aires able J.G. GROSCH & CO. 2 SS scaag : ee = iS POPC GICAL TIAL aie coon ir yereniay tor 0 “Is the eect Weitgaiis in’ all kinds ‘of gouple of werk’ visit at ee ‘home i] by" AW. Robby ‘ale ei Valk. Ti wi e POST OFFICE BUILDING ——_, | St Mv informetion was laid by Wan, Betale, cont than Tanuaty thaw Was late com, | stable of Hanover, at this instdiive of George ~ 5 ing. hen it did come it was 2x shor? | Daggett. - Owing to the great increase in my business during the past year I have decided te take in I HERBAGEUM food gnet asa eae Sera as 3 Produter “and Castle {74° . Viens Fu #lma, 01 bgt "et Vinsk, the wife Srradiey sh gg Producer and ee The oe ak alerts are the} of John Vines, ofwdang Yann * _Bealey Ratan, the Big Futct oust to patronize. They ar the dea |Sonvanranrmnscumn pasa 8 ornington al ve "WE NEXT THIRTY DAYS sa Rene os = SE ate and Blood Purifiers |e Who are not afraid bo rey youvex.| Jan, 26th, 1893, the wife of Mr. ; eovrains xo ruarmtons sunsraxers |? te goods nad ri igh campeon sane ‘Call and See Us Main Sreet, Milverton On March first next, and in order to reduce my presemt stock A Ta prepared especially Tor_eitmath Alle ine “age Rociteon till | DORA —Wareconar—At the rerdence < educe | : : ie? Eeiieseild d Se ae 2 : eck petsete rete UNRACneeline” at. {Groppic’ehitadst Seca Whee em Ses f Agent for the Genuine Singer-Sewing Machine — — - 4 ‘cated bite at nt Post Grnon. Branner, et Sauansiy, at 1.30 p.m. Bi ee Miss Alice Willoughby. of Mill- es SEROMm TO 1 OK; ; DRUG STORE SeMridK.Grimts bass patahased as “y I \ 2 i a from Mr. P. Koch, the house which he | p, sin Miee;‘on Jan, 22, Mrs, Wm. Oo I 4 se . 2 = eam. : 9 : CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE |i; been -ocoupying on Main strect.| Dempeey, aged 8 years me 2 TERLIN G- er I $575. 20 P er Gent Reduction «fe The perenne ae ; a Asthe best Machine Oil in tke market for on farm soniye me Feaha rates ness are those who adver tise liberally. I FARMERS and THRESHERS USE I on all goods—that is nen ES back 20 CENTS on every dollars worth of 'N ; ods you buy for cash SVADUATOR YOR THE HURON AND wRIE LOAX| success and’ to judicious advertising ‘AND SAYINGS 00, they give a large share. Neill the IN FOR SALE BY By iG ALL DEALERS G 3 JAS. TORRANCE, shoeman,: aie j hoa is no exception, 4 Bae Miss U. Hexpersox, Asst. Postmaster |ze evidenced b; hs his.largeadv. .in .this e issue of Tax Si : mt ti ; ‘Betings anand Money Dade $58, Bm. | The price pad wns fiat hasbeen | before phat time, I have decided to give 2 : Srp MA << ieare Kineohioel, who bai {Betuitin |, 0b mene evenceling tes MANUSACIUBED. Bir ¥ stricken errs ee at bis home in q ee the employ of H. M. ee. forthe) Dunkirk, N. —— i past four years, deft monday for B z if _ TO LOAN LOAN Sebringville were he iH obtained a . 3 . : Pee » _ The Milverton Sun a Lang neni of square timber I mean business and will as r advertise make this big reduction in all goods, ax now being delivered at Shivering ; : RA CeaD ee dees oe reba andssarrou ading stasicns, all of which 4 Z 3 iad estt peicaiest vy Mr. ‘L. McCrae. FOR: THIRTY: DAYS MILVEREON MATTERS |" feesnsiencre fete ; ig Ee ga cireulation “in ‘this locality. Good q 5 j 1 i Oe. cae ee ise doa ember, w S ne will not be shipped until.a} aes a E cama, renewed his subscription to TH2) The coming summer will .see the A lot of Dress Goods, which we will sell : q Aa Sail WP MIDE Bee ae pre line unusually ate in Mil-| OF: St. Mary" Ss, =,Ont. at less than wholesale prites 4 : flows: Ormawa, Jans 98 1895. ("rh Some ct our expt ' 4 lists though > atiould erect a few goo a silt dling D Aor Bex Ofce Milverton, [foreontng ans ae a aon ys pepsia 12:c. Dress Goods 12 yds. $1 ‘ ALLEY 201 Noueortolbe had in the fae aS élosed $1.00 subscription for Tax Sow |a stranger wishes to move into Perfectly Cured by 25e. * now 18¢ for.1893, -Am.glad to know that its] he has to wait until some oneshu “fes| Hood?s Sarsaparilla : “rays are still shiing upon the ,good | off this mortal coil” or moves.taanother Tknown “to 20¢e. e be! oe 5 a ?.S.—On account of the above change of business, it will be necessary. j : _ for ail accounts now due me to be ange before March first virAN I LW E R O N i z not quite as honest as it looks to the ja matte. c, Nickel matte = beers the Bea, ee ale being SPP, Eapies celal and | of id eae ee ae The eral ee wpeople _ Milverton. Wishing .you:}iown. Acerca sae are so hay com- | I ie} that pig-iron bears to|slag. Experiments are being made with new | not take effect until seven years w he icontine: G -remaincecare m - 1 casygl observer: Weal admire bi bisgn aed He er eit ehetaas | tareacea ta the ee at aa cieing “ths wich l mudi bbe peices: Dears abe kok ets Sidcarcly. gees cua une nee Me the'Blood!'is the cause | “bined im "usar “Saves in its LY ABOUT 15 PIECES TERT f dentate Hel ve ive it is | Price of nickel in'the United = wan $i | ara of Peaieee $0 a8 to save expense in | low figure, pose kee deal of land is being r HL of C, O of shoe disease, it visits se Ase) ges es a fein ON! . 4 Pa rages from cae’ Hosiveris is ind? The ener eon nsporation, mate Was ise crite ae found of C., Ottawa ‘ofthe rae aes di ii Niadsle tp facta spe sche when pee me : CKS, JEWELRY and $l ERWARE | caused. by going into his constituency | der 100 pounds: B eee CONTRACT gold, silver plantinum, but nic! eland copper “The Maceabee's : Lata Ka aateee che ail. cases 's Sarsapa- ic ee adaaea and appealing to bis friend for. endor.| ae aoe gi ins of whch et htc the United States Government, and re esis at ee hiss Bath tonn Buster NE Weve Widtojeta te este eae ee el oli and bo gratlng the ae PECTION SOLE j pe eptee tack of Gold and Silver Waist potter yeie - were opened in 1876. ‘The evelopment BE Adlon ae SCD OES wet | of the: ore ls shoat 3 per cent of nickel, bat ed elocutionist who appeared in Mil-|blood ; a cold will stop this action, a| Read.the following from an aged and N : =i ' es at — such ag° ©” | pursue. All through ie Jong aie the Sudbury de vt “ie Bice cont are chin the eat Shue an gos — en Monies eetigy in under ee pein in tied taal follows, mal les jess re- nese tse i oo ee INS CITED in. al y a of sixty tons of nickel steel, sufficient to causpices of + lotige, cflid'| lief is obtained, permanent inability of 5 ‘ wee lu ao te. |e - of | the wetter have: fi pacts a ipo ok Cee ‘wo plates of the regulation size, con. issappoint theJarge audience that | the kidneys to perform their functions | % What Hood's Sarsaparila done forme olumpus, etc. party, namely that | scale, refined nicl can probit tains about two tonsof nickel. The plates ae ie ” Isuffered very much with dyspepsia. Ihave ? sz Watches at lowest prices and gearantee| Jy z Ted | fF 23 ents oF les estan Sane Upc tee ae . ‘Sheiis a talented elocu-|follows, which may terminate in liver | een taking medicine | WD, ; } thy was not _consu Specimens ofbroight and sa fot | Fe Henge vend ire tae ist, and gave a most ipleasing en-|complaint, dyspepsia, blood disease, iFor 25 : | Bais J ® g the ponstrnotion of thet new pore cpated br Mr. Wharton atthe | » tg fit the place designed for |, Miss West, who ropre-| dropey, <didbetes or Bright's -disense. | 4 weverion stage ’ if 3 ei ihitioh in 1876, aie i ers 2 2, 4 “anti Tnever’had anyfliiag do me as Late cLocks JEWELRY and SILVERWARE Gover ne ase eng ree elie etated te VSL, but had seldom been | thew on the warship. ‘There are no refining ‘ ssenteli rte Lady Maccabees gave a|Dotid’s Kidney Pitis assist-the kidneys nin : - i fs Bru ecsipe noeeheht bocce ae eee ee lB Inte, ‘he eae until Mr. Wharton | Toei be these of the indunty. The i smut pleasing address explaining the|to natural work, and cure all com- fim of the dyspepsia has entirely disap. |32°100 cords hard and soft wood wanted at once feels sore. at this is true vss The vise ickel as an | Otto will be carried up rail to lake Huron, } 4 to be ditaimed by being | plaints and results arising from same. | peared and J feel that f edunot Praise the Al ‘Spectacles are the best for the mioney core bet stig following extract from) alloy of rey pat it great sconone-hnor isch W Sod eo ee ny Oe oe f < ech ne “ied lesckeuy: ” Ms ior Boye ! —easy for theeye. tance, The compound is tougher and mac esse to Cleveland. 1 he ton spoke at some length, but his style News Notes Eat Better, Steep Better Conternaned : 5 id ti ‘English Allthe untaken mineral lands in HS | ae sof oratory is not suited toa Canadian 1d feel stronger mary oa GOLD ) RINGS .. ks metals empl it ip the maniac: raxion balon the crow ‘and the Gra me WAG Ie wha sedoeed upiwacld oe wars sta rainy yas Thewtsienaihone aot | C1ZAPS G ° ) nice asso ie experiments wit! ; i si ‘a tidtlos regardilie the onde: Me boughtt-vf "Mfr. ‘Sanderson, the the | : ’ Ont ] late]y the land, includin, ive some stat garding the order | iat rt A NEW ENTIRE STOCK © amor pate inttated inthe United States | yeyihing the aurface aod everything but he did not. D. P. Markey, who|™™% Stn Casio pie ara tog, | eee eee Tobacco fe a land. In % ‘per acre, ends, durin; he Are a faut the lines up ‘These i ee NR mor, memorandum oe George | Vithout any conditions as to wor! re beng wes expected to be present could not present session, to again introdu pol his ‘CORDIAL ENDORSEMENEZ. i this week vopens Pp TOCR APHER my one acknowledges that, in the, past | ment, hes Hamilton for the guidance of Parliament in | eee oy aser, This me attend. “Altogether, though,,the enter. |Po n a. Observance Act I Br AOU ene eee DEN PISEE. ae find dozens pee Bier Lecatanc og ae fe the Nery whol ical "arling of add by. spe itera: P tainment was a successful one. af zs ‘ Tow Str. Atiowcto ea strictly honest CITY BARBER SHOP ent. ig aim to sell ‘to the Bobs. My | © bert erg aon ps i In 189) ee attacl gs “working | resent, however, armor plates occyp! iS Posrmaster Ropert Crawrorp, of forward man, and takemudizpleasure # feo a steel ‘ cor ny irom the | the Bela. PI y F Literary Soclety Meeting i tock of these goods SE ‘be kept | has resumed business in Mil- are ri les new ; ina claim sith fresdon fede: earicas: erae ee may malyrery -" fea Coach ESE ie wen Sound, dropped dead on the in testifying to the truth of the teetimorial seta ate eee hain cet raahea feo! rhe e the i sgl ck best quality and nage fromm, that iete ond SoA E NER Ny iS A fair attendance greeted the Liter-| street Tuesday evening from apoplexy. | he gives above.” F.G. Saxpznson, Drug- | £2" ery sea tis: hat eee ' verton'end solicits the patron: e in Lard extensive lower, i th the reach of others. is 9 orders call solicited, ras the otis ooee of gist, Queen Street, St. Mary's, Ontario. i, ] armor : cs bo on ¢ of the people. Battleships. Lord George added that, 2 ae ‘Wuestlay .aveuing. The debate was! THR late James G. Blaine left a ; fordinner Pilg | 2” Fresh Oysters igi on Hand. a 5 : JA ee y See eee can Cate att cult hestowing il his property, valued |, fiOQO"S,PiLta, she betta dinner alg A Hs work Sa nelly SUPERIOR 19 ORDINARY STEEL Preferable to Canadian Independance.” {®t $800,000, upon Mrs, Blaine, who is C. S. KERTCHER and speaks for itself. <—— GEO. PFAFF WEDDING “enone { : H bea pa Te | when used in thicknesses of three or four : With th bis OREN made sole executrix. R SALI j {" Rees teweler, Milverton cei es be watched with p good inches, the experimenta with groater thick: F pies Wo eke EAE sppostel oe Anorner frigid wave is sweeping la geo BORN ae j he ed ae i —— = ; - ait " rpegative side of the debate,at the last; dawn from the North-west, says @ St.| of"i en coe 17, near German charch, icimlzeeed every day, and parties can yg qmoment declines :40 face the music,|Paul despatch. temperature | school &e., in the flourishing x at Gepend upon getting werk Is Looki for Bar: al s when Mr. D. Smith volunteered to go| ranges from 30 to 40 below zere. Morikton, containing 188 acres, including! XCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, ‘Ontario, when promised. : Tekst ng galh : negative ang take up 2h6(s Goren Manctan,. who; accivod mts omen tere cea the pemesibeg | td eet toe baer ideal : dgalein fevot of tha Tale ke R, who are a good frame house, a bank barn, 64x85 | liquors and cigars’at the bar. First-class fae he Nnein Sun ‘cudgel AVOL..O! pel | New York yesterday on his return from | feet, good frame woodshed and summer _kit-| accommodation and large stabling. And when they are doing so they will make ; @ side. Messrs. J. G. Hamilton and Jas.| 8 at 4 : — ine eee ae Pocrance upheld Bish Coaneotion. [st the people of Quebes lavor annexe [ZemBerdarl, Havana wa an sot] JOHN GROPP, A TRIAL SOLICITED ce eee | eee pee great interest taken | Per pound. Nearly the whole product, of no mistake by calling at the Corner Store, F Ay Appel aad Di Satth ‘he retained ate ee ee et Rae, Serre becomes sil an nee ye ee aad Very little business of importance | py a |, fe inthis locality, aids | tie Sudbary mines bas thus wa ie 5 "Sho debate: vas; devidediin: farce oe Terms reasonable. é gate yy a large nui! rin this locality,and in| United States for-armor plate purposes. Milverton, te annual 4 cee A, Wits He ie exceel JAS, HOLMA! THS, has been transacted at Ottawa sinco| the interest of those who have invested | Seven mines have beet opeicd and, others ervon, . VUF annder a 2 British Connection. Mise Moggie'Rae} , M® x Foxx, w ve CEDAR POSTS, LUMBER, LA’ F \ Parliament <j, yet competition | is stook of this idad, 4 pra the | worked to a limited extent. Nickel-beaning : gavee xoutings instrumental music, | {0m the County of Middlesex, Ont, to} 5H sotin B : ~ “Parliament opened, y: peti following letter of He aac rent | ore has also been found near Ottawa. The ; ih singing ‘by Barth ioclehut ang| Manitoba in November last, hanged] + ry Shingles, ate ete. is-very keen among both the Liberal following letter of Pondent | experts say that the supply in the. Sudbury 4 Millie Hen tee, nl a cong hy Tag | himself on Sunday last at his farm at Liberal Conservative BRUNNER, ONT. d-Gonseryative members for honors|"Titing from Sudbury to the New country ta pracy ‘inexhaustible ; they E paug, ng by Joe | Give, Ed fs Se ac oe i seven | York Tribune who says : kof sx or seen hundred million tons Acheson, made up the remainder of De pee bopper Be A MEETING! seers haere eee My cove | ‘This is the place where the United States ting in sight, predict that in few the programme. ‘Mr. Goodhand made | use for the suicide ig known, ! tions in favor of fie ae core mitecee i ake et cs ace Marae = 5. 04 the Govern is now in Ing ess, and in order to reduce ‘g,g00d gg Cae we feel = is ed ah reve Party acres: pete Tue annual meeting of the Liberal Con- HAVE YOU If You Want S *: ij 2 % e and ju sme Be tive Associatit the North Rid ‘and abolishing a ete f eee boli ore is both roasted anj gmelted. In our stock during the month of Eopruary 3 he displays the meetings will be farthy’s he Montree?. Star OF Petite for tis elantion of ofiecrs and eter BAG K- AGH E = a have oo the abolition | bu * roti higap a layer of ne ore will give a round eessful. ‘The debate for next Taseie hints a doubt as A liar Ue aie Business will be held in HASENPELUGS to Know 4 ni ines, € a A 24 i for reductions of the duties on manu- Fichest mining district i tanede we Ametber er aye fo of a epee or a 5 6 Pied Sune to Fae eee: beret sera in the pirat ae Bor Thursday, Feb'y 16th, 1893 shes can gota pereot-fttng t : : . ; : stylish! uw facture Chena edd tran, ae E eee re teres here Baraae i | Peccs aidan and endo ad sticks ont Bpreaht is¢d U 0 grill be provided, —— bic eco make! 1 mistake by Lae souk the leaders of the Conservative tariff| vomber of Cleveland and Akrod capitalists | throughout the heap serve as flues, Each s (3s) suveeans eee of the Executive Committee of ; yeform movement, such as Major Boul- i ayles of | heap is kept burning for a midnth, somefigies Brevestes EE the association will be held on the same day 5 Se Mn hese Micerthy (Colonel fal eee at —A splendid opening in Mi:verton NO DANGER new constitution before the My Wonk O'Brien, M. ZY jong- £62 a somite dentize: rat san to the annual m Wn. SPEAKS FOR é te ao d, of Maiqustic: an d Mr. Mac. DRY GOODS A re Mother—“Do you know why your ested tht He sari SE: Treauy Mi : hat at sent fom polling su j aon Ted hen ee: tara Fare oe = Sea: teeny Meenas mero piag ea oY eng, “both for ‘the | ofthe system HOPPMAN'S BLUCK- Sate aerate Ch | READY-MADE CLOTHING, et a, ee ee ee ee patie) (Fes Mito Swho .ete never suspected of being an- Y~ G, ; ier the tailor’s adv. . mons. angi oe if “eieeas ap prune hes Ta : ole, and profit by the big’ reduction in| av urvacesueyrancavnion |, farpihpand oie, ammions arr z ae Loe Von Schott—* Eh, I say, de Blaize, f ee capied| why do you‘shut your eyes when you fe I t 0 ! ‘really seems to be x case of “Devil take r € Dried Apples, B the p sien atthe Methodist sicily ot pall: the triggéc!”. De Blaize =." So Life nsupanee a ost phe hin omg fa ules aoreane anaes, ee * Any quantity of Dried Apples, Butter, Eggs, ete., Sunday last. ; E soe the death struggles of the | ji". MORPHY, D. D. CAMPBELL, See * ine, but ins are shallow, and in the min- | water jaketed scjjling pot that rests on| talon ji "3 —“T weal 1 ike to sound the praise | poor birds.” Secretary President “Might as wel Tue great event that ba transpired ere coe deoneat ‘Theore ismined | wheels. A charge cdnsiste of 2,000 pounds en in exchange and the above discount allowed. af Hood's ‘Sar saperilla over the nites ‘A PAVORITE BREED Dated at Listowel this 90th day of Jan., 1893.1 @ 1 Zartny ety | Dropey.” The. ial Provident Tostitu- ; : : A sof since our Inst issue was thjp speech of | by wxmitive mettods, convict Me ae oa ng matte butbles fai ng vs. Longnecker, of | First Boy—“Is that a good wi a is ' ‘ _ “P'Alton MeCarthy at Stayner. While nd. carried many mil blast | series of sharp reports, and in G th & S h it mpg repost ean, dogt”™ Second Bo; a we "i pao nl pod col he coat troeportat ee | s uen er C mM ae, sok eae 1G dog 2” i 8 age, as good the kidneys are are : i let ; 7 jers from the Massey-Haris Co., | rabbits?” in public men, we ha heavy ton of matte. The matte contait 5 and ~ * . é ; duce | to 20} of nickel, the other cumpom |. MILVERTON snd CARTHAGE e are ara bate unloaded to-day at Milverton | tricks, may-bet McCarthy's, indepensones fare S meatiing Ae 6S foe ieee: nes sre . ; and Newton, all of which have been |is he good for?” Bal na, only to| BE sold in this locality by Hawke & Smith. | take prizes at dog sho boy 8 ae