Milverton Sun, 5 Apr 1894, p. 3

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f praia eS a SCHAEFE TRIOS | New Spring Goods Gents’ Furnishings to select frem. : New Spring tal An immense stock of English and German Worsteds, Scotch, English and Canadian Goods Tweeds and ether house in the trade. good Goods and cheap. fe half the price you pay the Jeweler. os i: at $8.50 to $10. ts All made Welcome. former. The latter will cleave to him. while life lasts. He is the enly mai cousness weighs much with the m of our people. He is, therefore, in a very real way the keeper of their ¢on- jciences. That function he will retain in his retreit at Hawarden, and The apilyerton Sunt THURSDAY APRIL 5. Lerd Salisbury has written Jetter to Mr, Gladstone expressing his sympathy with him da his retirement: Tae letter is full of pleasant veminis | reso isibi] ties of temporal administra- tion.—Review of Reviews, n long eences and feeling allusions to Mr Gladstone's career, which have i i — Halifax merchants are protesting lence is shown by the ommunicated the contents of the | via England. to several of his friends with} Boats passed through the Straits of able gratitication. Mackinaw Monday afternoon; the first = we of the season. - Tbe result of the election foramen-) J, i bei of Parlitment to represent Bcr-|Sir William Vernon Harcourt, Chan- against the new duty on tea imported 5 ian ! Jeorge, eldest son of Mr. C. Yost, whose opinion on questions of right-|;, seriously indisposed. We earnestly hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. in Colloden, spent Easter hol home The turbed reigns in our midst. Several carlouds of pressed hay ani a carload of hogs were shipped from: big fur cap here th fe All who want to be well dressed should buy their clothing and Gents’ Furnishings from Schaefer Bros. : 3, A few reasons why, because you will always find the largest Steck and latest patterns wi 4 ‘3, Will sell you a suit Gheaper than can be bought any other place. ee we a " Because we always keep up with the times in styleand workmanship. We are d i of the season the same as we have done in the past 7 x ene te Come and see our all wool suits at $8.50 sold other places for $10. i Our Gents’ Furnishing department surpasses anything ever shown in Milverton, In neckware we show the ‘newest noveltiesin the market. In white dress, flannel and neglige shirts we can serve you better than any Our underwear is chosen with great care and you will always get by buying from us Jewelry. in this line we carry as fine a range of Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons as any Jeweler and at about Rubber Coats, In this line we carry an immense range and at all prices. Comeand see our leader at $7.50 sold other places Before you place your order for a Spring Suit be sure and call on us if you will not do so you will be sorry all si will find the best selected stock in the country with us. 2 ~ gay eb Any cloth you buy from us, which we sell as cheap as the cheapest we cut FREE OF CHARGE. No trouble to show Goods. SCHAEFER BROS. | I ee ena MILVERTON. SR LEE RE NEWTON. David Murray, who is teaching lays at session of his. eace of our village was din- lately by two ef our prominent s exhibiting their pugilistic tyidently a Corbett-Mitchell | You don’t look weil agin an old hat or a this You his week. | time of year. wickshire isa Liberal victory. The| cellor of the Exchequer. announced candidate, Mr. Tennint, received that the budget would be presented Ud Cadionmect Me CT nee A 4-yearold|5 Challoner, who 1 pp a piece of bread Xt. Hon. Edward Majoribanks re- « 2,704 votes, and opponent, Mr. ©. B. Balfour, 1,056 votes, a majority wf 748 in favor of the Liberal candi- date. ~The vacancy in. Berwickshire Then she icked the butter of nine, and physician | prom Pipi tae and every idewalk in front of her home| passages in wale df fell Eantiow pn ae pete toe soe eee d anc Sea a h Commons Monday | Mingnats Tint : ae | Minard’s Liniment ures Burts, el? ooq to s pruce up Relief In Six ae tizave | and look Pespee= etitable and go to ns On t it: peas in relieving pain in the bladder, part of the arinary le or female. It relier e- k is is your remely. Sold caused by the elevation to the td age of the Rt. Hon. Edward | She child soon {5 | been poisones and, seeonding the prompt at the little one’s life. It was very narrow escape, howev: elay of another minute in achminister- ‘an emetic would have proved 1. There have been zhout a doze: oisoned in this yicinity wher | phot to; ‘Mr. Gladstone's Spiritual and Tenrporut} Mr. Power. ‘All of which brings us to the observ aviunthat the position which Mr.Glad- The best pupils Mornington, during a Sr. 5th—George He is the bead of the chureh | Gerda Tack rn te I surposes, much more thar) man, Ralph Tucker. hyp of Canterbury, whom | Langford, aa t lueen, whose Wesinns Jr, , ey t position is sti Samuel Attridge, Nathan weital. Mr, 2ud—Henry Harding, Edit! power was nothing to spi He Langford. Prt 2ud—Sydi jower. His temporal pow Attridge, ame be said to rest on his spi at elass Sheldon Orr, Johan var divest himself of te furd, Tummy Gibson, ea All e | to hard timex, Halters, bits and snaps 65¢. weat (Trunks and Valises rel "iW. M. APPEL, Robbie Attridyc, Willie] MAIN STREET — MILVERTON. Come and see the Farmers Gate the Lest and cheapest gate on earth NOTICE harness reduced in price owing Best | pads for 40c., 5e. off for cash. | away down. ———AT THE HARNESSMAEER. g Mart! fs Liniment exes Dania) GROSCH & LOTH’S for one of their new hats. Get one of their new style Fed- oras with broad or narrow rims, or any one of their new styles and you will lock better. Prices away down. re “HOUSEKEEPERS ‘Kindly give us your attention for a few moments you will soon be doing your house cleaning and we have Home Wall colors of 15 different shades Mixed Paints * 40 ee Senour’s floor paint and take no other Furniture Varnish “ Polish Carpet Tacks % Swee; Paint Brushes Curtain Poles % 2s) ye ‘Shelf and Heavy Hardware, oils, glass, nails, hinges, locks, cutlery, spades, forks, shovels, and all kinds of draining tools. : Foc Black and galvanized wire plain, twist and Barbe, truss, cable wire Any body building woild do well to call and get quotations before purchasing elsewhere as you will find prices right BUT OH THE BARGAINS In Stoves, Tinware Milk cans, Creamery Cans. Dairy Pails. Call and see them. Eavetroughing, Roofing, Furnace work, and all kinds of repairing neatly a cheaply done. : ae All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. exchange. Give them a call. | RAE & SUTTON. | ACHESON’S MAIN STREET, MILVERTON, ASE SEE <= All farm produce taken in OLD STAND. I Jobn L. Sullivan appears at Tucob's| Fritz Krotzler mturdered_ his nd Sparrow’s this week in “The man | and ONG SER ASS ARN INH ARIA . f four children -and ‘committed ony? : oyye a from Boston suicide at Dolgeville, N. ¥. on Friday ‘ General Coxey, 2 crank of Colorado, | night. Cause, poverty, a has organieed an army of tramps and| ‘Wart on scrofula nnd every form of l er | er boldly ) Bees oO The Best Blood Purifier ch ae HERBAGEUM Whe Best Milk and Flesh Preducer is marchiag toward the Capitol to de-) impure bloot ‘declared by io tsfthe|Hood's Sarsapailly, the great con he army proceeds at the ' queror of all blood diseas ‘. i 5 eae Eves in fohene We wish to announce to our customers and the public ier Soren chi eH that our Miliner MISS ALYWARD has now taken charge =. This in-}of our show room, and comes highly recommended as to her eee ee ee enier the name of|ability. We have in stock all the latest Novelties of the sea= — ‘A large stock of watches of the best into the Capitol that he will have troops epee. pod nae ee ae reget |somin Shapes, Trimmings, Flowers, Etc. and would kindly manufacture, such as Elgin, Waltham, ; 20,000 strong. s i ask every lady in this vieinity to call and examine our stock. Columbus, etc. Watches at lowest) Faddists the land of Unele Sam beats | oiices as capidly ne the old ones which = prices and guaranteed. Sod Gold] the record. shee wow tlie tse : Rings, a uice assortment. ) eas hive » used. : ; . ae Calverley, the plucky | repewalier| Perhaps in 100 years or so the day ‘We have also received this week a fine lot of new Fash- — Guo. Prarr, Jeweler. js still very much under the weather. | wi ‘ © Ie DOW GE Milverton. | So Jong aud protracted has been the will come—When men won't growl at| icnable Dress Goods, Parasols, Gloves, Frillings, Ties, Circu= ig the thoughts of dancing. When girls : ‘ OCU pllaw: 5:40 cin ‘pass. ‘ni hi lars, Lace Curtains, Cretonnes, Art Musiins, Curtain Net. saved in his oe, st ion has en-| catch giimpses of their own reflections. | Embroideries. tirely runout. Tk has been proposed | When sidewalks will be so arranged Wednesday De. Sweetnam, of Toronte, | than three inches of slush. When again opened,the right arm, which re- you won't have to buy two yards of ; aped the bone. |taaterial for a dress and six for sleeves. il prog ea rere ean be} ments and watches on the front of June under the most favorable cireum-| their gowns until they look like jewel yours died a week ago Satunhy. | TT Jout, Meantime he continues hopeful] iitle charitable work without, preach- : Was 71 ALIVE OF pont ang ey ety [and bears his suffering with marvelous | ; sctateriottoewnnl” Wich b G % - ns, |. A very sud death eccured at Alma argain sales will be unlawful Don't forg et that we are head: Petr Sonne or cetera er gatben Sac eaaidy eat quarters for house furnishings, Car- orother-in-law to niles, thn: Meena ohD | rover breathed his last on the abore Enmery’s hydrophubin cure. ased was well known and No Humbug eo Methodist church has determined that] 4 fib Matick atid aortake | ae A pony * * studs ended for chsh arose fret ie H een FACTS to CONSIDER Try usfor your spring orders. contribations. There is to be no more) , who ‘have the sineere|not see them die suddenly with ’ that rt to fake methods. The decision ee ay Aes dine, Diphtherin or. Croup?] GO. show you oods, whether you bs hen keep on hand : red women's concerts and neck a ee ie or ee (Get our sample book semblies are altogether out ef place in} wee! 0, her mother died very sud 2. é fe) all J apers Diphtheria and pers.) New York, March 30.—A special zs Means, says:——The inhab- Croup Remedy | | ss brought by the not keep this 2 re nd use it in good time, as it is a poor fellow’s dllness that the money he Leia egies ene be ‘ying to : Our Men's, Youths, and Children’s to get up a benefit in his behalf. ‘On that ghey won't be able to hold more o heal and. ser The docter expects tht the operation | Wien girls won't stick pins and orna- Edward Ross, of Mitchell, aged 69) ctsnces befare he will be able to get] lore? wi Bictaetite a is going fast, showing that prices are right, frail been « resident: of Perth county | 2". 0cat lust Si lay. : esas Messrs Geo. HL. and a the other day. He, was immediately) gard Green, well knows here, after pets, Blinds, Wall Paper, Etc. fnken to Willust Centre and placed ye oe ee ot ophed DEPHTHERIA! The Quarterly Board of Parkdale; ected, n member of the still hereafter he by straight | oy moar a heavy less wa]. Doo wih to Koop your ctr, oa | WO Ore right and find it no trouble wise one. Fat men’s socials, mar- DIERLAMM’S seungnion wide religives works. The] denly in the sins home. hae te Rgelgneats. | Do you want your honse or business iso chap S acards? If well as a positive cure if 4 lbs. for 50cts. YAMES TORRANCE, Post Master. WATCHES Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware. | ie The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1894. DISTRICT NEWS me Interesting Kems Called from the Neighboriag Press and ¢rom Other Sources and, nothing is gained by them. T i congravulates the Parkdale Methodists ‘on the determinstian xtrived xt and | hopes ta see a $i example very gea- 4 erally followed.—Torouto News. Tech en human and horses and all anim ls Gureil in thiryy minutes by Woolford’s Sa tary Lotion. This never fails, Sold by 4. ‘Porrance, druggist. Current History. sie, which arrived Women and children are report- ed to be leaving the town in | numbers, ¢o form a pr failed, owing to & YOURS Alexandria Minn. j H 2 G leise P, Ge, Buffale, riot oceurred. The Americans think! I have suffered intensely with Always the highest prices paid the riot was planned by Gen Locayo, | catarrh for two years, and had no \ : the Nicaraguan Commissioner, and | lieve I esed Dierlamm’s Diphth- for produce. ; i ceria Remedy and it ved me. Gees into| My wife was troubled with Toncilitis, it bias cured her afso. jo receem mend your ‘Remedy to every o#e whe i he and Croup Remedy with great sutcess. REV. A.T. EHLERT. a z perfectly neutral. nen ive in receipt of the 4th quar |sived March 3nd and a force of Bri cam 1893 Current es sa te tish raarines landed. On the 5th the| March 2nd, 1894. 3 | assumed the entrie police. power and | kes ary throat tivable. Locayo did not protest. n Respectfully nts ascribe all the trouble GEO. BREWER, Petskey, Mich. tory is a co to British intrigue, aud express the) _ = eee + the world during the past|hope that « United States" warship March 3rd, 1394, Adds soy agate Me | will soon arrive to arrange matters to oer ‘ G onths and is issued quarterly | oe Or oe A ‘good number of testimonials of the eras viminal figure, There you|their satisfaction. One of these letter | same kind on hand, far more telling than Z ee, i i i i i firms the repors of the ced-j th will find in concise form what is occur. | Writers con ing i < Jation |ing of Corn Island to the British by 7 oe coe ie ring in the great centres of population | 15 Sody spec mari gure aged eee sera oO a i a ti c- = and what all important question ix oc | eT Ts ong other things he| For ale at Milverton Post Office Drug = . 7 3 iF ysis 09 10} sautaryy “fH seiawunme tides: Jauselg “] PBT “yi0% ay cuppying the minds of the foremost The ceding of Telerak sts lotees statesmen of the world. the Bei dak tothe Ai Bay ts erauela DE interfering with the contrelf the Nic- * } Ames0y [VF 64 you poortniend draid

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