ‘After Mr. Me- Kibbin. ee that shes anniversary ing, relating to : obs, R is no Thi Bit church, Pense, was interesting event on Thurs- day Dec. Ith, 1892, it a me voceasiun ef the niae riage of Mr. ‘Roe, manager to the Messrs. Spring Rice Bros’, . Coulee Farm, third son of Ae vi Di enik Mac of John enacts Esq., Kings Banbury, Oath ‘England: th his charming ‘ nouncing the benediction. meeting for children, on Tuesday ne bg 00 were taken in, making $135.4 STRAY SHOTS FROM THE SPEARERS Rex. Mr, Edmison “In order for a ones to pros- there must ‘he good feeling ween the membe: Be ll rbepild tbe willing workers.” 4 congregation should be like a “age hive without any drones.” “ Unless minister and pikigeate I pros. ‘address, | this neighbor! : Reece are issue were not given Tt was another case of “the stupid Cages —Mr. B. R. Hamilton, hardware merchant, Neepawa, Man., spent a few days during the past week visiting in is a nephew _ Prices at the bottom ore This is the candition of affairs with us as regards of Rich. Hamilton, es , ‘ Lie Eystcs < “ce aoe rons Rogtwear of Livery Desert fs hacfe { Complete in Assortment ! Splendid in Quality! Bargains in Ladies’, Gents’, Boys’, Misses and Children’s Shoes, Rubbers Slippers, Trunks, ete. subscribers were receiv Zeigler in this locality for his paper. —We understand the Besecli aweetin, h gi regards etesentes to wards their eontemplated new churel te Bible Depository Here. Agent for Genuine Singer Sewing Machine — ee —Mr. H. M. Schaefer is having : : su jing material de ed in front of , eo te the pi esate reagtse Main Street, Milverton tends extending shop out to the : as (Sat aan STERLING--O1L LS Geal more room, necessitated: by his wing ‘busines The march of pro: J MANUFACTURED BY— ward. -—Mr, ‘Robe Connell, of ae g : ell, Esq " net Is tho best Machine Oi da the market for { FARMERS and THRESHERS USE 1 FOR SALE BY ‘ N ALL DEALERS Iti attachment fora dbinder, anc Mr. Connell believes tike Col. Ttatben'y Sellers, “‘ There’s millions in it.” G —tThe first meeting of the Literary So need for Tuesday that Cenedian Independenes is prefer- ALL: ape fe He connection.” The ‘ affirmative side will iit sea-[WINTER GOODS ae There will be vocal selections by i d of Miss Livingston, Miss Rae ~~ Pugh, will provide a full musical programme. AT COST + x itd together there can’t be real rity.” and Ercland, ‘The price offered is one| p.%, Tit we regan the fendi 13 aly ke Ai toe oe oe on Bee COLDORINGS, « » © | ebteti will recoup. the depaesuient for| maeeete rea pat : : a nice assortment all the expenses of manufacturing the | way of Quebec bigot A NEW ENTIRE STOCK mammoth cheese, and besides that the x offerer, who is no other than the great i of bat Ati : Sok syouiie of + brethren throughout the Dotninion to nm FOR THIS MONTH Rev, W. M. McKibbin, M.A. “ Sociability is an eminent Chris- tian virtue.” evening, when the happy couple, amid| “‘Sociability is one of the 3 pte orchard. Bates: met with an acei- 4 showers of rice, old slippers, and good | highest virtues that Christians should ent, he is not able Ik farm. wishes, returned to Pense, odes aed Eevee soon aetli 7 i boarded the east ‘bound trai Ja8. HOLMAN, q P.R. for a two months ionkton, P.O, ant eye the encroachment o! every tgeany a te in the ‘arb of ism and orangeman. Fe d nes to caries das: ee “The fF dotted of 563 have not done so. mi ty nal aly mm ledly oi pok iti tolicy. . That we view with ala inal Law bill, 1892, of Si hompson, which is iting its thi i i ving passed two endings unchallenged, and which will legal ize the Jesuites in Canada, and allow als and referenoes to the Pope of Rome, 5 Zngland we dep t fal onr ‘our tracll to the public: ct Nsiylediers in a wo eet stock, erga hie reste Cate: <———, GEO. PFAFF sess.” ciability is onl pee word hs’ hone: ean at therh the home of the are ‘8 oe ity siete that taking in Toronto en row he pre- aos ld ie nase fiber God.” sents were numerous a aes cut aH ng raining is eminently necessary in which we noticed a handsom: every part “of life. It involves the ver tea service in Mi spirit of Pacbisieaton?” gift of Mr. Bernard Spring Rice. Dr. McMullen case, from the) We should all cherish 1 ‘e should all cherish a° social feeling in the house of God.” Rev. Ino. Kay, M.A. every large city mercial importance in Great Britaif and Treland. _ He will also spend fifteén thousand dollars i in advertising it as the largest cheese in the world. All this will call attention to the mag- nitude of the Canadian trade in cheese, and make its excellence better known e Jeweler, Miverton Frauiam ay Lenr of Kendalivitie, Ind., says Hood's ‘Hood's Sarsaparisia is King of Medicines And His Cure Was gold broach and albert chain, ries in James Nutter; an elegant pair of Biekele as any of the young men here would casters, from Messrs. Gibson & MoM e to see me on special business, I an; a heautiful embroidered silk bate be eae howe ay de, if they will in- a form me now when my services will ILLBANE. ly pabal ah ta hest adjacent to Milverton as carry’ ing ae finest stock of gooda be required. oes iH z ~~ aly: re icie and eteesd in every: line, and at very low price: y > or re Brevities Henry Rumsrepien has a prolific | Prac? jes and we demand Spe pee Se2 i i The ar 5 e municipal representatives are sow. She gave birth to a litter of 18 Bes When You Bring Your Gat ponte © | ateonding the county council in Stent pigs. He is asking $7 per pair for| wit et that no. teacher. be Anand the aw r Phair had a re heavy —Mr. Pon Beck, ee pebanegl nesday. He weighs eleven tons, and ii “ being te ry il e is of so-call led for so that it will be in the jiiunder the guise of sible condition when it es to Cees ra x sicuuyacteare April. ies aulieryon 3 is noted a miles around as one of the best estern Penin: Farmers as far as 25 miles aver Nee their ish to Milverton, and these are the le we want ta reach, as our store is. known to those SON Te Milverton Sun ear - THURSDAY, JAN. 26. 1893 SE lization. Book, the Bible oS Almost a Miracle Dr. W. W. Open was chosen by by an attack of rheum: to Milverton, don’t forget to bring Pied gong Indy othe fo fat ta fo goon eae you, and we will be. prepared to. with you manzer that will please both of you, resbyterian Tea-Mectl im and good sighing If You Want to _ aa ise ae "st ishly-made sui ik makers aioe sea Confectionery Cigars Tobacco Are afew ofthe lines opened up this week a Ory BARBER ear eaaeee wil tock of these po wil e] My Ww he best whe’ ede Comte! Win, DUNCAN { Semis EgrFresh Oysters Always on Hand. : sitaloatorepodcractaat | C, §, KERTCHER faith in the medivine, and ina short tine I was FOLENS caluptre Up and Out of Doors ERTON ‘To make a long story shor take He White Sweilings, Thos. Harrison has moved into | appeared on various parts of my body, and ‘own from Millbank, having secured a rie pe eg js ee Mr. Merklinger. Men cy caieaa et thesw ives eben ay every other necessary preparation. So] —The Star Almanac of Montreal} broke, causing me great pain aa peek ti erate weather aH the, sleighing | is the cry ailatee the continent. Itis Bevetaftimuniceet ot hie chun lace at were concerned nothing in this direc-|in tremendous demand, and no wonder.| | Became piss curn eens 5 i 4 ave been more disirable.| —Mr. Jno, Scott, of Waterloo, has cago to visit a sister, as it nd 3 i ; Tea served in thi it of | been buying stockers in this locality. : i i BD an e $ an urs 4 ‘as | He secured a herd of ten head from Mr. constitutional principles fought for : and to spare, for the large| Livingston. crowd. After all had tea they re- L. Bradshaw, the big furniture paired to the ody of the church, |deaicr of Stratford, has x0 j a pleasant evening was spent! business to Messrs. Hepburn & White, ° ° Soe £ —Characteristies of Hood’s Sarsa. | adies M li T - John Kay, MA} sci The largest sal, the most mer. Ss ‘ch it, the peg cures, Try it and red by Re Hdmi realize its bene! n exposing internal ee and numerous ly 4 SSrigr astern eee other smaller abrasio: bret h nor s lie Lizzie Beid is indisposed as is 63. Crom- f ia ee Bl Sitar levee Se oes oOo eather Uvercoats bac R. Kelly's brothers have return-| William III were cheeked, the ae ed home m Beg and Chicago after visiting h Be Sanipel Weir intends to put up a priv inte ela dilcauner| ee y Eee A number of young folks from/|and at first won by the French revo- sals, all or any of these will leave! around here took ‘a sleigh drive the! lutionists one hundred years ago were “Manitoba ees question just | other night to Mr. Strachan’s, con. 11, be simply by the bigotry, intolerance, it stood al outset. The| where they held a dance. ignorance, not of en- © simply is, Shall” the people of] John Hammond dis of a nice What the itoba do as they ere to or not?| colt to the Heidelberg miller for $100. ‘The whole Le it Hoses ; aca Alex. Crawford's little girl got her |against is danger nment demands that they shall,| foot badly scalded the other day. friends who holding narrow, persecut-| at. prices that wi i —bei ‘no matter what temporary checks} A new stove badly needed, Chad’at lite eppeeave Sica oh. Uibeceelves, BE re ag a en ee ast been placed in the school. prove true agents of romaniem in | £2 Come and examine our stock whethor you buy or not nniversary of Knox church |secking to- coerce or oblige others CORNER STORE—OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL 2 3 = Guenther & Schmitt Hamilton will officiate,and on Tuesday driven from association. We MILVERTON snd CARTHAGE = fally ‘opr im- he information contained fifeation the sores, ———A NICE ASSORTMENT oF. ~| Lif Insurance at Gos had eee a sad Bri ‘ (rs l iy £ rge congr Senilias greeted the} of dis t T took a position with, Rov, WoT, MeMallep, of Woodstock, furs ca fs olagie day. on achounts of sho occupied the pulpit of the Presby-| seuness, ,1 always feel Wel, ami good | terian chureh on Sun z —Don’t forget the a Vissi Hood’s Sarsaparilla ment in Hasenpflug’s hall, next Mon-| tor ithas Deon a great blessing to me, und to of Bothsay, "follewed by addresing fur|day evening under the auspices of the| ™Y itenss my recavory Seams wot nee the first time, the people of Milverton. | Maceabee lodge. Go and hear the is ota Pee ia é. Lene, He was listened to patiently. The} celebrated amauta pehiles; Ravn Lord eee Atwood choir again favored with! Baile, J OHN "GROPP, : ‘Tee Prem care CEDAR POSTS, LUMBER, LATHS, 3 Shingles, Pumps, ete. BRUNNER, ONT, the eu ventures tamper following deliver a -lecture in A commend the brethren in 563 to. per- Beet Ht euony involved in| chureh. All are respectfally invited | use that grand ke referred to in to section 7. There they will learn Chris- , kendailvilie, Ind. ‘Wooa’s Pilix cure Hilivusness, =