We er on hana a large quantity of: British Columbia RED GEDAR‘SHINGLES) The reasons. why you should buy them. “Ist They will Inst from 30 to 40} years in any climate. ler no condition: of climate arp. 4 2nd Und will her curl or wi 3rd_ They will lay more to square yard than any other shingle of same|’ —_ are more easily and quick- iy iad ie any other shingle. For.salg atthe pee Lumber rd.all-season, also a: large quantity ‘x x and x x pine shingles. WIEDERHOLD & HONDERIGH. MAIN STREET — MILVERTON. The First in the Field We always lead but’ never fol ow. Spot Cash Customers GAN BUY _ FURNITURE AT LOST Kani ff 1894 coop NEW t.oops:: NO OLD. Ele a om I Pay you to! o bay now kad ‘we we goods free of charge till Ballantyne & Vivian! 4 80 ONTARIO. STREET, STRATFORD | ' Mtinard’s Tiniment cures, Dandrulf Pearlish PuAgiE Lidktent roar all < hiard watt or callonsed lumps and blemishes from’ horses, blo wwe ever now: es Torrance, druggist, COMMERCIAL My-vEarox Apr. 5, 1804, Fell wheat perbasbss. 1. § | Bpciny wheat. cee bush. Barley per bush SSZRASEE ae iy, 1] MAIN: STREET: Will be held on-Saturday, March 3ist. All ladies are invited to attend MISS LOWERY, of Toronto, will show all callers her latest’ styles in hats, honnets pes Mil- linery novelties. :; We can-assure thenr that: ‘they will be not only pleased in style but in prices as well.. Give us a call. GUENTHER & CO. You will find us at the tap-in- the footwear line. . big chance and the best chance to. buy-your-fall and winter _ BOOTS and SHOES is now offered. Our large stock of Seasonable styles in RUBBERS and SOCKS is open and ready. 3 More buyers are wanted to, move tlie ferpesiork, and on ‘inducement will:be left unmade to self.the good. J.G.GROSCH & CO. im o itr cal XCHANGE HOTEL, Branne:;;Qntario, ohn ne tor. ph "i class : ; ne ‘ E.believe MINARD'S LINIMENT will promote growth uf:hais: Stauley, P. i. I. Mrs, Chas: Amerson. * Thelieve MINARD'S LINIMENT is. the oun. GROPR, ' ae E+ best houschold remedy on eart! Oil City, On-a Matthias Foley GRAND. MILLINERY OPENING === Dress Gooas Department wee is had sa only isin fe get ou comfortably seated with a promise thot wewi ites show yc hig genet hagy scene ema ith the Goods they rre~ the ears se ai show you will be the Prit smooth finish serge especially suited for summer. w draw your attentian to Polka Dot-on Bi le {rain prooff also a lovely finish Satan Soieil. . such as plain and Diamond Dotted Delaines, to. lighter weights, anu iit were not cold I wouldy ow qo After leaving Priestley, we we would like you:to notice man at our Black Drese Geods Cou other maxers’ So we will wilees to sic you aay Surah, eaiaee Aa Chicago Armure, e have just received & range of Moire Silk. . inings for acl: material inentioned. Next week for colors, to be continued. We alse have a fall range of Trim- Print i sae? » On the left of the Ontairo street entrance you Lected stocks of Prints, Sateens, White and Colored ipelard Plain and. ords, Cashmerettes; = Zephyrs, &e. It would be hard for us when we hear daily such expressions as these, “What lovely prints. equal in the citys ,? undias 8 pr roof of it will carry one or rt ;Come and see I see one of tlie.finest audsibest sel- away with’ them. . Lace and Chenille Curtain Department last. week se 1 desen e.Cuktains in White avd.Cream, dir- - ect importation... They are ‘expecially ‘po good valteand hae Salat y ‘ing very freely pars rth where. Prices range from ig sananti tie better qualities us Pete: m this line from(av7B to lain Colors, Pisi in ath “Colored ‘Boarders, a ‘the with two shades of Fringe on each Curtaia. Prices in When you are in ask to see them. Look at tho Ontario street window for auew ‘and choice assortment of © Curtain Muslins, The big} Pi a bees MINARD'S Lene will ps case of. Faney Goods Department Cormfert—Ladites: if you want real camfort try a pair of our Lewis M: Corsett. EWe'nie-sellltg ec veal: g som cncsot fer 061 ap ages eda | Hygiene Waists in, Ladin’; Misses’ and Children’s sizes. Néw Millinery Department es without saying. that. you want somothing artistio ae well aa: seasible «looking wspring Millinery. We haye W. J, FERGUSON The Arcade opposite Post Office ‘Two Entrances CHURCH DIRECTORY. . ne eas uchurches. hold:.divine ser vice. P. WATSON & SON’S; China Hall and Tea Emporium. very FINEST BLACK 4 GBEEN TEAS. COETE. nee ae NG @ eaare seth cxening aT Pree wets syees Many 30 p.m. “Bvangilical jAssocintion—Every alternate Sabbath at 9: es Sabbath {. evening a ath school at 111; clock a. motte every Welk [ nesday at-9 o'clock. EXTRMOrS, ETC, Specin} inducements in- i Lamps and Chamber; sets, for: Weeks... These are the newest and ‘est goodan direct from the factories, es are held Sabbath evening al rayer meeting every tye brenitty at So’elock Eriscorat, Cuvncu ery Sunday Evening at Ren 0. B.GeswyM, A. Ontario. St., towards. Court or. House, Stratford EDAR POSTS, LUMBER; LATHS, Shingles, Pumps, ete... BRUNNER, ONT Hood’s Saempaila is Ataolutly on un equalled as~ purifier and strengthe: Perse ilte the ideal spring maedicin, Try it What Ex- member Parliament} , 7s: I have been. HARD TIMES The. Shoe Man, aes HAVE MONEY. €éme at Once and Secure a Bargain, . We Always Have what We Advertise. . Ladies’ Felt Yih Button Ce je Oversh hoes, Wat se tor “Cita Trad leather goods ; must go to. make, reem, far Em Eads, pod to thi8=we-must have re oa Meus Fine Dongola’and Canteras Bals- and Congres: Ladies? Polish Calf and Dongola Butt, and Laced Boots; latest snag aralics Se Canadian Overshoes, mits quality, Mi eked Buckle Overshoes, Canadian, first qualit, ae 0 - proof Cloth, Wool’ Linea, best equality: - mania Oxnadian, in, four different style: ifferent. Brice . €o. slant, all kinds: of €hildten’s, Tadise’ Fand,. ‘Misses’ tetnais Pavaligfpers; at Rock ‘Bottom Prices , $1.50, $1.75 isie ate. bro niga: byh has best aatioys _ $1, $1.25, 81.30 OX. ben. E. X, Walkerton. Sold by Jas. Torrance. = | | Our stock consists of nothing but Boots Rheusuatism Cured in a Day. Welnre thie South, American Rhenmatie Cure, fo Jimmediate'y disappears, Mee scooooocycoo Seen tly ben fits. 75 cent». Sold ite bape te Tomas; Uggisie: tail Shoe Dealers fir | Allother lines i ee hose equally 2s Clieap as the above prices, Neill, The: Shoe Man, and S eres haviag 8 Jatge Siow Bteres in Ontario, STRATFORD: