Milverton Sun, 14 Feb 1895, p. 1

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“tt ‘Shines For All.” ae Iv— No.9 "MILVERTON, ONY PERTH co., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1895. MALCOLM MacRETH, Editor and Publisher The Milverton Sun nD Se eee eer L ey year, strictly “Transient ai ertiecrments are charged the rate of § Hieitias, aed, ey insertion. ae Es &S.G seo Ist col sal yy We beg to anuounce to thie <itizons of this yillage and surrounding, court we have a doing @ geueral bas ae droits on al ae ia Coma aud ie Gradua membef of ‘the “atk 7 most | of Prostive No. the Qusen's Hor day for 3-13 oes eae a eka ipa Block, opposite Post mage fu antl: farchor notice « New BLY Teh, prep Sine, & Rothae: cs Y sccathand, N.G liquors eRmmolatonsad large st RAND CENTRAL HOTEL, ag hese First-claes mmodation tox Rea me etor. XCHANGE HOTEL, Bru past =| gold” and *painte the lil times. Commercial driving a | speci atty "aie eees af Geta LOCAL NEWS. —. Changes. of .. advertisements must be had inhy: ‘Tuesday at neon to insare insertion. © We are also’ xgents 1 i x 9 | for all Toronto ‘Weekly "aud Daily ewspapers._ All Chemeptadetcs should be in, by ‘Cuesday. Neve mind” the blizzard} You're feeling prime! Might’s well. freeze’in, eee As fry ix summer tim hen the winter Aisi Whew the iecberge go, ‘There’ ode be of roses ober snow. For a fine seleetion of spring goods at very low Prices x 0 to GLEISER’s ious persons were snowed in here the latter part of last week. Por bargains in sugars, teas and crockery, try Giuiser’s, Read bisudh. 's sule has been postponed}! Bornete’ | antil Saturday, Feb. 16th, at 2 o'clock nm. Mr. H. Gleiser ‘has some i living in i bew a GENAoun residence. He slipped in. se. quietly Pad one cheat tee erie bis tents like the Arab and quietly stewhs away. This weather is exceedingly os on comeerts and lectures.’ Dick's cert, Co. seo was torhave Bet hei Saturd An postporred inden e ly a 0 likely ever be re engag- *. Jed. ila company was a good one, fae .) with ney that © great comed- iun, George Almeate. The cotati Scottixh concert will take place in Grosch's ball, Milverton, on Friday evening Faby nd. The prograreme contains the saime artists na elie, Wi the: hives of Miss ‘cLaren, of Goderi wy Highland € dancer. The price ed seats ft ras been reduced to 35¢. pia of ball fe ea ‘osch’s shoe stove. Mert. POE Wednesday fast the Patrons of | North Perth met in Milverton and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, A. Cruden ; vice-president, A, © Rear -recretary, R. Sinith ; auditors, Messrs. Harv aid Forbes.’ Me. Widdis Jacl was nominated some tine age as can- didate for Dosninion’ honors, declined to stand and ne other candidate was pubup. Surprise Part, arty of young people took pos | session of the large and. palatial rest dence of Messrs. ch oben & Rothaer- mel, last Priduyevening, They gather- th hone oF Mes Hele whe ie for, some. time been : visitin, There were assembled girls * divinely ftir’ and di tall,” “and d fait but nor disinely ealt— Tatar Hie jt ka aie eae et things i it came vo an end, bet not. with: dont geothgnntiRenetsois wD ail euibbechdede King. Old, Winter has been down on ux grin Coll forem He ions eprom r - entensitied, thoagh the ica now pj ably with Nature. in itarene aah” p | are emblema of Cana, and of ry as os rated s ity the Erasvinct ss. past. the entrance of the door taahea diets continvally rowing warmer. A few more “xnoozers” Tile what we have bad will convince very efferwwally. Reantifal Nunshiine. We all love the san, the dispenser of [+ Fight and heat; and we alt love the sunshine which clothes the world with beauty, the sunshine which almost possesses the impossible power of per- fecting perfection ; it “xis refined charm to the beautiful and Terie ae traction to the homely. Beautiful is the sunsirine on the sunshine! Beauti- pe {fet as jt glicter ie | clury om the bosom of ‘Ure ocean, as ivf! og on the rippling brook,, over as it streams forth at nooaday, Gothing nature in her gala Be | dress, as it lovingly reizes upon earth et, | Whe. ** saminer' L the hills.” Rev..Mr, Walter, of, Listowel 0am? ducted services in the Evangelical church last Sunday. Miss, Pfeffer and Misa Wiederhold have: opened up a demnak eral in Groseh’s block inthe reomsilately _oc- cupiec:by Miss Keem. ‘They-are pre pared to make anythingfrom a swn- bonnet to. peiconeare meses teen Hatinan have bought owt the Botcher business of Mr. Daniel Sebleczhauer | 20st. aiges, ete. These gentleman exght to do-well im the business,:/as they are well and favorably known in the vil- lage, and are rem of tact and ability. May they long live. to-kill. peated of beardles youths from North Morstatenthy come Tee ML re or and apron strings, began to celebrate their lib? erty by getting “full.” OF curse it doce fot’ take rel ; these were mo ex ‘ion to the rule. Fear- |; ing thet no one would notice that they had a couple of drincs in, thoy hegem ta smash | the furnitare a: alae property in Red bbtal, Wevecon” "hay bade? Bonn hab: e |poensed 4 sppe.r before P. Bf. Weir on . thet they are. céner and soft the P.M. wilf surety not M'toa lmrd on them, bat they should be gare’ Annual Tea-Mee papers Milverton, will’ be» held on Tuesday Feb. 19th. A number of speakers are expected to be in attend- thein the local cleray and che following reverend gentlemen fo W distance!’ Mr. A. Grant, St. Marys, % W. Panton, St Andrews, Stratford, A.,Henderson,, Atwuod, J. W. Camer- on, North Mornimgton. The At-vood choir wil furnish the music. Tea served in the basement frum 5 to & p.m “Kicked the The home ‘that Sera Wm. worked a spell pon him: h deter- mined to get them, a3 be was separ slender cord, buv it wie tl his mistake. He becanie entangled in i cord and ehoked to deith. How: ever, the hoys are pod disheartened ; they parpose, as soon ‘ng they have $4 to spate, to buy another one like bim. County 1, 0, L, Officers Th 7 r Tadolph Millerand George {= the The opnual ..ra-meeting. ef Burne Personals Mr. Peter Jacobs, of Stratford is at present staying in town. Mr. ‘Wm. Kertcher, of Woodstock, hes been, visitng his relatives _in 5s rhe returned on Mo: Avnumberof promment Conserva- tives from various points ‘in the riding | ay : i W. S. Dingnrin, of the Herald. English greyhound; drab color, with one white,ve. Last seen Friday noon. Anyone giving information as to his whereat: pats: will be suitably rewarded; and ansone detaining si animal after this notice will be prosec c. S. KErrcurn. bre Reve J HE Hheesar! the tempos agitce orator spoke im. the Methodist ch, Milverton; to get off Profiting bre Guieoit Booth’s experi- ence, he left no ministers om the plat- form with him or choir in the gallery | it in is no two ways about it, if you to hear-him you have got to laugh or get out. We laughed: f vias me Papert” people are very amusing and very repr saminda They think they can “get even” with a eat ijt by refusing to take it—which me: diflerence of $1 per year in energie ag fuhe ving it a buen! saying in Ih staih of the Naw XbrK Tibanes to oate|and one day this item appeared : “We have received the following letter from an irate subscriber: “Stop bot “peer. | ated from. theny hy only an APparenty I them be made | hor been stopped. rapes roaiti te useless with » maw who spells *God” with o Vittle *g) and himself with a big 112” ‘“Ta-Ta, Soe, The: “al Iton Painien ie authority for|s the f in. the . wiles: ‘of fy the County Loyal Orange Lodge of North Perth was held in the Orange ball here, ou Tuesday of last week, at which there was good at- tendance, considering» the very cold weather aud the state of the roads, he Foiowing often were elected: Oo ¢, Bro. Win. Welch, Co. D. M.; ial Got: Spence, Co, Rec. Sev. Bro. T. Later, Co. Pin. See. Bro. T. Crviek: As. Bailie. celebration of the Lae at Harriston :| this year.— Listowel Standard. A Good Suv 10 Mr. Sno Dierlann bes completed . jhix work in painting the Foreater’s urfhall, and the work ix a credit to the artist. ‘Fhe ripe ching that greets the pe on entering is ascene ef mountains, Inkes aren that compare | favor - sn ie sive painting of Robin |, and ncrons on the: other side eee ein ee chief rangers. vera, deer, exiles xelimaple leaves ire mblizonert onthe walla;. amd every- thing hax a beautiful appearance. ‘Maz Dig:lamue bav'nodan booeidecble tinve at the work, but he bewmnade a out job of it, and may feel sntistied that lie bas a pince of work to be proud ajo. ‘Drertame’s 17 & professur in Germany ur Fro a Sande eon he workwice. Futlowing are a ria of tow om dy in consider it inv Ripon, Wis, Jan. 12, Bi bao mved the li f two chiki with x a t ts J. Bese pal Ray p, high wp among ule mountains, dell Me, Jainres Tebe aud faesily: Mr "Tato b isiiot a million. Bl gta Te i abe how. ph family Rie but Mr. Feber: helioves:im the old piss) “that every | di Hise hae is his castle,’ and conse- 1y be iw hmppy. Mise Mary Tebo ike Dietectiapearotd daliphube of che | ee | family, and although she éntmot claim | cel ¢, | to brew! ben tes Western Rates and ie poseessed of feousiderable wmlth. -Abeota yenr azo J ist fret sight.” Foe woord Miss Tebo, and as wn extra inducement promised her cash and @ 0. ner: Uncle Sam's real estate if she” would ‘or nee $ an eyeenss of good faith, Mr. to Guelph, aecompaniad i the young | cove, lndy’s parents, who went to bidher a long farewell. They ehcp Grelph | and as they were waiting for in bare Mary induced her intended to gi $30 and ma $5 ne penaittet shia ‘The tsain pulled in, Joe secured a reat np jand Mary. resasined.on the train steps ing | having a Inst talc with: ber parents. . | The train pulled owe amas it did so ‘ sn : ra atepped off, and throwing] her lover, said ‘“Ta-ta, os. bee an no paratiocd at these proc bi that he forgot to get off and went yn with i etait The’ bayer returned pia 16 ere they surprised a mercane be “ay fap worth o! BS spirits and aon auggested one ee! delighted fat v's bey out the whole stove, ce Poo . |. Ratherford, of Toronto and hig voter ‘Miss Lessie of Millbank, spent several, days of last. week, get To burg. pe Cine ‘chaplain, oy Burnetty P. ©, T., Theo, Bornets. cxuruynar. Mr. W. D. Moorhend is at presenti the guest of his eonsin, Mr. Jne. G. Whal ey. Owing to the severe storm on Friday night Mr. Jno, Diesenroth’s party was failare: Mr. Jas. MeKee, of Millbank and. md|Mr. Whaley Jobneton, of Britton, Britton, ico! “Mrs Alexander's biidy. | parents’ Weduesday Inst, Quite a number of young people of” this vicinity took im the English supper” in Millbank Monday night and: report BRONNER (From another“correspondent.) Your correspondent has been silent nl ri storm and roads were so severe thatr they had to stop over nee on od way. jut we were informed ff them: pees through, but iad a ante their on ay geri) joxeply Taplor waa the guest of | the Mieses Bareday und Schrenk las Sunday, as wae. alo Mr. Weisberg. - The Brunner trapper has his trapa sua snowed wndes. Like the bear they eB lnteot ip Millinery sind of er edn arriving: daily.~-D. J. Nicks, Fs tn Another one wisese at HIV OF Cue weeks * ago i some respecte. It lias not made‘such een: _[etal havee of the rondw: but et the crose- Morty was Ince with ‘iespsnimente 6k ie! pat woe fers Leitch: oe lack Ra it oni vena “Bfllbonke imam The anniversary of er| sm come off next a ae ore Oy pes: which a short vette et enough for pai fag stoves ee ince ‘night ia menoton- ous employment. hem it means money” to many people wi prose tapi esurplas of | that useabasticle. With. all-the ling of | stoves—-tl th me house we know Was vet 80 ee i to the chilling breath of the bligeard ter froze in every roome He are salno ta left di hos severe nights, No need to go camping oup Montesa) pop relied on; the lake weather? Ss Gale gpert GE cbr? id Rev. Myr. McKibbin hae Beer u slenly summoned by telegraph to attend the -fanei Pincha fries ae Cardinal, bis former He sete out ~ afternoon amd eatin» pool by Thorsday” t onthe iE mecting of the Methodist church». last Paes Pas alse deine: ghod: Savings “eopedlally Ae ducte. rowers by Misa zi ia ie Ja Nieklin, Millbank, Feb.11, 1895_ a Mee one Comawns. by the: Sir Riichaed neigh revaived the ination fe Souths Oe hy TI? votes tO. 8 ce bit apiponesit, My, dees ig Soe Rirenosatian Creved te. ee th Arnerican Rheumatic. Core, tor: Hoyas ptgrs aud neuralgia, eto tree dacs. Ite action upem the once the cause ant the dis Fometiatly di sreatly benefits, 75 cente. int,

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