Milverton Sun, 5 Apr 1894, p. 1

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“It Shines For All.” Vol TII—No. 14 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY APRIL 5, 1894. eo Uididiser aud aeheies : MEDICAL : LOCAL NEWS. Severe cut, Mann, convicted of bigamy, to two|tion while Mr. D.Allen greatly ch: ee RGBRIN MB, Ds, D, CM Grad | ~~" 4 TT Se! Last Saturday as 2 Ralph Tucker and/| years in penitentiary. On March 3rd od the audience by the daivone ate = " ot Giliees: oe & EAE ese Bag pee in cutting Mann who is a jewel peddler, eloped | couple of his well co d selections. student of Londow Hospital, London, ng: |! Ralph, he ae aeopna nb, Struck | with a daughter of Mr. Bryan; a Ful-| ‘The debate resale that free trade. inrear of pot oie. Mi mie hough, is the head ia | rton farmes,. was married in- Mitchell | with the U. S. would be beneficial tr, 2 Ont. Telephone connections with. ioe it she cat was though, in the head in-land a few days later arrived in Du! roved Re ee lively contest,. : Brnanek, athena Onde and Rostoel gets @ severe sealp wound, He im-jJin, He elu; b-| Gani st. wife who| though in spite of Messrs Taylor, Me” CB, Moc. Feat, Teruea te the doctor. att is a daughter of Gon.F, Beosty Janitor] Weunan coca, Langford; the “nega . din. 1881, Milverton and had the wound dressed | of U_ 6, ee to whom he was: mar- oe eesued by Messrs I, Langford, Graduate of College ety he Grosch & Loth's change of ad. |and is now as sound as ever though ie aed te ir Pee ee ASE ol Belg Ral iy eas eae atk ‘ ne Our local dealers on Monday Inst} time re recsonals: Doran and Chalmers- composed the: graph conneetion at residence for night eee market at Toronto a) The best Indigo shirting at 124c¢ | Mr: Appel fondle » busines: trip to| com : inessages from Castings, ee and Mill- | car load of eB foe mre cottonades at 25c., cot. a Saturday: ee Office inessages fre Fresh Arrival. i tons yd. wide at 5c. Toweling at 5c.,, Mr. Kank, Rae a few days ee aes At Kertcher's this week of new|beautiful heavy prints at 10c, at] this a pearauirn 4 M LIPTLE € CO., BANKERS aes 5 (Usp conan Nera ig Pennine ult, Bal Becker recently of . eee Reman : "Aes convsnden oF “MoCarthyites of | (i ier Se mesiee Leite bean Gy tes ee ap tis © North Riding of Perth, held at| Veiderho! pudeichis, end: hes country, th: L, Rae has moved into Mr. Pe. ae moved into to’ niga sunshine en eaae to-da: ae EVAR) arclte are Dlovk where he is pro-| Newton, on Saturday, the nomination, = hae we are all sunny in 8) ath ith it. B. Freeborn-as the paruy’s cau |, Mrs. Mose in ech of Tavistock, |Seeding may sone ae me Malia tons Esse: ured to do busii i =! Abs usiness on an extensive | Be the next Dominion election, | i* # present vis Mr. Schlotz- ze a nce: | rn fasendorsed. Teis said there was a es Ae i a ny ed. Money to aN is full representation from.every munici-|| Mr. Crankie and wife, of Stratfor Sale and “fari is oer ashed. _Dilice | Ae 3 gi PI ry ais, toate Heeb ses Saree nthe reat an pe noe pality in the riding and. the jibiaoat spent Sunday at Mr, Louis Pfeffer’s.| La atler, was not all of ‘the Wo, U. LITTLE & CO. | tew difference ‘a la Sullivan” Par aieariex: LBuBTUDN Oyen Mr- Freeborn eA A. ae of Moorefield, paid | ‘Pit one wou ee: ee ot rencxat) % = changing afew dry knocks one of the com-|iwas present and accepted the nomin- jai teas tay ae any wagons, la St ors hatants concluded that discretion was the} ation. . prominent McCarthyite, ae ep a ingeebnia ok pire ain toa aos ee eee eee M. BRUCE, L.D.S,, Deatist etter pars of valor and self preservation the | ho ie ines prsition to, know claims au ates: Di pibge Eg a Core ena 7 hath Ane W. first law of matuce beat a hasty. retreat, balan bets He eee trols 1.000 vote ais her Easter holidays at home |) SEseeT TIE ae they SER : ite Wemnadle; wo, for, the in the riding) muda ‘up of deserters | dics ae tho Collecats Tncanenca ot [he tauelamott of removal th pant wh ; wen = fie ee eee past eight or nine months, hae from both.the old parties. Mini Me ee Borkhelder and {at Mr ie Nab UE aa ese ate re Pe a RN daughter Maggie, of Browntown, wha| t8%, 2 the Queen’s Hote ‘4 every ‘Mow place has sold out his establishment} Last Friday evening the much talk-| © ‘ ile . visting fa Me Jame im a. = pestessions tb the house and farm of Me 5 : arance | Has been visiting a ‘ames Ri ie, wi rs Seah te vracie of his profi to Mr. Dan’l Schlotzhauer who will be | ¢d of Bengough ma ade Be SRSA ES Naas sabia ing for f x Le By d to meet. all his predecessor's and as the expectat were high Cmca 5 who left this neighborhood ae we ‘VETERINARY i alah customers and many. new ones, |Some were a little ee micat The WELLESLEY of Atwood leet @ FORTUNE, BS 2 Tt is the intention, we believe, of Mr.| Programme throughout afforded con- ee ond, now owns and ge to remove bo-Michigan, Aree tt especially when Mz, Lonis: Morton, whe came to Atte ee Graduate Stung Ontario ives ocal sketches.were drawn, 1s reci- is health aft all other | Kerr. acy College will treat all diseases of domes-| |, Rend Rae & Sutton’s chinge of ‘ad-| tations were-o&e high order but. those riled, id on Be delay 29¢h | distance, bee rho di aoa ce tay “0 syRae soe argains in| who have seew Bengoigh: before de- aie Dr Morte sa young | ofS Ik Gibson, now oeeupies the ae naen lug’s hotel. Cul ed to| the hardware line just now. cate ie asieualte Baus Hie’ best: : house just w cx of the shed lot of Knosx jay and night. Parken ee Milv I p «poise and lee received | church; and M faker, some time since: 5: people of Milverton have}. Tihomal, Sante is sister died | came in from Hie Ferguson farm,” in the H, ENGEL, V. $., Milverton, tose ae alent ate ae good talent lately to i he & g is ae s & - ER ee & BS ei i e setae inpatis eeu ia ewe Wonk Do I belonane to Appel & that his death leaves his bereaved leaved and if an eiescunibe All Disenses of Domestic auimala: treated {je ty Sagging asily ith it as the shor ane he-ean please a Milverton formerly owned by Mr. Bailey nea Thor ; fie teachers Ch ina seies pubetan mauner. Dentistry a specialty. 4 spilt Ake : parents etal a sand flows. the tldeae hea een’ Telephone counection day and night. weight is supported “from the centre | audience hy-«nything buc lita, jest ef Sees = = cana tna eis Ke Seay to almost any height | forts makes a.grave mistake. ERseE _ Portions (of our roads inay be said to have- socmrizs é wanted which is a great convenience| 44. ab Lee tos pk ces Uaiae News. Fimproved since my last writing, but other Se Se ee ee AMC IE Pee IT S381 oe ae tego thon baying, ag Friday ewig lange ase so pee a ee eae ‘umaple in front of 2 eUrNeSS. ‘ eople el 0 Wi les: to churcir oud and ‘last ‘Tuesday of evens Ree! prety their reads made suits at-Gleiser's, | bly of the yoath and eauty gathered erday rather tha ‘endure. tho lew tmoilth, vat" oelorke i) thets over | SHOP: fan rast ices at the residence of Mr. Win. Holmes ani tossing of extra es Sohnoxker & Toudaends sake. Misting | The Young Liberals hold a meeting}. b a to enjoy a pleasant evening ‘which | isters aud loy ha fee! ahs nee oe : Bees io niche: heal funny. sights not often Gey did tothe Pullesttvasteniee cA a ve sag dich May Teeve much more OR Web. Sey eee f seen ae n by. few occurred the a: of exercise than of recreation from their hearty reception w A. everyone by the kind host a seen ai ¢ bn Patrons No. 2, ther miele i in ahs village at one of ae haste. andl 0 ay evening the Patrons|the public houses, A certain obnox- janis But thers a goad, time uma vhen the oss x will be asemvothieasa lady's the old story goes. it: overshadowed hence could wi: hen, to met in open meeting to every ching hithertohelBinethis coun:|s0und of the young leaves’ whi ie viene buseiven alww: well cuss the Ratt of Free Trade vs. Pa nanos {he Re allings out in musie, among tow edad, Rowen ane ies ora he speeches h h their beautiful eyes ft —-——}high ortler and chuck Tall of enhinian, gamuents of the night to let him i There was all kinds of pelts ace Ferincia tagene eas The debate did not lack in interest. as | Happening to step dutside, the door Andall sae kinds: of game: pet elvee savory Been Hey ae Jaa whieh had a spring lock, closed upon | But euchre: itu abeent fron Crary paddle vo cares ties upon youe Berek “Siuleh, ‘Preae. him shutting him onw. here he And Beagplighstliesane, overed mound Wasnee ee wening.|danced a hornpipe to the tune of i, en 62, Hall seat ‘Teut, | The decision of the debate was given | Let me in” and sang a refrain “John- in ters’ Hall every tivst i ie ick.” Afte! ang pow- aid faint Weduesday evening uf saci pont in favor of the Protective side. mG corns quick. ‘ter his pow. fiat oelock. Visiting erntenalvays| Look out for Rao in his. new quar-|* ht been nearly exhausted some of Joa Schosnuals, Go nea Beat Ht twee, 1 | the other inmates awoke and admitted RK ‘ ¢ ane ters, Head. his ad. nex him but the ee of his: body |) Me; , Harrow, who las een tata ap Stork Purchase. had fallen 39. degree: oy eine tne ble to be around aj agai Mr. Wm. Aikin Has: recently On HOTELS chased from Mr.. David’ Mine « chard young shorthora’ HN got by. the pure iat es, for your hats, dress goods, ti tmbroidies, gloves, prints aud “parasols Milv Nerton, ithe ep <4 SARONVILE. Mr, Win. Long commenced plowing txst puted etere is nothing mysterious ahous advertising. Ibis an exact science: You ieee telling people where- they can get certain needed things. Thi all there is of it. ou ¢: tell chew about soinething they. wans: © 'P. P. Roe’s wood-hee, I say Satu day prov youn poms visite aed twenty cords were Residents of a ae should make a tog Eno MPCELNCoD ractice of Laying all their goods at Miss Wood of Stratford and Messrs, C.| Te ruckshank bull is 10 Bart Sart Once in a long time you. may |*trim and C. Wasc Pe eek ae ou have cae ie ore ae to offer— Go sabia hie by Imported Red King! An | beable to get soni ardidles ix’ some pert of their Buster’ holidays-at Mr. Jue, |2dvertisin, Mos We or, alai a ws isa full Gee gies al the county silts advert ng i veel, buvriews- : ot pias aad ene ee oe ae anu of Simeo pie RUN . edie other town cheaper than you can abt ; eae, Sears extn, aie paper ait ing is not only the: best pees © EYP! saur'l Roe, ae nay ut it costs less-than on other kirid— a uu can get more ~ talk to-more people—tor newspaper than iz Figare it out and seat Mis Blanche Hyde aud "Si h_ Roe, saesleailoas wiataye i eae their Easter holidays in Curae lee loft la: “0 Mon- ume their studies at the C, 1, UREN HOTEL, eae The best Ssoouumpdetion for aut ninercias me aud others. ‘Iwo large sauple uss large, we s ouy techies ot Wines, Ligu prove theit stocks. < be Champion: ¥ looking over fool wary stanies, | We fave fiom. unquestionable?| amns of the Son you should: have no and iat aE ae Heury: Rise | a ehorityy forsourinformer- ie no le in any:other way, seo. Prop See ER difivulty in deciding: where to buy.| Mi Ke hat ENA as teas Banks Nua aba aac MRS avid Allen, t! f we want to see-the town prosper w vse x aie een an LM verton, Hever. he Piaff did one day in the ey support the- merehants Their |) 00" fic fa terete Delong a4 J ies bet ¥ ae ee qt ios gone Sy. with malice aforethought ecess means the- prosperity of the Mr dno. Donovan, for the sum of $13! ce i wand in as space of t hree a and the prosperity of the town 3 Church, Elma, has @-Con ee has a good. story to tell, ae ae a this is the | means the Doonan of every an in ne twenty papils. “The Sa is on himself. “Upon che vunclusicnie’ Gent. -tline: eet ever he was’ crowded jit. fn nine eases-out of ten, you ean | will be aeat ou the 8th of June DY the court's sitting the other afternou:s SovaL HOTEL, Strath Opposite 08 jokers in chopping wood. He says] do just as well a Helene any where < the learned Crown Coun aul R Pane teers Solna rm belief that Mr, Pfail| eed and eft nuule betten siourto: visit ote of Brampton's Hees Goo Phe parcomage} can i a given time on equal conditions | He fou i Ege “Guod hag. eal qulistted: vig Bam Siu: ‘opri- i Ss legraph office af the people of this vicinity solic cut as much wood as he (Mr Alten) * = | Mr Wm, Lone es spent his ae i in “jand that is saying a great dea dl Sour home, Las retemed to ee Stratford Pony, HONEL, Sur Stratfon! Station. | gues: Sox ean bo had from now un: Ppa sok mites es . Aha Ait oy He en of the year for seventy | work E ss Chicago ace Mr. . conc 3m hip : I Osler pleaiell to see his old fe rom | cents. : - fal He hurls his stinging anathe voto aa | pleadled ie is an are you Hace is Mo be A oe oe Pea nite against cherch and state aud de-|#"® to Toronto on? asked the small boy. ‘Oh, Tm : = Th = t of th poe iccalaeeh vances the most ao city on A numberof guests were, en- for oes Broerationy replied Mr. Osier. : eal Ss , ‘al eee iis Jeske it to be ruled by feeeatued ‘at Wan: Hiblme’s on Friday | ‘Well,’ said the telegraph boy with an hard lots. z night when-a real jovial time wi ai profound en spent andhe unceasing hospi Ss ‘M-. andra. Helmes again showed it- self. ho: that? astonished counsel. fe should. have thought,’ rejoined the youth, re— 2 evening was Nae ies yo ‘ later hours of the same evening. ‘cumstantial as And the way, Tie:Petooes of S. 8. No. 12 Morn. ie brought out that ‘cireumstantia itig held their Apeieseneot Thurs- Hing th "3 au eve last . ngr ‘ople last year than all other Wosd's Fair at Gropp’s hall on| lighting his cigarette, ‘I should have tesa ee oe Many hangry peo oe ‘The city is run| Ménday eve was only a preliminary to| thought that a man of your age would: the SEGb EU Wine Mice Ve recat ganized gr the-plenstiae- indulged: in-during- vhe | kbaw tHat-pow can't hing men 6a. GF rouble whe: s¢| Deodlers. His de iati “Phe Beanty” of having a hot date Davis’ Pai that. ae are | ii orst,” C

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