THE WEEK'S NEWS. A military instiate ‘ill shortly be estab- lished at tne lath leatiee of. R. Ponts at the haudiere, near ere was completel ly destroyed by fre. ‘The lose in’ pat-at $14 fackenzie Bowell has appointed Canad 4 The steamer Miowera, of the Australian © and Canadian line, which was wrecked some 1 response to a requisition Mayor m 9 lor, of innipeg, has decided to stand foe fon rm, as "A lottery and gambling eae at Vort Brie, Ont., was raided by Chief Young, of Niagara Falls, who capiu e were taken before * mae and both were admitted to Somerset, aon of Undy Henry Som- erset, England’s famous apostle of temper- ic ance, and arty) were lost in the while hunting big game, and had to live for Mr. Edward Brant, of Hamilton, Ont. , e. is feared that the boat was capsized and ed. of the directors of Al 5 Richelieu and Ontario Navigation io i ; held on Saturday at Montreal, a letter was . N. K, Connolly, rs president of the company,resigning his position. ‘The di- rectors, after a short consultation, refused toaccept Mr. Connolly’s resignation, and Montreal experienced an arthironke et a ‘The new Royal Victoria hospital in Mont- aad real was opened by the Governor-Géneral rakesman named Thomas Brock fell between the ocra ef a moving train sb the Seitesat pas , gas works, while engag. ed in rebuilding a ee ator, dropped ee torch, which a t fire to his oily clothes. He could not, prints from the generator and was burned to deat attack of in: ay. iral Seymour says that twenty mil- File bs ooeiniae mine owners of Scotland having re- an increase of ashilling a day, the went on strike, It isatated at the Foreign Office at Lon- | 00. don that there is no truth in the cope that | What the Marquis of Dufferin would succeed Sir | 9perative kitchen, Pee: Pacnostote ay Wanhiogtans of ten hundred oo Ghat took rds i ‘day. Suerte ted to cetalonanneed crewadey Rnb sa ‘Honse of Commons Mr. Gladstone, riag_a dispute in, Dublin on Monday atrick Reid wi se writings a Englandas in the Unite UNITED STATES. over from shor« bo aval beep ox strike, are returning collaps« B & railway have been notifi ae shortly att e ~ Senate ae anes next Febru: AY sa gfiatel at Be sokis wid Monda isa thing of ‘The receipts ‘of last. Saturday's football Pirateh at Springfield Mass., between Har- Yale ~were thirty-nine thousand s uate and Le expenses were twelve | uit and de - GENERAI i ths ing of Servia ba refused to accept | 83 The oe that ey too long at. hide-and- Have ponamaee that ‘ask for mothers; these, I ome openings x8 exist or may arise in Australia for Tearn lovely meanings when the children Ba table on att aes, te Estile, ee Des mes fi ry apes falsassurance to her anxious child. : ed aay = ae twitchboard. iswered had my lamb appealed! ed elsew! as vivendi of 1802 it is expressly agreed that ifthe result of the arbitration shel! bo pr The Au utritn Government ha recived to at epee ge dh Pe Whose tones are pitched too low for mortal r to a oak They Blend, and Nature sends them breast and ¥ Wien for l at outs Ene willing ae = ind, Ihave bsughit ellence to my bushend’s knee! inthe ee debate on the speech Ot words his wit prepared to plague thy lips, ebud imp ae ie Th mouth, and garner all thy. a ae fulfil ee fnadelsl engagemente With ioreign when 9 In days to come with Wiking gou shall bring 2, Dr. The d decision of the gues Sonny Clarkes caveat to the contrary notwith- And he shall chatter-to my chain, or tour OF: Theraining sploudours of your ravisbed hair, | tril thing ine stration of ie oly ay Prin We,will undress him in your cradling Jap, in & shallow age, and among pallial To bles bb iite with rete OF ton rian “And Watoh the Teaing fi his ‘sleepy smile Till dimples cannot follow kisses is smu Q, husband, husband, aa By es isdump | Gre "The eld outspeaks: him and the day-old ed, fo damage of any serious nature is . ‘4 How shall Treak this mows when that you "4 come Sid never give her back a word otiovel 1892, and they proposed instead that thirty milezone of protection should be established ‘i the Pribyloff islands, 2 2 he best paren ct Piaceak atta peeecnt | De The French Cabliot cctsls de tiutiad and the BRITISH. ‘The death is announced of the Earl of Cromartie, He was forty-one years of age. ‘Mr. Balfour, Conservative leader in the House of Cominons, 18 suffering from an 2 ‘The Princess Frederick Charles of Hesse, eror William, gave ton pou ‘ought to be expended to build P trolass ‘men-of-war and ss many fused to grant the demand of the minere f for ee religions and social which have d 3° | erations, ey case ee: an entirely.different, Eee eae thishigher role he mn be certified to ‘The Sealers Claims. heEmpire thinks that some nice quot+ tions will arise out of the claims for com dency of the arbitration. » The ims amount to rds of a million dollars,ané whatever of ti ount is fo j equitable and ehall be promply pall aid. itrators have expressed no direct iehting for several yeants ip his letter to Secretary g Se gation of ‘eal life made by the British com- missioners in 1891 was, however,such as to i consented to modus vivendi of 189: the condition as to compensation led s_to the intervention of Mr. Goff a Canadian catch in Behring Sea had been radually increasing, the highest point in 1891, notwithstanding the partial prohibition, whea 28,888 se: ere cap: re ose vessels warned not to - 8 s Be & ses2 5 2% = & of this season's catch were taken the theology a eet polity or in‘ Church in uni the reo of the ure of Gol? 2 Wie: Et A ane 2, who usually knows what The ‘meanest York for stealing the pennies of a blind newsdealer. At Groat Falls ae , the meroury ha een known to droy The Mississippi at Galena, INs,, is frozen smal The Lehigh ee Salles engineers, Pye py o Walton's “ Angler,” printe ed in 1653, recently sold t 1 cally $1,500 by 4 Cleve aro running regulatly, a Wieairike is believed to be in a state lof ‘The officers and employes of at North: T he wrote such il ble copy that the print- A new form of thieving, operate woman, is reported from Ha where it has been practiced successfully. The woman calls at _a house, feigns faint- eS rather an ciporting country ee otherwise, | snd no ine ae - It is not Fae in Washington that new Tariff bill ean come before the noo ehigh Waly Fall : fe rel aa the company is concerned, ig titaike on i eeibsaens ar Shepherdstown, Pa., rais- in of be | around it. cath of which may Guart measure and perfectly formed . The FACTS IN FEW WORDS. A teaspoonful - baking soda, dry, will often cure hice Itis situa Une sw Aibiny besael arte killed by a hunter near Tampa, Fla., Te- man” was arrested in New degrees inside of ates, The smoant of gold coin in actual cireu- orld. is estimated by the he = oe Bagland “officials. to te about 865 ton! af the original edition of Izza of Dean Stanley that acrown a sheet extra for werhill, aes, rs ft alone, ransacks Berenstow tell with one huge head en smalicr ones The Stors of a Veteran of the Crimea Who was the Sir ~ sage Premier of Gaps Oolony. |e joes a. “airs to alan aghter the natives in order to iegrass is growing green over the graves d his o The big man in n South Alri just now is exeape without sacral, bat Ss horse © Slopes and valleys of ‘the Seinen ere the world, "That he is a man of no ordinary wards sergeant-major ee a yeomanry ‘7090p m- man - “Africa, but the richest x well = ood venice: may not come again. of Seville, builtin 1982 staco of $130,000, ack, as bus his wealth is catimnted at at thirty million who was responsible for the order tocharge. lard, Legit all classes all Bigiton, .) barr of al maces sat repacked for transfer = rai oarefal deliberation, it was decidad by the ® | achieve anything ‘brilliant Until he got up rn ni this awful list must be added the thawed And is this ail the eat a by thee its vt Cubo rare the vessel on fire, said “Tell me the truth ; have you dynamite danger whatever,” answered the oo in the Hotere fs this corphratien, whish in one (wt mouth as ae Spanish ey ant alt nee ee esis pera id first one, loud gem ear ss. imboriey Ins Uyoe that the and the sedi Shick Pollo wed’ the first | 9) weir Mo did not do ail ‘his ee any smal mputed ‘s like theaand slape of thunder rolled to- that if the population of ‘the globe goes on | all the city, Soattering ruin on ‘easton tee reg Ga Sie ska oes Five bun FB 288: 3 found that there ws no more oe lett to ase is “ deplete be with all sl ? | means an all ite ale to cxtioguth even & ¢ ere peice houses burn rithout is an te le tal “ a that ar i , Baglish That is my mi f yin, tained from coal in a very wasteful man- wv of the civilguard’ alone being saved tro som independent Duteh republics ts a the he food of err ‘Tenet and then the ue Cape Towaas the capital end mistop- o | side red by the first deieoa and had never nai com: war with tt Mabelexend Poi boca fs, been thought of untill a few months since. -0- es by pak coal me ey consumed without ol 3 & There is a care for trifles which proceeds lines stretching actone tho valley” is Jord} froat lor i ag SEMA yincai the aa frivolity, os] w ncosk sae