“It Shinés For All.” ae IN—No 18 MILVERTON, ONT., ‘PERTH = THURSDAY APRIL 26, 1894. ~ MALCOLM MacBETH, Editor and Publisher MEDICAL Lt, Mo Bey M. D. CM. Bad plone at, Roatoels: und Be 10 Office. ee eR at fence for night Cees rom Carthage, Newton and Mill- bank, Offiee inessages free. i PLE & CO,, BANKERS. to th cnneye at |° an Bes es wad doing a general banking 88. as on all points hs Gana and St eh non notes and mortgages. hed. Otice Mes, = “Wat. U. LITTLE & CO. PLNTISTRY W. M. BRUCH, Li L.D.8., Dentist. Gradne és aniember of Sct askell a gratin SSigee| Will visit | the gusenta: Hotel, Milverton, every Mon- oy for the practice of his profession. ronts, also | VETERINARY ye Be. FORTUNE, V VS. y Honorary Graduate ai canee ‘wil trent all diastase of Le tic animals, Dentistry a speciality. ~ at Busenpling’s ated Cells | “svete te day and ni 313 pete alc abl msec H. ENGUL, V. S.,. Milverton. au a sof ‘Domestic avimals treat fie manner. istry a specialty. ‘Telephone couneet tion day and night. SOCKETIES > 71 Us Fi, No 99, Milverton, masts second and ‘Da at 8 bretlren always weleom: ke ; W. D. Weir, Sei Saar. F., ‘ Silver Star Lodg 0,” No. 202, bes ing Visiting Bester ‘Sess wel "G. Goodhand, Ne G. meets ae va fee Wattestay i ann mont! Jas. Strong, We Mis E.. Boeekuer, Boo, Re Suniby. roar Eee Os TMs No. 62, Milverton Tent, Hall every first at eight o'clock ween Sotfhefer. : HOTELS RAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. accommodation tor com mercial travelers and others. ‘wo large Go Reblog’: Best bracts at yuors and cigars ‘SW. cor. Main anu ©, Hasenpflug, Prop or. UN'S HOLEL, Milverton, Out, best iy geen Kee on. for a ae ee and otters. ‘wo large nly the choisest of Wie aie aeat ers at the bar. stadt a au ‘nty of shed room. Heury = eh ae A TATION HOTEL, Milverton, M. Paph jetor. ‘The best of Wines ‘Lig: om aie aad Lager. Beer. * Good stabitn; solicited.» Neen Scales Mey: in connee: ae @YAL. HOTEL, I market square or. a ‘stavling, ete, ‘i Poulton HORE, ‘Stratford Statio Dp’ Schreu| oo ietor. Tue et pa tabtin eG best alee will be of the Ontario aaa: a treated | Church next pond in Methodist ehiurel, Milverton, ici -opri- hihition leaders — “A ONEY TCsLCAN on rm oe New Te Interest and Apple.toe eae A, BOOMER, ated. Auction course ee week anew jewelry busi- rhe Fred A. Ki ce Es LOCAL NEWS. of seem insure insertion, We or gy Toronto aes: and ers. Coneeppattioe shit g to be preset = Ries | cus by thas esday. Patron Meeting. Rapieling et whe Patsonk of st commencing at 8 o'clock, p.m. in BETS nie the.school House 8. §, No 1, Morning- ton, when the following speakers are meeting:— Mr. Vaan Wiederhold, Baron Candidate Did you see the Zebra? Read Guenther & Co’s. ad. g Read Kertcher's ad this week ; he has turned poet. ‘* The Rev. Mr. Fisher, of Atwood, occupied the pulpit of the M Rodist church last Sunday evening and preached the annual education sermon. ite latest acquisition to the list of eeds in town isa Baptist. A young} ies the other day while washing his buggy was complet Ladies see our moilineiy, dress anes embroideries, gloves, ke. The English Church on hold ae school every Sua ae in their church from 6,31 M.to7.00 P.M. Messrs Pfeffer” Se base removed their chopper from the “and. re- laced it oe the stones, hich are do ing finer work Sasi Ae 28Iby of Rue sinaces et Ge village were a- by the rumor thata man was found dead in Milverton Gye a Mid f i crayon portraits to evhich Mr. C, Kertcher is ag Mr. W. 8. eet. of Victoria Uni- in ime t Sunday morning at 10.30 versitv, Toronto, will preacl "The sea The assessor has beon making his lays | rounds ghe last few has Jeted his wor Ho notes one thing that appears strange. Dur- aw |ing the greater part of the year dogs, |” ours and whelps are to be found in anh, they will all pop aE again in lew di Poste®ce Tn he report “of the Postmaster-Gen | ;' eral for 1893 the gross postal revenue vf the ees in the county. is: giv- en he follow: i "3632.47 Misch. ; on, 219,35. St. ape ae “64 Kirkton, 474.50, Shakespeare, 697.4 7,D4 Stratford,1 1825.65 | roodhain, 225.115 was held last Friday: i in Mase: pilug’s hall. Never before in Milver- ton was such tnthasiasm sho pects for the coming season are Rhea thanever. ‘The tllowing of- ES electer Hon ; Pies, es M. Schaefer; Vice Pree. Jno. Gowlale; ; See, -Treas., Srosch; Capt., J. ¥. Little ae a i Management, § fees pc Grosch, R. | oda tch Com- gine eB Chats "Wout M. MaeBeth. Men of the Movements. ' This is the title ee a Mae weds ome rk issued by “The Templar” in Ont., containing thirty mag- nt photogravures of national pro aecompanied by fac Nmilie autographs and biographical sketches. yjects were selecter d badge 3 yvery lov: W. ee Hamilton, will bring any ans py J free by mail, 1 OF five copies for a dollar Gehnctenion wails oper, up. in. th hey will sey hl stock of ches, alec and Jeeeltyof al kinds do all kinds of repairing. They have secur the ‘services ¢! nowles, who has had a Jong witl Bu ae Cle nk, Goel r. Widdes apres Patron candidate the Dominion” Honse and Mr. Donaldson, vice-pr ent. Music by the: Ladies. All was w Clone Shave. Last Tuesday morning as Miss Rae by the hot breath of smoke coming frem the interior of the building which is situated in Grosch's new block. She imuiediately called Mr. ro! smoke issueing from a in which had been burnt in ie floor? be- side the pipes directly above: the fur- hace, Lode ed on a few. pails water and put it out. There was a vonsiderable hole in the pon and two joists were protty badly charred... The fire is s1 fro upposed to-have an its one might have Leen disastrous, howevor it was a close call and neitiver Mrv Rae nor Mr, Grosch:desire to experience it again. Driving Park Meetin; ithe Ditvicigr PAK A eta iat eld a meeting last Monday evening fot mailed abi tities Nee stots end about $225 is-to be expentled. — Foi the 2.37 trot or paee best. 3 in 5 s100|° is to be given: Fér theopen trot or pace open to the country within 10 miles of ilMverton barring Mr. Goo: ale’s Mirty G; best 3 in BS $45, given, heats tobe one mi Bo ing race } mile Best 2 in 3 $45. is ieee titer aAiObe shale mile Foot rage icp races aud an tra” rand concer ne. y Mr. Henry Gleiser was apprised of the sad. intelligence that his aged father who lived in Wat- erloo had suddenly died. ‘who was 78 years of aze haa not heen in robust health and was attending ihe oe used of a friend when he felt was in the act of sitting he fell upon his knees and on being saa up it was found that life xtinet. r. Gleiser was on Sean! Ss Bee havi county for 56 years. in the Sela Meibeak i he remains to the grave on Tuesday ast. n Promotion Examlnati lon. “The following showing of the Mil- verton school promotion examination reflects much credit upon Mrz Aa B. Chalmers the principal of the. schook. The several that failed were with a single exception within a few. marke of the passing point. ‘The following are the names of the successful i Marks required for ent: 298; Sr. 4th 298; Jr..4th 258; Si. 3rd 298: 3 Frerm. Crass Estella Barton 516 aia pons 347 f Clara Glenn 47 Trim 3 OL) Bertha nekraing 476 renter Spencer 316 Peter Spei - . Fourtn Crass gba ae ba re Bertha Dorland ‘298 S. Gi Tres Sess Cas Edgar Raes 389 N. Honderich 321 Midgar Weir - 354) A. Edwards 288 J. Weiderhold 344 | May L. Griffin 286 ‘ilfred Gleiser 32 | Sm. Turrp Crass Willie Upton 37) | ©. Livingston 296 | Kate 294 | Bella 2 |. [Tavern Licenarn. A meeting of the 4ioners of North Perth was held Friday morning. ay nll present ~Mesars._G. ois Way, and Hen 1 ope Industry will be held on Ttes'lay, May | raised t 1 was entering the store she was greeted | Qha ing was for the purpose t Vat: 1 Ir. Gleiser | the as Je Known his state on the ba P of Wat- |) 392 | A. Hasenpflag 289- 7 ivi 238 License Gemaiel: All ee hg q s Board was orpesines Ca ue Sekar y ordering that bar room window tints during prohibited hours shall: be wo feet instead one, as peek. ly. An application for a license fro cate from the ratepayers of the Srnec subdivision. The following licenses were granted x, In Milverton, Morn- ington, Elma and: Ellice :—Milverton puarere One Rose and enpflug. Mornington:-~Tavern—P, F, Doe sam, Poole ; 5 ie se chs Mitchell, Gies; Ne Matenby, i Tralee; Henry J. Miller, Topping ; M. Korman, Hesson ; M. Myer, 3 WepenssRoRS Vonaebrane who rushed in and found ‘the See es, Ee yee fas nage reas ~ Wynn, uggins, Mets iN. [Cougilin fad Y. Toeger, Atwood. i Euan Brunner Wartburg; John arloff, Brunner Station ; N..Stoeckle, ‘Rostock ; George Scott, Sebringville. Fresh Arrival. ‘This week at Kerteher’s Gee buy pine apples at 10 and 1octs piece, oranges at 20c. per doz: Prohibition Meetin; obedience to a call, duly sete ‘a convention. of representative prohi- ss ionists from the various municipali- n the north riding of Perth was held within the Presbyterian thar | Milverton, Thursday. The meet- viding on the prohibition deputation to itawa, and to decide upon a united ourse of action for the coming Pro- Vincial electior The gdienee which was fairly good, was united and thoroughly enthusias- e | tic aa Tee J. W. Cameron, who was ap fe rota secretary of the meeting, was | authorized to publish the proceedings, The reguiar president, Rev. J. 8. Fisher, made a few happy and encour- aging remarks. should remain unived and resolute-in. eae forts to reach prohibition, After he usual formalities were gone through tei Hla minutes of previous - meeting, sus' staining these and fully. explaining ee the Premier te need of immediate prahibition, After fully detailing the steps taken to int sauitatle Premier he stated that ‘the reply from the-Premier was: Under resent cireumstances he could give no. pledge promising. prohibition. e same day the deputation met anner and res five that they much ae the Premier’s reply and deter-|" mined to pledge themselves to vote only for a candidate for Dominion Par liament that would pledge himself for After heating the dele- gate tht following resolutions were passed. Fg ee by Rev. J: Kay, seconded by R. B. Hamilton, and. unanimously icarried, that a ve hearty vote of thanks be tendered to the delegate Mr Henderson for bis eloguent and explicit report. 2. We pledge ourselves and cal! oS all probibitionists in the n: rehrid- ing of Perth to-vote only fura known jand avowed Heb ae at the-com- ing provincial election. ‘This= resolu- i 1s Suan ievanige carried, : Torrance, nae The Rev. Mr. Dierlamm, who has: been attending Conference in Zuri has retu Mr. a a Mire John Hoffman and family of spe were visiting friends in to: Mr. Pas Sinai of Stratford spent a day or two this ask with his brothien the Rev. H. Die WEDLESLEY he re-opening of the English Sab- bath Saha took place last Sunday in Morton’: Mr. Sch witase and Miss Schwitzer, of New Humburg were at the Sunday | school opening last Sunday. English Service will be held next Sunday evening in Morton’s Hall at 7 o'clock: MILUBANK, Ladies sliould call'and examine the new and stylish millinery now to be se: show reoms of the Mammoth Store. Large, the milliner, will be glad to he recent county promotion examin- ation held-on the 6th inst. ie Millbank a. | Setvol upheld ite former reputation, having bud — aren? Shi wrote ot 469, Willie Rutherford 468, 433, Mabel Magwood 435, Lena McPherson 490, Clara Gillespie 427, Annie McLennan 40), Nellie Rose 408," Latira Sergison ie Ph Sr. 4th—Robbie McKi di 4, Teel Nicholl 449, Alice Fink 403, 3 ania Blair 400, Bella S 58, Hu; 428, Line Pot den 400, Lney M: mn 392, Wille Datterson 298, Rachel SMaleaty 382, 343, ee 341, He observed that. we| 318, Gxo. Tuomegox, Teacher. Itch on human and hors6 and all animals cured in thirty mybantes by Woolton ne i tary Lotion. wr fails, BRUNER Miss Mary Smith, of Stratford, has | been visiting friends in these parts Mr. J. Struthers’ many friends will be glad to know he has recovered from his illness. Mr. Wim Ceplieg lends the yan mn seeding in these part finished awa: y ag week a nui ante are clus after Messrs Zimmerman and Schneider: have ees a number of — carts this season. They are beauties The No. 8 Ellice boys are on the alert for fear of loosing another young lady. Mornington boundary lad gets there. Mr. Anthony Schrenk is at present: working at home itis hard t6 leave the farm. One of our old boys, T. Keelin, -has= gone to live in Milverton he is work- ing at the saw mi Mp. Ed. Attridge is engeged with Mr. Jas. Crawford for the season. English “Spavin Liniment all hard, soft oreallonsed lumps of blemishes use 0: “Mr. ©. Schaefer-spent.actew ms in ee ae week. at pacts. Ciaiibg 264 ers son in oe 40 | Mr. Feffinan,. of Sebringville, as sei onSmabliy, Mr. C.8.Kértcher sea aw day or 2. | two in Waterleo this ‘he eae eee Sunday at TUESDAY, - HAY ist. the residénce of Mr. Valentine Daub. Mvs. Fred Schaefer, of Wroxeter; is at presents visiting her mother; Hes Mohr. ton spent Stinday. with Mr. Mrs. Little who has for some time visiting in, . revexped. Rev. A. Headerson and wrontertl, blemish cure over Jeauven < Sold seconded by J. Watson. Wy Janes Torrance, druggis Rr orecesrny NORTH PERTH LIBERALOONVENTION, A Convention of North Perth age = elect officers and Nominate a Candidate for ~ the Local Ugaatare wil be held at Grosch's Hall, Milv at 10a.m. I Meetings in the Townships to appoint del [gates will be held adage) Agel Mico “eat The Rev: Mr. Hamilton, of oe "| Township of Wallace, at Gowanstown. Atwood “ Hopalngion at Newton «< & Ellice at Ros North Easthope at Amulree G. G. McPherson, Presidents.