- "ss eS aes bei sk Pars - ‘ * W! “et = no action in refetence to the | repwiliating his own public professions and A DUSERVED are, ¥ i is THE WEEK S NE 8. deop canal-project will be-taken at the Som oe mcoaipn eat nines BAYK BURGLARS BAULKED. ¢ present ‘eas mB of the U.S. S, Com, put forth at the-great Liberal Conventioa ‘A Prisoner scans ax at the Central Prison b ese taethe tcl from Cheyen: ayes says in Neweasth et nothing is more Until He Roars With Pain. Attempted Robbery of a Toronto Loan business on the Union Pacific railros probable than that, had Mr. Glad- Office. London icemen are pushing work in their | paraivzed. stone carried out the Wishes’ of the| | George W. Roberts, citierwise known as = harv. : Radicals with e evacuation of | the Cowboy Evangelist,” wi len Again at Werk im the City im F ae =a Deceles, p parish pris of Sorel, est ids teneed | the Nile country, he wonld have been aub- | the Central prison, Toronto, Thi scoring mae wukeces : Been: ange contin jected to a vote of censure for gross indecency, of which he. was con- oy a Pe ee ontnbati io a feng ee Seta Bs ou gua, overpowered the | Commons. ‘The Unionist coalition would be | victed on December 24 in the County Court pedi rae eat i Syd peitieg rif geerepee eres P® | solidly atrayed against him on the Egyptian | and sentenced to one year in the Centr: i aoe Srintnet? total ey a ia tnipeg, Ht ri & ogg expected that Archbishop Corrigan | question, and the ater Is ee wi ison and to receive ten lashes at the ex se En ly of New York will see ‘@ severe admoni- ry a8 6 foreign polity must be | piration of one month of his conten with $8,358,400 the pre- Treas as the London ice can th Coates, of Philadelphia, i ‘that the Khedive Ate like his father i A train fiedilba with wheat left oe ‘ed was red te doit nisin dar, clothes tak- | Tewfik, is to be a ruler ly in’ name, on Tuesday night at Wabigoon, and th » who brave- | that his Ministers are,to hold themselves A v0 spilled at the battou iy st Ab beak thease out with his itile accountable not to » him, but to his Briti badly burned, protectors. This is not the administrative PI i C.B, Welton and De. Randall have been Tes is expected Se wales ae that would t be enforced if there were | a sentenced at St. Sol mn, N.B., to-five: years @ few days, me: rospect.of an early evacuation of e each in Dorchester penitentiary: for thelr gesting pa by ehich Canadian railwa1 Egypt. The French a ch ly ti t ‘oadinastiahs kite! thie graveyard insurance | *specially the Ganadian Pacific, can be Fe Labouchere re imagine a vain a thing, but the apprehensive as the victim,:but with cool cases. Prived of the bonding privile ciples At j'yreste—is still to: be | ness took his place on the leftiot the prison- Information has-been received in Wit yhoid fever mic in the State sed ‘on by. England: se» [er Deputy Wa call eit Oulke tints ee he prison at Jackson, Mich. On Saturday the “One,” arid the nine thongs of the scourge ' Bominton. tau agence a los Bi Got fon dh ae Me anmoums mawsne, | denen with «evi, leaving rod mak deer Sane and that the conseuent = ies developed, making nine 5 a onnd.afroke tha lash flow off. the wh: om l.be made-on Ap : terians of Paris, ay here des cided tot Id a new $30,000 ch ; The temporary loan secured las! a ay ten oi lature has all bee! ‘achel Colvin, an i es vin by ore 4 R Wilkie, cashior of the Imperial , Bank of Canada, ‘has been unanimously © dlected sender ofthe Toronto Board o as i spatch from London: says it is defini- | wt decd that Lord Aberdeen will sue- anley as Governor-General of notes elaborate jlish-speaking enjoy an un- us patronage, é the =a treal Patrie : BS 3 Army, Eada Maitcol aris, ing e aoe ‘on the mie front feet of water at the el rf, ©, William Waddington secured ific " Senator Per commissioner to eo wade Fair, He the North-West “Terri :: tories, Addin that the Territories mit send m the district if 5] pe eS, ains, and reatebler, sedales siceaneee tional ex! Se Hee ae a miner employed at Talo- ille, ‘wrence count, J wi shaft on Saturday, and hi the when hurled him down 100 feet, w! vite amar the Re John eo Be a of ras to, 5 eae, Feit. Gov. ar ee befor: g Minis- e-and Bites fe ‘Tupper’s absence in Ei iis said thay te, ae Popeywho was > for séveral’years Sir John Macdonald’ pri- appointed Deputy Minister of Marine and present: Deputy Minister, will be superan- nuated.* Parsons, resident of Kingston, Ont, and mother of ing invorance poly. She aa filebaen interned thot young Woman, mn Mfas engaged, fas laid’ a r. G. vw Boe, Ontario Minister of Edi as returned after a fi En: a ree Germany. nefit of his health, he found time to res considerable in- formation relating to schools and the school systems of those countries. ent order issued by Major-General Herbert that in future no pros ices! ap- pointments be made to rade than ot = second. Neutra ip ‘the ‘Canadian Mil looked .apon:by Oftawa mili- ane tea es Tote to'seriously hamper, batt: é BRITISH.” i Ie is announced Geonge of Wales will marry Princess Mary of Teck during the second week of Ben Tillett, the English labor wastes has | s at Bristol on the | 5, committe: charge of neitag to rie it, ‘Arthur Black, » teacher, killed his wife mitted suicide at Hove, a suburb of Brighton, England, the other night. Tames Francis Tigan, the released dynam- iter, says the system pursued towards the iti Portland prison i Protein Orphans’ Hos) at Ottawa, is 102 | wit! ‘a | Dr. Schward, of Berlin,- ei e [al se for child m “tary to the By Colinell, will’ Sina be | Kh nd | Fisheries, sai ‘hat Mr Willian Smith, the paid Meso y, who was | to h, ce’ if sot wipe out, of existencey-all_ the rural = in’ London that Prince | He was told t tion from the P. i cen ee Salat ond x Arcunihop bi he prison physician can find no eh for a5 Lalee of x epidemic. , of Maginnis or her’ Whiee Shilgees were bur- ednesday. ...The es were taken down S 3 ee 3 Ey al Cotghlin, one of the men sent to Joliet penien tiary in connection with the of Dr, Cronin in Chicago, is to have ‘ri ee rotests his real ‘ul, as he ye he will be tbe man ct ‘bey sare ‘a fair (hates Hoffman, peventeer years of age, wit rents at Men jominee, Mich. eney, the effect of Drologel ‘lined seen rsa [eDermott, who was convicted of siding and abetting false registration in Al- Lyeth at = recent election, was atur- day sente: wo years in the peniten- tiary, to pay $100 fine, fond the cost of pros- eention, which will ano * anomie iinead Dyatarvation. Biter sixteen s’ abstinence from food and drink he GENERAL. An ice field 40 miles. wide aid 200 miles long extends from the mouth of the Danube ie Be eastern coast of the Crimea. ee attempted to loot a bakers Wop in A sterdam, but were dis- persed by the gendarmes after a sharp con- Risen gable denpatch says the wife of married women.of gobd families, sal pwaive pls at the better class aro invol ey ‘The-Troubles in Egypt. An incident took place this week at Cairo which had not Lord Rosebery been permit- ted ‘inisters, without op- taining the consent of his British protectors and replaced them with a—Cabinet headed by Fahri Pasha, who ode gotorloutty y opposed on of Egypt. Lord euforee “his iowa. on, his Secretary i Foreign Affai ian they stalken. Tt was reported st Gp tee brutal. ‘4 demonstration. in favour of granting amuesty to all political prisoners and exiles eld in lider on upon Cornelius Herz, charged with having | is known to share, thit a retention of the been frandnlentiy implicated in the Panam | Nile land, on ope Pn of another, is exsen- ean ted in mon tint to the ssfeguariiog of England’s com. Foal aed ba ncdemindat ido Fale mak eee Ts Government, His physician aiated ‘that | Mr Gladstone considered Lord Rosebery’s he was too ili taken to tog go-he cc epemtien iberal Government in- was placed in charge a dispenssble, both boasse, with the excep- ORES tion of Lord He ieohtne isthe oulg speak. serious. | The Sulten of ete (ei ea te: Co bo the Khedive approving of the stand, he oe nines English dictation as to Ministry, and sent him as a token corals present of six Borses. Lor is firm in his decision to maintain Brit- ish influence in Cairgetnd ata proloaged i ionday it was. deci English army in Egypt. ed to increase the ie id>} ? sel Gladstone formed his Cabinet that 1 ‘Lord Rosebery would not accept th = ae ‘2 tai, . tb act Lord Sslisbary's ceo¥ictious which he wiiich a good, many, ol feahion ace expected to receive the Hom i Willdigntse nd feelings in nda P ted devo’ the canso of selfzovern t.for lrcand Kn doubt, Mrs Labou Radicals would condemn ved in a sensation- | yp, rellet abot 16 ovektomethe relctatee with al Liberaie| enough to an goat ata plece of avepipe in the this is the worst ! dollar i: in yn months pie x” hen for fish meat of it you aa him for $100 and. w: to get rid of him. You! iors a sound horse, but it turn wind bt spavin Dearne, vicious, 20 year Til bet «Si a a3 et as $15 for him d_after ~ milk a day. arin ono eae Mire ite and determined, oyster can ! Of all the @ goat takes the cake! I.can, paid $12 for of a feeling of ‘mercy, Whatever put it into your h sapzheaded brute of gos for “chicken and $10 01 moms to perfor ebeies ou" sne 5 | green eth their food ? lothespole until the neighbours r rested? with the threatened onl it ae hearsay, and hence we infer that the violent w | English rebellion fo the revival of ti , abide Of | crinoline has started with women who havé have | ail the rea, "ida ‘things Lever heard of | come down from a distance buying a goat sweeps the | makes them no longer youthful. Recalliig Td @ maid $2 for Tint-you' | tho hoop'skirt as in the long-past | 1 have breed him wit lays of its dominance, they tremble at th sata thengoubought aoe continued | thong i arance,; for it must irs. Bowser, with a little have ‘made the chains of fashion peculiarly g| tones. “He was a setter. them. e obser howled all. night. ‘Theo mapa ae eS English husbands aro threatening téeap escape, which escaped S30 ont of you asutes if their wives adop' et. Th bongh’ sot ior pans no matter arbi- Yt and almost Killed the éookvand bad te Pay | trary its authority. ‘hey make a mistake. er $59 dan a some ono told you for men to undertake to inter: fell and If there is to bea ke your leg. | Was Peta you must be conducted by Martod in to disinfect the house and. sa it is very doubtful whether it 9 Mi | afire, and caused us a lose o y circumstances, Tyan Yok fr anid tbat he wou at ctinoline shall be wor a ta elt that the goat was ere ation. i then, as if to = funniest “ Bel 1d your next pirchase or five-legged | ‘praffe! If sense At i to ett the goat, mre up its with any sat ab de, and. eten a8 he: chuck! felt. to caution bimy back to the flood, ‘better of mai extinguish the small Gladetoni ary rei is set and exclaime onWell ofall the ailly things you ever did ae ly - replied r, sale | eae left the ‘stovepipe ‘ss “do. jow remember yhen yon Donght » horse for $2502” hing, except that in shout ten days ing of the sort ! milk cow. Guaranteed that she would give ten quarta| oF hoo Bowser me into parting with her You were obstin- fool things in creation a pig, Bowser with a sigh re ret, nt to ane: days You sold the 6 pen i er4. you" Knocked | treme befor: him dowa with a erowbar LT sold him out or $25. for» good-for-nothing, equiat-eyed, me Rehan oat sie for & coop, | manufactu on Bigad sen Aint ped, and swallowed and tu his i opened. a circus performance, off the it wi Is will Medley hinooerea iynient 3 Sele saying he was much i Siiget ally y loss shafe, theta made! may be assume gute the he geet os fe ied. rae: va & figbe hand oF Ls Sal About 11.30 o'clock yesterday forenoon a nibbling away handle and made a stroke, that one easier to back yard h S ¥ i each stroke the victim pito toa higher note of agony until the last, when it becam roar and his eh? Proba- ickled to | stead of tight hit ied out that he eis old, and: “| which prev. ea blo bert still 1 months to serve. but the dreaded pari of the punishment is a cent you paid Revival of the pupatins ft. Te eppeate fom oer Len of Sunday theta dress igen ‘norament Bo feal promise and The sell you drove er life, 1 chewin; car load | the movement: have appealed to the Princess oe as r a ” continued “You tl fashion 5 an is prob- se | ably good reason for believing that aush is) case. vast majority. of women of g and inconvenient, | an feminine costume and remarkabl; the crinoline started with extension of the circumter ticoal " pas yast experience infested that the tyranny of fashion would carry it to yu know it! ay $20 | out the pet jowser—825 great fortune by. pr skirt, as it was or peda in thre In ten day: would fill setting and pete entry. into it required much |dexte The 2 ance. Fi errs membrance Of this past extray: 1 to the older people of this id mixed Pa 10 jabbed ‘em who have not pass es pale, {is py 2 the key to the I hadn’t is in the manifest superior ity of ‘the present draperies both acstheti- The movement cieatie ‘Eaigasa is chioty in id important as an indi 32 Ht Ba They are making bo citadel of fashion, a tho fea a little he| beate in the “first encounter, we are end, bly it a oreted and exemplitied for | it was fome joke and did not elevate manual extremities as requeste tl lespatches | sal De La va ne rect eho aes separ x iormates natiibs moment before. n dete norte av tbataow they wile me moi w to Four clerks and the hind to finish and Wellington Wallace, is cage getting his cash vault. _On one side . Street, works ing at the ks, and on the other side was Mr. James . Mason, also bui revol at e's head, and nd commanded be | to hold up his, se fs 1é sami A COVPLE OF OTHER MEN ENTERED, all with" revolvers, but Mr. Wallace thought THE THIRD ISVADER struck the plucky you blow on the head with the butt of the revolver tint Inid and Mr, De La Haye tried to. follow them, but Mr Mason could aot go tar'on accoun THE INJURY To HIS IFAD. rsued the men to Ade 5 5 rp. g give a good description of the men who had One. DE cay or 2 hat. A strange part of the affair is that ‘NO ONE SAW THEM Fanning away; which could not have. Deen the case, but Mr. GaUplack in acres money and making aight fori, although ifabock had would have collected tin apes deere solute got taly no tas ae not evena good & pee to begin work, idee ol of THE MOST DARING ROBBERS ae ever worked in Toronto since It St 8 s ES operate atthe Home Savings and LesiGompanyw ohh The icholera:“in the Neittleben lunatic asylum in Halle frome worse... The te ae ca rserifcing Wemed at the Onitewe nun bright, sparklin, are removed. = ‘CANADIAN PRODUCE, It is Gaining Ground in Great Britain. ss Se mn Makes a Report Is ble, ae Agriculturalists ‘That Interesting uae Flattering Caahitenice geantihy i aa best. ally a suitable Pay Ottawa, Tlooked into the trade in tinned butters tor exports visited Pai lor that purpose are mai excellent at, >d an extended report of his now ion ay con Pint otkpolied ac SER ersaio|ia butter and through the aie ot toe with Canadian butter,cheese and other prod- | C. P. Railway at ‘acific steamshi we ucts in the English market. say ed good prices sd thos2 prod- he Govern: Saget etn Hees pattioniedi aa iegt ve enough to pay a large share of the trip. found Canadian o bacon and eggs growing in favour with porters and wholesale houses, I discovered ekg fering from unfairnes treatment, by the retailers putting our Tho report ee t many years in The ow took {be oat products in that direction is hopeful. . 1 arrenged for im: |& supply of the tin jew ond the particular machines ‘of | which are used in sane the boxes, so that est | they shall be perfec products before their consaming customers AIR-TIGHT AFTER THEY ARE FILLED. Es thest English’ zou Canadian producers Complaints, were mate to me of do not get the extra price which is paid by | ye poor quality of ‘the: boses, in which be the British consumer en sent, particularly from the as ble tl.on WINTER'S NURSERY, per = Where and How ane Waves are Manufac- le heel nd appreciat better the practical results knowing the means. Were this sea being “2 frequent variability of ante ‘There i: i neither clouc or rain, nor snow, nor sensible temperature change’at the bot, mn of the sea, because the great e recurrence of old fashioned winter achieved for of air in which we human bulk of Bena, of miles aWay. “Thete it accim- ula settles slowly, the lower layers - ito oe the earth's surface in all weather, with fine need and skating, mae tei of nama, but was carried’ snowdrifts, railroad blockades and big coal | aloft, two, tl ve or even ten miles, and bills, after ceveral seasons so mild as to ex- robbed of wat) every particle of moistitre cite a suspicion in ese ‘of the coun- by the intense _ the upper regions, try that our climate -w: iy changing. Leaving this water behind, as rain‘or suow. excites fresh interest in: the mechan ie, ait flows on horizontal; some that formidable and curious meteor walenical int where an accumulation is taking, place and then begins to descend. Ti e EOKUK, Io,, fly, and why can’ oe «Bi vthe reasoning of tas Darius sige Another man Pie is atte ingenious cuss,” r invented several things such as mole tra » and is now exhibiting a pic hip. | This m 0. 0 Wyoming and Colo- Puget Sound, dips int ception. more than j of the mnithons province of Quebec. "he cheese which was he water owains: almost undisturbed for of dollars’ worth of our cheese ge porerince tee Experimental Dairy | nobod Tido; and then goes, by way ¥, 2 eal ly 50 st as ation at Perth, in Lanark County, \One Beare camrenes Vallegy rhe Gut Dutchersadmit selling Canadian beef, tack Serteabtg on 29 es then escape severe cold. ! say: Canadian and American beef’ is sold | poy oken:to. any extent, when they. Jing the Atlantic, there is 8 vendeney on the only in the rough shops where the cats axe reached the London and Liverpool ware Barbiinoliropet Heh gat. Se Fae cheap. Of course, that is untrue and gross- | jo, Nad aon os hse ahiette joutheastward, an of low areas ate ly unfair, alike to' the Canadian and the | signal value to the cheese of from Is to Ds rds more, Be hat in one. ane oe fe the oren 3 but on the Contin English farmers. er" st t, whi easures the weight ent—an where most of us live—the shows thaf less ary high setae pretty closely in the track n cure’ ity of aati Ecaag oe ess ating of Swine (as in Canada)-on a milk, buttermilk and whey | j, over the bacons from Indian-corn-fed hogs, cereals, skim: ar experiments at Ottawa, in of meat which is obtained in that way, ality for which there is the keenest ind a one IGHES! PRICES IN EN¢ on 3 m the reclamations wuch enthus. [in summer, hence the flow of air ont of th BY. LICH havebeon anatie for ees hee nee ete ent ecince the former is more powerful, and The lower section of the machine is co have almost. got past the period when the | ters that w semonee ta ‘sts from the | the thermal contrast between southerly and to 0 treat menas if they were better than airuited Uke the hull of a shij retailers epost particular bargains in Cana- | members of the ‘produce Exchanges of four | Hortherly breezes more marke: hat sea- | they are, is the eae way to make thera | the peestaee it lian eggs. na retailers always look for| or five thes alten Brit. | 80m than at any oth e of year, better than they the front is the pilot hou: enormous profits of whatever new in name in, shall" endeavor make| _ But something hesides latitude and wind-| —Reme: ber tat as the receiver is'as bad| Windows affordinga clear r appearance is’offered t m. Povltry| these visi hereafter.” Edi-| force is involved. Hi, essure areas i the hearer of -scandal is a ) SU"? ding country. | In * Rebel a See ly at eae ECs torial articles treating of and _commendin, # form over the sea, mostly + in win- | sharer in te ‘guilt of it. ee crane guiding of the ere is aj ut if the weather be ational of the Experimental | ter, on land. Ai he winter it is pos- i 2 ic at all mild and poft); bub on.threagh Jann, ache apelin a Obtaieanre eel eitingee to become much colder | G4’? Youtube ha 0a Slenbbg Meh lett is on the front end of the ary, February, Msreh. and unt ini f 6 onsequently for the air|it up”) Be ox fad Bae abe teh ae Shi, and has very much, the appearance of weat lower tempera g: e spouting of a whale, Tey (with Mr. John Dyke in Liver- oobete Tht ve more show. ne ie the lower partof the vessel, one e shipment of Canadian turkeys it curs there afore easily re mips ings than incomings, more | side, the ascent and des: particularly. excellent condition. The | Promise than ability to perform.—[Spur-| When the ship isin motion the action of been starved before they were killed ; rohan teraretien | 8 these rudders on the atmosphere is precise- feathers were left on; they came out of the | of mai yy of the Canadian papers. ‘A blacksmith chats a hot horse- Ww i window is open toward heaven | ly that of an een beats rudder on the cases looking As right and fresh, and-with a Re hi a pail of water, @ iron, by | the mins of heaven are to us, | Water. And, Mr. MoGary claims, is is o: sweet, clean 0 dor.” his: observa-| throwing ’of its heat into the colder medium | Have Vert area heart, and God wili |actly the same as. that which or our merchants, ‘or both we beef, bacon, eggs, poultry, etc, distributiox who made a out of cline prina Citadin fed best English. Doul cle gaat is only one instance out ved f it provisions in the ‘wo anced Orman oes: ‘whichis to fon the centre of the dairy pyramid ar World’s Columbian Exposition at Chic He has no offer for ample justification of the Dai sioner’s cor moth cheese. id Comm: WHICH MAS A sonDID Na Regarding the inv of an ever-increasing call for nd Can deine | tha to point ont the super heir own name, of og ch e differ- it Canadian fom the largest retail dealor st Hou: less than ninety. large dhope in a great This is more ae jourse in having made’ this mam. Everything is not all sor- “T found See re cheese o ving rots - the} should ory t ue vernment ¢ giving impressions of ‘hi Atel it Department of Ce tions in agricultural malters in Grent Brit. in har- anger jited Aberdeen, the county just ofa saga ap Howes haa being present at a meeting of the Haddo se Club. ‘the Earl and Counte: the piece to al Houce from His Lordship oe ao ees aoe the orm swve UGELERS, ‘Two Sleeping var cone mi From Ticente sha Nati a Falls despatch says :—Last ae eres brden nae District fat|™ est and Pouilic. ae Herta shel he most. Pemebi of ji edporidiig columi, of aif, ‘and in the othe more than 30 inches, © be told that,in middie lati > lower and * highs * high ter th See ertoe, eee thc eee ee fhe can be Green aT he. gan no maperatire is estimated 239° below zero. Croll shi it is ‘hot far from over any consider. a wonderful variety i in the capacity of different i jolene nees ti Wool, cotton, fur, I, vogeta sion, desir soils, allot cditecently under ex t| actly the same tempe thenorth pole, bt \ds, of milés from it. ial at Poplar River, Montana, on Janu ary The latter point is 2300 miles night melcter capture of opium smugglers was mai merican side of the Fiver, For some titne past the special officers ha ve opium were going into New ork, but, just how could not be learned. re matter of butter tt at Toronto and put ree under of cheese surveillance. These were S. J. Henry, con- pies ae Beg t centres | ductor and porter of the Wagner sleeper large population calls for different quali- on River, and, J. Bend, in charge ot ee in color, kages, after the Ne isc and Australign style, ns packed in i ee packages to witl ‘oof paper, Pteas rset the utter f ie Sac with the ve some of our winter esa creame! All the Toye ster refer’ the ension Bridge hed the car and under one the porters on et and Palio Dry, clear ai cl ne? rease 1 igh- , jus f Something tewwible. Be pwe- he Un ol revels old chay Henry and Bai taken toed, » part of the supply of air comes in ov Algy—I twemble. kk, what ss | Sock porhcto Wo arraigned.“ hete varies States Commissioner Pound. AP Last ight the | ua ary i greater Ureadth of residence of high pressure systems in one aware that quite ia quantities of place ate atll more favorable e than hehe ane shower, pit ee f North America to the Weikoff, the eo: in “ert ives her siety eather, pt ro anthayalones so “i rom the ocean, butfrom a westward cx- tension ot the great oiesig high pres- sure area from Russia 8 2 i r, even it visible, is like «. blanket-to'a Tegion, if it avounds in the superincumbent atmosphere. head, having: been borne thither by per currents from regions hundreds, perhap nity is needed to balance. a {0 wspaper | 0 ‘ wa in the a 8 sauare mile es ‘lin soloring sui hal hc from the eee me, and it is ig! ween PEARLS OF TRUTH. Bnergy is the sand in the craw of enter- mie a dai me the barn if you can not be a fothing is more unjust or capricious sha ee opinion. ery upon his youth is lounge neha nina [Ten onacioneticy ver * hii has a new need his Bible eames nies in chalonty reat pow iu neverean tell how sree sugar is the sa oF Bane it comes in. n is never so weil as not. to feel he ot be pa does not lie e grave ; it is even here diffused round us, and its light arises in every pure ver Most. lives, though their stream is load- sand, arbid carry also some grains Ley ventichment of the ie ed with of gold for Gia rather repel, una y pomp or power, thon ooo & Man mee oF peasant—slave or lord Pale priest or swarthy artisan. -[Whitter, Lite touchest still thie sooret ‘That none can find his Save asone ehappy unit In one grand a a His very face i change of heart was |! A long fi cei ienlagoy apt to cover a long | rs ‘y Tire who stands morally | Ma Green’ He iiveenes Memphis, Mos andis-a farm: Seuss airship, Flies and similar inseéts have the best rings for rapid fight says Mr. MeGary, as the wings have an u vee as nil amos self, 80 that when the propellers are. sel al thi waters alluvial the sams position ax the ee fins of the whalebone on a Pena nee nearly in the Pet te noe imilar in shape Bis erenteihe pee of afish, and havi of the irsakipi cause the ve or the fish’s tail. The ship is also prov forward movement driven back, aaa) yen E are ti used in starting figures, will the rear A Shower of Black Rain. ‘The meteorological records af the world chronicle several incontestible black rafatalls, to say nothing of the more startling phédomene of showers of ood,” “blue snows,” ote. . Barker in April, 1845, laid before the royal aociety of Dublin ct observations on a shower o! ke rai which fell around Carlow and Kilkenny, ex- the secret of it, and ispplies it to the ond ate a rs front margin, while all the remaining por- tion of the wing is -pliable,. hi in aan ss guide themselves theoagh the air in bce wings of silk and gs mmon house fly and the shaft of timber serves as of in Attached to the stern of the ship isa ba stitute the propeling ap =pparais pid vided with two oar. Propellers, which fold in the pen as they are ‘0 be the ship in case: Tust as the feathered end guides the arrow in its Aight, just 80, Mr. oGany i rudders, when placed level after the air Airship has attained the of the air cui sleigh, in order toavoid any jar in landin, her over an unto of Ae lecture Prof. Barker exhibited to # of this uncanny pees ich ha sent him by a friend, The specimen showa in was of a uniform black color, much writing fluid, br. y however, that ‘after silewin fand. for a short ack ith which color of the ell dark enongh to be ixed, rendering the ‘ainwater much lighter, put called «black rain.” road Sayligh, receded by a darkness so den: ras over the black Jend themselves more readily seapprop he furnish the power. prices, OF course, Be es ems and love stori ts ries, but cannot i wo please. fal On examination of the after th rain immediately the storm was over it was foui tea 2) ery animals and nr articles of slothing expose: bore dark spots and cattle refus- ratel the grass until real ran 2” had washed off the black poisoning mat Disgraced Forever. Sealed from ou aicl Wegy—The wetch says h the amount of bis tailor’s bill, ent: ight- colgred glove ‘y That bet vid cad Stone must be mi gy-=Oh, ‘Wegy, old chap, What han he watt Rese as hig! are willalwaye be ihagud Maiacine eae lants and pins are the most ow an on ‘apes ese is made jo large hearts ing 2 coal at Steeaich ded as a Fees ev pins wre tabi, bortlolicg tor station in, price yee fs sedpieng +P painted. sade nes turned uisadlae up or down and the action rrent upon them le runners of a Vater Bo aa Dilute aromaystiis Masia and may be purchased at any ard all