"MILVERTON. > ONT. PERTH c0., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER see lees RALCOLM MacBiTiy Editor aud Puvimber ‘LOCAL NEWS. Get aur manager Wceupinion: and gi Rica waly OE Plyisto Court, Division os will be held hers. to~! day(Lharsd: 2 nfeloms, vats Seren 's for Xmas —a _gekae es ees 3 eae ee a inw athe or bef et if the collector on anvenflent airol toaorrow evenit ‘Priday) on lukgsaacdi ones! No admmissiva. fee. Everybody come. be pate sth ya con TM gt cons. Las oie Quer meas he for. work tie ame cninuot be fkwted with the usual ronan of hevetntare and we oa ie {net be ineouven Kt sUrEOU! a A att hacks pace Sa hepa} sie: Rare Reavis sees, ey Wo in sa nies pees whos yon uae Uutee 12 ae Gravel idge purpose hi, of this aoath one : ‘ es Me ee the néry. ‘yhody Shae attend aud bring @ friend, The y. Kay wit occupy the chiir, ne U, LALELE & CO. ev. Me Convert. ‘The C., 0. F. of Millbank purpose holdimzen the 19th. 1 = the tow, uall of thet place the tainment ever helt in Gee t that could he pened su wv it Unc in Hard Bee eid staat $e Poricoatie anealees od inst Yslepuvas conecuwa Way avid tld iy oe where My works first are pow sneczing. It would he a over ¥., 1 Silva Thay wil vert, “meets ovély 2 Pi nies just prtpeet for uieu ball, Bl ie rc Si any 5 xpewial disease, in weze when she curc'is at het dt: Mi ri nt Hee evening rut eac ceuth & ethren ways | to earn of his su neh ing: He attended the Council mene at Newton on n day axl went to bed as usval. Tr the merni oe wife noticed that he bing heavily and medical ‘aid é ily conoid but before it caved he tia) breathed his last. Daly d Cigars au pease tals Pa aty of shed room. Henry Huse Regpne L, Milv 1e best of W Beer. Good "able wt ha danipis Ent eat to Votes mentioning Med — ort SES i snunicipa voters, ndidates ee ate ranhog, ete. T this vicinity sola. ‘ord thy Su Es oe Ses Alex rete for i sir votes for or against pro. The have not the right te = mks will ie Hiei 1 lice ht Soviet whea in Stra rRINESS < CARL B® on the Ja question, —— ling vagrant bit of adviee shoul: ed pvedited. but t is good sound sense: Wien a man playfully points or a gin at you knock hin dow stop. ie inquire whether itis ert o ock him down. don’ ou knock fie down w th. ie 3 LIVERY STABLES, Mil First cue horses and cigs for ike ab alf times, Comme’ oe driving a ae Tus meets all t "CHURCH DIREC TORY.” ‘The followibg churches tok. dice sees ph Jie Meth Chareh=Every alter: Sabbath is sit o'vlock a. Jo. am ry i eenisiat ap _ Babbath schoo Prager meetivg © down. TF eons ny hete let it he on tle otheteieliow — seed, nls Avaoetabio cael »—Every alternat: win, ond every ped plement of Mr jot 13, can. 1 teriasi-—Serviowe are “held -evers moray #11 Selo oe ani Sa Vl ae On Tee Toth, te te Farut apd Fae c M has “88 acres eonnie’= a and is a The jely e prevalent |, the Why |: Axoot dea Mec Vay -Docland bale horses | with a Stiationd 74 E week | pod reckons that he Ceared abuts ants Hecdenithe We aye ples icak tpsbe ited in our exchanges copied fronv the Reporter, Wow when Saat ig M@nt with sun- @ Drastin Times «1 hike ‘Parting on hite porter. The Repo wot tho style of the n fine but he does not hradle velver we ploves: Mindede We have read of absent-minded Jeeples such as the man who g7> ou Henao tah and hosing ma all preparatien’ taited ser the: @vrivel of thie rote SA leh ee failed te preseat the ber, eels ou the in- Sie ceca Galea or man who pithis a to bed nd bang: himsettf F over the hack of the chan hut we did #06 stspose that in our own little town we had a prominent lual who would drive his pony tatioit, see the tevin depart with Lis piaapl aud then ‘take the bus | for idown te’ in, leavinys the poor exddy to shiver in the chill” November “winds. Such is life. You can mes ab a leixer’s, coats for ae Livy: 3 p enpes bi rnillicere at lees "han & ‘priee: Read his ad. Chured @pénbige sti dreated in religious circles such 4s hus not been experienced here a ee to ap open: there was nothing to bight the ae the high nt of thes iA eS Dra ‘a of the ee is saying a good ad great confidence congregation disap: i ci he was St Ae eae ee the resul a congre © Bishop re whe dedicated the m0 Sra ig al weal ie Bernt: the afternoon and evening he cine ed i oo gue bh and showed German, to be familiarly cou ith the technical phrases 0: the English tongue, ‘The mauggees of ny t wa eet liberality of those wl already subscibed yvhe amennt f $1628. We ie eur ti “i 3 ince been subscribed to tl jeaad the preset debt on ee alle about § ng the ch ont were Riis Slavin. rever ond gentlemen:— Mr. Thes. Hauch Htanove ; Ae FB. Meyer an Mr. a. Be ~Me. L. Wa: E& A. Thomas. BAD Ay VILLE MILLGANK cas Balers Tobertoot oi Grey, sc afew aluys at) Just added w the large collection of noel Boxy at che earn store— Winter Borie’ Mulnery, Winer Cloakings, Winter Mi C. sl 1 is sisting Wtew days! Persie Gounbs genres Overcoatings, Wouter Suitiugs, Winte: (Capes, Far ¥ aps, loves, Fur Coats, FurRobes, Me ‘Bin Taytor fagends selling in| wid ell sgte iL gucci ti fame \ Bur Pt ie, "Goal Burvert is laid up with ws ge RerA oa a Dbin; ORAVERIDGE The sh newspapers will be given with ‘Tix Son at siated prices > The Montreal Weekly Star and funily Herald with premium of Al The following ar dre the naines of the pupils of S. No. 12, Mornington whe took the highest stand ia their |wanac or picture tor $1. tespective classes driung the month of | the Weekly Empire with premium | Nevoutters 5th class —Gerda Tucker, of picture of the Sila raphe weln- ford: sr. 4th tkin, | bers of poole tor $17. r year, lobe fas? now until a. er, : Ja sr, Ruby Tucker. Albera Lavan ee Soin Westman(equal); jr. 3rd ana Langtor oe Naini Lannin, Charlie Gilbert; 2nd—Hettie Lang- ford, Edith Orr, fae Harding; Pre, and—Penel ‘Tack Jobunie Orr, Ladies’ Journal § 25. i NO Meseunies SL10 coky Mail uid Fabia aad 1Ficee side, balance of this yeir free, $1.75. STRAY iw. pee iH fer ot L. paid a visit | aboot two weeks aga 4 steer: f tual one white ire both red Flanter; Prt, Ist Sheldon Ove, Agitess Gibson, Johunie Lung- de roout ISES PRE S OF C. L, he 7 bes ;lerningean Mr ane Ps ley to our s woek, us rs.R. ae of Stratford, is visit ing ee daughter D. Chalmers Miss Kate Burnett has gone to Galt an extended visit to ber many friends there. Miss S. Saar of 8. Saturday and Suni Mr. Boulos Listowel Phe rs. eived ve} Mass meeting under the auspices vf the. Alpes of Industry I be ‘held at Hasenpllug’s Hall on the eenan aise 13th, 1893 Addio Large o! shu spent: seh neem ‘med "4 eae Fred wad Mr JM Mr. yh Bit formar ty of this oF vce 2 p.m: Mr, Mallory, of Warkworth, fwd President of the Patron order wilh iGidvese she teatiny, Jos. Morton, ‘Avonbank, On: heres be Ost. [1 not’ to purchase eral notes one mad veth not surprise us.as we have Vhis ability and ee sath bo uvthing unusual. — Owing to the: wind storm which passed sh this. locality ast nee the inns have many sik thet nM mates a of ile san é into wood is abpresent occupying th tion! MrBebwierd Whit nterprising young building a ing summe d aged pits Sack Lion sa Ir. C, Engel has aun the STAtHice far tiie ent penter work awhile the mason work has been contract | or by M cael We to give ee Shae severe ih ° ndred dollars Coit and tated on oF ab March, 188— as the above Ipecac iene: ELIZABETH nine tom NOviCk TOTICE is sahip of t, the parts ving hsi 16 in R. Sumit ties of Carthy ye 3 che patna wrk CHRISTIAN A. HENRICH, st Jae oy bated a, at St, Jacobs thls 18th diy of Nov Bate 4 built by ‘te en W: Tonge, Mr. John ii Ditrluin, iy Kay and Mr. pastor Milverton. al candidates, bat are ntitled noe the plebiscite act to vote | 5 fasthore, See cEIKS Patron nominees thi We at sc kno to whom the fallow-| in e} { aa ist Don 1" ecb near. Seles f he Revs Me aes of Mil! bank Th pet our saiferam Sw Wi was in* town Mrs offiman pe Sunday Mr. Sah | eden of Niagara Falls N. ¥. and Geo Hoffinan of ville spent Sunday in town. Mr. Geo, Bittorf, wife and daughter £ Broughwn, ae Mrs. Lohr, spent Sunday a F Sebring- e { k ie cc vot. Best large ave er » lemons oniy- Ie 5 cK —On Thitesdi (ia wife of ee a Bio asoa. Hasenprite—On Sarutc the wife’ of Mr. C. a son. See ieee the wife o° Jac bk. Schmitt, merchant, Car 3 owe of a son. Carr—On Saturday 2nd_ inst. the wife of Geo. Carr, in Mornington. of a daughter. Paviin—On Saturday 2nd wife of Geo. Paulis, in acs 2h inst Hasenpfleg ©. the inet, ante, paling a of fi wasused as mate 7D. Wei of the Munfeipalitye er ; ence i be jn, attendance The followingn pore ‘Basert on week WS, wis stn paing 0. meee | noon), far the tof person 2eNof eae eet ee at the iitcerion Pluie” place age ve {tthe final summing mp of the votes by the terk, on Delulf ofthe pen Sie he a and nega Branne py jest G ican didrate: Din Brickman; jr. Std Baunth “ach, N Armstrong, fF Werne mano Smith, ee ' Patrons ons of In Industry. An adjourned Convention of the Patrons of Industry of North Pe th will be heli in the “Agricultaral Hal Atwood, Mindny tea: 1893 10 a.m., for the purpose of Baad candidates to contest. the “Mr Ehye held a sale of farm sat lene izon Thursday Nov 30th. t was wel attended, Cattle, sheep and ex, implenient 7, SI mer in hi~ Mr Ehgoet | tw scarcely Tesold say re Mr. Ar 1 ha srong weilc | § r t isual sati ntel iP Our minictsr, Rev. C. Oldenburg? ‘yas taken Re ie @ partner fy ppreoupde Lave begu aes ocoteganily up for chert May mach happiness tei in store. fo hem: address and other noted speakers will che meeving. Cuiue one and al J. DONALD, Go, Seeretsty. Awe Neetng will also be held in we TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 188 : tie Order. rea isrenisty 8 by Wo: of a rae cured in thirt; mute y Woolford’s irhis never fails. Sold by