<7 SHINES FOR ALL. ~ MILVERTON, ONE PERTH CO., » THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1893. MALCOLM McREATH, Editor and Pablisher S' af econ ay mee Dhostoak, Bronce, Ratt. Hanna's and Poule to. Odice and Residence Yel for | wight & pie eae at. residence fi arthage, mane Em i Page and Mill ak the citizens of We beg to ‘qunoae this rine at constr shat we har ay office nd int “ diag a general banking “ eee e sue draits-on all points in Canaila and tis United S WRotes and accounts. collect wd. Money to loan on notes and mortgag Sale and far ’ hours 10am. to pan. Wa. U. LITTLE & CO. BR. ENGEL, V. &., Milverton. Diseases vest Dowsetic sis ob cos aed Bia win ina scientifi¢ w - Peleplione ames 0 SOCIETIES y ei No 99, Milverton, meets ee ( second and last Tuesday of mouth, at 8 goes oe, 2 Ps ste isit Bee atocts Cora Sener GR; W. sven Recording 0. F., Silver Lodge,” No. ti ivetion, mest tery Friday. night, Be 7.30 p.m. an their hall, ee office Los Visiting brethren always” welco) mm, No G.; W. Acheson, S x "Grimm, N. ¢ 1033, Milverton, meets. in 0. L., No. hall Best, Wath in oe nth, Smith, A. Boecl See; R. Sm Pe Trew ‘Milvertor and See Wi anes nes at eight o'clock. A orig Tretliven alays Welcome. John Schoenbals, Com.; ass ac ic Pavel “a Sad phe To | ‘oot siabling. Best aclu Mai HO1 TEL, lve, Ont. ake Period ion ha comm Jai iat e Batre ead other: Tw oO y the choot off Wis nee od Ssh a room. Hen (TATION HOTEL, Milverton, M. Mey Proprictor- stile at Wines laa ors, Ale and Buod. stablin; Aa olicited. WY ig * genlen in cone pet aE a ay oy HOTEL, Stra faedeen Good sta patron a ‘the ‘People of ih 2 anity tolicited. OMINION | HOTEL, ee Station. | tor. Alex ae Goon it of wet See a shia tras pleased te Riles ete replace when in Stratford. $ LIV ERY STABLES, a rses and ri ss fe ish Neto Chorch—Eve Stra a eve Sabbs & genie Mer 7p. m, Sabbat Breyer ineeting eve are wary Sabbatl hb school at V1 Wed uy rangle Asoo Br path a ante a p.m, Sabbath Brayie menting every Vi ee 8 enn Ser are 3 sata “morbing at 11 o’cloek, Sate a. me at ae eee held ever 23 ike f meet avery i the isi is it eit repr a A ction Sate. true Mr. Thomas extensi Glasscock, our section boss, carries off| stock and implements the bun for re ding parsnips. the premises of Me said that he raised one the other of con. it t =WS. Geed Gardenin: reports are An LOCAL} New Rieke zi Me. Heury Rose intends to erect ee stable accommodation at an early.) will be held o Valentine Vol 13, Mornington, whet le ha Tris sive auction sale of farm Still Bauters, A couple of our local sports took a m | day’s outing on Tuesday Before 1, | setting out the loaded to the neck with n guns and 15, om inch. will be offered for arted west full ee tha par: snip then oh steers, young cattle, ches ep, pig and “expectation ; eter Cook who went up accept the schon ‘as for th \ large collection of implements, visions of swelled game bag staskoka Just Week to bunt ‘has sent meaty of the s Sch are new, will’also be re were - conti fem several deer. Concert Or Night. ale commences at one before their mind Remember cle concert _ to-morrow ‘Twelve mouths credit | ramping over 14 conteesions and ~w all when the will perform. The wens are loud intheir T rhe Milverton cheese toutory after D, having had a most’ suecsseful se : closed on M y last. Presbyterian Coxmunion Se: The commemoration: of tale. Lord’s supper was dispensed in the Presby- terian church, last Sabbath. tam shipment, 6.0.8. Coutts & Grimm on n Friday The last shipped t adouble deck IGuACOE Hanee woud MORI on Mogder evening in ses senp! talented lac 7 ab os othe OR, now Storm, nD of the hall will be seen y night office where en for re- served seats can be purchased. not appearance on “Satur¢ down came so snow. The being about two inche which las Thou: ther election of officers of Court Nilverton, No. 99, C.0.F, took place on Tuesday see ‘and resulted Buffalo have bad our six per cont. discount 6 atmosphere assumed a wintry and ul, though little storm re many other parts of Ontario ing as man, ops Charlie manug-d to bag a jaime ext and Harry a chip- yaaa a resolution that Cae y go hunting will be stil/ rhe is Cheese Awards. From among a list of the exhibitors ; [of factory made cheese at the World’s Fair we notice the names of a number of cheese mukers of the County of Perth. To be Able to bike off an. puke chase te vives, lows , H. M. Schnefer ; i" which have had a much heavier fall pres ninety-five points « ie The quarterly communion services | C. Schneuker ; H VCR. Tt will not ab eO the reads ee red, Among those carryin iene Methodist chureb ilverton, | R. Feok D. Weir; F.S., snow has the mixing up with of awards are George Goorthand, Mi will be held on Sabbath next. fer , J. Rothaer nil the mud jn a manner th es rain | verton, 98: A Good oe Pp Bene "G. W., ae take place. W hope to | thage, 97 Mr. Henry Hoffinan, sr., gs 'T. Burnett; SB, 0H .B,, J. | have w ee yet awhile as win-| Moses Knechtel, Ta ed of his 100-acee farm for nice | Chalmers, E.P., Dr. J. st Cattermole ;}ter na matter how short is always) O'Flynn, Kinkora, oh. Out of sum of $5,500. Mr. Si here Sede Trustees, T. Te J. H. Griffin, | lovg, exhibits of cheese made by Ontario being the es N. yale © | eur omer. 200 awards were secured and of these Wood eaee Vandalism. ‘e have made arrangements with / five lots scored 995 pvints out ofa +e last Mr. Henry Sch-| Some miscreant for want of some- the ony Herald to send a_ copy 100. Of the triamphs of ee shipped to St. Marys: a car load | thing better to do en Monday ae of the etching of the Hon. Wilfred ie the World’s Columbian of wood. He intends before long to hacked a wagon belonging to Bal ker | Laurier ee pcceane if which look this is the stealer’ and the sous fl along many others. } | Schmidt into Cook’s sand pit where it/ el nes in our columns. Those de-| most likely to bring to a substan- Kes of Ads. is hard to extricate. his conduct | siting a picture cut em the following | tial money return, ead the changes in\ the ads this|does not make a boy manly, on the ion and send it along with six bearer week. Grosch & Loth are making naw | contrary none but an individual pos-| cents in stamps : & offers. Schaefer Bros. are still reap. | sessing cowardly instincts would ke a a> : Mrs. Dr. Egbot ae present visit- pearing in print and Mr. Kertcher is|Che blame should upon the Hes : ing friends in “Dunville. getting sentimental. ~ proper shales ee Ginscahaaient met Siiseh ‘Win.*Satron, left to visit amon, The Hell Up. dt uit 4 10. eannot.cease med- ces his feighdls ae Tra biiys sd bell was placed in tower of the Evangelical cua yes terday and now its hoarse ri resound throughout the land pep ten the dilatory that it is time for Prayer. eae wth hint daw ie slong to them have had no hand in the ould ot be recused at random. ‘Vo Corres} ROR and other’ contribu- tors to this paper must attach their name to all productions, not necess- that no man who had a 608 Craig St., Montreal. Inclosed are six cents in stamps for a ng a reader of the Minvery 2 The Montreal Herald Co. rily for publication, but we must Nase | is por ite it. Another hint that we desire Bg a mad dog, struck ‘by lightning ov cat uae out is that we desire news 6 % ried away one. At any rate fee. is worth trying. sel NR jot Halle GG Word has been recei be by Mr. zi ig aiGnio Gitech of ne SEN you know that your frend will | © “re tiops, before “sre BAS ae foot ball club, that the te el H. team will Bay friendly game on ane rounds We wish them every sucvess. ebay welety ay Hay Shipment Mr. Boney the bay-merchant. of Mitchell who has three presses going rloads ot and He is paying take it in good part, but to fill your contribution with this is not news to the general public. rangements with othe an etching of Sir wae Thopeton: ehieago's a Assasstant Th Biod of Literary Sockety. t is now approaching the long Cenk ieee pee es winter her sement to break Bie Setbes plenty of literary and musical talent in the town it would be a good move on the part in fact all been thrown excitement over the Chieag’ froin Brunner. d heen ta the offi papers to give into a r e Prender; Ne who Miss Wornum is spending a week iting with friends in Stratfo Mr. Conrad Heldman and Fauily ted . ends in town last Mis: of Listowol is visiting at ee of Mr. Henry Doering, sr- Mrs. Wm. var and children aah afew days week with her brot agh. Mes es Little and daughter, of Tose are visiting at the residence Mr. W. U. Li tule. angual pooner ve through Wes- tern Ontario Stu lent MeKelvie, os Stratford, of- 1 ficiated at ig Marhod i church sev- vices last ping. Mr. and ‘Mrs Poyate, of Toronto, , spent a few day at at Mr. Pugh’s and then left for the World’s Fair. . Fred Karsten, of Palmerston, visiting friends in town and per: ton for good hay. éfthe young people to re-or tion counsel and not r-ce eo proceeded to the World’ New Faruaces, literary and de'! e Be have reve ge. ais st eae ale & eet ee alis an residence of Mr pees na the new residen -| izations a this k rison ubout 8 o'clock in even 3 Cue Walker near euatare on "Tae -| prove the Pp s met by the servant and} Mr. Wm. Debate aaa Hes Fred Gilbert jr day and are now busily engaged in| pate in them aod ws hope before ne aioe only to his “query that spent, Sunday in MeKillop, the guests of pissing one in the new residence of| to see a move made by those who were | Mr. Harrison in. ‘The mayor ‘dann Giller = itera eat also one in the} before immediately peatented andj hearing him ask for bia came into the fa ave pee p ae z 18 ‘ng by a special train ae olical know how. to go about hall from an. adjoining room When ee ee eee the cotspany wil Ripe linear Prendergast stepped towards him | make any remuneranion or nol Mr. C. Hi eng ag finds a as nae ane of the funny Unter of Hallow-| firing Shree each hitting the} Mr. Albert Pfoffis on the sick list. v custom increases he must make more}e'en was to. see perch the chim- mt one striking the hand, late . Juo. Pattersou ion the look out for room. In his hotel is a fine commo- ney of our sanctum a seg for the pu the GA aa anotber above ret which has never yet _ the ious gan been | pose smoking ~ ou! “boys.” | heart, which caused his death a ilized. Mr. Se is now en Caere bes sat with the Sake curling | a few panne The coachman who gaged in having tl jp and it mansestiealy around him, emblamatic; heard the sl hurried in and fired a i ake four fine ‘aby ae + his feelings, for they were ae | couple of Coie ue oe eepatiny ais | who fired one in be of them took effeet. n't Delay. "We would advise our subscribers |. and those desiring to subscribe to not 1 pets i derer none delay in taking up our anc ® We no ion ceHues in the city in honor of visiting | Family Herald offer. Renton are protestations against him ie ng up aldermen from. $ cities to daily taking advantage of it ae we What if the fire does not burn A . arcison was to ha would like to have many more as the| with its wanted glow the whit of | bee Mis offer is limited to the Autumn aoe drama we are content to let hin | Arie Howard inghter re the king A Hustler, take the little amusement it afforded | hee Tcuieand lot Every | Mr. W. D. Weir is so busy these | him when he could do nothing .worse. farsi ion had been mae to looking after the interests of men |the wedding one of selling out that he ea nage eee an position to offer Tne |<? in the Se ae nt C “aye ae on is = lot of | se Fooly Herald, and | Bves times él rast mayor ping the business.| Weekly Star, of Montreal, for one} the last time by ener o likely to be a busy one 7 " lin oj to eee fa str Mase Bean 1 This offer ereitles the Ja ates with him and he is no doubt good for oe ber th a chokes of the two great | ity with the exes | it. ¢{ ‘imes. When Mv. Harri per, the wal given s elected he took the method wk oe Hassly Fler Re the publishers of Thee premiums) Sertously We ; e|during the day had addressed » meet \ the | The re “Crawford bas rented 75 wares of Jonathan Leopard for the Leopar ds havi m Threay ext ad pallenepiete hoya [a doer divas in the’ } Mt a ploughing tz] bee o UNTONY ce enow storm which paase ed over far pe S back a few days | reeve of Elma, who: s abe with a sore 2. Cost aa Milverton, visited: Hfriends ia Unionville Jast Sunday evenin Miss of regia of Robert Harrow or ee e glad to say hee Milton he Star Almanac fer 1894, -hunting is ail the rage in the vi et Rothaermel, the young of Mr.} superb book of 450. pages, a ill d keeping them u: t present but very few captured so John Rothae: who ‘a heen s terval ‘a copy of the great Family | *pervision eae nee sea far. sly iil is on a frir way to recove erild Souvenir Picture which retails /Possessing its d our. het pone term of ls Bee ing hose e ten'ls haildin ¢ “At one tiine his Hife was despaired of, Hi treaty dollars.” The Prewians—| isp premeararte the asi a a aup: [ini hos expired areal but thauks to skiliful fae tian and | jmanse and picture—will be dy on adopted hy prev: pl eats on We ae stever cureful attention he is now 7} | bents of the office and he means retainéd the friendship of ‘th danger: about the end of November, tats out of + He forwarded in. the order in which| snecess. | Mr. tee ‘obert De é of Mr. J Tae Joly Tars. the subscriptions are received. Sub. } gamblers and other worsers of iniquity. | resid John B Mr. A. ee roof contractor, of | ccriptions to the paper say begin at| Mr Harri ison possessed ‘the Spat een has tly beet 1m Seen ished luying the paper on Remeniber ti 2 oe cn and affable manners and ly les oe ee aking i Be s s wes enabled to reach si nd who also has bee at the new block bat owing| of premiums hold a iaay to, peop! hea sare Copmatalel sine af ee aang Mo tiers dariog tik pseribe fg aut “3 the art of chy sabmeribe during the agcemn. Tree towed work gave himeelf u hi wou ze uplerpeney, of the weather wi8| who to put om the gravel ay, Afterwards the choice _ will eas saldcnows Wesminslierta saat until ¢ wu . he withdrawn ite pass the sentence froma (him. S ret al flowers is quite an Minard's Linimeai is ased by Paysiciang, Mr. a S. Grosch left on his half +