po a aa ae . : ee - - * S. AGRICULTURAL Re . fot money, but was putt al : (age all in his we ‘once common tothe whole mass of] 4N ENGINEERING FRAT OF RED ANTS ant The eps that Jol from the porch to cc z a = e plank walk were in a f th You could teach, you know. I wish| der nt his breaking out a little av the end. RAMLROAD ACCIDENTS IN Burratx, poet Farm. re Aimont Achleved When Black In-|spot where the ca orm had mamma would let you come and live with |I will see him peered ebastian,and si — Asa rainbo vaders Interrupted Their Work. been found by the ski us. Yoa could attend’ to the little ones| this little matter straight.” Record of Ratlroad Accidents in Six ete “One d a last summer, at the farm house they had to come snd go for walls with meso nicely, instead |“ Will he accept Jour help,do youthink, | omths tm the United Kingdom. Like apples of 3 in northern Ontario wher carry out their new plan, to carry » book with him when he | °fMatemoiselle Sau ncle Roland 2” A return of accidents and casualties ree Aino saivel aes said a Torontonian the ot! | Sores elane charter xX Gores) [8 DARE Ne re eek vith shinee ten be “Generous,” cmrmuced Sebastian; but} ‘* Yes, for the sake of his wife and child, | ported to the British board of trade by the sin haan sty a 7 as it begins to turn sour, ‘This latter plan |{te,hired men brought in from the gard rail Ons Sunday ovealngih ef-1) adltamn—for | pose Brosidanés'sends sipoess to some ata | nent Pot That Esther is a fine creatare too; with | several railway companies in the United ho ncenked earch rogoent charm, T have found does not gin fall. yield. of at immense tomato worm and laid it on the] Provght to ieee ot the pore the Gistessoaaeaien em caine ihoredibl fierce athe pee at tate said Esther, “that I could] wonderfui power of endurance and self con- | Kingdom during the six months ended June x x The glamour and glow of the farm.” ore yield of | front r me steps, where it was put down. The credible rap- | failu sas ho ses fit but, by {not be apaced from home,” We have no | ol, Alas girls of her age would have |30, 1893, has been issued asa parliamentary : “7 rem hideous-leoking green worm, easily three | #8 came out from beneath it and the car. 3 nember the home on the hillside, 4 cass was quickly tumbled over the edge to : a pees and it was more than two years now | jingo, one would think that sometimes it’s | servant, you see, and mother is not strong Seeies about their parents’ circum-| blue book. During the six months there House, | Rarden, old avel! and the lani ciao Sid unl thiskanig” har sates: [cat Sire eis eons ome as say Sits, Hand the ickens and until thickening has taken | and with a horn in i Ss re of that ce Mr. Danison had come to Kennet’ | sont to the wrong addresses.” And Mr. |enoagh'ta. do afi the work. I could not | stan aoe ealinena | pel the first ste ag : i d to service was held a8 usual in the | Bingley drum:ed on his knee, and looked | Jeave hen” Bere a AL Wink coca,» aaauhg Salata oi) ait 9 es al nd the lowitn tes the upiada, lace, churning will bk i ot cay 5 stan grave abiahiie mutha ce aoteaeeckeriee ca e Iovwicnd with bikes ot ae _ ing will invariably result in the | ter of an inch in length. and tumbled to the fe sicoed, and then 4 tied chapel. Mrs. Denison never went cut | darkly at the opposite wal a if Providence | ‘Nina's face expressed consternation. “Do| ‘You ar Mike’ wis errill like | by which forty-th bes cee ag YS Hie Again, the {alr redbreaste are mating.” 7 loas of butter fat. By coolin, me separated | amining the worm where it lay a big reddish | ¥2/k- ea detachment of the ean be scowled at. om their| YO%.d0 the workof the house then %” she| her better by-and-by,” said the unole, ‘She [servant were injared , sixteen collisious Ot cherries, blood red Tam arene @ parasite on agriculture, and so. is oe fomnpore ey piter separation, keeping ata| brown ant came up through a crack in the | {00k up the lead in the way” it. hel Pome text La. gly ca pei ead ‘asked. : in kind-hearted shiallow little thing, and between passenger fata and As Isleep ‘mid ths hum of the trees, one like bim. Wo man hol mruing at thas te i Petigrd baer Sc ln cet sharers re ea at iid.nok soem 9 tous | “OF coarse; someboly must do i,” aad |aho wi sninoral’ Gln? eta( by whieh forry sores ee ccrac. = a churning at that temperature.one ant was nearly hslf an inch long. ‘There isa | Nong the walk toward the open end of the hor husband, Ho listened coldly to ll| Rather, forcing « laugh. “ft ia better for| tim Spaeneniters Soil, fve servants wast injured 3 Ficloe Bordered with clover andy unless he “Keeps up" the premisea and the |ripencd seen y Pout found us ee . Br see see ents for the ourronder af the ‘chapel key | o,t2, de it than for mother, is it not?" Sebastian dia ‘not see that that would | six collisions between goods trains or parts am trea jain 'mid the da! ates, he soi i kinds of cream chi thet ing various | more powerfully built thai detache riers put it down and another the surrender of the chapel Key | But the question pat a stop to her-confl-|make any difference. He slept soundly, mecoenaises 8 the dear olden time: mi t ct = aaiee Ben a ag etachuieut relieved: them’ahd: the march x tter dences. “I must be going,” she said, | soothed by the thought that hi Ges wre brighter and sweeter Sor r Se tie ne ee we mi as Fost ble emotion. When Mr. Bingley asked : if hk ee hie ee aia. The cool» asin fountain. 0 ime, Sarwers mover cat d it, the cream i “Th : ingley, with | him Sie shsther’ he ee Ra ye ne fest ree her eyes. se mid go rune Dapiien s Bones next m¢ meaty oes Tgrank i ti oe Bel ee “4 — ion m 43 eg hee = = wpe ich as aintkaeo tt Pa art aan but a phot re ¥ e H Nina, ody ave sai at their troubles would soon beat an en th 2 thi ‘om where the dead tomato » though, w! a protruding under-lip and knitted brow | keep on the house,” meaning that he—the| Rather wil pea hi Sir olan id not even dream of Esther. It see web sew io casloet way to grub the Starrp inte one tha | oaran ae si we te batore seemed to strike the group af ants’ that oF ke to at her father ; ould no longer pay the rent, the | He won't come here am ed to him that he had but laid his bead on sme, and ‘tis I, am advisi te : ning. This is the usual practice in formed the advance began bok ew see, painted os a minister “did indeed Tool Sage oe oh for s|- “ Nonsense caid, Sebastian.’ ¢€ Why| the pillow, whon there oame a loud disturb ‘some Rav ing t Hatin so rong win ‘ oo Roe ae running excitedly to and fko, and the: pania ted hin e service was on as usua., | moment lush came over -his sallow | not 2” fae ea: ‘i S = pread to the entire for: : the wheezy tones of the harmonium out: | face ; but he only answered that he mate ““Aiter speaking as he did he won't like| tot oot area be my Stay close to the heart Gftho homestsad pale asa lever wi ill Yo half of the stump Se fh no ripening atall involvé ed, and the burden ants came a rey £ stripping the drawl of the singers ; prayer | “consider the mat _» 8 iM Bsbastiaat are you avbkert. Te wen hie doa hope goes not down. |" T have eaten “meals at many hotels and| fit jency tn flavor and as loas of atte wa, stopping every few seo | {0m beneath the body of the worm, and it And Tessons from Soriptare were tofolow.| | When the Bingleys iad gon he kept |v That is all rubbish. Who would think J uncle's voice, and the light of an autumual | parts of goods trains lesying the, rails by jirete ihe susahing: (Dating houses, bat never eas = aid Robes ae ode phe tide ra ode tit head a igh aa it could and | Foiled over on the wall. I soon discovered é Ciel sn bis Sra Ae ee ee Se Deer era eon yocinon, bua an: earee ok a what a man said when he was nen was stealing through the window- | which one servant was killed and two wer a board that suited me ical | an amount of 2 ialty in Sbeese- one earh| benen Seg mn phe i ‘Ske the wind of Seen: Se gerne! sorted by i i le wasat the door in a moment| injured ; three cases of trai i =e farmer’a table, ss 's gane, and then resuming its hunt, all ae lack ant, whicl or saw that his uncle's face was pale and | traveling in the wrong direotion through ES food esten by ave Sohal ne rac sity ne] ie time drawing toward the worm. guess | fat oe ys eneie prop as = pelts, by peak eee ad ee de Bloat a Oat ogee : ateerate rite Gerais may forul in a) {¢ must have been three or four minatasbo- | aoe 42 fate with the araran of red ante i ‘eSobastian, there fa. @ message from poor| servant wore. infureds fourtaon eases Of rriaaal ented lesomeness of that eaten by any class rose ib SOUT Indicnee | pee ant goktne direct line of the worm, | 728 WAGE ents Are the dea ? eons _ he: ey 88 aaa soon as they| trains running into stations or sidings at gives ¢ cot following ee gk Bloat 2 heat ofa people. Ti on. that we : ° y he Gi. ahonk ae aren Then it dashed « versa ngtoe on fet eats, of weary: hours in which bis iri) Bie wont to K eraham Manor one morn: | "In great, surprise and. some confusion, | Mr. Denison had been detained’ here acaish cece oe oplexy and kindred die on, ts iat = Siete ae Sar poh Wy, Oe eee this ono bad ‘caused all the ‘Maem IE f ility or depression drove her to forget the | ing, thinking to tell his story and get it mae protested thatshe ort; | has not been at home all night ; at Pic beat aceat te witl i My Ceemeea debe ia yea it was good soldier: jeal pic! jf rst for {over, Sir Rol him in the g: a Wi poor creatures have been waiti 4 catiak “abate 18 Inver toacepenta cdl ee ot tay fest ant ban it bron brought uj gside they were engineers they would have avoid- ig care wertook them, for th t. When a der to free it| ee , m, for they 8 quarter of a mim ade the solitary blacl tem ver. n to spar fx should immeditsly ts possible from ail traces of lactis raised, looking up at the huge pro} s {ant a prisoner, and the dire result Esther loved her father dearly, but she was eons in here, my dear fellow,” he said, | looking after the two figures of the boy and| ‘Yes. Dress as soon as you can and|one passenger was killed and one pas- that she can be hail ie a ti ae Shen |: oo + of the’ Gud ft had a eee allowe Poh Morena a create. not old enough or wise enough to under-|leading the way into the Squire’s little| girl going up the road between the trees| help them. I am going to his house, Fol-| senger and one servant were injured; five Martel ticaaviseinty heCuaonte, Sei kee might if he had "come sndda : stand him, His inconsistencies puzzled her |study, where James Denison sat down, | together, in the dusk of the evening. ‘They |low ms there, and wi There may be| cases of failure of machinery, springs, etc., in its place, like a bit ina horse's o Death of an Inctan Nabob. stcumlod whale, mn seeing the advance guard of terribly, as they always do puzzle clear- |idly looking at the miniatures on the walls) made a good pair ; they were both tall, ) some directions to give. of which two servants were Y 8 cord attached to one end of the stich ie ant ran two or three noes AoW thames’ ant tarned ond a sighted young people. 1t-was unfortunate | —Lady Annabella, and thorest, “ Iwant-| slender of limb, litho and graceful, "Nina | "Ho shut the door, i cvving Behas tint | fnjcaeh 2 B04 tellnros of. thes: EVER LUE tee ind passed over the neck just. behind th sre piaharajah Dhuleep Singh died from a| the worm, and turned and viewed it from tinct dare ho yale cE ana for James Denison that his family did not jed to see you about Sebastian. He has| arched her delicate little browsand laugh- | huddle on his clothes as quickly at he might. pee oi aiaesetts injured ; horns end fastened to the other ond. ‘The ay pesca andaxiest His|'s- Nimaaow ban A ed back and | couple of yards, and. then disappeared at regard him as a saint. Tho man whose wife | been getting on’ splendidly with you, but ed, with something of pique on her pretty What did it mean? Sebastian thought|nine failures of couplings, by which five eow will immediately begin to strassle with ett ae ge around to the other side of the carcass, and | one side of it, Tho panio that jhe ant had and children believe in bun is armed. in | we'think that a change of some sort would | fage. as she went evo tha hous that illness must have been coming on | servants were injured; and two other ac- gue to get rid of the atick Sed si ihe fro Heer Singhche Rajah of the| ingpocied there, pasring all along ity a | thrown th rod omen ila 0 triple steel. be good for him now. stiouldlike him to| When they were out of her hearing, the | whon James Denison spoke so. violently, | cidents, by which thres passengers and threo ultaneously will begin to throw the wind Punjanb, and was born on 1898, | Dhuleep| pacing of its length. ‘Then tho aut climbed | they had not recovered. from it for some 0, whon the toxt was given out, Esther | go away —to a private tntor’a. I suppose | boy spoke-abeeptiy: Ne eta be Bad a eek arog tls [soctantir ace, mee THREE beamee meously wil begin to, throw the, win abs infant when hia father diod, and the | upon the worm ted ree ator cvery part of time after the lack aat diappeared, ‘The iumméd hor eyes to thowidening oracksin the | shat this is. really ‘uo. enrpriso to you? |" Tecgiincy cok questions before Nina |home in delisium. "fie lookod out of tho |ofpervonal accidents reported by the several minutes the animal will all: © Batare. omorlizel uta gt She seasney and nceiy | th ven clltbing the big Lox hen resumed their march fore, and plaster, and dreamily calculated the length | What if our present arrangement were to| because she isa chatterbox. She would window, and drew in his breath. The rain ae Companies during the six months maiay thikcon pies Taet : sucvey OF thoi from tha ial shar alter | ald or One tee eee last until Christm 7 Ba ost many euttle fom which it Seame down to the floor, and struck | that there Ww: aetie | nh = Now, none are los! -|@ bee line for the erack it had come up| the an nd there waa ‘need to be, tor through and disappoared in the eame open |befors ¢ he ants had reached the end of the ing. porch where they he was recalled to herself by a sudden |school fora year or two. I suppose your|a gallant touch of manliness in his voice. | wet ; the ground was soaked. If a tever- ot silence overhead. In the very middle of a | daughter will hepa fe lessons at home. | «What do you mean ‘by living as you can| stricken man had_ lain without shelter fi i nee her father had stopped short, | We must seo if we can find you some more| and having No money through the night his doom was seale Serta ters Rounds in the Farm Ladder. os ‘Stars Decames Christian, took up| "Ah aad T, laughing to myself. ‘Ho | under it, up the walk, on the acai ails ‘There was a ghastly stillness, He tried to | pupils in M tied bury youtibcetto: ESI SHE eee TOPE Sey the! cordal’ Selecta Neovlod daveatainn’ tie faued| Not adstgh phaaptated aca ted. tn this : ‘ Yon shoud always makeit point tosave Fs ce any tnd sae natoralizad | an up agsiat too. mach of good thing | came horde af black goon,but stopped again. Mr. Bingley came } them. ignify. They can’t have two meanings” | that the gardener and stablemen had gone| country as demanded by the advanced state ‘ ‘ 2 ; 1 Dosetbla of Gia fart, sud del es aie, notorious Ranee, also re-| and has gone off to kick himself-beoause he |large as the forces of the red s “ outof his pew and went heavily up the| | He spoke in his usual kind and a paaly sad Hsther with a rather hard little laugh. | in different directions, and were maling| of Agriculture. We have some of the rich- 5 sided in England until her death 1863, but could andle it. larger. The latter were quick pulpit “steps. Phere was a whispered col- | fashion, never suspecting the blow whichhe| “They have a good many meanings with | inquiries in the village. He himself | est phosphate mines in the world, and the you | et energetically. —{Geo, H, Newall in Ohio | rom cd steadfastly all persuasion. to. be- soon tound out that I didn’t know | ed by the blacks, an joquy in ae ulpit, then Mr. Denison’s| Was dealing. Poor, unpractical James Dent different people, I believe. Bare es angry|struck out toward Kennet’s Green. | older cuitivated wheat lands are much it the Far come a convert to Uhristianity. It was at at, fell victims to their foes. Idon’t think one voice was heat gla thi time strained |S0n had not seen from afar the termina-| with me for asking, Esther. I had no idea | hoping to meet his uncle on his return,and | need of being reeuperat e addition Tabi ker that the Maharajah of them escaped. The fe pad heme th tons ion ¢* his lessons to Sebastian and|that you—that your MT eee to beer cnabe ot tl missing man, ‘The| of a cheap supply of such fertilizers, Yet 3 : pel cand chante ip hele rere ad as: Black ants seemed. to have no difficulty in ‘My brethren ane sisters,” he said, ‘‘the | Nine," de stood up silent, stupetied, turn-|what I mean. ‘I’m not asking out of|clock struck seven as he passed through| according to the report of the Bureau of ANew Milking Machine: the Beiuke: bat in. 1864 he hes} ae » | drag; je carcass of oe hand of the Lord hath stricken me. My|ing bis hat about betweon his hands, Sir| mere curiosity. He had jast what the| the village; shopkeepers were opening their | Mines for this Province for 1802, there were lish: | ‘The Danish Milking Machine, iiuatratoa rk Diatone aee ‘aie iad 10a shore tlmip ctl tongue is dumb, I have neither words nor | Roland said a few more words and hurried | chapel people gave him—which is stopped | shatters, women washing their doorsteps, | only 2,381 tons taken out during that year, ed ip a. fow m if the buildi herewith, is the inventic sas! Nols | She dol tn Sepia ie abot with tele plunder in ett nest own the thoughts for you tomnight, Brother Bingley 0 to catch bis train. He was haunted alll noy—and what he was paid for giving | laborers going to. their work. Sebastian |and the grater part of it was exported to : ie bei ted as to save labor. The | o omar He. oso sis an flops [18500 ts Seplenber ibs an in May, walle, every,mnember: sof thels_ srmy cut will conduct the rest of the serv: the way to London by 4 vision of Denison’s Teesogs 5 that was all spoke to some of them, but nobody had| England. In fact, for whatever reason, 4 : extra hours thus lost could have been pro-| In i steed | Donglag Wren Paris, Miss Ads was not required in handling the worm Ieaeeaisan aid crested ia shes upon white, drawn face, with the haggard. eyes. news to give. He went on to Kennet’s| none of the phosphate mines in the Burgess ‘ Atably spent at other farm work and a pee by two nd a ats ee Da carrying the body of « red ent home with his hands. Hsther rose to go to him, but|‘ What was the matter with him ?” he soi she give lessons anywhere else ?” | Green, regardless of the rain that. splashed | and Perth districts were worked last winter, ; j i vy, salanti Pealnd Te eae ene netaeds, where: bs j il. Bingley came down from the pulpit |asked himself. ‘* He often looks ill as he in his face from branches of the treas be-| the report says. ‘There is no doubt that \ ero d. sf Acachnge bed eeobahg: Gaeioane led te ue Bee ent oo and told her to sit still, “It’s only a tem. | looked to-day. I gave him no time to speak, Baketitan Kioe wha Bes Deilaow eid’ sath wHIG, No had E\mod ater the nists tho low price aftehoat for Welad® Cro years : ; Jn feoding earn to largo drove of awine Tho teats exe aducbeed ir6ma theapper ead’ [Iuoroias af cece eee ok porary failure of memory,” he whispered, | poor fellow. Perhaps he wanted something Paid, Dut he did not say so. before. He reached the Denisons’ cottage, | has influenced the consumption, for a lesa ‘ we saw a farm a EP’ Dis AT ERO ee France and Rava. rs ** He's had it before, he says. Ho doesn’t | a loan or an advance ; but I never heard w have you managed?” he asked, |and resolved to wait for his uncle, who| acreage has been put in and the phosphate ——— God taelt AGRE Too he exuberant demonstrations made by want i res iso’t il], | thathe was in diffic im. vith ba rsh note-of sympathy in his voice. | would surely not be more than five minutes| requirements were not so large. For a cient rer specry te eerrntonenl bite | the French in the reception of the Russian Friends, let us join in singing to the glory saat ee Tget back ; if heis with Sebas- ld. ce Reietes ess growing inside “ house. similar reason there is a decline in the con- keer eon emacs ty for India, but was naval officers at Tow on is a curious phase \d honor of Almighty God the one hun- ill as of the chapel enclosure was| sumption of phosphates in several Southern ha ret land. He afterwards r * Us dred and ninety-fifth hymn ; tune, Job.’ are Denison said sofia ‘at home about febastian began, and soning! backward and forward, half loose| States. This decline is accounted for by paling Mey A. drapes wah ia cea a | acted asif they were calculating the di- : : the service ended with a prayer from |his disappointment ; but that afternoon, ebastian we he reduction in m1 erop, plan Ce cae ce TS tenon and wei ofthe worm. : by one time was a < went bacl a warm friend of the Prince of Wales, the | ters, wherever it was, wasn’t long gone,and y ra their pi all army of big red ant ore miu the vestry. Esther waited till all the peo- | upon Sebastian, who tried tointerpose, with | we manage to e: Tt is not our fault ;| the boy asked himself. He walked quickly|for the consumption of phosphates in ‘m burrow vof sh itraw-und . MS: Er atx ge ave been a hundred or more of them, and le had gone, and then ran home to tell| looks and wordsof the most insulting con-| we should be nee vou tolive like you if we| up the path, mounted thetwo uneven steps,| the States of North Carolina, South want forse hogs to out of sight i us fi at Crops of = Wen they awarmed about the carcass for a while er mother what had occurred. Thoy-| tempt. ue are you to interfere?” he said | could, to wear warm clothes and live in| and tried the warped and shrunken door, | Carolina and Alabama, while Florida, ow- 3 it, will save new i sen DF > Mths bhees hon taae dniee sppecetiiy, -almlcas Rad. discontosefed, | waited in silence and suspense for half an ig Ised | houses where the rain doesn’t come through | from the panels of which the paint had| ing to its fruit-raising necessities, increased seuelivare naw satnantiane © parte of ae way, but presently they got down to busi- n Mr, Denison ceme i features. ‘<A whipper-snapper of a boy, | the roof, and alw: ivays havo enough to eat peeled away. No, loor was locked, | ite consumption, In the several Northern i me. baa. the southern districte anil xcported. | In |ness. At first they tried to pall the oarosss | azar would like to goby the pestis) otis was blanched, his eyes were | whose r 50 | But we are poor and yon are rich a thoughtful for a moment, then| States, an increased consumption is report- ’ I Pebabbesada in a big cold stable all crops are deficient, but in th ita the slong. bodily by: & rOw of sate getting on | predecessors, au lown by toree this haggard with deep despair, Bsther had) much as my little finger! And I am. a /and the one worl S Dauile Sevres aul) valued tall cad the building, still har-| ed, as the total shipments of phos, hates for ~ day, bleating and pulling at a helter, is not Laas % Hiatcloth they ‘are eo large Uk eee ne ee nuonlioes: 8k, the front and rear, f popular government, wheeled the most comfortable chair to the | poor drudge, paid by the hour to dram | they never tou. ou despise us, and we boring the notion that Mr. epiron was in-| the year 1892 from the tour States of South on the high to make isi ee = 2 amount willnot be much Eelow the cree ee | Out enough could not get a good hold on| In theevent ofa great Kuropean war, ire and placed his slippers it she| Problems into Your thick head! Is not that | “we would despise you if we could ; but|side. “He kuew there wa: a side-door; it i i oli heifer, or a p pane ancient) In France the official estimato, is thet te | sean eee make this success, "when the | Russia would nodoubéliketohave Frenchas- now ran up to him and kissed him and led | enough without any of your purse proud | we end by envying you !” tuight possibly be unfaste: is not to enero Bie’ “shiftles pay MOR : total production will 000 bush | sistance in much the same manner that in him forward to his seat, He sat: down like | insolence too? I will put up with no more| ‘isther, we do not despise you ; ti hook the door and rattled the and her lacteal failure or roots, down to the bottom. When one | els, which is 24,000,000 below that of last aaa aed the eighteenth century Frederick the Great ama ed, and looked about him vague-| of it; 1 will go out and starve, and you | worlds touch sometimes,” said the boy, ae tile ‘all in vai en, as he turned t pair of ae rocking segm, apts approach | year, ®In Austria and in Hungar rs ast oh one side of the nd made a grand | ™@de use of French support, that is, avail- iy. Bsther knelt at his fest and began to | oan lap yourself in luvury and laugh while /ner hand and holding’ it as he walked. go, he caught sight ot something in the each other, squeezing the two teats on the is better than last year by about’ th 8 Sr0P | ‘They succeeded in turning | 2g himself of it when itserved his purposes his boots, “Mrs. Denison. waited, |men with hearts and brains are dying by | ‘What does the outside of things matter ?| grass—something unusual—something -not | r it ing fall and winter, is too great to be ne-| Fight side of the udder,the other pair of so: [amount that Branse valid ston Ti ely over until the bighorn struck the | ¢n4, tnrgning the French over when | trembling for! his speecl al ure—Fool !” He threw an open | there is a different life—” He was thinking| unlike the ‘Slothiag, the limbs, the features| two for one) would, produce 1,058,400. tons F glected in the ieast. , on the left side, recede from each | and Spain the yield is about an averny ff in, After | ‘tought he could gain bis pat pseen y play: He lifted one thin hand and Jaid it tond- | book full into Sebastian's face, of what Sir Roland had said to him nearly |ofa man. He went to sec. It did not| of superphosphate, which, at $10.50 ton, : : ine of the most handy utensils about o otaer, tnd vice versa, “The operator tums the greater part of Ruseia the sficareroitia: Mie body. offhnte | AER REY arcs, One would aarboee Ne erly upon Rsther’s thick black’ locks, Sho| The look of utter amazement rather than | two years before, when suddenly a flash of | take him lon to discover thet what he was| would give a total value of $11,113,200, farm and barnyard is a wheelbarrow handle, situated an arm's len rep ry good, and it may be th the ones that | % understanding —fo iy wh din her task and gl at him, | of wrath that he read there sobered him. | reality thrilled him to the very soul. ‘ Es-| seeking hea een four which, the commissioner says, must be con- wheel kas a broad tire, tha right alle of, ‘ths cow;-and counécted' ie eiiithe 40,000,000 bushels in “excess 5 nd taking ad- | termed an alliance—between parties ‘vith Suddenly the light pressure ceased. He turned round and walked straight out| ther, do you mean what you said just now?| In the space between. the tease andthe|sideted ax tho commetotel valug, of the row tice on a barrow wheel cuts into the og the shaft by a link chain. The / last year. ee nd Australia are about | Y™ horn’s being an obstruction | 8¥ch divergent views would be made owed his head upon his hands and the room, ‘They heard him leave the|Tell'me everything, Has there beon a time |chapel-wall, down in the rank wet gease,|modern product of phosphate, Taking ‘ toft ground so that it makeDit a very he i justi @ Argentine Republic will |? the moving of that ond of the body, they {Cool manner, and that neither would into heart-rending teats. Esther pressed |liouse. ‘The three young people stood still, | _any — time—when ~you =you—have not | with his dead face upturned to the morning | account of the potash and soda products, ‘ Vehicle to propel. te: arpeey Satie |shoved the other end clear around until it | @2*rish illusions. ‘The Russians certainly closer tohim, crying /“‘ Father, father !”| facing one another for a minute or two |had enough to eat?” He put theques-[sky, lay the body of James Denison. Thejcrude sulphur, pyrites, bones and other ¢ have noticed that on many farms t crop official ite direction, which brought do I into e demon- and then was dumb,” There was nothing| Without a word. Thea Sebastian spoke. | tion timorously, flushing to thé roots of his |raim had washed the rigid features, the | fertilizers imported from foreign countries, . ce only two-thirds of a fall had first rolied | **tations of welcome and friendship poured that she could say ordo that would comfort| _‘‘ Esther, is your father mad?” There | hair with a generous shame, sightless eyes, for many silent hours ; the! and which enter largely into the composi- id thie seoetll ‘Then they gave the worm |¥P2 the Russian representatives ‘now in fedid notspeak ; he as a| Was high disdaia in his lip and eyes. 0 aly once or twice,” said Esther, turn- | hands were outstretched, stiff and helpless, | tion of manufactured fertilizers, Commis- thas he, Unligradinwe ieee ihe roll, until the horn struck, when | ¥rence make itclear that a very consider- man sol: when his strength is co «I don’t know,” said Hsther. Then she away her = “«Bat it was not I|among the dripping weeds. He would lift | sioner rea fo that the production siete ad ‘ound again, and | ®ble number of the French people are car- f pletely brokendown, His wife rose, cry- | broke down and cried so piteously that her Whos palfoced, was mother, There's | up his voice no more, in exhortation, in re- for 1892 cannot he Brent deficteny in mle 40 they could rol! it ax tied away by beliots whieh havelitle foun ing too in hor silent way, and put her arms | ompanion’s auger subsided. Nina caressed | generally mene me breads: but atid anole pining, in reproach ; his tired brain wae at 0 tons of 2,240 il parsed Aaya is way they labored patiently | @4tion in fact round hisneck. ‘Dear James,” she said, waar ea nd sat ble | an invalid, you know. If it were net for | rest, his throbbing heart was still. He had| py and that ieee fertilizers, delivered flows.” xhibi- /and cold spring, with diaedie ‘heat and ee ee eay ae | they go jot the carcass AEE GEER BTS “my dear, dear husband: ener eas By mipAbhizing 5 WAY, i mother,”—he heard the tears in her voice—| died alone, miserably, as the world calls it, | to the consumer at his nearest station, cost x tion avis: World's Fair in the Agricultura | d all the my dear, dear husband pavefailed, | think you would not mind so much if you |] wonld not tell—I would not mind.” | because he fad chosen trath rather than from $15. to $65 per Scare averaging al ous Ae Mae toate uf cate ing. It was tested near Elgin, Ill.,| wheat this year for the e supply of the whole Ainmay A grave eogineerig error had Pgh ah rcs ig have done haps nt good. The chapel is |knew how—how—miserable he is!” she| «tis terrible!” cried the boy. ‘“And| dishonor, honest expression of his belief | $30, would make a total cost of about $52,- : aro shan the duvegthstnee sence es enya rete’ with] world is not much cause | been made. ; The Royal Niger company, operating in Biola a sell neeae Geescls sealed ib had everything we wanted. Couldn's| rather than compromise. 5 doing good wor of the daity- | for alarm beens es between | Deen considered i sro Attion, casnie te telat ot 1 Aad—and—my brain is too,” “ Miserable ! But wh: ou have sacked v3? How dared you keep| It is not always so with the heroes and | i consumption in the United of the community witnessed the test | diferent countries will equalineae ‘Amount | Tausportation of the worm to the place| deen, Canada’s present Vilage tein % Oh no,” his wife ete clinging to him. | - «<1 don’t know that Lewsaid Wks ne a |S tn io eaaees anon Soro Keeactees martyrs of the world Sacrifice is sacrifice; | States in 18 storm, | Ndreport it as satisfactory so far as they | required fo Though the | wre" ; Bere aparece SOC © Te is only that you are tired. You could | tell you.” anything we coal for you? Esther, do you |not_ to, be compensated, not, to be ma paar che al could determine from one milking, remov-| American crop is ‘ od apa ile ie: finest gece ae con 2 i " Oh, never mind what he would like,” | hear ? I call it wicked.” good. They are to go poor, who have avai ing all of the milk and doing it quickly. | bushels less than is was last year, the| ‘tough. jown | tinent, but is just now having eee shall be better off,” he said | said Sebastian royally, “I want to know.”| "It is not wicked to avoid asking for | up this world’s wealth ; naked, who have AN ITALIAN HEROINE, id not seem to be disturbed. by | world’s surplus is 50,000,000 Dashels. over | £82 erack tts entire length, plat ing| dficaty with Freneh rivals Lard d y not the first time that | ‘The chapel is closed,” said Lsthor, | charity,” sho answered prompt! stripped themselves of dignities ; despised | 5. 5, working in or ines io Rete ter the process. Mr. Nielson states that in| requirements, there | {2fa0me possibly sufficient widening of it| dare has recently boon explaining ‘Abele my thoughts have gone from me—snapped ; swallowing down her sobs, “ because the| ‘ My uncle and your father are friends, | and rejected of men, who have laid down | "els Working it The F: 3 o| Bi @ numb irymen have used it] is 4 lar; ‘OF. even | Others gathered in excited robabl; Pt in the London Times. In hi ft.me powerless. My | congregation can’t afford to keep it any| May See — help another? Your father love and happinees at the feet of whatso- phi y kes fit into tl it decay of the| constantly for intervals varying. from twi| pinching, and that ngry | (enouncing tl tl i oe tte under this ceaseless | longer, nor to pay for the minister's house. | would h if I were in trouble, I am|ever God. There is no redress for them in| In the Seca, caer a “pright Italian i weeks year with good results. 1tso| because he cannot purchase wheat fone | Who ha , e % T have nothing left. | We have no money of our own—only what | sure. Tee ee and 1, Est es still| a world which they have spurned. But of | girl came to New York, and secured em- made in two sizes, one for the dairyman| in the open marl be ny | ant nest was evide ‘Ah, Matguret, tl-yen [iather bea toeprasehinigend la. teaching” | Weld hee baad We ‘are friends, ar ite of all their failings, their | ployment as w servant, having in view the meat Ga fe sd amnall tartolg? famine, but there is no large margin to go here yas ne way - Ades pon. as the worm to i ¢ What, you do love me | (she spoke with some difficulty here), “so {| not? We have got to know each other very | errors, ay, and even of their many sins—of | saving of money enough to pay the passage too late. The days |suppose we stall have to go away from he last few months, We like the |such is, most assuredly, the kingdom of | of her parents from Itiay to this more fav- will be fow and evil to | Kennet’s Green—and live—anyhow—as we both mean to do something | Heaven. “ ored laud. A brief experience showed her _ Ment Batter and Oren z F last; and it would be better for} ean. id before we die.” Oh, glorious (ro Be conmisvzp.) peer te tice wages she le to hat was to ‘ i < one.” che: Lene Green? Oh no!” cried | self-confidence of youth! ‘* Are we obtain, it would Be & eng fas heey she Z He A Great Telsscope. ulorasas foe i ‘They clung together, weeping. The | Nina, who had grown fond of her fellow: er? Yes or No.” ——-——_. could hope to see her parents here, and she Z joubt ite good policy. The very best o ; te Beuce photograph teles wwe side of it fo i tragedy was all but played out now. pupil, and to whom the personal aspect o} made her stop and look him in the. decided to adopt/the garb of a man, in hired men work for wage: ever i et rg oh See Ee eerie Yas vs lug beans Paces, rane hadn’s : iiss The case ay ppesled first, “What should we| face, His own eyes were sallived. his lip MIMIC WAR AT HALIFAX, order that she might obtain a man’s wages. E ment in goin| ith | aithough more recat tig] at. Alvan Clark Sons, Cam! would attempt such a journey with the . CHAPTER XI. do withoat ee ‘on? was trembling. She faltered ont a “ Yes,” = She did so, and readily found employment the farm work, it is no! j be tee fas er| will acot I cays © * | ponderous Lied but I tound again that I ‘<Live—aa you can” repeated Sebastian | scarcely noting w yy sho was confused,” | Mariners lors from the Warships| on a railroad which was being built in ; ‘th 3 i yen * pare Bs ‘THE END OF A oo if slowly. chat does that mean n you know that we will take care Give a Thrilling Entertainment, Pennysylvania. “In two ia inutes the excitement more trai-|“ He sat on the table, with one hand ago ‘always : you know that [shall take|- A despatch from Halitax says :—One of| Despite the blistering of ber hands, and te ey got together for b again. -into his coat-pocket, and the other | careof you. Esther !”—She had withdrawn | the most exciting and realistic mumic battles | the hardships of the labor, she toiled faith- i b i is ,d|fully for months, living by herself in a of 120 mi After a consultation they must have ae within its Chm opera The capital is i it wa = iguin, . lericy came to light. | seeking Esther's hand, on which she had| her hand, but his arm was a er waitt, | t * it impossible vo sub- | half hidden her tear-stained cheek on the| ‘‘Eather, kiss me—just once, in sign that| wit-| small hut not far from Hazelton, and as i Matne tetiee Presse meals 6 Laon 2 cae es tit teaches tha q ey ope hai Hous andar There were | table. He looked away from her, his | wearefriends.” Buthe icissod her more teal nesset much as possible avoiding association with Z pent im to tell you. which have developed rancidity will often ted that with this instrument stars can | ® #8k to move the worm in the way they charge of Major ” remaining, | beautiful dark eves growing meditative as | one a and aaa now | her fellow-laborers, by whom the supposed ¢ n't ever buy a cow or plant a crop! alter very little indeed for months after- | be photographed which have never been seen moved Lee the crack, and they adopt- e prods e rol e and all the expense fell upon. him. He | she apoke. ime. in ee fanied as nlas p aginok and, after | effeminate young man was notheld in high 5 2 e i even it Kept. Wikhot <peebeevativs, | ar ¢ most: powerful visul telescopes. ms, hid be iro ivory, Da ome SY Fes? palm came with his wife to see Mrs. Denison on| ‘I don’t know,” she =a lifting a her | first, more Told afterward: aaciiel ¢ would | giving an exhibition of marching, dismem-| esteem. 5 < - j money by it. M: mers have finai di img tte bore ra pag tothe 2 orinty ar skaeiee bess Sos a the Monday, and how sorry a ha more ; she pulle bering guns and carriages, ete. , the ree She had nearly sceumalated the amount : Z ? u e ground thi opel apache se ae nk aly da pokes; tok ces ae ea fest, Bus oe ‘ artias oe get nl i 21 re to abandon “th 3 SRign wane fleet asa y| and two batteries of artillery took up | of money necessary to bring the parents to 2 Ir €1 " is soil. Aa eaaite oi i ay ta0te ota > he ak TES peed tipl nother, and then | enoag j ‘They were on the whole good-hearted peo-| ing But he says that his brain is givi her mother’s house, whither he dared| position on Camp Hill and constituted | Amer rica, when a aes ‘ss bor of : m _knew farmei ° y ne Ms late. ery Stabbabagge wi Pa age way le, but Mr, Bingley said, ‘business is ihe of his failure of arn selves into opposing forces. The| family in the old country g z % tee r om rise ie 2» usiness, and one must draw the line Or perhaps he | again, feeling « now life within him from | sailors then advanced on the hill, firing| ployment on the rai silcond’ end pia rand was atlast ent se ‘ae SoS a é somewhere.” Mrs. Bingley sat saying and lieve he was| the ‘presbure of her ii ey ates tes. wedged themselves beneath | ord for fart Atlantic paveages by, archer: holding Mrs. Denison’s hand while her md; he said so to] Sir Td did not com en the big ing the ships of the Temas Company husband expounded his principles. ‘* I’ve | mother. ought soon to be doing Sebastian up 6m z hen y 2 ie done all I oad, and I ponents os how Mr. ere oe moa rey says so— ‘story into his ear (om isting the, foot of the hill, where gS marines 1 Poe cao sec, eae then be. guided Denison_ was tars Bat he dows |boe I don't know what Lcan do. Miss | last incident), and found hisuncle, like him-| hard fight, but the sailors, receiving the| ing her partes story, did not order h drkg, Te mere hina Eien gspd Provhoro offered to tac ch me dresemiaking !”| self, eager to help, pitiful yet indignant. | order to charge, went 2 the incline with a discharge. ly consented that | forus, He ought to havea chapel in Lon-| ‘ Dressmaking !” Sebastian echoed, witk | ‘1 must speal jenison about this,” said| blood-curdling yell ‘and in a short time|sbould go on w work she had beon don, like some 0” them tip-toppers. He jaitatee bootie t golds man, - Pride may be carried too| victory was theirs. ‘The whole. alfair wa, pursuing, mileeae reports she was beste the parson “into fits at preaching, ‘Oh, but Hsthee, darliag, you are mach | far. L might have found | him a berth Eefore on on s grand scale and asight not to be vit | merrily wielding the pick and shovel, ‘Why, old Morten can’t preach a bit, too clover fot i,” exclaimed Bina, rat-| this if [had known —w! for sed at any other place in North Amer bape in the assurance that her parents ¥ would soon bs at although ka looks so highand mighty. He|tina her arm around her frieus’e wzist. [is !and what o fine iellow! Z