_|DIPHTHERIA! 1893 - HI m | effect @ perfect aud permanent cure. Hloot's Sarsaparilla is the vest blood purifier, an: Z No Humbug has cured many very severe casoscf east. oma Necreg ae Tend to iawoipio « Se We wish to pronounce to the Public and Customers that our Ta! parila, befo tow v ; P Isles eg a mi Be FACTS nega ies Stoek is now complete in all Departments 2 for the Fall and Winter Trade. aynigathy’ is felt for hinr in ‘Lie casighbor: ho < Hood's Pills do not pu a ange ce i ace C peop a Seat elisiently: | Do you mist to keep your and | z ; : SS “ELMA conn a, cet them’ die saidlenly ci “that | We have been wide awake and early in the Field wich our tee E deta disenies _ Diphsheria or Croup? 5 7 al’ Staak As He ONC AG mmunicd oe con fi ap thes, on b mmense_Fall Stock. ‘Tp. of ine wasdell Gr COMMERCIAL me waite Lie oir gmt Bt a DIERLAMM’S é OurSpecial Effort for the Fall Season is to increase ose en ee ; Atom Nee ae . eS f, the purchasing POG of your Dollar. To draw trade i Fall ae iva a s| Diphtheria and with the pipes values ever offered for your money. 1 : WwW Grey Flannels at 10c., Dress Goods at &¢ Ba Wey Tee € : a“ Croup Remedy Flanneletts at 6c., Towellings at 5e., Cotto Appts pert ae Do you wast your house or business iso- All Wool Shirts and Drawers at 49¢,, Top eo ee a4 by i placard: ce snot, keep this 5oc., Great Value. Ladies Jackets at $1.50, Sea HER BT ati tis : 5 Buiter rer Poona: 3 een age os ee Bier something choice, $3.85 per yard, Fur Coats at $19. whe ightly used. 7 $25, Goa bes a a DI lection e t Turkey eee é ightly- nite, ow El SEA worth Goat ke des at $8 anda good sel , ell and Boulton P-} Ham per "pound E Rey. H. 2 tabi kota ORF Gent's Eicaad Cloth Caps and Ladies’ Furs at prices Marty oe aaa fe = -I have used one bottle of your that will startle-you. In fact anything you want in rietlciue Well prea See MRS. ROBT. CAMPBELL. our line you will find prices lower than other seasons, in in ce halfou Saturday the 1th, of Noveml er at 10 o'clock a, mi, ed, T° : 3 ‘i Pi ae : FeLtarvos, clerk. Ree, H. Die aed at pede The public is not asked to believe us but are shown gooll So * agg sew me avother | £0 convinee them ; r “nayEninge Spring whet BOT, basse lozen of your Apter medicine, Beets Uh oun have itin'our ueigbborkood. Two of my Th oe lowing are ie keine of the pupils | Oats pe ih. Bush, ren were begining, Tyeve the nat We Are Leading The Trade In oe 2, Mornington, who si Peas per 72. ma age : = nies i ee days. St Te D G d Sine cows Ae ee ce ot be wathout it in the house if i s Tit du saci the ze th of bee oA relat Fone p (ete thee nolus a Boe 40,1) apis Dry GOOGS, Date se Gap inve Wah any prea Pag ‘ i Ha Pe ntl cireeior aioe Dress Goods. rth—Sydney Hunter, fer ber % % / 2% ry family ronud here. Ship at onee by Ed DA mm. Senior tl bert Lan; eet er dozen. 3 fs AS) parcel p a git, btiorr: Milli Wilbert, Capling, Rub reeeat deh : kc Puig tia lenctards Somcel. Ati Fees : FAS\ A rood masa of testimonials luimnepy, _ Second Eth Orr, Hetiie Langfonl. Far Sn coiciatmarbete f same kind on, hand, far more telling cas econd—Pearl ‘Tucker, Kennie Hun iva ae 3 these. Woellens. emma cee ee in Pare tise Se RULED y. ie es Ee MatGn. lle Cabs PRICES AT FARMERS WAGONS LIBERAL TERMS TO THE TRADE #6n, Ella Ki ee ; Riheas steiter men ere Se For sile at failverton Post Office Drag people of Gravelridge propose pet els store. . Jackets, wave ae remote date an entertainment | \y REV. H. DIERLAMM Twecds, ie expected. It may 95 followed by MILVE! and Furs. ee, wben Saute’ Claus will die. sence the esas among the deserving WATCHES "Which we claim is equal to any of the displays made by Com= GLOGKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE petitors in larger towns and you are only asked about halt the Ere stock 0 of (ota and Siver Watches of| town prices. If you wish the latest: Novelties and Newest Ideas for the Season come and see us. ‘| Bigin, Waltham. To see the very best im Standard Styles and Reliable S, ete. Make Come and see us. a Columbus. Tee wend oof nt Goitre by MIN- GHANGE af DUSINESS pikes el pasar _ Ifyou want value for your money Come and See Us. : ‘ a = ; on pe ane SL PE © 3upeKs, J FEWELEY. oe “SILVERWARE Hoping to be favored with a Call and your Dollars. rh ae Bae the old scliool | belt rings a pe over ee and ‘that mdage reap tags rope. The’ a Poise es hear it oan. of the Nowe are to be con- f Potatoes, on making sn freciv te Hips u¢gwooSREecaece ees ‘ S Which ean be beught at bottom prices Twas cured of inflammation by MIN-| Commencing Saturday, October 2lst, YOURS ARDS EINIMENT. will give a present with every pound of "Toa Af Sp setgeles = ‘qe the hest forthe money : ° & Walsh, Out. Mrs. W. W. Zouysoy, | Coffee, Baking Powder, ete. —easy for the eye. . Se unecessary for us to dilate a His yes f abby sine Sigal meualgin by MINS ic of one ged ao ome Teas tre ++ GOLD ae Be 4 : 1 tebe amperior to auy in : ce assortment Ed Eas aa ‘ “Aendoer’ Oro ey fn Coin ‘of te “text A NEW- BNYLRE STOCK e fatterns anil beat qu : ‘Remember checks will be issued with oot | avery tatigee : Bring your Poultry, Butter and Eges bie) alway pay the. FED BY RAVENS. Tea, Coffee, Baking Povider, geven: ys Be ode Js: etre highest prices. ; = nd _A peculiar story is given credence to in P WATSON & § Ni By shies - ae daily Papers which isto the effect tha’ | £6 UdN «|p : re ae ee ah ere st child was fed by ravens. A Prnlauder in : grate eae oh te ee OSC Ei & CO August Led "a a employ of a hotel-} The Only a Importers from the Manu- clta ore A ma er watchin i i oper ae) gers acturers in Stratford. eh ane gold Avice. assortment, As} The Leading House in popular goods, new styles, seasunable attractions a by a little four-year-old boy Onmce Strode: Nene Rankin’s, | ne.goods and Beccke Sik sie SS vlere vaca tert ve by the ‘man When | © ac Geotce Pike BOOTS and SHOES, sc ee BAGS, the became angry wi ; Fs A Big a oe a x 23 ‘Si OCES, him blow ch W A \ T Tht her Seatac SLIPPERS, creti he E ING! + oT pee oot 4 4 Kas) jeweler, Milverton |. RUB BBERS, ain. eae he S te SE. AT Te - jet proposed bu eetee taal NERVE Ber BEA ean RUNKS, &c. ago a-couple of hunters De ies for us who de: ‘te i 1 covery that.cure the wor A clean fresh stock of desirable goods at fairest figures. Pettonise % gn the mountain, wher 2 oe fall and winter dusiue 8 Se isha = | safe, sure and reliable house and you will ge. the worth of your money alwa me, out of work, orb ees et : AGENT FOR THE GENUINE SINGER § os Ura brotended and tie ieee ENS iris Trehindn wate ale tere Pest bala ine whe ao ised SEWING MACHINE. Peanien tes Wongtuite ne | at onve i igr jotaper crn Sy eae ity as Se BIBLE DEPOSITORY HERE The rs reclinog waders by (4 Fred, Es YOUNG, Nurseryman, ees cron: ga lignin JAStES A MAIN STREET oe ai MILVERT ON ae ire ona bed of pine In ein into a hea One a ROCHESTER, N. Y. ner sy hi i} . L3 e hair from whic! eee Sie | Yous NEED Bi I "hin woolly IG erce the eauopy made by the | -AXCHANG ae fhe Binds. A Jaha Gre oe pastor Best shad of th seaty wings of the bitd Pr irst tl Tiquors aad at the Het just in time--that the ¢ ete foetal oe r > edaried to them confortable: tidinge as the di he ark. On coming closer, hover ‘JOHN GROPP, i % they sa bit was the infant’s passport pee IN Oe iB Mua tullet in tie holon en, — z : : ail tol n their hollow hee d nm Was dle. "| GRDAR POSTS, LUMBER, LATHS, ‘he @ Ina the Dell uf pues, on is a ; Shingles, Pumps, ete. | N ow Study His Prices the la hi hed of by a igh He gonehed o unger, “the ¢ avens It gh food, as they nourished CS the prophet of Hotelkeeper “Ran wat ae Con and at F pee loko je Blkee tified Agen sev ed Shoes, sewed... Boe, pe. h got the Srialaniler ‘th any Sanne had the wrong road at the fo = — eee 7 to err and finer a 10 or buttoned. 1s nent of Lady's fine CAVEATS, ADE MARKS, e eesti meow i010 Na s, laced or Aen’ fe $2100 Tose * Jaced or rer re. “A Boots; k est assortn st, assor noms of the Mammoth fuser os fot BE securing patetis ais es d ogola gon ¥ patent taken out by ns is brought before ot ee ca store, now dae the management of) #554 econ whe ote, Sasled, sie = ak “ald ga Scientific Awerican teh en Eel) Seeereaeecyaa bee s Iammoth Shoe pase re ey sma and Tote eee : Poss Rome or cars in Peterborough, Barrie, Lindsay, Oshawa, Guelph, spits eccaheny eh Se ee ope ss pe aE j Brantford, Stratford coughly expelled frons the XT, : aE es ‘ila, the 3 s age ig in imnienee quaatitic os Ia, a z apa a es