Milverton Sun, 12 Apr 1894, p. 1

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“it Shines For All.” un. Vol IlI—No 16 MILVERTON;. ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY APRIL 12, 1894. MALCOLM MacBETH, Editor and Publisher ~~ MEDICAL EGBERT, M. BM. D.C. hap Grad. ate of Col . 2 of ‘of Physicians & perpen of Ontano, Post G edaate student of London Hospital, London; Eng- | 55 land, Office in rear of office. Milverton, Ont. Telephone — conné ith: Pdole P Brunner, Lutheran Church and Rostock: _ By er et M.By-M, D.C. LOCAL NEWS. ett ¥o Last Thurede evetting the Liberals assemble in ent pee psi Buy the Tar Sun can be had'ftom now un- til-the end. of. the. year for seventy conts, ‘ oer We U. cara = BANKERS». announce tar the ¢i of a ree loney to. loan on notes and fea ta # pay tot notes ras hed, Ori — honts 10 amy to 4 Wes U. LALTLE & CO. DENTISTRY» to-day. shipped a load of hegs*to the Mitchell-markes. We will give you” granulated su, cash — Read ‘this week the ad of Mr. Dan’! Schlotzhauer, the new butcher, He is the offering for sale everything that ean be |! found in a first class butcher | shop. | Confirm: The Rev. Mr. Gunne will be at the Anglican church to-day (Thursday) to es with any chet may desire to eM BRUCK, LDS., Dentist. REDS, Toronto, also bed has been appoin- secretary of the wo Gallente -ob member, of the Haskell P of Lroathetle Dentisury, ‘Chiron in St. Listowel, Ont. Svat vk eat ton, cyery r the practice of his profess ce |jmen’s Foreign Mission Society in the stead of Miss O’Cunnor who has left to’ Read J. L. Rae’s big ad. He ix YerERINARY bias blah Se v.S. ry Gradual te of the ons oy terin- ae an will treat al di of domes- as tic animals. ‘iatity. ice eae Hes means ial Calls ‘Beutel to ya H. ENGEL, V. <a AUDI Domestic animals treated in sclentitic umanuer, Dentistry a specialty. leplione counection day and aight, £ | SocrETIES Z C. 0. F., No 99, lat ueet meets evs é second and at Solmotker & Rothaen Bae ci y Vig welcot aR W. D. Wein, Recording we giving great values in both ss dry goods and BH Pro line. To be No saaabe our hotel. keepers will con- sider it #hardehipebut the local gov ermment-dema: oat tt that all hovel and sa- ‘loon keepers shall. this year close all Hosiv gl laces of business on the Ist of July. Deputation's: Reports The Rev. Mr Heaterton of At ssoadl -whe represented the north r: ing. of Perth in the prohibition depu-| hhere on Thursday evening April the 19th in. the Presbyterian ehurch, y sg siaseoe Repatrs. r: Geo. Goodhand is making ex. \ of Silver at going to be anywhere but at the front in the chieesetnalking industry. cae ‘Shipmet V0, L., No. 1083, Milverton, meets in “hall first Wodtesday “in each month. Strong, We M. E ner, ‘Bee; R. Smith, ‘Treas. tons ce M, Ae 62, Milverton Tent, ~ esters’ Hall every first and du Wednasda evening of euch month ‘siting brethren always wabene Jobe. Sohoaubily Com; 2. © Schaefer, RK. Mconmy Gcutand, Gani shipped to (igen last. Monday. choice load of at says that he don’t know be le par- chased a finer oe He-paids$50 a head fer them. Young Pigs. Mr. Geo. Posliff ‘came in a-possession ‘08! last Wednesday of: a. fine litter of ~ HOTELS RAND CENTRALHOTEL, crake ti oblagnors and clears Mill Sts, C. ‘Hasenpilug, ipernity ULEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Out. accommodati ion. for riers tisvelers and others. TATION HOTEL» Milverton, M. Meyer, Proprietor. “Ihe best of Wines Liqu: oi, Ale and Lager jood stabling. A call solicited.” W: eh Seales in+ connee- ‘The pigs, twelve in number and all are liv- d We are of opinion. that it beats M. L. Tucker's reeurd of having’ chicken: fo Marek. -Meast and vicinity is: -measl had a harder trial tl «| Tonge where four of the family” have een confined to once. = We Pres hear. that three of Mr. Jas, Trim’s family are down with tha same disease. brie Cistern: dition of life of being a father com- OXAE HOTEL, davatiend: eae Good stabling, e etor. The OFEkS OER at Ante viiity solicited. patronage Mgrrioh ise sa ay ate Steun ke Schrenk: Ee de eh thing, _be plesised to se bi Ei lice and .Mornington. when dn Stratford. school have mutter of anxiety to . Would it not be just as convenient to ee them closed ? School Report. The followitg pupils heen promoted to Marks obtainable 298 of ern. second book. ‘: BUSEVESS CARDS ONEX:.TQ.LOAN on rm Mi Soveust estes of Tntatest and oo moderate. . i i ae A:BOOMER, wood, * + No.1 | F WEIR, Auctioneer for the nties. of Pe rel al Sees, er, Deeds, V ands Mortga; Cony ue he ie Batfiff 5th ie sion Court. ge. Cleriezt Main str eet Milverton. Guenther 180, Linda Daub 172, John Boeckner 171, Samuel 171, Lovada Noll 151, Lily Coutts 163s Jr. 2nd.—Anvie Hartmier, Vina Hasenpflug, Vina Hohnstein, Milton Dictlann, LindacMillen:dn. PareOnd Edna Dacklow, Ellie Rae, Edivard Krayaeski, Andrew Buch; Minnie Debson. Z ORLAND'S LIVERY STABLES, Mil “an verton, First-class horses: for # _ fate: st all times’, Commarsial diving 2 pecialty. Bus meets all trains. 1 Minard’s Liniment for salearywhere | di by B& A corset, peat i only to be had at Gleiser’s, es the borrel at wholesale prices ee 5 Gieizer. Jare fast together. tation: to Ottawa will make his report | #nce. eo of the period and a gee is ap-|° Acatzen elie wit ae Sy con-| “hat plains that too many people leave their |’ y Ontario budget: Ea Changes’ of advertisements a must be had aby Tuesday: at noon to |# vatied and plea eee was insure insertion. We are also agents| P' nted. To-night they fees the for’ all: Toronto Weekly: - and Daily | Dominion Budget s three assum- News ws; ATE spondence ing tle Peed side and three phatld-be te iys Tacedar, the ater side. The Consecratives iscussed- ight. eae lingers inthe lap of spring” is certainly true of tl must have approached cl onto six inches The ther, however, was }wild enough to prevent Mr. J. L. and those |' Consider your interests and have your route bills done at the office of the Milverton Sun. e We aighiaea the latest and most styl- g es get our cuts; they are: the Haate to be found: anywhere: Our *: superior to any. ot! in meek Call up. aa see for*your- selv A Novel Scheme. i ‘a novel appliante- for ~ getting acquaintéds with- young men whom she maysfaneys Teis-eulled the “go between” and is composed’ of a ‘band around ‘the arm from which a ‘small: stech-héok!. protrudes. When passing the man ofthes choice she has only to extend:her elbow and the two While seeking to undo the Yasténing, a is afforded for seraping an seusint large sale is expecte: s Pe ® ‘The Pubiisher'® Desk: The Canadian magazine for Aur il sd bast We new type and has a_ bright red cov appenrance of the- number-isa The the. araloaoe of self ona in the colonies: There is also sraphical skételi of Sit Oliver. Mowat with:portraits;. There are many other articles relative to Canadian interests Fwhich ought to be as Ly the citizens of our common cou: t can be had by addressing Onetie Pub. poe = S S Tebered Parliment mot in Grosch’s hal, April 9th.. hai all pene minutes of former tpecting read and by signature of the-Reeve. ‘The followieg: accounts were p sera committee ais! ied by this council and pecum. per agree- ‘ment for allowing said-sidewalk to be raise wed by L. be no =" nt made on income during the year ‘ Personals as. Schneuker, of East S: inaw, ah hhas been vi iting friends here intends returning Saturda Mr. aed Mrs, Wan: Hendrich ote St Sacobs a nt. visiting at Mr. dolmictlcer 3 and Mr. Rothaermel’s. MrW.-M. Bruce; L-D.S., of Lis- jeewel-who Gods “tu REITER every M is doing-2 xushing business. is the Mis athe of Baden guest of Mrs..Heary Rose this week. ) Mr. WD. Weir left last Tuesday a Galt to-visit- his sister who is ill. are pleased to note that M Powe Little who has for the pas week. been aes eer! is unarpable: te. to be on Warrs—In ae on me Asi os th J wife of Wn m. es ite, of a Warsox —In Mornington, on oe daughter r. year horsemen came 16| Kuntz. di A Mattawagouny ladyshas invented the purpose Eas mple opportunit yA which fie 8 enhanses the ® oe sa; £2 le inatie mysbrave-cour . | whidley Hesseems t | big DONEGAL. Trinity Charch, El Elma, held a vestry statement was presei and every-| thing being im accordance wlibfeenton it was accepteck sep Roe and T. - Knox were reelected. lens for’) j 5 ensuing year: JohiMeoooed and Robert Bannit were~ chosen sidenten. Miss Kate Roe is entertaining’ friends frome | eysee The P.P: to bo strong in this locality:as nies young belong. ees A publi¢ examination took place at ‘New P¥ussia — ool on the 8 The forenoon was teachers hearing the. clasemenllich whick prov- » well at 2 pert ie es: Refroshm Vita ladies. tes du he shone recited heir poetical a inte! children who showed eueatee to be well trained by thi teacher Mr. After this Mr. Kuntz called upon the trustees*and ratepayers to Sive speeches. The ‘visiting teachers ‘were: Mr. Eidt, of Philipsburg, Mise Morriso Berlets~ Corners, ichty. aceompanied by}: arm which had « only been taken out of splints a short time before. Misses Reis and Sono of Briinner, spent Sunday in vel | Mr. Torrance ar oe estman ex- changed schvols last rae to con- duet the eu ‘omotion examinations. Mr. Wm. Eedj spent Sunday on Govan idg ge. Bay of the farmers are en ‘preparing the way for another harvest, although | the Seener is still cold for eeding. ae, aecakets is at ‘present. in the vicinity. The wife of Mr. Wm. . White - sented him with a youngnssems+las¢} week, Mr. Capling’s high-spinited team bé= eame frightened+by the> fluttering of-cl some paper one‘day-recently and ran away. The a wae: injured. parting” Ode. Well Mr. ie r I must leave you. Itis a thing Lam sorry to do. For you have always used me so. good and true. And my reason to yow I fom. And t sel that you and the Sox ee do ant going to. write for. the. well-known ‘Toronto Mai wake ERTON-SEN shines for all, the ews the other week, age fall And my ee to the Toronto Mail I now ek. Fam am pg jahenvibcgo fork year to all I kindly say, good bye. Hobbie Burus As the public will no doubt see, we Branner bard and-here stop the ng g - | to congratulite the-foronto Mail upon al- the valuable acquisition to their, veady well erie staff. —[Ep. MILLBANK. Ladies should pal ad: searing. dso and stylish genes Aer to be seen in the show rooms aoe Store, Large, the milliner, will tosee y “Whistlin’ girls and poe hens Aye come to some ill en’ 07 So saith the proverb. heard a crowing hen this - morning: It’s ery ely Biddy sonkd?'come to aye Hnost as big as an eagle, ick haunts the woods across-thé creck Shoukt tte paperless her. The erows raid -h nensional'y oe Sent in alles cher words “ine tongue they Thegpaoee ae at hime But they're of elbo: -reom alf the while, and on the to féel-much like the fellow= whose little vixen of a wife axed to broomstick-himy. and whose comment was, ‘er: and it don’t ‘arm me.” boys who are mighty to handle- the ay then® Biddy 9th, the wife-ofSam’l Watson, of .# pea a by: the [8 n, of Mise |8°Y eee ae Sem eh erge k , Sep. Pay Lichey pe Mrs.Peter Roth was | have lost from among: eontributers the set we | a very careful to give hiny pleaty | 7. By the way T rt yonder if there's any“ danger-that Biddy: and “hen fruit” been afield somedeys. Not a little fencing is being” done, the'snakefence” ie slow- ly but we eine surely ogg See “A: good-deal wood ie been thrs 5 wie out Wibestecca: érous. padi ae ee of that im- ey | Doreant ll come down a de- ree or as before next winter—after that to gorup fast, very likely. We had Mr. Chalmers from the Mil- yerton seheol within our borders last vidays He was presiding examiner taour school while the Promotion Ex- aminations were in 5 ‘ind- ness with ay when there is a chance. Mr. J: a8 7 rn yonrible duty. Mr. R, has lately been engaged in arranging the estate of his late brother, Mathew—once am Elder ~ R. cee her nas until about a year ter her decease, her Pasha: will came into full force. terian church. children arealso, we believe, remem- ered in their uucle's w ill. amuel Reid, son of Mr. Peter Reid of the Seotcli: Settlement, has returned tovhis beloved West. Sam is a fine genial fellow, a fav. orite ify company. We wish him the of companions—the Guide and | Guardian of youth to be withshim ‘The annual convention e the: Berth a ct 8. hag meet The Review of Reviews for April is a vory interesting number It has an* axt'e’e by Mr. Steal the English ed- itor en the three great Liberal leaders Gladstone, Roseberry and Harcourt. Tn this number also commences a_ ser: ies of articles on Federation in Austia- lia by Sir Henry Parkes the Grand Old Man of the’Antipodes. This magn zine can be had by addressing Review s Revie 13 "Astor Place, Ni New Oe Sunday last as ue children of ic St, Strat- aout the face and arms and had removed to the hospital. pee | ¢ow were also About 5 o'clock Sunday morning Tamas by smoke and tock was insured. ‘The cause , of the a cleaipated: The following bit of ates for admire. 3, Now add this phrase : “De- clined with thanks.” 4, Now throw it inthe-tire: asp eame buzzing to. his work - oh various things did tackle; he stung boy and then adog, then made the poosterd eackles Ay last upon an_edi- tor’s cheek he settled doses to drill, he * ne bh dk led there for halt re en he broke his Bil. -

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