Milverton Sun, 2 Feb 1893, p. 1

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se OT SHINES FOR ALL, Vol Il No. ds MILVERTON’ ONT. PERTHECO., THURSDAY FEBRUARY | 2, 1898. ‘THOS. Editor , WHALLEY d Publisher = “ Thave been agreat Asthma. sufferer from Asth- ma and severe Colds every Winter;: and | my last fiends as well as myself thought because of my feeble condition, and mostoca ‘A Puessina event tok place at the Lutheran shire, Ellice, on Wednes SE, when th Mr. youngest daughter of Mr. Reh- berg, of 12th con. of this Bae to Ma. Chas Seibert of the con. Miss Bare Ohia noted. by maith, Fiéd: Tehbetg, jr," brother a = bro! of "sho bie performed the duties of | bontracting parties being Miss Bertie, | El red. .| Miss R. ‘Trim, Misses Connell, Miss ‘Chalmers, fr. (bull, A. Turnbull, G."Roe, R. Seas SOCIAL GATHERING Another’ Pleasant Amie of is wee oct and ‘il enjoyed themselves to the ut- most. Among those present were :— nell,” TR Tha Conné! AS Dveting, Miss’ M gpeat. distress from constant cough- |roomsman. | The was nicely Lennon, Miss McLennan, Mr. on ing aad inability to raise any of the attired the occasion. After the Tucker, Miss M. a? Miss V. cumulated matter from my lungs, ceremony was over the newly wedded Osxton, Mie 8: iss that my at hand, erecla received the congiatalations of | Coxson, Miss M. oom, Tobi Roe, Jy ee worn out for want of tee assembled guests, tered a Smith,” , sleepand a friend mamendisicighs and were driven’ tothe rési- raghton, 8 ed me to try et valuable medicine, |dence “of the bride's father, whete a Mi kin, Laing, Boschee’s German | sumptuous repait awaited “then; to Pieyeate “ditties Gentle, Syrup. I am con-| which aa did’ ample justide e|J. Holmes, J. Coxson, P. 5 Refreshing. Sdent, it saved my | presents were numero Nand approp-|Atkin, A. Posliff, P. Enon “Tlie fife. Almost thefitst | rate: thochovetvitteh aly, R. Ranney, Miss an Reihl, Mr. Steep me great} “Mi. Co: ie Hiabaa's Froud have been | C. ‘Pin, J. Chalmers, J. Ger nhgelden: re- him on his narrow freshing sleep, such asI aad not had escape pen what might have been a “aH for weeks. Mycough began immedi: very serious accident. Tt seems Mr.| yi. Ps ately to loosen and away, engages ip drivtoe +egh D NB Bro: «prepa I foand myself ‘rapidly gaining rs Sebringvtile ged wyntioisis® Sere chs brick idaidetve at More ning beaks SNe Pleased | mailes from home his ‘cteorship pavare oie ot thee “unsolicited. that T ey ‘ ree a health and do cer- tainly attribute it to ee) Boschee's German Syru ao Lorre ‘Picton, Ontario.” 0,000 Rock Elm Logs'|« VEANTED’ for wich ‘tine highest market price will be allo’ livered any time during Wor Wanta Sleigh? itjou do, you had better alt quickly, ns'T have” only a few left. 1. Bo You Want-a Cutter? wed, I have hela all the Seipp etl on | hi hand, but w make one to order Mead mtiemand ah lowiprioa H Hasenpflug Milverton Carriage Works TALK ABOUT SNAPS! LOOK ATFHI3 $7.50 China Tea Sets for $5.00 6250" eo 6° $4.00 $2.00 Granite 1.50 bo Cups & Saucers “7""* 70c. “ ite 0. te. Lamps (Students) for 55c. aré the only Direct Importers in stratford from’ the Geramny and Ai others pay ment of Christmas Presents inc ie P; Watson & Son ies what 2 makers in, England. > not sone but his commatiibr prevailed which he very reluct- antly cs of a short Lipo Ps but finally | M ae ked a Pear nlf ren thettinrely aséiabaltt of ta bors no doubt would have made short Mr. H. was at once dispatched by a bullet ney. and taken to the desired spot in a sleigh. A large party "of Sinton friends dove out to Mr. R. Hanilatg one“hight last week. It is needless to ’say ‘they were sumptuously entertained. Mrs. Spon eae husband, a Sarsitay-.. 6 visit to her fal Hi Me oan ilson. Chas. Barr, rene doing some eeu work in_ his Lean ee eet wiinely 7 Kandred ‘Wwolgtit, w the tanders was that the Joad would weigh five ewt. more thai les wollen. Mr. “Win. Antig,” the’siw sl man,;4 is getting in quite a stock of ad this is Mr. Attig’s last season in vicinity people might avail ere a by laying upya'si of lumber? for the futures” ‘we third rouion rob the oéventh par liament of Can: a Thursday last. 2 of Mr. Laurier‘thet@ply to féaddress from the throne was postponed until Monday of this week. Unmixed Feathers ot ELM OR ASH LUMBER ONTARIO St. WEST, ay ARDS COURT HOUSE STRATFORD ~The ew Dork Sun During 1902 THE of sur passing Slide and will print more. news Una more pure literature than ever “before in ite history. 4 THE SUNDAY SUN isthe greatest Bomiiay Newser: in the PRICE 5c. A COPY By?mail - $2ayear Daily, b a Daily and Sanday Bg ‘mail 8 a year Address THE SUN, New York ~ year| "Uy AKEN IN EX EXCHANGE FOR Compare onr goods = f pees MeEh those es sn Ta Nebters, and then do your Ballarityne &AVivian FURNITURE*hnd UNDERTAKING 60 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFOR: Sirs Reedy: for, Caters is'the se, and Cheapest. di rough the deep f | twain on Bc ae n Til to weigh it, and the Bera opinion a n¢ the} z Mary Johnson has just come in lnceased uncle, itchell has disposed of the y “Hotel, it is understood, to - Bac ot sk Hamburg for’ $4,? ke possession on ‘the ea Of We sincerely hope A littié ‘infusion y blood cannot do much barm at Foinerrsad Diag late in Teidente it is for’ the’ hetter. of new all events. J. hes Weir anda ‘ohn Stewart attend- ed tl in Stratford, Thre, retain ah pleased. Robert Fleining, near Poole, sold a Horse” Seaitly for $17! scems, tu raise the best quality. Do not forget the anniversary Knox church on Feb. ith coud! be| > miss the lecture by lie ell, nex! Ae Alice amiable adopted Ross, was 2 Wed ® | nesday anited at“the manse,, by Ri Wm. McKibbin, to Win. Splaher, of wton. The ‘happy evuple left per|.q, the atternayn train for a bridal trip er} through the States. They will take up their resident ye eturn in their own domicile in Ne “Another Seotch abiplee "Gril bevorie’ maid, Miss iy & teil bas. resutnied her an ae nty nat Sunde iy virith ie byother in sons pea: eRiTHIsE i<‘very quiet in our little toivis thiese days, but we are living ray ‘that there is a better d c ay yeh § Schmitt gave a party on Monday of the town were invited. Mr. E. McCloy, of Linwood, has moved into town ; he will look after the implement business here duri Mr, W. Dunbar, who has lately tak- en unto himself a charming wife, will party on Friday evening, after their return from the wedding tour. oe saparilla than the Shanalcels of letters continually coming in telling of marve!- “tor ns tives IMs eflected.after all other ceinedion ‘had failed? Truly, Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses peculiar cur- ative powers unknown to*dther med- icines. “+ » Hoot Bills'cure Constipation by re- = | storing the peristalic action of the al- ta cari al ethey aré the best © [Brom Montta Take ‘ Toatton, Eng.) “ We fecoiiniend this truly wonder- ful remédy—St. Jacobs Oil— to every one who is suffering from pain. We Truth, it is an ancient fact Paice for os cure of pain St. Jacobs Oil has ne t a, very| H * $6 [oft rae it] iin ty night, to which only the elite a aos Bake er spent Sunday “ae her wa ho ood’s Sar-| 8 Ano? e noticed Miss Partridge’ 4 her ‘et 's; Mr. ate ie _ Robbie, This. Winter- ingham intends” havjag'.ah.,.anetion walbot bis foun sacl fon Robe eh. Chas. H. Merryfield’ will wield the hammer. C. H. Merryfield, our enterprising and successful lumber merchant, has pur- chased one of Geo, Golightly’ drivers. and always, drives 9 nr, Wa. Perers has disposed pe ay tert of ive sae cit ae Al Poole. ne “a sale in ae Ese, ntenge" pe of March. Mr. John Attridge lost 1 valuable mare the other day with inflammation. loutiitg 4 for Mr. Schaefer and Grosch & Loth, Milverton. A compan: Yilese to rive a ey a far as the station...” ine run as. will save, a of Wirmee groceries, cowie man intends to purchase Mga of 200 cords before the the spring opens. resiaieia on. ng the first of abate n’s ioneers. She leaves a large eee children who are all grown ue 0 father ciel last Setar rday w: of inducing the“ol daughter, desided re calis hott ‘und’ its Comforts. ea Voie nal CoLywin suit iN NEW He Telis the New Yorkers that Canadians Want er cz n. 31.—Prof. Gold- w ith, "of ‘not was a bea at the Victoria yesterday. He intends to call on the Eieaidon oe either in ws as to “the a ew administration toward Canada. “We ie pate the ie Olev elan le in the McKinley tariff law that w re trade between the two countries. pave th sult, Should Can: lieve the votes oF dl would. b about minal tn epi ite great par' Business in Winnipeg Is Paralyzed—Trains Delayed—the Frost is Severe ‘Wrsniree, Jan. 31. —The mn re many years is now ragin, and business is paraly: ed signs of abatement. ‘Trains on rail- roads are delayed, and it is with the y eg see that the street cars be s are blown |i points cut off. femperature is low, which makes the storm even seyere. y has been formed in this B poor AS o lee Dewdney, Man., that? “tendo, nd ” Mis. Josern R. pices died on Fri- gel oat and pet NB, gaining, sas | with hi hopeful,” sai Pict Smithy) “The public debt of Canada,” “con | tinued Prof. Smith, ‘i about $280, 000,000. ‘Thet.eo has remarkable pace oa DISTRICT NEWS Some Interesting em yes ‘aed pris Neighboring Press Govw, Cras. Trim, jp. Ae cB IOTE |. |mnaterial to build a ban! Tue double-headed ot ie on Mrs. Danbar's farm im-Downie a few weeks since, i j die Mr. Ge REIG, of Henfryn, i is very” low ith iidaninauon acd pleurisy, be- ing under the care of two physicians. ‘ORNINGTON Conservative Associa- tion’s annual meeting we be held. at Donely’s hall, Newton; n Thursday, Fe a 9th, at 6 o'clock ii in the evening. Jonn L. Grorce's farm, Jot 6 Sauw at their home on the 8th last w eadlebe ws a he | had a tough time coming through the storm all the are from a ae west of Walkertor Messrs. tet & Carman of 8 URL mee ytass ‘iy wrrived,, 2 of amount i am ‘deposited he can draw ‘it when he becomes of ws Livenam, 12th con. Elma, s, | Where he will spend the winter, ‘al S| probably next summer, with his prone Joh Th has been rented to gether with stock aa inap eehte Wirtiam Crarxe, a farmer li near Shelbourne, was recently bitten a The wound inflet- low- nd yen mn. bead was a.rgy._ wigst yal who knew hin: nd_ five thilden sto” of his death. ‘r improvements are Gale made in the aac Chureh ab Phillips: barg. ing is being forming a Conese sith therwallesthe, | gallery is lowered and seats changed. ~ Two chandeliers, to lis p the che, will be put in their ee places a: as the atl "Geo. VicKERs, the “Mitchell e mbez- aler, whe was a arrested. in . ichigo, in id who jhe of notes, using the a some of the best archos in th ein horhood of Mitchell. "Nearly $1,400 unt A. Watson, ie Mitchell. we is said ee Fe to caer Ws in to forge nm “to purchase oaieaa Totte ciate Vickers is a married man Yeaves behind him a wife and ni children, three sons and six daughters. ~ THe a of the fe-tin’ Wynn's Hall, New be|Jan’y 19. The following is a summa Bs ibe operations of the factory during t season: —Quantity of moilke re, Jee at: factory was 1,7’ 5. chees: ‘tured 166,771 tbs.; aver: ‘Ds. of milk is tb. of cheése 1 ‘ the production of the factory amounted - to $16, 342,94; area Pe ice per e cost of manufacturing, nual meeting of me patrons as held hele bg al milk $1.26 per ewt. 2hlS discussion abe system of | nee milk according to the but- ter ai fat value as determined by the Babcock test was adopted for the pre: sent che the ee ee of patrol The ‘past 5 ason sa Hae sek the most Success- ‘fal in “the fpr ttn cee

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