_KERSHAM BL Now she Had ine “Ghildren | x in the garden, Miss | the sa ss 2a “when I «Walked rhe to the post-office for a letter ah was a = of the tongue which sho re- where es dee nos oa felt his jan and et t Have estopped in nice tht iasdenteaty 0] j appr ees, hat they say.—You ai tain the news so oe am acco le Roland was living—never tae Pe = Touche, listened in ed at the conclusion of Ber speee ‘She's the one to mn [Waite ate wo a, {a ee, sateen. i : ee Weil, all Lom 6 | What he vows tha ce T'm boun Was too much ! Mrs. La Touch help | marmured delnis G fone ats Ph hi to Sic Roland, ail n to| when the Squire was dead, and so on, and thipk of ‘esching a Sates didn’t ees it, so he’s taken his own way to prevent any more such talk, married ? ”" There and Sebastian Sante t feel so very sure of liato increaue of respect, in| being master after all Mrs Li ‘Touche had become white again mean me to tell this to 80) fa = The | in- ‘te she said, in a small, raated Sa the nolo Well, ma'am, to Brevent mistake es in clear, incisive steners,Shiely int He is happily only independent of is ancle'eWaation estas yee not be will | tions ge to the Horley Street’ Regutty Olive hi uncle's el e made you angry,” sys ha gh I Yall ar if you. know beforshand of {And Tima snl oly man aud want some: body to mupatshs ave evhiing | inti and lift- much | ed her handerhie to 0. “You ‘0 him, thongh Td never ar who cat pero, again that evenitg ; it was said that she had a headache ; ead all-the knew that the wound had gone vary CHAPTER XXU. Esthecromained fora moment, uncertain Whether to go or stay. Mrs. La Touche st motionless until the ill-matched pair out of sight ; then she ses and walk. fartha, Never mind how people look edt deter ts ut of the room. thy bing Yor sh iE this is _a good sccept your Kind invitation and spend the ¢ Dow MRS. LA TOUCHE MaNgU eee on Sunday morning Richard was ei patra La Tac came down to breakfast in of gowns and | ans Sempre She was paclicalatly gracious to —and iff can glad to have op Est tho obilaren. She spoke The heroism of a woman who wishes Esther pees behind, a sober figure in red rose fa Communion ped away i before thy altar abeorbeus iment still knelt che “‘took the sacr he | as a phrased it, regularly three times year. She considered it rather profane to take it ol till she sat on: Was Miss bie iee going to stay? And Mis: '¢| Denison—of course. Then she should stay 7 she whispered, “I ‘am goi estly repen with your neighbors, and intend to w lil La Touche listen to him, not ‘believe she tho pent of adhe went to Kennet’ Green on fternoon when she s. La Touche looked most amiable. he aged back in e took some thin sheets of paper from dhelitte cable at Bae and began turn- ing them over ist as Ae T’m sure I never wh see im, be lear Nina thi: id, “* and Unhappy. * You fool, a id the pine setting up| real ily cannot t tell atn clatiely bug angrily, “done you oman wants to to be gi S her. mother, = hat the | perhaps a lite bissed. | You wil ilk be qi a jpn a cael The lor ie into Esther's tegen sey had lon: letter Fubbish,” anid. @ good-natured | now, Martha, also rising ie ie fee “don’t you dee yourself about I bear mal- shake hands with me, "abe said more respect- poken to istance tohear how words sound fromthe lips of another.” Esther began, wee, n sure,” pretty baby- “2 OF clothes : they are pete lovely, and wil ary it used to hea | follow pk to Kennet’s distance, Bu pa, miss, end alw: i go | stantly Malet’s sharp | really tel since me right in time. that ses with him, won igh to run n to be con- Afri ut I can not possibly make the roast ali {ant t go with Stepier, = tee — wie the children —i ting Pand fuming, 'IL soon set ees ery ed into het foolish giggle, and die if L vias inebant cies xiating ait which she seemed to think @ marl Bl pimps t Ge Cousta Mariay would doyit we eH, id e: myself. if you ca you,” f Mr. went re $0 anette at self- Malet witha smile ibe really ‘id hos unNGE: wx tent wo thy. Nina could a ste credit, going to flindh. She walked Ieimrely through the village street, as usual, and up the slopmg churchyard’ path Wittont Esther, somewhat abruptly. “If I’ went, for f emotion on her aristocratic face. ie would be for Nina's sake—not ‘My dear girl, do yousuppose that I am * for over 700 miles north-west stened at her om pete pany of two Indians the priests had sent to hi La Touche could ig forbear one Thank Te Matines thesermon, the first part of the can walk home by yourself, te (ro BE contr ED.) NEWS OF ELECTRICITY, ein love and chety eee A wire aeasunt®. 3 the disiculties that large users ot cago et hia "seulement, ze wire of which is h air 2 a sounting Ca ue indicate Sacha We cellently well. sup lement Gig: west the 7 oan aot newly invented males of every class ne employees in South here, and therefore tip lathes arvayiok: the | ly sought in m ol 0 epee in the ear! -Ithad been there several d ” she trip?” e desi Say any more; | common, if T ean be Shas} of ees to aie Iam ready sai re Bell Bates T shall never cease to a ee gins nd with, fr market that resent the todas of the North-west had but little WITH THE RED HAN, Dr. Amyot Spent Years Among the Indians. How They Cure a Fever- many friends of Dr. A. L. Amyot, Th who practised 1n Toronto many years ago, will be igs ie Sage oreion gistered at the Walker Se grening after an absence o! 876 Toronto “he. learned from ‘a missionary father that the Indians North-west were ina wretched state ysl and de- termined to go and give tl he could. lief Aer ieaviag Winnipeg in July, 1876 ho my | made his way on foo ACROSS THE PRAIRIE. | bay traders and mounted police. The Hud- son bay post had supplied him free of charge even supplying all his drugs. fe tells some very interesting facts re- garding the medical tna ee in vogue among the Indians before he went to live ‘was the greatest foe the Indian had to con- tend with, and this was not to be wondered at, consideri THE POOR NOURISHMENT ie had h to the ing grounds to deliver themselves of oie, andcatch the main party. within 48 he ily 0 Wicemeastar od Fe remlt of the syste mployed Shi ramiont in dealing withthe breeds The So vernment DIED MOST OF THE EV! fa eaaiiacl the fight, and at_ pri to complain of. | Before the there E Tegister, and the spe is eentartgs in action, divi ee Se each men north of Winnipeg . There was ~s far distant = moth a stage flying about a Hight means Sistauey y an good wishes from immortals ; the unex- doukey, visit from an fal firman will make! Gia jae sn place again hat dy, for he is sure that if he at. mm iN ig oh aa = in this ts to do 80 something wil | happen oe ioe Yanbhgtihise tims ath batk, mile, cee itis will also turn him Wi estimated hat iby, whe se of the'a rage: reduced to bo. Tes ry: josed to fbb: the batteries so that | issne will be 28 1 desire it if the d for four hours’ work. | p e en a ote is started out upon an im- tant venture hé will sayto himself: “The te first three 28. an tilomen be ora good one! Heis bound to be killed anyhow. Augury isjalso made by stance | the forms of clouds and by the cuteails gt men ae animals, an rubber n to one wor fowls, e pits an odd or even number a divisions in the ndertake anything. irons | however insignifieant, all tho sign sultes Ly post bowed saul the fates were in some meenere ele “ cut-off” in in- | Spe: ereasing the safety erga as iat ee | light staiion: Oo er ing. SS ‘It was.a farmer who invented the pork chair. His home was in Kingsto ase., and the chair was made for his own Mas: comfort, in 1780. k seems to attend Joseph Smith, h, Pa, He was engaged to mar: ot fit, ani again the wedding was poste ed, time, whether the weather is warm or cool, | vo oe striking tendency of faulty butter is ead 0} ething shoul now be ae get the dhs nll But when there i ina eilttg eo anything, pees velo ie eens in the Datted King- at this period ought to be the fine xt of the Wida joker Whew, that atoatby th rogue, BUG T love him scientific exactitude, so that he need never | i che a | hat is Sata t0 be Pe is Way to Avota — ees fat Bee 8 brushing twice aday and their clean bodaare supply and uw : Daria profit at least be led a1 5s, 08 injeeod during 7200, and 2 be i sugmen(ing ‘he fertliey the farm. Wit it wil prolong his life, bi he ears oes aply. require bat little attention during the a there is not enough cultivated jad ‘pro- t 14 ora age is ily cnguced acing ‘the suinmer Hiean continent, and suggests that a khed- ed ES = tomeeticlion and use ai Altoa 3 the nati dey cast | Ooleceon tik manner wise wile wei tal lym iy vase [ap an incubator, whist ba eae: is Water. trea belonging You the sume far ther in time of-ripetiincare aloo decirabla, peas ree ging to t a univaagl congress of eooks isto assom- rather sci ee oe its rsttine mothe er tho eer thou, st 4G ae ge overed for ‘aorel oad pproved dishes. An aged colored woman got ons merry- who eee as they ate drified to the step of wot jastright’ ‘with the battery bub ‘he! ge